The Gastonia _, Devoted to the Protection of Home and* the Interests of the County. Vol, XXI._v GA8TONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, MARCH 8, IttOO. ODDITIES IN CONGRESS. PEBiOIAI TSAIT8 GIVE HOMAI IHTEKEBT TO THE ASSEMBLY. I'kiriml m4 Moral ImRIrlrl.m af R»UM« Miulm afcd Rf|.m<a1a> llrra Orawraptojr af Hair, af WaaliS tael af A .lira—OmwIm. af Pwlrhrl. lad*. rMam, Aar tued Whin at Mur. flruc Parke, In Chsrhwtna t«*> a Court, r. Washington Feb. Iflh-Thr House of RspnisnUUm baa tacome so hiiner uu* a body that Ilia overage individu ollty Is sunk In It. Only here hiiU thsra do memleia, i|ecuiily notable for physical or naoial trails. n«nd rgie gloua, attracting attention by mnsou of rcceutrloily of one M.rl or Hiiotbei' j oftao wban their Denial siatureur . ra tcsjcsl ability would not render llirm conspicuous. Many a Duo of Dnderair psrta Id Uita world has tun nputatloo by making himself a little different from bis neighbors, sod In public life ‘t It bettsc perhaps to be regarded with disapproval than not tu be ooticrd si all. There la oo men In the Iluure who pay* more i'UiuIod to hie ooalomr than Joe Bailey, of Texa*. the em while Democratic leader, not with •landing the f«U that he prufoacrw tueh • lofty disregard uf maMera of Uwt aort, SVeu rvluilng to attend re. oeptloM at the While House txoaure he would be obliged to wear „ drees •Ult. Hie apodal f d in drris In the ptoturesque, which lie die ms peifemble to the merel* fashionable, ai d In this rrtpect be la tinrivelM by any other Congressman. The great expanor ij ahIrtfront nod hat with Haridg brim are articles of alt lie carefully studied out for their effect I ventre lo the *ye, particularly from the point of Hie ledlaa ; for the Bery youog tiateewan ll emphatically a ladles' idol. In IhU latter respect he la barlly matched bv Joba Wester Caines, of Tennessee — him of Um striking tiecktiec end pre maturely gray Lair. Bailey wean hia raren hair long u> help out tbe half-piratical effect fur which be strives. It is a fashion rarely teen In Congress nowadays, though formerly muoh affect* d by Southern member*, some of whom h.d looa* of such great length es to fell upon tru-ir alioold>r* — moat coomonle greased at so. That geogra pliy hag Ha relation to the braid >* pal l-shle enough, when one looks over the great legislative assembly from a van tags point Id tha gallery Nearly all tha men from 'be North and East ate eithar eleoe-ahaved ur wear a mustache only; the chin Uard, with shaven cheeks, la Southern, while the beard wlihoot mustache lelungs aluiusl ex clusively to tbe Nurthwest. The biggest Leapd lo the House ia tbs property uf Oy Sullowey, of New Hampshire. It la a cadaverous kind of board, lron-giey of hue. But the must luxuriant bair belongs lo Lands, of lu dla. Is a leonine maos, gray and vety straight; when Its owner la id do exci ted mood It la totted wildly. Oo the other band. If one looks fur the baldest ■ember, one finds bin In Bofforoker, uf Delaware, who be* practically du hair at olL The blag ret bead belongs to Sallowaj again, as well ee the lar gest feet; but then, yon see, he la a very remarkable person, bring six lo dies over alx feet In bright, to that hi* extremities are out out or propor tins nor the aforesaid beard extrava gant. Scientist* declare nowaday* that tbe size of the brain la nsoally proportionate) to that of the man, be cause a big machine oeeda a large dynamo, and heuoe 8ultuway’a skull development. The smallest man In Utn House is Ssoa Smltb, of Mlctigsn. That Stats hat three Bcprrteotatters In Oogrros named Smith, l>ut this la the oulj Msa. Ha Is only Kites laches shoes flee feet la height and Is tbln. weigh ing hardly mors than 10V pounds Sul Jo way Is Us biggest member; It eeems Impossible to get sway from bus for very loom He belongs up lo Mancbes tar, H. H., sod bis wife was fnrmartva Salvation Lassie. Io fart, he himself Is a leader In tbs Salvation Army movement, having been drawn Into it throe ft an accident, Tbs Salvation IK* v I slice Manchester n dnasa years ■go, and tbs eobsrsMsd olttaaoa waited «" Jff* U*** °P '» J«IU they am played Holloway as oouoeel sad ha was thus Jsln their organ, tstloa. Tbsrs ta always sues* dispute as to who la the hesl-d rmoed mao la the Hooee, but lo the last two Cnatremee BsuBett, of Brooklyn, who wae reernt ly made seoreUry nf the Meoata, was pretty generally sekenwlrdged as Uw proper bolder of lbs title Mow that be has departed the Isorel wreath may saMy be replaced op.ti tbs bem] of Ilsriy Bingham, of Philadelphia. Hioghtm Is as well dear tbrosgh, with not a bit of idochlisrk abnnt him. As ■ mis Philadelphia aid Haw York ■rod lbs beet-drrse>d meo fo Congress IVbsn It la a qnestloo of the worst dressed msvbtr then on doubt that Praok M. Kddy, of Mlnusaols. Ink's tbs premium, sod yet It Is prnW-t* that so other man io Oougrra* spends Store money on hie ©bnbee than he does. If be gats a new suit, be buttons tits Icwnut button Into the tap button bole and loatda of forty eight hours tlml ITSoostoms looks like au srraage ooent la haad-toe-downs Kddy la aa example „f the mao who wants to be s howling swells, but esa sot moored soma where. Ha was horn way up lu Minnesota when that'part «f the country was a wilder,.ass sad as a hoy be worked in a brick yard. The meat unprstendlug of tarn and J .11 lest at good let lows, be Is siseedlugly p.-pu ls r. The people of this district worship him, sad no wewder, Inssmnnh as wbss be goes out on as electioneering tour bo wears a Mas shirt n ptar of tall boats, '-bays the bar” at every cross roads' saloon be names seres*, him a brass band ta help along tbs entha* Mi sad talks ta the la os bet me* is tbs logging camps In lheir unlive Msr Bddy Has a bugs month and freshly suufkssas to Mow Kin bo ns*teal tens Is Congress tbosgb I hers are some n pert* In thrum matins who ililuk Dial tin* tall and lank Cushman, of Wash ington. la h dangerous rival. Tastes differ where leauiy la coocaniad, hut the friend* of Gayle, of Kan lucky, claim that lie Ik the baud so meet oem bar. Gayle, who succeeded Kettle, la tall and uell built, ailha smooth face. :t tnay be mentioned incidentally that tilers la oue negro In the present limit* —White, of of North Carolina. lie la a mulatto The coturt d man of the last Cunareaa Was Georg' Washington Murry, wlm waa aa black aa the aoe uf •p ides. Visaed from lie" gallery at a (nil aeaalon, lie suggest'd tire Me. of a I'Ucklabwtry In a two of mils. Tbe youngest Utah In Ilia House Is Marti" H. Glyuu, of AUwuy. N V.. a l.rtud-oa* member. lie la only 28 years of age. The uldeai la Uaiusbs A Grow, wlm was i>mi in 133S; bn hair er d full i card am snowy white. Ihji the father »f I he House is Harmar, uf Pennaylvsuia, wtio Is ilia o.ily ok'iBbri tailing to n-cord the d'le hi* birth In lbs Congressional Directory Through fourteen Ooogtesee# tw baa •vrved and at tbe p eaeut na ta pretty feeble, being so much indisposed tli it he Has not answered to rnll-o ill al ee ■ lie first day of tbs scsst-ro. U. rioublly tba rtclwwi oian lu lh» Huuar u Sprague, uf M sbohna l-ran a eoi:»picu me figure In Um- raaliluuaotu Society »r Wuttu-al-n alnor hr cam-- brrr, occupying or- SC'-ll Cirbb- f-on-rly owned by Lett P Mur Ini.. Hu married lbs -laughter of Mil. Ilonaire Weld, uf liueum, ami ia tup p-ieed tu bn worth ah >ul f lii.000 000 Neil to him In point of wraith cornea Mbley.uf Ps-ioayleaoU. wilt Ilia prob ably ib 000,000 Inr-ele J in oil welle aud mai-utacluileg. B-d-.ten tbe weal (libel member uf tbe I net U-ttat, haa aiepiwd out aud Sprague eaya mat he !■ not g'do* loiun again. Two New Yorker*, Jeflerauu M. I.eey and Wil liam AM*>r Cbanl*r, are both mm of latgr means, while K G Newlanda, of Nevada, |* audvielood to poaenea M, 000.000 Ncwlande’e fortune was made la silver mine*, but ha haa bueu great ly mere sod by luvestmruta In the neighborhood nf Washington. A line member conspicuous by the elegaece of hla dives Is J. K. Tbropp, uf Ever ett. PriinaylvaaU. He is tall a--d well mad*. rather bald, and alwaya looks aa if just out of a bind box. His •allug is among the millionaires. In deed, lu tbe preeeul 1 tours there Is HQ unusual number uf rtob mau. Amouf the greatest as ulcers lo tba House art Speaker Henderson aud Huole Jie Cannon, of Illinois, T>-e latter la addicted lo domestic cigars while tbe former sticks closely to a nuid-imported weed. Joy, of St Xaouis. U extremely loud of cigareus, but will not carry them on tin pers»o. beCaUM be knows that they are not good for him. Occasionally, however. be still say to a friend "Hire me a cigarette, old mau, abd 1 will give you a good cigar is eiohuDge for It.” In this Congrats tba rula against ainuklug while tbe House is lu session ts strictly eufurerd and, if anybody attempts lo break it, a page walk* up to him l-rumpUy sod stop* It. Hitherto the regulation baa been regarded not very seriuuly, so that on aay day oo* might, ft# Arisen or twenty members amok log on tbe fl -or, a match being lighted bare and there almost every minute. Tbe deprivation Is a serious one from the view point of tba luveuretra. Tba rule agsioat looking hla alwaya been enforced lu the more dlgolged Scouts and there wan much amuse Blent theuUMfdey when Senator, Baker of Kansas, walked out of the dusk room Into tbe ebamber puffing a cloud. Not at all awave of what be was doing, he took bla seat with with a cigsr In bin month; bat presently, realising tbe sit uation, van buck to lbs cloak room in grant haste. Allison, of luwa. Is one of tbe greatest smokers In the upper bouse, white Cockrell, of Missouri, Is particularly fond of the pipe, wbioh be smokes at home. Wolcott alwaya pays for bla cigala at Uia rata of a dul ler for three. WolooU l« ooted as tlM gourmet of the Senate and doubt leas b« spends more money oo btmeeir tbao any otber mao in that body. Hit special weak ness io tba way Of edlblaa Is game, with a bottle of lVrrtar-Jount, end aeoh la apt to be the bill-of-fare when Henry (Jabot Ludga lenebes with hi co in tba Satiate real area t. Hoar la ex travagantly food of woodoock, while Hate, of Maine, la devoted to deviled ermbe, with a pint of Bass's ala oo Ibo aide. Hale titysramofcea.'by the way. Junes, of Nevada, frag neatly breakfasts La tba Seoitr reetoraot; be is famous for eating the moat elaburate breakfast taken 'here, bat then he hover lanebra On ltie Utilise aids. Hitt, of Iltlaoia, ■petMls meat money on the meals he or ders, being a millionaire and food of the pleasure of Ibe table As eo oy ater-rstrr Ann. a J. Coamings Is uuclv ail'd In Cungress, having a record of 108 consumed at a sitting. The mart elaborately dressed Senator le WolooU. who wears colored shirts of a dilTuraot pattern rvary day. Plait, of Saw York, la always vtry hand aomely attired. and tho aside may b» said of Beveridge, the new aaan from Iudlaoa, while Taliaferro. of Florida, la Mutber exquisite. Cookrell, of Mis souri, holds as of old, the repotailon uf the wurst-dmard Senator, hie "hlgb waler” pantaloons always bagging at Iba knees, while bM coal Is shiny at Ibe elbows and hie waistcoat lacks but tons The handsomest Heoetur Is Penrose, of Pennsylvania, whlls rt le atalOMd for Cckrrll that he la the hooaelleel Tho oldest member nf Ue Beasts la Hoar, who was horn le leHQ. while tho. vooagrat, Beveridge, la only M years old. Penrnae le ibe lakrst. while the i hurt ret la Martin, of Virgin ia, who limps e bit. Spooner, of WIs •ODSin, has the biggest bred, while the moet notable ahlekeia belong lo Clark, of Montana, wboee equipment In ibis regard notables that nf '-Jiaa Haas Lewis.of pleasant memory. Bate le the greatest ladles’ own In the hei ate. Tba twe most ptoteteegev aguree vanished frets that body, how ever, when reffvr aed Brioa were with drawn. To wind up, Ibe pobee players of to day In Hid (innate are mint notably Poltigrrar, Aldfloh, Veat midP.nle). Tbarr ar*> nthaet, bill ibrta Tour art obirf. tfuay It a f-ntooi perform »r wl*h flaa card*, ami {tpewker llrodcr »Mi.iilt«n pula lilt lag* u 'dm m lounl ; l»Ma with lliaa- expert* In a fnemlly ; on' eat at tbe u«tluu<l g«iu«. i ■ ■ Hr I ftUMttrniiMiRriMK. I Plsyaietae Win Was all to* by a Rub llaawah* Trlh «r tallSMM. IUUliaor* Hun. Doctor Howard A. Rally of the .loknt Uopklua Uoapilal. who waa tilt ttu by a rattlesnake artitla showing • UB# of Ina potsiuouv pete In the John* Hopkins Medic.I widely, sufTer-d uo iac'iorauicikcu or Usd results froio lb* w -und. The ralller, wblob waa a larae-stxsd out of the dtaan»nd-Wck variety, punctuikd Dicior Killy’s tlurd finger of bis right hand with ile Tang inter* aas no doubt (hat the fang mad* a tl**p puncture, but them waa i o evidence of rrdoraa about the wound or any Indication that anything inti a clean loalruiuaut bad made the pu do tore. rx>etor Kelly aayt ha draw awuy ins hand to quickly that U* snake liad not Urn* to lujecl Itavmoiu Into the wound »ft*r it bail struck. Tha aot of billug u accomplished iu two mnvemawls by the Snak*. Drat III* striking by wbiou tha f«og la ln«artoJ Into the flash and a »ec<>D<1 movement, which oompresetts Urn poiaon aao and ejects Hie rrhso. Doctor K*lty says h* frit no mors pain than If b« ban beam pneted Wlib a£ond S.xsd piu. Rial mug what It meant, h* drew aaray his hand Uo Is naturally quick n( mnvrnssut. and In addition says lie is always looking nut for alien accidents while handling Ids luakes. Another thing Iu Doctor Kelly's favor area tha fact tun me snak* bad struok at him ahlle he aroa putting It In a hag at ills Imine to take It to Itls ti.ieptial fur ll.n drniuualralHni. It has l-eeu found by expevlme'ila that a poisonous u will rnjpty Its vmo u aao when It strikes, and that lirrqolrra cunsldarabt* luno for the poison to be sre.trted and lb* sac to be again tided. Repealed biles sre fonod to U* succes sively leas and Iras poison-ms. Jl la possible that Ibis (sake expended all Its pilaoc when It firat struck at 1).* tor K-lly, so trial its bite looked vlrn lenoe when it was dually inflicted. D>ci»r Kelly took no precautloua after being other Ilian to evacuate tha wound by sucking and by squerxing it Hi look no antidote -<r c >uuUse-poison The doctor baa laisltive id'as about the uae of whisky as so autidote for snik* p ilann. Ha saya be is (Irmly eoovluord that more persons who dla after being bitten by poisonous snakes are killed by the whisky Ihry draok Mian by the tuske p-'ison. It is a common ootlon that it In Impossible fur a person to got drunk wlio lisa been biUeu by a snak*. Aetiug op that theory, a pint, nod in aorne oaaes a quart, »f whisky baa boon given am an antidote. Doctor Kelly says that the wblsky ts u pulton, and taken In such qaantitlna would produce death any wat. without ihe snake bUr. Thai tit# Imagination can have uo «nou« effect cpon peraooa bitten by , make* ta Doctor Kell'ya opinion. A1 thoub fright may enaae, be nya tbla Could not In Itarlf came dela'eTiona effecta ea teat Ibeaiaae vt-noni actual , ly gala lota the ayatana of the bitten paraOLi. One r*aull of Doctor Kelly** auake bile will be the kilim* of all hla polmm oua anakea. They aril! be photographed and then carefally killed and their bodlva pnwrrtd In alcohol. [Xtct-'r K*-lly lakea thta manure for fair of danger to anna member of hla family lu Ilia borne, ailnr* be krepa the anakea In boxra Hia hartnleaa make* will bt kepi altre aa peta but when be wauta to make a further atudy of the polaou oca rartetira be will aao’ire a new anp ply. probably uex*. aummer. when bla cblldrru are nut lu iba houaa ta run Into danger. Tte» IM. erncral (tauter LmIi Ptbroerr AltenUe. Iu every city of the land the news paper “»“u Is •" omcset. He hnuws a >re people to he a slracgrr to l tine any utter Mug 1a the world. Ha haa no holidays. Ilia Christmas to t»M> record of otliar men’s jov Ida Tlutnka. glvlug to a rwturaal. Bren the fourth u» July aud Sunday, arrvaota i»f tha commonest* aim, refute him u.otr cteor. The fuorth of July to the day he BMt b«t In every place at onoe, be eauw everything to happening, and tJonday la the day ba ibuk Osaka things up, broaute nothing is happening, ilia 1»ours me our ptoaaairs. (Is gets his reflation by doing another man's work, and earns bis living by watching other pe»piv live. Tho wry days end the olglra turn their oalutitl beaks upon bun. The temp Is In* tuu by night, and the eurteln Is his night by day, end be eats hie supper la the morning. Ills business to the reflection of life, lie Is the spirit behind the mirror' Wbat M left lo os Is right to bias, nod right Is Is I; sometimes right stoo op |g upside down. The world to all awry In the newspaper cosn l| whirls aorjaa the hours in ooluane, new In one edi tion ei>d now In another, but It heeds never In return. He is a spectator. The show passes |ef«r bis face s Shut out ana)isrln* face. lie )l*va as Urn years go on, a notebook Coder the stare, aed when the notebook Is eertb led oet be dies. . , Men who might be Immortal, morning after morning, week after week year after year Mill ing 10 be allowed lo lira Is I be current of a day, reeehlag In vein foe wor thing that lasts longer than a day hi bold lo. Only to g» under like all the rest a few bubbles-e tvs inch obitu ary at the bottom of n end a toe. by the ■•an who re going andrr neat, end lit story to told. The msu who caw thrive uo the Impossible, Who can swim la the whirlpool lee lead of being rented with It te e man who rums up In him self re t only lire deS'itttoa of whet lb* problem to In Htormiere, to day. bet ih* see rear ta the problem. ! ARP ON BOLDBRBY.' I HE AOKEE4 WITH PBEAOHEB AB I TO MOBAL II8TBTOTIOF •r I kiUrm la Iks Missis Mai Iklska Iba awl tab MwsM be «M1IK «bn It is Imawi to rwnirwl rnylK lull Arp in Altunin CunwhuUea. I Iboutlit that lhr aeiraiU system «*» aavtha) unit Il»s people had sllaeqnlsorii dome »f ut antiquated raro and womeo rebelled for a arli I In, for 1«a ware wad ded to tbe ways nf our fathers, but we bad to fall Into line and b« reconciled what wa ouuld uut help. Tha world was uusiutt ui; Prussia, Fra nor. tier nan* and New England, where all the devrlopmeol ouu>ri from; .dull Mine of do felt that It was lur4 and unjust to be taxed for tbe rdueatioo of ullrer pwnila’s Children whea waited'already bald for our own tioder fit* uld plan, lu iba old country tbe young men bare to pay it back in ilia military err rice llut every now and ibeti somebody ralaai a raiapuq and abuses tbe whole tiling—tbe inode of teaOillag—the eg* cluffcm «f tbe Ui'4s and morn leg pray er*. and the Infllotlou of oorpurat pun ishment. If 1 liad my way I would reform kxhi tilings, but 1 am only on* taan, and them are many man of mauy minds. I would give lba Bible a place if It dues out the chUdren of ovary dissenter in tbe land; ted a place to be taught as s slndy, or for sectarian doo l lines, but • place to bo read at Uie oorninsof tha exereisss «nd to b« rs speotod as tha oracle of Q-tl This Is a Christ I an country and wa baav all Anil legislation up >n the Bible; OTtry tdHoer of tha law It sworn up»n It from Has president down to a petty ooustab'e, including Ola Jodjev nf the anpremc court aud all the o.har courts, III* metnliei* or congress and all tbe legists tors. Congress lui Its chaplain and all tv)w in revsnsnOi to the morning prayer, do has the liouie and satiate of Ueorgii; and yet there ire always owe or tjjoio tpetplwri wl*n ays Jews or lufl dela or s vie ist I os. Judah, Ben.tandu »nd David Yu lee ware United Males masters and ibry warn great and good turn of the Hebrew faith, and always bowed their heads reverently to the blind chaplain's prayer klsjoe fl J. Motto*, m dlatlugulslied Jew of Coluio bui. was tile speaker of our Oeorgla , h'»usa In WOO. and with his gavel eutemely oalled ibe members to lUtHr feet when Mil chaplain Stifetched forth tils hands to liraviii. Our governor is not a m-mlwr of any ebaron, but bad to confess his faith lu the Bible when he was sworn Into office. i »®n. >1 an lustu great and lrarnrd i ram who represent thta governmeul, I both state sod ‘ali'iaal. do niiltwaltale ' to honor tbe •acred b olt, wlist la the | matter with children lu tho public < acboola ? Are they to have iki moral ] lialning? Xo reverence for Ilia wotd nf trad ? [• there a college In Georgia Uiat does not open every <1aj ’sr-seicl*** with morning prayer ? Tnen why Uila Immunity to ebildreu — tbii looking nut Hm Htble nod Ita cud* of morals that the ages bare sanctioned» W h.t Duana ih* ntn*rva> ce of ll>« Sabbath and (h* sound of tb* ehuich g»lug hall*? What swan" all tb* mighty effort* of nor pcopta to send tbe Bible to tb* heathen, aud through our me aloniriea to Christianize the world ? What la there peculiar to our children that they eliall nut b* taught anything aaorrd ? Tbe very acolualoo of tb* Mible eaaU a abadow of doubt and un certainty upon Its truth, and added 10 tlila cornea ever and »no* tbe attacks of »uch men aa logereoll atd Abbott and Mltobell, who araek to khook out oue the pillars of tbe aaerrd volume. Bat tb* reply that theredlsaenletiaretaxed to support tha achcol*. and their relig ious eonvictloos moat be rr*prated. Tbelr coovtctlooa are not respected lu any oibrr department nf pubilo policy. They ciat wort on tb* Bebiwlh nor oao tbelr ohltdran pUy ball or bout or frolic. Every letter that I* aruten la Uiolr bostons or tbelr families have a date of 1000, which means 1000 Anno Domini. Hot 1 forbear. I am only one mau, and hava no bickers save perhaps Dr. Iloiderby. With him I agree that far, but 1 sever was more surprised than ts read Ida vehement phillpio against Oneporal punishment. Hither It* nr I la a orach span that aa'jrcr. And he la a minuter, and I auppoard would have bean guided by the wisdom of More* sod Sulomou Ills Indigestion si lbs (bought of soma body else whipping lit* child t* very great.' Be Is very empbatto unit almost belligerent. If lha laachov pas a man and alinuld, sad he says, “lay tbs wslghtof htofiager upon liUeblld." 1 balleva b* would fight. If the teach rr wwa a woman 1 dont know what Ita would du. But 1 mill say *b*t If 1 was the isacber bU children ahouidsutooms In my school at all. I would reject them at the start for tha Brat thing a child ■ bow Id be taught la nbtdlewcr. aad II the child baa already Banc* ratb*r then lha child •hauM not some to me. But tba |th*l doctor nerd not ha alarmed, for h« children will nen r be my puplle—thaak tba Lord. 1 believe In corporal puMthment In •chnote, tba) l» tar had bo>«. ( Ir«Vi-r eaw tat am girl whipped and aha da •erred II. She waa nn * print chicken, either. I wae relard uo corporal pan tab man I, both at home aad at eebonl. I did not gat It often, but at long inter ▼ala. bat I got it when forbearance had crowd to be a ▼irtoe. aod It wm ad ministered like mediates and wae elwaya a good cathartic. If tbl* waa all wrong and mad* me worm laataad of better and humiliated my pride, aa the deeior* aay, then I matt ennaMtr myaelf aa injured per win, and Mr* a lawyer la awe samibady for . damages; far Black More aaye I her a la oo wrong wltkaat a remedy. Hat my 1 teach MV at* all dead; aad they ware all dead broke before they died aa all I teaobm ata Ac, | bake an remedy. Slaw. «f coarse, there ara eh ltd rev who ; *•»▼*▼ need punbdiment Mther at tmaw or at reboot-prewohrrt' children t». d I •••* mtld ajed Jvrwya »V. era great i cowatltaUaaalty. U.wt all girl* are that way, Urea heart*, butorlgt* itl aln 1« developed aarly la moat boy*, ami If not teal rained grows tata moral turpitude and anile In a total depravltt aod the e tMlagang. OM Ell not bis ne«b broken for not restraining hit boy». and they mine 10 a ' ad and. Ell *aa a preacher. .dn|<«Mw a lid. “With link! not oomdlMi from the child,’’ «lc.” There were children of Hwllai Uiea •ml there are how. Dr. Hoi derby »»r» I hare an .r<(X> bdr* in Atlanta tcbtada who luva nsvcr heard Uie name of Ood save when It was uaed pro fanely. and ha might liaya added aad wIk> narsr gut a lloklog at borne aud *ra on the high road to tba ahali.gang and I heir uoly efcanor la to be re strained at eobool by rod end reproof. Teacher* am batter than father! sod mother* for many ablldnro. Ju fast. »s all know «r paraate who are JOt fit U> raise thslr own children, aud who ouabt io die aad 1st ttwlr abtldran ha a*nt to an orphan asylum. Why all l"!Ln‘c<l* tbott( * hipping nwd b-iys I The doctor throws down tba ohaU tang* *ad say* (Ur rod in lb* scripture* mstsiy mean* gvveromaut. and trial Ui* ver* moment that you delegate tea teacher the right U> whip a child yxi fllag an IsaoU in iha face of God. Well, if everybody who know* Dr. II older by dldsut lava him they would ■lull# at a*ch rldicnloQ) msiiTioat (la could hardly And another bthtlUul •Ch»H nr b«t wIk» tftmld yi tbit Uy rod tu •cripUirrt mm*om * mid okl faanUioad He ting, and It la to ba re marked that whenever It I* used k Islu maneulioa gender. -Correct thy son nud ha a|w|| give thee rest." "Ilaal him with tba r<d and save hla tool.” "lie that apamlli Uia rod balatb hi* **u,” eta. The girls dtdeol uaed It ltTu ".“d do not "cw. They are “'’•“•W-ufed Jvrwya. •goepv aoma Dr Buldarby declares that wlilpplai ■ buy injure* Du auouU standing and tehr* .way in* *elf-reaped M.yh* that la wh*t*« the matter with me, «nd " <ha re**uu why I am *•• nxvk and suiiducd. Uayba ( was wblpued 100 much, t Had a Urbl ooe tUtmtay with a boy at a.wp-q>a»iUur, and ha whipped ®k and mu ><1b(J my duuday 0I..P1,* ana gouged lha aklu ,.fl my face. Kelt utorniog my father whlppe • me for Aghllug and wlvcti I went to aehtml in* teacher gut ready U. whip nm. bat l almwwl lilm iuy leg, ami li* tat me ad inaal traauio* t wlait « proud, self ia*p-vlnul man f would larva been if it had lad b an for goodwill J0I1D Nurlnu and Dr 1'alteranu. Von ear. | waa nut a preacher'* sou. Uot. aeriunily, | know ,wr...u wb • ratbrr lla imcbar wuitld puli lab ibetr bad bu)a tbau to Lack I* Utria at luune. The edt-jol Islheir reforraalury. ao<l with com* inolhera il It tba our. wry. Than, agiin. theio are puv-ta wliii ibluk Um latohar nught to wlilp other people'schildren bat never lunch Ihtar «.»il There »•» lot* »f throe. t^e-dolly m •tlwra. Tba la sober* |, ,v* a Imid 11-nr lu-t-rln* U-lenvu vhr breaker*. and I am wirry Tor tln-iu. 'ail I have nrVrr known a *io*li eat* when* tba boy gut nunv fjan In de served. Is-'Oa rx|x-rkraee ha* proved that cur l>oral punlahumnt It boat for bad mm "■ *r*1,f«r had boy*. Crime ha* rapidly lucres***! alt ntrr lire land uu def liar new tegliur. Th* average nf b»ya »iw touch aropta then they ware Qtty l«ra ago. They grow up to All oui prtaoua and cbalnganga. and All tne dally paper* with murder* add •tlleldra aud cr'UMM nf every daaerip. tlo®. Tire Atlanta ery la uow fur a reformatory. Maiybutd haa never abollthrd the arlilppUg poat nod n«t a buiglarty or bank rubbery U ooiaral'Uil there lor the puclahmeiil |« ibe laati uaoe a week far Mocaatlva weak* aa tbo itriiir* are healed. They earn Maud that. Before tba civil war the la*li waa the only puotalimaot fur ttm necinr*, amI tbet* waa not a Iwtootm crlmo cutamlurd be them from tba Potomac to ib# Rio Uraade. Bat now “>•"> M.O00 In the obalngaog* of lha routbewj *tatea. Whipping hurt*. I till you It due., and la iMg tMrg Dr-4*" Alexander aad Goorxa Adair and Bran llnwril and 1 nwd u> talk about uur wi,|,.p|„g, sod liugb and ataka merry. They hadoitt ha ■wy *•» rr*peet Pi *peak of. tvwabed le a Pma Wiimtaaton niwurrh. it* Dodge*, premmno for the HU phfck, met a horrible death Friday evening. Tba Pri-M bad been wmklog pnotly during Mm afternoon and tba mvmman who bad tula obsrga of th* maoltlne and who knew mote about It# working tba® any oae *taa lb the . ffler. had (0Uhaui.denM.Ui the prm to work on It. It ta not known wtul the particular tr.-ubW waa »tf |m waa ttylug to remedy though It la thought that be wm olltug it. While Im wm tnatdo tba rramg bf Ilia prraa the latter aoddontly Martrd. HU head ao U U j ad fed fram th* nature of tba wound, wm oaowht be tw»eo ilia plunger and Um air chamber aad atm pad tba prraa. AI moot at tba Mr- 4 M. -fudge a ptioUr. happaood to ooma down from tba coatpoaiug mow, Mined Urn wtmil of Um prraa and rolled back tba bad P"f*r*V0»» •»«• at oooo began to *1 trteat* the oafortanaU young mao. }{• »'»twd boorly upright with bU blmd ****** t* Ufl mdo of HO wm removed a few feet from lha 22* •»£ "“*• M ooaefurtabie m po» MWb. _?_r. J- H • Bulkuoy wm called Md arrived lo a low mUutaa a, *bav«d the gtdoof tba twikb head and dmated tb* woood. whtoh wm o#m at once lo bo fatal. Tba kb all wm orimhed m that one'* Soger e»uld tm threat ttm fall length iota tba la ter l«r. Ite paUent wm plaaed In a private Ward In the Oly Hospital. He peMed away at IM o'otoeh, tarn boor* and Aftem minatm after tba aooidmri no owned and Are or Im ml a a lew after ha wm oarrmd to Um lmggltot Ha wm aooMMloM through tba whole time. Barmen ta nearly every nori beaut, m •data »ra pUbUng bat tram along with ■ tielr Mwrbm and pean and aiwatllhi «?t mty MUihg aim will grow for ant irrtmti •uarwc or miiiKiaM. A roanlnant fMM Mm INbifMa Miwi-mm M Mm KUiai i JwinMl. Mow ora eurtou. M**a. 1 mm Curio aa in tbo aowae of bariaaourtalu waallug to know Utiuga, oSoklag to npteNtoPilacatb* oomralhy of nro. TMo luoplroo ***■!• tkalr loro of Irani, oaf to* pnUltjf In Uioir f-wdoaro for u n be. too pd bo. TbCrt ftllltr Lm«m knn mm. -A reaturooo Heritor la tbo Tnoti of tbo •eno oturdy Mooou omo. wbo. about *u Mooteimw, Mt bono«g«i|*od wltb ooaopUg cWtboo ood ootbu. drblu* took}., guoo ood bamouook., and bound for HtMtiish-tliwiOonoa. Thla port/, oonolatuw of Dr. MoOotto*. Mr MImiot Wtttbml}. Mr. T. J.Uarllu*, Mr. frond J-Uinom. Mr. Maoita Wat or moii. Mr. Eltbn MoUtao and Mr. Uoorgw A rebar. of Oaadon M. 4.. •on fat chorgo of Mr. TtaM Tluf, wbooo yoai* of ripertamo in K-ndoraa hoogtmi him -*c-(^t-litg nf Ibo oonntiy ood tbo puapla. Tblo party, obioa iu morn, ho at raody laon Uofoogblf txmduonl U. cbo ootonno of tbonooropaprr. bnt aloo. Hoodornr Mani la M u full of n nororo ood oo a bound In* in nnlortol for lotoroMlng eonnrobUonood Marta l ban tried to gtan from cboU wiU. >'*;•«* td« ••• ban omm fa* facto wlileb ban not already appear*! In print. om-kvco woxb. I momUly lab-mud lit th* wa«ra of Howdur**. I am aiwxya 0a ■ lout to know Uow tin people of nay fitrrigw net ion dim. nod what o Her thrv MW. And rapacUily mo 11-UmM Iti Urn wo mao of Uk cuolrr. which U co rteb la natural reaourotw Tbn w-omm. I Inara, at*, aa a role. II;* ta*tag »IUi dart ryot airtight hlnk hair and cumtdratom that vary dtffnwit a'mdra or bnwa. They uia aa ktrnlgbl aa arrow*, remarkably ■Irvaloved ah-wblera. otinau and area. Tin* Bn* carriage la dor to tb* heavy a-iybia which Uwy an neonuxtml to carrying on tMr hdatfa, kmwa of Utaaa e*an wn balaoolng parfketlv an Ibrtr hetd* jug* eouUliilug *• omeh a* four or (1 tv gallon* <*J water. Tn poorer clam of women, mrw uoudmg to nor laboring claaa, wear a hawe eniloii outer gnrwMbl with alnwt M-wtm, nod a round out naefc eapuaiag Urn throat to eirtr. TMr fleet an •null and a*u -I y Ixr*. airt tbr eta-ole* b. thrlr Hr* are «*a drv*h>|md Taey nn mural, mod’at and plnaint—aot ooquMltah -tail lattnlwomrli hoapiUfal* willing lo lake »uy am Mini if troebia for the trav.p ■ nr -iKrirr, It Iw Ihr eu-t-io h- i tin In 1|» MllWgva »h Urn trail bdw~u --an I’-di.i and IV* Illegal P*. wi.icli la liar capital of lloiiduraa. for trav-ler* tnwtid t» Ui* Alcmle, or mayor <•» th* Iium. ood *<gi l>-rmlaalo«i t» >«uui tivir hatiturm a f'HT tbw hl«».t la thr Unlaid*. which corrrapouda lo our city ball. Tbm »ia mi hotel* In any uf than Village*. • * the travelrr I* dependent fur hi* kuklrnnner upm ihe good will of the natlvaa. Three of lb* power dam Hi* iu two-room adobe houaa* and alwuat in any of tbm may hr eartbou Boot* and rude fora Kara tbwr U Begad tree. ■meelBtb boaplullly the nalm rvptilug to Hi* travlw'a nqiiNt ror a (upper with tba word -Com!do." which m*aa* ••Why im*»" WIIAT HBl HAT TflBHB. Ttwn llie woman «>f the bourn pre pares tha label. Thta teml generally •octiaia of ooffaa, rgga, roll*, law rolla. tortillas (flat ooniOresd), frtXaa I1** t**4 *?•*•> ^ btef ebicktai »od rakn. Tba mad Uia liouaawlfa bake* la a Una baba area Id the yard; tba bmoa, mat, coffee, iba oooka on tha oatiaa atuva In one ooraar of a room a curve mds uf brtoka pi lad aa high aa aa ardiaary Ubto. aa tba tup i»f whteti there la baUt about a tout high a hollow etaola *f twtsba. Jam larga awough ta etreaw rntMfiirapAntmrru <H ovar. Inatdo of lb la hallow la baraad dbar cial or wood, which dam net mabt, and over U.ta tba Tmaica dm tba principal mrt of liar oaoktag. Tbc tratolm weclartd the eeoklag U, ban erttml, wall aaaaoaad aad ril Hide Huwcrar, after trawl lag aa f n ^■ftfrday ar In haatoed ■Uaa.) don't aappuao I hay tot dawn to male with tba mates of certain, bat rather with tha r tlrad A swag tha class or 1 bare tpibia the wm f tbc watt«rowed tba beam aad hra. Tbry gatlwraod roll tbo can tor tba bread, cad they du all of tbo boam wc»h. Tbo amnmmrt Isay ear aMIt bra, bat Uww don’t been to do mob •i«b. la tba iaMl tor taataaaa rvary thla« grows wit boat ooltlvaUao, and •ntnwaenaaf IswtaoMo mo rslas Otorytblao that bis Icmltr wold pao MMy arad—sagsr, eaffm, ■-rrr. am* ao bate aar alma, ao tba* Ibalr ahiUdac oaata carp Utile. 8a wbp abooMlteo moo work mora f Tbap *>71 bay aaa mabobp wort lag a Ultb£ reuatb to Mggly aM tboir wsata. Tbaralaaa mean* «t oarrrtag to a ■art* the pradocia which tbo toil would plaid with _ i oauUcoa ta llmaa ibalr « dona wtth rVabis i . Waau la tba lead • to to iliinkyMiwHiaw _j a* 4m to Um am* aa4 mab W nf Um tmn awaam joM to *•> wkai »fe*7 vtil antfdarlag (ha «tok. Wtlh tola tkn an aaataat wto althamk Uwto ilcbaa an right at tkakr kd tar* aato* aaa *t (kaai aala aaaa a m*Z “<*V ***** '!»»•• kfhf Tha farm tmmh tk* Mm4 Um an Mf V* to iha HMa«n, rut iVtj l bo torn ar tm aflaa tn tha am man ahm tkan an Maikata aU naum wonmirm. •*—• —■n M> tUf i— ■a nia Ura ntmt nr Um aw, «— *wr inMh. iteiNnluy of lk« Inlorior. TIm latter f oMeagPktlMa In bl« roaoptU i nf th* innaUri He literally ‘ am Um tay* of Um •tty ia Md ectfdord Um On tranirfi m da hi*# If .Ur. j*a«ar, of 8 ils>. Mt, .who I— •m«h loeraUr* pracUeoln dee Priii MM <4 the IMMMU Um 0NO.X M—m. mm mUm* with Mm U. >avull*raort,liiuttfee In MM lM Ih dulom lka tear Mood. *4teu kUKcg 4mr within n atlb-.d’ bln afflo. OwntUnriMM—urtlMlliw. wbaan U mouthy war fre-ndt anjoyad. wot Uw Atphimj Baity*,.at «h»u Cm a otmriniac mm mk Att i •h«t mm spirit of onrdMfty «WP. •Mi" ba a nnlt—l nhoiaaliiMth h<MH, b«ltt nrairadTyMHfc fa wu£ grow a coalition VarMfy Of pTMOfrSta and flower* The h«uw faratahod la owaM «ri M«ba— i.y fumtinrr. nod all Um ■dbilntomUMma ahMaS. HU Wife *3 daughter «m atlhoir wwMry (MM* aTEttl Y,Ana. TMa mmi to on iMMras ootite owner and ralaer. nad I be oliaaaa aarwnT at tala boo«s waa Um “beat am im m," osa lAaaoiD. Tlw one railroad of lloadarao «i •fly inibw. bat th* train* run only ovary other day. la Poena Ooit** there I* a Mon who drim » Male tp a hn—r m iba railroad trackfroM cam end »d Vm lawn to the inker, an >r rnwyeoMri wfcUb la war raantry et Itghtutug etwees sight prove dancer *a>, ‘“i*. an he la oitoated ha la tranbbo b* MM w* hia e«r fruw th* track oolr mm* every tww Waye. Tbam aunbw. and tbt tewly bMoUfal dferlpthm 1 have hod of Ike Ural item «d UmOitk, Of the tall, rayri pats*: of th-ao-mlitT vartMbo flWM whoa* MMMit rxqalutcly forwwd bwve* if thirty foot Uagth care* aver toward* the rniuodt of furcate of paisa (md win*** Irnraa druo(i gorgoowa arshtd* of erary boe; of MMrtcsa t—raaooa ata* bOMty; of frolu of amp draerip Mu* crowing Umm bag* —n-Intel nrv bandrrd* of foot nad yat wbnao Move* above 85 to s*T nod ta Other* who bnvo mm nod who know «brand Uwy "peak._> itoiWt, T*w mxU’t oaiiMt to «oU to 1809 »«t 8887.408,000. tad tootto tin Ual> u4toM«M|N.«jOOO. TIm talma of too oott«a*rto to tot Uotttd HUtar, ssr^r^s? jssi s toU o«tp<K of Hit UtKtd (Mm. T> U>1» mi «iMn. tow—tar. mm mm* •44 tot rotor oT Ota* 0* «*«■*■. wto wr km * total or wtafiit Hto ton. OOu.oM. tattoo* imM,hr«m_. •ptodtoa to tot Ualtod_ tototottoto tto *«tya» * totar. atom tot tatt tT tot niwtttMa Mttttatd. mr to tiM toftiit 't» ta* of to* toiao *r itoiitorttTtot a ‘tis.tjK sitssis.*r!:£3.,‘s.-£ gfl »> k.u.i.'utk Jh>£ taMf MHdf tan |k| ft^M. •5 •* •Mata to tott tato to tto tad toon Itototo* *•»»it'to*WtaTtoMta.**"" **"* *

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