The Gastonia Deroted to the Protection of Home the T^yrret - __ .m ... gal ■ i ■ — Vol. XXI. UuJ._ GASTONIA. N. C.. THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 1000. wgrawa* no. i6. ARP AS EDUCATOR. BILL TILL? ABOUT TUB DATS AHD MOUTHS. Haw TVr KM mar laaM-ttsThM BlMMMt Mar Haussa ar l»nrn> OmOM With HU IM. Dtn Aro. la Allwu OoaatltatloD. We know very well bow Ummw ohm to be ewiea days III a wrote. These day* did not bare any names for many osnUrias uoept bar their uumOer* as (be Bret day aod second day. nte.. but in eouras ofUmettMtiuandtaevWnt I‘" ,U>M> na'oaa in liuiair nf ibslr gods tbe enn and moon and datura and wodeo aod Tux sto. W»l«i wai their greatest gud ami Thor was tbs god of tba oioods. Wednesday used to be Wodaosday aod Tbura'ay was Tboredsy. They believed that Thor made tbnoder by picking up two great m< notaloe id the iky aoil clipping them together anti that be wae Uo mile* high and bla arma twenty miles loog. But tbs dsvlsioa of tbs year in to months and how nod when the moo tbs got ihelr nanus la g« os rally known to tbe young p .-opt* aod perhaps will not be antil somebody tells them I was thinking about this tnoolli of April and bow It got it* name from a Latin word that means “to opeu." bw esuae during this month lha earth Im fios to open for tba aned to corns up aod the grass to grow aud tbs buds oo the trees open into I**?** and flower*. Young people should know .that <e«y beck before tbe Ubrlatlao era there were but lee mneths and the yenr ended with December and began with January beoaues tbelr god Janus wm s doobte-raoad god sod wKb oos fane looked bank at tbe old year and with tbs other looked forward to the new year. That was pretty and appropriate II sf°re tbe ratgn of N urns January and February were uot In the best u< one of to* yaar Mil (boa* old tuim-iu emperor* •mod tb* old pope* did what lb*T plnaaed •with lima mod m January waa made the Dot Booth to please Jana*. Then Nam* iranspuaed k'xnruary to plaaae Lapereus muotber god who they laid waa tb* wolf that suckled Bomulua and Bern** lo a oare aad tba Bument mubttabad a yearly festival m booor of this aba wolf and oallad It Frbruee •blob maaot exptatluu. Merab w«a •uataad in boaor of Mara, another god. ■»nd tbs 15Hi of March waa tlx Imagin ing of tba year for 2,000 year* oot only with tba Bomana but with many Chris tian obUoaa. Indeed it was not •changed from tbts daatl action until tb* year 1763, mod It mem* to me * •pity that It ever waa ehangvd Tbe Urn* of tb* Ternal equinox tbe Slat of March amms more Ilka a new year baa com* Ibao doe* tbe *uid bleak raid • winter tbe Aral day of January. Tb* next month to April waa named In honor of *hotb*r god or goddam .named Mate* who waa tbs toother of Memory. Then cam* Jane a given In iboeor of Junius lb* god of youth. Than came the other tour mouth* September October November and December. Code and goadaataa bad given oat I reckon. But later on JuluaOtaaar Imagined be waa a god awd mad* a new mouth and oallad It July and AoguataeCaaaardkd tbeaame thing aad call'd It August. Of oourva they bad to rob the Miter moathi of aom* of tbeir days In ordar to gat tbaaa two month* in. Nuw my young frtaads Just think of it kow tb* civilised Clirlatan world baa baao Imposed upoa by toparat.ltIon. Every day in tb* woak aad almost every month in lb* year named lu booor of soma Imagln ary god that tba beuttiaa people wor shipped. Pool preached a grand ear moo when be laid to them : "Whoa ye Ignorantly worship bits 'declare 1 unto you." Nut only did wa gat from them the oamm of day* and months, bat tb* n*mm of all toe pfeuata except on* aad that 1* tb* earth that wa llv* upoa. Bow faith fully they did Worship tbeir god*. How loyal war* they to Jupiter, tbe god of all gods whom they Imagined aafc upon a throne ou lbs top of Mooot Olympus an imaginary mountain far up lo Uw haavaoa and from iters over looked and and blessed tba ebUdrao of •mao. Love la tb* foaadalioo of ebar a<nar of arer y god whether real or Ire agloaiT. It !o worthy ot rerneasbraooa that all tba historic BtUooi worshiped fjda wfibre they hellers to be good. P£P>k •»■*» erer worshiped • god who did not' lows and owe tor the children of ran. Than were goda ot aril too but the people did no* lore They (eared there Jwhwi frer tbo power of HtUa bow. 11m orlfta ot many things ot erery day uao la the business ot Ilia la m cartons aad iatarereiaw etady. for loauaoa wbo established Its exaat length ot ao luab a foot, a yard. Who Biad the weight ot a poaod ot sorer or a ten dollar ooin of gold or a barbel at reeal. There things bares 'i bran to eery long. The nations bare been working oa there tor oeatarise and they were not BoaUy reread on on til about ISO rears mp. Daring tba r**ga ot it lag Orerge IV Iba house ot perHaoeat lo London was horned ap and the standards ot welrbta s»d SHaaurea waa barnsd op with It aud it took years to rapredew there ter thousand* ot people had yard stir*) and weigh u and aiwearw they were wot eseotly alike. Meay yardetlok* were a Ulfle ebon **d there were eaalaa to bay by sad seals* sell by aad re with peek rereeuias aad halt bwbol awe ares for there ware dtabooret reerehant* than and 1 rreken there are sows bow. Tba Bn* foot so re nr* le a* Id in base bare tbo ***** laawtb ot an aaciaat Bureau enptror’a foot. The Brel luab WM Iba laagth ot tbrre grains ot Eng lish barter wbtwh It le mid le tbo more oolterre la ewe aad laagth at any grata la tbo world. They took 108 gratae oat ot e pile aad Md there tu a Mndhoaobiag seek otbw red oaltad U p yard Uao was aa laeb and re wa bare tba aM laMa at this* barlwy aorre ■ah* oao look twetrs leaks* ooa toot aad woo. Wbaa rey wtfo wlebre to oat sp sbirtlag or os I Ire Into eorUla lengths kba reareona K by holding K sot at eras'* laagth frare tba Up* nf liagir to bar mam aad dreture tba data aat arias M a ««trier at an lash •ad mym U la more ooerect then three barley enrol o< an eiaperor'i foot. WMI a Uat tba people of tha world have had lo gening thing* settled down to a uelform oondlUon. And they are out all avttiad yat. VVe have oat yet agreed «n oar war with the Philip pine# or Xjiglteh war wlUi Ibe Ho-re or tba tariff on Porto Ulc-> or whether McKinley la a tippler or la Uawsy | >k log about tbe anaideney or who la go earn or of Kentucky. There are orer 900 different ktndr of rallgtooe In tbia country. Tbero are seventeen kind* of MetbodiMe, thirteen of Btp tlete, twelve of Preebyuwlant a<i of Koaua Catholic*, all of Adventists, four of Quakers* tea of MoanuoUrt, •ere* of Imtbwrans taro Episcopalian beeida* Dankarda, Unleeraallata Mor aine Mpirttoullst* and many other* too tadlo a to mention. Allofthoae pro I fan to bo Cbrletlan rhnrcliee end de olarae they oeo prove their faith by tiro Bible. . Bat mill the world oilla on and U>e jeer* with It. Tbe imrui come end go j jit ai they have for age*. Them le do varlatloo In the work* uf Oud ^•metimes I wiafa that like lllai I coolJ be potted away up In the be tvroa end look down upon lh» world and em it turning over and roHlug onward In lu orbit. I would want eye* that would aero Unit* everything upon It. Battle* and blood aod otrnegs aod tbe deed end dying and tbe mourner* and the opinr* of the oburobae aod hear Him HabheUi IHIa and the preachers’ **r moai and aan bappy children golag to acbool aod the farmer* plowing In the bald* aod the c-title upon a thousand bills aad tbe oarer ceaelug rush of people lu the Mrseu of the greef eltlre and the g.tkl piled op in tbe backets’ vanlt aad tha poor and wreiobed In the alum and tbe thouaaods of coo* victe In tbe prison* and the Area aod luuerals aa<l banquet* aad tbe ships at aaa and bare aad there a wreck end *11 00 board rorulfed. Vs*. ( would wish to see it ell Just once lira and death, iiappioees and misery oatauandeiuner* In OOO vast kaWtdoouop*. Ttwo l would like to ollmb big bar Mill eod ere Lbe universe sod listen t<* tbe mualc of the epberee aad aoar among tba were and rule upon the placet* and — well no 1 don’t beliave I would. Oo tba whole I would rather stay at homo aad work In tba garden aad eat my «wu aspara gus for dinner aod taka my evening nap aad soon bear a familiar vjtea remark; *• William tba dour is out and ao Is Um sugar. I am glad I oaa*t eae ibe mleery aud am content with a<y bumble lot. *-.*_-* Tba geographical distribution of red beaded girls la fortunately wide. They can be found la every inhabited quarter of lbs world. Tba Bo-called dark race* ere Ira qacuity slorlAad by glowlug locks. Tba Spaniards are awartby as a race, but tba parcel blooded Castlheat fre quently ebow tracer of Uie Vlaigutblo blood uy Wee eye* aod red batr. Tbe lotah ta Eulalia, wbo visited ibis co He try In 1S03 la red-beaded. End-beaded Italians are fairly nu-1 ■—four in Italy tboogb not in New xorfc. They are meet no me rout In the northern provinces, where Were la the greatest Infusion of Uarmao blood. Aod there le no girl In the world prettier than a red-headed Italian ur Spaniard except It be a red-beaded 1 mftran la Ireland a red-haired girl ie made ■alterable by being nailed a ~Da»e.” Tbia epUbrl la a legacy of a ihoorend yean or more from the time wbeo tbe Daaae aoluallv did override the ouaete of Britain. lo a almtlar manner tbe Now men who Invaded Sicily eealonee ago and Intermarried with the inoabtienti left desoeodaata with glaauilDg brain ihalebea. And where there aren't any red beaded girl* by nature—as among lbe Moore end Arena—tbe glowing looet ere eommoaeet of all. Toe woman all dye their jetty trearer to a must lovely red with beuna. Omm %m Mm*• lift London A. ft. TlMi. Taka lime ; K la do nia to fume or fiat or do aa the angry booaotupir who haa got boM of Km wrong koy aad poaboa aad rattiaa It about In tbo look uotU both an baefcen aod the door u altll uaoaaaed. Tbo ehlef aaorat of comfort Uaa in not imCertag trtfloa to tux ua, and io eorttrating our ondargrowth of anaall Try to regard proomit vexatious aa yon win regard them a month he roe. 8*ooa wa aaa not sat what wa like let oa Ilka what we eon got. It la not rlehaa it la not poverty It U human nature that to the trouble. Tbo world la like a looktag-glaea Laugh at It aad laughs beck ; frown at It aod U fro was task. Am tftif, _ Tb** *“ oeee an awful lltlla lUUa flrt who bad ao awful way of laying to ovarythlng. Mho ilrvd to su awful viUane, wbleb was aa awfal djetnooo from every other awfal piece. 8ha want to aa awful aohool where aba MM mi awfal taaebar. wbagava her awful Imeono wot of awfal .hooka. Every day afie woo o» awful 1.angry Uiat aba ate aa awfal aaMoot of food, au that aba looked awfal baahhy. Wkea ■wfol walk, aha climbed awful Mila, aod when aba got awfal Urod aba aat dawu under aa awfal baa M raat borealf. in suwaroc aba foaad the waalbat awfal bob, aad in • later awfol aoM', la that this awfal girl waa all the time la an awfol Mata; and if she dooa not gat aver roytog awfal” about everything 1 aa afraid aha will by aad by oomo to aa awfal and. WeW Uw rna ia» Own Waa tbo bail that bU 9. B. Mead «aan, of ffewarh, Utah., la Ua Olvll War. It aoaeed horrible Utean that bnlpad for »0 years, Than BrroUao a Aram* Halve eared Mae. Owes Oats, Hr.Haas, Bor*. Della, Moaa, Ooraa, 8bla BrapUoaa. Boat P»*a aa* oa earth He* a b*. Oars itttd-!juy *' *• ^ AXMM CUIIRB »T HTIUL *iewaielea aa WhlpC, M«1m Tmt IMa bootee QMn. That tha aun oavar fata uo Ilia Brit ish Empire la ao axiom which suggest) rather titan dadoes the Until wuicn lu •plied It. Tula of emran, la by uo means of aaleoHflc or nai litoral rx acUiesa. But wa ell ineogalxa the ateMlna of ill* phrase which like many soother rbatui ioal if*m of hie torts to tareal la very muoti older than tha •ettlDg in which It baa from lima to appeared. It haa been attributed to Pitt; aud U no doobt race lead from him a splendid aeod-offon Italatrudoo tloe to the KI pat as o Lb Oeataiy. Ia allusion to British ocmawlona sod re aouteaa the Prime Minister uaed lira tliao llttUo known axprues ion. “Tbe King of Eoglsod, on whose dominion! tbe suo never sate. ” That It made ■ graat impression may bo wall Imag ined. Nor waa this fait Uo least strongly 10 America; for in addressing the denatr some years afterward the Daniel Webster rataludad bla bearers that England waa a power wblob bad "dotted tbe aurfaaa of the eoitre globe with her military poimaaiooa and rinrta, wbuaa morning dims heat following tbe tdu aud keeplug ootn poay with the bourn, e not reled tbe ■arth d«lly with one eoatlnaoaa and uo broken at rain of the martial airs of England." This graphic and picture exjua ourlchaMot laisaa Urn flgurw of a high poetic level. In itedf suggestive of Uie inspiration uf a former age. And as a mutter el fact, Knglaud neither color'd nor adapted It for her self. Tbe Ogure baa fallen to oa ga a heritage or empire. Thla la bust shown by tbe tact that Um pbnaaa line boon e sometime poa •aasion of aavorsl nations Wo uoax pentadly nooooatar It In the work* of tbe quaint Thomas Foliar, who lu bla sketch of the life of dir Francos Drake, •ays that "though a pour private man, tbe Admiral hereafter undertook to avenge tiimeeil upiu eo mighty a mon arch, who aa Uut ooolanted that the sun r teeth and aauatli lu bla dominlous may Mro to damre to mate all bla own where ha ahlnetb.” Tbtrs la uo doubt about the monarch here referred to. nor of tbe fervor with wblob eo many oooaalona Drake "singed the HpooUb King’s beard." U was in the reign or Philip II that tba tfpantab monarchy aitaiura iu ingnest i utcl of splendor and (.'omloiuo. Whan the Ambassador Uoedoaer was aonablniiif busmens aod pleasure at the Kuglllh oourt ha bade a Spanish grandee wbo wea ralarnlat to bla owu oounlry remember bin to tbesno." whlob ho had not assn aiooa bla NaMetca in Bogltod sad whlob ha would be sure to flail In Hpeia. The Spaniards, huwever, had loug baea oouaeiooi that Iba aun was al ways ablniug an aoaa of thnlr icrrito ilea. Ic oca of Howell's Well known coltrulkia of letters, palilished Iu IMS, occurs this patSigu : "In Philip ll'a Uata Ihla crown came to bis graodrur. aod Imly lo gtve tlia SpaularJ Ills doe be la a mistily monarch, who hath do naloloo Id Europe. Asia, Africa and Amertea. He iba aua abloM ail iba Coer aod twenty boors of tha natural day up»o sows part or other of bla eoootry. for part at the antipode* era subfeet to hlac,’1 And lo ble ueoouut of the "Historic Phrases,” Uuobauau quotas tbs following nntenoe of a Do toll antlior. In 1000; "Tha King of Spain la a great potentate, who a Unde with one foot in the Bast aod tha ather in the West, and Urn aun never seta that it dues not abide oo soma of bla domlnioea.'' The setae Idas also duds expression ia Quailal’e "Paator Kido," Written some seventy years earlier. In which Catherine of Austria la spokae of as the Illustrious daughter the monarch ou abuse empire lha aua never e-la Bui Portugal bad aim pul forward her elatia to an #**r prevent mu, and esrtvlaly not without too* show of reason. Ereu now In propurtlos to the Importance of UN Mother count nr tha Portogear depi-odenelev am of oon rlderaole extant. No doubt aba waa anrpamad by Bpaln Iu the great bnrvt of oaarlUme dt-oovery. Hat within Ibo century praaodlag Um birth ol Canmooa lb* Cap* of Good Hook waa doahtad by Vaaoo da Gama, while Bra ail was dlaooearod by Cabral, la 1*00 liar* waa extension east and wavt, ■are than enough for the poet la build upon; aad In tba “Lasted.*1' Camsont ■are of tba Furtuauasa empire that tba “aoa looks upon tt whan It rtsra, It still behold It as Midday, and wheo It aaka It asU behind tt." la wbatarar fora tha Dgura I* praam tad there can be DO donIX that It Is mtlrsly poette la IU orlgla, tbongk poetlosl foresight may baa* haataosd to adopt It. Ita eoamopoiliao rirtoM have aodowad it with all tba more fora* and vitality. Bob liter use* It with eflaot In his “Don Cartes," and In the soon* of tba Pao Inautar War Napoleon daassad It poll llo to ramiod bis »r«y that -tba tee oarer aeU an tba lameae* aaaplra ba qot stead by Char lea V." Tba pbram ■saras at soaw tlaa or other to bare to*» to tba Month of every salted that had Um kesalfkat pretentious to saiploy It, though It so doubt obtained iu widest aurrano* after tba dlaoorsry of tba Kaw World. Tha Baasaosadopted It la there state of gangrapftlotl sod astruttomleal hoowladga. Tibbollua exprmaad it In poetry, and RuUllos in prose. And two Iboaeaad years after ward* thalr daSOaedaate sea speaking of tba oos tarn pi .ted visit of tba Quran to tbalr shore, as that of a qua** aad Bapreaa oa wbosa dominion tba ana ! Ptrar Mi. •II9 TM*. Dotllmim. 1m4w. “Tba talas of lira*or ’ Tba Islaa of Oraaaa I" Tba fair young elocutionist waved bar arms wildly m she burled this teorb of By roe at bar sadlanea •‘Goad gestures."said Mr. Kaawvlu. I proonsalat Ion. to tears alo arrar aa to say '-Tba of O raaoa' tor sib of graaaa1 ** • Bat," said Mrs Knows!*, he aa apntagaUd wag, "perhaps It la a 4latest UMfwilag IkMl or the 4tlkw ef “ft !!•*• and to Mala. In a rrecut iMue of The New York Tist-d, A (ink! Kemlrlok \f alter writec thu* (iitsnwluigly oI iilti Mary J (on of Botetourt county Virgin*. iha author Of “To litn and iu Quid " “Nary Johnston dseller* to ba Inter viewed and quoted by tbwa eivvsi (air aunt who write for Ibe pfper*. Iter ebony-hesd maid with bar hair luckad nodtr her white cup Lent my oanl and (bowed mown d rewind room nod told OM that Mitt Jobotlon would ba down lo a moment. And pnttally ahe uacue down the ((airway aad tbrdwxb the li brary beyond Into U»e apardneul where I waned her. lutlead, however of las ting bar graceful sell sink into a deep oualr tiai amid In Iter nob cordial teles that lb* library waa perhaps more oomfortable aad she led ibe way lute ibl* apart (Last where the a rale went glowing warmly lu the treat chimney corner. “It id barer difficult for two women to begin conversation. We dialled a. ibe usuaael fell of eau« of the tat# winter of otti-r common pi eee things, and finally I aakad her to talk of bar literary success. She shook her Madoa gui-llha bead aud said vary duftly vary firmly aa Lady Jocelyn Sight leave done to liar swrwteat moods ; >1 am glad lo speak of my work. I am of eoarse gratified at lie aooorm and I appreciate all that Is said; but 1 bare made It a rule nut to talk fur publica tion. “With Mies Jobuaten’a lctUutana uas anoeatt as no author Mia Id paying tba penalty of being famine. Tba natural deans on tba part of tbspublM to know someth lag of Its Mol Is how ever a phase of popularity that I tea agiue Ulas Johnston would rltmloate. The public may dlaenas her ability a* a writer shout a nuke brillaut period tba door of which ah* badopataad ssddenly aa If an old forgotten spring had been touched thereby disclosing a secret patwtge. Sba oaonot rxp*cl In stem tba tide of public emolsca of bar rom above that made bar one of the women of the hour. But nay petsuual gossip that may find Its way late tba newspapert dons oot omaostn from her On the ooDWnry whdu It ooutat to any discussion of barestf or her work she is exirrmaiy ret leant. "MM Johustoirs relluaoaa lu this ■•liar baa probably readied lu ibe eotatta fact ttiat although Die Ameri can aad English reviewer* turn tx k»u»u*j anluroas In prater of bar buoka comparatively Hills Uaa bare written of tba personality of lUe woman of liar ehnrmlng borne In Birmingham of bar Ideal life lo- auuoy Alabioaa. The world knows uf bar as a Virginia girl aad tba photograph* that liaVu beer widely copied reveal a wonderfully awveUaoad young wo mao the graoaful cooUMir of brr features recalling some famous miniature* oo Ivory by tbe old master*. "8 m l* not very tall aud bar Ogure I* aleDdcr aad fragile, She earrlre her aair wall and baa that high bred air 1 that give* bes a distinctive chars lu i any assembly. Har rye* are large and [ brown wllli lit* Is Seek* of gold Her llght-browo hair la soft and wavy sod ana wear* It atsply. HUa dresses quiet ly and fasbonably. Has I a* ire are ! those uf it charming woman who *! tbough unoonvauU'inal reaped* ovary 1 pi oprlety. Sba baa Uavalrd extensively I In this country and abroad, "Mias Jobuatoa Ufa I* that uf any high-bred arlatocralle girt of Uw South Ae tbe oldest daughter of a family of ■lx she has bad siuoe tba daelb of bar mother 10 year* ago tbe care* and re npunslbililles Of be* father's house hold. liar father, Major John IV. Johnston was fonudy pcaaalant of the Ueorgts reside Bill road now a part of the northern eysiea. He le a elrll engiun-r by profaeeloo and has bean prorulaeut In Blimlngbam ainoa be er rived from Virginia. In 107A Thry an lartalu during tba aeaaon and tbrlr house lu Seventh avaaua la frequently Ullad with gorate from other State* Mlm Johnston baa a state* who It g gradual8 of tbe Training debool for Narm* of tbe Old Dominion Hospital in Biehmood -MMi joouaoa it waeoieaiy Mod of Virginia, Buy llloatrlont namr* of that Stale being tbOM of bar location Hat great-gran t-WModfatber, lM*r Jobnatoo cam* to Virginia from Hoi laud In 17#T. Ha area a mao of wealth and mflueuue la tba colony and waa the doour of the Muds on wbtnb Hand* the College of Hamptoo-Mldnay. IJW bbree nan* P«Ur Andrew and Unrlw, beoama raapoatlrtly Ilia aaeaalura of many prominent bun HI** now widely acalterad. Tba eldoet. Pater a ber.. of Lift* Horae Uarry Lee’* Legion wet tba father of Uaaml Joirph R Jolne. ton that making tba Utter Mtm JoHne ton’p third oooeto. The reennd am Andrew van her gmat grandr^thm. Ha married Anna hath and through ber Mian Johnson ta lineally .laaoriuted from Oolooel John Nath an oOaer In the Prvwoli aed IxdUn troablee of 17M and daring lb* nrroluUoo axmibar for Prlnea Rdward aounty of Uia Virgin* Houa* of Letegand from John Nuh of Temytaton Manor Jaeuo* of Htnrtaaaouatylo 17». Hi* la alto the grant grant gmaiataaa of Abegr Neab, Uorrmor of Vortb Oerallna mad mam bar of tba. Qmtlnaatel Co greaa: and of Gooaral Prnoeia Hash who fad at Germantown. On th* toother’* aid* eh* la daotah-Irlah a liana! deamolaet of oan of Urn fft appraetlom wba alaatd lb*|ptU of Londonderry In lb* thg* "In Urn librarian of thorn old Virgin* homo* Mb* Job niton wandnmd nl bar own awant will. »Ub tbla matron aaont and bar nateMly retanUy* mind tl la not taprlaieg that aba ban ooca* to b* rewarded a* an awhartty on i\> km lei Watery. Mb* aaema to bar* lit erally nbaorhed that period af Virgin I *•■* bletery tb.t aba asm *• * hank grannd fee bar etorl**. Tbs stitlm bar* boon unable to dobnet any tanlt U bar mlaata dmortyUna* of tba tarty IMawiol onatnma and law*. «b* baa don* tba work of batb tba the ■•*) wrlght. "lala* JaOnetmi hbei Me* itiknia boa at lakareafe I to expressing Mr mood* ta nm Im» tba atnuaertf* of "Prtsonqrs af Hops” was Um dm that «M ever aabodUsd to a pabt'ebtng eoapeuy. Tbatr taUar of aaseptoaoe waa tba drat Intlauilan that bar family had ibat Um alary was In the hands of imoilahera. "Ulsa Jobnatmi typewrites her own «."rW. She spent laat aiiaimar «t a faahtmalala lusort la Iba A Itpg baa Im and i ha tli«t of iter 17 pa writer wm frequently beard for Into lbe HDawV ■light aa ah* was at week no I be saw oluding nbnpuro af "T« Hava and to flild.” tb*o ranoiug aerially la CW AiUmlo Monthly. "Mim Johnson's boar ia IMrmlag h»m la ta sum* reepeote. lyyleal of homes lu tba &mtb without ha we ear, eaggsailtig the ootoalat. It die will beck from the wrest Um bal males aad tbaettarbw am daaMrdiy aitraotiva, arid Uie Olay draperies at Um Iom r reueh windows aaggnat t|w ghuMlng epunarauof a wwlrawulatadbnmS -Tba library wlwtw Mim Johnston duaa bar work ia lined wit)) boobs It Ua Mow auraatlf* apartment tbrviqpb tba windows of whloboao gala a brined view of Um sky. Her deA lay open end tba Morning’s Ball was ■atiosad •i?*"4' A lOa* and Mid aiosk liatod e*.T aa Uw ggaaUe abatr. Above UM library oeaao ware a number af Martin buau. ft m a room with tba —i~r ■diera of boobs sod idetaraa. A ekla Uy t» fiorii of iba lUed MaiUi. in aa •Airtmeut boyowdlMkeyoofau open Plena nonne Ivoty-wMU. Ootatda Um i*o» was feett-nring tba bora braoabe# at Ika tr*oe ihi I bo laws. "dba arena moat vivM plot ore, aad f«t wiib bar strung aeosataatsd pm son «llty, bar wood rone atrangtb aad aweM -WHS, twera to a aubtlo obartu of (he LeJy Antrim Leigh a* she sat *m >oga raw of ••iilbmald beenlMe and sensed » "**•» Unwind pvptoa and p km ton. ''tYlien ( eroaa to go 1 spots rf ttto JravdiUiUoa <d "To Hava and to Hold • ’Ttiere would ba aueb pueeibd ItMM for tba WMBSU who r*«»y*d Lb* rota <rf Lvdv Joaalyn.' Ij said. Ilow Itrong o’id sweat too is when ah* ptnada n thr Cover nor for Ralph.’ »M gtod y-a lived bar,” tin- said '*! iblnk ebrr is very sweet.’ Sba stooped ui giUwr up bar letters, •You know,” an* eald poaMnUy, r-ad leg a* like a be*.-a freak aMtle dm oioalng h-r bvnrni levtii you qust really aot quote me to Um pa^ts.” OHmnwi >aa »ia*u. «*■*■ MM LMn Par ttT Oauo Coulrldge I. a young aw WUn ' ba» rateblUbed a prod table banana la a nr* IliM of work whtoti U prubebly H»a noat daagnroua of all klada. Bn ta a oollrotur of live aoimali or 1 tounaoM, a Mr Ouulldga ll a «an of outturn and education. He mm graduated ff.HU Stnsfuid aud Uteri rpeul a year at a “paat-siad'* at Harvard, lie |. now augtgad lu oolbwtrng live aud rroum vua reptltaa, b-rdt aud -»—■t-T- fur a eumbrr uf l be large K Wall Jo liuMItu tfoaa uf tba oouulry, aud la aaklug Ihu aolerraliy hit headquarter!. »« It d-dng week uf umwelal toU-rral beoeuaeof ibadtfljnUy that aawnav aod parti litre la getUR* camp-leut moo to make oothoMmie of lire an| Pali. OlidIdge hat bad a long aud rumkia fnl raparirtiee lu o ilieetlag aud trap ping b-Ah before end after Im ewlerad duur<wd. In feoteoeb work hat been bit bobby aieee ba traa Urea enough lu walk atuaa. aud aa a aonwqarwoa uf UiW early tralulug, he haa had a guad beginning oa a valuable evuak uf i aolcollBo ku-.wledgw. i At prevent the lottltailent fur wbleb 1 Ooubdge la voliretlug are tbadialthaoo-i Ub l- atituU, OwMrw ToikZoologlca) Park at Central Path, of wbleb WlT liars T. Huruaday. tba oeWurmtnd natarw'iet, it Uw director, aud Lla uuln Paik Chicago. The netura of tha work of ooaraa, require* that ba vlait many differed local It We, and out only nut ba flu where tha auiruela ha tvaau tea ad, but ba moot remain long rueegh Ui hacaata tboronghly aaqaataiad with Uie baMto aed U»a lift blatory of Irla victims, and la thla (bet lb a the chief Interval la tha work. For Invt.aae, raauy ireppma l«v nUerwpted without auooeea In oaplara tlw ouramua Oumorauta wbwh rr. quant Um rueay bwaohae rd puiata oa tba Pa clfla, and after at Mb atady and obaar vatluB OouNdga lilt apoe tba nlwpl# Ida* of ata-llng upon than ak night a lad U> rubber mon During tha paat ——titt Oaotstae has been attbta tmrk la Soothara UaT I font la, aad aa a rata It of hta eC wta ha bea a*me very Bno apealaMwa. At oaHaaa Ua aturtea ray that Coot Mgr QMovomtblagofaaharaaUr. For threw of hta tnar yoar at ttiaafai t ha waa the praaddiag genloaat tba eaara— an aggregation at few, woodaw bolU logo aitoated hahlad tba aattega power hi man, where puur ModawM tugnga tad taalaad of living la tba far oon piaaaiog aod ouramodtem qowrtofa at !• eloa Hail, ur tba other ptaoaa a boat tba earapru. ■b UK Warn Km. . Mr. J. B. LIMt. a yrcaalaaat «**«. o» Uultal Ha., kutr hag • *n!hM galtraraaaa froaa a tngbtfal 4mU>. la I tolUog «ntka aja: “I waa takaa wltb TygboM Tatar U»*t r>» lata Paaaaonta. My luaga baaatM bard* •aad. I waa a> traak I ooolga't araa alt ay la bag. Xatbtag bMyaZ aa. 1 oararr. (Jam boUta (ata fraot rattaC. I aaotlaaag ta aaa It, aag aow act wall Mg rwour, I MlaatatBatkla Ba pralaa,” TbU aarrMhaa Mdlataa to iba aaiaat aag qatobaot oara ta tba whcM far all Tbtaat tag Um troubtoa baggtor ihm 80 aaata aog iToOi Trial batttoa Ina at J. B. Carry to Ooto. Drug Mara; arary bottla guaraalaad. ■aMaiaaa Tteeralatton of Um MKrotrara • »Ur* into • baslMM an m loUiaat Zt-XZSSXZSSKJi “■- -frrr-1 nt lyattilaa ilw teTT ral law loot i• butsr sad tba rMorts rutmaatK itydala n -» Zmti-1 cm> atunuM. aa other Irr raili n'*' ,,».«* uoraySiawa litas wall known foot that ilia artateeraoy of tte iriabtatlna •lavra ef|» tbr hoaar t»iv«i.U— ibnw tk> l,a ~n-taw. alriUty awl im-lliar** w. t- arVacad rruta the laria .4 Ibr 4it^ in vvrftni laruMbidddtttrsat tuelr bi> au r* hoaav Oft*-*' «oah anraate Mm -■»—ni h4 teiWMiaomi liana Ibf stra Ur nata ral ahildran i*f iMr aatHt sad at *-l| *-“**^7.»*arhtab wbw>. atapa <«w-rd "itteadiat 1 total tend! TJa mstrt-s ratal art ay Ms baiter la tew* dad sum bad a UwraUra Crate, tha so.* bnuaa Kovrtater of a waall ratine stsadsr iraturant, or. If ba was rothTUouailr rdtahrat aad md. « f»f earuiu diabrs, ha liinwn aou'etta. U waa la tbta way that tte *-rn £t£u bnTrtiiS!ir Mowly.a I tula ssvta* oTraiiUta uHa*. furaral tea drtrar bite lbs inim ■ft tba iwaahMte late tte Mrary ataMt ftaapsr. tba laaadrsss late tte jwbprtaterafa imbita laaadrr. Tte hit bat to bara ten tbeas of ibabwteT 17,480 angro barters rvuartad. HM of tbaaa wars Junrnayaiau awfclae far ^••s »«d tte rate wars abtaiy tewert etonaC assail Jbupa, sitter nUrtay sSh&^JSELsE 'z^nzrzjrjg's iwelly baateaaa aaaa. They awa Ian* teays wHb doHy faroltara, Mrs ten '*ml*J*** ■■taMivti atJtea teaw

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