The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. v«*l. XXI. {mmZ'XkVSSSSb^) GAS IONIA, N. C.. Till)BSD AY, MARCH 1, 1900. ■ —ggfi ■■■■ a u il ..»_. i mmmnt ji i ■■ ■ ■mr^ra. r ■ l CHANCE For CARPET BAGGERS Ki.IT LUCRATIVE OFFICES TO BE HADE IH THE HEW OOLOJIES. V<u I’lHew r«» Tlii)Mfta4« wk» »«' NmiAmMUoii Th am Worthy -Q.»v tmwr mt Pwtw Klrw to Uri n f«*r, Will • rnl*rr TltrawH la-U«t • ffdiir Honeml or Pliillpitlurt Nwy l«rt mill Mortt— If am All* a (ittrrniur Im J llrl I^.OOO, Hwiwi Prrr^Htoitra unlit rrtncwly FMiwmavi J"*At Etfrertli Witiklntjr.,in (lutiltxum New* ntt l Ojurkw. lYasblugl mi l). C., Yeb. 10-Special How would you like tu have a Ij—rlb til Uncle Sami future « •b.nlal servtro y Hera It a long list or oOIxm *o Iw short ly created. M .ke a ipoltau choice an1 liuttla i Cocgrtss hat already euiUarked upon the preliminary work of creutlog the tboutandt of positions which will turn |y be bwtowed at so >o an permanent government lu Porto Rfo*. Hawaii end toe Philippine* tball lisvu b-en effected. Xo doubt you would like to become Governor of Potto Uico This it (lie most lucrative colonial Job ye: appear log In pending toils It can lea a «nl arv of *10.000 a year. *a.UU> more than given the Vioe President of the United States. It will h.< a presidential ap pnlntmeat, to bs coutinoed hy it.* 8-n ate, and the taion will ic four. In ud dlttou to his geuro.uf aaltry tlm Gov ernor Of Porto tttoo wilt bn allowed free dm of the t<npjjIqj p tl .raj ut San Juan, wbleh olty UP.Ia retained u. thu Yankee capital uf the Island. Thu modern edllloe, mica tha ofllslul resi dfnee uf thu Spanish Cover...w General aud already the ASoerican headquarters stands In a beautiful park «f tiuplcal shrubbery extrndlog lo a steep mm wall washed by tbn plcturrvqoa harbor. Your years In « palaco at a salary of $10,000 a year U an inducement uoii.if fered to Governois of any Stales not to mcot'on Territories. It U true that the Governors ur several Slates receive rrcslve an equal comuei.aalloit nni.n.g thvm the Executive of Now York who is given free use of n mansion of lux artoua appointment. Out the lorra of the latter la ooly two years. "Kl.t. PAIO SKCUETAnilV Five 140,000 positions in Poriu Iticu *1)1 be Iboeeor aecretaiy, attorney geu «r*l. auditor, commissioner <>f rduct tioii, each appoinind by I lew P r raider t for four years. Three official* will have the combined function of ).ef1il* la tort aod Territorial Cabinet mini* ten. Together with tbe Governor, tbe treasurer aod live native* thry will constitute an executive council, or upper bouts of tbe Porto Kican Legis lature. An Executive council Is dis tloetly new to American processei or government. England tbe world'* greatest colonizer, lias adopted it fur many of her island d-p-inleud^*. lu Ceylon, for lnstaocr, lb» Governor it aided by an eaecullve council of five member* wbo. together with four other officials 'sad eight re present alive* of diOereut raoea aod classes lu the com munity. form a Legislature. lu the Bermuda*. Newfoundland, Bahamas aod llarbadau araatmllst Ofgaulzttioua bu l none give the natives to liberal a representation as tbe scheme devised for our West Indian poaesslon. Thirty five Porto Ktcau* will ba elected to ibe Insular House of Delegate* for terms of two yeen. They will receive S6 for etch dsy'* attendance. The Ova na tive members of the upper house will lie given such annual salaries as ihee* delegates may provide. Tbe secretary of Porto Rtno, probably as A merman will according to tbe proposed scheme, temporarily dll vacancies lu the Gover norship, aDd therefore will be contid ervd as lb* second btgbvsl executive official. rf-iraa tor r.awvRita. wu next vo uiat of uoverour tba biftebst salary li.ud for Ufa Porto Kioan aorvloo la (5.000, to be paid to tbe Chief Justice of tbe Supreme Court aed the same to tbe United States District Judge. Several Associate Justices of tbe Supreme Court are to receive 54,800. a United State* dis trict atloraev *4.000. a United mates district marshal, (3.900; a marabai of the Soprema Court. All tf three Judicial offices will lie Oiled by the president, who will oeceaaerlly select, men of grout legal attainment. It N farther proposed to pav *5,000 a year to each nf the five members of a com mission to be organ mud for the com pilation and revision of tba lawa of Porto Kiev. Ten of three commission era will beneilvre of tba Island; tbe other three American lawyers crumb* ron tux mativxs. 10 the Porto Klcao service there will also be scares nf altleiala and depullea of the lower Courts and hundreds of lesser lorr1torl>u employ***. Their •alarIra, paid out of tbe revenues of tbe Island, will be determined by the executive couooll. 8u«h mloor offices will, eo far as possible. Iw alvec to citizens of the Island wbo, acoordleg to tba praaent pulley. will be leut every opportunity to train Ibrmaaive* fur • Use higher berths. The Jadgea of tbe District Courts will coaeUtute part of tba uatronage of the Governor. TII» BAWAIIAR PLUM patcIi. Tha Governor of Hawaii will reoelva #1.000 * jeer—Jnat half tbe pay of tbe Governor of P.»rUi Hleo, If tha vaNrse* rated id tbe pending btlla are allowed iplWn*. Certain generous p«r«|olaltre, however, erp speciftvd solely roy (ha Govern or of Hawaii. He le to receive SHOO a year for stationery, pottage and Incidents Is; 99.000 for his private aee retary aed the further payment of all bla travelling expenses while ahaem frees Honolulu on official bualaeas Ha will also have bis office, aud p*r htpa hie realdaooe, In (he paleee oeeo pird by K*«« Kalakaua end biter by the Sx-Qaevn. TMs le a sumptuous shade of modem French erchlierture. with Jdaesard roofs aed eepoolooa halaonnlee ooanmaodlag ana of tha meal lomlrlag views <A tropical land •tape le h* own in the aew pceeneloee. A further umeliorutloe fur I lie lower salary of tire Governor of Hawaii will ! lm his prlnoaly patronage. (It will, uocordlug to tbe pending bill, nomirute and, with the oiuaeot of the Hawaiian Senate, appoint a Chief Justice and Associate Justices of tbe Territorial Supreme Court; tbe Judges of Hie Cir cuit Cjurt*. Attorney General, com cniuloner of publla Unde, commission er of egrleulture aed forestry, suiwrin lendrnt nf puli'lc Work* and Instruction auditor, high sheriff and a number of public board*. Needle** to aay, II* watieji, end not Continental, Ameri cans will receive I lieso . fflees. Dal. lu addition to Ilia Govern T*lilp tbe Preei (lent will I.* given (be right to appoint a (Jolted State* JUialrlci Jmlge for lt»* Islands, at a salary • qua] to that cf llw Goveruor. a teeieUry at $3,000. a mar shal at S‘J.00 and a district Hltoruey at $3 000. According to lbs llullom Mil the fifteen Men a tort and llilrty Ki-pre aentatlvea the Hawaiian I .egislitur* are lo ivoeive HbO upl-ce for esob regular eeeslon and ftaOOO-.apiooe for each tpuelal teas ion. In addition to mileage at the rata of Iro cent* * rwtle. TUB (JKCHAuil. Tbe Pclllpplwe service will offrr more numerous uni) mote lucrative powtlen lo Amerloaua tlian eltbi r Of the other lusnlar Territories Ttie Gorernor nr Governor General will Iw given a salary perhaps ercator tlan that of Uie Territorial Executive of P'U-io Ulco. In tbe Inland* obtained from Spain —cai eclally the I’lilllpplnvs —•he retpiosl blit lea of ivoo tMruetloii will be much (rivaler than In Hawaii. Arartiospiird before annexation. The Philippine Governor will pro baldy bv given gratuitous use ot tha paUoo «t Manilla, a structure quite aa luruiidaM* a* tboae of Sau Juan and Honolulu. In IbaOrtuiitalarobipelago especially the moat striking way lo lo spirs resp-cl for our represent stive* I* conaidi-ied by many lo be ibrvugb (be msguldceuce to which tbey err accus tomed. I'ltlUIDKNTlAL PATUOKAOB. Next to ibe Governorship tbe hlgb e*t bertha In tbe Philippines will very probably be tuofa PretldeuUaJ appoint meets as tbe secretaryship attorney geueralsLlp. audltorablp trrusarertJitp and several c«ua>issu>ueisblp. Tbtte places, together Willi Ilia wore Import ant Jodgrabipa. will probablv pay somethin* like $5,000 a year. Tbe higher elaaaat of Filipino*. such at itea TagaUand Vlscayana, will doubtlera be allowed to elect t hair lower Lwgit lalive body and bslf of the executive CCUDCII or whatever Ibe upper boose may he termed. The other half ot tlie latter will probably euuetst of Frtal dvDlial appoiutwr. In this Legislature of the archipelago will b* repreeeuted tbe provinces of Luron, I*auay. Negros Cabo, Leyte, Samar, Guimsrat, Bohol and perbapa tboae along ibe populated enaaia of Mibitcnao. In the Sola group and wild |>arla or the other islands tba goveruor will exert bis authority thiough tier enltaoe end buredttaiy chiefs an England doe* in her African crown ooloniaa. Tlirougboul the archipelago there mitai necessarily be an orgaoiv.uioo similar to that of our Indian office fur educating and civilizing lima* wild tribe*. Aa In souse of our Western reservation army posts may cooperate Id this work. There will be needed, lu addition, a vast civilian force of commissioners, superintendents and wllh ranging from $3,000 to $1,000 a year. This will mean hnndreda of remuoeratlv* posi tion*. A similar orgaizallou will probably be needed for tbe cere of our teml-clvlllx-d and savage subjects lu Hawaii, Tutulla, tlie Manna Islands and Guam. Tba highest degree of bravery and vigor will ba demsadeO for this work. Dobatleea in tha native school* for children there will he meny excellent openings for plucky women. A UAKD OF OFFICB fcUMNEJA. H.indted* Of new rejrliterolilpa and nxelrrrahlp of Territorial land offices, with salaries from $8,000 down, will bn oraated with tba opening <vf the public domain In all of tba oaw Insular posse* lows and tba extension of tba bomaataad Uwa thereto. Bacb of tbaae official! will requlro n onnaldrr able foiea of deskl and draftsmen Thousands uf moh minor offioea In tbe posWL, caatomn aod revenue terrier*, an they ma ex tan tied over the lalanda. artll ha AIM probably from tbe eligible regiatera of tha civil arnricr ootamls •loo Tboaa who take their examina tion* early and Moure high, standing aro tba ooee to profit by the beat ohancva. stvdtiko aFAXian. Tbe prlo-a qwalifieaitona for tha higher colonial position* will be knowledge of ttpaolah langnagr, Spau iab history and. In many eases, Span Irt, Auortean or lotrrnatlunnl law. Tbo .rtudr of Spanish has become a W*'*r «d bare In Washington, as prelally among smbtUous Government offidala and elrrka. Many yooog Spaniards, Cubans sad Porto lllcaii* ■*• *•*>"* 'air livings by teaching Ihstr native tongues at rales varying MCortlng to the aim Of thetr dames. Tbs alms* In which your oorrmpoadsut M studying may ba taken ae a fair average. It Ideludea. besides Inmself four department clerks, two woman and two men, a youug lawyer and a woman of Maura. •*EI Professor" |la a CantUlao. with with l hettquHle of a Cheater Bold aod a thorough mastery sf Kngllsb. "Your language," mys ha, "la ooeof Irrrgu Urltlm and eyervtloM. Mice, after tha padsrsUndlng of a few slutpU rules, ig phoostjs lit fpelllng *sd ho merer na ona in grsmmatlaal law.** And, tidy, lh#r* oaonot ba * modern longue leei difficult, mpng laity io litm main log ■ remnant of Latin or n •mattering of Frmh. A ihnronab speaking and reading knowledge of bpanlah will he rmnllal t« lha stMoem of all ooloasl official* or em ployees hroagbt la oh wo oootaet with Pmto Rio*ns and higher olamre of Fll Iplaos. Conversance through Inter *U* eapaadva and an mllsfaatoey Oor Represent.Uvm alt ^ " lh# •**•* bossag , •* Uffi Forth Areas and Pblltpptw* Lag Islatures will Had dliouaalon wetl-nigb Impossible Unless all call can apealc and understand llie une language. 0( Judgn and Court oillclala will Im de manded noC naly a knowledge uf Apau mb language. but uf Spanish law. Of many high official a brought In cvulaoi with foreign < facials will ba required a mastery nf International taw ss well. aemasea n i n UMtTT«T or ALL. Knwtlati ■»» Mors Masse tlx pis Ira Stars Msrer Beea Ualgsae. Wliltc General Liwlmi’s twelve-year old son lisa been mado a oapUin for bru»Lry, and a boy buglar of England’s Fifth Lancers has been rewarded for bis pluck at ihs Rlandslaitge. tbere Is oac boy whose grit In England's Crl mentr war mads blm a naioe that has lasted even to this day. This boy wlruas name was Thomas Keap, went with the English army to lbs heights of Alai, preserving the most undaunted dvtneaour throughout lbs buttle. Shot and shall Ml about blm like ball: but notwithstanding the weariness of tbs day, present dangers of the bomd sight, tba hoy's heart bast with Underuesa toward the wounded Instead of filing lulu a lent to take earn uf hlmsaU after tbe battle, be was MCU Venturing his Ilfs for the good at bis oomradee, stepping oan folly over one body after another, eodnctlog all tbs broken mutkoti imeuld Ond, and I making a U-e lo tie ulghl lo procure but water. He made lea for the suffer ers, and saved lbs llfenf a sergeant nod several of the private soldiers wh . wereI)log nearly exhausted from want At Uatakiava, again, he asalated Uis ' wounded, lie did his duly by day aod worked in Mie irenclu-i by night, tak iug but little rest. At Inkarnian he was surrounded by lluasiait about 90 aiuuios, and. to use ills own wgwds. "tbuuabl it w«s all over with him ” He re drived one eboi. which n.used through hit onal and out at the Ire nf his trousers. But tin teas unhurt. He helped with all Ihn bravery oi * man, loget tu tba wouudwl lie waited on the dnctni wlieo he was t-xiraell-ig Mm stmt from thv men and mi the aovn bn fore and after. 8 >me of tbe wounded h»y they would uot have been elivs uuw bad It not beau for this boy's unwearied waluufulpcaa aod kludue** in tbe buure of helplessness. nil OK DllCKUa. Werto Ink Kara tKm Ik* "*w* (MfVK Tkeaa kirkinir. Oi»c®oo ■ tias your snoa >u noth lug without tbe buckle Indeed, It w»» » cum of I lie "tall wagging the dog." for Uie buckle was tb« main tiling and (he slit* only to carry ll. It aai out the alee, bat tbe oostlinees of the buckle winch oouoted among royal ties. »ad people of high rank at ejuri wore diuoioinlk, while even lo lh<w day* some wore paste Imitation* In a v.nn effort to aretn rlob. In 1730 a leader of fashion would wear a Ball flowing curled wig re*ob Inc In rlugtot* belt way down back and arm*, u laced e-mi cat ttrelehi with bulimia put on in every possible place, aud iQuare-tood black shoes with an enormous Bat on Uie iuetep, btgli beets and on lbe Bat a imall but l>rUlia»t bookie. Next to tbe hackle of brll llaula came tbuee of gold. Bleb laod ownevi and coanbsnu wore gold bock lea larger than the tbe diamond one*, tot will email In proportion to the Bar*. Vonr thriving shnkeeper wore book let of diver, and your opulent farmer IIiom of Chining steel, and tba poorer ofaae bad buckles of brase or iron; but of some material every one a or* huOk ies ou Ibe shoes. iinit weir. *ew VatmiaT of lk< Imhim Terri. tort of tUaka. From (treat waif to governor—that li lire Ilf* uory of John G. Brady, Ax a boy ho roamed Ilia rtrwti or Ni* Y<>rk onlll the l/hlidreu'a Aid society picked him op and sent him out weal “to grow ap wttn tbe oouotry.” He wea adopted by a good family who, thoaab po it. sent bltn to tbe dlrtrlet aebool, where be got a taste for educa tion, and later worked hla way through Yale college. Tke>i be went to Mew York, enteral tba Union Theological seminary, waa graduated and became a Presbyterian minister, fin decided to do mleaiofiary work in tbe weal and went tu Colorado and Idaho and then to Texas Finally heart*led lo Alaska wbeie be found it wide field. He plunged Into the work of making tbxt ooautry better In a business end moral way. and ureot into pollUoa ao that be oonld do no more for tbe people. To day he la the governor of that Immrnae aud IKUn known territory end the 1 read of Presbyterian church attain In, our great north wea turn pnaarualone lie la only oue more example of what an a mar loan boy with grit and pluck baa a chance to do. ■"* V»»krti Islwl Joke. Kxcheaga. Here Is ex-Gov. Bub Taylor's latest joke, which lre a|haog on « Memphti audience leet week : The ooeductor oo a read oorlh of die Ohio river wax going throngh his train taking up tMhrla when he came upon a lady paaaebger who wax werptog ai if her heart would break. lie anxiously Inquired the oauteof her diet read, at the same time proffering hit aerviona to relieve her. ”011 sir. you caa An nothing, my grief |« Inoeutolable. 1 am on pot way to t,'|oci»ontt| In bay* the reqrainx of my husband cremated, and be Is tbe fifth, boo boo I” Khnwaaap perently a yoeng woman aud pretty, end after regarding her a moment tei sympathy and mystery the eondeetoi »»• about to pees on. whew a fresh burnt nf grWf from tba opposite tide el the ear attracted Ms at I sot low, aud laralog about be be|yetd a wogaea elder than I be that bowl lug Ilka a demon Approaching hrv he aaM : “Pray madam, be composed ur d tell me ihy eauee of your Usable.” "Beoompeaedl llow caw 1 bn composed * 1 am nparl) W yeara eld and hues never had a bus band, aud there's that young thing that's gut Km tu beru t ARP STAYBD OYBR. BIOAUU A1TBBOXIEPP EM FEOM tBAVIIO. mmt |IIm •NMMMi.VlMgM IIInlMi Aad Writes AUanl Wfewl We ftnw Ttieee—*1 la l'Wl I a Bow I h IStallaa. 1MU ary la titan's Onodtaullen. Hud. Haul indeed, Is tlw con leal lor freedom anJ tH« struggle for IIHesiy, I Hera 1 aiu al llliulon bw-noaUaJ. am butcaded, toOleded and any other die ireruog tlilug, for lbora Is a wreck seveo mile* away uud they itj it will tabu all day to remove It. And to I cau'l gel Home tonight. Oh I the pity uf It, for 1 am I trad sod Homesick. 1 . am not calm aud astern. 1 ansa at I Laurens last nlgbt and found goal friends, wild made tlw lingering Hours pleasaui, but all tba llaw l was o»m fortad with tbe thought that it waa my lest dsy awsy from my uamrruus wire and children and araud-culldrati. 1 left the Hotel at B o'clock this muralug and walked at a lively gait down to tlw depot lo tsba lb* tram for IHmton, •her* I was lo luterospl the dsouosrd (»r Atlanta and thru for noise. Dot tbe iraiu for Clinton did potcoa.e and nobody konar when u would o-ims. 1 wsilrd until half-past T o’Okies —and time was d-stlag; went b-os up towu, hired s livery alwbV* mao to dilvt in osrrr to Clinton by 11:10 o'clock lo ualub the dee board. Tne road waa awful, but tbe burse was s good' one and J kusw lie could make Ike tec miles lu twu hour* aud l felt happy On Ui* way. We did make It and as I slapped ou the platform i frit proud that I had not waited to lhut ■ elatrdtrsin. Hut, obi what s fall was ihrre. my wmutiyow-n, when the agent told aw Uia Msstsurd was In a wrrck and could not get Iwi* until lata In lh«d«y aud prrbap* laisr. Well, h»re I am -no garden to dig In ; no children lu fr-lic with and noth log to d« but ruminate. Yss. rumi nate upon the trials end ensure* and dlsappoialmeulaoi this sublunary world ni»*eil Humming tbsl plaintive»kl sung '•Pity the burrows uf a Pour Old Mai." But this preface Is tlw shadow—-no daik Bids vf the pictures, and cow i will brighten up aud look at tbe otlw-r side and feel sahaan d uf myself, for after all my disappointment is only for a day and It is not as bad a* war ms sick eras our dnatii in tba family. And, b*»idr*. 1 aw at tJHuion. the kivlwst Vtlllage at III* pl«lu. . Yes, UIIbUiii, where I have a lioal. of klo-l frirnds weiw an K iau »•» ■as ri|S Rll'l WiMIIUPUt be sorry that 1 am Ixl ited here if t was not so worry fur mysair. I araa here two days ago and bad a real ovation, a large audieoeo «ud a leva faaat after Uim lecture. la this little uuru of 9,'VW peoplu I bad 400 out tu U-ar and a ad to greet me and many of them weio fiuni lix country aud s ox oatne teyrral miles, fur the night was lovely aad ilia full moon smiled upon every thing. Tbe wuuseu turned out id f.iros, for they did love lo see and txar a man who lura been eubdurd by matrimony and doaa uoc claim lo be tins of tbe lords of creation—a mau wli > help* his wife to nurse tbe cfalMrmi and plaul Hie fl'iwers ; a man who, assy lo ilia dead of night, will let hie wife real aud sleep whits lui walks the room in lilt iiIglii gowo with atsalhlngchild In bis arms aud slugs bis lillle songs uolll bis eyelids droop and his legs gel waarv and bis thoughts say you are a llule darilug and I wnoldaut lake a million dollars fur you—but 1 wnuldent give a nlckle fov another. A fond father hit none lo sell, but dossent want to bay. but a troa mother gives glad wetoom* lo all who come and U even happy In Mjs prospect. While In Cllotoo I was lbs guest of Hr. Barley, the ban-«r and mill mao. a oiodsl gKltlgma* of tbe old school whose maxims are troth and honvnty. whose sods sod daughters are like olive plants around hta table and hare never given him a momrnt’s grief or aogieiy And now that they are all gfuwa up »bd salakdiahed In their own biasli eas, be has adopted several hundred factory children and Is dshghlod every dav trs »l»U thorn in the o»Uao mill and plane his hand kindly and gently upon their brads an he piww them at Uie spindle in at the loom lie han built for them a rhuroli aud employed a prraeber'aed established n Sunday school nod It lots awakened In Ida boeotn n Dew |UTa for Ids fellow oraalurveand he I* growing young again This notion mil) runs 10.000 spindles aod 400 looms and Iota proa pared ever ainee WOT. when It was completed Tliastock M at a pswmium of 30 per erst and Its surplus earn lugs us all infested In enlarging Its capa city aud increasing Ha pridoets. Now think of It- Heft I* a mill that manu features auly a doe grada cf doth and consequently only oonauases stems 3,• 000 bales of eotton. He baa now on bead enough noUnn lo run until next December aud It was all bought for 7 nenta par pound Ha has orders attend at Bred prtone foe all Um go-xis ha ean make this year. Ilia goods are already ■old at A) oents a yard nod It take* 4| yards to weigh a pound. Now count, lag for n lorn ia weight of 10 per eeul., ha 1s getting iS eeots a pound for the notion that ooat him 7 seats. Labor1 and machinery dost the work aod the ooat uf that dspauds anas Um maw and Um management. The mill owners oao grind that labor down ti a ataaea Hon price If they Chora, to, but Ur. Dailey asaorea ma l|»at H la tewslbls and praguaeble to pay tbaas oosraUtma good Hying prlom nod proylde goods, oomfoetable eottaaua and a garden and fort aod all Um nsea—rlea nod many of the oomforte of Ufa and atlM lawy* a good profit for the stockholders. Kow why can't arery town h» Ueorgla do 1 Ik aw las t The Harder lo hardly aver net or tight uf a vn-dmstaek oyer hare to Ob rollon. I am Just from this good i aid town ef Lnenme. onhr Ian mikes away, and they h«re a mill there with 1 M OM spindles nod ft* leomn When ewer? eauaiy mss and wearrt t| the [ eotton It grown then will the wrath be ' truly lodapendswt | flat tbe moat baa oil fat fosters of CHnkow la Urn orphan saw (be TUirn waN orpbauada—that In twenty-gre I years baa giralagsd Irom a Hula ptaie bulMIng oltb room* tot twenty orpb '»«« « lovely villUge of rock-balll, mild, band* imahouaea two etai las high I “"d In Uie bast archltactoral daiigu aod wham #00 of tba father leee nr moiherlAM ohddren reside. No one aroulil aver soapeot Umi Uila vintage »“ orphanage that was built uu faiih and charily and tar all them year* Its* bran maintained In tba sans any. 1 * tilled aud luepected every ivneuirut and was delighted. I tall you I list llirte orphan* ara ant orplaav v«>y long after they got boro. They ara put tu work and to eebooi and soon learn to do tbalr share In melotatnfeig the Institution. They are put to priul *“«. carpentering, sboa making, ptlut lag. eugloeartug. farming, dairying, ■treas-mahicg. oooklagaod awry thing «l*e that helps to rag a liutuabold.and ayeryUilug Is maWiodisad aod goes on Ike clock work. A happier, brighter luokl'tg flock of children I never saw. They drsa* neatly and keep otoeu and ttsotr r»ios and loll ara audeU of cleanliness. Tba advanced hiys aud g'lia bkve to graduaw la the seminary and than same of ibnaa And a plaov la ihe cutlet* that Is near by. Moat of Urn boys fled gund pUoaa ia tba shops aud man afaoturlog establish mania sad printing "Moes all aver tba euuatry. Many of tbo girls bee >ma Catchers sad dressmakers awl they never lease tba orphan age auUI a good ptaoa la offbred them. Neither buys onr gtria are ever i houad tu anybody. They have an lo depend'Ot maubuod and sroraatibood aaqolrad before lbey leave the orphan age and they never dishonor or disgrace It. There are children bar* from every aoutbern state aud a few from the uoriii and there la cue little svaif from Uuiw. Ila It about tea year* old and ia aa happy hue at he sra* poor and miserable In Cab*. Ills father sad mother actually starved to dent’-, dar ing the lung Iroo'ila and this boy was A»U"d ta * diteb anting bv tbueorpas nf hi# dead slater. A Ullutoa auldwr brought liitn here tuJ Uegr—I a pLie fur him. I lu mautluu thit the advanced Scholar* did all I lie wuud work In tii« several Itom-s aud It ia —uvuiinigu-u,*. window*. IwHamed*. hatraOM and waluacoatiiig u ail their work and la in up-Le-l-tt# *ylu Thia goo# all over tbe coimiry *mj girl* r*!l fli*t-cl*si but ler In i lie mai ket. The otpbauuge runt a f iria ami %a* a herd of Jerwy rattle and mol only aapplie* their uaru u>a*t and vra-tablea. but always baa •oirie t • well. There are not lea* Him wont lie Li feed and Ibry ere well fed. and they allow it lo faon nod form and movement. lan'i lbi* euodtifnl, end It la all dmie hv a faith aad truit equal to Mel M**». They tell m bare that Hr. Jaeoiw la m partarrabip with Lira Lord and (bat Mr. Bailey (a U«* Lord’* floa-j etat »caat. Certain la It that tbeae two work beaitUy together aad move an ainoe Mr. Uaitey'a eon married Lh. Jaoon'a daughter. Well, Ueorala baa thirty-aaven orph an* her* mid c*re» (or thorn 1 waa proud to know that Carterrilie ootnniy malu'aln-d an atyluwi, but litd a little there Hi the mite cottage tint waa built by the "Seringa <<f Um ehiMrao. Them seem* to be no limit to tba ex panaloo of tlila great work. The money corse* la Ju«t aa r»«l aa the tiumnor of orphan* inoreaaa and no raster. -I am tbe Hod of the fatherle**" la vielbla and uilpnble In evaiyudng about (lit* wondrrful Inalitatiou. lOouMwrltea book a'«nt It. but time and apaoa utel plaoa fwblJ. for I am at Uat 0.1 tbe train and bound for boat*. It awddeua me to know that an engineer and Bre lb in were allied on lie engine that wrecked l he train a faw aniaa from Clinton. On thia Mttl* (our Into South C ro llon I have vleited good old AbbeylUa and Uraenwwid and waa made muoti of at b «vti |4*cea. My May in Abba vllle was moat iMIglitfsl. for 1 waa the goeat of Mr and Mr* Speed, when 1 found dvo little obi Id ran who behaved well and ha-1 bright, clean faoa* ao-l •at on my kote and rode on my foot and oee wasted lo know who polled all my hair out and I toM htir tW Mra. Ar-.dul It. At Crnauwood I atoia^l at Urn Bon new Oregon haul, whlob la Ilia beat I have ever found, end a Ueoigtan krep* K. lie put me In tba bride! chamber and when I rapreaead my aurpriea ha ««M ha b*«rd about (be golden wadding and >xpectad m* to bring my hrble along. But [ don't believe tbe printer will aver read ibl*. Tmm vw*mn PmtRMitM* iNMi. DAHotOro Main. Two poMMMrn Id Cuba an. r» ponrd to h«r» beta detected by Director Uti ml EuUibooe In fraud# «u iba fl!SroJl>rp,,rtWnl MfWfatlug about •1,100. -Quito rrerelly we diaoorrrrd,” write* Hi. Batbhooe, “that Ur poet, ■motor at Alqulatr, proriooe of Hu* *ana, wee abort re hU wooey order •oeoeote SdW.Od, whortupob aw lei tardi.toly aeowod bla arraat mad node daaaod oo Iba Fidelity a«d Dpoutt Uowpaay for tba arueuat of Urn abort M». In wblob eoapaoy bo woo i ended for •• ooa "The aoeeed oBemW «-i Uo peat JuMn*. »bo drew tea mom* order# m CtMfqagee, Wnr fat WOO eaeb apd one for fgO. . Ua alaard aoM m«h otbar i ban hla m and bp gulag to Oiaufuegoa obUload payvanl of tba order# through the aoaaat af aa ■o*oaapttea. Tba Jaoaro defaulter bM not fat law ar Mated." Id eeeeaqueeoe of Ur a. d keener Ur an lareaiigailoa bM baao ordered of evriy Money ordrr uOo# on tbe Weed ut nee*. Aeoordlag to a iiHobaat raeelrod »t tbe ftetaOoo OepertMeut reeaetly, 10 of tba 1T8 poMoWcaa oo tbe Ulead of Ctrta are to eharge of Aaerteoea m eeUeg PM Meet are. The HottQoWoM do taperrked laUadaa deathum, Queu rattsrfcSK-siir «Hawed arecege ebetrt W.dOO. T* ItMttMBMm HI. • Tan liner# b mu quMaa Maa al MeMOtanfUMMe aeaup W b fata want* IM* TO* #«•< kai Lttn«Mh MM## mmua mi uvaai. »p« *• Mr. Mm to rr»fn «lM M UII. ionian. i* Ailaata Innul. Rilabig alf*lf« »r tbooth, Mtber for grafting ur b.y i.*« Iwn op i«Um ptm ot.1 tlau com od to a Tory (lulltod «nu oo son two farm*. Thli highly uotrtuooa plant hot ueon amafiilaUI In a«yH«aau with it* trading QoaHtio* fur all oUimm of oar llvaMoefc. Than li no roaauo why rrrry rarmr MmmM pot bare at Iran an oerr er taw ta luaora. Ito aultlvotUn wherever eh aarrod M UourgU la aaually ooednad to iha herder* of garden wait* or • oory •■all patoh near um lot. The orriMr in teal mg the (undue** of aleak far !•{•*■•*■• noticed that berate aad eon •III leave My MW bled of had for It, •blab they eat with a deemed ndtan. AS AXCIKVT rut XT. . **•'*• caaiaMoly given til alfalfa In Um anuth U <xoi of Um oldaM fnraao plain* kanon lo mob. before Urn CtxMiao it* Um *T um oatltfated It to largo oaauiUaa Ui read la tbalr burro* and It haa hold iu Mf for iff! wtirraror It* fradlnr nha haa eoM In aoe.pMlti.Mi •it* athor piauia eitbar for groslod or hay. Iu oh It are I* Iberafum noUilog and; m«r la Ha high vain* for fording purpaea. U “*a»M to aald editor Au Ha eetuya raadlly to pauper forUHauioo ~aod Un-rough preparation of ibc »a|. La flam It a ptraelal aod one* a Mead ta obtained wlM grow 0*- erupt ruutio «"ualy fortlibiy yoir* witiioutro Mad lug lie yield la ouutmoiw on gaud loud giving aemal cutting* aad tlrU lag tram 0 Pi 1A ton* nf dry liay par eon daring the ran of n year. i Tmo to tow. • no proper uuia «• >a Ibis part or ii* amutry *o*l.l ba Uw latter part «< Peiwuary id dareh er w fcpteooer. U «»n la Uw aailf spring Uw avod aiMinWi ba drilled la atutll** terra** two fart Span to na to permit cuttWa t ni l by which gram and wsadr way Iw a«pt down daring aamairr. la (top* tewibcf Um wad way ba ao*a brood rt.t and If the patch *a» atartaf lu Uareh awd may (has ba aw* down iu u* inlddb* .ud lightly harrowed lo. Tlw must MiooKoalal plan for meortug a aland no mattar ho* Uw e*ad am pUutud w to aao a light roller at broth u,T,w’.wTb? «•**• •■nu and alowid bo bat ilgfcUy | r mi l into tbs toll- If tea mad era drill'd It nqoir*i .boat k pooodt of aatd par acrr; if tw.uwlcaat front 3» (u li pouadt per *crv. rexrtaL-to tub toiu • o«»d to grow luoerti torcveafully or profllabW ajutt br ii<iarwll> naj far* tile or reno-nil a»li> uiaral Mwsuriag. Uood deal■!..*' la .1.1 imiaiiry at Uw ptuit *111 ||.»1 Uifvr w am aa| where •ab-r may e-ilret .ad eUnd laager «biM 48 hours at a Uotr Tl>* pleat fredt lest ou l-m. poU-Ji ,„o phwp Itoriaaoidt' Uiu no *>.ii I*, especially rich 1.1 timo rlmuu. blue la vary row, m Ml and should be heavily applied II uut already pnwaat in Urge quantities la tba toil. The land salacOed for lueara should 1* « Bald wbhth oho ba devoted to tta aw f* ••Jr*** ,f"* A clean lure* mt Inod tbitM be tol'otad o-ie u fme from grpeaand weed an possible. Ikes* Uw 14 mwibaHUagdmw 8*b aoltlag I* Import oat sad Um h.rdpan be neath Uw upper layer of tall sboold ba will bmkoB. roots grov deem BwteNate have prove* that m soft «lil.*l>Vqyt* **»*« outdlfaled over a depth of 80 fmt. A ranter am wall afford I* spend soma extra tlate la jmpanog bta aoll for lucent In view or UM fate that It will over afwrward* taka ears of Itself, and furalah abend lb* ** mvastawai of ••J?* “< *}» fnwttp imttal of Uw la^. AfUc plowing tba land be bammed or rollod terentl timet awtll the toll It daa sad mallow. luiTitnm Am cvrim. It my te Writ to *uu» ten that teiamd naaaiw dna mmaate a «aod ftotiUaar for lurnm owing In the lam nuwter td imII grata sard aawmUy prtnwt la aaab ■him vtlehara apt lotrrmiottaand gfnumaMe. If ante fartilinr* art thoroughly roUad tbn ttentdnu.. kotoia’ Whan 7b* hwte Id to 18 lagbo* high ^■tsa^susaxc 8 m rm la nan ought t« ho rxarclaad tha Ant yaar tat orter to gin th* idaat a good root lug killn mN. KaM n nhniaay not te rcpratad aatll after tte Crat yaar. trorttat la a lop dates# of oAton a*ad oteal Mm tha drill* will ate* «ua growth .ad a rloh gran **& te tte follaga <>f the I'taoi. Out fag hay whaa tte flrri tovariteft* te^appawi »tete °* **» teaag*a hard nd wood;, which laterihrea with ttete fSTiteM -z'z'trxr*' ****** •tea Id ba *•» diirlHib!Tnnte tear* >»«. aftar tta MaraahanwOnd Mated te noted ap la** wladrowa. LM It ter a day ar two aad bate te tte tent. Tte laaea* tetag tea mat psg&,!yj^k^a: aat lateag tte team. la oar *aattn **na or atgh* aatllagi my te ted teaaaWy. aad If tfaotad aa rite late fWd W on aad a half u Iw* loai of •oad tey aaa b* laieteid teary Mar •r tee waakm. ruono a a ant. Laaar* l* oaa of tte teal arm far c»t».'su£ws aad abated hated Id n* arte la* with rlthor team aaab a* teddar wteat ar aat an. M te ear/ rtah la pidlate. hot Iritelnl la tte fate IldteBte anyxriiwfto-ss.S M**te *te* ante or wte* ite dev I* I_ SBMIIHB Of i OmmmAU •cw tow Utmm tMi darito aa Plum May aata tauato (•myiaiiunMdaaaMB at |3E55t: 2*rtS!f lMwy te-atort; Uta ' roots will ga town toaaac toa daw of Uw fruit troao, aadtSa Uttar will ■to a» «real to. MastWa to UW. Ixuara osa to.aafliy aattaa «M af to oil# wood plowlo*. tr It U »0t dMUcd Mi«Mi|»CTr.rrdn<W Us yariaMat with K oa ••*aU*Mto uki aowvttMtdwf Its salaa aw tto tom. A quar mat mm aata wRI mm mmmy » Imanal of *arn and it wM aaatlaaa to twu m alfalfa at Una Utaa. to atov . ■ aata af laat ■aana V man arum wawU aut to a> snw.aly 64 Wf* koya V* MhwnawMRtolnititaM la to tat.,re. ..el UgA tS.l ^Th«W valaa will to tally aatW aad ayw Ctata*. __'_~ wmrnmmmmmmmm ■ uujMMSt am at* atoritwi UaHaaWwrtMaanaiB UbtMa.a# TaamUaaMIUwaaifvla Am IW Btoat wto raaaaa atosaiwr awary day aa luJit-ari-wrly aa isruyTi to *“*-i jl to V»!«»"rr»to». Hwtaa laataadwfa DdUl dull. It to avaiatfelaa tocloodiy arts «r aasM m, aaya tto tow FraaaUon Ar atHfarr. luaw a |*r a aiad UUw to. dtoauwlal toad rutoualni.ra --- of aw war <tur. aadtotoaw? ttot”tto ■di *toa iqi— Itl door of tto ’tto fax p»w ouald draw a aagatlalda atoato fur VlOO.ift) aa swiMy aa rod oaald atcw lu otwatof toy praaaaai. Maria Hat all ueaal foreieralaryatagw tobaaw t^JL**** ——* * ■ <ta»ao4 worth tUflOO MaSUf at Utaa Trom a oago-op anlorHtokln. — urtM attention to _,__ brilliancy uC hte jawtot. lw1 VXg<.\X'JZ woaid e * not tood fallow a white on duty. Tha io«*m uf MIIHoaata Brad baryte Urltaiblllty h hte aratadapata. Wh*t w-uM hatha vim af hftiag 300 i>mm4< <*• man anah trip tev » Ofiv pound hoy amid do tho work wuboot war m.d tear oa fhabaacwaot aaeniwrr, iw> *-- —. 1*rfswnttiw aaiy>lru}lnguf wlta otblao T A teyrraanlaMw of tiw Krimintr fnood William B. DraJoory t. UmoaL of ihaatevatorailtte iT rtdt HfadOwiT. ■ uaiiiua K lip and down tho Nnft ao f*-*** rl-itr. at/ maid aond It. Bat Mr. Drodbary aruald sot tnte. Utta uu»y luunlog Ma hotai nod htedovoter Im hU oad baahtea it waont aay at tho uowaiiapora barinaai aaytino. Loot ing iba ai«fatur,.bo ilawtmil tho door aoddtoopjwOfad tabta private niter. Bat Mr. Bradbury teaaMo of Moods. In aalwrqoawt lamhaf ha good uaiuo-dly okpUteod that tea traitod ail hteIda loug, haaapa aodbaaa right to harp an arotWaf. Aatod far too oaaaaa of at tear yaatarioUtoalao who amrh. ho aaliWhwa ara aaaa. ha nwtetlMtraroafliMd. Thao ha ip daliad too aaaoa of ooom af t*—n Fair Flood. O'Rrtan, Htaaford, Ocnoh IhdlnSr Sharon, w-*n~r Potto. “A moo's got u> wart to Uva.” ooM bo. ‘ That's what boas aad mmZ arogtera otter. Whao yow tow down yoar aagloo yoar bolter lo going to Ituu Uow to gat tteb? That ta Jwdar •or m atiTthtef oteo oa aaith. Jaat aaaaay. utodyoh. All fha baas lo dn lo to tour yaw uiad aw tn. GHaaap iyoritotog ateo. Qiao op frtaada. d? dr%u, %tmm wmi m^flnrl Pimmny Tjkt (t urn Mfanmmml*. SyjZs&g *?*• aS£ym.e.»s::; -hatojMtewdteted that Mhtocha -' ■ '4 k ■

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