Gastonia G Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. GASTONIA, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1900. I ARP ARD THE GERMS. BILL DQTEB8 WITH DOCTOR 8 ABOUT BACILLI. H* to la C»«irt«Uwi Tto M>| ■•to *>r Mtot Ta Ptn. t»«i Maa a»l*" rralaaa ■iMrta-ailnr Sat. Nn, Rill Arp la AlMnU CbasUtutlon. •Trove all things aod hold fast that which la good.” Setawce is doing that hut It setae to me that ih* modem dootore attach too much importance to a germ theory. Tliey am Uylug lo curs all aorta of dlniaiaue by exlaimlns llog germs, microbe*. bacteria and other Invisible Infusoria. Maybe they ware not Intended to be exterminated hot era a part of the economy of nature. There are bolts In a horse's stomach and wolyas Id a oow’s back and Hanson a dog for souse useful purport*, and it ma? be that these luvlaible germ* are a oevwssry part of oor organism. Wt rat them lu food aod drink them iu the air, bat atlll I reckon there ar« a iwlaonona, Infacllona kind that do pro duce disease nu<! peal Dance. I waa tumiuxUag about this froui having read In a L-mdoo paper an aoenuui of tbe expsrlmsnt now being made by the liriUah Medical Society to dtsonrer the true causa of malaria in the Pontine marshes that fur centuries hai proved a alow and certain death to tbs | oor peasantry, who wurk l hem and have to work there to making a living. Three Campaguaau maralies Hr adjacent to Roma aad cover a territory twvotyOvs aallea long and tea nil Ira wide and am wooderfuUy produottve, giving three crop* a year, but the malariaaaoo pahs aod alckeoa the itroogaat man. and they have to atop their woi k and go to the hills to die. To discover aod re move tba oaaaa baa lean th* problem of the ages. Thrr* hundred years be fore Christ these marshes wcie solid lead nod the Appian way waa ball! up on It. Slowly and surely the water en croached upon Lb# laud aod aubmerged if destroying tlia Appiao way. Ho eqeadnot etui arches. Julius Career eud Angustui Career spent Immense sum# to drain them, but without avail. They ware hoslly given up lo the labor of the slaves aod Pliny mils uf one man. Oacllioua Claodlaa, who oared 4.116 of them, all males, wlio worked there aod were not allowed to marry. Their cruel fate was to work out a brief life and die. About ltt years ago Pope Pius VI made soother effort to drain the marshes but falWd, and since that all efforts aod all hope has been abandoned. lint now a new theory comes uy be fore the acleellAc school of medlotoe end haa agitated lbs medical savants all over the world, it la claimed that a malarial climate does Dot produoe moepultoes but that mosquitoes pro duoe malaria aod It la their bite or Ming aod auction of the blood of the peasan try aod thereby Inoculating them with puieou aod producing malaria tliat eventually waatee I be life away. This theory baa found many strong ad yo catea io London aod Parle and Qarlla; and now they ere preparing to prove It. The English government la having a wire gauss built, and It ta to be pieced In the middle of the Pontiac marshal, and two Vogtish physicians have vol unteered to live on It for a year or more ead test the effect of the climate ■enure from the mosquito. Just lb I ok of that t Living lo a wire geuM house right in the midst of the meet noxious miasmatic climate In the world, end all for the sake of science and humanity. If they will cease tu quinine for the malaria but belld wire J°wle er hoods over their liaade and fsoea and feooe oat the mosquito end turn tbslr next attention to ratermine tlog them. They say It Is a big tbiog, financially for there are two million sores In those marshes aod will be worth if they Succeed a tbousaud dol lars an nare.and that makes two thou sand mill loo dollars for Room aod the pope. But ■till I ud dabloat. 1 don’t be tlen the maaqalto Introduce* malaria lato tha human system. Hlaproboacla drmeta out blood hot pate preoloa* Ut ile la. The ibi Unary lie* beeome a a scientific fad and baa sot yet beau proteo. Tba doctor* *H araat mad about Paataar and bin Inoculating Ti ro* bat that baa subsided aad ws b*t *r baar of It now. Polka are to ready toballrra nay new thing. Append! * • ®'*bly rumpus for a while and emy afok mao leaagioad ha had It, mod it moat be cut ocTbat tha »•* doubted aad the use of tba knlfs aaaoat abondnoad. Joat an folks taka op with now doctrine, of »»<5 rallgloo. Dr. Tanca of Naabrllle, said not kmg ago. Uiat If a ebrawd. smart mao with a liyaly loogaa waa to doelara that It waa aeaaMory far aalesUoa that a mao aboald Jaap ofl tba roof of a house on lo the payament ha would bod follow, era who would ba Jo aping all orar the oouotry breaking tbafr arm* aad legs sod ntwks on Ufa b*w road lo ho*run. What upon ewrtb l bene Mormon eld era and proealytnr* expect to aocompltah fa a myatary to me. and I a mama ml that toy paraen with oommoo mas* can ba tooled b* them, limy ought to ba ■counted out of Ufa country. .They break up Ua pane* of aotao famlllna aad (ftto noth log In exchange but a ■patioaa contemptible rallgloo that fa an lasott to our tanker at. the Ohrla tlsa religion. They at* religions trampa nod 1 reJole* wbae I bear of tba ptopla drlTlog tbam oat of Ua ast tfaramt with wbipa aad rtoom nod thresh pefaw. I’ee bean knowing aad wmtohlng tore* Mareanwa far Ifly yaart ■ai MTkkMg miaid of thaoi. I Jau’t tknlr faith or tba book of Mormon that that *M fraud, Joe Smith. pratondad ba found uadcr a atone, bat I want than* to bean oat of Ufa coon try tad fat Ignorant and grade Iowa folk* Moon. Speak fag Of garma. a philosophic friend writes that Ua doctors hare sow located tbam to Ua oar cochleae and oknrtb jump, Un wars U^tba use tar. lbs pug »S»ol laadtow wiUeawama^ tlw aolkovlrocraa (or fear of brvaildug the germi of dieeaaa Into the pupil*. IU nays that everything ta Impregua tad with bacteria mvo oooey. lu au old dollar Mil w« And all tbe fragrance end all 111* fever of citation. We ae oept tt from tbe lady's (locking or tho ***w cleaner'• uaety pocket, from tbe aacbel of the lirlle and iba garllckly Claw* of the unwashed Dago. It la oarer refuted. D baa been through ovary phase of naatlnaaa and when we we take It from eotne foul, filthy, ran cid wretch leaking with deadly bacteria do wa pause to thing of tin* danger » Never; It la Mammon Ulve ns more. The garm doctor will lake It from a dllliv leper’a baud nr from a dirt? Itallam In hell's kitchen. Tbia dollar baa baan In Um grog-seller'* maogy pookat and at tba race courae and the bawdy house, but it « all right—It la money. Dul the last phasa of the fight la ha twevu moaqoliort aod alaama In the Pontine marahea—wbtoh la cauae and whloh ia (Jib elect and I’ll wager my dollar that those two dnetora will die within two year* -Tba pestilence tliat walk nth In darboeee*' la not a mosquito. They are a nuisance, au allllotlon, and au aru flea* and Aloe and and ant*, und nwebra and many uilnw little peats which are hen for a pur pose aod try our patience. Mosquitoes used to acooy tua hut they don’t now. ilia law of onmpcfiasllou baa eoaae in my retlar. I have become quite deaf lu one ear and so I can turn the good ear down on the pillow and tell Use moa aqnllo to blow bis Itille horn and slog lua little long If he wauls to. My akin la so tough ha can't liova a bole In It and au 1 defy him SMMM ATTACK A VltUIIC. ArutrA Mat film BaUlr. Vllkwl Tl» •waMlM. «• Wklua A r«ar Oaka *. C. * Charlotte, N. C\, May 10 -Elsl.Uru 1 drunken negro railroad Modi and tin- j tar euliara’ all armed, descended uuou Hie I title Tillage of Pour Uafca yester day, threatening in kill every white man In the place. They Immediately commoner*) to raise a diaturbouse. Town I'oiloemaa Sanderltn attemp ted to arrest a negro for dbaotderty oooduet and was mobbed by tbe negioea wbo beat him Into Inaeseibtllty. Hit fees area badly d lid go red and he was bloody almost from bead to toon. Soma white men attempted to aid iba poltoeman, bet wen keoeaed down or •bot at. Much mischief would liare beau done by the negroes wbo were all drunk, but for the concerted actlou of iba white merchants and railroad employes of the town who attacked tbe^negroea. Several of the latter were wounded but not fatally, and several while men were Injured. Tim negroes Dually retreated hot sent word that they iotcaeded to visit the town god kill lio policeman. Tbe whites will be ready. Vlie Aewlk Will AAepi Wiaa. Atlanta OtmatiUiUon. Amoae tba recant settlers lu Vir ginia U Mr. Wulf too Boroke. lbe youngest sou of General Count H»roa von Boroke, tba former Prussian sol diet who was chief of staff to Genera) Jab Stuart- Ha waa at tba stats libra ry In Blebooad tbe other day where ha waa shown tba sword of hla famous fatber. Tbe Richmond Dispatch, tell log tbe story says that tba yousg man will become a cltlaan of Botetourt oouotr end assured him of ready adap tion by the Soath through Lbe relation of bts father'* oonnrclloo with it. Count von Boroke earn* to Rtclimnud from Prussia in May. 1861, to enter Ilia service of Iba confederacy. Be waa at oeoa assigned to duty under General Stuart. Beginning with Sevro Plots. General too Borcke waa with General Stuart In nearly nil the great battles of that general's career, and waa several times seriously wounded. He waa a moat accomplished soldier, besides one of greet personal bravery. Gao are) you Borcke always wore a straight, double-edged Damaeoua blada of ewormona six*. Tbe confederate wbo could net easily prooounoe bla name called him ‘ the Protstau with a Mg ■ word.” Tba sword leal present lu the Stats library. After the battle of Gettysburg, in wMeb be could net participate on eeoount of wounds, ! Stuart wrote to kirn : "My daar Von, [ cannot tell you bow much 1 mimed I goo and your broad blade at Oultya Menarml too went hack to Promt* la Fabnury, 1806. Tba awonl wm presented la Virginia on behalf of Um family by General WlUiam C. Wfekbam while a a sober the State aaoala arrrral yeara ago. ttaaaral run Boreke baa bean dead about Are yaara. Hla book giving bla rreolUotlooa of •arvtoa In (be confederate army la highly rained aa a work of bkrtoiy. Tba sun of anoh a man naadroo nat nrallMtion papal a OewMaw tea rmiaan (Ataago, ton notion tba orwwdlng in Um profMalooa. not aa ao me thing new, lint aa besoming In tees tiled, it la m Uaaated that out of* total of 1,000 lawyara In Cblaago 800 am handling UM HUffttlea of Um city and only stoat 900 am making W.OQOor m mob year. Tba passing of the national bankruptcy aet, It la atotaned, out off a Urga or pro* table eouroa af reranim far lawyara. While Iba legitimate iMMlaaas of tba omnia has aot shown any marked Inorrmee, the Influx af lawyers from tba aonotry baa been steady aod ■•Interrupted, acd tba atfaom of IMaokMenlaas baa barn yearly aagomaoted by baery eootrlta tlooa rrom Um eoflegae a ad aoiraral Ilea. Of flatten Uie a a at bar la Chlea go to estimated at «,00a If the ally bed • pep a tot Ion of 8,000.000 tbta weald gfra a pbtetelao lo army 900 le habltanli, which moaes that than are foer ar flra llama aa away phyatalees aa era needed. B*« tiumr Uwi • MrpMfa tooth I Jo to hoot It on John It MiLm, of I OImImoU. fur a Irrthor Ift-law. whim itriMArv. TIUnaa1* Aaudai rraak karr af lH*«M»alaa aMlao Nr. Bra Vatr. nmlAAln U. Tlllinan. in LcaAlc a Wgc*lj. The overwtieiioiiitf majority of the white people In Mouth Carolina. giwwu duaDerale el llie miarule and robbery lo which tlvy had lv**u aubjcotad. aud with their anety pamtone erouerd by the three tetrad cU.u ucllnu of ourblvti IlilUia. eat to Work (n January, 1870. to redan ta Um Bute at aoy aud ad baxtrda. The Democratic party Waa rroigaulxed, and lie oae bailie cry w«( "white aopremaey." The work of re organ txing wee eooo rapidly under way to all tba upper portion of the Hlate. In many of tba lower couotlva the whltee were to dowobeerted and dapreaaad at the hupaleeaneea of Uie Uritggte that toey mad* lluie or do movement; bet in tba pled soot, where the Itampuiu caoveee had It* beginning there wax liiaugurated one of the moat remarkable eampalg j* In hislory. Tha whltee went nrgaulxrd rapidly Into military oompanlea and armed, for llie Negro lulliUameo, armed and well equipped, numbered upward of 8,000 and were firquently on tha move to I and fro from the pi no* of regimental rtudrxroue There were oat lacking threat* and acllona by lliem to terror rice II* white women and children and I enrage the white men. The whltia were In a minority uf 00.000 voter* ini Uie Mtale; but till* had no effect mi the 1 leader*. Tba DemocraU adopted the ! red ahlrt aa a uniform and followed Hampton aa be went from oounly k> county, iHatching In prooamlon aa hie amort. Am many aa 8,000 red-elilrted liorertaeu were eeeu in different coun t«e riding aeruaa country frees cour* bourn to oourt bouee. W be u Cham bar i laio began hie can rare hie Aret meeting at KdgrHaid. where the m-groee inn two to one. was oapluiad liy 1,000 Democrat* In red chlrtt under Mart1 Gary, a CiHifidrntr brigadier, and Ute boldret leader .it ' he while* io the dlale , A divial-iri or lime war demanded and the nrgroae were add reared by tire Democratic epaakera. who in hi* tie'll told Chamberlain, who wae lunuiogi for ra-eiccllow. of the vllllaoie* widen he aud hie aaaoclalca had penetrated. mis (aa ib« Bret fruit* of the new policy, and the affect over the State was electrical. Cowed and crestfallen at betog tbua branded Io Ilia pretence of hia black dupes, the Governor left XdgeBeld never to return, aud after a similar experience at Midway. Io Htrn wrll county, a week later, he quit tbe oaoveae and began to lay pitot for Hie ua» of the United (Mates uoope ea the only hope IrfU Tim Hamburg riot, which occurred Uto Ttli of Jaly, gave the excuse, and a regiment of troopa wat amt into ttie State under General Huger. Tbe Klleclon riot followed In September, end more troops were teot. I wat In both i lot-; bnt aptm forbids any detail*. Uwisptoo In hia canvass urged pertnaston and peaceful methods Gary and iiulfer. on tbe contrary, ad vocat'd lbe "shotgun policy" and the favorite maxima of the former ware: "Figbt the devil with Ire. ’* "An ouuoo of fear It worth a too of persuasion." The respect for lb« -Male constitution and the lavra which had been throat upon tbe people at tbe point of llie bay onet by the oar pet-bag government were overthrown at oac% Oaths be came Idle word*, without force or meaning. The purpoae wat to carry the election at any aad all hartrds. and In any and all way* necessary. At the elect ten approached, the thy at ulght wee lit up by the light of bluing gin houeev, tlie work of IncecdUrle*. Having an oh a large majority touver coma and knowing that la only about two-thirda of tbe Blata tbe wbitee a ere outboard, there were no aero plea on election day a* to how the vote* got Into the laixee, aud bow msuy limes a man voted, or whether tbrregroe* were allowed io vole—aa they were not In many instances The people were wrought up to tuck a pitch tif despera tion that life was not worth having upon the couditioos wblob existed. It tret o; euly declared to be tbe purpose to have a white man’s government or a military gnveromsut. and In those counties where the troop* were sta tioned Die Democratic majorities were greatest. At the elect Ion Hampton bad moat vets* and waa declared sleet ed; but Grant sustained Ubao» erltlo’a olalm, and the troopa held tbe (Hate H-uev from the Brea weak in December until after Hayei waa Inaugurated In March, following. There wea a dual guveromeal and a duel legislature; but Hampton’s gov ernment alone received any money from the tax payers, and lb* sattlameot of Hayes’ title to the oreetdeacy by tbe Klectorioal Oommleakwi carried with It the egreemeut to withdraw the troopa. Than the carpet bag government col lapsed la a night, and seek thief who could get away hurriedly left tbe State. The work of rabebllltatioe aad resto ration wae Mow. Tbe Stem’s credit was for tbe time rulaad;but with labor and (Eatleaee order sooa cam* out of ohaoe. the debt was refunded, and all lrgai obligations met; honest lodge* look tbe plaoe of bribe-lakers who bad disgraced tbe bench. There were to many Indictment* tu the Mat* court* against tue oonoty offleer*. laglaistore, and other Rep<iMleant, that by arrest* sod renignatlone aaarty all Uw nfflern were tone la tbe hende of dosest white men. There were hundred* of indict menu In the United Steles court a for riot, murder, intimidation, etc,, md Bnelly so understanding waa reached that lire whites would aaek* an ex change of priaoeer*. an to apeak, end all pruseculiem cm both etdea were <lroppM. I* Uw unpatin of 1878 U>«r» a iwor* or baa dcterotliwrt rffori nn part of lb* nopmaa to ragain thvlr !•«* DO war; bat Uw w M( eat w*pt ovary Urtap b? tba hm *Mtvda uard In 1878 la ■ ■todHad day. It did aat roqaira ■aab draatie aaunm to bold tlw St«u< aa It had to raptor* It In 18Hu llm oaprnaa mart* a faabta apatwodU ot to* pt, aad Uwn wtth lea nnolonvt of a lagtatratloa Uw aad iha “Btght bow law,” whUb waa a awdllrd far* m adoeatloaal qualiBoaiUa, aU orpao hwd odfacto to oaartbraw tba wblta ar Democratic party owned; end fr>u» that lime until 1893, wbea lbe tiewarm. ttttutloa requiring an ednnut-mal quallAuttlan tor suRnraga wased'rptrri. the negro vote oeeerd to he • l«eu>r iu South Carotin* polities. Very isacy of ihoeo never took the trouble to *» to the polls <tt ell, and when they did go It node on difference. ia 1870 the whltrs had rated, along with Ilia i-a groes. for a coaetiUitloiMl two ml tie •ehool trx. In 1885 the eouwnUon. composed 14 134 wbllee and slx>.e«roes Increased this to three mill*. South Carolina now leads the south to educa ttoa eud man uf act nee. Its credit Is sueb that its 4) per coot, bonds are at ***• Its astro popnUiUon Isms happy end cunleated aod as prosperous as that ia any oilier state In the Union. Tbs suppression of Uis oolnrsd vets, first by fare* and fraud and later by ' constitutional methods, bee burn Uis • abject of much adverse crltiotto by those who knew nothlegabout Urn hor ror* of carpet-bag rate; bat Ibues srho participated In the straggle to arrest i lbs (Mate from the hand nf robbers who lied need tba Ignorant and debased ne gro vote to wests our subatauen sod destroy our civil lutlwi, have uo a polo glee in make, and will leave to I Im im-1 partial historian of the future lie ques liow as U> whether Uis and JoulUrd Im mesne The people of South Carolina do not doubt what the verdict will l«, neither do they ours. ■■■BamaaawaBBB^ LAmmm raoviui ■■ T4ar*. OsifkiMMd r»rir«ii •« w*rh ta Vaaaaqaaaaa ar Tnakb ■liana I he Valtaa. Tampa, May IX-The labor Uuubtes ' ber* have taken a (urn fur (lie wmae. t There la o <• a general strike to all lira I factories »f tie U>van* American . Company in this city aod tally 1.UU0 people are oat. TU» trouble Is now re-1 cognised as a determined struggle be j tween the labor unions each trying to ■uaka tbe strike settle lbs superiority of one over tbe other. Tbaru has been a partial strike on at Urn IIavaua-American factories fur works, bet a settlement was agreed upon several Umars during tbs prwro.t weuk aod It was thought tbe sod of tits trouble waa In klptit. Yastsrdsy Kiw. svsr matters became so badly mined that s genrral sulks was ordered. Maea TkfJ laf»H»rf Sit* Orlraea IVtjrilM. In llm London Torltilghtiy lt-rw« i for April. Maj. K A Valrtil I ..a pm I •oota. lo an arista on the Clrll War in r tba United SUt-a. what he terms a “parallel” to tlte present campaign in Africa. MeJ. Valee tine, after reciting brirdy aocuuuts of soma of lbs numerous de feat* suffered try the Northern troops el the bands of lire Southerner*, Sara uf them: . 7 “Brought op lo tough bodily rger ci?t, mo having leimnl h'>nM»m4natif|i In a oounlry wbaru the ruada, rarely accessible to carriages, aer. scarce, the eoldlrt* of tb* enemy formed a class of mounted men already well trained, which did not tslat In tba Uninu. On ttie other hand, the Cun federate soldier was lufsriur In point of Intelligence and experience to that of tha North. It «>i, iln-n, neither by superior numbers, discipline, nrgaolxe tlun or enlightenment that the leaders of tba Clou federal* army hoped to pry Tall. It in rather by an assumption of tba defrost re, and by resorting to taetlea In which the poraooai unit counted for much-tactic* which the union commander* bad to laairn.” Tills Is a moat curious cntlciao. If so wild and unwarranted nn assertion mu bn cal lad orltleism. In what r« speel were the Southern Boldiars infe rior? Ware they simply Sglulig brutes, without brains or hnmso char acteriatim? Were their oOuen mere stupid, atolte combatants? Did their o mimaodera win thalr great eiclotlsa over east odds of fora* simply t» send iog their iroopa Into b«ui«? Was thee* on strategy oa tha Southern side? If there ws# a marked Inferiority of In talllgenea oa tba Southern side In the Amarloao Clrll War, how was it that 000.000 So nth ere sra defeated and drove hack and foiled for four years 3300 000 Not hern troop*? Major Valee lies prob ably did not knew what luj was trying to writ* about, otherwise be baa daltb eeately mad* himself rldieuloua. TIM Union Sold Mrs who faced for f»er yew* In belli* array the mao of tb* booth will acaroely ha willing lo ad silt that tba* were so hastily Uxad to bast * net of donee* sad stupid* The men who durlog Ik* war roe* to high will jary eammoad from lbe ranks and Urn )*w«M grades prove of what stuff the Snuthera soldier* were. The behavior of those soldiers at tha elos* uf tha war and tbelr careers la all Uta avenues of pewefal lift, demenstratb tbelr InUI lignto* and other high qualities. Tb# Suntbera armies were mada up ot tha cream uf boolhem manhood. They wen able to bold tlmir ova with the beet uf all the non, native nod .oratga that ran da up Ilia Northern armies. To Impugn tlmir InUiligei.o* I* )|<Uu short of Id lot M. - ■■.=a— Krary wliral on n Pullmxii oar to omAo of paper. You do not Me Um pniMf iMWlt li tmnil with Iran ttnlattal. Tha botf y or Um wbwl It a block of paper about for Inetwt thlak. Arouad I bit It a rl® or itetl ntatar lot fro® two to thraa Inobaa. It it Ihto ttral rl® of oonrat which® ia ooalaot With tht ralla. The at(3m mo uortiod with circular Iran pitiaabulM (HI. A Wrtiorn OooartMiuao recently rt o> Irtd iHt follow loy not* fro® oat of hit rural eonttnoeau to who® bn bad •nil t tootifUBtnt of cardan ttad • ••Kind dr and et'ea-md bland. I bar* tha tatda. They mum tbto aoralta tad tall tary well tptelally Um caMmc* ®«d which *niwn wall la ibli toll ptruua ttad ate 9 luada of ttcUlllaer )n| a new harm tad If yoa could aet.d ®a a iaan for » coupl* nf dayt I would ha »Mt Wy | know tba Caratu itni will tarn nai airlla tad I win Mad tarn to rot and Um araaldrat Tour cntMfal well wither tad Sonar. W». rvaix ran •mew. muml VMilaftni Pw. Havana. May, IG.-W«rr»hta war* iaaual this cvaailag fur the a mat of K P. Ttarnpaou, tba Havana pout naatai; W. H. BaWva, deputy auditor uf the tala lid, and Edward Moya, and Jurga Maacaro, Onbtu alarka la tba vtaaap department, and by 7 u'oUafc all «wnj lodged la tba Vivao, tba Tbaba of Havana. Ttita waa dona uodar tba adyloa of tba poalal loapacton. wbo arytvad to-day. It M eoaaldarad now that Baavea la equally guilty wttb Mfmf, Tbs arreat of Mr. Ttwmpaos earned great surprise in the oily. U la looted upon as the precursor «.f. maor other arrests. Oao. Wood Ml. aa did I be pasta) Inspeeiore, that it emwld be bet Ur la have the eaapeotrd parsons ar lastad and to fire Um«> au appartatiity rdjUlo bail tban b> Knap Uwtt In daltaitaly uniter alnaa aupcvvitlos at a tiais wb*u the drtrotlvra are badly needed for other work. Investigation Into ike iseonlof the f1*** ■DIUit Jrpartairnt who bandied ien>r«l hundred deUare worth or stamps prove* that the traaaacUoo, • > far aa ha U eoaeernad, was kettl mate. Ttie aUmpa wars perchaaed at the request of hla brother artoo Is a Haim oollrslor in tfaa United (Natea. Cor WOO They were of tte »l<t Uaoe. aod were obtained from Neely. Pustioasirr Tbompaou aimed a (worn ataumeet la which be aaye that tkpk-iulwr 10 Uat, bring in Brel of money, Im Uroa from the inaocy-ordar food, $430, giving hla laraoraudem aa a rroaipt far l la- asm-. Wbrn the Ineprcthma am held, Mr. Thomswnj ordered a olrfk la okarge at Ik money, order departmsut t» place rra>itia>>o«< rvcelvnd Hut day, nlilsti would out have Iti bn aeoounu-d for oaill l ha M luwiiir day. *u«cIm<i U> cover Ik aia-mut of a is rveeipt, which *«• ih- • withdrawn unlit aflar I ha Thin waa b-pt up until April 7, wlo-n Iba apMial ageula uurxprciedly dia <arwrrd Ik- receipt, which Mr. Tn nap *»“ 'teu paid. He also adulta Out Oarlei F. Neely. ImU financial agent of poeta nt Havana, indorsed a tall Cor 8M0, which Thompson bad discounted l*y tlvm North American Treat C -rspo ny Thoatpmm admits oihar Inrguurr iUaa lu e nurclkm hla depart CDent. It hi asserted by lawyers Uisi mt Mr. Tbompnm’# uwn statement la> la liable to proMoaibin for aaitwsslemMii. me c-mllug to Uat provisions ■<( tlw p wlal law, which an my explicit Much sympathy la expressed for blia, how *str, ns It la felt Uat nothin* would bave ever been lw«rd regarding llm as lion U> wbleli lw hsa riiMfaased li«H u.4 the prmwot lavesUgai kin. growing uni uf the gm-etal p aial frauds. bruaai-l the as uter tu light. Uia friends ore paitive that tlw mm-ey would h«va tweu repaid, iba memorandum r-ceip; taken up and lira lueldaut lliba CP wed Aa the aCalr Maude now. Mr. Thump ■oo’a career in tlw poaul aarrice muat uctwosarily cease, even If he eaoapea a term of lmprla hiumoi. Moreover, ha actions In giving orders to postal darks lu alter flgiuaa regarding stamps at the request of Corrydou Rich, without uotlfytug Mr. Betbbone. makes things Iimk worse, even If bo aslsd innocently lu tlw belief that everything was o-T rect. Poar postal Inspectors arrived thU marntog. and after oonfaraaoea with Gen Wood and Mr. Katbbo .a. Imme diately baran wak. Mr. Ratlibona declares that tbtra is not the sllghiest Jealousy between tbo military sotliorltMS and the poe«al da partumut bare, and that Oen. Wood six] lilaweir are working la iwrfvoc harmony with rvfarmoe io all sums taken. The load papers pr«lsh Gan. Wood for tbo IndalaUgaUn maooer la wltieh ba baa handled tha Investigation. La Lucba referring to lib method* aa ••moet praiseworthy.” Kl Cubnuo, on Uw other bend, Mye: “The whole mat er will Anally ba bua'wd up, fur tha A mar loans mil) o®t enjoy tlw Man ol ax expuoura In tlte departmentebnot which tboy bays bragged the moat." Eat ly devrtopmewt 0 moaslod with the f rands, It Is assart ad, tends to show Uw far-nmahtag Influence uf Neely, and ovorv a.a.1 who U placed nnder arropt brings to Uflbt additional facta. Keen one ■ "eras wilting to tall all lie koines regarding Neely, while endeavoring to aaoueraU himself. Too only parson, however, who will lw aeosi>ted by tbo authorities so a witaww for the dtaU la Canydod Rloh, wbo will not bn wtaood lu Jail, bah will ba oloaeiy watched, aa it b frtt that his tfoUmony la aheolata ly UdtanonaaUa. Aa Uw ouaea are for tbo civil courts. It ha* boon daeldtd tost It wooM baa mistake ta cos Boa Iba arrested persona »■ ■ mmtnrv prison, aitbar at Cibigaa Fortress or elsewhere. OaaaaananUy tbo atoa now nadar arrest, and tbasa tampataril? daialard at their homes, will ba sent to tha OereaL Probably tbio will ooaar ta motrow. If Ur. Hum rafaaoa to oandoat Um | Kit.ter caapotta thla yaarlt «UI h» ! btoaaaa Iw Ihtuka lb« na conUtbntad raraaaapalga vorpaaaa la banaaih hit •t» and dignity. a ««iwt ■§>«»■ XUauhful word* written by Mr*. Ada K. Unit, of Breton,8. D. -WaiUhao »Uli a bad aoM whtoh MUM oa My laaaa, euw*h art la and Anally Unala •tad la OonananUn*. Taar Da Mara ■»** Ha ag, anylnc 1 OoUd lira hat a abort Una. I pm ayaalt ap la ar Carter, datarminod If I oonld ant May with ny rrWodt an Mnb; 1 anald Mat My nbnaut mm aha to. My hatband aCrbaC tent Dr. Ktac*n »*w for (Man apt tea, Uoaaha it a irteJ. tank la It haa nand rna. •a anmdaadantra WHO." mu hot • LOtf inf ta lhaDanvar Tiaaa, -| ■aiphiyail totaUlf fur awjwtha wMchboTtore ranaamadil u>m Ore day ha area ta have foae (rare our ream orar late • any taagh aatf rocky d tan let. hot whoa avaalng ootaa ho reretBd that ha “i&Shsu. ~Ma?MSf»<S«t‘u retoalshaeat •kat baa that got to do with rtf Yea „ “attwaa* ad a ana uyoa area taaderfoot,” ha laughed, ud pwowlil to iufona aw that every rraiaoi i ajahajwr hi* haala re alaaya evrtej with blia reoufii Berphloa t> kW a area anally. aad that la> did aa la .w*f tOMd hbaaajr « a tally In <uaa of *» aoaWrat which waaM itHnhB hits (hr kway fnae aadatauea. There were way Inataneea .* yrna|a«Ure Mltaa oaar clif< and crtppJUia ihwaa too. a* break lag a lag a hole aareaf lhe recta, ar raadrrtng thecBatrea hrlpto" !■ if!?* otVr *"»• »**d death waa earn to Mtaw by ataryalhai orfiartlaa. ar la aoBeayeUen I* beteg devoured hr wolvaa or other wfidaalaaU. (a aider U Barret aoeh ■ horrible daath aa aay of tbaer, the preepeator daiUM sat* tan by clwayc carry In* a UtUe packet of amrphUte, wbteh cot .mly gamed tha pain of the hart ha had remained, hut put hiat ta atop ftoaaatly ta anwa mi Bora aa earth. It atraak bo at ?r» re aaeanay, ant to revaiohad. hat I get aver that feel lag Jut a aanww “*M or two. aim I rented ray HtUa tic has jaat Ufcc a retano wucld** rnrmmimmm* CMUt Woaaewwa. ,,Tha tenth anausl imlw of the L olled Coatrdrnua YetaroM will Mt '» ImotorMI* K y.; May IMim l 8na day Juna 3rd WIN to Ida Mad aaoieer muy ot the hinli .das "- l j n.. «oa OmU. and la am apart I r mam Uri el eervmuaWa to tha anoan «f Mr. Darla, whe mat torn In Kani »ety near by tlw aoaor of iha raantua. to U>a diftad "LUofIlUr .4 tha Cooladaraey aad to ovary woo .4 tha hvrolo idem wiiiMmin wridmra aad aatlora ^•^Wbara ara iimad by Adjotaat Gvavr.i Hanraa Moormto txm thvaae-laa^ mm Waal aaaodaUima and t»nMdyio I««dq.( .rtvra at Mow Or Ivana. «y Mearetu «r latter for waaari lo irranuta tu time lo partteiimta In the tenet r»un|«e. Httdaaaa.4 the (reet—i Impurtnnan will da mi (I r .rvfol r n I tiral Ian *1 ur line ibe main ai'.mel r* g>.t m^iaot na • tie h*4 taeiiiiKl .r* aaeunur iBpullil hiatm'%, ami n »ih«t each dmta lo Ilia o»ainkllon aint pirnervailon of the Mahay i-f her dtneii* e-4dterj; tba beiaroh-m aete thtuuah nuie aid or •Kberwlaa ol -lnobl-d, deatnoteor a«od nattraoa and ibn wldoara mid orphan* or .ur fallen brotbera la aiaaa; tha oara ”1 i!'* «r*T*'* u*d ao*ao we daed bwM at Uauyaburd, Fort Warm... Camp* Mint in, Cnaaa. Donaiaa. Oak laid Oeiweiery at Chteato. -lohnatoe’a Intend L5»rf*i and nr all other i-etate; t» an that they am annaatlv di aura I ail, tba healatiMira pramrred wd protautad, nod oompleta Data of MM of Mr dead berara with the loaaihm nt thatr laM reotlot plena furnished to thaif friawda nad relative*; la aaaiat tba Buida “Pnibm of tba fiihiniii" to coca pi eta tba monument to the mamorr of Jefferson Da via, and to aid inbwild inf monuments to other treat Mara, aoldiera and sailor* of tha BtUtb. Bar. B. M. Falan r, D. D., tba Baal Hootbara inaaobar who dovotod tlo ■Ufto mintaurial sarvte* la the Army of Tenoaama darted the war lam naa tMlad la deliver tba oration. at tha opanlax eiamlaoa on May 80th. Tb» IbanNaiU. Tboloaartag of prMeo la a futon mt foorrallj reported u Um haMam of Um ouaoWy aa toaaH far at untkta. Then mo otgaa that um •UaulatMa orbaotatao. .M haohna to Maob a baton of itaoMatha jut •oi. boo brought about arar iirelro TMorS^yyaiauSiSra Ural Market*, vbtoti had mm IMmU to bo anwad of a OMdfcloa of pmoT to •!»« MdMMM afaSoSk n§u4» Ik uomUm Mob,* fbrta miaaadoaUMpMaa ibacHooflMt MB SmW-E •SLu SSSTiKVSiii&fSS M pnva UMt tout HgUiiht had Si* Ssr’SSss^Sa SJ’iSfti* sSftwSsS! s^&ias&aityas

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