; ! ; ' I : ■ rwumara touo warurit twaMy ymn tom aoaaa aad goaa atom tto arm Stfara mm pit Mad to tto (am of Umtoole^Jhe ^ M mill STZ to mail tto hula uuiway d twauiy paua ago. ia known arafywtacu for homo It baa aiutnad la t^mabtomian ef cm tea aad Ha ^ "• toiwotoo UM um at it woo wtoo tod tom Sunn mm pig Haded aad too tto*‘Mr. AdUgh Warren” •• ***• omd ippan la Uto toper. Tto ft*11******, Utoirwie.- c. M. Nairn, J. A. Wtota, Adalpa Warn, A U. •“d B. L. tayro, Naaaay A Baal. Hot toad A WNaoa, 0. J. Xaa, IN** Brwtto «■* Ml Adfaaaar, Dr. R. II. Adam ■wd &. L. Jobaaaa —. >* 8«ui*. to Ida PUu of °°* °* “ P*rtf •* Vtumlovot Demucrati to ibU lobby to wo to day—a amgaHwu wbkth waa ooooamad to by all tboae prenautT “To* Democrat* of toots oouottw." oootmocd too pate, ‘ Mata to be labukv aadar a mwapprahraaioa wilb «t*rd to toa auaaor of r**tm« the Vatiac atroofftti ..f to# aavaral coonUoa ia toa State, CuQCTaaakmal and otbcr Aoom appear to hare an toatllotw of the aand tda ion tor a U*** traaaurar or 8*e nurj of suta tor lawanor) develop*, momatroagth toaa too other* tbatbr *na>*?*l“*n rtooira toe entire auta or to* oouoly, and alao In to* pra cia*t prtMarlM. "Tkl* ia a van msawiin and dan ■araoa tdaa—la direct co-fliet with toa pUo of oegaoiaattoo. la »*oc. W« • rcpnaentativ* State eonvauto* tola yoar. aad our pnaaat ?*••* oc®‘n™‘u°a Providaator it la Ua lullvai aad m>*t admirablem*aoar il ? •oei’ * ooovaotloo that toe will and wltbea of to* Demo crat* of to* taut* Slat* can be rcure Metod aad o«rrt*d oat, mod aUdWeau* facMoa aad In qnauan avoided, tonalaanrlna toe lanw aeppntaf all vnb-nor toe party and a certain vie toty.” ™ to uw cmt Accamfiura to Tnx miiwn or m iiraui. (AKDIOATKS. “Tbe plan of organ ts«Uiai lrpraailj “d -XfMUf Hataa and cfc^TTj tbo TOM of (M prootiMt to Un o«aniy convention. .nd tbe T..U of eaob onu-> If In tbo State. CoogrroMainai, Jodl cmI and Senatorial XMtrlot ooutrh ttuna. (ball (not "cMy ” bat aballl t* Matf.Mtb. OAodLUtri f.,r Ih. rmn.Z •mom, (•boro (bora It mm* than on* OwdtrtaM for any oao u*o*) aooordlng m tbe prcfrrauoM at tbo or legate* u> tM oanMotton or pnm.ry- t**enioc WMb tbo Wwcebtp orjM*ciMt prieuuy. F*m laataaer 90 Dnaoerau attend a primary Mating fn# plan of organ rnatb o any* that, before deirgnteTtu tbn county ooavnoUoo an cbomm. 'btm -obJl'’ m n tom take., to die yfarewce* of tboao pram-ut. nay tbla la dean, and it U f.mtid. f..r luCanon, that 25 favor Uoaingbam, 25 faror Ayoock. 20 fWror Juetica and 15 Ctror DaTWaon. Then (if there bee b*eo n foil unmet at the primary) Urn precinct 1* eatitlcd to toot Tout to tbe mwnty ooavantlo..—one for rrery 25 nud fraction of IS or morn—aod tbe fffffiKrfSTs's.'sfflSr. In tbe county eourcntloo Cofitogham Atoock. Jaettcn and Dandcoo alii nacb raerire uon Tote from ui* pn> rnnec Had Cunii.gbam or A four* or nnnec of tbe candtdatae muatrrad SO •upportaie in Ute primary .»f 90 IVmo erau, then be would bare been entitled tr?**:1"*^* ptwcioal rote, .od one half the iMegatea ohoeeo eeteoted from hU friend*, Urn other* bring trlactad proportionately. ” MO I S IT Rni AMD NO '^iNSTlUrCT* IMCJ.** ^iDiy OOttTMLlOQ .*‘w> **• Mda operand! bum to carrWd joL If tbo ooaat* to on ***** to Si rutm to Um St.te oooren ikm wad u it ttowo that on* of tbt oMdldMB for [owrnof, (or other tho* oOeo) boo oae-toK or two-thtedo uf ttorutroof Um prrclaot, tton bo will Mtoro la tbo Hut# coo ran'Ion 12 nr Mroimof Um ooooty to "Mteloa („. lh* oat* anr to) aad no bon, ool-m by a oaaolMoat roto tto ooorraUoa dwldr* to ito contrary. Tto real .In tof ooe-baif or oao-Mird of tto drlr rura am folly entitled to torn ibalr rrpmoontatbM to the State oonmutloa wad to them atol UMr 12 or 3 rotoo (m Um oaoc owy be) f,a •■Chairman and party leaden am arpod to am that tbia ptoa lo faith folly •anted rot. 11 to tbo only ox-ana to •Ud a mpnoMiUtlro State ooorm tbni oan maembte. and tbo only way by wbtoh Um will of too Dmnuerate rf tbo Stole oao toearrMd uot "Oroneoa two-thirds of too Docoo omu at nwt ooooty far.IT OM Man tor o Stateivdtoa la .m roaaoo why tba eatiro TT Umold to oaat t„ Mm. Tba minority oaadldaten la a awry eoooty am ootHIcd to ttofr fall ahem •*f too coootr’t ▼•■to. ‘jBtoto oOeUtt am rated far lodicld «Uly to *tory rtoe lo too Stole, u-« by aeootteo. They am oolrtnd to the papeUr rota of too Muto m o abate and cbnuid to Bwmtonted by too pm lor rote of too P— orate of tto wue Mole, JtMt m tiM«fh them worn no eeuotr Horn, tor oonotlra boro iiebaer lo* ehater". aa aueb, on toe rteoUoo. and afaooM torn none In nuBlaaloe oandldntao. ‘•Itectdcc, tola U too plain eomnaad •M mw id too pony tfilo you. -J ooi rortblo too n,w OneonMMhM. 7y ■ooroto at rrety eoonty am te oMdo (if too impact to - ,---i-.*• Mid* Nnmto ot OL) ood wo topo tMo tew wilt to CMtofolly mad MrteMty nbayod oad oar Had oat trerratowo—tor tto mod of tbo pnrty and la fartie. U oil oaedld •Itw* «ho«M be made. Wehmve loo Bush at K4t this year a a parir m allow tba relish ambitions <4 *»y In dividual t > Interstate with oar dirty, via . th« com teat loo «f the best aud Bfuag-at taea for aU Ue pueitlous to beOIM. It U ntorseiry for tbe white tore, Imepactlveof peat diffsnutese, to get togrUwr tble y*nr, «f we hrpe to carry the Aoeswdmeal aod win a mat vie Way. aad to that and the la-lroctl<>oa •f the Plan of Organisation la regard to Who are eligible toelteod De'enoret ie primaries ehould be to liberally cos atreed. »,« : ••All wolto rise tore who lutrod to vote with ue In Urn tm ehmtioe, and who dtslre the re satebUehtaent of Anglo-Saxon supremacy and boarat gnrernBret la North Chmlioe. UTXX Tim AXXllCAX TOBACCO TO Tbe ewtaeUea of Ue part weak wee puMicaUow la the Iftn <*> Ohmrctr of thle city <4 the plena «4 tf. jar W. A. Out brie of Darbam (Pufiuliai Buaeiww fer goreroor at tiw law election) to etab tbe "tobanco trust.” as be tome tbe American Tubeeau Oo., hi whleh tha Dukas of Durham are the leading mdrtu. This bo purposes doing by asking the Leglalatnre (at tbe special sees las la Jusr) to r* pnsl Um charter of the Blues well Tobaeeo Company ol Dor beta, which waa aold a year or to age to the tbeo "Union Tobaeeo Ue.” whloh letter has mo* been absorbed by the "treat” or A mortem Oo, sad wLlch be (Ur). Guthrie) oUtste new so manipulates the 10.000 shares of stock held by Mm end other minority stock to prevent tbe payment of dlvldswds, that rendering the slock won Siam. He says the botdera of these lo 000 idiaree (.4 the per value of t» 00 rash) did not agree to or aetl tnrtr stock wheo the chief owners of Ue Blackwell C«»., sold their iateresu to tbe Vnlea Oomp.oy. Toe Major Intimates that there will tea hot time abend for tba I>-mooml or Pupullet la the lAgieUtnec wb • refuses ur tslle t»> thus bit tbe head of the "trust tasks.” awl It looks o»w as though inert may develop quite a lively little -incident” over Una question wheo the hot Jane days end tbe lewis I store errlv». lo Refc-tgh. nucxxui tUKi omoiii i> corrox MAMCTACTDIUNa. N.wtb Corulius pr« earn, to "brat ibm World" In 0iUoo Bill balk)log. Last waab tbara were dr.oijra.nu which attracted attention to three new mill* (emanif many other*) Mao to hr faalit 10 which about four to 8r« mlllkiu dot mr» will ne m reeled—aud aearly all of 11 North Ctlultud mjorj, toe, O-m of thaw Bill* will be built la Daibam and will enet shout 8000,000 Gei*- Julia- 8. Our (wbo baa uog oratorical gladiator," had Juat retarued from Charlotte where ba addramwl iba Meek lac bo nr Democrat*. Ba wa* lo flea true and aamaod to ba confldeot of tbe ttincm* of hi* friaadj to oomi uata him for goreroor. If Capt. Thmcaa W. Maauu, whom frtrnda are o-.w talking about brioglag out, really actively enters the race tbe cut will have In It* two eandldatrefor Governor two uf the boat orators la the State Both fine lawyers, aad therefore al waya "lo prentice” as speaker*. It ia bwd to reeen two fluer orator* tbau ___•. . .. . ■ppaar In to tto Boat active Driwoorate “fell. They aana to l>-"telklue Uuii. Inahaia” on *11 video end oo alt noca ■too*- To* can not (■> Into a hotel l«bo> torn, or j.iia a *r«*p of Damn er«ta nr cklini* and vftrlor* (eaerally which yn* do »«* hear Cualifhaa diteumed. It la really rwaarkabla, and tto fact (Cur motor ooapeU tto *tvu mat) that a<«t of thaa ***** to few to* mao. at at laaat aft** that to ••aid ha a pnrtlcoUily atroaa and available o»MMate, Bake* It am«i ■«» extraordlaary—raprclallf a hr* •we rHhwt* that taro or three nmtitha a«n only Mr. A-each mid»I to to talked nf at all. Joalw aad Dsvrdmn to* not thaw mmitloaad aearwalj. (they torn taaay frtonU tor* *o« tbovgh) aad Oanlogtaan'* fritoda war* •"* °**T «> o unarms* aa now, or «(w> they bay* qorat. I aakad o«* of the friends of the Per* « ooaoly favorite if to ooald tail ••,*he meat nf Ouainaham’* *r->wUi. •ad tot* la wtot to mid : ■‘W0y.lt* to nan's par*in»I laoty. larftty; until within tto I art ■toth at two We did Dot know wtwttor •• would ark* an anti** ooct»*t for the mralnaitoa. Maw that to »•* da •MM to do a» bis friend* and tto frtoad* of bt* frtanda to a |*ro* Mlvtii) to dooklo* to bln. Mato nf thl* r*Mlt U da* tn tto efforts of hi* per to**1 fritoda aaosf their fritoda. J ■••w *d to mam who lav* aa navy ssK-wfeJsat. "* "Thaa the Idea (*.«! i tril yoa Its • •apMal Mas tea) that It la ban fur aa to ototlaato aanetok ttoailtod wUb tto Urmtn aad atartoaou and btotaaa taitowt* *f tto Wat*, a* Coo '“«*•* Jf •• wall known to to. totos onWdaay aloe* Inoco-sty. H* •ttl cat tto ■v}*tty o* tto Wato Mo p**"*- tod I totht* to wtutorry near ft rmj ward to A tote*. ‘’Ji •* be* be-wo. a Ayorek and OitohWtoi 1 think, aula** itor* •* a totoawd • got. that Ju«tlc* nr mm* waatimr wwild otvod a toltvr tototo toad at Ira. If the oavaUn had toai tola 1*1 ur ih/aa aontto a«o Ayaaatwaald bar* ton nonius tto or. Wto balk*. easily Yam It I* aartai* •• °to Wi to irainto aa am bat Md totto at Mr. Ayooah'i fritoda MWto la a* tint It wW ttoa to a toaato tot**** Unit am aad ear*. I dto/t thtok to 1 thick Oeanifhan wWI to.awlait.l, Ymwnddtoaar PfSwd la obarrra how atroag ha U la Wta e.igxir; district*. The aoi.ool Irevbn a and permit a ol school children k»um lilt frteodllMxaa f..f„ mo. • liberal actx'ol *y>lem and favor him on that account, also." Till* I* Iba Way Ayoock and Oodiuj liam adherent! talk. Oilier* who era particularly partita* aa to either of the candidates, aa* (hr brUewCnmogbam. Ayo«ek and Justice will com* to tb* oonvrntloti alib Iba atreaglh or the conrvnUon Very evenly divided between thmo. and that no maw oati tell at thta lias* which uf lb* lb rue wilt win or I wbriber It will b* either of them. | Anally. N-n ali.oe tb* m*m“tal4* Vane* vs. aeltl* campaign or 187A Pave 1 arm so much personal Interval manifested bv JVmocrals beta In gubernatorial can didate* aa K lb* prtSent time. 1 sap |k«a it largely to la your town and county and that therefore your read era like to bear ttiam discussed and I o learn what other Democrats at Raleigh and thoae from all o**r tb* 8tal**tsillHg to lltleigh, aay about theta. That I* wby 1 writ* you Utla-baeaose I fael eartala It la lo ter* at tog lulha majority of your readers. • aglMB* AMD MOLXAX. I bear a great many pleasant things aaldjuf Col. J. ilryan Grnne* of I’m by ▼tailor* to Ralalgh, in connection with Ilia uomtnatiun Tor door alary ol Stats —and lb* cadoraauraut* arw not oun Aned to rvpraaatallve* from aay partlo. aUr amt ion, though b* naturally And* taora aupportevs in Iba east where hit bom* la and wbar* ha is ao generally and favorably known personally. 1 do not think It anil be Improper to quote lost bar* s»ma of lb* kind words used by oa* of bis friends from a Piedmont ouuoty. In talking with one m> the sub loot: ‘•It would b* a must graceful, and oartaiuly a moat sensible nod aaluta, tblag for tb* convention to rwoegutse tb« young democracy of tb* State and tha inter* at* of the plantar* by noasiaa Uhg Un|. Grime*, mod certainly no mau ooald be aaiacted for the pualttoa, either before the people oe In brilliant dMcbarga uf tbe dutte* of tb* office of Secretary ef Slat*. -Bryan Grimm U<>» Ur* eld sol dial* love that same, and bow ***** ax Onfadarate would rally to bis aup pert l and the farmers (tb* bdaooo growwra especially) bow heartily they would work for tbo ticket with that A brilliant, man, a Oh* campaigner, an iDdefaUgabtn party wur-«r, a Demo crat or Urn a Met type wbo dmme •wry good thing that uao come bte way. lie woe Id Indeed add strength to the ticket and Ountribute toward! its ft 1006*6 *6 mod) 66 ftOJT Uft(Du Ibftl omtld be placed upon IL Veil will Ood 1 whet, tbe coo rent Inn a*tu that bU following will ha leooad to none, and we oertataly raped in as* him noiaina ted. t»th on hie owa account and for tbe g»d or tbe ticket end the party.” „ The race ie rvtdeauy between CnL Bryan (j rimes and Man. Dee Hugh McLean of Her att, the Utter a brilliant lawyer who bae many strong friends that will prt-a* for bis nmuloa lloa, and e most rioeUmii gentleman, withal, all who know bun will agree. Mixon MBMTIOX. He Irish’s ham of^aidei me n bare, through tbe special ooesmllite ol which AUltriuan John C. D.ewry Is chairman, sroivud a; plan whereby a commodi ous auditorium to arouta-date some 7.800 people. will be built, within tbe yrmr proLsbiv. 1'iaos are also on foot barking to tbe f reel loo of anottwr big hotel in Balelgh. Delegatee and rtu tors to State cuareotiou will be ulad to read this. Tbe Messrs. Quit ant to build sUll another oottoo mill. Toe Secretary .rf Stale has Jusi trusted them a chart, r for tbe “VVe.n>oeb” mills to he built at Lealogton, X. U ; capital. 8180,000 t<> be I (.creased to $800,000 if desired The friends of Prof. W. E Abernathy of Borke ere urging that gentleman for SnpL of FuMm Instruction. Visi tor* from the west who iuow him per aurally speak in high terms id bis lit ness a»d capacity. So far I bare beard no other name suggested for this post linn, b«yood the suggestion of sorae that 8upL Mrtand (the present fusion I inounjuc.it) 1* reuomiented by the Democrats Many oppose this, bow »r*r.. now uai to* niuwil UoMcratlO ooaT'Dtton baa teen called to meet ia Kanaaa City. Mo., July 4. tbe principal •object of epeoatallua in that oonnee Uon la concerning lbs candidate for VlOO P real dent. Sentiment done aot •earn to oryatlKxs vary rapidly la favor of aov oat The Fooalhna will mat a Pop. aa Mr. liryaa'a ruunlog mate, of ooarae. Regrvt la expneard that the name of Oof- Frank I. Oaboroo ».f Charlotte wee amt In too late to receive tba ap poiotmant aa a mrmber of tba Pblllp I'toa Commlaalon. And now it la Uw '‘lumbar Iniet"— formed to New York to ooolrol the. oatput aad prtaa of Carolina and 'Jaur ■l« pine lumber. Next. I hear of ao Dew developments anenl **• •‘w,«rd d’»J aditl-m of Butier’e *• Uieniiw,’1 which It waa eonouBoed . mowtb aao would "soon begin pohli eatioo at Halalgb"—lur campaign por puava. only, of oocrm. Somebody wtl •fpramrHy I* required to furtileb 0.10. ^tohfc “boodh.” to ron It, avtn for a few moothe oat It la Inferred that the RrpoMloaa National commltUa aeould wdllbgly do Mila, if tba rwaalta atom prumiafog. P. waiter Obairmai. Hanna baa dlaoovared that they an* mm aad Uwrs may t* no dally here to Sgbt tba Amendment and while tu premaay. _ Aw dyMtmb ar daadptHaa i asa rrumn Call. Wa regret that tba Administration aaraaa to i* ►« oted with wbat may be draertaed aa a small-pus of "aMmtbpte •aa ” Senator Baverldga waa a reeeet eddlUoa tu tfyeaa oral aOmtioaa, nod f**«g them are tevaral heavy burdens h* Urn ■hape of aewapiuar otgaas. *W«h 01 lad In ragtime, to the disc an. “* «"—«■»* f*»r of Repaid mans, who apprabena tbe ooxaegaeacea 10 fol law tba dlseordaat and aalllopeaa eho rax of Uwca tsoatbplaoea. CUPPINGS FROM EXCHANGES. The News as Gathered From Surrounding Counties. I.iuc 'In J'Mruxil: Ur A. Id Prior i thawed the Jotimul .uaoovsr Um llanlel mill. of which he la aiiprrtiilaixtwil and one of lbs moot, il.siday The equipment Is the floret lu Um Di.uUi. Eiewwiterv la Una laauv wen-print from tbe Charlotte Oftenitt a dorci ipliuu of the uiill. The raw waitrai uwd It Um O ral Srw Island long staple ooUini and In O'diverting thin intu Ilia Sue yarns which tlw Daniel makes, um uultoB is doubled 31.to0.4ne limes i« f»rt It gore ko um twist. r». Die out. too gone through a "umtwr «f m clones preparatory to Ha sp.tmiu* awl .aeh machine IS designed |U lemurs eiiort flow and ereiy lurtkls of irasb. It Anally readies ttic M-aon eucuiw wens every llbrs Ires than one and a half Inches la removed. fLewoikur plan log machinery is still gulag Ml and It will be some weeks 0-fora the mill will br running at Its full capacity. Hand some uflftore are being titled up lu thw mill fur Mr. l*rioe. ins suprnnlemleut and Mr. Waller Pries, bis assistant on Um ground flour, and for Mr. Kdgar larva tbs am weary and treasurer and Mr. R A. larve. hie assistant on the second fl iur. Ur. A- Nixon clerk uf the superior conn had a rough experience and a narrow eaoaps Wednesday. Ha uodrr took to lord Killian's creek at a seldom used cross log at tbs Hall pises. Tbs oreek wsa greatly swollen l.y the heavy rains eud the ford full of quicksand. Whaai As got into Um craws Um water rsa over bis buggy and boggy and bursa mired up In itu saod. Mr Nixuu bad to get out Into the water and wi-rk hard to get horse and buggy out. Tills he dually auoossdsd In doing but he had mighty litU* fun In his flfleau mile drvs lu bis was clothes. Mrs. Cynthia ahuford. widow of lbs Isle Joseph CPU.ford aud tbe mother of former Sheriff Manila if. dbaford died at the resides.Co of her Son In Uaslouia Wednesday aged oyer RJ years. Mbe was greatly esteemed and rsapected by all who knew her. Her body was brought hew yesterday aud laid to real in tbn “Old White Churchyard.” Shelby Aarem : There la a d teapot ti led sod lore-worn twain within Urn bounds of Cleveland County who la •edging surcease of sorrow, and who may eoou be ready to dispose of a ‘-pair •>r licenses” at a mooh lees tigur* iban coot, and all on aooouut of an unOn 'dwl wedding garment, so taya Dame Rim. The day was sat, to lie the koot en gaged, llie Iloenaa procured, whan word cams to the expectantly j >yoaa groom that bit atflmce't anaddibg dreaa waa nut Complete. Again ba taut a mes senger to ascertain If all Lbluga were ready. aud again eamc the dMcuurag ■ ug message, that wedding garment waa not yet ready. Then It was that the groom Mmarif went to the home of bis lady hive to persuade Iter to p-iat pone the cumptetluu cf this vanity ot vanities to a moie convenient season, but she was obdurate, and wMbo wed ding has been, on the part of lb*\rrooni, reluuctantly postponed .lodrilnltnly. The Hardens of bis rvflretlorfs d<-ubllevs uuw are : "Ob woman, woman, la Uilaakoarnr oun Cuwwr sin. coj and hoed to plane. ~ Cleveland Stni -. Bey. T. M. Lowry, the able and etuqueut dbelbv Presby lertaii pastor, It about to sever his o-n uectlou with U»e church here and ao eapt a call to a larger field—the pasto rale of one of the leadlug cborctiaa In Kn-xvilla. Tmn. After about three years or oonarcrated service bis (lock Dare are warmly attached to him, and It M with since rest regret that the pa— pie of Shelby give opHav. Mr. L.wry. We frel a personal lues In lusdepartuie because he is our friend as he Is the friend of every nody. Ha Is aa able preacher, a deep thinker, a scholarly, pious man aud a moat agreeable com pai'loo. Ho will preach bis farewell sermon In lbe Presbyterian church . Sunday night. King's Mountain Oracle : Tin. masy frtriida of Dr. W f.. Qnrry will bn Pained In l»«rn of hU m-iiuq* lllnras. Oo S.iurday ulaht ha was attacked by Iwmni rhage* nf the lua«l and has had aavaeal attacks sinew winch I cares him lo a eery cruical merdiilun. Ha baa been tenderly cared for at lk« home >1 Mrs. Palis, where I* boards, but it *a« d* cid*d L.it lo noTe l ira |» bis nolo- iu NewHIa He Was carried to tlui tr.ln on a o.«t and taken to Ills home yesterday ariemoon aooompanled by hi* brother ami broilier-ln law T'1" Or*a nuiyjrrndi beie bi>t>e that by careful uuremg with real »nd q ii'li.rta he may tm able lo b. up end ""•'it again In Ilia course uf a few weeks W. T Bradford, formerly agent for the Southern Hallway at tins place, usuik In nu Ibw train tVrdueaday from Launlr where lie liar made bU home for nearly a year part tllw household ■tesla followed the nest day, Ifa cornea back to assume lha duties of laj.Ji keeprr lor tba Cora Colli* Mills. The many li lends of Mr. Bradford will welcome him back again to our mlitoi. With his wife and son ha la •pending a lew days at Ur Thomas □ Uck*a. __ Tmrmmm TM Ll«%4 H. O.Cmirtor. Tnoae who favor the adoption of the amendment have a right to expect that they will be met by a discuaaiua of Its merits rather than an attsmpt to frighten thv cltlxeoa of the Hlats Willi •ueb suggestions aa we have tseo dis cussing. If discussed fairly and candidly aa Its friends are determined It sbaM be. we are confident Uial lha people of the Btale will ratify It by a large dhJ mty. Ti* year 1000 will mark astrp forward and upward by tba people of this Com monwealth which will give new hopes aud Inspiration to the yooox manhood and gsaranlec a sense of peace and se curity to those who bate weathered U-a storm. __ The Appailwar* Seal la euTlad by *11 poor dyapepltoa wpaae Stomach and Llirr it* out of order. Alt aueli aitoukl know tful D«. King’s Maw Life Pille, llw woodenul stomach and J.lwr Kashmir, gin a * splendid nptwtllr, sound dlgngtlAa and a regular bodily liabu U>at insures perfect baallh and giwat energy. Only SSc. at J. E. Carry A Go’s drag atore. THE TILEWStwEE. ra« tciootoa« linui urn all c I a,:,i'u< Tae aai*4iiona< tjeoi tec nie> si I tain: Then la use kjo4r *1 an I fortr oh > kiln tiw.i And ynu nan talk In tan p-joplr a'l areas I. Vuu nan ult 10 Uharlntta and ahrthy uo Til Newton and Blaakilianr tar hn i la thm*: Ami a'l the little tnwm aruund Ye* In u»; rioraa yoj wKI hiar inn amnil. on arhul a nki IJilnir the letcpbon* I. The newt cm« to you has a who They toy they waot yoa lo coos and pay For the *<**)< you bought too other day. Bow If a fallow alarm to leave Tho 'flnae will ring, you In I bn:lur b.t'.nr i The very Prnl pUeo ihat you atop The first ana you meef will bn a co.i. Hn win am up and air kj you Iwt'a you a&J I lava a word or taro: It mrttnrw uit what you hare done lie win ad you if wop under the lun. - -"P ■ R BWgfll WFP. Them area a taao oa Modena HUI wiu whkkny did Ma parson BM; He went up town rod In cap day Trrwwd one galkm of wMakny away. Ma aald wane be lay down at nlpht The things no new were a tight; All ton laenivnaaa that be had nvrr done Wot aa plain lo bln* aa waa tag ton. do bn wont up town and look th* Orth For lUa year and wort year both; That ba would ant drink an worn la two yaara Wbm ha aald ibla It Nought th* tmra. —UP. Does Your Chimney Smoke? If it does we can remedy it with the..'. PAM COASTCBIMEMBT CAP. The Long Stove & Tinware Comp’y. Successors to LONG BROS Till, Iron and Slate Hoofing a Specialty. WAN I’ED! Ratiabla sun for Uiaipr of Bra nob Uttor I vlah l» opan In (Mb rtoioilf. flood oprIItor an eDorgntto notirr •oar. Kindly aiauUoa ibla in.par aha< wrlllog. A. T. MORRIS. CINCINNATI. O. I llu. I rated catalog oa 4tta. pnataga TO rcaa a rmoTi nan bat. raa. laaatKa gram QuNu.a Man*. An draarOM lafand lUa monay If n falBlaaara. tU. raa araidwa baa U A. Q. aa mb tab*, l. — • • . • •• —.. J.IK' _ too lOO HEAD Of Fine Tennessee bred HORSES and MULES. Tbey are all well broken and ready for (arm work. All peraotu desiring either Hone* or Males would do well to call and see oar stock before purchasing, ss we can lave you tome money, Craig ft Wilson Don’t Throw Yonr Money Away ! You have been paying Me denial MHa Ions enough. Oar New York prime j Vnnr Baer Bar o* Tim. Guarantur von 10 Year* BB.00 Baooxi) Qua on Mar .... o (lu Gold CrowmsA Bbidob Work 3 OB PoRcsLAt* Cnowx* .... nor) Got.d PiLinw ..... \ 00 Asia loam A Otiirr gn.i.«*o# .so Bxtaactiro .. n ** * Trade Bi,. rwto'a. W. C.