The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. Vol. XXI.__GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, MAY 31, 11)00. NOTHING IS SET FLED. ABF BATS THE WHOLE WOBLD 18 DIB8ATIBFIED. TrtnM* Always oa Haag -Sill r«**S (Or Ittn la lb« rrlatary aa4 TwaaCTaaaa Wars Biros. Rill Arp la .mania Conaduittnn. Til* papers tell u* that there are yet j over IWO convention* tu b* held Uile rear lo them United States it look* like public affaire, political. religious, agricultural sod OuaucUl are in .■ lery u DM tiled condition. I with they would •alUa eouMfblng. There ■* the Pulhp iiloa war tbe Porto Itlon landed the Cuban postal a leal the negro problem, f*ts*lo suffrage and and women’* hat* Lo tbe cburobea. There is prohibition question tbe i’rsiby terian craad, the atrlk** among ItM Ulaner* the trust monopolies and who are l>> lw tbe mooing mate* (or llryaii auJ Mc Kinley. Thao theta are sid* tltoa*»( many kinds but nothing gets s-liled. Whan our old cook got sick and tor wife asked her If abe knew slier* w* could gat another *h« Saul. '-Nome, l don't; cooks U glltiu’ puw’ful Macs. Better git a milled ’oman If you can dad out —dee* young oaoetilrd Digger* ain't oo oouut tease freedom cum." Looks like tliere 1* nothing Milled now *dej* neither labor, in.-r cooks, imr women nor raeu nor tbeorle* nor great public quwtlous Well one tiling lias beoo muled at last and that I* -tbe Barbara Freetcble inyth." Tire Bos ton Transcript or last Wednesday has three col nun oo the subject aad give* op and say* Ibis is a floallly. It (mb llshm a letter from General Henry Kyd Dcuglsm of Stonewall Jackson'* staff, which disprove* the whole ildiculoui story and closes by saying, "W« men of lb* south sat no limit tu tbe poetic laudation of a woman ha sbs old or yjong nor are we disputed tu bold an admirer strictly responsible for the ac curacy Of bis language but from the Potomac to the Elo Grand* the name of our ChMilan soldier Stonewall Jack son Is sac red. Lift up your muou nreota to your own herons and iMcumaa and yoa will bear no wor d of protest from u* but do uot cast jour cbiuptugs j ■do spawn on um i ravel or Biu»«wail Jackaoo.” But that it only oim th'ug ■•Hied. Ona slander nailed and li liaa taken thirty yean to do that. We thought that Ben Xlill had uailed the Andereoovllle slender lo hla great speech against ltlalne but that bobs up every UUU whiln and baa 10 be oalled again. 1 know a lady and she la a lady in manner* and morale wbn really be haves that the federal prisoners at An deraoovllle wars made to drink melted leed when they begged for water. tJbe wai told that thirty-five yaara ago sod cant gat over It. W* cant do anything with those people. They fought us from prejudice and bars since been ipendiug millions of money on the negro from prejudice. Every Week scoundrel who ha* been lynched down south was the victim of their false teaching* and will eunilnue lo be-tbank the good Lird for Ula marolea. Tan years ago I wrote my drat philippic against the brutes ana advocate! a an ternary vengeance and I stand by it sod rejoice whenever e lynching ooeura for an outrage upon defenseless woman. If there ia auy thing worse than lynoblngl’m (or that. Let tbs north howl If Ibev want to, the pm sew Ion Still pro peed all the tame. Tim faros at Montgomery settled noth log. The negro la bate to a lay sod he hue got to behave aa himself as a good citizen or take the ooo requeues. TIm aouth needs him aud If bla presence keep* away the horde of foreiguere that Europe la anzluus to get rid of it is e blowing. Wbet is the matter with the negro? I don’t know of a raeocuafllct In tbie region except in the large slUaa wbiob are a peetllenos to good morals, truth and Um ieduitry or the race 1* Improving In the rural dlmicia where the white race ie iu the majority. A few months ago there was a Mil from Mississippi for nagro labor sod about a hundred went from this neighborhood sod very soon they were mined sod (Mr farmers began L> make about It bnt then was no Peg leg W tills mo con cerned la It and nobody to get mad ■itb. Uue of my neighbors who bad often declared that he wwlted they ware all out •< the oonotry got mad about tbie sudden exodus, sad Mid be eoaldnl hire a mao to break up bis gardao. We ere herd to please and lay too much Marne on the negro. X read about a young preacher who jnst spread himself abasing the other de nominations and be was told that It would tit do, for the members ware all mixed up by marriage end be was giv ing great oOrnea. “What shall Ido?” be asked. “I sot obliged to abuse as me body or the people wool come out to hear me.” “Wall then you bad better pitch lulu the Jew*. They bare got uo frteude and aie not kin to any body but lhacnaetres.” Jon n »a Warn# the nagroe with the alu and cor rupt method, of tbo polltlcUo, the polltialaa wbo buya bH vote frith money or whisky. The smart man wbo buya U worae tbaa tbo ignorant negro wbo sella hi* role. Wb*n Stephen A Douglas* mu against Mo noid for oougreaa ho tried to degrade him In a public speech by saying that that tbs ftrit be orer saw hie opponent ho woe tracing a saloon In a one-bore* town. •‘Sue," replied Lincoln "1 remember that f was on one aide of the winter sad yoa were oa the other I wsamiUegyou wore dnnktug.” That la atoat the parallel batwrao the poll Udan and the negro, i do not feel >aUntied with 'hasweeptng exclusion of the present whit* primary law. I know n doam u*gra»a la this town who are morally. lotelUytotly and Industrially gmUlAei 1 to rot* sad I know two dome white mao who era not. It aeama to me wo might bar* a commission to •elect dee*rttog oegroaa sad ptaoe tba*r nimm oa tbo registration list, This would ktlmulata others to good be haytor. It wmM beta a teodeocy to slewam good o worn wberea* the pm eat law CWU off all boya and all am bit Ion. But I wouMant glee on* of them a public oAm a ad no friend of the south would asks him k p >i‘mis ter or ■ oeuou* laksu. Bui tbere la nuthiog settled. Toe Phlllppio# war hu almost oaaaed to be discussed by Ibe American people, Wa have oaaaed to (eel at? Interset toll. It is none of our war. It la the repub lican politicians war aud has cist thousands of lives and inllltoua or money. Reeruitlujt oilioer inveigled hundreds of our foolish boys into it and their diet rented oeotliere oant Jinar a word from them and fear Urey are dead sod I reckon they are 8 uni of them write to sue thinking 1 os'- do something or civs them comfort hut else i I cannot McKinley dont care, so be la re-elected. Here l« a letter that cams to-day from a heart-brokeo mother Mrs. Alice A Kibler of Val dosta whose son, 8. B. Kiblei want to Manila with the Klevenih Doited Ktates voluuteerc ivslry Uuup K Cau anybody relieve her rotuoY She gate oo answer 11 her letters Oj these dear old loog-suBerlus mothers. Their I grief ie a bigger thiiw Uian cuoqurel or imperialism It eras just Ihst way willi our boys in Cuba. Their mothers could not hear from t).ein. The uttissra of «vvty company should be n-qulnd in make a report i/f every private cnor a month 1o his parents or wife or gu ird Un. Well oirr state aud oounty primary is over aud now wa will have paaes until the uegt oi»e 1 v>trd for sevru Oouoty I flloera aud tarn of them were from 1 oatt-d I reckon my Hills grand child was right when 1 pul her dress on wrong sldo before. "Can' pa. ynu •invent got Very pouch sense hsveyou?” Hut llis-i I O'xiskIh myself with tits scriptural injunction lullow not a multitude lu du evil. I'll go out In Uisgarden aud pick strawberries awhile and try to be calm snd seretis. P. 8. — As t» that hat question io the churches it cau be proven either way bv 81. Paul but he had no wits and ad vised people uut to scarry. I dont con sider him pood authority. A EXHIBIT. Wise Maaw M !*!■■■ tmr ih>(lMHn4n KkIMIUm. Active work la under way alCbartea Uin In | reparation (nr Die South ■Caro lina luteratate and Weal Indian Expo eiliun, to be bald to that city from December 1. 1901. to May 1.1902. Originally projected to display the pco dunte, manufactures and lodostrleaof South Carolina from tbu lotersat taken la the project by tbe praas aud oitiaeoa of oilier Stales it lias beeo found necessary to enlarge its plan and scope, and It If DO* contemplated that every State and Teriitory in the Union will have a place either among the col lective exhibits or In the group nf State bulldlogs. Negotiations are being oonduoted with tbe UulUd Stales government for a largo and eomptTbcnslTe exhibit (mm tho Islands of Porto ltico aud Cuba, and Congress has been asked for an ap propriation of <260,000 for a general government building aud exhibit. There will also be exhibits from foreign oouotrlea. The oentrsl or main bonding of tbe exposition will be a ■‘Cotton Palace.” which will be shown. a» it ware, s onl ine seed and what cornea from It. Tbe history of ootton throughout tbe entire nlneteeetb oentory will be fully shown In every phase, with lbs machinery of tbe pest and present in operation. Tbe wide scope of tbe expoeitlou Is demonstrated by the following list of dapxrtmeuta of exhibits : Agricaltare including cotton, tobeooo, food and lie aocsesoriea; horttoultnre and Ourlonl torr; forestry end forest products; phos phate rock eud Its piodueta; flali, dshsr lea. fieb prod nets and apparatus for Baking; mines, live-stock,manufactures machinery of all klods Including agrl culmrsl imptrmente; transportation exhibits. Including railway, ehlpe, ve bioles, automobiles bievelessndelsctrie appllsnoea; graphic arts including typography, lithography, at ml sad copper plats pvlutlog, drawing, book binding eto.; das arts, including usiot Ing, acDlptars sod decoration, liberal arts. Including engineering, public works, constructive architecture; edo ostlon inolodtug special vxnibits fruit Ctemson Collage, Wlotlirop Normal sad Industrial Cotlega and other Stale institutions, oounty rxlilbtta, good roads, road reacbiosry, broad tlref ve hicles,- United (Mates government ex hibits from Cuba, Porto Kloo and the Philippines. John H. Avar 111, Ki Broad sUeal, Charlealoo, H. C., Is secretary of Uie exposition association. The board of administration I naiades Y. W. Wagner cbilrman: Ron. John K. Flckan aud William H. Weld). The ways aud mean a committee includes B flood wyn Bhett, ohelnnae. James F. Bedding, J. L. David, 8. H. Wilson and Samuel Iaptan A dramatic effect «nl wrong In ilia oooraa of a aarmon at a Waaler a o Oh arch In Porturoutb, England. Tha preacher «H dwelling on lha tubjeot of lore and ba aakad, “What then, la the gieateet power on aartli V” He wade aa Imprcorire pauaa, aa If await, log a reply. Joat aa that moment a •*r» at urchin popped hie Sand leal da the building, ajaeokted “Kruger l*» and Sad. Tint a llUer wont round among tha ooagmgatloa. than It devel oped Into a geooral langh and In that Uugh the preacher htmerit wea eon etralned to Join. We Might le Vttlm Tbo women who la lately In raoe. from nod temper will alwaya have friend*, bat oee who would ho ettrac tire meat keep htr beekh. If oho la week, tlekly aad til ruu down, rite will l» uOftomi aad Irritable If aha hag oonallpatlea or kidney trouble, her Ian pea* blood will canoe ptmplee, Motehe*. ekla erapUona and a wretailed com plex tear Eteotrio Bitten la tha baa rhSMoo la the world to rvgukU etemeeh. liver and ktdoeya aad to purify. Um blood. It glroe auoaa norvoa, bright oyaa. eotooih. ralwty ekla, nob oovpkuon. it will sake a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down Invalid Only 80 ooato at J. L (terry end Oat.. Drag Stem. I HAW JNVKS • * TXt.I.WSf*. ! Vk»>v«gf«lbi Wrti#* •rt'»rn|l r*l I iMau. awe Way* lk> MMMr rma MMW tamiMli a Ml* tar* of Hat* •W Willy UmI. WkM. WIlfcBr.)nM •a ih* HIskM earl wr Crain* Km P. Jon** In Atlanta Jeutaal. There are nn dull day* oow. Th» record of wu* day* happeoingi would make a book. Politic il ronveaiUus, Method In peiosr*l eonfrrrnces, Uap tlat cjnvenihjue. "soldier's reunions. r»oe courses, etc.. Ualdea a tbooiaod oilier things Vo tlU the column*of news paper* aod satisfy the dualre for tbe ssnaattoDsl. The two wloga of llie "Pope" base bald their eouyenllons and nominated their candidates and adopted tlieir plat form and adjourned. A few day* later the old regulars, tbe Democrat* and Bepnbl leans, will gather, one In Philadelphia tbe other In Kaoeaa City, annianoo their plat form, and uomlnaU tlicli candidate*. It Is a foregone conclusion, that the Ueuubliuaus will noratnate McKlolry ana llie Democrat* will anaouoce Bryan *a tlielr naiidtdsU. Tlieri wtil come l be lug at war. Tbe prcweul outlook make* thing* look brlgbtwr for tbe IVfuucrau. There Is a growing feeling among tbe sissies that Mr. McKinley Is the tool of cor rupt political bnaae*. and that Uin He publican party Is In league with (he lru*te and combinations, uud that It move* to tlie Up of the drum of the inoneymuogvre, If the Democrat* won't act the foci and will put a lire, strong man aa chairman of their na tional commllfoo, they stand a good ohuoce this time to put In tbalr candi dates. If tln-y will put lbs silver question III the background, favor ex pension oenouucn imperialism. cham pion pure Democracy and light pater Dallam, aland for prlnololea and light prolrclion, and leave out a fnw anuaa teoiial planka of Urn diluvgn pisiform then tiiev have a elm C t. Slrlkra and dissent! ml am already innlilplying among the laboring inaeacs Tlie Unbuolioan party la ooudu.Uy making tbu must egregrimi-t uluoler*. DoteUtn it growing inure unpopular earary day. Roet-rldden tad money-ridden end Irust-rUdeo e* the Republiceo party ie •till It1* a pjwer. A party with more brains than conscience, more prrjudloe than principle, a parly perpetuated by pension* aod inaatered by million*, may still be msn th in a m iteli for the Democrat* Senator finn Tillman of booth Uaro llna spoke In Baltimore two nlghte ego at a Democrat ie rally of tba eereral ward* of tbe city. He eatd tome true and ttroog thing*. I give you a few truteocee of hie »perch : “I am freah from tbe aeoatechamber at Washington, where 1 hive worked bard all day to-day to prevent the Ireae ury of the foiled States from being; Sooted of eight million dollire by two; armor Plata factorlr» When tl>e treas ury I* halted. It la you debated IguO raol Democrat* and R-publ loses who possess leadi but no brain*, you men who have vote* and pat men in ufflee who steal and you haven't booeet souse enouyti to'ealeb them or manliness enough to expo** tbeos. If tbe Indi vidual Is corrupt and Ignorant ha will tend men to tba hall* ut leg IK .Hun who ere tbleeeeeod who will reimburse t hem selves out of the public traeeory for the expenee of their election Dam oeracy me*:ia government by tha peo ple. It doeen't mean that the people get order* fram enm* boa* or Inetruc tlune from a few leaden. Are you going to etlck your finger* in your mounts and be bossed by tbe same 1 Hose-ridden. utwepiper ridden corpor ation ridden leader* V (Jet an your known every Urn* you pick up a news paper; it I* full of Ilea. You must think for yuurtalve*. They ere nub sldlted by the wealthy classes and the pun>«e Is in have Hie editors fool you " Tlieae ere plain tvnrde and no doubt trne words a* they apply In many in etanoes. I nave watched with aone imetest the career of Hue Till mas aod 1 believe in him because lie la a min who has the courage of his convictions. Wo need blB lo tba (Jolted Hiatew Senate with bis pitchfork and all. Ben Till man la a bigger aian to-day than any day In bla Ufa. Ue la Bore bigbly aa teemed by hta friends end more feared aod bated by bit enemies. Ha aod Old Senator Hoar any tba strongest and truest things Uut have bean at Id on ilia floor of the senate since the deya of Ben Hill and Beacon Oonkllng. Bon Tillman doesn't out!tribute muob dig ally of tba senate, bet be la a alatora of inula and tdlty goat, (la kicks with ooe aad butts with the other. Ban Tillman baa aa modi bra In a and store backbone iban any mnn In paUlo Ufa uvday. Go U, Hen. yon are a joy to your frienda and a doaa of calomel to your enemies. You trade 8 ialh Caro Hub a good goynrnor and etaoetbedayt of John Calhoun aha has not had yonr equal In the senate. Old Senator Morgan of Alabama, and Hoar of Massachusetts, have veil nigh ran their root, but they arv loved ami honored by a gratvfal oouvllluency and may d*e lo tlm Harness If they chows 111 ay are to to be ponied for running Bates for MeKIolay aad Biyao; each party wants a tail to the kite heavy enough to steady tba kite aa they fling it to The political bnrtva. Teddy won’t play tall ta MoKinley’e kite, and Towns may be tied onto the Democratic kite. Tba Ilapubfloaus may have a Loag tail la tbalr kite. I have bean praaohlog dally la M uato nail la this ottr, lo good eruwiie, aa<t the Internet I no rosea (lallv. I look fee moat aooceoful rvanlla. If I can hold op ta tba work I a III remain Hare outII tba 98lb af May ▼Wet TfcvsSWsf WMilaHu Would qniekly taayeyoo. If you otad lUr. Klag’s New iJfe Kill*. Timas ! soda of aafferars neve proved lUeir insist lam merit for tMek aad Knrrowv Headaches They asks para blood aod strong nerves aad bond ap four haaltb. MaSf to lake Try (hem Only 9ft eeuts. Money bask If no eared. Bold toy I. K Carry and Oo. Druggists GOT HIS DISCHARGE. THUMB CAME JUST SIGHT FOB THE I AVAL MA0HUI8T As Iwllml ml a (krw Tran’ I'nln M Me T«ra»X KMck Man (a WArar Haw Heuli, All TAIa dm. WarM afMtra NMlIjr la. WMinna Ion Star. dareral yearn ago a qulat y »u»g chap shipped aa a machinist in tin navy aboard Uie receiving ihlp Vrraa nil at tba Brooklyn navy yard, lit guv* dan Francisco aa btaplaoa of uativlty. Ha *aa aaaigoed to a erutacr about to alart for Uie China (Station by the dun oanai route. Ua waa attack meehaaio aud very rooo thowvd the mgliiwsn that lie knew bow to aaiu hie rut# auJ wagra. Be never aaid uiueli slvnit bimaeir. Bn eaaa’t anything of whet la oalled a “man o'-war chaw," a d, although he had been up and dowu the w..rld a good deal ha let other* do the talking. Ha waa pertapi the qulutvat man in the American navy at tne time b» nerved. Ill* ship got to tba Asiatic station all right sod cruised back and lorth litem between China nod Japan for close oo Pi three years. The# she was ordered Uaok to the United Butee. She Usd a lot of overtima man aboard of tier by tbatl I ms sailors whose time bad egptr ed but who preferred to watt until u>»y reached Hie United States before lliey look their discharges. When Ui« ship was ordered beck Irime, a lot of over time meu from other ship) on Uic Asiatic station were ant to bur Pi be brought neck to thl* country. Thla auolilottt—call Inin Beall—bad just 31 days Mi of nta tbrea year ca llsUntNit wlteu itMkhip left Yokohama for San Frunelsoi via the Hawaiian Islands All of Um overtime meu were talklug about their trip around from *aa Frabcleou Pi New Yura by passenger ste>m«r. They ha-l all tblpiasd at the Brooklyn asyy yarJ, and the nary always sands u»en to the point alienee It lakes Ibam when tliey enlist uiitees they “waive traesportaUou” f.w the purpose of stopping olt at eu Inter mediary point. It took the ah In 14 diye Pi “fetch up Honolulu from Yokohama, and then BimU. the machinist had Are days yet to serve. “Are you going to waive tramp >iU tiou amt drop off at Ben Francis)-.. or are you going arouod to Naw York with us f" the uieu asked him when the ship pulled labs Honolulu. “Don’t know yet," the machinist re plied. After coaling at Honolulu —which look four Jays, leisurely—the skipper of tba ship deesdad to lake a Ml of a run araind Ike Hawaiian Islands be fore up anchoring for Ban Francisco. Brail's time expired on iba morning that bis ship was headed for f,%tialue oo the Island of Maul, a little sail or about 8S miles from Honolulu. The •hip dropped bar anchor wiililu about 300 yards of tba UImisi beach along towaid 3 o’clock In the afleruoni. Tue Island of Mam la very be-iiulful Ui look niou—e veritable gemot the ocean, If such e dim was ever fashioned by the b«i|d of the oreab-r. Beall, lias ■narliloUt. was ofT watch aud standlof oq the to'gallaut fo’o'sle, smoking hia pipe whan the »hlp cast Iwr anchor off Lahalna. There was some lunging lu bla quiet gray eyes, lie kuocked the sanea ont of bit pipe, stretched his arms and llien walked down Pi the raeln inast aud told the oOoer of lbe deck tost he wanted to see the com mi uding officer. The coenuanding officer oame out of bla cable. * 'Vnut la It my mm T” tie asked the machinist, “My time is out, sir," sold the ot nliliilat. “1 guess HI take my discharge bare." The ruunmandldg oftleer looked tur prlaad. •*ThU U rather * queer uotloe," he Mid. “You (hipped lo New York, did you not ? I Iboald think you would want to gel back to the United State* after your three year* an the China •tatiou. Oi at My rate that you would prefer to wait until we get back to Honolulu, If you want lo waive trone purtattoo and take your dtarbarge here among lha (eland. Why do you waul j 1 your dlKburgt today aud here ?’* The raioliloltt tailed ae lie replied : “ilorauM tbit lelaud here. Maul. It ■y home. At (bit moment my father and mother and mvuo brut here aod titter* ate Oil UiU laUo-l. They are at a place out very from I.ahalna, called dptrokeltvllle. The girl that 1 am gu lag lo marry It alao then*. I waa Uiro In Frltoo, bat my fatLar came down to thla lelaud an engineer of a *ogar plan tation wlieo I wa* 9 yaata old. Nona of them koow that I am witaln jatt a few milea of hose now. I waut to give them a lillla turpraa. I waive trantportatlon and 1*11 taka my dl* charge bow." TtM commanding afllner listened to tbe redial with iutrreat. • Of c»or«# wo’ll glre you yoor die* •barge, non,” bo ••id. ‘‘although I’m ■•try to loos you, aad I bad h<n>«d you might ship over. ChM mouthed m*n era wanted lo Um nary. Yoo ow« us soma tbaoks. I think, for start log you ut at Maw York, taking you around tho world for three yeara and retching woo up wltMa aa boar or oo af your Loaoa oo Um vary day yoor Usaa Is uou To all lotoots and potmen, wa hara two a yacht for yoo." It waa rail>ar a remarked* happen Ing lor a feet. Tbo coachlu 1st peaked hie thlsgs end want orer Um side, amid the pleasant adulations of the mou, about twu bourn liter wltk hla Intg aad haauaoeh aad a coopts of thuueand dolUiS la gold. Ilia seringa I dating tbo croton. A oonpta of boon later he waa with hla people aad hi* sweat baarl lo SpreeklMTlIto. It It a •umII world. Mr. Wm. Swoop*, aged M■ aad a no gio norm gtft, of Uocky HUt Ala., are** d re weed at Uourltood, Ala., wblls attemptleg to drtee tetuna Big Maaoa creak, wblaH waa oat of Ha banka M«I TALK. n Amhu. ie a* • cum* r-Twrni *■«■« Ik* lannu uaun Cklntea Trilmt. The writer one* had him aoqoalut auoe whleli ah) Bin Ilamilloa owe of the beat »U» ulcer# erar known oc the it •-alien plain#, cad a prate*# cad Mi'll Of the old Bill William who to day rerwali.A ona or the slant tfiaa «f our departed West. Bill Uaialltoe could talk with an; Indian ha star mat 00 matter wImI hta tribe or wliat hie tperrh. Ha w«# rated a poo the plaloa *nd iu Uia Bocklaa and waa known aod mpeoted by all tba Indiana of the up per Want. At the Ume of tba dleap paeranoa of thu buffalo tba Indiana w#»c haartbrokao. Tbar want to Bill tlacnUtoo who tltay knew had roamad orar mooli nf the Wait and told bias that thay did oat know where Uit bof fain had cook ‘-Wa ka«w that you hate traveled far.’’ they aeld U bln. "aud on bane you will trural affala. now that wa need to aaod a lonaar attar tba buffalo. If yau go far la tha north and Dud tba buffalo bo wkm that plane la we will foliiw you them." diu oiw loutia ine Dunam. but ha did atake a trip far to tbe north atnoog the Wlbaa of Um Hrltlah r-||il i i Ha am that ha aamt ap than by com aotabtlfta mm to tear* whither tba la* dlaaa o' that country need tba aaaw lanfuafa aa that of uur til baa Be laarnad that Kumti tier them Wlbaa an daratool him perfectly and that ha lllawi-e understood them. Among the p»rty of astealUa who employ BUI Hamilton to make thli trip wieona m m wh • h el puraned this MM aludy In aaabli Aowbi. TnM man oould talk tiitelligiblv with BUI llecelltnn by maana *>f Um aigna which ba had leanial In rt-inUi Aoa*rtea; hence It aremea probable that all Um uaUvr NotUi A ufrlaio and Sooth Ararnoan tribes have a algu language which la praoUeally a CO (Em >-■ one an I c*ulJ cnovsrso If brought together. Th* eUwotogictl raeirdi hi Wavhturtoi tall of a talk which occurred Lln-re t»* twaao two Iodlsa* one ao Apache free Arana and ooa a N»i t'eron from Um far northern part of tbe Weet repremiiUllvea of tribe* which IikI sever tael. They talked mr-iher , wlthoal coufnal >•■ and uid>*nn «l eaeh other Abtolutaiy. Wnere aid llaey I burn ton e immo i epeneh this auto al languige which set at niuritua* a id dlitaiiM and eovtro'iuMi ii f A*k Ramnaea about that or Cotifueaua, far ih« >4tades of Rimeena and Coofuolaa aaem to alt aloug the lay ut-ta iMlu« of the far North ea they d f far In Um lower o> illne<it along tha sunny ilopai of tba Cordilleras. Here 1* the story of the Pnidig il Sou ••told by a deaf ibuU) It U likely that it would be on hrstood In the Siwus which tie employed hy the Aeach* or the Jf • a Prtoe by the Cree «f the r «r Kurtii or ilie Peruu i ol Ow South. ‘1J ice, mm ••nr, eo « t«u. S >o younger ery 'Kaih-r pr -perty toe dt aid ; pert my ion kWh,' Pvih»r «>. S hi moli p<rt Ula glee 1> n < fee ef. lei mill y.lunger IB iuey all vale c *u i Uy fer go m me* epeod wins drink, liHid nljn • it. Mmey by and by gone all. Cjuniry every were fool little; •on huogry very. Uo ae* m id eny era birr. Gen’lnaam meat. Gentle nano eon (end Hold leine ferd. An ewtno busks eet see—evlf liatka eel went — cannot —hodta Him give uotiidy. S in think aey father my aervseU maov breed enough perl give aw«y o«i—1 neiie-starve die. I deeid d : Pother l go to eey I bed God disobey you ilu iday—name my berraftnr a>m on -l mu worthy, Yoa me work give Sr r ran l Ilka. So eoo begin go. father far look; sou see pity, rua apart, embrace Am lather any 1 bad you disobey God <Jlaob-y —nsme my licraafter aoe, no — I uuwoilhy. But rather servant calls eommaaii r.iba boat bring a m pot on ring lager put oa shoes feet on self fat bring kilt. We all eat merry. Why* Son this my formerly dead oner alive; formerly loat sue found rrj nee.” Soofa ie the crude and broken method of lira alga Uoguagn. Yet u m far batter lime mi taugu «ge et all erbetoor tor deaf male or l >r Mnertgvr to a local apneob. The eaorv etuJy u,.e gives to this primeval vehicle of th >u«til the asore 1 lit creating It beoomne. Kfro slnoe tba asUWamnt <>( U»W ooo nl rj wa have had at our i«< '.ill* , •l*o language tkla apeeei w|j„.ut . wont* whatever It* origin or tl« *<e. Tba A mar loan Indiana am tnagraataM , •l(ii lalkvrs how left lu tba world; or. perhaps won properly It might iw w»M that they ware aaeh naUI tba advenwe itf whits oivlIiaatbMi abaagad mans of the rrqutrriMoli of thair Uvea a ad thus altered meuy nt Unir ouatom*. Ibli among them The ararago whtla nun savor laarord tba sign Unfuaga of tbe India a* parka?* having eua tawpt for It ignorant that auoba thing •Hated. It waa oaly tba half savage tripper ar huotor tha voyagner ar pUluaeaao whoa* Ufa waa apanl amoog the Irlbv* and who tbu» perforea muat learn mu maaiiarof hpeeob. wbooama to undaiMasd folly sod praaUaa ha bitually tbe alga language. Nut all whlta men oau laarn tba algo language though nog ptefc it op readily jam aa eaiula Perot as labia foreign leaguagaa were laadlly than Others. Tba aijpi Ulk waa la all oaaaa boat need by wbltaa who bad been among the tribes from early jautb. Ia some ossa*It mat habitual that It waa employed as It of tea la by tba l ad loan as a regular means of dally eobvaraailoo Instead «f •pokaaopseah. It was thus meeh tba earn with IIUI Hamilton. Thoro wora two vary loamnma rel inwi from North Oeroilaa at tha Mows Fall* Popatlat Cubvaotlow. Tsoy wvra tha Great Mailer himself and hie abwd •w. J. It. Lviyd. Will oftao aaaaa a horrible Mura Soald. Uat or Bralea. »ao*l**'. Aral oa Halva, tba beat la tba world, will kill tba pals and promptly heal It. Owes Old Mures. Fever Haras, Cleats, Della, Fainas. (Waa, aN Hkla Kraw Uaaa. Brot Pile Samoa earth. Only UoUi box. Owes gear ■■toad. tud hyJ. B Curry * Oa, Draggtat. Ww «M«M* HAM. Mn MMJa—kk * *i mp mj i Li a. Mini— m.HMn Waauaot— hau Prim, McUnraiok * Oa. —a «f (hr "|M imim (a Ik* ally, taka* bat on* with iwhiuna caUan iad at •iS.OM.Wa Tka Bra Itiaia Ur of lb# Stoak. UtUuu nud Prado— *■**■■»• ood af Ua Cufcugo Stack Knhaiu* nod Imb branch dAm la about thirty at tin through..-* tba Dallad Stain. The folium * aaorlbad to tba fact that the trw was ku of eottoa la tba fon of a t—t TaUta* narhot. A. uottoa oa tba ovum ad the aOeaa of the ooapaay rrfocrrd all U aalranto winiaai). Curt* and tT« taa V. CroavoU, aaolfgaa. Hr. Craoiwell aaid WiUk aiuroooa that It *m hopoaalMa to tauko aa» auu ■ant ad la* hour c->*Oai ulag the aao* dltloa Of the flria j that I la booiona n rary oxteoloJ aad »>m« ami hnwioh agrricle*. Thn lulal Ifofoltli—. ^•••Jd. in ainit *13.000.000. Marly ail of alUah an noun-6. Ma add'd that a afotruuMt amid ha —triatlted ta tba creditor* at lh» otrlxnt t*«eiWe iitl. Tbs Arm UcsmpsM >4 Tiiwulora U. Prtm William O. McCormick. R. 0 U. Stswsrt-Wortlsy. .ad Walter W. Prim, With Osama Umbra. of Asa PraMtMo, a special pmiM-r m m to. saatmmtt of HOO.W Mr. MeOnr mtob l> »4 iha wriMuuww Chlcafa Cam** of afi (cult oral Implement Casts, aad Mr. Stewart-Wurtlay is s sea-la Uw .d Ms.r Admiral Sebb-y. Taw Orm was organ list J« wary 3 MW. Of tba tMrtaatm. Mr. Cruk.r I* haw tw hump., aad Mr. Mtwwart-WotUe* la oti hi* way from -Camps. Early In tba day man wars cur nsut that a ucominrut firm wm la troablr, aad abanly Iwf.m Urn oAteial AnMQOOMMM Of lltO WOO mwUitwtosaasraUy wads—trad that Price, MoCorwiek * (Jo. was tbabwase retsried lx Prior to the formal aa wNtucamaal the euWoo market bad uruba i o*.r 30 pants u a<tor tarrlls ccMiog far both aosoaeU from all dl - raettoR*. Tba Arm b*. Iona barn re garded as tbs ieadlaf ssppcnar af the market. and at ou. Hum It wm said ihay wsn going to pot August eattoo ap to 10 wsuti, Ths dsoilM of tba pmt mioth. bjwafer, ru agelust tbem. aad d-epll. tbslr elf wts they ooaU oat ItoM lbs market up. Oownwatlf to ■lay's daealopaeau did sot coma as a t«»t-.l sorprlss, thaafb they bad swdlclmt Coras to temporarily demofaMs* tba trade. Tha Arm's bnlllih stUlwde wm surmised In tba eoUo» m irbwk. aad it is tin hi (lit tv have stnuuUicd tha re tool activities of I'oiiowid( tha aac-iUHcrmsat of tba failure tba eattoo iK.iket Imnaiaa panic-stricken sod 10 te 11 i> >luu. The extent of tic. iI«c-i..m from III. prio. wb ■« t.w liuli ato*. ui-ut o-ilailusted bat imw IE point*. L tier la uw smaioa tha market be came atom quint, but e mtluusd tu show HWrsk u-id-rUHiaea 11. woi.t-rsliy »sry r.v .r«bis crop ooeo.ol. Tnw m treat at 1:41 p. aa allowed • wet lam of 10 to 14 points, bay In ( recovered from l be extreme dnpresslua. Euly la uw. day to mart were out rant on tbs Stook Bxohsuta that there w«s a >ats outside irtiuU*. aad be ths lint* tli* fsiluie wsa formally aauouoeed from Urn roetrata of tba Stock Ex chsuRs the room aad tba street were Srrpsred fur Ui# nswt Mawertbekss, , bad its effect. There wsa a rush to sell that carried prices down eb.rply. Tear* was a decline of about 1 par cent. In the standard railway shares aad from 2 to S| p*r cent, la the bal ance of tha list. wliiM Um Ora wai alau « mem bar at Uia prudoea exchange. llta afloat of Um fnilur* t tiara ■« tlooK wholly null mouUl. According to Um rate of tho axobnage tho annouoeameot of Um fall ora waa Ml iwad by tho oloalug oat of tM mu pended firm'* —r~*-xflng onatnaU on tba floor of tho exchange. Up t* tha oloa* of Um Mcoh-aga tba AmHuM for the Orm’a eoeoaat rooted op 33.WO than*. Anlgnoae William J. Curtlr and William NrJ»oo Cram Well Mat a tba following euatttnaanant ruaardiec Um failure : -To tba creditor* of Prtoo. MeUot mtebftCo: Prioa. McCormick fctlo. bay* beau oompetlad to temporarily •aapend payment. We aok and adrlM that credit'it* holding atoetca, bonda, and othor eotlataral to taooo a ad d ready wall aurgload, hold tho loan* until raaeaaaW* opportunity taw affor ded the aa rig imoo to daol with tho •ana, that oaneoaaaary ten thereby nay ba avoided." rrloe, MoCutmu A Co. had aa ex tensive wire aarvlee aad at Uaa am eradltad with <l«4u« folly a* larg» a boat aaaa ao any Brv ou the exehaogn. The roproaentallva of tba lm oa tba n abvaae wara EL M. dtaart- W onlay, W, O. MeOonaleh. aad OaoraaCnhar, tba epeoial partner. Mead of tba ha el neat of tba Brat wat la tba aoUaa aoabaaaa at Brat, aad Ita mo lor fhr aod or too liar waa formerly of tba Atm af Hubbard, PrtaaA Ou. At that Uata tba older Bra* bad a Urge Southern Moat botlatat, aad haabaaa vary aatlve at ttaee ta Mtatt rtrorad by Aautbora aporateaa, although tbta Ilea af trade bee baaa rartat to voUaefeeato (vg through IU wire atrvloa ta Oatalda altIta. _ . ¥/'• MMriaam *t«eae of Uaalbal Ho., Utaly lal a voadarfal dalfvaraaaa (no a frightful death, la utitag af It be aaya: "I warn taboo with Typhoid Paver that no UU PoaavaaU, My Uaaa haaaaa hard ened. 1 waa at weak 1 aoaldat aaaa alt op la had. Xatklac helped aa. I i expected to Nat die af ooaaaapUaa, wbaa I beard at Hr. K lag's Maw DW ewvory. Owe battle gave gnat relief. 11 ountlaaad ta ata It. aad aaa aa web , and auwaa, I eon* aay toe awab la to iirala».**TbU me reek rot aadlaUt U ; tba eeraet o£d gatekaa cere to tba StawUrva I Mlto Ira aTi Carry A Oo*>. Orwa (to*; every battle gnaraataod. thli' pHlU ^lba |f—atal M—Mf UMjM^a’SteUd ,m*um tonrwviUtktaMM roffjl aa In tte Mm4 1 fwMdof OkrltUlM wwUI forward wttii Iba »ail in u> «w naarvr to tha krta«»Mtr tnawaaid irrwl dat _ Ilf Use us. K oorata ba hoIS wHM tha whUbi d—MdUMalics «Mh tibia awarwte fy Nn irouM la aastraatinn tha Saw. Moibiaeawa chat iIm aauanii um wxoaula 'factor ha* aua dirroUua, dowoword._„ STwry^Iw aJaS^afaSruIui0^"**** I—. -f--^->■ ifi?ajnli aaUaat That wbMa tha day la fair I* wan obaanad by our a«a oroola. M ir M»adly umuIi>( tha abutaalarlaMor af fhaonwUaauUI Monday. solar aatlw rgartad ar^a day •irnrsaaUuw and aifi. and aayeeially la tbla tha aaSTj Um eft Ira and towoa aod aaattaaa wt WNMUry adiroaoi w tbarn Mtrm or Mae MHI imuu Ul» (to a matey im«Um of fiMUw «* MrahM mm. to Uamiy oa Um Imimi, Tto SaitiUy no nonpar. Wnl taahllouo »o» «*f Um ekaigk. ti ranroaiM— am wf Mum apm Um rormUom of Um bncu'a day. Riikmd tmfto laatoa »w»'rr. uon Malt • i «(u*r uyo uaiaa. I ho. t wuwt H ittdrfH* <if toed ' hw of Um atouto furl M Um renalaa of itoto wain*. A MU mm Krtmdaaad a diun u m« olaoo low* Dm Uatolotam uf mi« of u«r «a«ua (Ml ataaipyi) to atop Um ruHolof «| fndyfcc ualao oa tha •* ■**—*• 1 r lirr* rruiiifadul A oIm Uoroffor* uwaMr Wfna Um toylato lom uf AUhaoM a too *aui spoaad •ith ito um moult. Tnum Imw to > elmrly «buw Um apathy tod ladIf f»r*-nco of a term pan of Uodto prn (aad punpte. If >11 Um urnTwtea ChrtotUoaof **W.hurof UniatUlraaeaa anil**] In their impumllua. tto aott «**uld »*aa t» ahawd. It to aban "•ton sleep” Ihtf. Ua> aadaiy doaa Um work uf *'mwt«iy tU tana.'* la Um ntkUl uf Um darktoM May to M»a * i«ar otmako «f l iyh t. We maut toa Um. Um (an npettod tbUM aailwiomtaoitoaal tfmbuh toa> «aa hio ham nrymlmd la UneUyaf Richmond, and that a Waiter Hbrt to balaa atodo ta araaiitoocaa atoo ltotam

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