The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Hone the In tercets of the Vol. XXl. GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, APRIL 2B, 1000. ■LIL"1—M—■ —■ ■ ■■■ ■■ - LOYES LITTLE ONES. ASP BATS IT MAT MBAS THAT HE IB OBOWIVO OLD. What he Haean (hllereaa— lUl Ula BHIrtl Is U Me* the Mill.. Vrll«e> Bain Tktaisalm-itlMWMi eaarnal ■ eater. IUU Arp. In Atlanta Umaiitulloai. That pony usd dog allow it Lhe beat entertainment for children I ryer taw. I reckon that Protestor Itdimy rune ll for the money that la iri ll but nnver IheiOBe he ebouid be aomutended end honored tor Ilia plantar., met lie hsa given to thousand* end thouiaod* of oblldreo all over the lend. The pool laid tbhl Abou lien Adbrca wmtiuliult ted to heaven by At. Pater because he loved till fallow inn. and maybe ll.n pmfaagur will gal 10 beceum be worked ao bard to pleaae the children. Chil dren at* a lug thing Id beaveo. •'Suffer liule children to uome uut.l He for of eueb la tbe kingdom of heaven" ta ilie twee teat rare* m the Bible to mot here and ll utterly pnralynji tbe dveina of Infant daanation. 1 know there la plenty of aariptuie to eaUbllab tbe dooUloeof elaotlon but 1 hove ue«rr believed that it applied to lltiia chil dren. Tha mater net ioitluct abtiore ll. nu» u>« pocj Aua dog ihow who a moat lean tif uI street pageant and waa free to tbe hundreds who were too poor to pay for tti* teat peifirmsace Tbey ought to tbaok tbe professor for that. 1 am poor myself but 1 aireload mj poeketboot aad look all our little folk* In. They are a till talking eOuul it. The monkey who played doctor and the pony who laid down and gruaoed end played sick and bow iba monkey cured him and they tall it all over again and agsiu and how they rod* oa llte ponies and tbe trlcka of the beautiful dogs and *> on. Ilow woeoarfolly fond the cbtldren are of little things lilUa dolls and puppies and kit tana link hornet and oolta and eahra* Utile ttny babies and little chicken*, Old folka Ilka little ohlldran aad It is • sure sign that a nan ta bearing hit aeound childhood and that bla hold upon tbe world la weakening whan he love* the company of Inuooant children. Mow 1 am not ao droid fully struck ou the average boys. Whan they ars rare good Indeed but when they are bad they ate horrid. Una day a grand-child behaved ao bed at tbe labia that 1 told him be ahould eat ooa* any more but should wait or cat lu the kltobeo. When 1 got up nnd left he eatd: **<10001*, ganoa Beltin' mighty old, ain’t be»" ‘-Yen.” •be mid. * 'trauma he’ll die some time won’t be?” Out I do love the little girl*. I am now la Florida again for the good people kept calling me and iba spring has 00me nnd evotything down hoe I* to calm and serene that 1 am glad I accepted their Invitation. The ioyal Daughter* of lb* Coo fed racy ere very strong in Florida and ask ad for a UiUs help and ao I am bate lu their behalf. X bad two boars to Savannah, bat bad to Isa vs at B o'clock In the morning aad ao did not aee my friends for nobody gets up In dwvaunah nntll <1 Inner time nnd some few lie sbed tin neat day. That’s wbat Evan Howell told me, I traveled with blm all tbe way and ecJoy^d bis company for be la always tbe as me good talker end he gave me a graphic account of bla re eeat Havana trip. Ha likes tbe Cabans especially the Castilian otaases who he mye are a blgb-tooed generous sod boorabie people. He feared that out occupation of (Juba woo totet u> be predjudloe to Florida but be Mopped loog enough down here to do away with such apprebenaiooa Flondaeaw not have * aubetllale and will always be tbe loveliest state in the naloo— tbe natural sanitarium for oar Invalids end the garden of tke south. An eld Georgia friend who baa barn here for ■owe UW1 mj looay mat tbM arret iu la eo prosperous ooc dttioa ae it Is today ead that there ia f***® ■OD*7 b®1® per capita than there le te Georgia. Beery brei.cb of bost “•* every loduetry to prospering aod tba pouple carnally are contented oad happy. Howell on tba Worn npon tba roial population to •* I*®4 «*ol refreablng water. Ha told about ao eld friend of bla who omo down bora for tba flxat time to °W aaquaiotanoa, He got off tba train at "Waldo where bis friend mat him and drove out to bla little far* two or three miles awey. Tha day waa bot and tba old man waa tired aad thirsty aod touted for tba eool •ffWnba toftm boma Hta Florida friend palled dowa the pole ead tha bookst went down Into a Itota la the »•«•«>• few feet deep end draw It up fuU of brackish top'd water and aald : '-Mow, Jim Just help yeureelf; drtuk right out of the basket In the old fashioned way,” aad bn did. It didn’t taka him tong-to get enough «ud ha wld i •Tre got enough. Tow drink tho rest yourself and when yoa some to ay boon I’ll bent some for yoa. It to a beautiful proeprot ta look free® the trsine at tbla country now. Jtrery mflo or two you He the troot farms la a strut of vegruUou aad tba tetrfwfearnee mgaetolly attnoted my atttotttow. I dearie lore la sea thaw by tba ante and took upon tha pick and eeraetlna ootora that wlagtoaupteUlly with tba groan toast* At almost eearr eutlon tba erbtea of torrtoe are pitod ap waiting for the signal train* to stand them ta market. Thry an SOW bringing «7 a erato at tha pro denar’s station and there to moeey le tba boeloeea. Cblldiee white aod Meek are men ptaktog them. Utile girls ffto • Mats a quart end little bora M seats for tba IIU1# girt* beadle them son eamfelle and don’t aUnl every Mg.ooe they fed. Thee there an the now potatoes and taSHllH aad oabkage that ere to fuU aas fast aad bring good prtoe* as to aadtia yoa an hardly am oat of right of them. They are sat great fag fat settle bot onr tower,ted mead Jadgi dark gatd a Florida britor la fair oaa dlllon and* tli« bast and sweetest beefsteak In the world and was more like veoleon than beef. Tba lumber and turpentine business down here U ' sow a regular boom. Lumber tbat a year ago brought only 113 a tltousaod now brings 124 lo $30 and lurpeclln* liae adsaueed from 34 en»U a g»ll>n to S3 cent*. I've a good ] ike un myself or un somebody alee. My old friend Poll Brown wt>o need to run tba o'd Mark hum lo Atlanta wrote me a nice letter *» month ago and oegged me to come | down to Ocala sod be hla gu*et at the Plant hotel tbui ha hua i «eu runnlug all tbe wtoter. So 1 mads straight for the Ocala boos* and he seemed sur prised aad pleased Ui sea me. W« talked for some tine about the good old Mats* we used to base. 1 bad bad no dinner and not muuh breakfast and was hungry as a woir. Tba sun weut down and lbs big dlulog room doors did not open. Some friends ualled lo ■re me and It grow later sod darker but still those doors *rre Okosed sod I noticed that Mr. Brown bad departed those coasts. About 7:90 c'clook I ventured to Inquire of a lad abut lima tiny bad sapper. He stalled al me audtald: "Wedoo’i bare no more. 11)1* bouse Is closed for the winter.” He was vary kiud and tiuk me to the dour aad pointed U> a place where 1 could gat aometblng lo cat uud I loo departed those euuata with alacrity. The next time Mr. Brown invites me I will go soooer or not go nl all. CM* Ml of Tbs IU(. Republican all over tba country par ticularly lu tha Middle ffal are up lu anna against tha Porto Rich MIL It taaa to tba Intaraat .if Us Republican to tlsteu to i he deataudi of tba beat and biggest stamen i of tbs party, it refiiand to do Ibla uatural thing. Why? Because It la. In tba grasp of the trusts. It believes that mo nay will be sITsctual to buy tba votes of tu« protesting voter*. Tha'.’sth* Repub lican creed. TW Washington titer a strong Uv pubtloao paper leu the cat out of the InddML J have read of a tow* mealing io Pennsylvania .where tbe quest Ion of lleecm wee to be decided. A« tba qnntloa waa about to ba put. there arose from one corner of tbe room a miserable female, wrinkled and gsunt, ■od stretching out her arms, la a abilll voice abe or led : “took upon me. You all knew me, or onoe did. You aU knew that I wss oeea mtetnaa of tbe beat farm In tba tow neb Ip. You nU know too, I had ooa of tbe beat, moat devoted of hot bends. Toe all know bow I bad five noble hearted, ladoetrtoua boys Where are they now 7 Doctor, wbera are they now 7 Yoe all know. You nit know they lie In n ro«. side by aide In yonder oh n ret yard-all, every one of Uwm. ailing tbe drunkard'* grave I They were ell taught to ba se** temperate drinking wee safe—rx ceaa alone ought to be avoided', aod they oarer acknowledged exoeaa. But I esw the gradual cl tangs oomlng over ■gy family aod proapsoie with dismay and horror: I fait we were all to be overwhelmed In one common rule. 1 teted to ward «f tbe blow. 1 tried to brook tbe soell—the deloetve apell-lo which tbe Idea of urn benefits of tear ponde drinking hod Involved my boa band sad Man 1 begged 1 prayed: hot the odda.wsge again* me.” Aod wHb bar arm* dang high, nod bar tell tell form stretched to fia atonal, nod bar voloe railed to an unearthly pitch, •be Motel and . “I shall none stand Imfor* tbe Judgment.mat of Sod-1 •ball me* yoe there, von film gotdee, aod be o wttoeee ogaloat you all I” W»e •poke and vanished. Hot when the chairman pot tbe qimeUoe. “Stoll any license be granted for the tale of •plrltuona liquors 7” the reap sole was eesnlmoue—"Vo t” ms Appetite ere Wes Is envied b* all poor dyagMptles whom d><—b end Lmr era oot of ardor. All socb ehouM know that Dr. King1* Vhw JUds Pills, Um wcoderiol stomach Ksmedy. give* a aptsodM eppetUe. aoued digestion nod a ragalar bodily habit that Insures porfeot hetlte aod grant raergy. Oety Me. st J. B. Oarry * On “a. drag store. tixi to niL ornrn. fwhwl'i XMNft nenreiag Miat Umi 1a furlvBlee. The Freiltleut I eel weak eent to Oou glMB lha following cnuenrga : “Tba time remaining bef.Ho the 111 of ttiy. whan the act o( April li 1000, entitled ‘An act to tauiporailly provide reveoae aod civil gov. rnmeut for K»r to Bleu aud t >r otJiar purpoaaa’ will take effect aptvaia ic >* InHiUcleul for the Inquiry and consideration raqulalte to tbe proper selection of suitable per aoua to Oil tbe Importaut offices pro vided for by tbe act. Tbe power* of the present government will oeaae when the act lakes rfeot, aod loma new aalbority will be nnnniearj to en able tee offleara now par fora lug ih« various duties of civil government Id tha Island lo continue the performance «(tbeeedutlae until hb« ofDeera who era to perform slmilUr duties under the new government shall hare paao appointed aod qualified. "Ttial autluinty caimut well be glveu at preaenl by temporary appointments of Ure existing odloers a positions uu der tba act for the rtaaon Uiat many of tba ex fating olfloers are odloera of the aray detailed to the performance of civil dutlee, and auction 18H of Uie Beviaed Statutes would p reveal llrem from accept tug aoeb temporary ap pointment# uader tha penalty of loeiog tbeir commission*. ‘‘The eelsetton of tba uaw o (floor* end orgaalsatton of tbe new govern •WI'V HMiavt tun acv iDinivu to will U*j accomplittied with all pnctiosbls speed but In order tlutl It may be properly accomplished. I rveoomeud tlio pac kage »>f » Joint resolution to obviate Ui« difficulty above ataled. »». McKiklet," Tu carry tou> effect the President's weseacel Senator Poraker. Chairmto of Ibe Porto Rica Committee Intro duced (hi* Joint resolution : “Thai until the iffluer to dU any office provided fur ny the sot of April 14, ltkJO, miilitnd “Ao act temporarily to provide revenue anil a civil govern aenl for Porto lltoo.itod for other pur poses,” abell have Ivan appointed and qoslIOsd, tha udioer or oflleera now performing tbe civil duties ponalntng to tueb office may oontluue to perform tbe him under aolhory of said aci; and no officer of tbe army shall loss tils oommlsloti by reason tbsicof: Provi ded, That nothing hereto ooulslned ■ball be held to extend the lime for tbe appointment and qoellOcalfun of ■oeb offiaer* beyond the 1st day of August. 1WJ0 On motion of Senator Forsker, tUs resolution and the msocage were re ferred to lbs Commute on Porto Rico, A similar reoolul'oo was Introduced In the House by Cbalrmao Cooper. * It is well understood In the Rouse that «n effort Is likely to be made at an early date to oonslder legislation Hut will amend the Porto Rican law aa re Mill franchises. Many prominent Redub!leans regard toe present pro visions as likdv to be prolific of scan dal insular government, and there la a desire in tha Rouas to put the party ou record against the clause that aur reptlt lonely orrpt Into tbe Senate bill during the process of amendment. Wall >aui, bail laa lair. 4 A pathetic story, true or wall luvan ted, eomte from the3t Louts Republic At a Hula station Ufty miles from Chicago, and old far met boeided a railway train} a thin man with, a no ailivo mouth. half concealed by an Iron gray beaid, dressed in wbat were evi dently bis moat u ii comforts Ids Sunday bIoUks. Ha slid softly Into a seat be side a grave stranger. Two or three times turned bis fees toward tne dying landscape. The strangw was struck with tha troubled expression end gtanoad wistfully at his companion. Tha latter spoke at last with a patient liosklueas In lilt volon : “1 am going to the oily for the second lima In my life,” ha said half Startled at bis own words. Yes*” "Thirty years ago oome July, I want there for a wedding suit, I am going book to-day for a coffin and a shroud far the little woman that married me. “You don't know what It la, mlatar” h« ooatinned “to live sad work ’loeg alda a woman for thirty-years, dav lb sod day eat to fled bar always patient nod willing sud working, sad tboo th *o leave ber lying dead and enld with ber wora-oat binds orotard on bar breast. Ik was Just a Hula after iho turn <ff night, sad nobody but mo was watching, when Marls kinder woke op. *• ‘David,’ih# mid, “It’* inalfnl —to rootful. and l am to tired.’ Aud to aha west to sleep again auddldo't wad* op thlo tide of km van. "Yoo know etraocer; thma word* of hum—t m« to to thinking. Poor, tlrod anal, I never know how much tbs naedad met. Wa never thooght of It while we were working and skimping •ad aavlng, trvlaag to lay up eome Uilng for the children. “Oha never had any pleasure. aha aavor took aay holidays or visited the other woman. Hha reload lira ahlldrvn and fed tha pig* and milked tha oust and ehurwad aed cooked for Uw harvest hand*. I never know or thought how ■he did It all with three poor eroamd hand* of bfVft. -dom* folks aay It won’t do any good, mister, bat I am going to ate that aba la put away In something riob. Wa wasn't skimping and saying for thirty vaara for this, but I*tt going to have tha be* that mossy eao boy. She's earned it, Ood knows.” fa a Brussel* street trammed by an elect rie tram oar Una. It hm barn no tload that tba tram ou aua aids or tbs way begin to lorn tbatr foliage early In August, lb# laavm l urn log brows and dropping off But In October the tame •rasa bogie to bud agela, an* sow a llaaas avow blaaaaa Mean while tha tram ou the opposite aide of tha atroat are amflmud. tow of their foliage lata la tba aatomn and baddiag ouly la the ■grtag. Thaeaum oftbaaaomaly la supposed to be leak lag sWetrto eerrvats wkM ailmslats the growth of lb* taomaflaamd. All Crwl Mew Baris klwre-lnl Far Neal Ik aok kwl fkr Warit. Wuntw UMkcwa LUD In ChrtaUan Ota error. “It would bo bant to Had u slngfe say* aq a do English writer. •*wbo rTer tuada himself mat and woo not an airly Harr." This la a what ou exaggerated eutrnient tar bapa but it I* no exagcerattnu b> »a» that (lx* world’s ia<»st successful m»ii bore be»u ie»nomlst*. often mlsrro uf tlioa and bare ib'refur* raraly bad lire babtt of hugging their pillows lo a tale hour in Utr morning. Gibbon whnu writing bis great morismsatAl blttnrr wb'cb oo*t bin twenty years of unre mitting loll - the reading ot whleb Ecu or *oii pronounce* an education uf Itself,—wa* to hie study winter and summer at six la Uw morning Mir Waller Soon roto • t (We o'clock llgblrd ■ill owe dry «ad wa* at hit desk by six rwad* (or lli* day’s task. By tbs Ham ble family bad assembled lor breakfoet — between nine aud ten. —be had don* euougb ha used to say lo break lb# neck uf the day’s work. It waa a similar beidlhful prsclle* Hist enabled ibn great Button to apmj half a oantuty or mure Uiao an ordinary llfetim* at hi* desk sad yel dad liras ’« be the most fatboaabla of all tlx phUusophor* who In bis day graced lbs gay metropolis uf Praooe. 141 ull alt young people,” aatJ Doctor Johnson, "and tell lb«m with the graataet sin eerily that eobody who does not rise •arly will ever do any good” Tb* uswuraioa ttuzabelb Uaner—skills 1 silk* In translating Epictetus and l.i making padding—who llvad to lire verge of ninety yes's* ruse al alx. I’jjh) /«*w, who la a r earnest worker In bis ulnety first ysar liras Its. All nolad .urn of action Hava beta Impressed wltb Ilia impertauc- <•( (lung early. "Whan you buglu in turn lu bed," raid It* trim Duke ‘it la llrtxi to turn out," nud bis practice conformed to bis precept. Of Hie epooomlo veins of early rising and its worth as an elixir of Ilfs and of Ilia superior fiuiass of tba early in iro • Ing hours fur Isbor who j»o doubt 1 For aarusst effective woik Uttie i< nothing like three freab morning hours. Cosing at tba opening of ibe day Just after sleep bss -‘knit up Ibe ravelled sle«va of oars," nod ralnvigurated Lbs wasted nerves Uiey find the mi ad tr.u qull fresh and sanguine sod they are free from interruptions. Work dme at this lime when H bas tbs wlml* day lu IU grsip tails m«iie powerfully tn*u when It la slipped in amouji (lie thoughts end occupations of busier hours. • In the summer lime eaprclilly wbst refreshment wbat Inspiration I* thera In the cool early hours before Ibe Sun Is hlgb lo the heaven* and tba heal of the day have come lo Weaken and demoralise us I One great advan tage of the early riser la that lie lias ibe convelum satisfaction of being br 1 fore baud with the world Ue list laid up the moat preoious of all treas ures— View—In advance. He seises i lw the day by tbs forelock ; lie drive* U, 1 us lead at being driven by IU Belter still tba briskness aod alacrity of these early hours Imparl themselves almost Infallibly to lb* sohosqoenl ones aud are wrought lutu toe very texluie ut the day. Unforlanataly while on* may bs thoroughly convinced of Hie advaatsgvs of early rising It I* exceedingly dlAcult if be bas beau addicted to late riving bedildden s> tospeaa—for years iu act upon hla eoovietloua. Somebody has called a bed a band)# of paradoxes We go lo It relnetantly and leave it with regrtu Ones within the downy precincts of Ita four posts haw hard it Is to dlaanthnU ourseivv* from Its silken captivity to esoipe from lu eu> ebaotmaats lo tbs drudgvrles and dull caret of Ilfs 1 Ws are as enamored or QDCurtaiaed dwelling aa if ws weie in the oars and aadar Ibe spell of Circe. How many fervent vows have these damp pillows sreu broken I "We are all good risers at night," says a cynical pioverb; but alas far our agility lu ibe morning I ”1 know or un greater hlgbt of hero lam." ways the writer whom we have already quoted, "no more traaeoendeatal virtue than lo spring up from my bed at ibe Brat a* mentof waking. I bmw triad all ways and means; 1 have made a hundred eg pert mauls, bot no our, of then a*n 1 commend. A single victory is the presage and Indeed Ibe same of taauy mure but uuee unluoklly sacoumblug lo Idleness luros the tide al ut*e and foroea bach my determinate current to lie fountain.’’ im great Frederick of l'lueti* found It easier in menbouO to rout the French Austrian# and BumUdi than la youth to realet tbs seductions of tt>e aircn, sleep. After many rain tingle bended attempt**o conquer till* tuetoy be «m forced at laat to call to bta «M an otd aerraot whom tie commanded, on pain uf (Hamteal) to poll blio out of Ml erect ntornlog st two o’elook. How ahail the young man obo to a rictitn of Horpbeee wbe baa been hab ituated for yeere to wsate tbs preotoea boors of the aarlr morn log the gulnl aceeoM af tba day la bed sad who de ptoree hie enslavement eecapa from hie (liken ebelaaf Aa alarm clock to usr teaa iinlaae It oea drag him out uf bed. ttfa know of MU ooe eolation uf tea problem : When he awakeoa In the ■JOTnlag tot bias act upon the very a ret impales and spring to tba Boor at ocas It la aald uf forll and besieged towns that if their eeaaraaodm one* pause •pon a aummoed to esneuder, if they •offer the—dvee to perky they are lost, Ho In oor ooalaau with the m ebaalrvaa deep; wa must nut llaten u the at ran far a moment. Wa mu act a pon the words of Hilton’s hern to bla rooted togtowe. "Iwda, arise I" In aa guiok Immediate a aaaaaaalou aa they •ere atlertd. Only Uim* can we break the charm by whieh we are epaitbuaad and make ilia hrlaknna the eptrU, the aparkhag tovellaees of the Any onr een. The eaea uf the Kaatecky gnveruor (blp. which wee decided In favnr «t Beehham. Democrat, be tba Knit oaky enerte, kee been earned to the Bupreiae Dawn ef the Usited •Hates wtoit It wM be hrerd oe the BOth, - •w » »— — — — H*»»if >un n ittataa. Tmlaa aa Imw ar Wnb •w-iimm Miainan Hnlii -raraMMw ream Mobile, Ala.. April lT.-Tba ooaiin uad rains for tin ptat 48 boar* bar* eaoaad tavaral washouts aa uw Mobile A Ohio road, aad waskeoad iba track id a ounbar of plows. *0 that it an found ala* la-day oot U> operate trains on lha B.retbera dlrWoit*. Tbtrs arc two wssbuot*. oua at Viaanr Band fOmlUn store Mobto. sidlSMhmrZt White'* Bluff, just north of Botar pnae. Mia*. Straouoot rffortaar* being Btsd# to repair tin denaga. and al ware no (ralaa oot Unlay, it la battered Ibeie will baa train out to-raorruw mom lug at (ba tnieai. B.nolnrtun. Al*.. April n.-A ralufsll of also* term l ohea In M hirers baa wrought muoli damage to rallnwdi. Bin In* aad farming iular e*tr. Tbo wriDwt of trsltts aa almost a**i f Mimed satsrtog tbt city has beau sarliMisiy lutarfared with, aad tlio •Qburban street railway system has roor* or las* trouble. darnrsl mints io the dlstrKt bars Mm Hood si sod It Is fa usd that SOM of iba fsraaos* will b* aonprilad to b:iBk their Ore*. Tea South wo, an 1 Alabama Great Soutlsrrn Ballway*, in tba waetwrn pan of ibeHuuv barn been aevsrnls damaged, tbs traek of both Mads bring reputed washed op for disuses* of from two U» mlhrs. Farmers bsre alo «u{farad from tba Storm. T*» WevM<w Onalnl Iwa Urt. Itaaina M. MwMua. If -Iraae w«r« Item again. voioliig the v<o olvtli* iiiob Uiet w. rear, aod eew •ng lu detail all that we aa, living the lifa that wa live now. wtial wield la bl* auewrr to the que*|nu of lb* wurtd’g iminl n-wif What would he pieuch al-ont ofleAvci f What texts would ha aw? Wb«t Central truth would ba • nphaa'x 1 It )•**•> to imagine Jmux facing H multitude u( all mwis end ooodillou. of mm. in lhi* generation end saying to Uwm praoueaily Um earn# thing, b* eald lo Um Hge lulu which he wsaboru. li wuald noi surprise u. if ib* grat mi won Iw prwobej to a eosgragsUoa hrr* id To;via or’ anywhere rUa Wool.! lire* for its U»t, or p .vilify Uia old word., “Ye taual ba bJ'O again,” «r • .ark y* Ant Ua king, itom or Gud,” ' If till* la irur. If Jean, wou.d I Teach more lhau anything «t*r |b« nod Of a legaowraleHl l.umaniiy, iben that w the girsln* neeo uf Ui* world. I do Dot t®" • D t» i** ba would not uaa any other u-xi or word* The eery feet uf ible great need would compel preaching abuht ibe detailed .elDomaa. which make# ib* need luelf. It tg out waxy lo c of Uhrt* kaepiog all*, l on tile Iquor »g u r.c u*. «*r ■eying nit blue alout lit* greed of much of the iboOitu im-toem lift*. nr i Use honor, or war or Um lijaMlee of man la man In hi. oommeteial rata Houa lie would aixtoobU-dl/ apeak to detail again* till. tin. Oat tie wuold da an b~OauM tlm on* great need of all humanity U regmirralion uf life. I The uaw haayau* and Um new earth wherein ' dwelUUi rigbUouauvaa.” win bBJ*P’<*IWe wbao mau are bom aaatn. SviaUnirM 1. at lha bottem of all the wnild'i trouble. Theta la oot a social wi'oog, them I. not e tangled ooudlUou nf lire any wlwr* that doe. not have far lu real cause a Ilf*. The great uerd of the world I. fo g* rid nf thl. bnirlid* MlUihiiraa. It to the .In of all tiw ip-ocriutou. Aod m fa* a» It la taken away by the power of Uhrlal. m lie i* allowed to coma into the dally life, ■<> f.W will the Ilf* of tuao on the earth broom, the happy, atroof, been tlful hf. that God loeg* to have It. The greatest need nf Topeka, uf Kan eaa, of the wliola world, la a irgmenv ted liumautiy. A. Walvepaata. ScrlngOrld Uvpuklkaa. At tb* gambling oeulrr In Ainerlet, New Yurt Oly I. logically the bom* of p*rb.p* lha tn-ist ormUtoo. paoel* no lha enntlDant. The notion that Uw rural dlulrieta are the habitat of live simple-minded d we not war well with U'oe. who oteerve lit* main of eharltan aeMntM wbleb donrta'i In Raw York at lha rxpw-m eta I ily of lha People “f R«» Verb. The - MUla. eynatoa'a,'’ which wad* a larg- amonet •if money for IU rascally promot-v l*y merely advertising for money depoatu at un* nun w wu per (M. a your, was pHtmuhuvl by ihoaaaud* el p*rm»na tad notalthaUadlug ibn rgpnaorw af the fraad, II appear* that a uuaabar at eeo oarna oaUhUahad praelleally aa tha a*tM transparent rogeary ban btoa to mad forth In the matropolte. dwall pto la resqua fmaos flour lab tbssato aa amaaiag ralaat. Mat lung agu aa allggrd magician ad yen lard that aa Orlaoui anoaator had brnuratbud to him * am.darful obarat wbloh arould bring traaltb. haalib *r aoBmi af fault)** to ta* fortunate poaasoaas. Tlila tallaaan ooald ba bought at $1 a bead. It waaslmplaonoagb for lha mag lolau, ha ad yah laid aad tbaasaldi ru»b*d lo tn bi« to buy ibaabarat Tha polio* rad across aaotlmr HtUa fraud raoaatl/ la tbo ahap* qf a "geod lath" bull, Wblab am bring sold la caaalfl aratoa guaoUUa* to lha olty'a tnVrlll Cl papulation uador lh* pretan** l It was ta laporlaUoa from tha land of Mast, and bad tha supernatural powar af bringing nil bind* of good look to Us owaar. laraatkpaUaa prnaad that lh* boa was (tally wean laotarsd In Lyno for wstrapilhaa *** sucspUon. All nf wbloh Indie*Ire t hat Maw Tort It tbs pared!sa af layMtan aad the bow* of tool*. ■» raalad tha aunt* ana. All declare told Baa lob Uaralltoo, *f XVaot Jrffaraea, O. aflar mi Bar lag ifl moatba from Etotal Kin jU. ha would j Ola a abut a oosUy np (ration waa par i formed; hot ha eared Mmaalf with By* how* of Both tea's Araloa Balya, u« Shireat Pile aare on Bartb. aad Um hast Mia* la the Wadi, M aaaSa a bog •old bp J. t Ourry A On , Drapgtau. | nuiiM ix hu«» mmmmm no*. IMf umta •« UH rte TMI «*■«" *tek nw temM MM M iteHlahe. »■ * Yur* WnrM. IVtalrifd at imllM bredguartm. daraayOitfarm l*o typical mte faraars mho wen oaay v lot tat of Ora *'**o *<ute«»ln<Jte. They warefuund ay PUiOOaaa U<yto Iu tU Pmaayh raala railroad depot. Proa Mr a perraaoe and aeUena h« M«Moted tba aatma af tbotr IwriMar. Um of Um •m tad anterbte araa boa aboat Um Urt of u urdiuory clear box. Ha malted It a-refaUy. •MITbaa bar* you got In that boa r* o£ad tba pillartatn, and lb« nan ta bled that Im couldn't OMtbatU *U “Ib^y^.teal.Ma Mt bla ova. Pu Herman. Fkyte railed. IU tedeord ibr far mar to opto tte box. Two aura eurprlerd and diagaaCad caao It vuutd Uo bird to (fbd. TSebix noclalaoj tare gamila# gU> MHa •« the top of aoaatbonrt ertpaoT paper mt tba alar of the bill arid another t>a the bottojp. . “Bwliidlad by Jura I" aitd llm mm la eborout. PuUc-ia u tt»>te <uewud (baa to pdloa botdumat«, «bero laurrtrwid bt Ibid tlurpha. .JH’V nara their a«M at Utrvi Me JJteteyand MT. L Trotter. aod aaM ttey von faraaro u> Harter eooatf IWhamae, They exhibited tba eor reapMdeuee that had yard bat van tbaa aod Um graaa ge<d« operator*. Tb# aadoclira eirouUra oaoubt the far attoraudibty drtld-d ta iovwt two la rlteped counterfeit nxierr "Ui it It Ktg'ma m tno goon I lewniclr.” lu oconrdutao with l»atrnalUMit ;ho auulh*mor» n-aoned Maw Ywk WaJamdsy night nod wm iliraei to Ua OwMbu, kdd, Canalwra y* nad Wo«t U-owdway. Turn th«y iffMmd tiling tbalr corn at RMMf Attar th*v b*j »hm u> liww ftnwa bay ware vioitod by woo of tba operator* wfa i |.w Umw >hj«l iorrua fH**f bight boo at Utn An<b.M, Had ford itnw wad dautb Fifth wm, Bmoblm, ad narljr mbnU| ■uralt* U>oy war* •* «*««ad hf,tba asms Man wlia M tba* In New curb to tba ptacrd when tba Tick wm tin road. Tba Tloilaw aty they Md« ou tut ulevolfri Irtlu aj ou rlUturOo. Tba ti mre la whioh ib«y exaboogtl tbair «mtd aoooy far it>r box of (<o«a gwada Uteyowy wosnpoorUoiha aaaaa or a fOOtnl Ira. Cairf Murphy thins* It If y *•» Foruioataly far Mo Cl alty a«d Trotter ti>«y Utifc tba pro* caution to bay ruitod trip ItocsU. .Tba HreoMyn poiloo wore itaudad Ity tn.W Murphy. Tuay pr-oaiowd to ■oako ua litfrMifwU-tu. Tha "oaa#> uu” will U» kept la Jt-rmy Cny a day nr two In aid in tha a.retitiir Iht ■ amdler*. How lUeelrleltjr foMo Awlwwto aod The tab)leal .llaeloa ta ilia took crowing I hue- iiom a* on ■ •> at the boar • to ua l-t iniutitig .boat tha qinarr beb^rlvur «» tba praaeat day mortem lu thbo ago w* h.vw rUect eura Uiot iwrrr atop, great foe tori** Where rearing grew wrvor CM«a tajmrw, nod all Kind* rftwoor eial Mtwpriera wiilab turu night into ■y. d» Mr. Boaaur. with lit* wt dout daajre If bo op to-date, ?o not hoard at 8 to tbo moraine. but off and on pretty much all night lung. Ua la ufreo fooled by thw (taring Marina lights whtoh thickly otud tbo dorthore of night, not only iq tha ah«. bat nil tbtungh tho rutnirboaodseaalltrtowns. Hn bbtiwu bit owa l'*ll»eu, and not beingabio dworly lo diet tags Ml tb* tuo from fat* artlfloia) rimU. bo wabaa op every IIUl* while sad wort** a little bit—juri to boon tba ||f| |(49, TbU olfririflWbtf ootaidaUly fool pbMt Ilfs hat been prortto. A oartata narnyyaB who hou ou Imuitnn treat af land covered with greenhnnwta and H itatMded upon tbit fan la t curloao way Ho bad noAlead tb«t aU Ihlmta wdpUiU white ha bad pleeod <m tha north alda’ of bit Uoneo did not IkrlTB nearly an wall uf tbott •••IhoaaatbtMa. wbera lhay bad tea ?»> y •<■»* On day h otootrie Utibtlegoo«pMy |m apt-gnat are UfMvm tba *re* oonwr at tfcTWth of bit imuar. Remit; i0 loot tbaa a Kt’s lint tha plants oa tha wont tide •.mnaoralamraat la mart* that tboaa on tha ream old*. Two no tarry Mas tub log tba lilac bad a orrfcw nl ■ re nn*M IdKalled lu all of hi* (i«r kMMUiMUlNMMNMiaL Aa Ml tMMhif haw aaafa) this ifiiai wap bar Laat year Eaatar mm* rather aarir. Mi tbtoMaa'a ataanaflWM «** u toMOIaf. aa ha to* J»*Wf piNlauw a iaoSU raw or •™1*f*a. bMetag Uom bam lag an a?£g£5s)srsastta a» Many of hie aowpctttor*. Mllatlaa CMbm* lUHB-SaraM. Tbahoeaewaabaralac. Photo* oat. •Me wore yeillag la Vt+m la harry ar sssasaSS SpSSffirss&S torwMb kMlfhaUlSaT AM W«r Mf Irmly Hi nil • ««Joln |n , T-*? '*** ** °" *«•»«&." ha rrgttai nwnrmihm w ytwyltod tor In (to »<W<M . to*l.m M4a « halm Urn Mr M-jud.y In Juur and btonnUlty UmMiter tha coaly faafi feMoliwP to MO rwMrtf tor aaoh pro oioot aotf on ar toforv tho too Hoofer In defy It MaHato. afaonno for raj OimaMralmHI ah .11 ala* . _ T* bdk>t. ^to h»^v>tod attoth ..1 H Uw fepafer Omt momMm «m ybeof aaah itotwu. Tba board atoll tnJof tto rfawtlaa. Tto abartoao of tha mam hoaafe la th* vwiwi imatirtal ahafl ■amt «t« dcmtaatad ykan Wur •r. aaivloK tha gaaaral ahaja rat area froai tha kah of oooaty mrarn aad daalaaatm rrank huafetfol tfcata Bant < or toatow aad atoll •k" fatalM aarUlaataa of ainatina ft oaiar iiaaaM HahdalaakfeU ' eoabty ofleara au alaotad aa tto feet SSS!*J,rtR, 5? SST5 nftw tba aaaaral kaatlni *-Til to Ho* >*va<it«» of tba Baum of fepraaao MkHttamiUar tto fetlaa far JS^iWSt.'SLSS traaaitd Inoctoddtoto^- aTdoty! Waw|l» to ^ motto hi tto aataral toncfem alia wad <d »ar day tor"mr* TtoaaotaaUy randarad. Haw M* aMa't. toWiaoMT. * I didn’t tah you did L MIMiad.” aUd Mr. Cavil to hk trite, “that 1 aatryoar atelar faaatowa torn Ufe ♦»»«. yon fedun. Ctortan tayaiu Ssuf-nf* •:sfhr*;-.« «.-a •latar. 1 Ima in tto world aad Hufeto of oaaatng botto aad taMtaa aM atoat tl aa any ntomxatfe haahtad wnatd bare duwa tto aam fey, yaa bam tto wataar aacrat a whak waah. awd than aat carvlaMy, tf yaw have maallnaad tha feet that yMMtr tor." • Bot *py itir-o*1 “Don’t tot me- Char Ira *-»e-^— Chm | haaa nufe&bt that aha mm am awwaatgabv yoa. aad jm aat only fellad to datttor to hat yaw ham fer tottao wtotlt waaahmt. Tafltea If thia teak the M«a.n “kyfeark waatbta way-” “Dank UBat h aw tbla way. Otorlaa Angwkua (Javit I kaov i» MCyhawkwM. To* amtoy difek 27?*Mar whether 1 •“•*** yaw had aoM atoar Jaaaar aat, or yaw v weaM aot have water* a White waah to (all ate yoo bad arm bar." -Bwt IdMat aay ( aaw Mr,’1 Mr. Car* aald aMaacUt

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