Thc Gastonia r 1 * 1 — m 1 i.. * — •— --- fc—“ ■*: i! .'jjas—grssssaac—b—^ucee^^ssxssskbm Devoted to the Protect!on of Home end the Interests of V I>1. XXI. uamwivft, i,i. u, Jl nutUUJA It 31AKI H ZZ, 1(HK), ARP AS INSTRUCTOR. ANSWERS QUESTIONS 8ENT HIM THROUGH THE KAIL. Thar T.MAll taarltn-A Lai/ WaabtolaM IkM.i-laallt'a «r«*’ -■*» BaUaara* Aknaat llnraa. till At*, in At la nr a OonaUrutlou. A lady write* to mu aod aeka what la really meant by lb* ' oeedle’ary*’’lu Ut* livable of lit* rloh mao. 1 reavetn bar reading eomrebem that ll *» (he ■taalleet gate (bai gave aotrauo* (u ttie walled dty or JereteUra. and that a loaded carnal had la b* * tripped of It* u unite and ta-nd Ua kurart to aqu«va<* tbroagb. And to a ikb man l«d to give op bi* riche* and outae to bi« knee* before he could enter hear*-*'. Out 1 do not And Umi la aoy com men tvy. It waejuat one ol the tbouauid proverb* that adorned l he uxiral teach log* of the Jeea and lb* eaMtrn na tion*. The writing* ol Job and Solo mon and CVnitedoui and Mahomet abort'd In them. In lie Koran la found tbla proverb : "Tbr ioipoua man #111 flud the gatee of haavrn abut aud tie oaa do more notar them a camel can p«aa tbroagb a urrdlr’aryr. •• There i* a Dottier la the Koran which aaya: “You will never ere a palm tree of gold nor an elephant paae tbr >ugb a nerdh-’a eye." Thee* proverb* almply meant that It wae Impnaaibla. Strange to i*y, Ut* world haa long alnor quit mak ing proverb*. All prom :e bave soar down to ue, even euch a* "A rolllua atone gather* o* onw*." "Poor Meh ard” left ne a few euch aa "A penny caved to two nenoe gained. ” , A young man eager for knowledge write* to kaow why it la that when you reverse e number and aublract the Imi from tb* greater the dlOvn-nce ke al wan alas or tome multiple of ole*\ and nlna will divide It without a re mainder. U* Wants to know the rea son wby. This Is rathsr c^mpirx, but tba reason la plain when you s e it. Bv reversing a number you change the numerical value of avary figure lu it: iioit* btoome teoa "or hundrrda nr tlHMiaaad*, awd vtee versa; und liente If you eubtraet a unit from a ten It lteyea nine. Taka tea (or instance, sod reverse it aad it Is 01. It was tcu before and II Is 1 row and the differ ence Is obliged lu be nice. Take 91 end reverse It and yon change 9 ten* In $ units, and 1 unit to 1 tan; gaining 81 aud losing 9 sblch make* ?*, a multiple of 9. Now if you add instead of subtract the sum will iw 11 or some multiple of 11. 10 aud 01; 18 and 81 make 44; 10 and 01 meks 77; 24 aad 43 maka0G;aH multiple* uflL The com plex IHea and results of figure* are many and very w»nd«rfu). They train the mind* and strain the mind I know they did mla* srbeu I was strug gling through trigonometry and cal culus. A boy eae fudge aud smoggle aloeg through Latin and Greek with the help of translations hut lie can’t fool tba profeaaor on Ibe blackboard. Another enquiring mind wUhae to knew wby it la that the first day of May aad the following Christmas al ways corns on tb* asm* day of the weak Wall, U can’t liaip It that's all, for there are thirty-four even weeks from one to the other. But Cbitalmas day and the first of Urn next May don’t lit. February oom«a la aud knocks the even Into odd. A Florida girl writes that her si ma nse I* all wrong, for It gives February only twenty right daya. oatwllhalaud ing tbla la leap. Ytt. Mist, this la leap rear, bat It don't leap. Tba last year In every century baa to t>- skipped at ayaar. for old falbrt lime g,loa a day In avarr bandted years, and the clock baa to be sec back twenty four boor*. And hare lo a good hnmbto. aenoibla letter from a Louis Una uegro who aaya he be. a great reepeot for tbe wbtte people, and loves to lean upon them, for tboy know brat and lU-y bare treated blta kindly all hla life. Be •ay* t "I read all your let Ur v and* yon el re o« »inn awful blows, bet you caot blow the monkey oet nf ua.” Wail tha word uegro la Spanish and Portages for blank. The Prvneli lo nlgre. The Latin la niger aud Ibe English corrupt ail It Into nigger. Tbe Century dictionary says that nigger is more English than negro; aod wan used without oppiobrloui li.lwn; and ean be found m writing* of Tom Hood and Prard and Trrvnlyn To* Irlrb call Item nagarm. Bet as tba Latin la tba foundation 11 all throe languages X would say that ulger is really the origin and th* moat proper name for tba reoo. • • 1 «U OB the train odm when good •Id Hanford Dali waa eery moob per plexed about a miserable oadareeoue looklng foreigner who took a seat la tha negroe’e oar; and a negro preacher Baade a fata about It. So. Hamforrt saked him whether be waa a oegro or a white lean. He ahruggrd bla should era and grinned as he replied ; “Mine fader waa a Portugwa' tad mine mad der waa a oagur “What shell 1 do with btm ?" “Let him atay. or pilot) him out the window," lie replied. Han foad said te me. -I think he Is a oroaa between e baboon a ltd an eeqalmo." I like euoh oefTuee as (be one who wrote me that resprotfal end sensible letter. la feet, I know of many oe groaa who here not only ay regard, but a share of my sffaoi tone. How willing they are to oUlgs you. When I am afar from home and want lafor msUeo about ilia trains or the town hr tha time I always ash a negro for ha will iatl me mors willingly than aouse demst oMclala f h erg met. Bet this la enough of answers te rerrespondents elm n quest an anaaer ■e yoer paper. I try tu answer moat of them by letter, hot they accumulate wWTOi more than eesr, la hard to keep ep Homeofyoer read ers bate got aa Idee Diet a mao of nay •go aught ta knew something stoat eeerytnlng. Wall, ba ooght lo. and be baa Head la rare if be lo no wleer Ihea dbao be was youngja I like lo glfMS the knowledge that 1 hare etqalred, aad bresdaaat It among iha Mb wha hays CM Urn toots nor had the advantage that a kind Prevldeaae liea el yeti lo me. Eapeolally do l ap preciate loll eta from tbe boyaeud girt*. I bud 4 moo letter yeeteiday from two Mleelaeippl airie. and ibey ilirn It Ma bel and Meier — nothing more. I would auawer their quart loo If-I knew their other name. Tbe older 1 grow tbe girater la my InlerrM In tbe obil dren; the generation lhat la enoo to laknuur plaora. My poreat plreaure now It to play with end foodie the lit tle >uve. 1 rneau good oblldren, of oourae—aapecially glria. When a dear little graudcinld ollioha mv Itoeea and puls her arena around my ueck and aaya : "You good, idd-for-nothing 'lilng.” I »to happy. Another wadding auut aeraary paaard ua yealeiday, and w* ma graiaful that no calamity or affec tum Itea befit Ufa ua rtoce the laal. FiriY-uur years hare passed ce my Wife aurmudered and 1 broamr her peiaouer, and Urea km-pa rolling on. ■ mmy*** JTfclM** !■ Ihe forM. Niiw Votfc Kkh, The l»‘ ge»i locmuol Ive works to the murid era lit 1’aiUdnlph-a. Tim largest c«r mauuraclurlog plant In n.a world li lu Pittsburg. Tl*« large*! drug huuia id the arm Id I* iu St. Liuis. The ’argnal « holeaate di j guodn h-.asr i* in New York. Thu Urgent guu works to the world are tu Buev. The Urgeat mbkact factoiy It In Ht Louie. The UigesL drop hammer In the wuitd I* llts property id lbs Bethlehem Inin Co. The largest bottle in «uu lac lory Is lu I'lllaliurg. Tbe largest spring works are lu Pitts bmg. Toe largest batik is lu Loudon. The Urgent church U in Borne. Tbe largest beef and pork pecking house It In Chicago. The Urgeat starch busturss Is in Os wego, Tbs Urges! oopper mine Is In Michi gan. Tlw Urgeat pumping engtue lo ibe world U lu tbe Calumet and H*oL mine. Tn« Urgrst match factory tu the world It at Barbertoo, O. Its capacity U 100.000.000 s usy. Tba greatest boLl Is in New York. The greaUai usarcJa quarry Uln Ver moul. The greatest Hour mill la In Mloua s polls. The greatest oo per aud brass mill is to Watorbury. Tbs greatest aloes factory U Is De troit. The greatest whisk* industry i* in tbe United State*, tbe output being morn Ilian 80.000.000 gallons a year The Urgeat sawing machine work are at ElUabethport. Tba largest boot and shoe Industry la at Lynn The largest grcociy house it In New York. Tbe largest hardware bousa In tbe world Is In Ut Loula. The Isrgeet State U Texas. The largest Snaocier In Ilia world U In New York. . The largest broker U iu New York. The largest stock exchange Is In New York. The Urgeat city (In ares) u New York. The large* life loturanoe oompantee an lu New Ynrk. Tbe large* buiWIIoge an to New York. Tba lanretl corporation la tbe world it Id Peauajlvania—lb* Carnegie Steel Cnmpwoj, capital stock $2*0.000.000. | Next mom llit Federal Steel Coomanjr of New Jervcj, capital author lied 8200. 000.000. Tbe large* monument la tlie world It Id Wathlueloo—large* In tbe tentc of Ulleit ikI oott. Tht Ittfllm rt root ore In In Farit— Hi* Eiffel tower. The Urge* Maembpot runt la Long Itland *>ond bet wee u New Yore aud Fall River. Tbr large* tuamtblp pile# between New York. Soathmpton and Bremea. Tbe largeet locomotive It oo a abort line Id Pliuturg. Tlie largeet college or university It Harvard, eoaatdtnogtbe greatestDum ber of ttodeoit. Im undergraduates exceed lu Dumber iboee of Oxford. Tbe greateat abip-bulldlng pleat It at Gbrngow. Tba large* ana pan tl to bridge It la New York. The large* metal spent Id the world are la Mew York, [the Waablogtoo bridge.] Tbe (argrtt public g* plena are la Part*. Tbe large* noobar of theatres ta in Lbb4oo, * The large* hospital In the world It Id Paris- the Hotel dee Invalid** Tlie largeet atone structure it lu RgJPt. The large* falls era la Mew York. The large* river U le South A mar lea. _ Omm l« Anww HmIipI. hwt mm4 9trt%m. A ooneapoodeut Inquire* a> to Iho rffacl upon oar <)oar«Oe hM auupli of lb* ml* of foreign gam*. Tho rflrot of th* aal* of game aotu«l)y Im ported woold, of ooarae, oot *»-ot tho domretlc aupply lo toy way wbatarer, unlore It might bo poaolMy ir Ui* lea ported ‘look wore ao plentiful ai d ao cheap aa to traavn Iba demand for aa tire apaoloo. That lo anmothing which la not hkaly lo happen. Tbo actual condition* ai* three-that while Ibero U In tbo owrkot toore ootanlly Imported foreign gome, by for tire grooter proportion of tbo gnai labelled oo foreign I* A war lean. and I* told illMMy under a foreign n»«i*. Rrtail blida are American quail ; Freaob pbaooaota are American* ruffed grenaa_, CaJaaal Jaak Chian baa AM aall lor »<0B*> <a«agaa a«alna« Mr a. Kata Barn a oa lb* oharfa of aaahaioaa libal. Hba la lha wmaaa »bo «|| (hai CM an .Ljj « » - -a—I WWn I. ANOTHER ESKIMO TRIBE. DISCOVERED BY WHALERS OH OB SCURE IBLAHD IH HUDSOH BAY. TM» MaMM ami C»»l«m Man Art ■tallt aria* afcttlte ami Im ar taa Wlnlw-frttllw (na >r lh« Tom -044 Malm. 41, I.nolt llepuMo New York. March rt -On a big It land In Hudson's Bay • hltbeitu nn known tribe of Eskimo lisa been found. Whalen discovered them, and tba authorities at the Museum of Natural H latory. hearing tlie iiewa, writ U.pL C. Cromer to Investigate tbem. How well hi* work ha* Iwco don* In ovi deuoed by U>e glam cam* now at tlm museum, Oiled with tba strangest eg. biblt that aver came even from tbe strange north land. Until the last fear ui icths trran peo ple had m-ver *wq" a white men. nis lalaod whiuti they lals iblt It osllnl Snulliaiuploo Lalaod. and la almost as large as tbs Bute of Maine. It la at the north western end of Hudson’s Uay For centuries this tribe baa not bad tba allabwt communication wllb other Eskimo. Wbeu discovered tbey were still living Is the store age, end knew oo mttais until they were In trod need wllhto a year by visiting whalers, and lo-dey tbey live fust e* they did when they Brst emigrated — from oo one knows wbars. Tbetr resldeooe piobablr antedates tbi- diaoovory ot America hy Columbus. Tbey speak a dialect different from that of any nther knuwo tribes. Tttelr but* are built of the skull* aod jaw* nf whale*, covered over with skins uf animals Bnow but* are Iho fashion among other Eskimo In tbe middle of tbtlr primitive dwelling standi tbe stone lamp (raised a little from tbe grunnd) which lights the home, heats It, o--nks the food *er>ea for melting snoW'drying clo'bvs and Uie perfretlug of some of ibelr wespoos and lmptemeiits. Among the Om-nlaud Ksklmn this lamp la Iml loaeJ out of a-asps tone, but on South hampum Island ibe lamp la made of a ttt piece of limes tone, around the edge of which narrow piece* of Hqd> stone am glued. Their pot* are made of the ■amo material, ooe Slab serving as Ilia ootlooi aod four others foi the auds aod sldaa ot tba queerest square pot ever made, Tbe glue is made of deer's blood, grvaw and dab run. One gluioe at tba loskln of ouu of tbesa pqia lloeil with pitchy mass U ewuuglj to lake away u while man's *pp»ui* for s week. loto flu- llmeilooe lamp, which la au oval, a tool or so wide aod about two tociwi deep, la put oil from wli .la blub ber. The wick Is a piece of bios*. Tbe pot I* placed over the la ap' »o a support. ■ >n whleh bangs a piece of blubber which melts from the best aod feeds the lamp o-'OtsDusIly. rmCfLlAKlTV UP PRESS. Tbe drees of tbeee people also differ a lo design from that of otb-r Kskimo The women’s elotblug Is made of the skin of the lelndrer, wared skillfully aod oaatly wltb oeadtea of Bona aud aloawa instead ol i broad The ehief peculiarity Ilea la four tiagi, two on the legs No one can see any me Id these bags, for they era aewu aliut. but It la a tradition that formerly they wets much larger and wars thao used for carrying Ute children to. Tba alyls still persists, however, though children are oo longer carried lu this faabiou. Aoother pwcultarliy of femlolue fash ion on Hoathamptaii (aland Is the bead dress. Nothing like It hsa boon disoov erad Hie world over. Tbe women plait their hair in taro plaits, partial the hair In lb-middle. Tba sods of these ptaila are theo brought over tba shoul ders and Introduced Into two lubes of deerskin, ebonl an Inch In diameter aod tw> feet long. Prom the lower aud of those to boa bang wbtapa of hair, hogg-sUng that the plaits—which era actually only long enough to reach tba upper aod of tba tabes—ara so loop that they ran through the tub-i and baag out a little. Kveo among Hskitno women there Is -‘glory” io the hair, and tba fashion bolds, though every owe understand! (ha polite flouoo. Tna members of this tribe live si to gether by Han lug and bunting, tba whale being tba ofaisf art tola of diet. Tbe bona harppouns they KM Bps thsped Wltb shipped flints, as well as Ihetr arrows aod spears. The ingenu ity with which I bay utlllts the while, boas Is must surprising. Ossa and bookeu ate mads of it by bsi>dU.( it round and sew lug on tba bottoms Whalebone serves (ham for weapons and iraptewienta of atlliiy Ttxrv even pram It into aarvloa for making tubog gaallka sleds. Soma of tbelr sled gas are made of walrus tusks as ruaosrs and with deer’s antlers as eroes plana*. On an I area ao Island as theirs there Is an eboadaeee of gams, auoh as tbs aaal, walroa and caribou. There am only ally eight persons |„ (be wboia tribe, so it Is probabta that It ba* de crease! largely darlag th i u mtilrle i. T« A DITTOS* OF TD1 TR1DB Tim I aland la thirl/ mils* aval from iba nearest point on tba shore at Had •on Bi% where lima Is a eotm/.of ti klmoe. and It la onl/ Oaoa In a Trr/ •••»* lima that thl« strait fm am o*rf. Tba tribe obnrWbaa a tradition that ■beart arrant/ In yarn ago Him liap Penrd. and two hantara from the mainland rlaitad them, theogb tba rtaUora wars •• Booh aatonlabad aa tbalr boas to ka-iw that there warn otb-r mo an aarth. JB»e»i tribe be lletsd lbet tba/ were l6e only pm**) ■" •klateooa (tinnier* Dover rialiml IbaB agalo, dot did Uiay make an/ at (Wibpt Ui ratnrn the oil ! In tba largs amount of rila-ibta nw I tarlal Which Uaplalu linear he* ' Iwonglit baob wku Mm •re «•»/ eoil oas lm(daewta eed waapiaa Tea hope loan aalrlbga with long pnndaala , ara prlmlUrtf |awlar/ Indeed. Tbare I are bow* end errowa with dial pntdu, or natla, sal ham in nf bma *< *• lari/ polntad with atona Oobim etrral ont of ir try, w lira i tatfct. and man/ eatt»«i« leer/ ornaments and oarrtngaare them; pipes made of atone. Bona needle*, el new thrawd, dug wbipa. arrow head* wrapped In lotaatla*. and carried ia thta faahlon to replace Mine* that ale)it be lost In ilia ahaae. They aton otrro In state and atone, and auiaa of Ibe quaint little dgum of polar bears, moakox, ralnderr and walrua. aa well aa of bum no beings. will lolerrot eyery beholder. Tire arrangement of all the exhibit la uut yet oomph ted, and It will probably ba aeveral weeka at leaat before tbia curloua cullectloo la |daoed lefcnt llie wondering ejea of the New York pub lie; bat when It ia h special rlalt to ibo rnuerum for Ha ktudy will repay trery one. _. •**«•*•■ eumicn. Haw II* M« Urn* In** I* IB* ‘'■plain af Tka Ml*. Frorn an Rjogiangc. TUto ti now but on* way open for tha roUated man. blue Jacket* libe. wlto liaa a kkk to ref later. □« mottabnw lik band and 31 a bit com plaint In hi* owb pcraoa* ->r Dame, rw b^ly or In writing. Jf 80, 80. 100, an llated mac have a common grkvai'oe. they nu*t prwaanl that giievano* in damnation to Ibw commanding i (Dorr or in Ilk form of a written bill of com plalal, with tbeir tlanatniaa altaebad to it bi order of tbeir rala'tve rati of in moat caaea tin method nf poaa t Ing grievance* |0 delegation at I be mMt k rewirled lo by tbe enlteled men of Die Ameeioau navy nr today. The oian with the Individual grievance no caMnoally pute in bln oompklat la writing and addivaeea it lo tbe **era lary of the navy. Commanding * (Hear* •rw oompelUd by regulation* b> for ward all titch complaint* to the civil chief nf tbe navy—with, however, whatever lodotmiurni thereon they elect lo make. It k generally a moderately bad Job fur an eultated man to writ* n liana live of woe I o lire arotelary of Hie Davy. 9beli a Chap doeau’t frrquebtly flod hla after career In Uie navy ,<•* long drraui of peace nnd que*. E,Hated mao wbo have drawn* up turaaeroable compUiaii. eveu ojmpLalnu no; «n lively nuraaaonabla. nod tbua addnwn d tun have generally abad aoatn quiet •allna tear* in their bamtoock* after ward over the foullahnea* of the net. It at am* rraaonubl* to auppoae. bai lor human nature la tbe anna on *ea •ad land -that no blui-jaoknt or marie# can prwnlbly add lu hla turn total of oomforl or liapptoea* aboard (hip by more or Iq* bluntly informing lit* civil bead ol tbe navy department that tbe commanding oflor of the vvaael on which Ite aervra ta an uojuat mao, • bully or a man wbo dowan’i know bla buatneav Yrt tbln faot. whlq). luokn *o obvlooa, lv wry often ignored try raah eellnted men OUIm Will* la ike UMlk. WilnMaston UcMoorci Thu ooilon mill building l-i it* south ii tbo the thrme uf the dalll-M, uf the wuekllra, uf tin* trade j-imrtul-t With them it la line upon line. It 1$ now boastfully claimm ibat the foiore pre eminent pue|li-m of the wmthmi tuiu. aa tbe groat »<tton manufacturing center le absnlutaly assured. not only for America Ult fur Uie world at large It Is a llule toon to bn potting It so strong as that, bet thi probabilities oerUInly look that way. If the pro gress of tbs nsst ten years In propor tiun to population as was Urn case la tbe last decade, it really loiks a< if up 1910 the ulalw of Superiority, of laaderahlp over iba northern State* and Great Brltala and India and all other lands might be righilp - maintained. While South Carolina and North Carolina map at present oouaume all the notion they produce It it s«ld that it will Wke thirty yaars for tbs aoutb to oootums all the cotton I* makes. But that may slrlka «ns as absurd. Tho eouth oau In thirty years produce three or four times ss much sot too as It grows now. We yrrlly belters that lu that time Texas alone can grow and may grow mom cotton Ilian all southland grows bow. Wt bell-re It w«s Mr D. A. Tivimp klus, uf Chulotu, who forecast tho rators ootton milling for tbo soutli and put Its iaersaao In epUdlsa to tin next too years at 90.000,000. which added tit those now operallug w-»ul.t inaka the total nearly wjOOO.COO. TIM HM WmM. An Mt«' prising Llkorpoo) ixllvr hM been known tn aaha.wledge ib n he dlda’l here anything a poeeile one tentragMuk (or. Oh# day n onnunoar eotered u« ehop and eeked If be bed any trouMra made eeprolally for oon legged meu. ‘'Oertaloly," aatd the merchant. ••Wh«t kind do you want ?” •'Urea* Uoneeri," aald the man. ••The Iwet yon'ee got." UerrylHg Into III" raer of the itorr, the rnterptlelng acrnheat enatebed up a pair at treneere end aolppnd uf Ue right leg with a pair of eetaoor*. line tlly terolng under l be edge*. he pro krnted tlieo. to the euetoeaer. ‘•Thet’a the kted 1 Went. What’a the prtee Y” • Oae Qulnr*.” ••Well, glow aoapih With the left >r« o«."_ fMat tw Tk* >■»» I Wo are ernUfcd to are kit all I fret, true, peUloile ropuUtean and popullet white own. apeoklng nut Iwateljr for for Hi* amendment. lot where uwit • heir thdepOndonoe and out without fear rr Seeltaney. ma4 MM r*MM Ik* hi Wm lha Ml that bit G. B. At rail «*a, of JTvaiut. MWk., la tba Civil Mar. It aaaart honlbU l’la*ra that aa UfatMoat M|w4 «M 10 yaata. Tbea BiMihWa'a Araata Halva aarvH Mm. Carva Cata, BrateM. Bara*. I talk, Prtoaa, Ooraa, 8k Hi Kraptlaaa. Haat Pila eara oa vartb 90 oU a I ai. C’ata aaaraataaH. iMH Hy J. B. Carry at»H Ooatyaay. I> «**!**• JESSE JAIES AID BRIDE. EOVEYMOOV IV TEE OLD BVLLBT SOABBSD HOUIB. •#<•<»« WnMI«|-TMl M U«Mk U»11l MMh X. Lvub RapuMIr. km*** City. March 3—Jem* Jmm ton of tb* mm Imuhii bandit, and HUUa MeUowaa. who (rev I Bierrated In blm last winter while ha wai Man tiled Nr coop!tally In a trala robbery ■«e married January 38. They sprat thrlr honeymoon on Urn Janes farm In Clay County. to the aM buH*t-*a<rrad bupea that ana both bona and forties* Nr Prank and Jews Jama*. Hr., la tbs days when they were ooflawa. Ttief are o>w living alUi Jaaee'e mot bar. «lw baa baas very a ear death’* doer and to whom badaide *M called Mr*. Zerelda Samuel*, mother of tb* famaae bandlte. wt.a km on* I mad In three raHy day* of *Un«(k trying ta ear* brrebtld. Tbe morning vm nw sad Urak ■ Ian I want to M« young lira linn Tl» butt*# stands aloes la a wMoairatek »( gnmDd. aero* khloh tka wiod »«opa aa oaly a weateao wind on. Hoar by it tU tiro to wblgb it waa add. lb* Uinrara wars Urd us tha night of lb* train wreaking at Loads. It la a i .eat lUlla ooUaga. On this partla aUr day It waa ourtoaudad by Maak mud, dead tMuabwiwd and a gray aky. lint ihera waa ebaet inaida notwith standing ■Icknewa. Young Mrs Jane* It Just 1ft. (the baa a alight Ogure, a alrllab. prwily faaa and aby manner* Oh* wet Jr baa w fura tba trial-bad ‘bevt ooanpany” woh him to aoair extent-but alia did not be coate aariowaly interested iu Itlaa j ualtl ahe aaw him fl/rbtlng na a ecu-a- • tion that waaul, If pruead, II 'a in ihs | paultetjttary. aba said la wi*tr ui my I quciy. "of coarse 1 knew ha was lie. nootot, b it Uwy had at niscli evldaur* ! against lilai I ousddoS aas hoaat-i awl rid of tl. You know they Dm aa«d lbs bo rare were lU-d out bare to ibore trwa—Tuu can a-w ibata from tbla win dow-and ihat Jrwa did It. aud ibat it iiattuauad at half peat 9 lint J*wa pf”*«d right away tb«t Its waa am libww rise at half hast l) And than (bay brought up Ollier Hungs, end k-pt brluging Uniat up, uaill H waa awfally h«id mil to iwlh re thaoi. Yea. I wm at the trial every dty.” Doting Utls DBM Jesse bad a cigar a<nod in tba eorrtd«r of the Coattboaaa and be was daily besieged by hosta of g‘rU who br»ugtit bln flowers sad lli-gmed over tba oouatrr i« uy to mnka him talk, that they might r* piaaa sympathy with bite- Ou the ■uorulDg after till acquittal fltvlla MoUown was one of tbeoa vblloia. Clie II .were she gave him ware socepi-fl | and Id rctuia itsss naked her U> ntlrud ' a t-n»lball game That Waa tba is-l | begiiHtlDg of It aba My a. The eugaatn mei t w*a aunouncad mob aflKseidt I At Uie» wesldlug, which waa a. Vary simple one, held la lbs bride’s boats, , were time «f lbs anal proatlosnt s>ea : In Kansas City. Aavtcg Ibast T. T. Criuahdvn, the present County dark; K F. dwliii.oy, etsbler of U* Fink Nalbiuat U.uib, and U. L. Yeager, tha attorn*? wbo def mated Jreea Is his trial.' Hr. Crlttendest bae'bswti one of Jesse's closest filruds for a long i Ima Mr. CrltiaudeaV father, format O., veruer Orittrsdas altered the reward of 910.000 which caused the killing at Jvsas’s father by iso uf bla pats, the Foid brothers. Tlw groom's uncle. Frank Jamay, who wsa ones tbs ter ror of many Stales, was also at tha wedding. One «-f iba 9«St pUcca to wfaMti Jests sod Sulla MoOosro want together wes Mr. Crtiundan’j home. I aid* tits James hums an this bleak coomtug everything waa oberrfal as a crack Hog oust fire sod a pleasant-faced girl noutd make It. The aliUng-runm la isiali and otsy. Tba front ruum baa bars given up to J raw’s mot bar. who to |stt recover lac from a savers ill ossa She was not able to present at the wed ding. bat abo sen tuw iu sod aas this slip of a girl bsaylng herself ah iwt tba houw m4klow everybody happy. She has find to aas bar asd bar haaband*a sue asd daughter grew sp-and bsooaat aa ntber pmiplo’sohlldrsu. Tba daastv l*r lives with ihaoi whan aba la not teaching Mm (fewest baa name hare frees lbs farm lu Otar Oosoty. wlsera «ho aUll Herein ibaboUat soar rad haem wbara p Igrlms fivqusetly ooms la visit haf and writ* lb>h as waa to bar visit ing boob. Tb* other cutups, u> elilcli the honey-moon wee spent. <M not mtuh Inraer then Um one In whldh Jssea nod hie wife now live Within Um yard la • |re«n ■•toad eed white ItoMwt, Mend to the memory ef Jeeee*n fether, lire, (teasel, who Uvee there, uiks freely ot tho aderstures nod beir breedtb ssotposef bar hoys. Tie oat ooteMe actfM he* Its own story of the preslest of alt onwrllbM, the (ether oC yon ay Jraas James, ar-eredltsd wtth iieviun 111rested ths Modssn etyta ef oppress train and bank robberies. This Modern kalebt of the rend, after harlot aetoblbhsd btneelf amuse bare worshipper*, aad la ran lad aa alfM ape teeo by wbieb he eluded lb* aeaeeer al (aet coerta, which do aot normal** n* onat co Is real Uft, wads tba (Me) blunder of eeUlny ont of bit iVfloa for Me leal (larlrp aet of robbery, the penalty for wMeb he In now peylep la the ehoa dep-irtseeni ef toe State ml leotlery at litpwi oily. Uet that* It a* laaor eld* la the etortee ef bandit*. eed ef tbla dds lira. Irani eosaetiawa uths. Tbla wothsr of puhrrVIU* la 7b years old serf wed. She bn* heen deearl bed as "txia* vf frame. etna* of maaole. stern of yt*. , nan, aad rise mas ef temper whan Mw talks la da* ueetatory wards of Um Mas I, who h aaaded her boy to hie death." > To pet tr the Jams bnwestenf, la 1 UUyjUoonty one hae (a pa la a little data nailed Keeney, tweety-faer ,! ml Me dleuar from Keeaaa UKy. Ran i: la Um ittUe red aeUoo tyaiaal of amaR • team, and the hosasetaas I* at Um aad I ef a three mile drle*osar adsatyeeae .tii rmd. There are neealyoU aami s&r xn »M t)| that trni left Um widow whoa tto fat-ma bandit wot KiUad, m MmUT —'flM-d wd Um* m MtMag to Mpport the f«»Uy. I*Mf Jrnaa mauafad to *« Ma aoboaM*« Id lha odd ooaanta, aha to mu not ^taMSR&fiCStww •Mn Um^MtaSrSthiiSStaa tor to to— a X that aba tslabt ba < UlUa by fiuia ho that ken fro* tbo la bow wodbwatrd. wantad to to to t— daaao Ml the paaUn* I • el jar atqra la Urn Cotirfbaoaa. Aad tbaa aaaw lit- train Tb- ooawoaeaaiant that I/m bad. «aroad Sutra aaldaaet and dnatoiad that yam* Jaaw daswUad bad a band to tto yfeodarlaa of that Iraki oaao Uka aabeak to ihaattlaaaa of UiWplaae. Tbo* tod arewa »0caatn— -d to tbtob •rtblayoaaa manasa—cidatann aad brother. Bot ttara waa —adb otreato ■taoUalavldraoa wblab dhtot aoanat *2r .xsr^rs^z ,r® wma-- ~ 04a)__ OfOttad la Bun bakig twokan fat what L* la ha <hm <4 ahsWe ailyai* aoUM I BaUftaa la Uaa Caritad dutra. iha U«j to ilia ml itaataaala. K. U, ah ilia Uaa of tea Mautea'a Ballast. The »M hwltota. will tw US h*?Mc by <04 feat loot. draetortaa high, wHb ah* alas and hotter room tad ab»ef 400 irt«hl laovws. Tula bulldtag wtB '* ooaatraetad'hy tea ntnl Bel Idle* and Ooitalrueilon Company, ef him, Maaa. The eapltallTftLOOO.OM, Md u» ba fully laaaanbi* and ta law aareag Ha acbearthan aoaae af ted e'lreagaat Qnaueul ma la- tea bto. Tha ■am la eg pa, ted ta barwaataaMV •'** Mar. aad wffl Matt With JLCJto lonate and M.fW wdedlea. la aMItlao ta tea a'mea tea Arlhaaaaa 41111a wilt Ih boil* bare Um y,,r. They will ba loettaJ two aula, waat <4 Oaa* Pane oa U»- a Haiti atda of tha Inttwrff Ball way. Thle nail I low b *-n organ* d Whb *180,000 end la Is laaaa 0,000 apiadtee, Taa tarn of <■ i«i<itlt ka« just a wanted ohumuu tor in«nlllag a *00.000 plan’, onwahallnc >4 water *?rha, Bower an* aad rlectrln Hrbta, wblob will ha e»Bt<4etx| tk* i etl atg otontha. Tl»-w i«|»i'ah>« wall brtag ta OaafhNla skvaral lhaaaaad vaatdr. Bttuatrd la tea OtaiM af-a taa agnoaltaral hnautry It wall he<m«br oaotac of la terra* to haodrade of far mra aaablag beam A aiUI napatathM bay* nearly all It a fruit, garden pmdaoa. rata, paehry *',ld T*1, •** 0—thfy tha exaapti aa of a few ehtakana aad aa eeoataaanl hog. It la well kaowe to every natal iter loeatad with la reach <4 each a l»wu aa Gaetoota will he. that It la sac of the beat mrbwa tor pradcaa. acd .thla will Iw no OKNpUoo U tea rale. Tha tea* Uaa In taka adraalags 4 ol acaha si Mellon la Ufoealta roah Teada arc vary laemaUa la! pr ba and ou bn ■adaaary ptodantlac. Thera «ra lerta prodta la Ml far i tboan wba aaakatha fall-et aaa of teeaa opportunities. MUmWaUy. boa-body looolrad of Dootor LmM, apOatattha Tnawal a KaraaQ*to IUM. what ..mid ba «mT<M (to 10.000 OriMM aaldian If LdJki atMMild fall lot* Boor laod* TbWhtok : "W* +*** totha build fur tfaoa o bi| yrtan a yat Uiaa auk to Um mImm. That om oha u<ooM ftiaao* did." It Boat ba grautad that thoa on not word, ■ktob *mM oobo tori MootooiW harm, ofoo If UM bn.*« ujnd oo UMM |EJ »T~«UI1 Xaoyoo ad tfalo aoootota—om a tao to (Mod to oaad thrill* of ton yoor It wbliba atunld ho Unir nast Ladyoalth lloo botf tat at too dtoUot, ad ktM«,UM uokklocoooa ooaoio aa «*• Kty aaaao “U. hlN of t»»»o»> dw^koy" to ooad lo todl «au* oayartor Mod of hnyjo. Witt oisssrarsv on tba rttao «f or ao H koo I ».• C jStoa JiorooHoa^*odT ad*o Jin* J : 52ZX3U2rm.'*m'' - -

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