* 1,11 .i ■ ————— —» — ■■ *-t ~ 7 f i> The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home tod the Interest* of the Coonty. Vol. XXI. _GASTONIA, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1900. mgcaaaa n«. is. —-—_ ___' . • . : IW A dHDIUI H4KIU. A rkiMuiVtur/ at Ml* Maerpitea kr <*■• *f(bo wive* era Prior*. Oneogj Imnl. For Ike Oral lima 10 my life 1 hare bean par to load to litre a xlimpw of a Cblneee baram. I am inclined nidord, to bellere that lam tha Uielwtilla m.ti of aoy peraoaallty who bal ulkr-J at Itngtb with a royal China** pnueeee —l* toot I might aay with aavar*] prluoaaae**, for altogether my convert* lion waa principally with one yet many other* e«ma la, and before 1 left there waa aoaroaly "eteudiug ro >a only" a boot me. It eama about Id Hilt: Handing In tba Paklc OaiKta that the Empraa* Dowimw bad oallad all thr pnuoeiaae of tba Mood, aaamoera uf the oabiort and pnddtclA of tlie ax board* to a eoletan oocoUvr within in* palaca. I waa oortalu that tome auaiaeH of more than uaoal Importune* waa to be traua acted and my bualnaaa w«t to find out aa rapidly aa paombte what waa uu foot. I decided to pry a rial l to Prlace Teal Fang and try and obtain from lum the •Tool ol the day. Fortunately only a fbw day* before. hla little d*ogbirr, to whom be waa daroladly attached, had oome down with ommIo* and be had nquaatad oia to aaud him a terrr mix ture. and If la tba oalgtiborhood to drop la and aaa her. Remembering I decided to Tlalt tba obUd and ao In tarribw tba father. After* cold rid* of ao bam la a Pekin cert I found ay aalf in tba outer oourl uf tb* Ta*l pel aaa, bat alaa, waa toM by tlie gate men that tba prloa* had been deputed by tba empraaa to burn Inoaaae at a oar wu UBPN . some in dm •way aad voald not be bom* qntU aftar dark. Summoning up all my courage I replied : "Yea I know be i* away, but be liaa lorltad me to see bis little tick daugh ter, aod I esnuot conae at any otbar um Hare tba guodoaat to loform tb* prinaeae that in obadlaoa* to bar husband's commends 1 waot to K* tbe child. '• “Wbtob princess T" be inquired. • Tbaalek gttl'a moUxr,” 1 replied, not knowing wbat otbar anawer to give. 1 waited aome tan minutes la nay cart aad thee the mao returned with a eunuch, saying : ■‘The prlaocst will receive you. Tola enuuoh will l~*d you within the bsrum." We paaaed through four different coart-yard, each lined with buildings, sod tbea tote red a Hhb ” *b* asked "Peor mao, ba is to have a bog sp poiated far him to-day sad If 1 Mistake not It will be either tbe son of l*rinoa I-sin, Prince Tows or Duke Lao.” “Too bad yoo bare not a aoo," I re marked. “Thaw you might some day be mother of aa emperor.” •Wo, that wowld ba impcnlMa,” aha repllad. “as w* are not of tbe genera* Uoa from wbieB a pcioo* eao be jfcoeeo emperor. We are deaoeoded from tb* ediperot twfore Hslen Feng, aad Uii t no ” "BSt th* ■•*»•»* mm m 'm m M "Do yon think foreign elothoo to vary ugly I" I naked. “ Wjl they are oartalnly not pretty," •ho frankly replied. "Tour mV oiotbaa in too light and thin looking, »od I nw aovaral of yokr ladle* from my aadaa okalr window a few week* ago wad tbay l>okad Ilka boar ghaadi •flaqaamd togutlmr la Uw mtddla, ao that i woodorad bow tbo poor emtarea oonld oaL Don't yon yonr**If thlak oar aoataawa roooh prettier V* aba g. giving boeaolf a pmUntad going I'lsSSsSrS: lag bar I boaad tba lima would ooca* wWM oar ladiaa would aaotba ad eanUg* of abaagtactotbaaklamaoatuaa. gba . *u vary pleased and aaaored mo it would autoly nomo In llmr. "Not iamy itaaa," I atphod. " Wall tbaa yoo ooald taka aehlaaaa wlfa,” aba aaggaatad. "Bat I hava an Aaakn ono kl rrdov," laMaotad. "Ob, tbai*a aa matUr. Ho JCull (bar kwtaad’i pornonal dam*) baa tbraa Imaidao ma—bar. and bar, and hor," poicUng to tbraa ralbar peoUy bat awfully paiktad laiamla ataodlng bow v guttata iba room, all of Umm ami yourmar tbaa baraaif-aba armed S3 40. "Why rtaat you taka • aaaaad wtlb, awa of oar Ihtnm gtrla 1 • » *• * • • * 0' I ( liter ion* of your countryman bate [ dona ao." -Tbhuks varr much for tba iiitni tlou,” 1 answered, ‘-but aneotdlng to our aooial ooda my wlf* would have to agree diet, and if I know tba tady'e aalnd lam aura Mu* would object." "Would aba Inutad y How fumy." aud all tba room laughed at ami pitied me. Taa waa now arrved lor tba wound lime and I aaw that It waa a algua< fur my departure. Tbauklng her blgboaae for earing two and hourlag low three tlarae at the door, to whieb aba aaoottrd me. I ful lowed tba eunoeha baek to Ilia aeoood court, whore the prlnoa'a male ultra daula awattad mo and aaw a* to ay eart. Tba next morning I rroelred tba lowlugl»ole from the prlooe : "Keteemed Friend : My wife yea Irrday oomallled a grant Indlaeretloe In rvoelrtng you In mj nbarnoe. aa it la again* all rulet Of Chlnaae aUqualle, bill aa It waa to tan unr tick Child It I* an eacutcLilo (hull. Kindly however, mention It to do one Id rekia. or It would Injure ua In our elicit, aa you can wall uodarataud. Her oouv*r*a lion, which aba baa raprated to me touched upon aevural political (jura tlona. Ptnaae eooaider her remarks but willy- babble. Wishing you gulden piece, your slave. Tsai Fwwo." A Nut Qm4«Jm JH«> Tnt death of Cbti-lct “Alr»o Jokllu" D«vl« reoaJIt l be Joke Uni Mil Good •lo played on the duiaoud wearer sov erel pare ago. I >«vla wet proud of bio 15,000 diamond Mndded wmteb tbet be wnald Insist on all ble lilend look ing at It every lima lie met them no m liter If it wet Lair a dot‘0 time* a w oould you do It f” waa all Dev is oould aav. Tbeotowd ibrisked with laughter, Dayia became wise got bla watch back rrofa Goodwla aad bought wloe for all hands. ■miikim ww wkwiw Cknluk Ptsln Dealer. Tbe Congregational CUurab at A us lloborg, Ohio, was dedicated uabnuat of worship by tbo (making of t bottle of whiskey ovet IU oplra. This Loan, located flto mile* kouth of Genera, will a*it lues celebrate the one hnndreth anniversary of IU eettlomeul; and tbe ohl ob a rob Dear iu geographical sealer baa tbe dlatlootioo of being tbe Ur»t fra»« choroh built a poo Ui« W^tern rhe days wbeo tb|a ebureb wee built W*f* »r»w*dly tbe daya of whlebey. It wae tbe day wboa the drink waa poured out finely by all wboktUadad the “raising” of a but Id lag, and when every mm partook of tt as wa of tbe proeeot would drlok a glaa* of lemoeada. Eves the Bar. Giles W. Cow lee, tbe hero of Anstlaberg gad veteran and min wear of the county, partook of the “flra water,”and pastors subsequentlyfiling tho pulptt of tha ebureb stopped at the village store, baton and after attend lag Servian, to taka aa “rye opener." The "Mataf" of the ebureb ooou pled a whole week, having beoo tegaa 00 Mooday Morning nod complvted Saturday afternoon. On tho last day 1 be enure osmwusrty wan upon tbe •oene to Wllneas tha dedicatory oerv ■uotes. As none of those ereetlsg the bulkllog would eiicob loth* top of tits spire, whleb Is over one huodred feet from the ground, tho ssrvloee of a lake milor were procorvd. With a rape In hi* head climbed to tbe topmost point of the edlflea and as the last Umber was piaoed be draw a bstUs af whiskey from tha grooed by means of a tops, •mj brsnklag It over tha spire, shouted: •Three eh sacs for Urn oharafa." Another great dUoova^ tea beoo mada, aad that too, by a lady la ibis musU) “ Dlseeas fastened iue)uteh ■■■»•■ T f?4 .** •**“ >torsshe WlUUI/xxl lU several testi, bat bar Vital organa were aadnraioed and death seemed Immloeat. Far three maotbe the coughed la.. and oonld not sleep. She looJlv dbeovarvd far Ouoaumptlea, til ste a mush relieved en taking Prat doss, that ate slept all night; tad wtth two bottisa, tea baas absolutely eursd. Her asms Is Mrs. Latter Ltd*." Tbas writes W. O. Hamrteb * Oo. ef Shelby. H. £• J™*5«*«!»fra at J. B. Carry A Orb. Drag Since. jugular aloe dOc sod !« KagM»rM at IIm Wll» Oaatawta ttaa Ibpaitw tparr Uvea. MJH New*. Following up lb* auhjeul of our edi torial of Itu week oo The Southmi Labor Problem" we me planted lo pm ■aol oor raw Urr Una week with the following axcwlleui .nUcIfl written by Mr. II. E. C. Bryant of this otty la whlob Im tolls of Uj*k>od qualltiae .it Um Southern mill operative* and the advantages they bar* gained by aoa lag to the mill*: “lu reoeot year* many urticket oon oemlng tbe eottoo mill opmtlvea of Ur* Sooth hay* appeared In Southern •ud Northern aawapeper* and maga Sioeat Soma writer* htv* ptedlcud that the eottoo mill will prove detri mental to health and character of the clam of mao and wumen cm pin) ad there. Indlvtdnala who know nothing of tha ootual condition* htv* goo* ao far aa lu oaaert that tha eouon factory I* a curat I rot cad of a Ueoalag to tin Snulhoni State*. Tba moat randy talker* uu the aul jest *■• tba men gen erally who know tba fewret facta Tbvy are aglutora and woald-be apu# tlva of tba working pw>pl*. "Bat altar all lb* brat way to mttt* the qoaatloa far yoareelf U to go l > tire mill* and amke a peraifbal loveeMga tlou. Toer* tea greetdia^voaeln tbw appearaaet and eharaptar of tbe opera tive*. Ooea I beard * prominent cot ton mill man oak a -friend of hi# tha following qoauiont: ‘Why are the operative* In the Uaitool* N. C. cot ton mill* auperlor to moat other enill bon da? Why era they more moral more healthful more attractive and more ooaianted ?'* "Neither of tha men could *<>*wt-r fcMVUf II Will W1UIUBU that auch was 11m 0«#«. 6 too aflar bntrlof the** questions l made a visit to llta UmIoiii* mills and was ?*«» mooli luiprwated by tba appear*aoe and baltavlor of the men and women and boys and girl# whom I saw working there. Uoe can read IIIf sac that there la a great dlffsnenes bstwvso U>e opera tlws of iho mills uni) those of many other mills. Thera Is a causa for it. “1 sought tu dlaoovar Iks secret. 1 want Inin tbs mills and Into ths houses of tba laborer*. The history of tba snooaaa of iba oottou mill buslnas* la Oascool* nod scores of other small Southern towns and tba story of first securing and than maintaining snob a Ape cl*n» of belp is Ilka a beautiful dream. “1 shall us* lbs mills of Gastonia as an Illustration. la 18U8 subscription was taken and the Gastonia Manufact uring Company organized. Tba mill alerted with a,uoo splndlss Increased to 6.000 tba following year and now operates 11,000 spiodlea sod 140 looms Til's was tba first mIndies and KO looms; tba Avon the Otark lbs Modena; No. S. tbs Arlington sod the Loray. •• When the drat mill began work a select alias of help wag secured. ' The managmuibot laid dowe a plan and carried it out to the tatter. Before a family was allowed tu work In the mill ■or even move to tb* mill act tie man l Mia ofBeara of Oe milt bad to be as sured that tba men wars boo sat sod sober and the women virtuous. No drinking wss allowed aronud tbs mill A drinking man or an Immoral woman was discharged as soon as dlscovared Sooa Use operatives foil In with tba Idea aad were as roach opposed to Im morality and drnnkaunesa as wars the mill owners. When It was known Uut tba Gastonia mills—lor all tba mills there have fallowed tha plan of the dm—were taking none but tba bast oiaae of working people It waa so trouble t« secure good help. Many permits sere anxious to atop farming reulra land and gn to a mill where •obariiaaa and virtue ware tb* rvqulsl for gattlug (a. They war* eager to plaps thalr obildrao theca. To-day If a man I* dleeovered drunk on tha mtu property he I* driven out as though uu mil ■ lumi llm DlWHiru •re put oo tbolr honor aod if a young woman of immoral Inellnallooa l« 17 mistake permuted to eater the mill the food glrla report her and elia li 00teed Immediately Such It tbe method used by tbe superintendents of tbe rarloae tieotooie mule. Aa a natural reaolt the beet oteaa of help la attracted there. Aloreorer the Ueetuola mill operatlrca are aatUOod with tlieir wagm and 000 tealed with tbelr lot. •• Wbat la true of Gaetoola la truo of lho majority of tbe mills of tbla Bute South Caroline, Georgia, Alahaoaa aod Vlrgloa. The ooltou mill opera’.Irre era by fartmtur off than evrt before. Where did thta aUae of help tone from? Let aa look Into It. Oo lo nay ootlon mill bead In the South aod aak him or her where Ire or abe ornate from aod the eoa wer will be: ' Tlight bare" Yea the oultoo mill operatluee of the Sooth wan before tbe ad reel of (bp mill •* • ruler leaaat far mere. They wan renter*. Uefon tbe war they be low fed to lira non-land owu'ag elan. The etrogfle for n*tonne waa bitter. Stare labor waa preferred It wu* •beaper and belUr. After the war the Laboring elaaa of white p«H>fb with lo-* tartar training aad all tbe odd* egalutt them bad to oemoaU kfltb Urn ring ro who had tbe if uaohi aod training. From pUoa to plan the ooa-Uad-own ing white BMW moved aod farmed noted lead. He was poor dl aeon ten tad Ignorant nod lodoteav Ha did not aaaia o deelnebla laoant. It may not ban lew Me fault. Slavery waa a has to bra. Hi* aervleee wwee aot Deeded. Prom hU little harm be wrveted a ban llflng, Money batterer bad. Hie family aa a rule Urge want aoaatHy clad and III Nd. From the drat day ef tbe year lie bought funds aw time to metae e crop ew aod at harveat time the landlord took all for rawt aad aapplim The renter would move to another plantation tearing » •man haMeee of a ratioe bUI behind him. Xaob yaar he did urn seme thing ever aod over again. la my owe rrpmtaaiw 1 hare eowwr la madam with Usee peseta. I bars P*ee t*m !■ u-»r pen*; m imt % ooc roooMd eablna tn tbalr ruga aod In Igsorai ea nod dlaoonUol. A dewed a ngo I knew personally tba Individual , memhers i f ten whits fa mil tea wb> r about tliraa bal-e uf outtou 100 ahala of eoni eighteen bulimia of wheat aod Ottawa Rollons of sorghum, a third of which ha gave tor rent attar furaialilng hla own atock and all Ilia labor. At beat hla groaa tewelpu fur bli attarn nf the croaa would not exceed *190. • Now, daring one weak In Feb ruary of thia year tba pay roll of the [ mill shows hla record to be: For him self (4.00; girl of »a«aateao jaaraH.08; firt uf slxtaan years |8 30, and girl of lurteec f* id. making In all *14 04 or •60.10 far nna month or oeer *000 tor one year. “The I mad of family Hu 2 was alao a ttaant farmer of small producing aa pecily. IIU mill raeorJ for oua waefc read: Fur himself *4 60; a boy af •Igluean *4.31; girl of eighteen gS.90; Mrlef sixteen CM 88; girl of f.nirteao, <8 70 and a girl of tblrtCeo W.70 mak ing *20 2ft. „ ‘‘family No. 3 mado t Head uf fan Uy I4.60b.ynr arisen *2.40; girl of eighteen 2S.0O girl uf algteeu *6 61, and M>l of thirteen *2.04 miM*r of I/t bor of North Carolina elute* that ill* average daily wage* of skilled Bee to lira cotton Bill* of Uie State Is gl.10; unskilled B*u sixty tlx cent*; skilled women sixty ive e* .la uuskllUd wobm fcrty-Mx e-oU «cd thlrly-onr cents for cbildrao. The personal of the Bill help Is growl** better all tb* Una They air Bore cleanly la their habits dreaa bet tor sod pay store aUealloa U> ih«Jr hone* and taka twiter cere of their healUi. Jdor*uv«r they Us* the Bill work sod do not ooasldvr It dm rad lug a* In th* early dare of the * miliars cotton Bill. Bvtry addltlooel cell for cotton mill operatives now bring* a better does of people many small land owi*ft p©nt out Uiek fartua tod 90 10 1 th# mill*. Tb* w 1 gee paid ant soil i jnenl to attract » good dam of help Tim worthless tbifilee families ent bv lag weeded out sad good ous* put la their ptacee. ParvnU are no lmg->r afraid tn take llidr cliitlrvn to the mills. Tbe mill onuere are vtry exact ion a* to the cberactex of Uirtr i*ter» llv«*. Wha . the mill* l|a* tbs onre at Q as ton 11 did at the mart tbs others are doing now. They have roood Uiat Lb* beet class of ha Ip Is tbe cheap* cat. In the early days or the cotton mill lo ibis State many trilling indoUat druokee men rush'd in with tbelr children to scours sort. Tbe father loafed drank and e trouted while tb* Uttl* boys end girls worked. But such 1* uot th* ease to-day. A belter dees ot Deople have taken the place ot the Idler except lo rare cases. Everything poadbt* la being dooe to better the condition of the Soothern cut loo mill operative. Tbe mill own er* bo ltd school bouses and supply them with teachers; they establish libraries and reading room* end vip build oburebea. At almost every well ordered mill 1* to be found ■ sch el aadoka or Bore ebarabee. However there ie some trouble about gattlog pareals to send their yoeuger ehiidrsu to school. A very humane potion mill president said to me ou* day i Alt. that we need id this Htate la a com puwwy eaooauunai nw. ws tMIII I Um kcbnol* *pd furs kb it* laschrtt bul wa eiaaot eu-opull Uia children from tlx lo foa'leea years should be forced to go lo mhool. Tbte is um way to break op lUUaraay. aruuod tba Bill aad lo the country . The trouble aotnea from the fact thai igu*. rant parents do But tare to base iMr shildreo adooalad. We must break ap Hite aad make tka Bast asnerallou batter. To do It we auot lie aided by tba law. A oospulsory adaasUonal law will do It. YoabOBr about alavary In oouoo mill. Tba allegation matry aebool Ixiaaa that wwald purpaar that factory mbod bnlldlag. T “From tha utsal 1 want lata tba boom# at tha opeeatteee. At the drat ptaas I Mopped 1 few ad a wNh and Bother etssniM the benaa aad prepar ing dlaaar. Ten ware three new lo Ihe hwrms-two had ro-naa, a dialog I roam aad human aewMoad. la Uw had rmw urnra waa a ha# Aw me art i 1 '"I ■ «£**5*- b—•“ “•to* •*»» toh, eradW ud « my pretty oioet. Thati Veto piowMW oo tbo wall. Tbo bod was well foratobad sod tbo lino mm MOlMO MMy hotol wooldbon. Thi r,-« toooMt toibly shape. to Uw Udy of tbo boots haoadad Um *•«». .toppy loot lot o bo toy •*“atod toUdroo played obrnt Um Tbo yooofaal miMbtr of tbo foully, so la unreal tooth* lofoon, «• wrapped tangly to ibaaradto. Tbo ••ntri loabad to to atom twooty-eu yrotoold. Poe thirteen yaais aba bad worftatltoaoottoo Mill, tot prior to that Uua of bar Martian aha waa a Mill toad. Hto llkai too Ufa amood jto oottoi) Mill aod la patently nils "ito of too toa abort la tba AttortOM nttoo Mill aoboot at Obartotte aaldto om a low dpyo ago: >f tooth Mart twenty Art oblUm. They ooom from tto M'll MUlooeut. tba ray toted tto £?*? *T“r? •"'l”1 '■ nom **d toood otoaolloaaa, anufort aod bappt. Cutwaat t tart tto hours of flea of aay patron Tto ponato at nob boon sou read mO andallUloaaoaa writ* latbiasof Um lioM«a I tow arnoo Md la tto odbrr two pianos. On tto (toon of Ibroa I a tw oarpaUaod ran, aod Is all rUMka. ufataa, frou Uuaa to foot alpa toda aodoboodaot obalro. Ttooattoo alii people an eery food of Mooted luatraueate aad pWdurea. la several gtaosa I taw aatto o variety of pot Sowars aod in aUoy front yards treat plaau and fruit (ran Than mho roo fmu Utraa to algtaro mn. AH arera wail and cheerful. Tto Atherton Mill aolood m well attended, tto later ■at groart oil tto llue. Oa «—1*-y Um bms. eua-i sad children to to ehuroh, ■od must of the is lo tteudav aabuaL’ -in peasant; III rough g mill aetuo Mot «Mki ago, ( atopprd at the koaa oT a middle-aged m.n *1*. gad 5 to children wart lag In lb* qtiU. Ha il*M lii a olg ro.ua, two-alary bower, t wot hla »«• daetangs fr>® fan la.Wi‘1 want loan bow yon Vtopla lie* I would Ilk* to os In anno lome when menel ohitdien Urn ' Uo kcxtod lo o Jiffy mad «ahi ash* walked: yma and *> In «y iiouac. I bar* Ira ehildmn. but tbry are |« tba all}.1 Entering lb* Iiuum from lha mar wa arna.i through the dicing room loto a kod rent mid llawn lot*, the prrlor. rho uU gTHtlnwaii «a| pro ad of the i>arl‘T. Ua Utrow book the window wrtalaa and pointed to Ilia large pi* ■urea Ob tbaa wall. Tbay woro patnltaga ’ruea photograph* <-f bio eblldiou. TV 1 w of tho room warn carpeted aod In wa oomer waa aa organ Ffurn bitch hi lo gar rot the Hoc a* was otoao. Whoa min* boat had two sac to tba lour be acid: *1 taraaad oa noted laat “for* I eim hen. but 1 oould not r«*d my Nmi|y there bow. I like ib lifo Imho Tin mill hi ml* do tmic'ia.go [row mill to aiH ae they do It* anqjn pieteb It Is dlgjoult to nogie wnrt In itla will. Tlie owners will •-<* Iwro my hut am eU*» people aa opwnttno. t Ilka toy employ era. They Ueet aa aotl If wa twhar* In Ilk* meaner to a aid thorn. If wa mlabahaea tbay ton as out aod g«t others la our stand. Whs* l mo red bare thsauperintendent screed am agaluat drinking. Ha aoM that ha would Iweo nine bat sober talp. tie meant what ha aaM. for I hare not aeon a drunken maa on lfo il M slim I earn hero two year* ago. Erary waak my family, eooaiatlag of taro boya, and Una girls. ad* ao iverafa of UO. My ehUdrea an la I'od health aod seam mltited. Wo tr* all oootrated. All of o» hHoog to the ehuroh aod attend regularly.’ “I went from boom to boo** aod Maid tha aaam alary. Indeed, there Omo problem at the hast till* batwaoo Baptist and lahpr foe Ua mill owtwrg aad oporatlplm dwell la baraony. Tba antsmaand1 *>w*l> Tba rarloua nilgtoni dsoomHutluoa la tho mill Booties* an dolag a gnat teal for tho footery etemaot | i Uo tenth, ftiadian aoltoo Urn opera* tlrra aad theft tawiiW* at their Ivmma Uharohm an built aod raHiJw N Sunday aohool conducted at a early arery mill. Within tba lent In yuan la tha SoaU moot baa -baao done for Uo betterment of tha aaaditloa of tha e*Uoo mill h»h»- Tho wort la atm gn tog on Ooe grho kaowo tho faola. as aay wtau lasio byVriug lo Ibe-nHIa, can doobt that tho pwgli who work la Un nation mills of tha OogU an far baq*r off hi npery way tbaa aeor ho fora “(forth Oarotloa has StJOOO apora Hern.’* A laml of hoortooboo.of bwiortioa jf A borrot of oaiaao, t borrot of Mow; A borrot of trnra from o wortd woory •lilt A borrot of oonwwo, oborrolof oUtfr; A borrot of oil oooToltlof ropiat; A borrot of oiroa to*t borrolof tiW, A borrot of ortooo oad o borrol at palot A borrot of booooror bloated oad to to; a borrol of roteMk'oad, o borrrt of ortoo Tbo* {oU^jowt tbo OMMlaul Itpo a boa A borrol of apOOf, booty oad doO; A banol of polos*—at tbto ooirly fad; A borrrt of U«oM dootootteo tbo* Am Tbo Mote of tbo fool who bottom la Ite optrao; A borrol of pororty. rote and bMobt; A borrol of tartan not prow wttb tbo ■Mbftt A borrol of b sopor, o tonal of grooaot A borrol of urpbow’ oat ptUfol Woobo; A banrtofoorpoataIBM btooao tboy rrmSTbnd of tbo liquor tbot itowo to tboploaa u,!,«5:wS,'rhF'ws oodo of ooMoraro woo pnrrad tbrtr antobtooo work Bor Mob oad Morrow B*adwboa Tiny mbs poos blood ood oUom aorroo oad baltdip roar booltb. Booy to taba Try tbooo Only «l rate. Moaor book If ao oorad. Mold bp J. M. Oorry oad Oa. I I w. _ in tto awKtba fit *e XmUm. Then. mt% 4m Mimuw CMaradt Rim. whlZ wm ••w bf «ha Road aC data**?, ... MatJttbIwateTS lung My Uutpay*** fraa* tea graap af • *M water *owp**J “■ wnaUteaBtytewfl —■fc* ItT-il wba a* 14 th* tutiar* mt th* *41 wm am that aoaaaamlal 4 - “ ^ . - 4a*. vuVtUnb 4ntr***4 to iy pam, bat wKb >lWOi,OOOaamar is aril *u*pt whan item *Mj*R wfclab Shad aa tha lab* Ma*Uw pteaawr tha rtear. Pan. •4 tha tlwatha mainly! atmat rail T* SJR ban ..riha thaa t*a» wood aU.1. Tto Mr aaa *lha «K* light ***** *i*hu *a4 aam Night* •ha aaaaMpal Itght plant aa* la fette •aw* Tha wanataatann who wan (amaaUwfato hay tlia ***** aam natrrtatlaad aad the Oily had altaaRy P-raHnd that waahrlpal awartabtp watawtaa anOt bhaik awauha apt* ha. Thagpahal*4R attalllw d*f**K*4 aa thatrtowd Mtanat Jan **7 1. and aowitwhaadbaacppHtha ollwaa of thatr tmUn. Xal vtprla* la * w«u4 thing, hat la ha tw anurprialag 4«at |*y rtrw la TVxw. Caartutw Sum. Tb# arta- »f bftMi'.ft ad U a h« la vivatad au mt&\ Uul Hlirwn la Qmraia and *h* I*'**- O «l»Mi-gn»Wl«ig dwtva aw a, »«tv i« in • ■••mUimIm • f tMUfttftlab Imt TW«a«.« tumble •Oft awl U-. tba l>U a. Tw uutyftlaf “4 M*« to o •« ratlraty aadrr co«tr.4iif Iba iruiu. Tba Awartam Mauutaftuirbtft i»«%ro all lha JftU baaan-ft la iMa oaoarry, and tba A aortal n guol UunpUa., u»mb rant am all Iba Ho sard. Tbaprtaalaa hondrad taw tat fraatrr iImb tfcay oara at tba otaa Ua» Wot jraar. Jat« tagging.baa rtaaa t4 atou a yard ow Tba tanam attala* that tba bleb prtoa ara dua t, tba that that tba treat* oa» tr»l taitm and thara ta no ouapatitluo. * Dal tba iroau jrtaa tb|# aaatla n plaitatlua to tba Haw Yard Ohuo aW: Oflalala of tba aouruilaa atatad yaw lamv that lb* •mho waa dot wboUy to iroda owdMoaa. AC tba ®#o* Iba Anartaaa ticaal Haap C*. U waa aaW UuA.Ua plantar* waat ao torn* u»at tha prtoa of nig I roe baa man Uwa dan bird aiooa iba til walla a ofUa a.Map**y, and that kaa» aoliad to pn won thaa doaMa fat tba Ontabad pradaat than It did Utt War. Attbaattaa of tba Aawrtaata Uiu ftmtarlng On . In Treat treat tba waa “Trada aoadh£a*r ** Uw Woadlag rxooaa at mg trgat Iba a Mb) la plow. Qp*jtftUl,bar^y bannrafa* *»Uia tret. ftba haya tu ga dowata Hah poakata ta pay tbla banal Irtbalala tbatvaWa,