. ■■■FI ■ — 1 U«-J I HMI-IMI I muill'r IIM The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. Vol. XXI._, AS IONIA, X. C.. THURSDAY, APRIL 5 I WOO. ARP SBBS ADMIRAL. BILL OOMEB BY 8AVAJHAH OH RETORH FROM FLORIDA. «•) Is tvssb MS SlreMa- I ns Am! Ilia WITS Mass ISSwajr sail II as ra Tls LAssrlsx «r Tie T.sslf. mil Arp. la Ails jm Consiltutlan. On our return trip from Florida w* ran lotu the Dewey r option »i Suv-.ii oab. It bad uol occurred In ns that this was any of oni lajslnnas, but at Wnycioas and Jo-up and all along the line men and women were Isi.rdi'ig t'i« oar Ilka theia was a carnival on lia d Aud by lb* lima «'• arrived arn could baldly get Into the depot for tlw pro pie. tu Hie course ol we got t .• leavtogs of a .limit op. posit* the liotH my srlle still : "Lt us stop heie by in is telegraph .kji -.•• It was s fortunate wleetlon for wait the big pile bch’nd tier and Uiu ou.b sIodm before her ibecouldeoi be rp>wd ed to any extent 1. h.-f a • hour the crowd wm Immense .nd would i>.v> moved ber fr».o uer am-xing. but fur tbe pde 1 nr ne t Her on .ne side two eolid leet and a Arm c.npnety. Expansion «4 tbe end aid 1 ex psuded. All emla a-nl I res aud cr> •spins* around us, but .ns wife ir.e.d solid to fasr |tost. AuuLhrr lialf iioui I passed, but mil there to in. D wey sign aud l began to/eel a little tired m ay lagi and to drew a long luealli ones or twiov iu a wnilv. &oui*ii>uegl would ban I one Kuo* a little for a rest and tben ohsiige to the otber. T ie suset was kept clear by the a ai i ted pojlos, so tbat tbe military eou>d a >er distance to march Iu plal.en.a, but the military did not appear. Another flair b .ur pssen 1 aud «e h-aid ilia solemn basts of s d>um far ..way, so 1 nr.ord up ay kons lor anolhei effort. In H.e msanlias floe carriages adorned with dags and bunting the U-oiiifol ladies and swell gautleuien pasawl and passed, bat in. eridwre. ] «u u-—rlj ready lo drop to Um nun l»lr Oagso> • on which we stood, bat my wllsstnud ss Oris to llie telegraph pt4e «s Cun biaocs did to the ami. Ali-mi this time s little bealberu Chine* npposivd et tbe big piste (law iio Ms nils—a lad about twelve years old abd as good looking as a Uhiuon r*rr get I to bo. My wit- said that was a aim. a forerunner, and sure enough lire. Dewey soon appeared sod paru-d llie laoe carl tin and gated upon ihe crowd and smiled I was not liuking that way end csy wife nudged me wnb'tier elbow and su>d there the is but sin lied disappeared and 1 saw suoti.cr Isdr in snattirr window drinking a cup of lee and remarked she Is older then I thought she was sod mure thirsty, and wen then informed that I wsslooking at tbe wrong window, mill liters was no stgo that the show wsa about to begin and 1 drew sooihrr long breath and elgtied. "Cant you aland U a IliUo longer T” mid ebe. "I am almost deed,” said (. "1 would give $10 u> be out of this and idl duwo soma setters.” It waa tneu 3 O'clock and wa bad stood there three solid hours. My wife eudsarork! to distract my at tan tkm from myaelf lo tbe dagi and lotlis smalt boys who had climbed in the cop ings of the windows sod np In the trees, bat l felt like I was at a funeral nod i was the corpse in the c On. At last, Mrs. D-arey came again to the window and removed lbs Woe curtains ■nd the admiral cams with her aod waved bis hand to the "Otskle esdlti ULude. end everybody shuuled. Tbe Important arista winch were to have arrival] and sruvcu. There was tba great admiral in full rrgaiia ■md there wes bis wife, r.idlant, and smiling— dressed In a silver ialln waist lb*l wsa modestly low out in me bresatw>uaa, and my Wife Could see diamonds spark ling sod jewels suing from her hair to bar waist, bat I onuMent. for Uw win dow wss not raised sad all that eb saw was through • glass darkly, »* d my eyes were never shined auob by di« esoods. Tbe sdoslrsl was sick nod the nir must not Mow ou him. A boat Ibis time tbs thrilling notes of the bread band cams over the cast wind ai d cheered the multitude sad my wife Dodged a»" swam sod said. "Lseat that bennUfnl*” ‘•Tolernbls,” said I. for .my ktaees were In trembie and 1 was considering how 1 coaid stood op soy longer. I had not realised tbediffereuoe la ear ages untU then, nor bow It was possible for Her .10 outatand'cae, but ■be never faltered for a moment, nor complained of anything. Hive name there to see and she saw. wall. Ilia military followed tbe bud, aad that Irak uotlier balfao boar, for Ultra war* thirty eompulea, Including lafaotry and Ilia iDarloaa aod tfo oadota and iha artlllary aad tba la rally aad to forth. 1 Mppoasihe artlllory ara tba fa) Iowa wbat moda tba pa nob that made Urn admiral ao ale*. Ttw artlllary waa dr* am by tba birgeat mulra I aver oaw, and on mob reuM waa a Mg darkiy and the guii« war# llttla Mag Ullage about aa big a* mr arm—looked liea loya <*«»p*rvd with lb# guaa ww bad In tbo oItII war. I allII da not undcraWnd wlnat they want with euch Mg auk* to pull an oh UtUa guaa ilul at Mat. the aksy waa oror my wita mid ahr waa witling to depart Uh or owautf U waa pnasiMe to got away. Aa tba grand pw era bare lived t. get her for over Iftf years, and wa ara no mora allka about soar things ib«a * botaard, aad I’m tba bustard "Shout lag.*'Kid I, "ao I feel mora like go lag bakes sad golag lo bad. 1 wouldant 19 boots for tba whole thorn with bgakbOk Oblaat tbrowrd In. 1 "a worn act BtaodlDg oa tbla ould. Usnl jgiamiTil I wool got oe»r UiM la a mardb *’ Tbla work! M all a Hasting iliiia fur law'll Illusion alvun. Vanlt* of Vai ttlru Mill) the pp m(li*r. Hut mg did get >«m at last anil 1 could lwar my knee bunes chick aa I look Uia Drat f»w stepa Wlieu we Rot urnuud In Ilia pmk Dewuy’e tincture •aid ho might taka a short tide and an h« and lira Dnwey paused US In u Car riage and we hail a g.iod view uf in* loving omple lie Id iKed a little unnclurd. but ahe was us bright as Vcuns amuriR the a tare. Altuaether It waa a gieat ahuw und pleainil icy wife Immi-nsely. bbo | says atm would nut have uiltsed it fur I anything. And ail am satiett-d. for all's well and that ends well. IVn are hume agaku and fnnnd u glad waloome at the depot (rtini children and Riand chddreo. I tell you that In our Utile olrcls my wife and j arc uf umm Comte queno* than Dewey and Ills wife and the heathen Ontueo all cocnoloed. j»i«« f. sairr. •'or CmiuuttMt«*<>r uf UWv «HH Fuk He i'rlHltr. rri (h« fcdltor of tbe OetetU: Xli- re are fow men m tb- Hl*i« *b> f 'i more Ulan a gua'ler of a Centwy liavi wutkml uinir f.nlh! nlly und ■ ffeci uully I’ r • to >cr«cy am) Wmie 8'ipre>e»c.v iliau Col John T. Hnu, editor ■ f Ilia Ull’inl Publlu lealjer. Toe figut in-*iUu.H.i tu 1874 and mi wieldtngly pr-ierou.ed ev.r vinCe *»■ m-ulu agalnat very groat oddn. At that Um- UranviUu county Was me o( • he blau e»l negro ylruugholda in 'lie Stoe, having a urgio majority of 000 to 800. To own omu till* majority a id to place that gntml "M county dd Ihe Willi* lilt wav th* labor that li»e Pub ho Ledger applied llurlf tu; m>d ai lliu expeuw "I actual boycotts mid thieait of perwnai violence aod uvery bill Celfable meantae, the negro waa rouf ■hailed in fight iliN Demacrai in organ —all In piuir effect le-yood the rutting tiff fnmi the p*pvr uOmeGOO itlaoiilii-rt within a few minilba To the Public Ledger io»re than to any other factor b-logga i tie credit nf a county irdeemed from negro role-— lor Grenville county now atandt bold lv and defiantly wlier- ebr rightly br lo'igl—In Um Democratic rank*— ih-nka in tlia effort* of .l-lui T. Itrltl 111 muiigiitllo:i uf, ami M a t ken -if D-mncra'lo grailtdffe. hia nomiuaimu acd election to lho oS wnf Dvmah ■umer »f Libor uud Publio Printer, would be, to put It mildly, a merited cumplimeui. errdlinhlt) alike !o fail, llrltt a* d live per IV Ur lu* kerfi-d w well. Apart from till* oonalderatimi. It* la a practical printer of life long rxpeo nice, a lliorujgli tiuaiiima m m, de P-iv-dly popular aiacng the adliora of thn Stale and IU« peoD'e alike. J. R. Hustbu. Blue Oa'-le*. Durb .m ikiuoo) M, 0., March 14, 1000. mrw rouu'a v*uB»«mwi)s» aoiw *>rw Van *yak t erra*Ily opea» tka Or«a gadatrrlai l'*4>ruklaa, walk* la to float Bor* (baa MtgN. Ntaoi loylty Too Tbtaauk Ita. Ni* York, Mar. 34. —Wub nallvtr tpade end in the ixearnce of ibuatande o» persona Mayor Van Wyct to-day lif ted from an opening In the City Hall aquaru a few pound* »f eartb, which formally began the work on the und-r ground rapid tr*»*lt railway ayttrra The oervaunie* wlileh marked Via lie ginlug of tbla great euulueering un dertaking were ban* fitting an event of inch great Importance. A Great mul pitode gathered In the clrenmaerlteri tpaee and overflowing Into the adjoin ing etraeta, requiring the kervioea of one thousand pnlleeman to handle. A haudtome memorial lahlet, neat lug a »u11able ioicription. aaa then Qtted Into the upentne Tile under ground railroad lonnet will be twenty one mile* Id kangth a< d will iiivlv the expendllare bp the cliy of Kew York of mora than |3fl/MX) 000 Tw contraet time foe r-imptett.in Is U'dliy lied and eboot 10 U00 men will be eiu ployed. Work will begin iiuultaue ■araly at tewral potnl*. hut It la rot ko-iwn yet when tha actual work of cm mi notion will wmoenee Nailwn lallnr, *»w Vark OdMe. Town Tuytaa. 8ino* tba r*ovg«nli*Uoui and c»n euUdattnr Of tba Vox tone railways uf tba south Into owa pail corporation— ibs Southern Railway Company—uudrr the admirably conducted management of tba baching house of J. P. Morgai Alla., and lha eonavouant prasldvtiry of Mr. Samuel Spencer, title trank sya tem has taken Its plane aa one of iha greatest of Ihla ooaolry. Tlia remark able ludantrlal and MMerlal devrlop ■amt of tba Swullt, togotliar with the developed comforts of wiuter aujourn there, have given to It an enormous pasaewgar trafflo. which year by year Increases. To meat the demands eod to foribee the eonymlaaoe of ’lie pub lic. II* company lisa rectoUy eetah Iwired aa »p-toWU offloe at K». 118C Droadwmy, where tba Oaneral Passeo gae Aeeut. Mr. A 8. Thnaslt, le loca ted. The "Bee ha* been handsomely sad lorurloualy Oiled up with every scoomiModatloo for lha patrooa of the mad la the transaction uf bus'Oeaa, purehaea of tiofeata aeourlug bertha, Me, Three tich'te may be pc--curve to Cuba. Merlon. California, nr any other point lu the giaat South apd Weal. To ea otd-tlBM-r of tairly years ago, re rallie* the d'aonmfovis of a trip throagh lha Southern 'Stales, the up to d«te Tuxary «f travel ever the South vmi Railway and Its oonaeetlons Is a ■ratifying sirpHw a rnnhiiiti w<» Will iiftra oaus* a Imrrtbl* Unm SoaM, Col or Hrala*. BookIro’• Aral M *»!»». Iba bml In lb* *<*«. *111 kill th* I win and pnaalljr bnl II. Oarta Old Horn, Favor Bora*. Dion, Balia, Palos*. Ooroa, all Mb I a Erov Uoaa. n*at Plla our* oo aartb. Only ttota a baa. ('-ora guaraalard. Sold byJ. E. Curry A C*.. Draifltt. ti ronuiilLR Rtrlto. ■law Um> Apert 14 tkrrM an ta ICarapr. —A Very kfaeilloa r..llai». Ry CblM. Jai mil. At IhM leglnlue of Uat year tin- Mu tor Car oJn:> of Knglaml ant itaeif to deal with the quo.iil.iu of motor racing and piumotwd during ilia jaar a huge bum bar of rura In f^mduii ami Varlou* pioviucla! roa'i* i f England with a 1 marruloui 4inoi.il 1 of vuouraa. Tlidsr 1 race* were praeticn'.ly oouGm-d to motor 1 irieyoh* end H e aport a«* of aalUolaat Iv eicillug a character to ai-p-a 1 to tba publiu laate in <1 marked fOauaer, Some moat exciting raoea took place: fur Instance one iu 'be earlier part of the year, when Mr. U. U Wnduway rode a ta*lcb againai Blue) of Fiuuon at the Crystal Fal-c-. Loudon and b-al blip Anther excl'ing race waa be twern Mr. Wrplgway au>l myself wlwu I de'eated him Ic one of lha moat eg. oiling races >n ivo ird ny a m tool on'4 Imgil! 111 Qru mil-1 11 spam 10 lb* new r-erd li-ur of 8 mimi'ea and 111 around*. Tin rnora lield .1 Ltreipoul, I •he . Mr. 8. F. Elge a.'d my aril w< bl { down pi meal a teem of F***ncit raoiuy J craeka and mat. with aigpal sU' CMa, I wi n- ai»-> vary exciting. I am quite «ure that the pub'nr In i A motto. will lake V*n kindly to C Mi- ' t>aUot ILm detail pi tun, MS they are,' Very miicli more netting Iban ordinary j cycle racing al a Very much l|lrl*( rali< nf speed is attained. Tim sight nf four nr l|*r men Ira*. ling at 40 miles * ■iu hour .round a very highly binked track provides an n.ucl' elcUemOUl a* the ordinary man requires. dr far as France, la concerned of itoU'Se Ilia loads tile re hod liremselvr* particular!* iu tin purpose a d spec, ■ lacing HisCliiUeS a>e C ■nslmrled Iu ole lain the lllgllesl pnS-lblr speed. It I* Inlereatlug to u-ile lino wtial l re ui« d- , uoa jump* Have lea n BvIh in this ir •pev'- altiitu lbs last law ,-r three years. From four ImraepiWi r in 1H85 Urn Capacity lias increased to 'X tuilRe pnwer in lbpQ, aud In llila year's races on tbs c Miln eut tlierp la every pr-b.io nny »r Carriagea Qlleal with ii tu ;f0 : bnr-ep arer lasior pul; and Wish toe j word'd IV will b" wrlu.ro I do null Suuw. |u s-iine nf tile reeeot racial an j HVeiage spi-1 d if Uhl 40 miles an b-ur Has hern uiS'-ialtirU ,i*ei a Ion i disiano- [ winch mentis tu *t no certain puriri >a j ul lire Journey a .peed uf nearer 50. miles aU bum must have been ac.-.m- 1 pi tailed to toaae up fur the rurcc-s-a y i.ia*uf spe~d in hill cltiubiiig at oilier pari* ul the Journey As s competitor myself on a motor 1 nyo e iu ine leal rain-—l*aria lu Uur- j dcauz — I had/a good npporluoity of Judging in* mioouol oi etrVeo- durance | anl coolness required iu these road : rimes. Traveling al from 35 lu 40; miles an iniur >ts -thtrsd wfin duu and I ■ ir-d beyond all endurance ptesing or I raring passed by Lbs highly porrsd racing uarrlagee, with over 100 oifm petltors laklug liart It waa brought home to toy ml ad ibat a 400 mile race was nut child’s plsy and that ike win oei had souiellitng to be proud about. And what a sight the slart of agiest 1 French automobile i -o* Is I Tie- com petitort arriving on lbs low built pow erful r.oing carriages clad m leuUter far pniiccLiuti against ibe culd goggles and masks fur pruteeUoo .against ;Um dost acyl possible r-in Ibe roar of Ilia uiuiors the »*ci etneul of llie crowd, the daring aud rkirrri handling of (heir machine, by the Competitors on ml or cycles ecdravafing Ur set lu their re spective starting stations Lite starting s'ifuul bring glveu amt tbs mad scram ble in get to Hie trout by n butinred kadi competitors— all g.> to make up as ■ zclilug a sra-ue as cn posalniy be Im agined. rlie driver* on Ume*iil>|tM li rraUtanc* lo tli* wind and no -• d on th*y gn mil* after mile, 1U0 900. 800 400 mil* ' to ward Uwdr goal, Purwonllj I have agperlrooed and Dan Imagine no keeper aport that auto mobile raclug. It lean liapoesibtlUybi carry out an tomobila road race* In >.aaerla* on the ««t horn *ud In ilia turn* manner aa an the ooulluaat owing to ill* mad*, to Frauee and Germany. where ilia •mat roads have Uro botlt for the milt, larr patpoaet. where tha anrraoa I* a* amootli aa a blllard table and wliere (ha •radlenta nr* ao oven, very high apmdt ora obtainable.': ltegardlug traok rasing- however, there is no pooslbta reuaon why tha sport almuld pot ba taken op right away. You have ihe Uaeka and aurely you moat have tbs maetiin-a Aa for tha people, my esperteoee in Kngland makes me auawvr for the Am*rteai. puUis that 00 on* would be more n lliniaaiin Ilian they after having had an opportunity of witoaaulng a g-md raoe between good men m -onted nu powerful racing trlcyeW-a In kern oom petilkioa B* reruns til ihn oonthiental reel- g, Una year will bn d addiUmi Intera-t la tbit dlroothin from llie Atari lean point of view. The sop lowui-d bv Mr. Jiew Ootdon Bern ell to the A un-mo t-lle Club de France for Someth |e eotomoPtle Dertr>lrr lo rwey on tbo wore. further Biot fry- nraolltnl In struction It would - ufo-tktr) to bays m -tcluiieiy. Suifl letii rn-C'ilu-ty has lean prom ised au soon as s suUabJe building la sitei'd-, and It was decided to ask tbs Lcgtat ilare at Its June m-wtlog lo au tborlxe the trust—a to burrow *15,000 to erec> tba nulldlng. Plans (or tbo traildiOg are lo be pre pared at one* and bids •Uteloyd ao tbsl work can commence as soon as taw mission Is granted by tha Legtalaiurs Ii is proposed to bay* smminuf ready by the opening of the fail lei is. Ii waa also dec dad that Mr. Tomp kins, ataisud by Cept. Clark and Prof. Irey, sbould map uut no advauc d comas In fancy wearing, dealgulng nod dyeing for tbo students who bare o >.q plrtrd Uus year's course. Theta nuia brr about 30 The lexinaojosilica I* computed of e dt»a mill /nen «ud they intend t-> have a taatlln school that ahall )>e pqnai, if not superior. to soy lo tbs couuny. Tbn general ooudilieo uf lb- c diet* under President Winston's to.osge on-nt Wes found to bo fery good and lit* woik lu all departments to us thor otgli. Ihia prospects are *ery rood for a lire- atleodao* next owr but uni-as soun new dormitories are noilt a large number will haw to be tumult away NMBlI Oil Wilt*. Inum. Oo* of lb* ioo*l proanalug of all i« duaidal d*ral»pia*uia of ib* doiilh la lb* *et*'ill**ment or It'divideal or Heighten hood eoium oil mllU to o*>n Mimr Hu* col loo *«ad produced to tba Ini mad'ale »te|iiliy. The** mMMmr I'mirt e>tion mill • have prraed vary aneceaaful wbeiever l hey Imv* lm n built. Tie* wrlt*r call# to mind una aucli mill uwood and operated by the planter* I liemaelrrethat pay* a dlaldeed of fn.in *0 lo iS cent annually. Thi* mil) only c uauraae tba ouUonaead ' hal may be hauled la 11 ha weaeee II U kept In operation eeataaly two montlm during the year, yel every planter who hai atook id the anil a-la all annual dlvl.d prleae for hi* coetooeewd without Mttnptng It end be I* able to provide htm-wif *IUi cheap oil, oak* and bell* forbla cattle durloe lb* winter. M*w ■•riittfN. (Hoflfft Timm ‘‘H«*,”*nld tha city ad I tor to tha near reporter, "la daacrlbln* thUalioot lop affray, yon lay ‘Uia Bullet rote rad frnruaoa body at tfca owner of thaenun house tnklnd ad-wti ward eoaiia. Thai** eery had. Taka your oupy * .d at- If you aati't do better with It,” •'Ok. yea.” replied lb* koona Juat out of o •lle*», aaaoow elnoo ya« mention II, that It might be dona Vt 1ae.H Ho ha wrotu aa follosru : “The bullet at rack Ttriuaon near i ha throat and gl*oeod. tak in* a down ward wturaa and onmln* on1 j*« tw low tha right altoolder Made ut the court how* corner."_ ▼net flmkMaa bwdaawe Would qaleklf Wayayow. If yua aWd Dr. Kio«*» Haw Life I'll la. Thom an«la of »offerers nape prosed thek matohlee* merit for Hlok and H*rroua Headache* They mafea para Wood and at ran* aervea and buHd rp Tmtt health Rasy to taka. Try ihei*. Oaly 9ft oo*o*. Money back If •wad. * a and OonatabU J V, Wehoit want In purenlt. They wera killed he tba Uampa, who aecaped. Yeeterdny tba negro waa captured at Ja/raVa, a ela tion oo the Atlantia Goaat Una. a few •allee north of Emporia. Ha waa t’<*«*• A mob waa organimd, and «l 12:48 UoAon aw twang op to a tree lo U«e oaortbnnaa yard and bia body riddled with balleta. The negroaa or GreaoevllW ooorty lynched O'Grady a abort time after the nrai hnoglng. <»XK KsoAtien cAAMiRft IX TALK, WkllaltMOta MRatMttoM a»IUe|UDlt«« went to the cafe mad gut easy with 1800 in cash 1*00 to cheek* Tha other mao the* quietly withdrew nod the robbery we* oot die e ir-red fur Dae mlantaa. , Teerw were about about 40 gueeto et break fait when two owe drove up la a eat*. They took * table in the rear of the ceatner** deck. Soon afterward another man enured and took e table ovp wile tbe desk. Tbe lee* man bed hardly hero orated wltro two mote e* trred and took a third tahlu vppoelte tin cam ter All Ore wore gem* and Jewelry The third man to eater finished Ute brant feat Orel advanced to the caahtor** desk nod tendered e #100 bUl. The etahler w*»t to Urn *f the seabler, threw down hi* check end tbe ex eot ehanvu and nod qairily left. Tba men already In front .4 the dealt kept up hUqeaetl >ac for same minutae, thee want to tba two wee ovpovite. aaluled them and apeke e faW W'Tda. Thee he lelt, and abuet lb# Mea tlcoa tba .*h*r three paid thairehaeka nod quietly left. The ahaabe atotae were retamod t» Mr nealy by mall thla afternoon. hay lug bean poated at the general pjotof Bo*. _ ■anr Lyril/ (M®a M lank Sa® Jmm, iha lolAtubln, whom qualotnan -f nyk l« nqualwl Oqtj by Um aaeuraney P< bit drDnaUona ®d daaertptio- g, gar# (a a races t aarotoa, Uw tot'owing baauUful Monr, lo which b# ac eharamgty portrait* tba Moat towatr thmg oa rank. W«4o notn# ®«mb#r l*> has* *aan aoywbnrn a prat lier pleura Ilian tbla : • An anarl w«a amt down from brawn* nrndny to bring back tea *«t haaatlfml thlwg mi earth. Oa honied t*’T ind caret ally, aaw q bad of Ml Mean Aiaartann Beauty fjaai, fcrVelr hayand ontnpn laoo. and ha gathered an a*«fnt and atartad ta ret a re to hi# horn a born. -A# h# an#rad lath Um a|r bn aaw a baby* r®4n and. Mi d ny a rapturnua adstcatMa at tba night, r-tarnad to tab# it lua By IU a Ida bo dMooTtrsd a aouar'i lone, and with all thrr* la lunar*.# ha ®-matrd to tb* pi >ca b— ynnd Um aat*a. Joat autalda tba yaariy (etna iha tpim paoaed fur a®o®anl, and With* rwaaa wana withered aad tba baby* troth) hid T4'.knh>d, tart at rue g (*t faittiat abd BMraaly brant if ai aa aaar. •0tlMi*4 lata r owning* | M ha eaat Um at brio aatdn aad taab Uda aad laid It at UM tart of bit Maatar aa tb* awt lovaly aad laaUagIbtag a«i aarth.” I ■ m I'll* Atlanta Jonrual toll* •<«* H CltlM advrulura will) a wad Ml* “f too* *•*»■ U aay*: Pmrrplm ran tor abettor at If * wad dog bad baa* ra to* otmt. ^ '■ Tb* activity of IImm wtao eilwtad O0****^* *«d awalog wmu waa •WMl In **e*y taagaci to that adwiad by elUaaoa who iwmm a wad dog'* awmtoa to Mag annoyed by *U«t to bl* way liy iww or Uia aotWtty too gray agio waa aot onooyed by bn wan utrjeei* In bia yalb tral It la *Md l»tatoi* and oUwr deadly wtrah I botVO at blw froao tbc Moev door* added ooaaMmWy to Ma freuay. The** wwaiea dhtol bill b>w toMgb. A bulHtfraw a Mg ptetul aeenn>p|l*la-d that Owl tod Oad. - B* Ut a countryman'* b to* ha roamed mala to tho dart of koala was a kick which brake Oa mad wutoto Jaw. It kaoakad Mm dat ta to* firm aad while ha lay with M* eyas olwrd he waa oo acted Hat. Baa** wore booed aroood bla torn aad h* waa hauled tato a ham aaai by. Tba mala hitched la Um dray wat eaugbt on the Mink below tba aaroa of tba bottle, and an rteaOanUoe shewed that Im aaa h»U nn> a.li t }«ird. rim e O’iti)Min waa badly Utt.H by laoreiito. itUeald. bat Urn Irlyhtrnrd nwcer gut lit* tolanad tone* o..i ut t-w.. bPun ttondwu om.l l mv to llr# w. and*. Ilia Marne could oonld nut bo aaeartatard, oAxarnox mxawnt The mai mala «« purdmead by Dalra from a shipment which anlved In A Heat* from Ttotaama Tba par. abater hired a negro boy i.ka ttm moto w titan aapaamd am.ml. to bto 1>U« of baali.raa no Peter* etrart. Tha hoy waa riding a barm aud trading the mala by a baiter, whew UM trouble ba> gun. Whn they kadrtaahrd Wllhta'a atote the drat aymptoma of Um aulady ommoo. Tha *uto Jarked away from tba boy and raa a hUck, aeapplag at' everything within bla raochTlt wm daring UM drat daah that tha oonatry aaa*a borao gat la Mi way Md M) a vloilm to Ma frvuy. After btUug the ban* aad ktoklag aoadry rpiXaoatof nalghbortogpoatolha mala earn* opaa WUklaldray aad had I bn *0 vesture rolatad. Dr W. B. Carncr. tha tratariaary aurgeoa. who la alao oa odtoor of tab homane aocwty, waa trtoyhoaod to mu to the bant wham tha mad mala was bold, lie ct rial wort tha toast aad i>rawNiao«d tba malady kyrtraphabta la ihe moat advanced st.ga. Afternoon. Htiitailna with Out®*, tha owner, ha MiwtUwmoto Uvroagh the bead aad end'd bl* aeoataa. W* or* oat (Ml la to tba o.irid to do aoythlag law whlah wasaoaot out nar heart*. What wo Ilka dhermloaa wtml wa am aod wuaeb taateis loaafeahty la ibnmiff, Tha wort raw iaaa to oat aaaanaak Inc aa falaa hlatsry falsa yhUasoohy. «r low polKtoal eaaaya. Rxmaasber that ootblag haver daw baaaUf ally ahloh la dooa la rirahMa. uar anWy arkao daw la grids. PraoUoa paUaaM-I aw ' “ that rag * aa wash our hwot 1 Ho aw la worth ynor atyh who does ad i ■ay* mw was say gnttatyW soar ta reo'rd hot by saws mm who mud shot ho add. Twenty yaoyto o*a gala mwy far aao whs aw aw It. sad tha rttal qnaattro (hr lodirtdaol sod aatfoa la nsvor'how wwb da thay waha V bat to what yorywa do iky f’