■— ' • — —Li- — » The Gastonia DeToted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the V»I.XX1. UNA2ii«SShL} GASTONIA. N. C., THURSDAY, MAY i7, 1900. ARP ON YBTERAHS. LET THAT MAIMED BATTALIOI DO TO THE BEUIIOI. n«r win ki iraui w«*ii—mu tmih Mwmr IM Thai lk< w«Hh an Uerea Ml Uk Blnla an Ninalaa. Dill An la AUanm OooaUlutton. Of oooree Atlanta will ralae the money to uniform tha poor oou federate veteran* and pay their way to Louie rtlie. That batteltou of one-armed one-legged oue-eyed hamaa of tha loot crate will be the meet aignlflernt feature of the reunion and will make nkora luting Iwpraaalnn upon tin ru ing generation than anything *l#». "That la genuine." they will any. Thou old folluwa were certainly there and thty hero not repented of It. In fact they are proud of It. It will leaoh Aha youth of the other aid* that our bora ware terribly In earoeat Bad that neither time oor poverty Itat oh liter a ted a tingle reeling or emotion that poeaeuad them whoa tb»y faced the gune of the enemy nearly forty year* .ago. They are eatali'.Uliod In the faith and will die not bellevluf they were right bat knowing It. That word "believing" It a mlaoomer a kind compromise it does not fit um. VVs knew wa war* right tbao aod wv kuuw it yet. Believing li a word that bta UM other aide. A good many of their soldier boys believed they wen right aod koew no better, for tbnr polltl 0lasts fooled them. but more than ball of them dtdvu’t believe anything about it aod dtdao't care, for they ware hire Jinn aod fought for 910 a mouth and nothing elm. They were hungry. It teems to me If 1 waa a northern mao 1 would my to aay people "We can’t do anything with those confederate vete ran. Jut 1st them alone. They wars conquered end that’s all. We plied .four to one on them end wore ib>-m ost, and that's ail. bat ouch Sgblne tba world never sew. They naver bad but 700,000 men In Ute field, all told, from tbe bagtonleg to tbe end of tbe war. and they have put a million of our folks on Lhe pension rolls, besides ail I bat they killed. Good gracious boys! Let’s quit talking and qull bragging, and wbon them fallows down south want a reunion let's bid Ui*m tod speed and aay "Go It, boys! W e are bsitisg on you. Get together by your -campfires, as It wars, and retell yoor uld war stories, and 1st tbe tears from your old watery eyas gttatao again, and after it is all over than go baek home and tell It all to your wives and ohlid ren. aod tbvu —ran and than — aad then lay down aod die." Well, that’s just vlst Um old vets era doing. They are dying pretty fast now aod there will hardly bo enough left fur another re -union. Our hope and faith Is ’hat our boys will keep the'campfires turning and gather trouud them and tell wliat • their fathers did. Let those memories survive tbe flight of Urns, just like Ibv .historic and herloo deeds we read of. Tbe older tbs batter. We have In our family an old paper that give* an ac . oonut of tlie battle of Lexington during Um first revolution and along Um mar .gla aeroaa tbe top era pictured seven teen oofflos, aad on each coffin Isa name, and one of these names is very dear to os, for it Is Um name of an an orator who fall In that fight. That an cestor navsc fought for a jester cause or oo greater (provocation than we did and oor children * should be proud of It. And so let tbe old battle scarred rel -erans go to Loulrrllle and hsve per bapstbatrlsst tovefsaat. Atlanta will raise that moony. Wa love to look over tba published names of the oontrlbotora and rejoice that there are noble man and woman left wbo may hsve forgiven boi wbo bave not forgotten. Wa measure people by their charities, their will lag responses when called so for a cause Ilka this, sad I would be ashamed to ice my name In ■ column with torn than a dollar attached to It. It I oouldsot or wouldent give mom than a dims or 28 cents, I would say mark It cash sod go on. A man wbo mot af ford to give a dollar should not be called on. Lonlavllls U goiog to glva a royal welcome to tbe veterans and 1 hope every one who oaa will go. Louisville »lb# Intensely southern olty in tbe notoo—more so than Nash Tills or Chattanooga or Atlanta, or even Char »•*<»—*f>d >t* people never do tbiaga In a halfhearted or paoarlons way. Tba teat time I waa then I saw tba blue and tbe gray each sheet 800 strong sitting In ~iwi hsll to an address for the benefit of eonfj? ante veterans. Yea, tbs same kind of veterans wa wish to uniform and sand there. These federal soldiers asms out sad paid their moony to show ibelr sympathy for the cause of the poor soldier That »yr»prUiy has existed In all clnltasd natloos and Uterus oarer wrote a mots touching thing then whan bn wrote about Uncle Toby, wbe when told th»t a poor Midler was dylag at gats, aslaad his craieb sad hurried to bias, eschalnatof in bia emo tion, "Ha almll not. die by Ood!’" That oath w«a set down up*, tbs book, baton angel dropped a tsar upon It and blotted It out forever. Ho no ahead Capuin Dearlog and ask far mossy, end l am ears It will oome. Atlanta never fain In a cause Ilka ibti. i am an optimiet dow. Tim rprisf h“.*^,lU“ •<* bfrda era alanlaa nod tbt lonf* nru la bl<voa>. and Ibm •wool ItUto ohlldren ora all ao liaapv It makaa an old oaan happr loo. (Ki lltUoewaa halp ma to tnSfc the atraw. brrrtaaacary d.y and ft afcmaaa than to taka a ao farad dlab fall to tka tick folka Mar by, aod to tall how rVuil tkay ««a to fat theta How abarm la| II to to wltaena tha dally txeaortoa of tbalr mlada and baarto aad emo Uoaa, aad IMao to thalr lm» prat Un. tka little flea yaar oklVokad with aatoa rah meat at oor otd tar key fobbtaf aod aatd '‘na’at, ha aast ba risk. I raokew, fotT tblak he la eomlt laa.” Tkay entertain iaa mn day aad wool lat aa look ao tha dark klda of Ikltai Tha fact la, there la do ahadaw am tbla hlaaer.1 r««ioo, for wn have dmm anil plnaly. Nn fam Itien like they hem In India. No war like that which rage* In the TraoAvaal and the l'tolllipplnee, nn flood* nor cloud buret, no great calamity of any kind, and all our citlxrn*. both black aud white, are pracefn! and law abid ing. horn* dirty aeouudrel did Meal poor old Widow Holmee'a well rope leal night, bnt that la tba only devil ment I have heard or In a long time. 1 do mole It be. nn. DNEIXtlll TAN A WICIUE. MIIUO uimaau WIUI dilMWirw fa I'lemnrT-glHia Mam April at. A apaclal from Savannah. Qa., a«ya that the body of Dr. Sherrard It- Tabh, In obArge ot tbe local nflloa of tlie Mi rloo Uoeptul Servioe them who had beau miming alnoa Nonday. April 90 waa found thia morning in Booaven ture Garnet try, lie bad com ml lied suletda with chloroform Dr. Tabh waa a Virginias, and a member of a prominent family. While atatloued In Boalon Dr. Tabb contracted pneumonia. When he waa nanvaleaoeet h» waa ordered to Aav*n nah. He never fully raoovrred. lie waa a highly enllivated mau, a gradu ale of Itindotpli-Mnoon College and of the Uelverelly of Ylrglnh*. The 8arannab apmlat aaye Dr. Tnbb ohauged bia nelform tbe morning or hta dlaaapearanoe, and going out to tbe cemetery uaed bli ooal for a pillow, nad lying down, plaecd a handkerchief •iturated with Ohloroform over hi* face. (m Pin Ml*r Bin* tVsshioctoo. May U.—Assistant Hvorelary Yaodsrllp lias firm bit ap proval u> Uie new dMlvm for tbe |i •liver rertlScatm. treasury notes and Culled Status notes, and some of the aaa bills are expected to make thalr appearanoa in a few days. Tbe first will be silver certificates. The mime desitoe will be used In tbe different kinds uf oarreeoy taeued. Tbe only change wilt be In tie* styling of silver orritfl calcs or nolea. Tbs f»oa of Die new Mil will ooutalo Uie portrait of an Amertcau Indian, who is alUred In fall war trappings. Tbe faoe of some distinguished deed man will ba omitted. On buUi bask sod front there la mueb pretty scroll work. Tbe rear of Uie note contains two figures gee In lares aim, end (o the occur the teller V. In Ibis respect tbe bill fotlowi lUs •tyls of tbe new $3 There Is also oonaiderabta while lo lbs Molar one eaeb side tbe V. MaMln **4 TO* uruhlorton Paw. Iu tlx conn* of hi* addreti on “The education of ilia Negro” before the American Social Science Aaeoelaitou in this city Monday evening. Dr. Charier Dudley Waroer. the well-known philosopher and lilenttour, made a vary valuable contribution to the rau»l Important social oonlroveny o( tba day. Coosiderlag the fact that Mr. Warner luu spent bia life at the North, aod chiefly lo pursulU that Involved little or no ooolaet with the negro. Uta conclusion* ha has reached an (roly wooderfnl la thalr InMIlgaoco and ao cnracy. Mr. Warner baa perocivud a fact which vary few Northern men have hitherto been able lo racognizs— tba fast that a merely sebotasil* train log, no matter bow ambitious and or nate the curriculum, baa accompli*bed and can accomplish, practically noth in C in tbs way of Uaprovtag tba negro's social status of preparing him for m star La! advanoasoeot aod useful oltl WXMtiip, Dlneoeelog tbs aspect of the case, Mr. Warner asked : “Uave Utese colleges, a* a whole, stimulated Industry, thrift the lucllua tlon to SStll* down lo the necessary hard work of tba world, or bav* ibey bred Idleness. indlsposiiloii to work a vaporous ambition lo poliilcs, and that sort of gaoliUty of which llie world hac already enough ?” Of coon* the answer -that Ic tu say. the trofhfnl and enlightened answer— is unmistakable. These oollagas have done the negro no good whatever. They have turned out a few young books who fondly and Ignorantly lm agios that becaaee they are able to scan a lln* In Ovtd or Oelultos. nr write a thesis so the Cuneiform In scriptions, or deliver an Impaaaiooed apontropha to some white mao of re nown, they are esc isesrtly the superiors of Osacaaftaa who have not been taught tbase things, but have to earu an honest living Gy hard aod honest work. A* Mr. Warner says, tba ool tegm hero bead a vaporous ambition in politics nod n child lab conceit of pen tillty. They have not taught Un manhood, however. They lie ye out la ■tilled Into tba aegro the sturdy spirit • f Individual effort and self rnepeet. of Indomitable Independence and person-. I self rvlbuioe. They bav* generated, simply, a mlssrabi* and leapt brood or ovored seated i ■ tare Use. wire cu con fines no one of tbelr merits sad who neglect the real pathways to dig nity white they nurse the thrice merited wound of foolish vanity. W# era forced lo the opinion that tbaaogra. under bis present leadership in hopeless Society obtains from the rasa, an it is now generally Instructed, oaly an logrsdlaut of dtetorbaoee ami •glutton, tensed of teaching the ae gro bow to support himself, ecqslre property, sad become aa Influence la govern meet, wa era teaching him to be dtoeaotfatod, idle, and laoaodtery. la stead of Mashing him to rnepeet him self sad to rely for lilt advance ment a poo hie meellt as a man wa era teaching him lo clamor at lira gates of society for a ''renown it toe" which ha dona sat deserve, aod which, if be obtained It. he would sot under •*« Mm rr»— Um uh Wm Um ball UuU hit O. B. 8tnd my, of If •wart, Mlob, in Um CWII wnr. 11 onnand hontUo UhMn that U*>md fnr»m». Tb*n Boot tan’) Amina him enmd him &«•c^*' *"•*• Bo".. P*»», Oku, Min BmpUooa. H«m PUa c«ra on aarth Um ssarwsr' rc-o - vsii.t. sea »n r. | Thw tklal CnpUal lF*fnnuM la ¥}M. I uaa.aaa.-iMO «ra in AUiatna j WewMawI *rUaa Vleea INa t'olurw ; Wllk OyUnhllr K/f. i C bar Iona, If. 0.. May lO.-Oue of tba larval assemblage* nf mill rayre aentallere ever bald in Uia Dulled State* began a convent I.-a hem to day. tbe neoaaioo be.nu fie Fourth annual uunvantion u. tin- Southern Lotion HfHnuars Association which was called tn nrder at 10 o’clock this morning. Five bend red mill mao ate la atten dance. and It la estimated by oanaerve m* enter* that tba total capital repre sented will aggregate iDOO,000.000. Presided J. H. MoAdeo oallcd tha cocvsatloa to order. After congratulating tbe member* oU tbe Aaaoclalloo spoil tba large atlao daace at tba convection, President McAdeo aald: •‘A loaf period of depreeeloa te at au end; every industry I* prospering; every man wbo can work and will work cao And employment at good wage*. Money I* easy, the A saiiow* of tbe oouotry era oo a sound beats, confidence la restored a bright future awaits as end we may contidenlly look for a period nf Indus trtal development unequalled lu Ilia history of the country. It gives us great pleasure to glvw you a sordlal welcome at all nur meetings. Thera will be ao division of territory, oo Ma son sod Dlsoa’a line with tbe manu facturers. We are all togrlb-w to one common In terrat ami one uuidiboii cause. "We ire eodaavorlng lo oonvert llie raw nulertal Into manufactured pro duals sud lo Hod ■ good market In foreign countries. Our export trade ■lone with tbsmnplreof Ohio* without •ny organised efforts on our part will exceed M0.00U.0U0 " We should favor sud urge ■ perma nent sod vigorous policy nu khe part of uur gsotral Sovrramo.C In favoruf the ‘opeo door’ policy with Hm aolerprlsa of Oblua. Hud we slioukl hold an-l gov ern the Philippiue Islaodt, which are d(siloed to beoume His distributing osolre ol the Eastern world and Bate oar country the oectre of Kastern olvl lltatloo. •‘t hope to see this Aasociatiou take decided action mi (Ills question of pub llo policy. "rt* great hope of Uie 8-HitU )• in Its man u fact urea We aak for bo class legislation With Ulanded eommer alal relaltOBS with foreign ouonliiea, new territory opened before ua, wc can plant our prodqots wherever our flag floats and su'ceeafully compete with the world. "Ws should give atroug ckprvealona In favor of appropriations by the Stale governments for building end taaio UlQlng textile schools. "Thera are many things we oould do for our oiwrallTM—make tenement lionasa oomfoitable, adopt improved systems of sanitary aud vsnttlallon regulation*, bnlkl ehuiche* aud schools and provide libraries. We should do all In our power to erect a high stan dard of morals and elevate and dignify labor.'' A large cumber of new members were then elected. TbsidorsG. 8e«roh, ef Philadelphia, of the National Manu facturers ' Association, spoke oo "For eign Markets fur Cotton Gouda from America and the Way to Dsvolp Them" lie showed that this country. In spits of nil advantage*, spins aud weaves only 82 per cent, of American cotton. _ XKK* V*f KKCKt Igk'MAYKJl. «t»w«l CnlMiiM >rh«w •• kMUn l*r ik« •!* r**m of Warokip. Clileogo, M*r 9. —Kneeling, M the ktlliod* lo prayer, bu (HI to be kk exaction lo tbe MetliodlstCburcli. Tt>* book or discipline reeugnit* th« ovud log of in* kme. but tli* city churches bate gradually Keen drifting Into thw mom unconventional bowing of the heed. The custom of Wesley prevalla fn tbe moetput only lo the country. Delegate Tl.icUll, of Nebraska, ll a believer In tbe devout kneeling form, and to-day nought to eorreet the ten dency of tbe Uttrr-dav Methodist* In departing from tbe undent outturn by Introducing a resolution in tbegeneral conference emohasliiag the direction In the dlacipkloe Tbe conference re futed lo declare “We nig m much at ever la favor ef observing th* kneeling altitude." Tba Aebraaka praaelier raw to urge adoption of hia view*. but U>e oonfrt aoea slataornd far a rota, nod the mot a awy loaning of tba body toward Uia boat of tfea paw In froof wan approved. Tbn action of Htebop UoCaba lu re (wing to maintain an aplaeopal rr»l danw la bie dtatriet haa reiultad in an •Sort fo ooanpal Um aSaotiva blahopa n'it oalr to reaide In Lbefr dtatriet bnt to coniine their oparatloa lo otroom aeribod llmlta. A ojovamaol developed at tha opening of tb* general cotifee wea a weak ago baa gntwd moment nm and prom law to end in making tba btabop a dloewan nfBear. Tha eplanopal rratdence baa bran ona In name rather than la Tact, on an count of tba Iravallng character of the work of thn oOoa. The comnalttw on eplaeopaey to-day debated an order from OOC of tU ante com milt era sailing upon 1 bo btahop* to live anJ work within tba dlatriete lo which they era aaalgned. Tha bored of btthope, under tha or der. ia to aaalgn lu rifncilva an foe work ia foraJgu Oalda and otbora to be aaalgned Lo dtMrlcU In tha United Olarw. XHIiw* >MM hr (OwlMiaa. < /’harlaaloo. Si. Siptolal—A eon Wlltea of rrpraaraiallya ImalnrM *i>4 profraatonal mm »HI tea?* Iran tVad n add ay for Wa>blafton, ahara limy ap paar Mora Iha Itnuaa rocomlura on military aFotra. on Tburtda* In aap port of tba Horn to bill prwaldlny for Ui aatabllahmoni at Charteatoo i«f a brnaati of tba National doMtara’ Uoan Tbla prajaet ha* bam approrad by tba United Oonfadarata Vataraaa tiy iha Otaatf Army af tba RapaUla in Inaal and national nwymte, by Dm oily oaunell af CbarWatoB. tha Laatalalura of Sooth Carolina, aad all Frdaral and State oAtoara In tbla Slate. WHY** XWNleAVKH. H IM at *Uax rail* K kn Alli-M Hralwat Ikr arkriMku. Sion* Fall*, H. I>.. Xlay II.—Amid | th* wildcat excitement and euthuslasn' William Jeontuga Bryan was imoilo*. ted for prealdeut Ity Uw People's party national omveritlxii yeatardwy aflri. noon. The nomination waa ay acela oialiou nnd ilia deoaunatration was marked by luraultunu* chiwriag. throw log ap of tint*, waving nf ^esnea, *nc tores and flsg* sod errry article in nsach of the delegate* and they went wild at llie conclusion of Senator W. V. Alkw's spsetdi placing lhe Naliraa kan lu Domination. ALL a* XOXINATES *11 YAK. Ssnator AUeo paid a beautiful trib ute to Mr. Bryan, saying ; | “Haembodies In hla poltUesl con. viclloua, in bla life, all thal la good lo an Amerlosn; all that Is pure and 11>. al;all that the moat exact U'g could desire; a statesman of rip* experlaoor. a pbtloqnpber g patriot wllbont a peer, l'rarlew, bold determined, tborouglil united lo th* Interests nf the great taaene of hla country, trl»o conld make and will mok*au I leal candidate for the exalted ofltoe of preaidant of Utaae United diet**. Sine* the result of th* nlroOou In 1800 waa known to l he Amerloan people among Ut* fushui foraas of Uia (Jolted Stales ihare bs* bean bat oae name qooneuled with th* odioe and with tbs qoaloattoo at that time. He I* ike embodiment of ail thatoppoaea plutooregy. th * uppiane 'be legislature nf orlaliial power lu publle life; lie Is iq aay lodgment U>e must brilliant Awrleau eitlaao oil lha age. I Uilnk lie Is, as an orator, as a statesman. Ui« equal of Web iter unit •Jsf If not tlwlr superior, (la was a Nebraskan, but now la-longs to the world. Without further duouedon. without further draoripUou of this 'uagnihcanl mao, f present to tkta oou vtnlkni this baro, statram-tn atul orator William Jauologa liry n." Senator Allen was followed by Gov ern! Weaver sod others, all of wh >m paid eloquent tribute to Bryan. TOWXH YOU VIC* PUBftlDBMT. Hilaries A Towoe, of Hiuoeauta «as nominated for vim. president slier a spirited dlaouaslon on th* qu w.lon of laavlcg tba vie* prveldeuliel nonlne lioa lo be mad* by a special commit'** t" coo far with Democrstta leadns at Ksoaaa City. Several uomlnall >«>* were made, boi Ur r iwoe was di ully Chosen by acelaqaati-Mi. lie waa no mi natad by J. W. Howlar of Utnnveota. A *M«mw I'uilwMl. WuMoiim Vac Ublrf Wilkie, ot tha United States .Secret service, lias recalved from Lhs Penn Xatioiml llsDk. ot I’hilsdelptiir. anaof Min moat dangerous counter fall SdO Rota* lhal list appealed fur a 1 mg HUM, and seertid ouljr to Uie celebrated 1100 Monroe head silver certificate*, tbe character of which liw Treasury experts were (or some time uimitte to definitely determine Tha note It of the series of UWO. check letter A, pi*la number 7, Till, man. -Kigkstrr; Morgan. Treasurer. The plate Is printed from migrated (dates. and tba work upou Ua face aud b»ck It of a high order of excellence. It Is • IrlOa shorter than the teiolne, while ilia width is the same a* tbe gen uine. Tbe moat noticeable defect a In tli* nola am In the portrait of Hamil ton; the uoae instead of being round mi Ibe and. la brought to s sharp point; tba obln, Instead of betog double, at In Ilia gaaultra. la square; tbe head from the back of tbs ear to ilia top of lha uoae, on the line of the ear, Is u tree Uoo of an loch wider then the genuine; tba work on tba coat gives a fiat effect and merges loo the background in tbo b>w«r part of tbe portrait. la tba border tba atatll firnraa are omitted between llm “XX;” h, ih octagons! ornament under ilia word ‘•Washington,’’ center fact of note,tha detail is-so blurred that lira lilUnelght polnted star furmlng tba reciter of Lite ornament does not stand out in reliar as In Use genuine Tba Bolshin* straight sum of tile “a” in '-baarar," right faoe of note, ia a sharp oblique litM at top. whereat In tbe genuine the Hue is ourvtd. In tba left panel, back of note, uM comma after “It,” where the wards ‘Impresalno of It” cocur, has basn ■valued, as bss also tha dot star tba ”t” In ‘-printed” In tba next llae be low. Tha note Is printed oo paper of • vary d-oeptlvs elusracUr. and has Use distributed fiber. ——■ ■ ■■ 'I ... MvtBff Rt»irUf«4. Do not Cry to do • great thing; you may waste all your life looking for the opportunity whieli owy never com*. But since little things are aleiyi claim ing your attention, do them aa they come, from a great motive, fir the glory of (iod, to win bis Mile of up. provsl nod to do good to men. U la harder to plod on In obscurity, acting Uios, than lo aland no the high places of the Held, within tba view of aU. and to do deeds of valor at which rival ar ailM stand still to gala. But oo such aot goes without the iwtrt recognition and i be ultimata recompense of Christ. To fulflil faithfully tba duties of j"«r atatloa; to use to tba utter moat the gifts of your mlalatry; to bear otm Bog annoyance* aed trivial Iniutlooi at marlyi a bora Urn pillory and tho ■Ukei to Bod Uia ooa uobla trait In people who try to atoleel you; to rat the klndoat oonaUnetlon on U a kind seta and words; to iova with ibe lava •>f Oud even tho uatknnkful a ad avll; In be oootent to he a fountain In n* ■atdat of a wild valley of stove*, uoor lahlog a few llcbsaa and Bowers, or uow mod agate a thirsty aheap; and ta do this always, and aot for lha prate nt man. bat fur lbs ash a of ttod -this make* a great life.—If. II, Meyer. W«rOI— *l(kiwM Ml, Th* buateot >«4 MlfbUMi lluiaiMaa , tlMt evar fU taatfa H Dr. Xtajp* V«w Ufa Pill*. Krrry pill I* a mbmodM { Rlobala of h*alU>, that ohanoaa «Mk a«M lata Mreaftb. H«tlo»nw» Me *H*rgy, krai ofM| I..M mental power. 1 Tboj'r* wuaitorfnl In bnlMlag up tba bM&li. Only tt* pn tma. Sold liy •I. K. Carry oim! Company. «w«M mmim m iirim. I apmt WMeU K TalkrC Uon. A mot J. c (naming*. «Ni(r«u men from New York, made a annech a f-w day* 4«m io Um houaa widen la ga in* tin- found* «f the prana. Th# bout* had under onneldeiaUon a bill u> •* Ur*w tiw power* of the dap imperil of agricnlturo »• a« to rolilblt tli* iron*, portatlou by mtaracat* oowmero* of 0*u»® kilted io ylutalkm uf loo*) loan. lu Mlvooatla* tint paaaage of the bill Iba ditllngutobnt enuacweawau fruca Nrw lock bald Um eloacat attentloo of lb* boo*® while b* apofca aa follow*: “Mr. Chairman--! waa a neat*) af lb* bouaa af lapraMtetiao* thlrtaaw year* a*u tbt* aprlog. la April ef that yewr Um oapttui grounds aad th* parka "t U)l* oily war* 01 lad with mUo*. bob olink* and other u*| MnU. Tb* •Wald Urtoar iba plan* of Um ho Baa win* af Um ekplbd waa dotted with aongaura. tlia ru'dna rtinnlaf lu raary dire* Icon for werae «ud in recta, kod Um Urea ally* wltk mualo. To-day It (■ * rarity tu aa* a robin In Um ally uf Waahlufton. I heard two oblnda* o . Caplt-d aquae* aarly la thaapclag. Two woeka ago 1 aaw a robin o* tb* aauari drooping baad nod wMnrtaM *ia« up m tha grata to u. park. From two U> in rot hundred of thaat Kagllah mir row* • urroaudad him. turmeatiag blag and aUacklug him. I took tbe bird Into tba haute and gaea bin a draw of Uia beat brandy. It rrTiaad hltn and ba flaw to uw bwk of a abair, (Apple ate) A kuantt afterward*. laamr, ( ata •orry to aa y, his head b-g to grade illy dr«Mp and Its dually dropped fro* bla perou to the oirpac Fire mlautee aftarwarda ba gaaped for breach and died •)« laialudta I found our ay* bloodebul, sad dUcoewrd that tbu bird «raa terribly Uaerated uadur tba wings the bill* uf tbe sparrows bad pero-<d his la Uw eilaU New. M'. Uttair «>an. If till* blri grill give tbe few nro lot and » .ng • ird» uoa with q. 1t up lha Tl. | Mia a!lean* or th-ee Bnjl sb sparrow*. I eaa uniat Iwartily In fav n of H. (Appiaaao.) -r^Wt an miser 1 spent lu Hat Suaquv hauDa * allay. TuMre year* before Uil* I h Pi lamrnarod lu Uie earn a ..pot. Tha litlh* yellow sherry bird was litero Ut*«i lu pru(iialon. Tha ground chippy darted under tlw faooaa and bad ua neat in the tell gras*. Tbe yellow tutu ■ar au tbace a dnlaiiag from true to Irew. The Larging oi Cha woodptitrr WaglMMldtu Ui*baa<*M eJ and oilier t< wt and tin twl ter of tba phoehn bird and tlw plaiutiue noU of tba pewit. Tha kltdee and |<lo*er Haw over Uw bllla and toe king dtber and the Up up were aaen u|u» tlw elirraa of tba near. Bobvbitu made blio»-.r hoard in Ibv meadow*, aod daiotv wo xleock flew out of Lhe dHIa PjWut.1 •ngbUill. AU tha VarieUrt uf bu t* familiar Umm la kiybood day* wet* tliare, Including tha catbird, tha browo tliraabrr and Uw kingbird In tba; region today tlieru la but one •■( tbaaa •ongUrd* whnro twelve year* ag.i uiera wan. iWty. “My mend fr • a to#*, (Ur. Lieyl **y* tlMt Ibe wiiil pigeon h > bird of «l*e pent. I htvauitaras oae ou Um vlug for tlx yam. At Um nnmimn d*ut of « (i-o4i Ainsrlcau newspaper f rUltrd Point county, PNiqlfMIt, tveotr fear* ato to deecrlha Um last pl^ouu routt thin aide of UM KlM*>ip-1 pi. Tm bird* wen nettles In the forest onrertng the teen for twauty ■quaie ml lea Hundred* of Indians fnno Uit Kew Y»m Sub r* wry alio x were Uiem killing Um bird* Md galh eri"* U# squaba. .aportamea were unl tlog Uiem by Um tbuunwid, and put hauler* were aeoding groat load* of tbaet to market. When a boy la W*yuo county, Veuntyivsnls, I bate aoea dock* of UM*e pigeon* snatching aeroa* Uie »•» from daylight t» eight fall beaded for Um vwi. I doubt whether today you oeutd Bad sot la Um whole of Wayne oouniy. All ban dl*« pp*4 red. The I tat rooat In the United State* wa* daatruyad to Um lodlau Territory ah nil twalte yaare ago. A wild pigeon I* now aura aearwa north, aoaUi, aaat Md watt than a wild lurkay. Tha Otari* etilekean haw* ueaily dtiuppeared, and the Amartoaa arood dusk la bring rapidly axtarmisa tad. If It Is poaaiMa now to i nmrre any of them blrda by laglal*tl m a .uo tad uy oungrra*. It Is oar doty to pre aarye them by placing each law* oa tha traiata books (Applause.) “Tim matt of tb i states bays laws for tbs protection of their birds, hot dealt* euagraailuuel tefiaUMoa to maka their lava eflrattr*. Last Oetebaf I was In florid*. Twenty Ira years ago 1 aassmsrad and wiotared ihare, t spent years oa (bo oast Mast. Tha sky was Sited with Issmbow Books af wood Ibis, gee sets, oartews of all aot o»s, oyster bird*, ob oak willVwtdow*. •bear waters sod sas dpi pass. The bm of-war hawk sal lad la Um oppar sky. auid loogJiMSMif pal leans united owse of rgrnta a ad snowy barons, beside* ths great Moo and LoatsUsM bateau and tha roaa its spoonbill oartew, now tha rarest and mass bsauUfal bird in America. Thssoiaste of tbs psrskaat was heard «t rear7 Uta, and gold Hookas, atoeblng Mrda, llapfelaa, 00a paraUa and ayrtada of taogtoara war* M* amrywtara. Today UM porakaat baa almost toUtely dlaapanad. tka tOMata apoooklU ia rtrwy tea* and rraa Um aaaaaa taa-g utl la a prey ta tbagaaaor. Tba aUta la dolag lu baet bow to protect tbta. A man aha woald kill a roaaata apoooklU aarlaw to-day It UaMa la a Aa* af M60. "This ilaapktta kaa htaa —da to gratify tka malty of tba fa—la tax. Hata aad baa aata barn baaa decorated with tbalr akowy phimaa, aad tka alaagktar MIN aoaUaaaa aad will eow* Uaaa aallt ao— fadual law, aortted la wKh Mata ktwa peataata to. Oar Mgrlaaltoral aawapap— ai« AMad wtik arttaUa showing that tMa waataa do atraetloa of tka bhds la working great lolary ta tka *grtoaHaral a—atop. It baa bean— a —Uar af aarlaw ean aera la tka r*naat. Tka evrcallo aad othat deatreMlm laaeaU ham lb— awaM will in Ma atakard, aad all la •hu dttrinaaui u plant Nib an la •raarltg la atnkar kioa— af tM, I mill, wanton niwt vMmm IHniitlirn IjfWrd Ilf*. ft data nrmn to mr. Ur. iIhuiwm, tu it U nhould bti *i<>w<at. pr<i«iAljr and f.». aw. •I hive menial/ aura mo ndferUw »<M*t la • PbiUdalpfaU imwap«p*r ad w«|hhI» tor tin* .kins at *0,000 hMi, UwtiMli km km tande with «ru In th* natnef Data warn to procure Owe* thlee. U tbnae onotivMta in earrM «ot ( motion lo "I that Date warn prachaa will ha awwear than am* dartn* tba iitIu warn la •Mn>Aa£rlam wactataUaw Phots. Yr%t hr root thor baVh twai '■ora aoataa until Uat naan It *m nlataut IwaortM. In tba Htw Totft awt* wbar * ningW butatnf tba frail. Oaa ewn fur tba dearth waa tbu deetrocll.m of tba iaurU funding Mrda or that auta. ••Mr. Coalman, I nay Warn >m •*>•* um at ImmL It waa for «erly oevemd with tarda M vartaoa VM NoWiiuf that dan By lita taaau •J* aa it f >r tM I tat tw.i yatra rutyl KaflM* apeTuara. Toay araaa UiW* aa fltaa ia a bultrr aii«o and fai mn dMUMtias sod aoanylntt. TWy liMTv •Iliad nr rtf Iran array every American tdrd. 1 nademland that tin* bill af my Macd front to fra aflorda tvou-etleo from U>U outaairtw. Tlrtr Wflcatiryt** 12 *!•* •°7ef * Ammojn bird*. 1 •hall vote fur (ha trill aa l' awudr; but if it aoauload a imtovLmoq matlog oat painiibaBaat tw any has tar take fa&a to •Hi no floalkah siaumo nu ai(M. t •orUd VOW for Ida mil milt (mater aUartty.** (Aptdaaaa.) WUWfctftoo Mmiwr. W* bar* eet favor** oo vdeeaUue of Uwaaaat. llur re-dUg Uouugli the fmlwMMttrUM eayvC the gnat good that Ua--oUHttlaatlo adao valtapeofaat to flod is it. Wa bar, twUa at sows length t ram aoew at Uw evNa that ovate freest. Aatlwa paaew evtdeuea aetuwuUiaaUi rvla faro* mtWi* upl..Ua. Wa beUrr* it i< rarvag. a Wuu-iar .aad thonld Dot ha auc-ntragod <u lb# Math, tfnm Uwa Mta «a gam nuiou from a actadaily BuglUbwaa'a pager la an IttglMi Be vbur a»tUag forth cuoclueivaa htaad iilMHi a Uarrt ration while visiting lha tiurlb. What hr said waa out rarer nbU lti aoedvetiUti. Up U Peontyl ranla aratarthl nr latrty happened that ■nweu auaatkta, the great naira afty «f (Vnnayieanlra. fn Pafladelgeta. <» (liatarbad broauaa of lha “—(ft at the Urge taol >r eUee. It beM a met log and 4#otd«il tv until fi vw tha data raaardr all »'ull>u «f worn (tad* a la A a ■ mailt#e woe app .intrd tv avatar with ilw (#brr claaeae at Uw depart •rut fur tint puipvt- of opp tloe tha xprrad uf co tal-m ittou to tie, unlfrr. ally. lti<rt|ioim| (itat n.ot la liar drat (tap *hi# » hi* «• r-i 'A.\.fi by tUa aiuk-tila in rli.a « tiril -uyaiUrai to llw ay item. (Jo t-ducatuxi U-wat* at the uulvrretty a-xxr. too years ago when the M tioaiea' d-partownl was throws ttv-oi »o * -own »: irtxi.U doOM tl Oft ago *- a.W a • IMV'lillg ll*; this laauii-HMt tu e m owe non with a Hew England eollege -<r ualeertily. Wa d.. out arts all the ptveiw partloolnra but tt Wat a (tiolrnt antaeualNI In Oo ediMatl-m la the laeUtutlua. Wa ww tt awattiaal that 370 v#m n* aaw *U«"dlo« Uta Uolratuy of Psaaayt vnrala. To- Allantn (JvuaUtutWu any* Ibta of the avraiarvt na tha part at the wales: Tm limn™ of wanca Hulinli tao**** ww «wter«l •qratwreuca which •a la ba»s>«ct(d Ik all health*, wall, daaal-iyad bay*. The oMaatlou la oo edeoaUtm ha* alee rouud twI ta Waa Wyan aoUa«a, oaa oTtlw Hraret la Slaw Bogiaod, whrre the atudaata ban anltaa hi pethioa* to tin (acuity far a raypal or the peraatoiau for tha (stall ■aat el naw atudaii ta. la tha Uhl* foutM Itw fraternities, U the dlasai ■oH after a UlaJ of yarttaya • qaartar •f a eartery. hmMwvr Na^ liwnl tm Ckaiti. Flirti itrtpMi Multi \ iwi—i, Ttk. WoflMn i4Uii4ltg WTlOW al Ut Tim Prnbyta«Ua ebanb, (Mn rmaiad tbotr hau. la aooordaaoa with tba an mud Mn a< tba In. Dr. Tiabbara. tbrtr amir. Tba afact am PtoaalBf. aapaataUj la aba aa, thaaft* It Ml u tba Martian part of tba aaa pmaitoo tba pacpkrtag paaWaaa of bow to amago tbalr bak bnorttaglf aad Tat aaar tbalr bata to Ow*. Ttia la baUavod bp tba tok war taba an aaaolraMo put law, aad la ooaaa gooaoaaaapof than wan lata la ar ming la tbrtr ■caangwad plnaaa. Than a«a a gaaollaa aa to arbotbar or pot tbo hau abaaM bo taboo of to tbo* vaatlbala fart>*a aatorlag tbo aadl torlBM, bat anoal of tbo bata wan pa* wblkw tba atakabaton liter ro* Hood wlmra wan rarlin (Uaaaa frnaaatl bowbneb tba hair ana < On tba abort tbo bata etoaafallr. Man? of 1 ■rami tbalr gratkata bora dM not waba tbo ■altar. tht ohataa of Atoaaaa to tto '_ of d*T«7 Ooofa D. W Itttem, of KoaobMor, Mich , tolto tow i dm ntadtfiw Hoaaya: "Mywtto twte bom iiMpboo tor Am ram that, too oaato out tara mr to oaa a'aao. After ootaa iw taUtoa of toootric Hit tan, dn «a tidaftHy lay nod mi •Mo to owa^ "XlitU Mmaaa totottoCOMAtotorwHA AtoStoS wartoai aoAlotao to a aoiteid to «»>, Ste^sErws i K. Carry oaA OMddf. DhtolMt < i ■ i i 1 I ■ I i fhopotato<o imHii wonow^ao "Joatmo’o mao* hi dieta." * haad,” -K«h Mdo of darn, H.hnkh| *Mth of Vote, poaito hefoni ssS^SlHt^ -«?•»«. rZLH OMlomod that tha null aa leant nadtha Blblt.ut tfIVy toiba m oohuforlnmja* V H. tin MMo tv** AwOt tha ttlaut Killer. Ta puoUt af Um Mortp larva tonal approoiatod nod ll»Iomh lo Bogun SSmdlmMhXoUM,Ua'e» t‘ asasasPaawsBst *»...-r .—~ -- "tTriSnl rtdioiouo ood Mot) owilnt at tha BU& MtroilNO on onMoc to V n port oT tha prionoa pomootfoo oC Um TUt> um at ika lanotonaa no 5°*'*,»o fanud in tha decline .* daUy lMMoiwdtoff hi UM family. tha VoiahoMat o< tha ttoriotarar hoot Um without aooaatluu With of fiiri)tg inolfrdhQ Um poremtam* at ImMum.1 fmMUerUy ta|u h £ •nmav. bat tbia dooa oot vaplalo Um prfmnt ia<M*r«aoa ameay naui n.o o id oohi at tarrieru aad tna «f Puritan draovut. TV anotol aotloi. Uaa of the lauloe ban tone not in otbar dincttoBt. U It not oaly (hat tbaoUioleal Mm luta obaoood. hat UMiht Mhptf omdlobVn al tond. TO# praoUml baa a Widar an pool than iV portle. it la doubtine true, um *a Mr. Oaidlaor a«ya that tha parpvtaal Imtlobnat of oadHon* Olamioel oaoeatlou baro dolled UM me for Um fiaa almplleHy of pan daouti opaoolu Merely of mAHtomitrv •t to In tw rrgrtlUd tbat tht MUM «MMT«Utm to nil toting tha BiUa. Tha M«d*n) afEugllah rt*m atvto to that of th« aattiorhMd varaiua. To Uaotoar and uokto aval eh all araaa taaat it* ttoMMiira. ItliMitnNd itMiUUa ftondMd la tha Mat. aa<) whaa it agrA &JE^dS«aRtth£ narhad tha taaltatanaf Urydao. hot It haa always »*ta Back to tha ~-fhr thggttolM of lit QiWe. Bath tha Hi arirraadagiriiaal taiora oa tha Bw« Ito* darlgtana ata Itgartohahto aadao aattoa mb aagtoat atthar wtohaatu v tl fi ? . ■ s 5 n % <!*■; *•' :3

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