e _ mnH The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home end the Interests of the Comity. V.il. XXI. _GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1900. LBARN ALL YOO CAM. BILL ABF ADDS TO HIB HOWL EDGE 870EE DAILY. >M7 rrtl»*i Write I* im-RMk ut im CmWm loaMklM Nad Kltn i.nri-lMlWU KtWr.* Ilfll Arp, ID Atlanta OoMUiitlow. Store away knowledge; get all yon cm. Than la comfort in K Gold smith flay* of tbs Tiling* aclioolmnatrr and bis pupils : " A**Willl*.r n**c*ntf Millllia *Oa.lur«r.« Twr one smut S**4 oould aarrj *11II Know.' 1 remember bow I used to wander how our Professor liberie* MoUuy learned all that be knew about methe malic* aod aatroaomy. Soioe yean ago 1 beard Profaaaor Procter, who wet then tbs greatest living atlronomer, lecture for tbtee night at Leake Wtlr nfcatagua la Florida, and lie lifted me up to lb* seventh beam us It were, and I bad to attain my mind to soar with blot amongst lb# alert, but lie magnified Uaeoraatlon and Hie universe a Cxi.the Creator In euob a way that I have wot forgotten lit my reverence aud aW* aad lor* fur the Supreme living baa bean greatly looreaaed. I was rominallng about thta beuauae 1 bare race I rad a letter from a learned friend who think* 1 should have told a little more about leap year aod bow the Julia* calendar got behind time lao days la 1,882 year* aud Pope Gregory’* aatrooomtr. CLarina, made a new una called lbs Gregorian ealmdar. Aad bow It says that all years whore dale number la divisible l>y four without a remainder are -leap yaere untere they are divisible by 400 wltbout a re fMlndar- Therefore the year 8000 will be a leap year Hut wren tblsallowaaoe will not exactly even up the march of alma aod we will lorn another Jay io 3.584 rear*. Sir John 11 tract wf cor rected this by making every 4000tb year a leap year and this would keep «rM Father Time all right. for 98.000 yaere—net aed—wa will nol Ifore be y#od Uit. Another reapedt«d friend writes so tetenwUng latter about Hugh X-ewaon White a eaodidato fox toe presidential nomination, aad say* although be wa* geared aud lived aad died in Teneeeea* be was born in Iredell county. North Carol! os. Hl* nsotbvr wa* a Lawson, daughter of Hugh Iawoou. and from that Lawton aoceatxy mare diotle gulabed people bare sprang than from any olbar wa reed of. 'Among tbalr daeoeadents are the Whites, of Tan crease. Mrs. Stow*wall Jackson. Mrs. General W. T. Sheraton, Mr*. Geearel A. P. UiU, Hit. ADM KWlllf Of Ohio •ad General Ewell, and General Heuderaon, of Virginia; tba Lawanoe of Gaotgla, and Governor Jared Irwin, of Georgia. All of than an Haul da •oaodanta. Jart tblnk of It I What a dlyargeooo ol fata and fame aad for tune that made of one blood Mra Stonewall Jaekaon and Mra. A. 1*. Hill. Mra. Gaoerel StMrmau waa a Ewing and Mra. Stonewall Jaokaoo wae a MorTtaon. The wr’.Lar aaya he baa a copy of Hugh Lnweon’a will tbat waa executed In 1708, aod that life grave it In an old oho robyard between Saltatory and Charlotte, and tba beadatooa Mill abowa tba leiuls. * H, L.” Vanly verily (beta la eomMhlng la the blood that traneoiu ebaraoter to eaveral gen ftSUOOBa But tbe trouble M that tbla aoeaMrel blood become* oromad aod reeioroaC eo often tbat it te apt to loee iia virtue aad baeoaeae oua laminated with the blood «f Ttetoue aaeaetora. Tbte could only be prevented by what te oilMd In *'end la breeding.’' a* marrying eoueloe or aeoood oouaios, bat the doc ton any that prod BOOT pbreteal degnneracy 10 tbe ofTaprfog and on wbat can a man do but try to ole vote tjlmaetf and not bank on hie anoeetoia. ColonM Campbell Wallaoe waa a noble man and madabla own fame and fortune and he t»ld me tbat whan pa waa a young man hr taok a notion tbat m*vl>e bo wav a daaceod ant of Sr William Wallace too great SootllMi chief, aad at b|a father died , when Campbell wee a boy and told him nothing about It, be roJaa hundred mllaa em tba mountain*of Taouetaae, to aeo a groat uncle who wee old tooornb to know about anoemota. aad end the old ancle aald : “Now Cam.’ yon bed bettor let tbat pedigree boot naea aloae, for yoar groat grandfather wae a powerful aerry man. end owe day ba Mom mmm Ulere oSen aOmtboat aad they ootobad him aad teak him down to tba eaeabrake aad whipped Mm— they did •boro." "Mum then." raid Colonel Wallace, "I have takao Pope’V oanplet tor my padlgraa.” -Hover aaO Mama from aa epadMoo rim, eat vail year gait. Wat all Ma keaariha.* Bot 1 do llka-good Mock whether to In mae or tweet or fowl or freII nowar* 1 liked tba Adame family aad tbe Rao dolpbe aod Brvcklarldgee aod Holt* I and many other* baeouee they bald op ao long. My wife nemo from that Po oahontu Randolph-Holt etoek that bad oool Maekbalr and dark baeal ryra, and aad Mapped like a dear, ead It wee e good oroee tbe made breadlog beak up ow tbe A agio Saxon and Hootoh-Irlab that my »a amt era mot from. There In wot gotta ao moah "lojuoa" In oar •bOdroa m there wae Ip her, ba| mill theta It enoagb to make them lore their friend* aod keep owe eye on their ' awemtee If they have may. I rioiMiinf now uiua we enow of wbot to goto* oa la aut part* of Ule groat oooatrp. IZwa to a tot Ur tram m AUuaftMabttoi bm baadto, lb* t**kbalr grating o»tf 1 m 000 aaroa. Aboat half of h to In hated bp paalrto towiandtbaybaa* ba ooaw daatraotlt* aad ooml rare** aad oaa »aWp»T»af Rba tba rabbit* of Atetraiia aad ao tbla fall tba owaar* intend war opoatbatL Thmj wtaad rtfi boabala of wtaat with 100 paaad* ofaterabnlaoaad aaottorod it aroard tbolrjllUofaaaal^bapad^ irmadbato* rJsSfxhrrzz.vj that wad* Ik aor* WaMaatba toad *f tbi* wW«d. ttow aattto kloga do things ou a big *e«l*. But It d 4 few Use* and Uien goto mother. My aife Kill baa tbs Brat composition that oar oldest daughter wrote It wag 00 **Buak«*," and tbe Brat aenleooa wag : "A eoak* Isa very long iueeat" But don't glv* upend cry about U. Try aod try agalo and you will feel *0 happy wlieu It la done._ WILt WB MSI Ilk? Or- AIK—— Bi»a**K BraMial ef Tvlu* talMmUy^n* Has— W— ■ allnlr Vm—Ikl aaK l—M Ma Will (ilrt it a—la— Ca—4K—e» i— Kon aaK Oteartar kth. A telegram to this paper lest ulgbl, stating that Dr. Edwin Anderson Al dermen, President of the University of North Carolina, baa beau elected Pres ident of Tulai»e University si New; Orteaaa. wm a great surprise to b|a out friaoda Id Balelgh. A telegram Waa immediately seat la Dr. Aldarmao el Chapel Hill, asklog If be would aooept the poalttoo tendered. Ho re plied : ‘-Chapel Hill, M, C., April 3 *‘Tuar l» leu ram luqolnug If l would acoept wm the drat intlmeUoa I had of my election to tbo preeldeoey of Tnlaue Uaieorcltr. “It le t very high honor that hM ooma to me utterly uasought end un- - ex pec tad, end It duarvee, of oouru, end shall receive my most eerloui eon* ddmtteOa •'Edwix A. Alokubax.” Tb* people ot North Caroline, of ell parties. eeeta end creed* will aeratuly hepgtfaat Prmid ntAMmman will slay at hU praieat poet where be D flying parflfe aalletactkm and more then ■Meting high pulille expeetetloo. Un der hie prsvidoooy the atteudaoee el { the Uoleerelty hM doubled to uumben | and Uieia hM bean progress lAoug all Uaea. He eo|«ya Um couOdi-oca *uaUlttf ofjiar# gift* to edoeatloa, Hon Jalien S. Carr said that Paul Tolane bad given <1.030,000 IA asUbltah To ja—UnlvarUty. YeoUt-a Ooaapaatoo. Tba powar of an orator oao ba largely aiaatnrart by tba dear** of ooo&deuor wblob bo lnapiraa aod Jodgad by tbto •land a id Uaory Ward Baaebar wait ba rrokowad among tba graateat tpaak araof BOdan tlma. Maw who baard him to tba palfK or talkad with him oat of II aoald wot aueatloo Urn atn. earlty wblob ahowad forth lo hla faaa, hla maooor aad It la rolea. Mr. Barobor waa oa a laotarlny taer add Major Pood bta maeagar waa aft tiug baatda Mm la tba railway ear. Buddaaly tba praaebar Mapped hla haad oa tba tlttBa walab poaaat of bl* troaim bad draw forth a (mail ra ralopr. For a aaomant be tooted at It | aarprlai tbao opaord U aad amtlad. Preeeotly ba tumad to hla aompaatoa. •'Major," Bald ba “I eaarrlad a graat ra lira ad magaata a fbw moatbr ago, aad aa I waa laktag laara of him ba baodad ma aa aavaiopa which I dipped In m* pobbat uaopaoad. That waa Urn mat tbowght af It aatll 10-day. Fait aow opaaad It aad thla la what I faaod.” Tbhmajer took tba eareiope. With, hi It wera §*a §1,000 Mila. CRUSHING TRUSTS. THB EIQLIBH HAD A PHOBMBX WITH OHO BOH MOIOPLT. Jt I —Mabbm riehl-til When hlmtlwl aw* 1 alt.U iIm Pnyll Wan ttrai If. Taa Way a la hare ray Trnala—rare Ureal I .aw a .re tn.ll. Than.— Wa Man. Mat WMIIIth tha ra« tha St—sWIwaar tha (Wlahawa. Nawa tad OOsarvor. Thera wa a Use la the blrtory of Boglaiid when Ibe Korean Catbolie ohiuab oat>ad over a fourth of nil tha lead la the country. The lend wm held by the monaster lea end the obureh owned Tati properties besides These mooasteries were treat sire givers sad the chore*} beds bald on Uieaffectloai of tbs people that is my (bought could not be beokee. The ihuugbUul leeo of tbat tea real bind ttie feet that, the large holding* of Uiwl In the ‘ dead bond" of the oheroh wm a me a toe to the progress end prosperity of Ilia oalion. and they deter ml and to find a mwoi to preewnt the growing power of this organ Is at loa that threatened tbe perpetuity uf the govern maoi. They realised that tba* wore than 1L.000 ■Quarterlee where npu hospitality wa. ditoeoard and nearly 50,000 people were maintained tend were in reality a part and parrel of this great eyelets of church control), preaeotad a problem for aolutloo that demtiided radical traatmaut. Tesy felt tha loSosore of three who stood up and demanded protection fur there ageoelea of tlie obureb tr-c me of the good tbat they did. Tlwy worn not eomladCol of the arguments that were advanced to permit to grew stronger sod store powerful tbit 'Mired band," that wee bringing upon ton people of tbe country Magnatiuii aid industrial paralysis. (r>» cUt* Mid Uut'be tilts uf tbs church to ihaie loads I* ir accord.noe with preeedsut —is legal end no || i w ran te found In It. Onr fethers W >f. i)i liayo upheld Its UUo— waoan do nothing, let us Ml Kill and pray lbs Lord to soften tbe (wait of the Pope that be may da.) gea tly with tbe nation that h r carrier in Lhe bullow of bis band. Another set of "Job's oumforlrre" ■aid that yoa will dlrtarb tha peace nod good order of society If you attempt to gbmge egUtmg ooudltlous. If you atterepi to uproot lb* system that baa baro so tbornughly eografted oo the body politic, yoa will do injus tice to some poor beggar to whom elm* bar Urea given st one ofUiste moo arte rlea. "It la better to endure tbe HU we have than dr to three wm know not of." Rut (here acre a few in that day. Jutt at therp are til *T-fy age, who would out worship at the alulae of Mammon, even though it wore tlie purple robe* uf tbe ehuroh. These men who determined tbat the grasp uf material death ehuukJ be broken, tali] lhat they would dad a way sod If tbsy coaid oot Ond-preosdcot to Justify tbslr action tbat action, that they would msku precedent. They said tbat if this organtiatluo is psrmlUcd to ooatlaaeite apeumulatlen of land In a short while It will own ell tha land of tbe realm sad tt pan and control gov ern me ot and dictate life sod subsist ence to Urn people. Trey ret about to Sod a way sod tbsy were lu earnest. Whenever people set aboal •<> Bod a way to redtesa a wruug and tbsy are In earnest and bare no other thing In slaw they usually dad It. 8u It waa with the statesmen of tlist age. They found a way and ihvy uprooted the giant sjll tbat threatened thn very ex lslei.p* of tlie nation. R'.ckatuae, Id speaking of Ills ef forts lu aletitlo tho evil* of church do® Inal lo*>. sals: “It will lx* a matter •>[ ourloal.y lo ubviv** lho gmt address au4 subtle oontrlraoee of the rccketaaDen lo eluding foun lltn- lo lime the la We la being aod lb* I al wllii wbleb eacc*** elee perl lees cute bare puraoxd them through all tlielr fluorerer; bow oaw rernsdiee ware atUl the paianta of sew erasloor; till tha legislature at last, through with difficulty halb obtained a denial** rlctory. “By tba oommon la w any maa sight dtaimaa Of bta ianda to aoy prleat* per* aoa at bla oea dlaoretlon especially when tha feudal restraint* of atlrne tlon ware won away. Yet In o< re sequence of Ibea* it wee always, and Mill U atearatry for e wporstfons to bars a Iteowaa la mortmain from lb* erowp to enable them to parchaee Ianda. Yet aoob wet* tba iaflono* and ingenuity of the clergy that f oot wKhaUndlag this rundameetal princi ple) we find that the largest and wurt oonalderable donations of rellglooa houses happened within leer than two oenlurles after the .Oonqoaet. And when a Ueecae could not be obtalead Ibeir o mtrlraooe eaema to bare been tbla that aa tba forfeiture for aoob al least loo see road la Ure Oral place to the immediate lord of the far the ten sat wbo meant to alienate Oral oon rayed bit Unde to tha religion* bl* otoluto by buyiM lo laud* Um* woro bo no 8d* Holden i*l t be natal voe a* Ion) "f Ibo for. end thoraby eroding tho forfeiture; nr u> Uhl no long Inoo for yoero 1 hi* p*<> duoed the eutute of 7 Edward ( which provided that no perron r*iw ioue or other whoUoeror eboukl buy or MB, or receive coder pretea*# of e gift or ten* of yean or »nt other *lil whoteoever nor atioald by any art or Ingenuity appropriate lo bltseelf. Mil Unde or taaoueoU In mortal rt OMln ; but 00 tbaoe oututea extended only to gift* and conveyauoe* hotoreun tbo portico tbo retiglouo bnnoo* one bagen to lot up * Octlttnao till* to l be loud wbMi H wo* Intoodod they •bould bar* and lo brtog oo oeituo to rooevor It ogobttt tbo toaoat, who by fraud aod oolluatoo oudo uo defence, and therebyJ ad noon t wta glvcw for lb* rollolaot bog**. which then rc oovered tbo load by ooetrooe of low apou a ouppoiod prior till*. But tpo thw tbo atototo of Bhotalaoter the aoaoBd, IS Idw. I, ah. Si. oaootol tbo' la ouoh oo oao a Jury obeli try tho ti oe right of thopiafnlfg to tbo lend, and if Um rallglouo boooo or vorporotloo b fooad to bare It, they ob ttl Kill i roooror ooigtii | c. bar win It aboil In*! forfIKOd. ■*Yot*UII It woo found diBleuit to oet bound* to (oolwiMlIeol logonaily j for when tboy woro drived oet of thrlr farmor hold*, tboy 4«ri*od h new method of conveyance by obloli th~ ! and* woro granted act to the«aeelV'0 directly bqt to nouud*U<> > nf a# qero ooofeyoae* but q*f jay tbo advoaUp* of tl*etr bow davloo, for tho Mutate of Lfi Bte. II. eb. 0 ooaou, that tbo land* which bar* boon oo perch Mod to u*m aboil bo e mart teed by llooneo from tb* or>wn or bo *old lo pilMto poroooo; and that r.ir Um foturo.gaM Mail b i rob i-pt to tbo at el u to of Mortmain aod Inrfeltoble likp tbo Uqd* tbomoelytt " • • e ' ‘Tba trust are too powerful to oops with— they are stfoagac than Um peo ple— it Is folly i> attempt to com Pat them." ^ Tbte 1* the meu'.ai aUltode of u l*rge proprotton of oar people who ■» loo •nraalawoa nod suffering be uanMof lha operation. If UM irMt ovll it met and omqtMrad It will bo dooa only til rough tacrltoa of ton* food to atoure tha astonaluUoa of an •ell to gnat that H now hat IU unholt ■reap art tha nook at UM nation pod boIum ooogtt-rod wo Una bo In reality ••nlyihe vtoatlt nod otouu of o faw nighty nabobs who allow otbor paopla only wnat li noorootry for thoM »• that they mat prsduea for Um aoa au-option and waste of tbo fnvowd fa*. M*r«i twtauRwa. m ni»im waa am* am --~-irrtan rimtuii i. Wrn»un*tnn ram. Ia Vtew Of tea greatly taetvasrd Mf* rmpnudroto U twee* ItU* oooatry ate Krona*- durieg Uw emaiag mo. •I I‘on tbf postal authorlt)** da* Ur* 10 o<)l attention lotbsaaljeot of •tori • aid Mtera. A Wy large pro 'Portion Qr ia* wall gutter mot (a for* elg-< fMtMN U dodateat m to not *«*• TV raeai var| id snob letter* aia oowpallad ui piy double tea ordinary nrta, aod U •»* baao fnaad teat after raaalTlng • quantity o* aueh abort paid araUrr. tha »ddr«amaa frreoantly kaaaa ordawtert an abort pak] Awartoa i latter* ah all not be iMIrerad to ttew. Aoowrr aaueai* d-Ky and tear of lotiara It tea tm bp Aamrlaaa of f t*m of arruten qbantalrrs aaCaaUUar to rnwr'i, U«at. and otter i-aatnl ro ployaa AH ruivrtopaa aboutd band* dreaail iitbrr with a Mpaoriter or bp toe t* u. in laiiutkm of ariotra t«ii«r>. Atieuit .o m called to Um f.at th»! tba latter r Ha U q aa rta BK * ia-fc«if oa»«a on f *relg-. u»«|l AWge hoi** ‘mf of latter* «re fmnd lo bear only a 8 omit auiayt Savannah ,U* . Match 31—Tba Mg dredi H« »«< arorhiita oo llutoldo roi.'a island. eoroM Uia ■ tear today dug op too old revuiitU-marp e.uwms. ohroh probably bri-rawed W tba Oriihh atan-of-war. tea wrack of which waa dog oat a tew days ago. Oaaaf tba tba pieces weighed about 1.000 pauadr, tha other 830. Tto oaoaou will ha prsaaoted to tba oily and praam rot aa a rvrotoUoaary re)to. Tha old war abip was evidently sank Utara during Use rerolaUon, and an effiut m gat at bar n«wa end history, air u-'O being wade. \ team why Beaw Wee** Was tbe raaolt of hla splendid health. | (odoruitabl* will and traumi d -a« eoer Gut not found where Stow ash. yer, Kidurps and Hiwala at* not uf order. If y.m want tiaee- dualities and tha suae*s< they bring, use Dr. IClng'a Hew Ufa IMU, They uavetop 1 epary power of train sod body. Only Mu at J. S ‘Jerry * Oj’b. Drag Store. “*"■» *gr. Tim Mew York World plate Um follow tog m Mm diary of tba prluter'a deni la ibo T.ipeno Oepul office Her Editor gtMtdou’i flret day ■ 11 a. a>.—Hlieldoa Mode > epaucfa to oe eeyln' we muao't emtike ffi’l ■ froti. U -10 a. ns.—tthrldoo came footle' erouod the ampuatu' atone Mb’ got the eponpe uoitcr hit elbow. Haw eo«t for MMlMSfte I 80 p ro —Aakad 8’.*t-l ill f*? a dim* to art » i.eer cylinder f»r Mm pm on. He*» eoay. 9-10 n. ■ —Told him the lithograph ing roooi needed a quartet’* woilh of m«Wl. Wonder h >w I ter be will laetf • 80 p m.-Aakad ilvUw If 1 «»ld trwta off lilo book ab int "Hii Htepa” be give on on* get aom-tlil/i' Intercat In » i>ot the aril aye. 3 80 p. « —8 trldo i told m < be liked Um oawapapar Me dm*. oU««. Went la we’ aa'. him 4 p. m.—Took iu proof-1 Of owe of Mbntdpu** atllsloa to him aod uaid him It wba a tala, "JVbat (a a lata.’* ba Mld> -You are," I aetd. HotaeroU ft. p. m.-Offered him a hank o' rel) cr fer ehewlu’ gu a Dld’.rt U “Wafas1** atartod toa haVa Mart i art Oaatial daanaaaddO wm tarart to Um vWiaatart _ '■wt:siS7Sri& ^ roaia }a Um raar aa4 at Uw tmMtac. axrtsrssjartrtg •Mtoe havao^ ouniwl. WttoM to Mlcwura aaary dnMuamt la toa aft; MMrttoaaaayaCi to. Mart at to. On«MB pramad «f ao »rall. art igina wwaaaoo Alraaart tu aart* Um on-! 4M:WlbaQra|a«|w4 tWHtoaya at' fwing a t»alf Waok of (iirwMHfy nMNMhiilararol Uw Ml oh VMMWWaag him Ouirai atiato. IsSSs MmUkrtimtoli W» - Uw ihMhih hi MMi kwh otlwr Uwa UW Mi uroll tM aaboM bouaa win >■» a total taw aai at 1:00 Ua ladWaUaat wan that Ira wMI fiwl fatbar Matlntoa Oaaliky aaw. awr rwMaaaa ««l aortb aC iba etMi« rua of Twalflb alraot "I'lny •* ba a nnwytoto tea*. Ail rflurta tram Haw ilkratad toward pmraaUBg iba I .uaw rrun raaehtwg waat aad ir-rtb. Q-ta building a tooak waat of tba bag oangbt «c* raiwaiodlr rroaa fly lug brauda bat wan avtiaaotahad. cgadUdto UkawrMt>lU ‘ amat^ b* tQAi s1» awfdte teTJJLV^aay aad aadar awl rot tba dawn barite baaa aoadaadto tbraa or foar Mat daaoat naiblda of ibt hall cbgrah aad Twdltb ateaot raw. Tba total Vwa la rwagbly •8S0.000 to doaoao with 1 about half tba toaa. Cooammwi ball waa BKaatrd at TUlrtaaulh aad Oatiwl atraata foar Idoatofma tba mall dtatrlot of tba altyaad had brow idiaiid by Uwtwwat ■nasoaoof Uwlargateaadmat arr teoUf ooottraetrd aadttoriasa la tha Wbaa M-Ownraar WlUbua J. gtaao ylaaobalrataa of iba IteMOoratla aaa - •Utah waa IndacaMd of tba bamlog of tbo KaaaM City ooaaaaUoa had ha Ulil ■ "UatU I Itaar Ini tba |M|h Urtta aa to wbat wig ba doaa I 04naot aay wbrra tlte ooavaatlnh will ba b»M bat I tbtak U la tha dlagMtl«»a of tha lam ta ataad by K«M(i*Ut!yDriar bar aMtettea. Wbatbar tba yaoate of Kmaat OHg •aa da hh iba baM batwaaa aaw m3 Jaty 4. ar yrig«n • t—a raiy ylaao of waatlag I do aat baowbot If aay oky aaa da aa IMS city aaa. laf-r»oM. khMIM tif Mr. a «i Uml Mi 4Haar j?S