_The Gast6nia ®**oted to the Protection of Home sad the Interests of the County. Vol, XXI. ' {«,,»• GASTONIA, N. C., THUK8PAY, MARCH 29. lftQQ. he Talk of T About The Big: Show of New SPRING HE NEW YORK RACK THE PRETTIEST IN TOWN. Our line of all over Embroideries, Puffing, Tuckings, all over Laces for Waist Fronts and Yokes are acknowledged by all the Prettiest in town. Ask to see our line of white figured Piques, Lawns and Dimities «yid many other pretty summer Dress Goods Those Marseilles Counterpanes from $1.75 to $2.50 are beauties. We have the Dog Collar and Pul ley Belts, also all the latest Novelties in Ladies Neckwear, etc. OUR CLOTHING DEPT. Ml of New and Nobby styles of Men’s and Youth’s Suits with double Breasted Vests. NEWEST THING IN HATS. We have the Golf Hats which are the newest out in all the light col ors from $1.25 to $2.00 Big bar gains in Men’s Stiff Hats, worth from $2.50 to $3.00 my price, $1.40. I Our Stock Much Larger and Full in Every Department. WE ARE REALLY too busy, to write an advertisement So all we ask is a call and our prices will do the rest. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED thousands of yards New Embriod ©ries, Laoes-and Bibbons of which are the beat values ever shown. Also latest Novelties in Girdles and Shopping Purses. * — COHE TO SEE US.—— HBW YORK KA0KET- ^ out for the Red ^ Q»» .HOW W,^ ^P- T- HEATH, JKB SAOSjTMWT.1 IKS. AMIS FLORIDA. bill DE8CRIBE8 THE OLD LADT’B DEPARTURE FROM HOME. Arrival »« iMkafanili-itf *U Mia *» TMIlkr tArtM rmm-Trlv la r»—*» *M*k aM Other riaaaa. DID iff In AHiatt GaostttmJon. Going, going, goo* t For two weeks it bad been tbe family talk—will tbe maternal aoeealorgo u> Florida or not. Her posterity down Ux.ro bed ,bten selling her kmg sod frequently end flnelly sent her e liberal obecfc where with In provide a suitable paraph-rse lie end pay her way 10 Jaefceooville. It was aa awful struggle. Tbe girls hinted that If she wu not golog »he ought to teed the shack bask, aud when at last abe bought the beautiful •ilk aselmir Henrietta Marl* VaadetU or word* to that effect sad I urood It over to tba dreaanuker It looked Ilka aba was oartelaly golog, bat 1 bad my doabu. She wanted me to drefcto tbe anomentoni queatloa, but 1 looked eol auiu end malataiued a dignified neutra lity- **M yon are going,’’ aald I, “of soars* I will go with you, fur where tbow goeat 1 will go, but yoa must *urt next Toaedey eva and atei a week only for I have got to go to Caroline ■gala tbe laat of next week,” StlU abe hesitated and gave ao oartelo alga. Tbare w*u posterity at bgmg that Mis feared wools fell Into a well or get bitten by a mad dog, or gat ran over so the street, or eeloh Hie contains or something etaa, end every Ua»e they mm to great bar. her eyes would get watery at th* thought of leaving them, neighbors aad kindred argeri bar U> ge tor abe bad not bam as far aa Atlanta la Ira raera, end needed e ebenge of air and water end aseaary. And ao we sraorted bar to ilia depot and there wars ao many to klsa end so many parting lojsosUons shout the oh I Id ran that aba had liked to bare been left after all For Ira miles abe never ■eld a word bet looked out of the win dow and ramlnaud. At a«|Mlr>uno« at Ua Mr oawo forward aad that rnllrod tha raonot oaf aad wa acrt to Atlanta to duo lima aad aft* a abort (tag Ml for Florida. Wow wa ara both alad that wo oaara, far wa candn oar k fad rad happy and wtH —>o ijot *ora happy whao wa gat bank. Tbla arm In* wo rial lad u>a oauleb far*, tba Florida coo, whidh of Itaatf la worth a ^lp to Jaokooo Mb f wlah that all tha riilldran eon Id tlall It for It la a Wggrr thlni than a ntreoa or *oaogarla; U la taaah largrr tha* H waa two yrara ago, for bow. Balilr* orar a baadrad aatriabaa tba Piagrtaton hato waay rarlrtka of tba •oat baantifal Mraa la tba world. Thar o< aagaMta plowagr- phaaa anta, daoha, par rota, paH"—■ crmoaa aad thara ara daar, *oakrya, araeadllra attara aad »any othtr oraataraa A hat ara Mr* mm traraliag araand aad ara tut ago of baauty that would dallakl tbaltttMMka. My wl*» aaya lbat n la iba baat ab*w for a «a*rt«r Unit aha fprr wttaraaad. It to worth, that to aee tbe JUera playing In I be nur. TbU too 1e aa eetabllabed auoocaa and a epecialty for Jacksonville. Crowd, vialt It every day end tba tourl*. boy feat ben and agge moat liberally. Toe street oar lafeta you there for a nlekal and they are alweya full. We are goto* to Pablo Beach to morrow nod to St. Augoatlne next day, and | Keep on tbe go all tbe time aa King aa tbe latter, fro® borne tell oa that all ate well ‘ What a wonderful change baa come oyer tba olty aloqa I drat knew It. when there were about 10.000 people hm l waa uodrr die ban—a a napoot — a home for paatllraue, and the toerltta hurried LbroogbK to aafa Havana. Now there are 95.000 people and during the winter half aa many more. The city haa been thoroughly lowered and drained and la aupplied with tbe purrat water and* the atreeta aod walk* all paved and everything looks oiean aa a parlor. Tba pmtUaaea that walkerh at nooo day will not walk liere any more. And then what a change of diet bea aoma over oa. Barly vegetables, early oyatera »nJ abad and tomato, and strawberries for deeaart even day. 1 aent aoma orange btpmomahotte yeater day but requested tba glrlt not to get ■anted until wo return. My wife and I are rrjuyBoated Pine elotbee. Boa diet and nothing to do hut receive attention, will regenerate maternal anceatora. Aod It haipa tba veteran* loo, 1 feat thl* morning ttta I can Jump oyer a twe-rail fanee and eat tba ptgaon wing, a mall ptgaon. Bat 1 oarer «a)d aoylhlag about oor kctaf *Uy In tavasoah, that grand old elte that Georgia la proud of and It la atm tha gloat beautiful and lotwaut iog oily lb tba aoutb. lie parka alaua ••• a moouaaaut to Oglathorpa. lit )*®®* atraata and ihadn tiara sod flparera are thing* of beamy. Ita ohursbsa awl public building* are tlo* boporad aod Impraaaive. Kow Joat powder It for a moment wbaol my that I taw Horanaab tot trho drat Urn* alitrwrtn yrata ago I •*® ®0li,“W—®.l®®T* *** * buadird pauple llrlag who aaw It before tbeo. By vawrta and brother aod myorlf tolled from there to Boston In 18BB W* (Warned to Oaorgt* by lead to ■ oatriaga. It took us two mouth* to make Ik* long Jetr mills and Ilia rxlent of Ixjalneaa they are do ing. (I rest DrUlen ia 10 the wuaaa condllion lu Ibla respect than the Oon llneok Tba qntaUty of eettonoow hi Mm paoi nod at am for Brltleb porta la 1,063,000 balm Iraa lhao a year ago, •ad my moeh below tba eorreopoed leg tlan of any IW alooa 1000 (1 eireedt that year by lbe trtfllug waiter of 07.000 baler hat the prumnt an nan! ouoMwptlnn of tba Britleh will* la luat ■00.000 balaa (of 800poaoda not) great »r than to tho aaaaon oa 1888 M down paoplo hero aad la Kurupe who wlota ootUm to doollno are nlrcalallag i P*>vaMr and pabUoly all klada of puoaiugly devtaad Ogam to akuw that | low eotton will be leaded by tba wUle thaw UM large aotawa of thalr ban turn would Induce Um pabtle lobaliero A!I the Sgarrs of thaeWaaraat itatlai ralar.a will not odd a btln of cot too to the •mpa of Um world eor mum Um wiita thto mum to eocauD- a bale Uue thaa thalr full Mousily to tong aa they eaa aall ihatr p rad art ▲ large ruduoUoo lo the aapgly of oottoo oauaad by wrtoai shoring* in the a rope of A Manor nod India nmr i lag jow whoo tba wllk ware generally 1 doing ao uapeaaaadlnglt largo awd ; protMbln boat new canard o grml ad Knaa in axurn. ThU mak wo* prr Klt togioal aad It Mawa to wu I rgnolly star that good prhwa far apM coilon should neutrally prcrail golit Um supply of cotton exceed* llw leg ill mate demand for H. Tbit can hardly ■>cour be* or* October 19 U> November 1, though If lathe tunavr ilia urw crop prmlaoa a lance yield, fnuir* eon tract* for Deer-crop delivery would prob-ably decline, and might avra to oon*id>-raUy lower without ata-rrially efla eting tba prion of (put col loo. Thete Mat recently beep totna dissua sion In Uie paprr* of the Idas that Southern farmers tboold tHI on lb* basis of Mew York futures fur Septem ber and Osiobea delivery their crops of ox uni wliteb bav* not yet laceu planta-d. No farmer oould sell ble crop ea llm ; baai* of prices for September sad Oeio ber delivery nuleae bn egreed to deliver I It darlug those mouth*. He oould da-I liver only a email proportion of lit* crop by that time. aa picking usually Roeg on until December, and (otuelluia* muoh later Be oould noly aril with safety for dolivnrv in November cud , • rears ber ami New York foturao for then# .month* am nearly half a evut lower ttmu far September delivery. Tba preeant pries for November deliv ery would Uare tbe former, after pay ing fraigk.cnmmtsatona and other charges, about seven evut* pot pound fur middling notion. Thl* sbould n>x bn regarded a very templing price, staoe It has been exceedad during every oaletnWjsar, wl|h only bbs exception. dhooid ib* farmer Ml now fur de livery oart fall or •Inter, and print* before then should alraao* from any reason, he woold haee lo make a de paalt of mmj equal to lbs adranoe, and the raising of tbla money might prate Inoonteofaat and expensive. If tbe farmers should sen mure tbso bis crop turned oat to be, be would iheo bets to bar nd especUUy lo tko small towns, sad this would dps rats to Umdlaadteutaga of ibs farmer la dal I ear log hlaeoUo* up«* New York eoetrsoU for futuraa. if MM ora aaod* of faturra bora •fuioat a faraaat'a amp, Uw Uttar pWo would to lo toll U* apot ooilon spun U« attrlu In U*a oaanat ban* uwtM M mh 100 boM aM nody, anj to corrr Iba aalaa la Maw York aa faat aa (Ha actual cotton lo aoM. Tbb largar portion of Ua Cfap la fruwo by Corawa rowing lata Uian 100 MW*, aud aa tht* W 'bo Waal qaai.uty fur wbtab a contract for futnra dally, cry la aada In Maw Yurb.lt fulWara that ooty taa Urmm who raw* euur a bundrad biWaaouW anil rut a rut aga loat • bak eropa. For a far art lo a»ll futatua for aort IVto bW crap would ba a purely *|mw i lotlua traaaart lo* to Uw aatooa af tha ! vsoaaa. If, fron thaeuodWIuH In* crop lata In ua auaaarr, u«a i*mar Mould WH rnoanaa> <* to gat tha groat aat yield at ilia beat ooat of prodoc ti»o. Let liim bay nothing arhtoh can . ba prtduoed at home. Mora oaratal culllraltoo and Urn proper a*laetton an* more liberal woe of feetlllnera would gtya far better renal t* 11 lha cotton grower* than th* Urge Inciaoae la acre***, which la now an fewer ally ex pooled. [M>ynM On*nil It If tbo Irony of fata that a two mo i ; or* known beat by •tblmnniti tlwy i Have valued Uad. The U«rt]u|i of Qooenobnvo, whan a aeboolboy drew ap raloo to roauloU aparrkag Wmtehr*. They hate baas gouorally adopted In iba evanapnoaot of prtaa flghu and an ooMed lira Merqato Qooaoatury rate*. It I* aotd that Utalr oat hoc hover at toudad but on* priiVOtM which bo i •oqh withdrew dlaguited. Bntbooanaa or tbo aaaonUtlona of hU naan with tbo wnrtiag fraternity bo waa ohoni.od by tbnao whnao ooiamny ha daairod and fought, by tteoo wbow bn ilnilnl Ho died rroanUy owUttemd and firry Pointed. Tboro an ion* thing* wblab nyon when hrrbhm la thowwtvaa, It la eater tn lot alone. ■e—teaMBWMBOye Tin.t»r cat bntwooa Ootebor and April ten gmater ytln aapoolally tor water reofeting purpow* — Ibaa I hot fatted In •• rawer, an MMM of the •tarob wblab Ilia llw Mfla daring tba period of mat and wakaaih* woof clooa and Iwpoootrooto. Tbo atarob partiolon do hat appear la tba wood le nawwor. A Oerwan Qtiawlat point* out that tbnanonan who* tbo Unbar woo out way bo dotatwhaad with Ml an aa UiU torwa atarob vlotat aad aolora other porta of tte wood yellow enaafng light yollow -wafotam rate to appear «a imniMti troao. while winter hown timber la alwiye tod reeled by Uw dart atripaa of tba atarob raya oa Un ywbw gmnad._ All Mm Wi taW BiallVw, af WM MMm. o . »f*ar aatarlac lA aataUta fro» Haoral FlaCaU, ha woatd dta aatroa a aoally tymtlaa araa par lora«4; tat ha aarad Mon* aHh tya ho»ra nf Uactlaa'a Aralaa talar, I ha 'tanat Ma «<*«a aa taith, aad tha MM aalra la ita World, M aaaU a taa. •tadbf 4. tf, Carry A Oh., DriyMa H»*» MtiurwuMuwL Bwiw UrilHto Uw to Umi.irf n*rmm Own • (!■■■■ la Priaa. WaablnatMi. Mtreb. 10 —At the ibMrt luf of the Judiciary CoWUltte* of Uni Uoum to-day. ■ Chairman Bty ae p lilted lha anb-eoanaiure of maa* wblab will Uka up Urn a«iWHim i4 tha Mtyret of trueta. Th« oitfihMi tf Uit NbotfsalttH ara Uamra. Bay u< Kajr York, Jaaklna «f TVIeeooeia, Oeecttrret of Indiana. I4u.lrfl.kl of U*W Parry of Afftaaaaa L a bam of Trxaa, rod Billot of float!) Carolina. Htraoontatlr* Fltiparald of Uaaat okamitta today tntrodoaad armatettoa, wiikdi araa irhnrd t>» tho Mleltiy Committee. It propoaaa to ftt tka Attorney (laooral to laaUtnte yrmwl t"M sfaloat tha mandat'd Oil Caapaay under the Bhetmaa aatl-traat law. Kr. PttMaralfl la led la take tMe ea-1 Ooe if km belief that the wot ia c rented dlttoaod af tha (Maedard haa beat to#dlreot raaalt of aa lncrtem otj 8 oenla a f»llon In. the prlo* of . 300, tala am«at.tnla« aoiiut tlrl daod; to addition te tea cagalariy dial daad «f 18,0001)00; aad “WtanM, Atoa aittotl aaWto rwnd teat tela toat to flaMO 000 la raaaaaof tea laat taHUd) «f1 daad paid bp tMa oorparaitoa; aa* •~wVna—, It to atoa Matter ot pahMa mart teat tea artoa at toaraaaaa aU. iba aato —aaa af llgattog aaattip tea tortai tea parlataC Mat totowa tea MiMHat of teaaa Itolnk. aai laoraoaatO aoato paraaKoa liwtota Uapataxon a*a*f baowta tea toat t tharafota, halt “Baaotrad, That, la te» eytatoa at fimiiiaa. tela anilmi at tea Buatait OW0o«p«ay tola dltaatalalatlaa of > ; : J I ■ i