. I1J--IIJ-U-11J I I —J.1I L.uBl.m',1 JW8I. I . . 1 .1 . I. The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Rome and the Interests of the Const?. Vol. XXI. GASTONIA. N. C.. THURSDAY, MAY IO. HK)0. i i ii ii n —Tg ———j^——————■ i ■ - - ARP SCORES DEPBV. BILL TAXES OHAUHOEY TO TABX FOX HIB UTTBXAX0E8 ABOUT THAT BAXBAXA FRITOH1E 8T0BY Depew Warn Two *M Tw Pi- rieylai Arwewd HI* ■tthtr'i Kaw Im »>*■* IliU Arp la Atlanta Uuntuuilon. Wbiltltr la dead. but Ul* pontw II ohm and slander* *illl lira. He m.t aa much a fanatic a* old Joint iiruwo and oo doobt old John imbibed from blm bla drat lesson* In hatred of the -South and slavery. Wbtlller'a poems are before Bin and thirty-seven nT them are walling f->r the alavei and malig nant etloga against tbe HoUtlp-ro statesmen, Including Calhoun, and (be Southern people. I la wet an iotanee secessionist* and when Texas was ad mitted be prayed in veis* for a yawn log gulf to opeoand asperate the North from tbe South. When Daniel Web ster made bla Last and greatest speech at Capon Springs, In which be defended the Sooth and declan d tlial we hud th* right to withdraw from tbe union whim wn believed the federal oou>pact had base broken. Whittier flew to bis inkstand and wrote this of blm: -a*r*lUnl Bn mat! Tb* limn wMbdnroe WHfcrli oooc Ur wort; Tb# ptory frv«i hi# mj b*Jrt jronc *#r inmore. Utjot th# land ooc# prou • o< him Wot brmnd with (tirpcr #li«M*e bM «l»m, (MuUUta mow, dfctooorwd brtm. ,ro‘n u* *r**1 Wbto fa till to lari «nd Minor dtow lb# WMM U d«Ml. To 37.S tsir™*00*of o4'1^"• Walk Beokward, with •runal in* AnSkMehisskaM." mu is part or u>« tribute he paid to the Immortal Webstar, tbs grandest Agars ia New Koglaod history. Rat 1 was not troublleg mysalf sbtut tbs gifted fanatic, I was rnmlnatlog about Qisunoey Depew, who la not dead and who every little while bobs up serenely to get a little mors fame as s humorist. It seems that whan G«n eraj Early passed through Frederick City, lo Maryland, he paaaed long enough to exact from the good people the earn of 9*00,000 for army purpoaee, for as Whittier wrote of thorn, they were "a famished horde." and u«w that city has applied to congreaa f.*r a refunding of Vital money aod ouo rea son they give le that an old womao lo her nloety-aixlii year waved Ibe union flag at the rebels sod Stonewall Jack son ordered bit men to Bra at Iter and llier fired aod broke the window glam and riddled the flag sad knocked It out of her baod sod she picked It up aod waved It again That’s lbs poetic yarn that Whittier told about Barbara i'reltehte and a committee from Fied •rick City baa been before con great and said It was so. Cbaanoey Depaw heard it all sad s«UI it was worth MOCi.UOO to bsvs the truth of ths story established and he noddad his head approvingly end said that "ol'l Barbara eras one of the idols of bis oblidbuod, and when he played around bis mother’s knees his heart throbbed with sympathy for the gray-hatred old woman wboee patriot ism defied tbs anemias of his oooctry.’’ The old Rip Van Wloklel 1 reofeou that la one of his latest Jukot, for be was born lo 1884, sod was twenty -eight yea't old wtaeo our army was In Fred erick City, and he was tlien playing around his soother's knees In tbs Nsw York legi-datara. ur. g. v» niiatia jonee, in tucumona. the high Ml authority on confederate Matory, h-t* published la the March number at Lbe Confederate Veteran another axpoeur* of thle wanton ma ll yuan t naytb about Barbara P reliable, end doe* ao only becruae the p>jom haa rotten Into aom* sout hern school book* and bo wtebca to brand with fnleebood Uile vile eleoder on Stonewall Jeckaoo. The whole mteerable thing wee invaati gated noi at Waablogtoo, bat on tba spot at Frederick City, and it waa u tabltebed yeora ago that no Confederate troop* passed in eight of tb* old mom ante honaa; that no flag aaa waved; that Stone wall waa not than with bte troop#, and that old Barber* wee bad ridden and paralysed and could not have waved * Deg If aba bad bad one. The demote nepuaw, Valerius Ebert, he* published bte oert!fleet* that the dag story I* alt a myth without tba allgtiteat ' nmdatlon, end that bte old aunt waa tel that time bed ridden and bad loat the power of looomottao. Ebert waa there at the tine, and waa the administrator on bar Mate when ahedted end never beard of aay Bag, aud vet one of lb* raeeala who la after that money teetlfled that be had tb* deg at home at hta honae. The my teat ourwe In the Bible U against Mm who maketh or lovteh a II*. end It make* no dlffertnoe whether be la • poet, pvt eat or eeaalor, be will 2nd him ntf I* awful bed oompany l* tb* world to oo tan, Y**r* ago tbli myth waa ex ploded fb tb* Yaw York Hon white Dttsa waa living, bat now that be I* deed U bee eoaae to light again In lie oolnmoi. That paper'# motto ua*J to be “If too too It la the Sun ate *o,” bat now If yon at* It In the Hun Itte not ao, would St It better. 1 wtafc that every eoafrdrrale eoldter and thatr eblldreo and graedehUdran would tab •orlbe for tb* Votano end keup op with the boa* memoriae of Um Loat Cun - • oatm* far wliieli wv ar* atlH proad, for U gat* brighter sad purer a* tb* yen re rou oo. Some month* ago Dr, Au diwste* »rvM ed neater, declared nod piblMed that *v*ry prtnelpte tb* South fought for bad alee* been befut* tb* *upromt eoort of th* nation naif de cided la Ue favor—sod recently * noU ble Yew England aalaleter lisa dee lend that negro aafrte* waa a mlesrabta blunder, and that the Bfieeulb aud Mx taauih aaaendiweaU to th* counttuMoa abutd b* repealed. Wall, llm* la a good doctor, and the South la oo th* apground Tb* rtp«b Ikeea party may be iwtleoled. Mat tb* lath eaaate be wonted. Th* key wtU mm* who* patmtem and back pay wHl b* gin* our *M aoidlere aad 0*1 C anted mat# widow*, aad oar Non hern aoldten will take off their but* aad aytegte. W* am tiring hard at mi bairn te be rreowetted—to fergot aad forgive and be oalm aoktng around after It aa aoaie boya might have done, but kept to hie work and brought the rquloe Idol of Park How under tbe wire a handy winner. “A little thin*; like that ooat me 88.000 of my good coin and (80,000 wtonlnga ones,” said an old-time turf fullowar aa the bare head, ed Jockey dismounted and wetglied to. “t haven't got over feeling eore about It yet and every time I eve a boy's top covering Plow off In a raoo It makes me mad all over to remember how 1 was damped along with a lot of my friend* by eucb a plUbte little thing aa the buy we engaged to nde the good llilug loelug tila oap when the reoe was all but wou. u nappraeu ieu year* ago at Unl« Ttiumpeun's merry-go round at Glouoee Ur. across tbe Delaware fro® Philadel phia. 1 had an old akaU that I’d bora Mvlng up for a good thing for a lung •bile, and whee I got him ao Im could dip off Ui rate quartet a la IS flat I easy. with a lubber of a stable boy on I hi®. I knew that he waa cherry ripe, aod waare-dy to out tbe watermelon. I When I'd let up uu tlia old rogue tbw { year before and turned him out, lio1 hadn’t abown aoy thing whatever fur moolha, nor contributed a uickle toward paying Ida fend bill. Ilia dicky !eg« bad been bothering Mm. and be oouldnt gat auywhara near the money But I’d tinkered Ma laga Into chape aod I koew that there waa nothing at Ulouceetcr that oooM make him iootu at any distance from Uiree quarUn to a mile when be waa tight. Wall, l got him right aa I aay. waited for tbe opportunity, and than abovsd hi® In to • dg fnrlong aprint, along with a do mo or ao other lioraea that were sea soned by roaauot ruuoing at Uloucea ter. Home on 'em were pretty good loo, aa Gloucaatrr lioraea went, but 1 knew that my old nag could win wink ing, aod I paaaad the word around quietly ataoog my friend* that Uirre’d be some aomeChlog doing when the horeee went to the poet the Oral lime. I’d never given them any phony good* In oonneottou with the way the Imrara In my itrioz stood; If l waa out for money, I told ’em; and ir there waa to be nothing doing, I told them; ao that when I cent out the right word about tbla old cprloter. they all made lbe dig to get on. “I figured that my borne wonld bn among tbe rank outaldera In the bet tic g Su to 1, oreo(nothinglike that; but It leaked out eomallow or other that tbe old plug waa pretty nifty, and the hooka were leery of him. The beat they offered wm* 10 to 1. and cay 12,000 •wioaped ’em ao that moat of my frteoda bad to take 3 to 1 or lane for thelra. I'd augend e practically un known Ud to nde the born in order to get a price but the bookie* law through that, loo. aod, aa J aay, there wm nothing near like the Qgure again** hi® that there should have been on bl« running when he wm iMt out. Hot when I wm down with my *2,000 and ■tood up to win *90,000, I didn't hnve nov kick coming. It looked just like flicking up a Welle-Fargu agent f»ir *20.000 and I told my friends ao. and they dag aome more, nod when the old lioraa wait to tbe poet be was at S to 1, and moat of tbe hooka stood to tike vacations or go right out of business for good. l«giUUIM WMliqUMJK Oft'ftKt’r aod be bopped right eat la front *t the fall of tbe Hag, aa I knew he would, aod etartad to spread ingle ’em. There woe simply nothing to H. Bounding tbo booh etreteh Um oM bortn wee tea length* to tbo good, and only can tar ing, and bo huroned bla bmd with ornery lump. Well, be mar barn bad a llWto Jab trow tbe bypodermlo needle before be went to tbo poo*, bat !•« not going to eay that right oat load. Any way be wee loot book jumping dowu the lUstcb, aod my friend* la Ui« stood that I’d pat wleo lo tbe good thing were preparing tu grab®* and oarrjr an on tboir iboelder* to the ptaoe where tbe magnum* were opened, whoa they all gave a gasp at ones, Tlie sap of tbo Idiot Is boy on tbo old nag had Mown #9, and If that polly wog-br^lood ®aU headed, no eonnt imbedle of e boy didn’t poll tbo hone up, when be was twaive lengths to tbo good ami wlaaiag oa tbo bit, to look around for bia oap. thou I’ll oat a very daogrd hat <»■ UMMijraund* aod yall for more beU ! The hoy yanked tbe old akato elmoa* to a walk, a ml. of oourae. the oibar bays mw wbot a poddla’-bead he woo. and MM right on. Tbe kid to®, bled to It that he wee Baking a mto Uke only when throe other horse* of the hooch won on even terms with him. aod then be started in to got tba old nag a-golog agalo. Ha did get him gulag agalo. hot It waa too Iota, aod my rood thing waa boa too by a tongoe for third mjoay, so that even tlm fallows who bed booked him all oeroae tbe board ware let down sod nut “I didn’t kill the boy tor sausage meat; bat bow 1 Aid think, aod tbfab, and think, end think t” Woo tbe rtanH of his opined Id health Iadoaehable will asd tremendooe earn Btomesk. tor, KMaaye and Bowels are oat of order. If yon waat thee* gaalltle* a*d the eaeoses they bring, ana Dr. Ktaf*i Viw Ufa nil*. They aevoiop rmy power of brain aod body. Only •*0 Oil. X Carry A Oa’e.. Drag Ntnrn. NEXT GOVERNOR OF N. C. 80KETHII0 OF THEOA&EHB OFOITB IBXT CHIEF EIBOUTIVE AID THE lillH OF XAI HE IB. tnMk m mar mm4 MlqpklwlNI —■Is kfltw kata Kartf rwSIKU rwHIn a urllli iai KiMr. Mm and Observer, Char l*a Brantley Ay cock was burn near Fremont Wayns county North Carotins November lei, I8CV. Alta fatnsr mu a far u>ar a man nt prom in soon and intiaenoe io hU conn try and bald tbo oSloe of oonnty rlerk from ilia August term IMS to tbe Uay term In 1881. It* represented tba 22nd Sen etorial district than composed of Warns oounty only in tba Renata nf lftCI ’05 and ISM-'80 The Dauaoamtie candidate for Govern »r attended school at Prvmnat and was prepared for ool lag* at Wilson Collegial* luslllul* then tba leading sduostloual In atilutloo nf Kaalern North Carolina, embracing In III faculty such educators ns Kid* r Sylvester Hay tell. LL. D.. Bey. Joseph H. Foy, LL. D.. Prof. David G. Gillespie and X. It. Nadal four of the best tsarbera North Caro lina has known. In tills sobool at wall a* In Ilia primary school osar bis e-ium try borne Mr. Ayoook took rank as the moat briliaot member or bis cist* and was always head or oest to lined. In tba debating aoolette* be took grant in prin ciple coupled In hie ease with rare political tneighl and popular spirit—a family tbat bee given tu lli* State more than on* invaluable and laflneatt*! eltltva. HaetrmratUie Unlr-rmiy waa a triumph fives it* beglanlug He bad the repn tan mi of having aurpiaeed every student in I>*lin eompueHien, but Instead ef oettl vallng tb* habile of a reelumi eoeb as devotloa t* the e la seine might eotgvst be wet fere moat la ibe polmeal euntvet «f Me literary society aed wa* alwaye * *we eeaafel eaadldata. I remember oa op* neeeeslon whoa lb* vet* ef a certeia •indent wa* dewbtfol hew Aye*ek completely w>>n him by aaklnt Mm In , um hi* lufluenoo to Ox the adherence of another student who *»« known In he vac mating, “Ajrcock wan always a wonderful delitter. Ills voice Is nut aapaaially pleasant dot liia action graceful lets' Um mao has auofa cuarvrlotss mi oral favor coupled with a power of directive and ridicule that makes lilm lo vincible. Ho possesses a readiness of observation and a uulcsuese of wit (bat en»bis Ida to Uiro every circumstance to hi* own advantage and lo tba complete dlseom fltura of his opponent. Hals tba am budlmaut nf force supported by com moo sense ami wit sprinkled with soaugb learitlog to make thu pontile winder how much ha know*. ‘'Ayoock will prats ous of the must Interastlug dgure* to Southern poli ties nod Ills character la such iliat the most scrupulously conscientious will give him thslr cooBdeco*. He does uot however belong to tba pollUoiaoe «nd wlMtber tbis will cat abort bis cerwer remain* to he seen. 01s Inde fatigable Labor* lo aiding North Car olina of batJulsm will Bad tbsir hap py consummation lo ridding It this ysur of negro Republicanism. He Is ualy 40 years of age and when h* I* as old as Wade Hampton ha uiay bars equal honors galosd by a* bard fought sad well earned victories In a similar 04 use ‘"Mr. Ayoock la devote 1 to Ida borne a consistent member ut Um Baptist church uod utterly ab >w mtfoausrv motives. His popularity pomes from his gnu 1*1 menunr honest tons and unselll*li spirit out from any culti vated oourtlloess or pHsblx diap>al tloo. The elevulloii of such a aso m North Carolina tan.n* uiaeli for * cor rospi-ndiog elevation of Ita political las" WhaCae tc»r 1st In accsptiug the noqjloaUuu fur Governor, Mr. Ayouch bad Ilia fallow log lo ear uu tbe proposed amendment whioli calls fur the careful el ten Hoc uf «»'-ry white man In Uie stale. “The amend aunt makes a dltilnc ttun between a WblU Biu sad a negro but It dost an no tbs ground that the white mu baa a knowledge by (uhert Uuoe which the negro baa Dot. lias tie white mao >ucTi superior knuwl edge f Will any mao deny It T Will Senator IMtcbard deny it J Hear what lie Slid lu hi* recent speech to tbs Senate : “It is absurd lo oonleud that there la any danger of negro ilotu Inavton tu North Carolina. In tbe very nature of things It eaunot be From the earliest dawn uf elelllgiiiun to this go id dour (be great white raee ' lias gteen the world lu history, lu ‘ philosophy, Its laws, its government I sod lu Olirtstunity, and It will eon- L tlnua to do so." “Wli*. ouleas the ( white man is superior ? Will Senator Boiler deny It V Ash the Caucasian, evidently named io h >o >r uf the great race. Will governor Kunell deny It » Surely !w wOl not aaaart that unlet 'ered whIU men arr no ta-tler than “savage*.*’ If than It lw true (hat on. lettered white man have a knowledge of government superior to Ibat pis sesard by unlettered negroes, I want lo tu kuow tr Senators Butler aud Prlrcir nrd and Govrruor Russell want tbe Supreme Court to bold ibat tbe XVih amendment demands a LIE. The Democratic party knows the iruth-lt Is oartaln that tha unlettered white msu is mom Capsids of go vamose a l than tha nigro. It Is to certaiu rf It that It baa put its opinion In writing— has printed II In the Laws of 1800 -has submitted it to the people and now challenger any white man In North Carolina to deny it. R-paW leans ara pmfveslcf a special love fur tha poor and unlettered white man. but at tb« earns time thvy assart that tbe law eau make no diatiuctiua between him aud tbe negro. The Democratic party leaee tha troo, bold ground that a while man la aoperlor lo a negro sod that tbe liw of man will follow Uie law of God In reo igolUon of it. rklaa SMkMa LaaCu-a WseMr. Nowhere else ere the prluoiplea of ■ound banking better htiuwa and as- { dertVood or eo uulvenally practiced while the word of ■ Uhloeee umebsat I* accepted the world around. The CCriueuu wuau the first to oolu aiouty and they hue# Ion* oiuoo eotrad the problem of book note lasuea. Bullosas eoodiliooi >ra stable and vsloee set tled. Their Interne! consmerca Is high ly doralopcd »od all product! that can stand tbelr slow methods or traepor tattoo are well distributed. Yet this, the greatest country lo tire world. It without any of the mod ere maeot of transportation and ex change Ite Immense traffic le atill heed led In Um moot primlUro maouer —sir iuaa of camels that r»soh from the oil) get# to the hotlsoo earn the tool of ooal for the people'e fuel, rack mules for wsutero prurlocaalad-o with dried finite, silks end rugs, return with salt fish and aaa sreade. Heasy Ctris|ruM beneath cask* of rragraot wloee. Tnwboele are dragged along ll* oanaU end rITurs by deeaoe of straining men. 7be tmsullng merebent may make hie trip by cart, boat, or sedan obalr. if the wrathtr ba mild bet kf It be winter, the mule litter will oarry him user the rougher country ,.r he may iklm along Ute water wuyc on a light ■lad prepelled by Itumwa erase end lege, •wwss—sseam Is AewtwwMe Haas. Manila, May ».-Thn belief I* grow ing that AgaliialJo was killed by the Igeroflls. Thera W no proof that he has been ellro aiaoa Ua) Payton U. Marnh of tha Thirty-third regiment abandoned the chaee after the Filipino leader in the Unequal mown tale* a) though an Ineargent officer who re cently terreaderad to Oeoernl Yeeng • ays that the tuairgrot generii Ttalo tnllftMi bid 4Mii Friends of AguUaido'e wMe aayart tliat aha has heard uotbtog hem Mm tiwee they parted. Me lame deiiesu esod It loo and nearly prostrated with worry T*»r ii»nw ar r«rm. rurlmr KMitnra I'errM lb* lu ttnrli •• any U«rt. wo a block of foaet on Uw aide street >»d «r»uud Uw eoraer oa the * venae. Tlieie wee something familiar about it and something In could not Mr wbat that we* not. Tlie baUaea waa ou the ride of Uw familiar, however aad a moment leiar h* wa* under a cpoll. He was a boy egrio—bia long trousers aonohow bad gottoa short aad waa waging stroking* aad b* kaaw where to tnd lb* hole lu Uism Just below the knee and »o 6*1 order amt •heiw would fern parade and-Iw-rtMr bed hU baud into a paekot wbioh sum bow aaeaicd very small and pulled out hie aamn-r-b* bad 8S Sente. a l w.sidle tnd two pioayuna**—and liU father bed pruaiwd him two brta It be wow d hr good end that era* ten oeula orer fm UiaoeM-ie. Which would be talc? Piuk or tbe oiber kluilT rieybebotli <>r pop oura uud I be pink which loused mud tested bulii. Sow however bo woo Id look at e|l llte picture* mi the aide of Uk village *UKo. l|e would do It aygUmaiisally •ud (airly which was Uie must gratify - lug U* would walk dowu lo the rod with bis ayes atialgbt ahead a.id dauy blaawlf a tingle aid* glaum at tlw I loot aed Die elephants in pyramid* >W tba ladies ia pi ok dying abuot lo air or tin •uaa shot oat of the eaoaou or tlw moukays. Xo lie wuald go slowly aud bold hl« breath at length over tb* lion Laming. Vea. themlbey were I Tba three rlugs lu s tent a mile ling a .4 high. »'L; ill loua of people ou thu baue'm p icted light and a Iady hopping tbrregn a lump ouUi a leaping while b r«a am) tlw clown* anil the *ir. an if <» could lacogutt • any uf tlw elown Theu be looked at the rearing I loua ••Ore, but [ hope it don’t rain,*1 he mh| thinking of lla aaifal lass it would b* to wait until clrsua time If ha didu’t ava tlw liens tu tb* girade lu their geld e>ge*. IncideuUlfy begat ready Ills argameat aa to wlp-atber in* Ilona could carry off Paimar TaU’a old (deck bull which served batter titan a waleh dog lo toe orchard sod wheittker the •berifl'* Uoodhouoda wldeb eaqgut tba man whuabot Joka ay's uoeloemild kill oou them. These argument* were to be used on tba lirnwn boy no m itlar which side be look. Then there ware Uie ustriefaaa and the bird* were like ostrich** hot 4ltt*’i have tueb tong foatltvre and a pink bir- tbat HUIe and whether it at* only milk or woeM taka peanut*. Be Wvold shell tbe pesutKa fink M mom any. Tb* w1M mam huot agreed away before him ead tb* buff does sera fear felly combative. U* tbouglil ha woaM like to boat buffaloes sod cun Id uaa the gen with little abet at utber time* for •qulrrele Robin* which were easy tn bit ha wuald not shoot with a real gue. They ware good ewoegb Cor slingshot*, bat—he wanted a goo. Nrxt that* were *11 eons Ilf queer thioas. cow* with hump* grey little DOW*, wad wolves, and a thing which rolled lteatf opiate a bail. Be dhte’i know what It waa It waa kinder Ilk* a mod-turtle lu aoisa laepeeta bat a* M» noetmaater a**d; tou oouiuii'ieevar □« •nra.” Uh would iuvritlgBU Uut If tbeate piwut and ie>nker* didn't lake (• ranch tiro*. Tbte brought hiw to the and of tho Iww. Tbere wee Uw piak paper with big Utah Mian. He thought It weald bare no r«ara tor litw; he would bare OOeaata aad aouM go lu openly aad didn’t neMt to awry water for the ele phant*. Ha iteek bla bead la bla pocket • end (topped baok to retd Uw tlgn with eowfortatoa arroganee. Bat wbet wee that T "Ooooart after abow. Clown’* eoaale tonga Uoanu adwle alou.'' JI Main re I Qa bad forgattoa that He weato hare to glee op Uw pluh kweede. But on. Than ha waald tare *ttt« 1« anna. Ha waatad to hear Uwaa euwoa moot aiwaat aa bad aa to aaa tba elephaaU aad ba wanted tba plak lemoeada and Uw baby alagbaat bad to bated. SlaJeaea weald brag If ha dMat He wight go late tho teat after tba (bow and aa* the enlatale aad ga to Uw aoanert, bat wool of the aegaa would ba aieaad. Ha (topped to think. To think ba bad te kWh bW teaa lata tba grouad aad ba Waked ho aaa what aart of hoWa tba brew ttpe waiewak lag. Ha had on dapper pateat leather ■beae aad wa( aid aad ie tba ally bad a eoiWaa diploma and a gaud until lea, rie palled ao«a aware from bWpaohrt and atudWd It Mly. (t area alio wn l»e oooM gtea It to twjaate bay aad would ba btapy with tba twa Mu aad a dlian aad Wt jha wa aart go aad tube hlw too. —-- >■ ■ mm i -vm-1 MMUTTWH. *»r K**»r «ak# a auiike a baa ■la Owa. llunMIbinai. Tba laoer-tl uptul Ml I* tba It U ai yr «•»« t” tdmltff m stga stare, and «.<■*• art raw people aba would «wh aa; wllb pasllltrosa* that they »>al« idea tlfy tbrlr uwu signet urn us-trr alooat yr ooatfMlana. a diaouasMa by worn ***frra tba nUnw day aakn It appaar that a para-hi s«innt at ail Uw br •ara of bta signature, bsaaim of um blowy to vhlob Um forget bat broagbt tw ut< Ow of tba laarywra mUUMImom oouM aaMy go upoo tba auoras stand aod owoar that a algaatara ebava Ida w» bis eUnstars. U« aUloMd that In tho MaotMoatloa af a algaatara a per boo go largely loPowoJ lo bisdeots ^■ by Ifcb quality of tba napsr upon wbloh Um sT/dstars Was arlUiwi sod by «bsi pnwdsd ..r fulMwed Um .)« nataro. If llw um was writtao on a Qtabh • low hi paper. Mb* Uwl la »« IMO oat, tba Uwy. r eiaJ.aad that a Wltoass ooold aot swear wWi any bswn s af poUtlow ■** tbai tba ugaslwa wa* or was uucbis own. la aapport of kl« srqumav. tba Uw fir told that bead writing experts eMlm Ibot «wrs «i oaa writ* Ida new* *»*•• ,'“•?» "«*■. •"< tbU ta any tiUgailoo whsrweldest anw aia la dla pata and too signatures appaar UiU ars asaatly ailka. tba aaparts will pro ooaaw oaa of tbaai a forqrry. It any batroa that In gaorral e mfortssttoo too signatures ussy ha altks. bat lo •aylug that aa twi. slguetunie woo wrr «*4s ailka. tka aap*ru uwiuUui tba loops of tka Isilm sad ike dla taoesa batwaso Uwta will not tw lb* s«Ma. dMtUMtloas wnlsu ate b* deter ■alnod only by a sysla u .if slut* au* n*smen la Ip auppjft of this t hasty tba ripens taka lbs aaot of « bmw who la la tba hatdt -I Whig fro* fats l*o#v* tu hit barn »i mimt ill# ####1 llm svary awrulng. They mj that not oaa# in a hundred llam will bn welt in KMilf tbs hubs tons. namoar lawyer Mid of an axperUuoe to had in Um trial or a oaM la Tollaad p anity ttor 90 ya«r* ag.i. A wot* waa to euutett, wad « qnraliaj was ratted a« *? tha x-nulneaaae of the alguatar* lioorge 1*. Btoell waa called aa a hand writing expert. a* toetld-dthet Um ■((nature uu Uia Bute Waa a nrauina kUaature. Fur Um parpner of laaung Wa ability aa a ha ad writ led expert white on the wiumm aland ha waa limn b piece of paper- and aahad to write his dum tlnra ilmee. A Weak ipeoa waa Wft betwaoa Um algaatatas. Ur. UtawM did b*H know for what pate pom be waa asked tn write hie bums. *"•' after the paper h td teea b taded to Um> lawyer wbu rUMi-ted him It Wne |l»oa by Utr lawyer to mu merit with tbeunu. tn* rx,*>rt wrote UM mar* uf Ur, Bid'll -tin- p,prr >Um* Ubm, »ud after Un« ar.-g dr. Iliawll wat recalled t-» i||»e ant n-e 4 *»(). and the P*l»*r l.mi anting 1 lot etc eig-ualgraa wa* iu>gd->l v- lit «. Ite wat asked to Hulul uu: 14* «igiiatt|r«4 Ui,the had Written. I|-mil >ay we.1 |.,^ i a >. Imt not ana ef 14* -lanpgr-1 4- p uaal nut »i haying b-rg errivtao by lilmeatt was hie wring*, I'm three eateeted em written bf the pea expert. Rafareaoi wat made iluruu the c ni yerhati.iu to a l.lJ which eonorted in ifaahingtou, elan a will wa« in a «B teel. Hevrral rxperte 04 iia-MlwriiHi* who tuatHaa at ‘ the trial claimed that thy will waa In Up hand wuU-.gnf Um laiator. It wag pro red. h >wevar. that the entire will had twee traced. One ef the leUUtse f tpw«h dagaanratiag lota ffMmno of awte a«d tor hta awn pan —ha »k tea at bat ova pwaooat lwgraa Huq.4Ur«« Mi board apaakta*-ib« . tan >n arba wada tba load I gpriaM i < apua iiltu aa tba m— wlio lalfead Jwaa& t •at hU mind t • ItMaalu tan 'alwlM atr-iif—I and hrHUird ferthapaSa* <4 • parttealar abada of wroalaa w«m4*i ba dmir*4 to fit—ov. bat vbo'obaaM that Uwqsht au anooiagtaftof bla at' tfuiptad qUaranof. Ua woqld rat—r baar auofc « Bui Ibao oat, #tw aa—*■ paado* for a wort, ftti tba Ido* uUt ba wa» vatoatl awly MteraUta |<4 o| b|a i»arn otoQuaooe. bfhtt w « *aou3 w not #nto. worda. word*, but •HI w»» worth a daoto tpoScb • f" *■ * ate3 »r —rda bot la vhfell thought boa a boot Ute —■aa pruoorttea ta tba r<4awoai oat tar. at, in tbe qdabraiadHaute towa tba tpaad bant to tba aa mttty of twt. TMtaght woo Ute tra< iwwitfal. tpl when thty hod aebteaad that aooMoa Ibao ba thought f aoUlljr or wtrahoroj a Battar ol eotoparaUya aaty a^pirt * .. J