The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Some and Interests of ♦t** County. V»l. XXI.__GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1000. ARP VISITS CANTON. HE TELLE ABOUT THE PROSPERITY OP TEE PEOPLE. Ifaa luf> un Place a Luh T»»e— gaCi Ike Trip «• Kamluk rnn la I'hihi aevmly If I We, la tea Day. Bill Arp, la Aleuts Con llmlkio. Ct looks like ever; township and oounty and Motion lisa got something peculiar to llssif tint la valuable foi bureau purposes sod help* to sustain tbs people sod mike lirem prosperous I waa rumiustluK about tliiu because I bsva just visited Canton, a small re tired vllllsge u( 9.000 people. 1 have known Caatou for tidy years and have a good reason fur remember lug It Soon after I waa Married u>y fatber-ln •law, Judge Uutohlas. asked rue in ride over there and deliver some Impor tant legal papers to (bo olerk i>( the oourt. 1 was to ride his floe saddle born "Lee,” sod be Lull) me wli~ve in •key all ntgbt. So 1 kissed my pretty young wlfa gondby and mads an early ■tart for tbs thirty.flvs mile Journey. 1 was a good rider and Lee was a Ires traveler. Up bill and down Mil nod on Ilia level Urate be* be never broke Me eeey pace, makiug about raven mi lea an boar, end it waa just twelve o’clock when I reached Genius. W hil* 1 was feeding the boras and rubbing him 'down 1 began to ihiok how lonesome tt would be 10 stay Ibeie all nlcbt and bow (ooaaom* my jonog end pretty Wife would be all aolllary and blnn* by herself and nobody with bar to oomfort her. I looked at Lw and be looked like ho, toe, would rather go beak to wbria lie came from. 80 about 1 o’clock 1 remounted nod act hia ears toward Lawrence villa. He seamed ell right for many ml lee, but slneki-d Up when a few mllae from ho®# and we get there Just ae Hie family wars sitting do wo to supper. 1 aew my wife'* smile o( pleas ute and 1 at, too, the Judge's look of surprise and displeasure. He rose from the table end went out to look after Me favorite bom*. 1 thee began to ■eellce that awanly miles ip a day waa e long ride for e borne and tbal 1 bad dose wrong. Next morning I waa up by day*brmk to look after Law Re eras ell right and aa game as rear. The Judge never said anything herd, bat be looked grieved " lie, loo, went out to louk site! his bone sod when be came beck aeld: ”1 reckon I bed better give you that hone or never let you ride him again, for If you are to kill him I would rather he woold 1* yours than 1010#." Tb*t li all he srl.l, but that waa too ugh. Sometime after be did give him to me nod be wav the gament, proudest nod beat boise I ever owned. Bet I never rode blra seventy eaJfam In a day any more 1 oyver think Of Canton no* oat wbel tbe loemmy -oT that episode eomv* over me. Well. I mould ride a hundred mile* In a day wow to ranch my borne any my wile, t>al li would be oa a railroad. Caotoa Is Urn eounly ana of Chero kee—a Urge county, that waa Uia borne «f the Cherokee Iodises uutil 1838. Tbe uaaea came from Chen, which mesas dra and the Oberokaaa were known among tbe tribes aa the prophets of divine Qre. There were -several lodiao towns in this region end Lbeir chiefi were kuowa aa Stop -nod Chicken a«d Laughing Gal. Tim region around Canton !■ nek Ik mineral*. Gold and copper and Iron «od marble abound Id her bills. Some of these have enrich'd many men and tbe pursuit of them have ruliu-d many worn, but lately new processes of mio tag have made the results more certain and now oorthenj and Buglisb aaoltal -baa given fresh vigor to the work of digging, crushing, quarrying and re -doelng tbe ores and dumb log tbe mar ble. Marble work Is especially being •extended and new qnairles being opened. I was told that only a few -year* ago Judge Go her and sad a few -aa so elates bought a marble quarry not tar away for $3,000 eod were receatly -Offered 930,000 Cor U and ref need It. The Georgia Marble Finishing Com guv hays plan ted near the deput vary extensive works that employ ora 10© bands, all white aadsD Georgians, and woat all of them youag men. Mr. Brady « very courteous Boston gentleman, la tbe manager and said be was pleased to wy these Georgia boys wore jest ss seedy to learo the art of working and finishing marble and lost as quick and skillful aa any be aver controlled. 1 ware bad them at work In the deOarent departments sod was proud to see their progress. This la a large plant and tbe marbU waa aen^ie all Its etsgw froea tbe greet blacks Just from the qaarTtra to tbe meet beautiful or Do la bed monuments aud oolumna and building blocks Thera wets hundrvda of than and won all to fill order*, principally from tba north and «nat. It takas forty-eight boon to ron ibo gang saw* through on* of thdas faoga Hooks. Tba anna ara of tba bardaut atari, bat hart ao taath, They art monrad rapidly by steam power and work tbaongh sand and water. Boaaaof U<S man ara wuiklng with aaallat aad ehlaal aad anas turning marble la goraldg lath as and sums an puMsbmg as the botlfjntaJ pUure of laharaaa ro ToWtng wbaala (bat an Aoodsd with water aad aand. Kesrytbtag I bare la ■p-to-date aad la a great Imprurawiml OB lha old method# "Uu-lu-dats" la aow aa mi mi Ion Uiat la board srrry wbara ooaeanlag madbinary. 1 board It at Rtnkl at tba Iron and steal ptaaU aad 1 board it la Urn action mills of Itaotb Carolina. All maobln ary aow must bo up to date or It will he rajebted. Tba par roll to U>« work men la Ibis oao inerbJ* plant U fMO a wwk, aad moat of this La spout id Can ton. Juet ao It la wltb tha grid mines Ml Ur away, Tha paid mining tem pos'te ara making money kg op to dal* pi ucim— tad Castoa gala a food abars of that. It la now eanala that a eot tsa mlU U tob* bath right sway, for ga ardor baa bSen gtrsa for tba to*eta and ipItllliTT. all up to-date, and aa aoow aa tbo apt-log opens the wwk «f build lag the hilll will begin. Mining far gold sad ailr»r Is. I reckon, the uldeet Indutlry to the world oulelde of agriculture. ' Mutes tell* ae thet lo the Genka or Kdeo there wit gold, and U waa good. Guld aitd silver vrry aooo began lo ba a blm etelle currency. Aurxhatn bought a burying ground with 40(1 shekels of ail Tar lliat was current uiouey with the mere haul and It la remarkable thet a •liver ebeket wu wort SO cents and a guld shekel i» woiUi 810. That la eeot ▼cry Tar front 10 to 1. Maybe we had better fall liack on Ui<we ancient acrip toral relations of the mentals and tueke our* 20lol. Tbrj had bolb silver end g»M In abundauce, fur /.ic«riab mIUi : ’ They heaped up Silver ae Ute dual end gold as tbe mire in tlx aired*." Aud Moan aaltb A> rahen> w»« rich lu sli ver sod gold. In (be long ago I uaed lo know the good people of Ceutoo, but they have all ptmed ovrr the river Tbe McAfree, MaOoonella, Wbeeieri. Grlkhams, Tales, Brook*. ituake, Mullens aud Ov er*. Hume of their ■on* and daugl) ten are .here still and gave ma gener ous welooaia, sod I wa* plraerd to pat llielf little one* on tbe bead aud a >y be good biy aud ruiod yonr annum*. I saw the old tlaie-honored Clanton bora* of Jo« Brown, the place when* he lived when, like Cinclnnalu*. he was called on by a committee and In formed that be bad bean nomlnslrd fur governor. (rid Joe made lilt tun right her* In Canton levelling acboul. Yean ugu I met General Ira Foster and be astd : "Yes, I knew Joe** parent! before tie waa born. They were very puor. Ilia Aunt Sidney did my washing when I waa a young man llelug In Dublonega. Jna cultivated a little patch of hillside land with a pair of boll calves and every Saturday hauled something to towu to sell and take back something t*' thv family. In 1839 t wat riding tu Cauton la a buggy and overlook a young man watklog in a very muddy lea*. Uebad attrlpped beg baogiug on hla shoulder and looked tired. I asked him if b* would not get In and ride with me. Ii« looked down at lift eh ora and safal he was too Buddy. Bat 1 In alettd and he broke off a splinter from a rail and cleaned the worn of the mud off and got to. f learned fruig him that he wae the dine Joe Brown end wae going to Caaton to get some thing to do. And be did. They made bio* up a school and be taught it. 1 bay# kept my aye on him for forty year* and he le mil a wonder to me." Ae I bare surveyed the time-worn premieB I raatnaUd an blv eventful life. How be rose and rose again and never fell. Everything lLai Uldaa touched turned Inin gold and luet ao every peiltiulaal effort that Joe Brown made was a success. I recalled hi* long roc l roe arty with Bob Toomba and puw Anally he de nounced Toomba In the press a« a li ir and a eooundrel and Toomba sent a friend to ask blm If hla church rela tlom would prevent blm from aeepl log a challenge, and old Joe replied ; "Go lell him in try me," And Toomba never lent it. I recalled the time wb«» Henry Grady waa discussing with Toomba the advantage or disadvantage of a youog man having a collegiate ed ucation and Bid ; ‘‘Theta were aoaw vary great and auoceatful men who never bad any edooatioo to sneak of. There war Patrick Henry and Henry (Hay and Turn Benton and there wae Jon Brown, who wea «n poor |n hla youth lie had to plow a bulL” “Plowed a bull, yoa aay,’’ said Toombs. “I sever beard that of blm, but If It was ao yon may aet Ibat down to hla credit Henry, but It waa a dis grace to the bull.11 Bat I am pirated to remember that llieaa two great and notable men made friends before they died- Old father Tim* la a good doe tar and mellows ua all down. imim bim. gun. n«r anlnawvMatikaiiMtkm r<M. M» Kill Pinal*. Charlotte Observer. A party of cotton mill mea from Japan, ooo slaving of T. Yamaoabue, T. Salto and A Watanaba, nrrftad la C'barloue Monday, nudar tba ahaparon» age of R Johnson, of Boa too, bmaolf a oat Ira of England. All tha member* of tba party here a. good gag Hah ado oetloo aod can hoM VbWr own with altbar a hotel elartt or a nawalwy. Mr. Joboaon and hla party on a tour of tba notton mutiny district of ih« Month, aad Obarlotte was thadr Drat atop south of Washington. Yesterday morning they Waited tha Louisa MtU, and lift at noon far Spartaaborg. rata ruing to tba aity at S o’clock laat night. Ao hour later they left foe Columbia and Augusts, aud will return to f 'harlolie Friday, •imaiUlJMkM'a liras. A bill to IncoasoratM Uia Stonewall Jackson Memorial AaaocUtloo, of whlob Senator Mum ford la tha patroU, hea both braachea of I be Virginia Leg Watara aad wads out* tha signature «f the Uovrrnor of Virginia, la the M1I, whlob aaki for losorponttlon Uia following paragraph explain* briefly tha ohjaat of tba association. “3. That tha object of the eaaoeta Uoa la to procure, by purchase.. tba Qbauglar haaw, to Carolina County, Virginia. 1o which Stonewall Janktoo died together with Uia rarin on wblob the mid boom la located aod to pre serve the tald house, as nearly aa aao ba la Ha original harm and to oolleei therein each farmtore. portraits’ books manuscripts and other relics as were posemsrd by him or cooaected with hie career; the same to bo held aad kept l<y tha s*eoo(aUoo as a perpetual mem orial of Ono. Thomm J (Hlouawall), Jaekaoe. and to be open without Charge to visit* that may b* pal J to It by any member of the assentation. (r»«i Im« Wm the retort of Me tpleod 14 health, (odoaluble wilt hod tre*eednot eerr ■y ire not toned where Stseieeb. Deer, Kidory* end Dowel* ere net of order. It yoe went U<eee qttelHln end the miw they brief, nee Dr. KliUl'a New* Ptlk The* dorrlop •eety power of hrele ud body. Only ttral.i Carry A Uo*e, Dr there | iiiimit riiiictiii aiiMib. *" Satru> IVrtoti. In «b* rir*-.k r >«■■» rrvMffi Plm> IlMU Br. •iM*«tkr rir». 4 P»r£ March, 8, 11 p. 01.— Tlio The aim Franealsa, the historical ptayhoue* of Paris and tba home of the world asmql Corned Is Fraooalar, It lo uight a maaa u( siaokinq rjius. Only Um mom outside remains standing. Tim dome baa collapsed and I ha Interior la an utlor wrack. Tba megiilOoeol ceiling, bearing the allrgorlsal peluting by Max-rolle. and oth»r Vrry valuable works of art, together with a porliuo of llie Invaluable library of manuscript perished In the flameo. Preetloally all the sculpture, however, waa saved. The only victim of the Bra no far as la known, wt* Mile, Uaurlot, a beautl fnl yonog abtrete of 1U. Mb* came of s theatrics! family and 1ms mother ban iwrn ailing an Important role at the Theatre Antonia. It waa tiowwer. only a matter of an hoar that saved Paris a repetition of tlM Opera Cucaique catastrophe, ee a crowd of woman end children had al ready gattMrad at tba door*, awaiting the opening of Uia mitlnre, wbra tho alarm was raised and row prubaldy would have tocepvd bad tbo parform mance begun. When tba genenl scramble of employee for the doors oc curred, following Um alarm, several persons In Um uppsr stories, lueludlng Milan. II ear lot eud Dudley, ware, for gotten. When three-quartan uf so hour later water waa poured Into tho burning building, tha elre>ct,ure waa b* Vood help. An Immense uooouurse soon seasmbird si every point from wbieb a view of tho Dr* oovld bo ob tained. Troop* h ul lo be aumtuoced to keep lIm crowds back aod to assist iu tba work of saving the an work*. During Uia eonluaioo trustee cot savaral painting* out of tha framra nod got from Um Coded* Francome. They actually an I Mad U>tB under llie lie liroatiou luat lb* tnlrye* wars work mao from ilia Couoedle Kranciese. Tba actual oauee of the outbreak baa not bean determined, a* lira alarm came from Um outaide, but tbe book of Um alage waa Drat eouaum<-d, tba metier? burning l<ko Under. Owing to a da raogowMMit of machinery tba iron our talu could not ba iowarad and the audi torium waa quickly In voir od. Milan Dudley aud flesrkit, ylUr ttveir draaart war* ou tba Otb preparing for the matinee. Tim former waa rea died oy a fireman. wbo mounted a lyd der, lied a rope aruuad ber eu j lowered ber to tbe ground. Mile. Hruriot* dmaner ielate* tb«i ■be left the draaalog room wltn her miatrem, bat tba latter complete)? J.iyt ber basil and loatead of descending ran up twin and nought reluge Id anutlvir room where probably aba Waaaaobyxia ted. Tha Qreaen found Mila llenrlpt lying ou tb« floor. Daly liar face had been burned. The body waa carried out aud plaead in an ambulauce car, a ■losen of which ware drawn up in front of tlMdour. tjer face waa to much burned (bat aba waa unreeugotaablv,, tba body waa taken to .the moigu wbem It waa Identified t'j M. Uoquelln and other gts-ootwr* of the Comrdle Frmnoalae by tha oluthlng. Mean while Uie mother of Mile lienilot bad hur ried to the eceoe bareheaded, and waa crying Wildly for bar daughter. 8h* waa dlatntmad with grief. Mile. tjei>. riot’a dreaarr waa badly liuroad, but uot dangrmualy. A number of Uia of tba tha Ottawa war* allgbtly Injured cblrfly by tbe nulling luma. •rye* kt*ar* o>«n*aur. ‘“••Jl" taCaltad U um •» o*a»aiaw «mi xea ~m Vn#i, "Did >nu ever bxppen to thick.” ■aid, A. y. Raedon, of (Cantu City, to th« X«» York Tribune man. ‘'of how much better It would be If people would aflx (tamps neatly and In up right position upon tbelr letters loataad of In lha belUr-akaltar manner wblob la an generally prtv.lenl t Besides, (. M treating In littng maoutr the oieop ory of tbona great onaa In tba hlslnfy of tba republlo whose features are held Jo living memory by mam* of tba post? The father of bt* oountry hu not come down to ua historically M one likely te cotar Uapcasence of a lady on bla naer or swan when carrying you a notiOeW Uoj that your Jhaok aooopot la over drawn to do so a hits skating along on bla left eyebrow. "Pu fou think that bt who wrote the sayings of Poor Richard and draw up tbo article of ejof*dereth»ti far the Albany convention would stand on bla liend, two ware ha eooeetone that It was bla lot to carry around pal set medicine advertisements and boob notices > Would tbo eooqaeror of Ap pomatox, after hit wonderful trip aroond the world, real gasy If b* knew tie waa repenting that tnupiptial pro gram every day and entering the otter most cor Mu* of lb* earth on lit* ear, bla eye or gat on big beak ? Or. again la It befitting that tba atera and ragged oouquerer or JIow Orleans and uncom promising opponent of the patted Hlatoe bank should enter your preeoi ca proaa qdoo hie right or lart aide r 1 ab udder even to nil ok of him aa auod lug on hta bead, on aedhaot of the agony of (bla position would e tom him doo lo.hU spike Ilka hair. 4 By all means at tea your stamps on straight U looks batter, aod bee Id ft P«y* ■ mors Otilag tribute to tba na tion* dead.” _ Hww >» Pall VleVlou to rtOBaoh, llr»r and kldnay troubiao at wall m w-.raa.., and ail fart tba raaalta in Woa of appotlto, potouos la tba blood, backtab*, orraouanta, hoodaoba and tlrad, ILrtf.ta raadon foaltag. Dot thara'a no oaad to faal Ilka that. 1,'Maa to 4. W Gardnor, Ida villa, lad. Ho aajro; “Btaotno BiUora aro Jaat Um lhla« fora Ban •baa bo to all rim down, aod loa'latn •baibar ha I law or dloa. U did Bora to lira bo oow rtr»«*th and food ■PpnUW than aaythlog foontd toko. 1 eon OOW not anything aod bar# n now lonoo on Ufa." Oalr Moanu at J. B Carry and Ooapooy'a Drag (bora. Kaary baUla paaraalaad. -a ■ --— sar or makioo euw nn <!•« Rra rnmpplf Uu •■Orlaatjr »r XMim-Kh Mpa TiHat >v*»r Ww.wtoUwniw »■■ ImM ■to PUaM Uki Hto I.UM.I Flag. H U estimated that about no* In four pertuoa wears or a bo old wear aa *mfl cialnye. Tba prlasipal aatawfagtorlea of these goodi an la Frame «r Oar nauy, Iba only oo* la thtee-iuntry b-. Ing loc Hod In Mew Yurt city. Biyp lioii# of Ilia day# of tba gnat PuilnMy* mail* artificial «yra of gold, sltrar and Ivory. It we* tba ctutato nf th» itn cicata whan Uieir pevtlonil wrra atirrad by eyeuta of treat moment to brief ihair artinctol aye* and pioon tbe« In in* public tnotary for iba gnud of tii* ctutr, Juat a* people now give guld watebe* and Jewelry wbtn mured to geoernalte by aa eloquent mtttlori. Ia l\*r(e tba Important manufacture era, artlata and tckoilaU oongrrgata la tba neighborhood of kfadafam Wblla tba leaser light* an to b* Binad 10 lit tle (terete of tha boulevard and Temple dlttrlcl. Tba French artltan wbo make# glaaa eye* la baowo to on ocular itt, in wblob title tba waaltby Uaalart • round tba kUdrlein add tbat of oca I let. Tba watnr of a flaw ay* it utu-iiy alionnaally tauMtlra about it, and at Brat exceedingly frarful of tba pbyaigal ptlo that may ba canaed by poumg an artlOclal eye In. The wealthy draler lu glare aya* In Parle lu bit piece up gurgroutly and hlrei a aarvant wlili oot* aye, taking nan to (elect on* wbo cna b* lit ted with an arilOotaJ aya to a* perfectly milob Uta ntlaral on* a* poa •Ible. It It admitted by the daalen that no aillflelal orgao that ex tally matehrs the natural o»a baa avar leu mad*. When tin at a tap of the «yw apd ten moac’ra tbat moved it ham bean left lu tbe aOckei by the toroaon wbo reasoyad tli* rye, Ibe artificial eye will ha inoywl np aod down. U light or left by Ibraa muaolea In gutooo with the other rye. But whan (tie eye ba* bern opt a long tune b fore Ilia artlfl i oial an# wo* married tha Hat will lixva •brook, tbut nuanaitatlng tha perann i to wear a flat* eye toaxtlrr than tbe 1 on* raiaovrd. 4 few w»*t* will ttmyh tbe llda, e Ureer tipi It put lo and to on anlll Hi* ryot appear exactly tha tame aloe. ■MCPUUApiKp TIIADg. Altboagb do perfect salon leu ever beea made, they get uau unotigli par. fee Lion to duoeleearan ocolUta. It Is ■ueb • person •< tbla U.atllH wealthy Parlelao dealer lo artl^ulat ryea wauia lor * aeryaat. WHa tha lliald and doubt log cuatnmer agpoymy hit fears tba manufacturer >aya: "John, coot bera Tba aerranl rvepecUulty Opaya and bla maatrr aaya to Ilia customer : > po you aae anythin* too matter with that mao V “No." "Mow. John, take oat yoyr eye." John doee ibis, placing int> artificial rye In tbe hayd of tba attouiaherl Tlat turwbo. of course. at once think! thatit U only s quniUoo of time wuan hie glajm eye will match bla natural " one aa John’s doee. Tba ooularter enaoieier la one nf the beat paid e.rtlauna In Europe, being sole lo earn from ten In fifteen franca s day, hum of tbe beat worker* among tuem being women, la manutaotorlew it la uauaJiy pteee work, but aometlmaa tb* butloeaa la ododaotw) oo a a >rt u a oo-opri alive plio. Ilia ocular let receiv ing a pa* oral of the pro Die, bit poor work being thrown oir btobande and a charge made fur material oaed. In . ibis way lita man gradually aecumo lalra a stock of artificial ayes which ba will ©tin day otlllaa lo many a novel may. mban ha goee Into boaioaea for hlmaeir. a book'd baud by**. The economy of U>e Persians it pro vrrUlal and extaodr srto Into lha wear lag of eitlOoUl SJH. It la gauerail) (apposed that when a person u ouoa tilted with a glass aya, tlM>« Ujs cast Ur ends. On tba ooolrary, u lam J«M U* guo. Ho glass aya should is worn nora thas d year and io aitay aasrs It Is prwsssry to change theta ms otleo as ones mttlx Boattaa. The material flit of which tlmr are matin Is mdra or less porous, tba acid la the moisture of tba aye socket takes bold af tba ani mal, Which Becomes rough, causing granulated eyaUda. man 10 Parts who outer to lb* ] cheap trad* make a small alhi waooe tor lb»e» second hand apes. When thu one eyed beau or belle at lbe alums of Paris wants *o make an Imprassi.ia at a ball, ba gnaa to ths dealer and rents for the night a glass ya. Ha |a «vr. fsoltdlnns as lo stxa or odor A glam eye for tba '‘fuaottoia ha is lu attend lw regards am * orcaaslty ; * perfect taaloh ba would esteem a superfluous luxury. Thera Is a«Ul another use made of these second band glass ayse The fashloaabte ambalmer of Paris wants bid suldaeta to look aa bsauUful and life-like as poMlW*. The natural or gans bays sunk 4aap In Iba bead. Tba etabalspers therefore gnaa to the cheap ecularin aad buys n pair of ayes, or about tba psm# *4". wnieh be adjusts under tba eyelid*, evusollng bltMalf wUb th* rriMUoc that the d-«d man win nalUmr eamplkln of Ibn dif f*rente la tb* color of bis ayse nor tall aay tales, wblt* tb* llrtag wall ba aom ferlrd at th* Improramaut tb* era balmstliaa made lo lb* looks uf tltrli lOTSd OOA riTtionc srnts. Ooosrional sail* for srtldeUI tjmm cuflaa to Paris from almost asary oor aar of Urn gtobo. A rrsoeh manufee tnrar got an urdac from aa otituer nr Rwperar Doulgua of Haptl. seme thlity yean or more ago. Tb* ocularis* was delighted. Ills srirtd,Imagination pic tend] a Ural) trod* with the Island that would spring ap In so up use on •f this order from *•> dktlnguisrtad a parson, posalMy a daoaraUoa from tba emperor. WUb lb* utmost care bo amda ibaaiaaod smst Iton. for six rnuatba Ua beard nothing <>f it, than tho parrel was return id with ibis note. •rowr aya I* of no a** to am Ism rsIVielali aad rrwlb tba mamnry >f Urn dnskb flag. I will only want aa ay* *♦ lb* nlsn of my own non airy •’ Tb* heartbroken dealer picked aphis eoarapt eaO «Mt at it again. TIM toleraer white o( ihtmla a young peeeon It a elaar Uultk white; part Middle lira it It oreemy, w«!U la the BMd, aaptelelly la tlmeo ot dark eoat p!«aloot. Ilka the typtetl Spaniard, It la gotten deep rvllow. The noalertat weallnlhe oOee nflhc ennui and took a leek at the Heytlen teg, than went boon and Made a genijt far the pttrkHle general that waa a lively mixture of red and green. Tali eye ao dnllgbled the veteran of many ware Uiat he refntad Pi degrade it by wear lax it la hie empty tonka t, bat tnepea bed It over hie heart among hit dceora t iotie of donor. XAKDtO STS*. It to a bmuUfal sight to watch tha oca tor tat at hto work. Ha to amtad a* a small workaaao’s teach or tabto Jam behind th* gat Sam* to wbtob W will teat and matt litogtaaa and aaamato wbtoti li* oa tha tabto I Mora blu. Tha bellowi Uiat Mow bla fa* Sam* b* oo aaataa with hla font' Ha eata oft aa lash aad a half aasttou of oryatal from aauab that to about tte dta motor of aa orflnary toad panoil aad ayllsdrtaal It shape, upon which bo Mows taa jm B«ma uatll It glow* with teat. Vow pick* op a pin worm *Uok of whlta •oamri. With wbiab b* palata abate foar at ripe* down Um aids* at tba glow lag cryatal. Vogt ho pleka op atmtter atlek of enamel that aypaara to ha about lb* oak* of part win*. of white )•* MN parhaps half aa much as of tba whlta. I tea a toiyob or two of jrrilow. Thia mlgtqm aM will form tte ratora or whlta of tte ays. 4* topf aa Uia traload no of tba workman *aa discover auoaka of color ho ounUaoto to wotk it. Whan It to perfect ha ponobaa a email beta la ibo caution matal to wbish ha malts fa* hi* rim Mowing late. Th* MlUa lamp Um la to from tbo whlta of tba eya to held la tha $ im* aad toaapaadad Into a spbartpal fiwm by Um oentorjat Mowing (brough tl»e U.lw whleli ha all tba whll* tupis round aad round In hto Inters. VPhru he Imt It Urn ah r required the titl'd Uwtlqteto bald In lb* fame, wbitotbe epamri that I* lo (Dak* I ha foundation or teckpmote of tte carom la applied ml palled down to tte proper shape. Tte brown. h)*e or gray In nay *>* to nocer uniform. aad now with |aa*t hal» Hr:#* nf SI I a ate l aiming nut from Uw pupil *rtl»t xpplh* I ty> Shading after arbleb a dayk er d/.f of eaumel to pot ou t • rrpfrwat Um pupil. Th* whir* of tlm olaareol eya to paro* or let* Iraveratd with liny red .vain*. To r-produce l tea. in tba artldcl*! eya ft tte workman’* negt aad Moat dell e*lr Utah. A bit of rnnmel la r at Into the pids oaugbi o« to some scafaCH and atrsteted oat until It due* what caody makers c*Jl “balrlwg.” TUI* lialr of rrd enamel la applied lo Um i i«ht pUeaa with a qulaartag motion nf I Im hand making • Um crooked little veins. Tii* ryv must cowl slowly to < pr« vm.t it beiag bmU* an a Is pat t« « small crupible lo oool. Now tbla round «v* must t»- ah ip«4 *'■<) oat free from lla gtavs tube handto which to doou by liokllog It la tte Baum long aaoegft lo aofiatf it whan It to palled Into the rilploal form required • and cut away from IK supporting tab*. Tte prim of artiBelal aye* varies from B6 to $16. Thdra to ho prnTlaioa mad* hy aoj ot the dlspenaarle* to prove a po >r person with a glam »ja, but th* flaw York msuafacUmr says t^ia* whan autflr a person Pomro to Ulia with tha proper oredaotlaU ba never1 rafnac* uf replica Uw torn mead bar. A Imirtutto Bmlana Inlay till Mm — Owlima la l>i» cwtiy. Women ant found now ud noli la prtottbg office*' id this country, an giged in tycmettlng and similar kind* ol work, but It would ba bard to dad a duplieata rtf Uia Woman's PrtOliag aa oirty id London, where tba entire ea UUMrmaot la ewned and managed by woman and all tba labor with tba at caption ofhaevy mschia* work, la don* 'by them. Tbta society has been carried on fora aumbar of years as a successful boat notw. Originally stalled by aabaorlp. lion for the parpen* of training girie who were anxious to earn a livelihood In tlilm way. It rapidly developed lots a prosperous oonorrn bat U boa aot last sight of tba aim of hripfclaesetnyooeg women wurkara with which It was bo gua. It la managed on Urn ao opera tive principle. N<» dlvidsod may ax eead Its par cent, par aanam, aad above that Vb* surplus la to ba divided among tba heads by way of boons. Apprentices ara taken for three yean many of them balag girls Just cot af school of about Id years af age. dame nf tba worbari baouaaa at the am than ibuehslm. About SO young woman are sow saa Pjoj*d. A seerelty of eaal whtoh'la declared by aom* to sppraaab tba eraportloos af a tamtoo egbaa la Europe Jast at pren eat. la Ragland old as lore are being n> worked aad lead it balag bored is eg direct Ions for pew Wit Aa anprw Dented snaaumpUoa baa b*ea brought aaoat b* tbo great aot hrlty la tba baa aad tteal trades lfln*re ara snare*, aad Wit dtMeaft tn tad workman to man the plena. Tba great amount af shlpptrg smtdoyrd tor tba eaaeaalaa** of traops aad sappllaa U Saotb Afrtaa ha* dtaergad lead tba sea as n ting train to suab aa extant that anal baa game > up eery much la pritw aa tba Sarop eaa ana 11 seat aula Chaiteean Dimmm la waif mil latlart to aaaatp ehalrtaaa. caDlaa tbalr lUNllaata Ik* MohMInat |«h4 it tin l«u •mUo(| of 8UU KutcMfl Ctttrtluaa aaaaaratag pHteartaa ter Ualta* teataa Baaatoc aad aapaatetaf that I bay a ad tha itliatm «T tbalr Bounty taaaatelaa to than raaotaUaua, that it uh« atMh nation la tha priawriaa aa May atm prapar. It la nte larat art amp aaUlm 1 tha Bnan hara, bat iiaptta Ihatr ra i *rrtaa ap ta tea tbap hart ate aaM thay*rt pte aaoaah adAMa—n. ania— ■mmuMlriw. act—hiu—>hi. On— tha— w— a aaiuntt—ahar. Tha A rat day alia a—ad tha ——olr«nn la b*r new sayasJlT aha wrata Ula — Iba bteehUnrd ; tts ^%]&tts&2ssasz - r••rytwnalnlaaMlMdla«Jla*Non, a*d for aaaay yaara that MtUa a lap!— raa—l—d — thaupor tha »h—huaid. doa—tin— tha tetlara im din. aad ate— that did aha w—had tha (Mat iba board and wrata than —— anal* with a fraah yt—a of ahalk. Os—Una w— a —w Wash—aid- pat — plan, bat tha aun U—a w—unrd atlte topsflt. # ••Swan" wAa warhad —tew aad at t— aid— of tha w aytet. — thi —a than I— utw yaanc pupils wan oaiclal 10 aaara u—a U—a. I an aar tala anay wba wna aa— yapila — that roc——aid m-K now ptea IM rah* -at loan, aot wit—at a — daal of Ulaklap. hot X an—ually —rtata that aot — of thon pap— ten — u than Uaca. Awl —w wrh t— a liaad ay U t—tell— af l—n K want aamtea MU kaaw. fin Imm of — 'ygSgg**!*"*- - frally" It te a a—apt >4 r—fd that U»e —ant toUat mm Wt— aotfraa—y mswstftrjjis! It it oat— their way. u> intern tin "anctfcy — Uon for « had ho— rt ytelprd to then tint It w— tin llUte aete of hlodaan.— well — u# naat no— that wapld a—at la nafclap ■*> day a worthUir ayaato—. ^ W Aud all tkM about Uw wteu —haul biaeher aad bar ••antin’1 aad I— pa* pile—<nw —u aud wan— nwww— whoinaad t—jam la ltette ywdow* i»C a—uTii— Itute nnoui—M^Uat .•sarse 3U*®spcss tiadaa— that hanaa nature is ate» rajnlite of. f knom that I an tailing go Ml mi hm*m coocludad the twitleg b net without Us grmla of truth. naften*. •\ihait nay »ut'yoerWdgtoa; it «lll still m htgat a ika degree of fOmr poadeo iisiloo. to' bihenwr that a waaneuV Ittr ■# <d wqiaM Hhnwwer tlua a BuV' WIim! Ur tail* to Urn’ rarvUotd WNW- or . w* all, jsad alt that son of ti-lint, 1 do u* t think It (•IrH yotferwilM it u> Wr u -tire a»ui ■tm, ud'irh' with drlifiu a Ml say, ■Jmu lika a aoBsn.* t bahl agon I Be an lh«ni»'«ltlMir'. iMmb ax 11. tha '.iUmu- f--r the peiiy ’Atrlun omkmtm that wfv rrftepaiit iu tha world Hare yhu aero lb* Baa, waO dnaadS, and to scary way his appaaratkoe lad tog tin tale of koaT aWM-todd ha la. trait hi tha oold or tha teofllog aaa white a BHa of a iiawatoj ahoaU bta dtrtf. awkward little baud doaru Into hU pocket ai d draw wet tha gtuiitea oouolrd oot tha (bar that belouga* to it* Bam who had rlcrw bint a alahai fof 4 penny pager T There la always it ttetti look am tha will to do Bdate fees wbetf ha Baada. by Ibaa sad wait* ter hi* twangs. 1 |fa< will tall you that In te‘ teOahWig that hoys "hnotnnaa. tblaotete.'' Oh, whaa Un dot b my ootd, or but, and tha ragged Ihtte orebio who oCmyn a paper te to mt ataall sad heteteat, ooaMat jo a, Mr. We» tedi, bare your taachlag for aaoihcr tlaaa aad •aUlagly my, "Keoptb* change. By liUlaBao/’V la doing this, of oaotaa yoo woold nlaa yonr ahaaoa la local oats that Tihnlw -* bualaasa principle’1 bat your opportunity ha* ao* taa wholly wasted, for nayh*. yoar lutte ktndocaohas owakeoad tho boy's teUh lb tho Mg baof.Mneoi of lianawklod. and list thta a eery grant thing to do for a hoy. Hat to gal tack la Ua It iaa*t maagh that gw 9*9 wta worha fma» aiwalay m _ ut, yaa rmry oftra gailo lata at Might —a goad Mtajr. Mary Am la a Ww omq apt I"** Dm ata etaaa Mta tba irat of ua, and haw dayoa >aaw SttStKWMSiff’tfM Itaard a wawaa, a *ay goad lor I taoahwwwn af a vartatraf I "crwOar ktadaoMw*' that tta taa ' Mf that Ota aaoar pralgad tar that It ' * I thf It that ita tat_ _ ■ad that ta btrah aaaat U dwataaal. I haaw thla woman's tawaa la kaft la m gaed arthr, had wagaa •bora tta orwraary ara aa aitraatlaa ta ihaao wta arroa, tat 1 Mb a UtUa 5a 2r5u,s.rr. fsUrjs 4oar alwaya taata aa dialg awd rail lag that, taa loffcaa thla Oaagdaaaa awd gma (Ma af tar owm la ratara la ratara : “Ihw aa, I'm yralnd for i ! Ata ta vt bmw, an ttewhUalto woaaoa who aitaata to dottomaM ata howaty klalnaa gat* tag tar ter aatr tha aaaat laMa. If arawoa. rty otntlaa of brtwg gagty af araaW aaaaa ,MW?’»aal taioa aHwtaalma Itaaa." Mka tha tta an, Wa rag taw* ycaada wry taotlteiT tart tta aaaat of aa »t» >ataigy win ataat yaaatea, ar aa It wtHCaran wtaa wa aaaaa ta doarlag whh tta ma wWh tta Awd -ata tta ytuftay hrahaa taraa m sdVdiBHrtB dC dw d wlatrr.arttaAadagaaf tauartata la V. r\ $. * • * s $ r'f. ‘i. ,c I I * *!• § § I $ s*: *; '

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