The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the County. Vol. XXL__GiASTONlA. N. THUR8J1AY, JUNE 7, 1900. MRS. ARP IS ABSENT. BHE HAS OOHE 01 A TRIP TO FRmTDS II ROME. Vkmllj U lUntrallHl-ulll Hnyi If II* Wrflwn«l Imh nr ik* rkiw.i * Ar* ■Ink Mi* Will llwrrjr Mww. 1*11 Arp In Alltel* Cnouli utkin 80 maov leU*r* i>>iue to me <>l Lin atklng tbuut llie Confederal* Veteran (hat Tain o«iitcaluedtoauiiw*r through thepfeae. It It a monthly published lo Natbvlll* t>y C*pt R. A, Cunning baa. This remind* nm lo tny lh«l Sam Davie la not ilia only Imr.i of hia kind. William M. Form by write* me from Lewisville, drk.,libel Ihtra li lu Little Rock the grave of David C. 1><1<1, who when only elgbleeu jeer* of »g* w*» arreeeUd nwr there umot »od lo portent paper* found >-n In* iei»m General steal iu lu coiumaud of (but poet and oflrn-d him a pardon If he would dltciote the naisv* of whom be got the lufurutallou. Like Sam Davis, he refused aud s«U he would die Hint be did ill*- He wrote a latter lo hie toolbar, wlm ih*n lived In Atlanta. Cat* county, Tv* , toiling ker of bla uotlmrly fale. My friend aaya be bte a oopy u{ lliet Ivtirr and baa eeea the grave to Lilli* Rock, which tome friend* had marked with a plain white shaft, f lav* written in him to lend a copy of the LtUr to III* Veteran end if possible a photograph of the marble theft, rtovli loyalty and Bdelltr must he preserved and put on record. W» are all demoralised at obi Imam and home, tor the maternal an orator Ims gonti off on a trip to Rome sod will stay there I reckon, until I write to ber that Jeaete or bar little cbUdren or soma other member ot the family la tick. Than Mia will coma on tbe drat train. Sbe baa got kindred and frleude over there, lota of them, and ibry will keep her until tbagoee tbe grand rounds tor aha Head there twenty-seven years. She aud I ware the pioneers of Inn Dtty. Id tact, welere tbe only living persons who wrjye living In Rome when w» moved there fifty years ago. Joel ll)Ink of It aod ponder It It >w surely and stealthily a pipulaUnu paters away, flow luaidlous Is Time. Ilia un relenting old ^aaeal. Only fifty years and nut a man or womsu left but my wife and f. There were then about 1 WO people lo Borne aod now lbars era ten Umea that number. Every old tattler Is dead save Colonel T. W. Alexander, and be came three yean after X did. Every lawyer, every doc tor, every preacher and teacher, every merchant sod mechanic are dead. Old Judge Underwood, J. W. H. Under wood, Judge Wright, Oeoeral lUack, Alexander, Stouo, Shutter, Dr. Meek, Dr. Underwood, all strong aud notable moo. I could writs a book about each of them. And there waa Old Jake Uerndon and liig John, the Munch in •cot of the town, wbo were ready to •wear that when they Qret twilled eway back in tbe thirties tbe Cooaa River wet a little spring branch. Old Jake declared be had teen a freshet that rote to tbe gum tree on courthouse bill,and the thermometer wee 240 In tbe ebede. He always eald tbermom-eter and *o cenled tbe first syllable. My Hub boy lied so old fashioned robber ball and •bowed it to Uofcle Jake and he re marked that be once bad a ball made oat of “shore eniiff Injun-rubber,’’ and It would bounce out of eight, and one day be bounced It onoommou bard aad It never oome down till next day, aad then bla lllUe dog grabbed It and It rebounded and took tbe dog up wltb It and be bad never teen the dog or ball since. OM Jake believed hta own lies. I beard him aay oooe that when bog killing time earns round he heated rooks on each tide of his millpond and threw them in and drove the bogi through and they came out clean oo tbe other •Ida. Big John kept Ihe only saloon In town. A saloon was nailed a gro cery then and Big John's grooery waa a landmark—tbe loafing place—tor he kept a comfortable bench on each aide of the front door. They were outside on tbe sidewalk end were generally oc cupied, Old Jake Uerndon could be found there bait the day aad Big John gave him bla whisky free aa an attrac tion. He was a drnwlag card and drew tbe thirsty men Ilka molasses drawing flies. Sometimes I wonder where they ere now and what they are doing for Swedenborg wye that folks will pursue the lews occupation, is the next world thet they do In this, but with greeter dilligeoee end to greeter perfection. My venerable frleod. Major Ayer lives on IlAward street, Hie Peachtree of Rome. It extends from Broad at res', to Ibe bridge aed^was thickIv settled thirty five years ego, and Is yet, but tbit It tbe only family llml lived there thirty-two years ago when lie bo'll hie borne. Tbiuk »f It. All gone within thirty two years. Borne It thirty mllw distant from Carters*Ills aod ibe river land* are ail occupied by farmers, but not one of them lived along the line be fore the civil war, and tba rfver still ■logs an It flows. "**or vm may omm aiMI man may to. Bat | aa on Ibrorar.' My »tf« will opm liooga to ajxod hat birthday neat araab, I know. Mm know* that any of bar nomarooa off aprloga will gaUtar at tba patatMl maniToo and bora a gift of mm port aad kiaa bar ctaaota brow and atroba her rami hair. That la wWra aha triumph! over roa Nat a gray halt ou bar haad, not« datb on mlna. l>at tba la eatablag up prattjr foat. I rtnoambn whaa I waa (it llmaa *a nM M »ho wan and ala yaan latar ( Waa Juat twlaa aa old, aad bow t am atnii faur. Now lat Uittmhool boya aad tlrkdo that aata aad tall bow old my wl«a la. Hat tba aaaaatloa of tho day tooboai Urn oagro. IJka Daaoon'a ghoot, bo wfflaot dowa. Dr. Lilly, lha aUn naritnrr of tba tMUhaaa laatltala fur aawroaa, aiTaimlaoaa. taaani to iha Praafoytarlaa gaoaral aaaamMy tbot oo program baa baaa m%do iu colataU iiaagatlmllm aad that induatrUI tralatag la a fallara, and oat of 1.M11 Dt-woca eduoated to mechanical pursuit* only three are following the trades they hive learned Re deelsrea that nan culture is the only calling opsn to the nstiro and the only oca that will keep him out of the oliles and nut nf erimn and the ohnlngsng. Tltes nrs Uie re sults at Stillman's and Hooker Wash ington’* schools. We are *lud tu Qnd nun preaehsr who lie* got good hard sen so concerning Hi* osgro and dares to speak It- Of course ws oan'i atop Booker Washington from teaching, nor the north from jtfeitfg liim money, but we oau stop the Presbyterian church from wasting our idohov oo (Ito negro. There are 4.000 in llie prluon* and dialoguega of Georgia now to say noth ing of tbOM vs* har* lynched, and most of them bays been eduostrd. I>et them get to farming. That suit* lilt better nature aud will keep him out nf Orica. But the biggest sensation Is the ser mon of Bev. Ilenry Frank, uf Uv« New Fork Metropolitan chumli, preached last Sunday, In which lie declared that giving freedom to Hie negro had proved a disastrous ralluie. That be la rapid ly lapsing Intu herbalism and will Soon become extinct Ue speaks of him as a brutal beast, more danger-mv In a community tlisn a wild hull. Ilu nd vlaas that a territory he set apart for them and there I her must go agaia iu to slavery and choose their masters, and In the meantime the franclilae he taken from them. That out-Horoda Herod. I dout know what to maka uf It and ( am afraid of anything that comes from a yankee preacher. I baveot forgotten Henry Wanl Deeoher yet. Maybe those people would like to own them sgnto and wotk them in a mors congenial chaw tha.i JJew Eug land, and they would gu to making cotton and would take our laborers from our farms and coal gelda sad Iron mines. We will have to watch litem fellows for Uu-y are always op to some devilment. Mr. iMiy With Ills >*y> virh hi illlMUI. Y milk's OompHHUw. Mtrcli of Mr. Moody’s lullucuce wub tlie students was undoubtedly due lo Ills Interval la their imutrnNiU. and ttla lova ot honest fun. Ua never out grew lha toy la hi* nature. Tbla aarlooa-mtoded. great besrted eraogellat believed thoroughly in the wholesome moral ioQucoce of pfajnlcul ererclar, and did everything In lila power to eooourxge open air amuse ments lie not only entered joyously Into the sports oo both skits of tha itvrr. but look special delight In giving a holiday of hla owu oow and then. In Ihv Hie fall this was usually known aa Mountain day, aad for many a girl lbs happiest memories of seminary life duster around these glcrtoua autumn days on Slrolirtdgn Mountain, iuet back of the seminary, with Mr. Moody aa tba centre of tba day’s delight. lie also drarly loved a harmless joke. Ouoa lu tba early days at Mount lltr anon, wlills be was eoliog aa “auchor" for one side lo a “tog of war.” be planted himself In front, of a large tree, round tba trunk of which, without be ing observed, he slyly got a turn ot two of tha ropo. Then be sat there and shook with laughter while the other eld# Leaded by one of the teachers tugged away in vain. At the clooe ot tba 9 eld-day sports at the seminary last spring, be drove np with bit market-wagon and invited a number of the girle to ride with him. Tba wagon was quickly 9lied, sod the party drove off In (peat glee, la a little while, however, Mr. Moody Inroad off from the main road, towArd B Mind Top, slyly lemsrkiuy. ‘-You girls must pay for this Job of work to bo done.” Then It irnueplred that some burdocks had appeared lu the freeb gratae on lliat knoll which wue so dear lo him sod be bad takou this ■nsaslng way to be rid ot them, lie provided the girl* with aeoeeaary toots nod sot them to work, hugely enjoying their efforts at weeding. They aeoom pllahed the task so well that he told them be Mioald apeak a good word fut them to all the young farmers of tha neighborhood. How that lliat knoll baa become hla burial place, every girl In that company will prlxc her share in that hour'* fan. Oca of the moat character latte pbo to graph* of Mr. Moody artr taken waa oalight owe day Io ISM, arhoo lie boil given 0 databank to tba whole achool, and waa abotlog a gene of “dnok on tba rook” with bla born At naotber line one of tba boye challenged him to ran a raoa. Mr. Moody accepted at oooa, hot atlpolatod that tba boy ahould carry a handicap equal to the differ anoa between hla own weight and Mr. Moody’a. Aa thla would have hen* aomathlng Ilka on* hundred and Ally pounda. tba raoe waa never run. Io the Clirlatmae vaaatl<>n be woold often drop la at Wee'on Hall and play oroklnolo and Imlm* wllh tbaao of tha eewlnary gtrU who, having oo boaaoa to go to, wore apaudliig thalr hoi Id ay a aa beat they ooold Theaa qalat gaigea brightened tha daya for lbe lonely glila and I hoy raated the bnay aaan aftai bla hard day “a work. He played than aa be did everything eta*, with aplrlt and oathwaiaaaa, aad ana aetdoan heated —r——1— IIIIWM a It** any ft la certainly gratifying to the pnb lie to know of one concern la the lend who ere aot afraid to be eeaaroue to the needy end aeflarlng. The prowl etora of Dr. King** Now Dlooorery for Ooneuceyttoa, Ooegbe and Cold*, here glreo away over tea million trial bottle* of tbla grant etedtrine: and hare Um ant I (faction of knowing It baa ebeoiutefy cured thoussod* of bagilaea enaee. Aethma. BroaehiUa, llnimmm and iN dlewtce or tl>e Throat, Cboot and Long* are turtle oared by It. Cell on / B. Carry Jk 0#., Draggle*a, and got a trial bottle free. ftaRtilar ala* Me. aed tl. K» try bottle gne ran bead, or prlee re fended. llao the bead that cae% re abetter or not the front doer A ! ik aaiKHAi a riMimTT at«a>ly I* W>IUm r. mu. I n. M-Tlwreell. m AiMowCtimtltullnn. It ll trnly marvaloua what * urapon daraoca of evldvucv b rrqulrvd l * c.»i vino* k person agalnat hu will, and bow Uifllulteatmal the imidieuma of truth nucaaairy t.> win him ovar to •oroa pro|«M»lilon fallivrud byhladaatre* and fanned liy hla Ixipea Ha itrugglna againal tba tormur wltao there remain* In bit favor out e*«n a aliadnw of tan •bb ground, and embraces tlio latter without rbyma or rraaou whan but dimly ibadowed upon tha walla uf hla fancy. I have base led Into thierr flection by Ibe persistent and Ingviitoue efforts of many men lo many places to dircredlt. if oot to distort, the fame and force of the teachings of Edwin Markham, the great poel-propbet of optimum and champlou of true democracy Sluoe Markham first elormed Hie rampsrte of privilege and startled llie ealf centered world of conservatism, he lies been the target of general attack from various quarters. So far. however, lie has this pitiless tombrrdment. though pelted with every form of missile known lo the ordinance of modern criticism. Old I say every mUtile. Not so. Just when we thought the enemy's gunt had been silenced, lo. tberw la a boom, a slu-and orasii cornea a seVr twvlw-luch front the pon derous gun uf misinterpretation. Ifsp plly for the Markham camp this gre t shell failed in lb* faking, and harmless ly burled Itself In tbs earthworks. In vwsUgmUoc proved It to he the Inven tion of Mr. Wallace Weed, a well known sod gifted artillerist of this city. To drop from figure to fac. Mr. Bred has preferred a new and onvel charge against Mr. Markham, lilt poetry and hie teachings. It waa lint charged Cliat Markham lied predicated III* ‘•Mm with Uie lloe” poem upon llw Augelut, aud was therefore an atUck upon religious e.n tlmaot. Tltli charge was rrfiitvil Theu It waa charged that lira i»«m had no foundation In fact, as MtiMt’s picture, upon which It »a» bunvi, we* a mere Idyllic cnsalnm nf the ai tut. no such type having aotual exlsteuoe and that Markham luul wantiinly Intuited the toller and laborlug mau. This charge haa alar been thuruuglily refuted. Mr. Btchard UbnllhriM went na record with the criticism that Math ham’e poetry was not poetry at all. bat merely a sermon set to vsroe To this I would replv that par try it of mob so ethatUl quality aa to reudrr the peraooal equation so important fac tor In passing upon Its merits. Most of our aara art attuned to aa apprecia tion of tha papular airs, but few of us are really capable of appraclatlug prop, erlv tha oosmic masUirpiecaa of Schn hart. Beethoven and Wagner. Mr. La Uallleue ia perhaps uue of the beet crit ics of the day. when it cornea to an Interpretation of the lyrics or the aub Ua sensations of subjective Impreaatou; but la be equal to tbs cosmic sod ele mental melody of Markbam, Involving as It doe*. huge masses of tout aat to the celestial minor of spheres. Ho much for Mr. LeUalllroe. Now for Mr. Bead. Mr. Head chargee Markham wltb ba log “an apoathr of the gbannlrut aud moat dangerous kind or pessimism”— the “new epistle of peastmlam.” Tble, if true, la Indued a serious ohargs, for of all the creature* In the earth, or ia the water* under the earth, Urn pessimist la deserving nf the least consideration at the hands of a strug gling humanity In a world of evolution and endeavor. Cnn the obxryv be maintained? What is pessimism? Tim accepted version of pessimism ia this-“Ihn doctrine that everything io naturo ia ordered for or tends to the worst, or that Uie world ia wholly uvll. A dlapoatlioo to taka llw least kopaful ▼law of things “ Mr. Heed os'li Martb-iui a pessimist been use be lias challenged the attention of llw world aud pointed It to certain ; grays problems of social and economic responsibility. Mr. Reed aaya: “I do not hesitate to aay that wblla these rlngiag verww voice the truth. It hi that kind of truth that doss more harm Utah good. la point of fact Ute only good it oan possibly do. Is lo frighten 'master*, lord*, nod rulers. Into temporary onnoesetona sad non priorities:' ” He admit* in* truth of M»rkiiam’» aaarrtlone. It telling llio truth In the natoie of pcaalmiamf Ha admits lha potalbilily of forcing ''temporary oonoettloot and Ootapro taura” in behalf of tba oppiMOtd—la not Hilt worth tha wbtleT It It In tha nature of the prtalinUt to undertake the ohara piotublp and rallet of the wronged and nndonef la tbit not, rathar the raatnllal obaracUrltllo of the humanitarian and lbo optlmlttV it not aueb tint eaaanee of brotherhood and opportunity, at oppoaed to taa , dewtroyer. the prlectpte of dtotolnlton The two ere antipodal, af eppneita tra {lerlty, aad hare eathing la eemtoeu After admit!(tag Iht truth of Mart baa’a aeeertlme Id relation t> “The ■an with Um Hoc," Mr. Bead jroae on to eay: "The (troof will eruab the weak ,111c rloh will opprea* the poo-: the e'4in will ruU the aiaii, dare and than wa Ond rxerpttoas. Spasmodic lefuraw mult from terrible molntlooa, bat tu llio and society retain* to tbe wma old oondltiuua " W« are told that Markham’* eharxne an true, but that tbe matter la bop« >••« and «e cannot even afford to tall tlia truth a boat It, It I* all true bat we auit keep It a need mnl. It«« all tine, bat It la not Oa part of ■morality to Ufa up to tba truth. It U all true, but It la lha moat daa fft-roui i lire* ooe of nature* mutt im|>rt*uung phenomena. Vor au obaervatoiy we arleutrd .. high hill overlooking tbe country for mile* around With irooked glace** we watched lilt* moon H» It passed over tbe faoe uf lit* mo. l'lte shadow passed from the northeastern |s>rlluu of tbe tun'* disk ; lo the ejulliwesteiu. Pur a time tlie shadow like a great cut nut of thu tail’s curfaoe , the ugly shadow slowly lucressed. Qrwdually (lie light began to fade, the sky became lisxy so.) Uie light tsdrd out. 8ooneverything look on a weird gh.ietly appearance. Tne trees and other ub)»eia cast ttrange, unusual shadow*. The efleot resem bled that pnduced by au electric hglu. The light stalnlug through the sinsl openings Ir-tweeu tbe leaves instead of tunning a circle on Uia ground mad* a craeceul. The uioel Interesting lime was Just as the tun disupp.-srtd. Au awful silane* reigned, ell nature Deem ed lo perceive tbst something uomnsl ■■■ taking piece To ado to ilia l to proasifences o( this spectra' appears..c» tbe oook* at tbe nvtghborlo* fario hnusee were crowtug, a dog was Imwl tngoo the opposite liiil, and children ware crying at ■ uuar-by nogro hut. Now all rye* were turned lo the far south weal wlieru the oo-e-'Otlng Shadow cum* iu majestic silence •weeping the light befur* it at the rate of a thousand miles an hour ; now it reaches tbe Dcar-hy hills ; now in a moment Ilk* Uw extinguishing of a candle the shadow sweeps over and earth's great lamp U obscured. All •yes turn lo the darkened tun—and what a scene of beauly. The dlak uf tbe moon completely veiled Uw elm. but around Urls blsck shadow oould be seen tbe suo's oorooa and ehromos pbers enclfollug the dark surface with a halo of glory. Streamers of light shooting furtb In different direction* gave to the scene ao added touch of rare twenty. Heronry near the sun. Venue near Uw eastern borlrtn, nod Mar* near the Mbllh, lent a new ebArm to the pruepect. Mom* start of the Brat magnltudu srere also visible Xl was only a little over a minute Utnl we could orj'iy this rare and beautiful scene. The dlak of lit* nun reappear ed and tbe heavdA* were again kindlnd with light •• by an atectrlc fl tali. A wav* of light ebased away tbe shade sod again nature smiled ; tb* shadow peaaed oo md natura adorned barrelf wltb her wonted appearance. If any of uur reads it aver hire an opportunity to wltoeaa a total eel!|a wort a Truly, •'the baavaaa dealer* the glory of. Bod : and the armament cboweth hie heady-work. ■nn *m fall VloUms to ataataeh. Ilrar tod kldnoy troabtoa •• wail aa woman, aod all faai lira resol ta ia teas od appetite, potaoei l-i the blood, backache, nervoutaeaa, I lead tot o nod tired, Itotleaa, raa-down feeling, link thai'i ao need to deal Ilka that. Ltotan to J. W fjord nor, Id«villa, Ind. Ua taya : "Kteotrto Hitter* ara loot tho tlilag tor a bob a Ken he la *11 run dowu, ind don’t earn whether ho live* or 4too. It did more to give too MW atrvatth and good appatlte than anything 1 engld take. 1 eaa mw nat earthing and bar* a naw team on lift." Oalv M> nenU at J. X. Carry and Coaapaay** Drug Stnra. Rrery boU> gaaraataed After a mao natan IK) ba quite bant lag hla^paeUcto* and bants Mi other GRIZZLED m OF DIUB. MAsarifo or ooifdmoute tut. EHAIB AT LOUISVILLE. • M Tn« urf atiu* Crlaa-k*. itfw a. «w4m, «PM> Ik* Tmik AkBMl k—klOk to to fmi*n * toll TkonwMrf *f«Mk *M toorito nnr-VatoUn afrartnlk. Lou drill*. Ky.. Mar 30.—Surrounded kjfbMTbuilM tha toy era® of the Coufoderaey. Uataoleg 10 tha ehaara fro® U* throati of t.OUO ®aa who wm tha gray, aod confronted by tha wtrlng handkerchief* of huu drada of lad lea, Gaa John a Gordon ooa>mender of Uw Ualtad Coafrdrrel* Veteran*. to-day furaally opened the taotb annual reunion of (bo otto, which In point of attendance la already the Unmet tear held All (blog* eon apt red Pi make Ua» ocoaaloa a aumeaa. wltli the exooiaion at tba waalher, which waa about m disagreeable at It wag could be. All throngh tba early boare of the morn, fngtbe rain aaao down in abaete. ?or an hour preylooa to the Uaa eat for the opes log «f tba seating Uw reterana aod their friend* ®*oa their way tea toady stream U, tba ball, aod by U30 It waa wall ailed. A portion of the Georgia delegation, beaded by a dranoorpe; cease marching In mak lag tba building ring with martial ®u*tc, end calling forth cbeara fie® tboer attain tiled la the hall. A Veteran from Georgia embed the crowd to genuine entbuelnaa when ha “'“•W carrying the oM WUIe lag of tbn Third Georgia Infantry. Searorly bad ba taken bin mat, when l be band •truck B|i "Dixit" and then eama tbt old label yell aod It “me with a lira •ad vigor that waa never anrpaaerd during tha day* of tha war. On the platform. iwaidsa Gnu. Pujol* war* Gen. H. B. Hue ton, -Rev. if U. Ham J. Jour*, non. J. H. Reagan, tbe onlr surviving memlmr of the eenioet of JeHoreun Davis; Gao. W. T. CaUII, Gen. J. II. Wm, Ool. Tliooaaa W. UultU.Col. U. U Young Rev. Carter H. lonra. Dr. B. M. Palmer and other*. Thu mayor, whose tpeeoli waa ra> oa.vnl wlUi coach applauo* wm fol lowed by Ool. Thomas W. Bulltt who walcomad lbs visitors to Lou lav Ilia la behalf of the Board of Trade of Una oily. liev. Carter Jones rxtandsd ilia welcome lu britaif of tha GummarcUl Glob of this olty. While ha waa In the midst of hla addnaa tha A. P. I Mi Camp of Petersburg. Va.. came turn the hall beaded by a ttfe and drum oorpa, which created much a notfa that It waa Impoaaiidr lor Mr. Jones lo eoo tlnua. Other aprecln-a wars made by Col. Alula Cog. Chief Junto* Ilaxelnge, Gen. Buckner, aod Cul. Brunet II. Yuung. At Uta ooncliiHUHi uf hla adHiwi, C*l. Yeung turned to U«ti Irirfuu end liaudnl him tbe k>va oi tim i.ulld ii'g wiuoli had Iwru errcted fur the ra uuiun. Orn. Uurduu Waa visibly inuvsd by the rteeuUoa be u>al with and fur •avrral uilnuica aloud buwlng hi* Ihanka. When quirt waa irstoird again be apoka at considerable length. At ihe ounclnsloa of Urn. 0«>ntoc’a atamch. which waa lainotuatrd with ap plause. be stepped back to the front of tha platform and aald ; "Sow boys—” t. yall of delight waa the reply. “Now" went «u the ganvnU, "1 want all of yuu who nan ilng to sing *Auld Laog 8yue.’ And those of you who can’t sing, piataod that they can.’ At the oouelualoo of tha old anog, which waa roared luatily by tha “buy*" Gao. Gurduo introduced Dr. B. M. Palmer. uf New Orlcaat, Uia orator of the union In eooneettoo with tb* Confed erate Veteran* ex pent* to lie** tbo larfeot attoodeno* In tbl* city in lbe blilory of tb* order. BUeou Iliad mu, of LoulevlUa end Robert E. Lee, at Virflnle, a arendeua of Oeu. Lee are candidate* for eornmnder-ta-ebtet. Son* of V*t*rane will bold their flrit okMlIny at 10 o’eloe* to-morrow moru la* at Urn Court House. Th* battle of IVrryvIll* will be re foaytit to-morrow, sreatber permitting, at lb* rae* Uack. Tb* roeamooder 9 tb* Confederal* for*** l* tb* *0**1 ooofllct will b* Ueu George K. (fordon whom lanwnNpibl* bon* serried blm *wr tb* br***rwwrke of tb»enM*y, at Franklin, when ho was mod* a prison •r. Um. JC. It. HoDma. of Uimi bom, Xy , wlX eomiaaod tb* Fed eral* Tit* OoortdoraC* Ho* ot B*hl wiu b* mad* ap of Om Rich mood llowMwr*. Kentucky Military iMMou Oadau, Richmond Kt., cad***, XaahviUo dprlotflcld Rifle*. O/Wthorp* IMt Infantry”of Harmaatv and tb* RapwbM 000 KIum. Tb* Xorth Onrollo* troop* will head tb* btcparad*. harm* ham artmtod for UtU honor by IW John B. Oaatl* ■M o* Um r*OMom**d*Uon of Lteat. Gao. Stapban 1) Lm. Tar mar Got. J*bo C. Underwood, of BowlUf Grw**, Xy., to-night at Ho oolo* Ball naralted and yraa**li I to tb* tooth fourteen lila *ta* portrait* of ■llttary naval, aad civil loader* of I ho Ooafadaraay. Go* Underwood bad lit*** portrait* paloUnl by X. T. A* drew*, dlraotnr *f tb* Go room* Art 1 Galtary School of Art Waablaftae i Th*y will bv rata road talk* Urn '• noma Uallary nflar lh* ra-anloa la orrr ' to rrnab no ill tb* OanfMernt* arna rial balMIng U flalalmd at Richmond. ; Va. On* thownand M«P>* wan prta w« to flew lb* *l*ro»*n*aotwttb*t*ad Inn tb* may Maallm. TB* adapt ing oorda tram pelted by yaoof »*■*> dlrowOy or tndtraatly *oaai«>»< with th* narry .4 tba mm whom par trail* vara una*(l«J. The portrait* »rta Liman <4 Admiral dattwM. Oro. Wada HaayWn, Ora 4««aaa L»uealrart. —1—mil fintaia. Baton X Ur. Albert flydaA Job* *C«n. Jannpb B. Jubratua. UwMu 1’uUi, (Maybe* U In Jab* O. Bra** turM*r. I*imai I*. Hurl*. U. B Ft*. »»< 4«>l»* II a ad Job* H. limdoa. •ca umuwr* rau, Mrrrr. Tbto <*H(ri |. mtiu Rnu mf Ukv UM in TM> «hm iramry. OMo, A faw yoaea ago w» asm draaid lhattba world would ba looklog to or for ft«at. 3Tow Austria, Franco. Japan, tbs JlrtbrriaodA and Roark ara look lot «M» way. Germany la taking m luoeutnry at bar rats sum. awl Ards last ysnr’s ootpot ws» 4,000,600 too* la aruai of tbr irroad tag yaar’a supply, uw amount »o band la snUnt* laadrQualu ta meat tin- in c ran rid demand. Tlwfaet li that maaufaotaiwi am making i man-os* rtrldra In Omrnir. Tba oUnaa of apprr atbana wiUaaow ba Inadrqasls to supply Uw daw and aod tba oouotr^ wdj^bs unllgrd logo abroad ply, but atlll n«t Isrgn osoagh. l5o estanatoo of railways sail Uw loon-os lag ladaatrwl sol trtty sooonnt lor Uw aeaataapply la part, bat An blltaa Uw aadayalopad atata of oanl win lag In dustry Ims laacti U do With It, At any ratoobnlssb-utHO «nd win bo an far a long UaM ta ouass O-elmt Ml" Olitt nt UUIU lb* Mh lory of Htd of Grao» UtUMm h*> ra dotty euied au invcaupati.oi in ix ■Milo Of Um wurtd'aaaal prudac* -g fa oUUbM. »IUi a vie* lu aaoenrliilug •b«bo» that aoantry ooold bold her povltloa aa Um tra v«l producing (Mala. *lxl ta nheall .if *J| m bar Mate*. Tn a*y o-tln.ip of It. vat unUumte aopply; Mat >«*r l< prnJ-.e d 74.JUU MO Dtt tons «*l utt M.uin-i«« n si. XrJtt cotaea ttia grnV ru-ie.-t ln.ii.4i. wtileb la preoUoaMy mix t .ai c...i i) Muwuu 1U torfboe. Toco we bar* Waat V>r alula aad Obio, aaJ laat, Ala Van. Um bipgntOoal producer In UiaAiuib.aod wlilcfi ptaa to be repnily ouaiar to tlm froat. Woos the oasumabru in um omhii own their own railroad* imiuk. tram porUtioo U vaiy cheap. W« ca» get oo*l to UM mabuerd cheeper Utau fir country os with. Osr UtUOUnoea 00*4 Is sn eapeculiy cheap r*.<|. as1 tb* Price si which It to cold althemboeni l* uid to net Um carrying ooeopaoPa shout this* alii par too per stile. Wtai Is there to hinder our brooming as isi. mass experts* of hhumhuMi ooai and of supdylog Europe eremuaily *Rb fuel es wall ■« tuud t It MaJog Is already sad Ismbw loduatry, what la It act Jyr sid tu bs whssi the worM casts it* arn this wav snaro* uf ooalaspptyT Wa in tbs North era apt to rtiinfant when wo think of tbs lWUNpsop*. rvportad by the wine lupootory to haw baea aarnged la that lodastty Cm year. The min* inapsstor* la their report attempt to dtsebue* tbs psapls of ear rent imprvntoaa. buwvvar by eacpUln log that the ansposbl "mlaare" an divided lato farawas, Maokamitba, bmwra, cerpawters, ceehMen, bra men. bnobaepan, clerk* aad other rwpiayta. many of wbom summand buadaon* wage* sad •aiertee. Matos# gaartsr of um iwplgw sun ie proparly cfaaswi si Misers sad alsts pMml fbr iaaUoes tbe lowed Is tb* wag* so*]* only r*p newt 14 par cast of the total urn Minis* 10 thisosu*try leal mast lu its Isfaaoy. There are tS entire oosutlea la P-os »yIrani* is whtab Mt amt a mu* eosl Is1 pvoSuord. Am Um ooeatryb eaat pra d act too leer*****. tbe bowel* of the ssrto are batow^aMrroS dnpn sad M wealth aaowgb ln*^2*bt to* warn™? the wltdeat dreaioa of fatsr* great Yaa, wa Ian already dhSaaoad Bag leod la oaal pvadaotlSB, WbMttteaay oo me to twmaiws Is beans. Tbs ayn of tbs world an spew this muUwnl Let bar* pawn plasty la • bawdy ■ore thas a as* rad. hnut uf ibe |imi iTn^Sm n"aragiai s?tii*iS8a rsr.i.oaur^.^at •k«liMi«(Mai)HlNM3t» 'don and li»i trail Brtdnt tn l>«1i»uim tW rWtci «C tfea cl«At «ipt>ir«r <• tiM ooIImUuii of ^0 j|qm| SocU-ty. , erporrr’a droth. - a tto Um Md tto nm AIM MM TMtoitodo* ttobro—Vtatcwaahaodoi ••tor to—to. of tto abMf of to* Hnr II-TB- who f Iliad tto dbirMt ■too LtnuiMooo dMd Lbcra. Cap. SbaSsjtr.napB Bn* «m not aid* to fM tto Mot. and itoutot wmsudm »— altar It bad bM»i pu la Maos to aa Arab alavo ^^wsaasss* • totttotMtoftotoaaoba aMakoaa ttMC alibiMtob u mm Mid waadMt B■■ *** It. an aJf«€K»d *Ut* uf draay tad mitot to w |iertab. tov4via« tto 4h> nr notion of tto tomlptooa. atom ONfm — wont token f'tr Its —» Uo*>. Tto Royal fT ■agroaM—I aooMto dniMol t > to*a tto aiotioa Vwt omt tarn UajuaartoOmi oat ••otoftbauoo ottor rtUoa" of Llolajat a*.Mb. a£ I rad aitepi tto tolttab Uoaamlatonmr In tba BrtUkli Utolnri Africa Meta rats, oadwtmA to carry out tto wMtoo of tat—toy wheo to oppirtaaRr un. ojimd. PtMbto last year tbat Mr. B. OMrlMtoii Wat about to visit lha M> of Into Dn.owa.ilj to MMMtoto him u tatobbi tto weak. Mr. Od rtoftwioauaaniad to da snood a HUM later and* tto«uidoaaa«f ObMfOta ateiM ha firnad tto low Mill inrflhg bat la a vary bad waudttiao. Wbaa tto tfra was failed It woa told In to omaptoaly hollow. Tto lujariplaa bad baa« partly *S*tod by word boots. A • far a» H war biptblc. It waa at fol io wii rm. livihgstone,"j“ May 4. 1871. : .... Kb Mniaarro uolMoaro. t Tto section M very toavy *ad bad to to aoewnhat raduaod la aMa la otdar t > lraiito>«r H to I to as*. WhmRwM uupteknl in fswtdna A waa tot ad to hire stood tto Journey wtrmMy mU and atrya wars Mo— takas far lit pariaauaat pv—* Tattoo. •MMHMtM