The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home yol. XXI. _GASTONIA. N. C.. THUK8DAY, JUNE 21, 1900. ARP OH HEW WORDS. BILL HAS TO OOISTJLT DIOTIOIARY FOR THEIR HUAIISO. ■nay H>«»n Tkw« Pay CiWhIbc WmB.-TBmM. gl-WS MS Wwm BMlHsn. Dill Ary lo AiIbiiIs Uuaeiiutloe. When we were llule tohml buys It was a big thing to spall * Maker .” \Tbeo we rosebud ‘ croelBg” wh Had visions Of expansion and suspenders sad whsn w» progressed to "unlutet llglblltty" end ‘-Incomprehensibility" we thought there were no more worlds to conquer. But there were for sway on sear the Wet png' wns a o«lah>guo of lawbreakers sucn n "pb-tb le-le," srtiloil wo Called "title,” ami "mleblll macklnac" and "boon/ clabber," etc., Wo Innocently supposed tbst tbe old blue back spelling book oouUlned sll tbe words In the world but Uy aud by we round out that we were only hi the rudiments. The llule dictionary aud English Render and Murray's C> rammer and Salley's Arithmetic were all she»d of OS. Io course of llmu, bowsvvr we learned to parse which It n L-uln w.rd taken from "quo# pars orsttone"— what part of speech. Tbeo we mss tered tbe rule of three which la now called proportion aud soon advanced lo tare and tret which we whlapjrtd was "eoougto 13 make lbs devil awuat." About tbla time ws begun to wear those all the >e«r ruoud sod to brueli our hair and hoi) picked out .1 sweet heart and held tier bend mi the slv when we Stood up to recite aod some times we used tbe louklogglsse to see bow the downs; beard was coining. When well npln our teens we were promoted to tbe Imtltute and Inlru dooed to Latin and Greek and Algebra aud History. I remember tbe Orat sentence In tbe old "RislniD Sacra," "Deal Cresvit eoclam rt terram loirs sex dies”—God crested the heavsus •ad tbe earth in six dsya. It wsa like a coofeseloe of faith and made A more lasting Impressing for wt bad to stud; It oot and parse It. 1 remember our history sad bow Thomps Allen, who bad been poring over AlalbUries. Per lolte, Thocyldee, Sophocles and Demos thanes suddenly came on * sentMiea beginning with tbe word •betidra." aud ba called it “bea-i-dee" aud lUvrvby got a nickuame that Muck to blm through life. Bat we old meu have loog since for gotteo our Latin aod Greek except tbe small words that make up much of our modern English. Even a limited knowledge or Latin aod Greek la a greet advantage aod great comfort In defining our laagusge. It la of In estimable value to professional meu to doctors aiM druggists botanists aud horticulturists and those who cultivate do wen. But nobody can readily read Latin ur Greek nowadays except tbs professors and teachers In our schools. Mot loog ago I pond tied over a Latin preface lu a very old book sad bad to give It up. I turned It oyer to Professor Daves and be rendered It very beautlfnlly aod do doubt oorreetly but hie good wife told me a secret that he worked on It averj night till mid nigfat for a whole week with bis coat off aod tbe perspiration ooting from his classic brow. I »u rumlnstipg about these things because I oame across tom* word* to day that I never heard of end bad to ooomlt tba big dictionary for a mean lag- Of coarse we have to make o»w words all tba time to keep op with In ventions and eeleoee but tbaaa wards are old aa John Oalvlo aud they seem to have created a nighty dlaooaalon In making up tbs Presbyterian ooofesaioo of faltb at Westminster Abba? 350 years ago. I was perusing so edltorsi In a New York paper In which it was stated that ovvr forty pnebyterlans of tba northern ehoroh were la favor of Moendlog tba eoofaaaloo of faith and going back to saperUpsnrtaoUm which was tba doctrine of John Oalvlo. That the Westminister ooofessiou was tub Upwinarlan and not Oalviniatie. That waa a rwrtlaUon to ms and so 1 liars bean rending up o» tbaaa abatrnae things and flod that there waa a toeg and utter dlacualou at Waatmlaatar aa to whether God decreed tba doctrine of atapttoD before tba creation of snsu or after ba fall. Calvin deolarad tba former which ha sailed ■ 3Mapsl nsriau tarn but tba Wastmtnlater aammbiy deolarad that the decree of election and reprobation waa cot determined oa by God until Adam had ataaiad sad fkll. 1 tell you tsy Christian frteods, those two long words are to Cite ootn mon mind aa ualatalllglUe and Ineom prabanalbta as were •'uolotelllatWIItv" ana "inooaprMmnMMiuy" to mono • school boy. I have got along with out Uisos all tbsas ;m and 1 am not going to * train my mind with them wow. Thsra It soou«h In tbs ssmoa oa tbs mount to golds as sad oo si fort ue In the jout&ay of Ilfs. Tboss old ttSM thsoloaUas WSM daspsratal/ la m roSSt oo doctrinal mat left, for they wars la s mighty sootrovsny with • mighty foe and ao mao bad a tight la barters as be pise tad sod bs at pesos. Brae Calvin bod Barretos arrest»d and boned ae a betetle bseeuss Its dselad tbe trinity of tbe God heed, riarvstea waa a Unitarian lo faltb and a good man In ell tbe relation* of life. Home times I f«er we have too much com plexity of doctrine. I taasa wet ol tba prana here and Umelagtaaa of tbe ■at pels. The peopla are all right eed glre themaalvaa vary KtUa ooeeero •bent doctrine. They want praeobera to preach about live sod doty hew to lire end bow te <Mn It Is not doc trios that take* eoeverted peopla Into lb la oborota or that church. It la eaaoela tiea— predllaeUeo—ear fetbare were there or oar mother* or oar apeetal friends end wo woreblpad tbsre or X tsadsd Baaday soheal wbaa oblldrea, and we feel more >1 beam thsre. The pssaUer doetrlem of Ibis shefeb or that eknrsb ale sot eoastdersd. Vet see mr-t'— la ten oea tell the differ ease bet warn Oslri alecs aed Amis Ulem eed I deebt whether adeem eso femtome ef faHb aee be fewsd ameeg Ui'i members of any Prribjterlan oburcb la tbs State. What the bambte Christians of k»y Protestant church want Is n simple ChiistUu faith nntanglad with ehairusa dorlrluoa and long words of Itemed larigtb and thundering sound. They pot our baavsolr Patter away off almost nut of reach though St. Paul declares that he la very near l« every one of us. I ivcall some vena* that ooane in nia wovower I bear a presobvr Indulging In doctrines coaovrnlng vtvc lion prvdvatiuatlnu and free sgeucy and shooting away over the beards of the people. A parish privet, of Austerity ('limbed up h high ehureh steeple To be nearer God and from therv baud down His word unto Ills people. WiMn'tba sun waa blah. When tiro euo woe low. He sat unheeding sublunary things, 1 And with tlie Lord was ever plead ing. Mow and again when be beard the creak Of the welber vaua a turning, He cIosmI bis eyes and said : "I know From God 1 now am learning. His pious tbougbts lie daily wrote. Thinking (bat • Iter caute from baayvo; He dropped them dowu on lit* people’s beads Twmm every day to svyeo. lu his old age Uod called and aald : '•Comedown aud dtp.” And be cried from ont the ateeiilp. ••Where art thou X.ordT" Aud Ibe Lord replied; ••Down bare among My people.” i net it a beautiful hyoo Ibit Mn. Adame wrote—“Maurer My God tn Thee,” aud It would grieve n>« to have It left out ol tbe uew tiyme book. She waa a varf pious aud gifted woman, though (lie waa • Unitarian. Com plaint liaa been made that the hymn ignores tbe trinity bnt it waa founded ou tbe story of Jaoob'a dream aod Ibare la no trinity in that. I/el It etay lbar. Dr. Bow Mn Premise aod Mr. Cbarlee Bobertaon have Ihrae other* cluat by ou the laui* tubjecl that hate tbe taiue meter aud enough of trinity to aatiefy auybody. Maty of the most beautiful bymut l.i oar colloetiou were wrlltcu by non Protes tant* and non prof*ator* hoove of them are by Roman Carbolic priest* aad aome by Tom Moore wbo was said to bathe moat Itoanllou* povl in all XogUnd aod did not belong to tbo oburcb. Be wrote a volume of bymta and among them la “Gome Ye Dltooo eolata.’’ Wbo would rule that out? Three reflections ou old Father Janob aod hia ladder provoke me to aty that It rnuet have taken a doctrine of elec tion aod aome emeu og grace to have kept him Id the fetor of Uod for be was a ealfieh man and kept an eye out for hi* person*I gain. Be began by defrauding hi* brother oat of hi* birth right aod later oo tricked bU fstlier-lo law out of hia cattle aud attar be awaked from that dream at Bethel he tried to make a bargain with the Cord aad said: “If tba Bud will bt with me and give mo bread to eat aad rai ment to put on and I some to my father’* boose in peace then shall the Cord be my God." Almost auy tin ner would do that now and even tome church member* will vow to give a buodred dollar* to the ehurnh if they make a thousand oo a eerielo (pecula tion. X* IMr •( talk. ‘*1 have Man thouaaoda of peraooa die under all aorta of elronmetaocee, and rarer yet hare I aeeo one display the slightest fear of death." Tbla re markable atauoent area wade the other day t-v a physician wbo baa praetload many yrarn la rbtlsdalphia, aad who baa aeen a great deal of boapi tal service. "It la a popular fallacy," ba went on, “to Imagine that a death bed ecene le even terrible, other than ae a parting bet wee* lured one*. The fear of lbe unknown It nerar praeeot at Lba lent. Bren amid Ignor eae* and rtoe I hare never experienced toeb eceixa aa a noveltet wbo etrivea after real lam will eometlmae picture. When a pattern t* told Uiat ba oao not reenter aad the eod U near be Invaiib ly eeama resigned to bit rate and hie only thought ***** to be of thorn who era to be left behind. Tbla I* true •*'k*of n>*o and woman. Thom wbo heeame byuerteel aad deelara they are not flt to die at* tbs onaa who are not a* 111 a* they Ujlok they are. These always get wall. A Psychological reason 1 Oh, I don't know that IMft l( aay It'ajnat a bums' trait.” A Tkaasaae T«a«a»a Oould not express the rapture of Annie R. Hpctngar, of UBS Howard Rt., Philadelphia, IV. wbea Hie found that Dr. Aleg** New Dleeorerr for Oonaamptlon had oempietejy eared her ot e back lag eough that for many yean her hte a burden. All other ramadjaa aad doetare oould give her no help, hot the eeyi of tbl* Royal Oara—“It aoon removed the pain in ■>7 and I eao now ilaap aououty, aomathlng I can acareely remember dolag before. I feel like aoundlag IU preleee throughout Uw Universe." Ho will every ooa whu trie* Dr. King's New Dtoeovsry for sot (rouble of (ha Throat. Cheat or Lungs PrloeMasad •1. Trial boMlaa fra* at J. B. Carry and Company's Drag Store; every bot tle guarsetaed. Than ta etlU Hvlag la Vlanaa an old Lady-by naaoe Frau Oraboar—la bar VlM year, wbo anoa ta tea ehorwa at tba brat parfonaaoaa of Batbootan'a ChrwM lyaapbony. Tlw treat aaaaatoa baa tank deep la bar seaeoty, aad uw Mia bow tba aaetar muetelan eawa and wood target tba parfomara lo the hope that aoara of Uw nalody aowaa Ma* fraaa kta brain wight reach hia tan. Ha fallawad el.waly wUb a rail aaora. bwlow Uaaaaaatxm of Uw aioale ha allII aonttaaad ta lata Uw Marat, til a Maad tapped hta oa tea ahoelder aod pointed bit etWetioe to tea ap pteaAag aod Mew* THE CEIIlaw lirBUTIOl. Tfc* BIMW A(»IMI rmliMn, Wbkh Ena (an AMiwaiaiiaa Mmwth h» draiarlH la A Waal ■« Braak. MMnpbla.CoM. uiardat Appaat. Ttie Chinaaa poule. which Ih* na tions of lb* earth am trying to solve, la one of grant perpleilty xud the ltoal solution may uot umuo booh. Tba "Holers," »r II.* M-yolutlontati, seem to be the ol people, who have risen lu protest against foreign In vasion, much in the same manner ua Pater tba Hermlt'i motley crowd, or as Coley's army iu tblsoouutry was segregated. They are unarmed excep ting wbeu they meure arms from tbe Cblnase soldiery, sod at th*outsat they ooold do uo barm of eouavquenoa. They have become adulated with tba -Big Kelt*” organisation which i* more ag gressive apd which believes In armed rsalstwocv. Tba revolutionary eplrit extends over vast scopes of the vast Empire, nod It la faooad and encour aged by tbe wily Dowager Empress, who sees In the present au opportunity to win the good-will of tbe Chinees. For be It rvtnembered that the Chinese dynasty Is not Chinese, but Maaehu rlan and Manchuria Is praetieslly a Russian province at tba present dm*. The Chloase hate the Mnnoburtao dy nasty with an ntidying bate. It Is to them what the post-bellum carpet bag ger* were to the Boo them people, Tbe Chinese have been hnplng and praying for tba Una when the ManchurUn car pet-bagger can be driven from tlm tbrloa walled yellow city and a ruler of Cblnaae blood put upon Urn hlg«> real. Thl* aaplraiion makra Itself manifest la the folklore of Uiecoramon Almost every popoler atory baa for IU bails some plan to outwit tbe bated Manchurians. Chlm-ao doc tors ud Duress are always substituting a Chinese baby for tlve Empress's child •rhthat the Chloeae child o>ay grow up aod corse to the ruler's seat tu time. Anything that oan be said to gel (lie beet of (lie Marcliurtaus when woven Into a story Incomes at onoe popular The gathering storm of boaUllly •gainst foreigners, which, baa been sc cumulating strength fur four oealurlaa laabool to break, and It ka about to vent lla force upon Europeans. Chris tuns mlaalooarlise lu exposed places art Oral to be attacked by tbe Ignorant pupil laea. To protect theae mtaalonariea the Cbiueee Govern meal tends out soldiers who join the "Boxers,” or surrender tn them and turalah them with snml Clou, I'eklo. tbe Capital, li menaced, and the foreign repreveotattvea are keeking to avoid trouble bv aeodlug their families away on board tits war ships of their respective couuli lea. AII this la done with the uoDolvnuue and eueeurugemeut of the Dowager Em press. Sha dare not do oUiaewlae than loin the revolutionist cause the la also so intruder and would be assailed as suy other forelgurr did she not cuny favor with the intiyen by encouraging them. Hence foreigu notions have been compelled to land marines to pro tect their various consulates. ■•I Easily FravtkiW. IVKlin OoaneimUi. A little good humur is a pandora for tile frictions and Irritations of life. If wlust the Apostle Peal says about “love not easily provoked” la true, we fear there are a great many Christian people who are not largely endowed with this grace. This la a moat pro yoking world If we Judge It by tbe frequency with wtileh people are pro yoked. It is no doubt, in many oases, a matter of nerves, but it might be asked If tbe regenerating power of Ood has not anythlug to do with a man’s nervous system. We want a aanetl d*d oar vs more than almost anything else. It baa been said that ill tamper le the vioe of the vlrtuone and a blut on an otherwise noble character. Per haps we laul I>etler reconsider what a virtuous character ta aod resolve that Irritability and eensortouaness aud Jealousy and pique shall be el saved among sins to be repentad of and foaght against as mneh aadrnnkattaeea and theft and profligacy. The dis tinctions we make bat ween si us la damaglog to oar ebarseter. Tbe ug liest sort of aina are those which are ofleo ooauted do ale at all, but afmpls Infirmities. Loro has an etamaot of good humor In it. It hasps back re tort aod pilots offensive words aud actions in a light which gives birth to a (aeatloos smile Instead of bitter re seatment. Thera are meoy people with auofa a surplus -A ojoaoleoos that they are evsg feeling it to bo ibtlr doty to get oBboded. They are mock felth fnl In following their pecollar con eoteooe. It may sot be very dlnolded, but If WS cultivated tbe habit of laegh Ing at those wbo loss their temper it would be the beginning of the rageu rration of society, ft la easy to with stand a retort or sngrr, bat human astute cools off very quickly or gets ashamed of Itaatf before a playful ■mils. Tbe trouble with many la an eiseas of sarioesaeae. The art of treating lightly and I title dlKkrwoei that arias la social or eh or oh life le the secret of retaining friendship aod pro earring harmony. If there is one whom you ban wronged or slighted wbo meats you neat day with a pleas ant “good morning,” you ihlok the more of him aod leas of yourself fur Kur leak of Courtesy aud kindness. • baps. If we preaolied the dkty of good ustore wc should be adding to the world’s bappluees mors than If wc preached some higher o nee. Tba Hot. K. K. Dlxoa, Method lit, of StroodaburR, Pa., matt dafattd In Ubart «o "aet of rrovi<}*«o*m It uwd to bo oillod Tbo fiou, >■ i«. parted, ora that a broaary wao built la bla parM>, «mI Ur. Dixon pratad from bla polptt that ttgbtatog might ttrtfea tba anunod thing. Win, It apoodUir foHotrod that tho bnaarj waa attack t* liRbtolaR. aad aomldcrably lojurad. tooagh oot bo rood, ok4 bow tbo awo raaaa wbn bnllt It ara prcaaaatiag Dlxoa for “Injuring tba motel ■UodlBg <4 Ibamaaloaa aad thoir feml llaa " It la nut allaaad that tbo prmyar aaaaad tba “oat at Piaoldaoea" »«« or MIMM. TrwaM* Wllk Wrw Iw»m - r*ru ■■•■a MMIO -TnUi hmI Ollier llnu Ttra drat station of Ura Fllty-alxth Ooagiw* adjouroed amid no iiutbcrat of good baling on Tbareday JimTm 8 o'clock. During a brief reran prior to adjournment Hi# House sang patri otic alia. "Dlxls" alleltad oucb eo tliualaam. Ttra work of tbe drat aaa alwi la completed aon It will now *Uod Oaf or# ilia oouotry for It* Judg manc—u kind of tnuiaUwi aod referen dum. Th* tUturday Kaaolog Foal bristly and olearly auun up Ura work of Om grvta aa follows: Congress waa Interesting from ilia start. In Uie tUcrate there waa a Uepobllcau majority of twenty. In lira llouau 11 rare wua a Republican majurity of tb* fifty six. In a very bran oh of Ura Govarnmaot ttra Repub lican party we* la control. On Ho ve to bar 21, Vloa-Praaidsat Garret A. IIobsit died Whan Uougraas met on Dsotmber A Hooorabla William 1*. Krye, of Malira, waa ebuaru preaid lug otkeer of tbe Sonata Ti e lam* day Honorable David li Handeraoo, of lows, wm eieoted Speaker of Ui* House. Everything paaaral off icaootb )y in tbe House la the ■•earing to of ura mvmbtra until Utah waa nailed. At tbe toned of tho name Origbam H. Roberta, Mr. Taylor, of Obio, arose and said: ‘ I object to Ura (wearing In of the Repeeaen stive elect from Utah, aud to hi* taklug bis amt.” A oommittee waa appointed, and lea tlmjny wa* taken showing conclu sively that Urlglram U. Qobaria waa a polygamist aod inoompataot under tbe laws of ttra United States to bo * mem ber of Uuognm Tbe uram queellvn wa* tb* manure of catting rid of btm, but the protest age lust him war so great that thta dUBoally counted little. Tb* moral uanao ol the country wa* aroused urd Hubert* w*s oraiwb'lm lugly voted out. km tui iwiwu mat i*r. uisri bad tarn elucUrd to the Sc ate by (be Uonuoa Iv*g Ulal urr afui prodigal expamlltmce. Ur. Clark admitted Mat lie bad (pent between *180,000 aud *1*0.000 id till campaign, and Utere were other i-lrcuooatauosa to allow that UiU eon noons aunt waa uaiy l*ort ol tba total, which has bruit vari ously aallmaled up to «> high m *600, 000 — with bow much tiuth u la impoe alblv nocuratdy to determine At aoy rale tba committee reported unani mously that tba seat occupied by Ur. Clark should be declared vacant. In the meantime Senator Quay, whoso tba Legislature of Pennsylvania liad failed to elect, sod who hod racelfed a cerlIBcale of appolulmeal from tbe Governor of Ills Slate, was trying to get back into bis old seat which he had occupied fur eiglttrcn yurns. The per eonal fnai.dsbips wtiloli t>* had furnud aided his cause great] v, and tlmugb be was going against all tba precedents of tbe Senate, be waa ennideut of sue ores. Tbe vote waa one or tba moat eaclliug and ctaaeal in llw whole history of Con grew vma would bayo admitted him, but It faapiwned to 1m iHi tba other sale. There two caaaa gave a grant Impetus to tbe luovumeut for tba election of Senator* by tbn direct rote of tba people, and on April 13 tire Honse of Bepeeveutaltvea adopt ed a resolution for a Oonatltuttonal amendment providing for that change by tba extraordinary vote of 240 to U One of tba incidents that will last In American history was tba treatment nf Porto Rleo by tba present Cougrvea. Spain allowed lbs 800,000 people of this Island free trade, manhood suff rage, sixteen fall deputies and four senators to tbn Cortes at Madrid. and twelve representatives In tbe local ns nlcipal asvembltee. President UcKlo ley In bis message to Me fifty-sixth Con frees said: “Our plain doty la to abolish all custom tariffs between tbe United States aud Porto Rico sod give her prod acta free aooeea to our mar kets.'' Os January 8 last. General Darts, tbe Governor-General nf Porto Woo, appeared before a counroluee uf tba Honse of Representatives. "wun me treat wun uis United State* win the people of rerto Moo be able to work oet th«4r Miration V" asked Ur. Cannon, of Illinois. “Quits able to support Urtusair**,” b* replied. "and besides, to eon tribute moeb to the wealth of the United Metre whenever tbe Island I* put upon e sound haste." Three week* after Ibis there was an uosspeetsd ehasge. A tarts was pro posed, aad then fallowed Lbuee well remembered development* whlth ended In lb* driving through both booset of Congress of e new measure. Mom* or the more Independent members, both of the House and tbe (haste, rebelled, bat the party organisation eras too strong (or the majority. Tbe bill named tbe thoate by a rota of 40 t* 81. Tbia measure pula over Psrlo Moo a governor, give* the Porto Meant Urn smaller part of a legislative aemmbly and knaps la American heeds tbs reel antborlty. gran If thte tagte latlvs asaatnbly pames taws they must be tub]oet to lb* revteioa of tbe Coe grass of die United State* Its Jod.Ts* ■r* appelated by the President of the United tftatst- It doss oet eve* allow Porto Meant to seed a non-voting da legate to Ooegrees, bet ereatet a resident oommUalooer of Pert* Bteo to reprsosot lb* colony la Washlagtoe. And la add it to* to all that It Imposes a arisen per seat tart* on Porto It lean ' r*ri» TIn «Ntloo wii huntllaUd at* amused to prutset by this Porte Hleaa loeident. Almost the eutlm prose of the eouolry deotered He oppoeltloa. asd oea of the extntordhtary raeu waa that Some of lha *Uld soteeUAs Jour nets which never Uoebsd polities be fore in alt their earner* sou Id net re amt the temptation lo irarms them ed va*. Almeak every word that earn* from lb* pulpit or the mil out — of Coe gross wee * protest against the vteleUe* of the given prombm of the ■aUml. Tim *»gam sal far the bOI wee ewe of expediency—that it was Uttar to rata tba asoaaaery iwve&eaa In thle indirect w,Ti??d iMt ,n •"*•"*>» ovary penoy would be devoted to Pwrlo tUoo. Bo ymtd all Ml* waa tha broador foot that i P*™ **«•*•• Government altuald ale* free trade to Porto Bion it ►•*• to do tha Mtaa to the Philippine*, and thus open tha gaira tor tha Kastrrn lovaaton of Cheep prudoote and aheap labor. Hat at the aama time Um rant remain* to-Uay that tha 800,000 Porto Btoao*. Uko tha two million Atoerieana oia baodrad and twanly flye years ago. are enjoying the privilege* and pleaatura of taxation without representation. 0«**cto( Congress that will have a Jaolded effect epon tha oomiag Prnel dentltl campaign la tba new Oanaota law that baa placed Uw Government upon a gold baata. Thle will da axire to beep baainam atcadv aud to ward off VSe usual Praaidaittlal campaln punlo than aay other ^ln«- *“,«»« Nvaa aoneualy to Uiiafc that It will be changed in spite of all tire free silver talk, sveo if the Demo crat* should carry Um fail eieeiiona. fur the Senate la saieiy KapubUna-i for tba the neat Ufa year*. The Nicaragua Uaual baa bad its uecai expariuMe. Tb* pension Uwa are otil) uarefonaad. Tha reoevaelse Uoe of tha army haa bean begun. Mora moony hat baaa appropriated tor Uw itasy than by a»y Ooogrras in our blatory the total being about M.OOO. 222 .»*• ®*»ly a few years ago Mat Spanker Read, la reply to the taunt Mat I be appropriations by Oonaieae would aaeouut to a billion dollars, exclaimed. ‘This |a « billion dollar country.” Wo latve now paiimd be youd that stage. We are rapidly near !"« l*»« ix>|ut when Instead of Win* n button dollar e-mulry for two years we shall be spending a trillion annually. I n one omission at taut Hits CongraM in mure lemur liable (ban in tta various oommlssiuoa. The wiMk o.iuntrv haa bran dtaurhed by Mo trust laaoe. Prasldnit McKinley daooancnl It ia bla m-ssugu Crary unwsiruper has debated It; tvary political oouvrotion haa proclaimed against U la us plat foiin Both parties are commuted to tta capture aud tba tamlar or tha saonMer. and yet abaoluu-ly not lung baa l**ti dona by the Fifty sixth Ooti gro-s in bait or to binder any corpora ti'»n *»r -BC9I-aiHuw niiauM or thi rtawM bit. ' Km 111 rMw*«a klnlM I'm lirm-Tlw UpmI annul IrMjp. Tim effolU Uf Senator Sullirao of •" apprupittldii of $100 for 8ta»l>y Swidcvaa. waa nut or the homoroua feature* of the cl. win a Iwura of Cunareaa. In IBM lira M it SonCcrau I oat 1*0 buabcb of corn, which were taken by (be Vlbabajput Marine Urlgade f.w Uit< aw of Union aoldlera The Hnuae piaaed a Inti giriug Btaii ley Snularam tier 4100 h pdJBMOt I and Senator SulUaan a pent two day* la trying u> avourn unautia-maooMMt tor Urn corntderaiton of the bill ly (be Senate. Every time Mr Sullivan brought It forward. b areaar aoma tblnv happened-either a reeeaa ur aa adJ.jjrniaeel, nr a onDferaaioa report or an objection. After aaob rvbaO Senator Sullivan eaaw up ■ailing again altb hb llltie bill hU putfeeon and perabtenee and “WWWtly inexbauMlMe. At 9 o’clock yeaterdav eftamooa he made another effort. -fa Ula bill to pay for aome dialled corn?" tubed Senator Wole-dt. “i object." Than Sulllvao Mt lib Um and a wore to get the Knodgrue* aba I led ooru ap pruptiallotj or hold op Urn Senate. I Every bill that area called ap by the ymrloM Sanatory act the prompt ob jection of Sullivan and wac bid elide. «a unanlu.MM conaent vac nanrmai i Ita paaeage. r I natty Wot ooU*l K-publicaa aMoeiairc Implored bia t» withdraw hb object hn to Suh lliao*a bill which the Colorado Senator did good-humoredly. Than Urn Mood, graec Uli waa put through and no father objection waa heard from Mb* laetppl’a Solon. Wh*« U» Oreal Memorial btldt* era* odder dleoaeuoo te Uia Kona* «b laelioa to the appropriation were uraed by a number nf lormar Union a •Idler*. HaproueoUtte* Pat Henry of Hieeleaip pi caucrt a tm<i leapt at Hwoapmaa of thee* vrWrana try ebuullee: “I renenbn a day wfceo yon Win m mould bar* tlran IK,000,000 for any kind of ahrfdi* aorom Urn PoUHnan where It la propoaM to pul tb» Great brtdpe. Afiar Ue battle of Bull Rua joe would bae* paid any an* tar aaofe a maaaa of retraattn* dooblannlok from »»■»»»“ to to Waafctoftau.'’ »*><* Iki Oxf*. . a ■Urtlinor (oddest, of which Mr. Jehu Oliver of PbUndaltfala, ni Uw lubjmit, la narrated by bin «a follows: “I was In sweat dreadful mi wilt Ion Mty skin was alaioat yellow, eyas sank !"• |Mlu ooatinaally hi '*"*."■d•k*?'bfoaUt*—gradually trowing waakar day by dayT Thaaa sgzssxssn&jex Sgatt-arayaa farthiea weaut aad aaa aowa'aS! •bn. I haow thay aoosd ay lift, aad j^aaossr&rsK Mr. Tartar vbaaoaMt«Mac*f*c«.. ■*•* «*• try I »* u tart T»a«| u» waaala* ot tha war* "braaa u anttad "Vow Tommy" ba aatd, •* yaa sbaaM as l.a*Ua« and hill Iwtaiy yhaaaiala far laaUoaa boat a»a»y waald I®* *<y yaa had kmadr’ “frilly rapMad Tommy. Three hundred mm poaadlog aad Auditorium in ordrr tabu nadv tor tea wmwto aMiMnyMuritoMam mm rmwgpIlM ^Tha rigid CMyOua vautlou Hall aid ba ready. U alU to nedy ft* ooenuntteo barora a ran tbs tlaatxpMtedbplha Moatsanguinea aoatb ago. ThaaraaM) periodla Iba MMtraeUoo » past. Wltb caoftdaoM In bar ability to by aad aatoh Um Iroa worbara Ugbtsu tbs bolts la Um last aroh and tba oar* paotarg ottaob tba aatf la tba laot atrlagar. Prater aoaa tba furniture 5s.-ars5b.«i',s“ss: talnod aroaad Uia Iron girder* Iba ball will bo ready wbrn Cbslrasae Junes of tbs MatinmJ Commutes auuoaaoM tba ooavantton ready far* tba tnuMMtlaa of baalseia. Mualripnl enterprise dM K aJL It furnished Um Idas toe sinews aad tba ■an a bo rushed tba aorh to oemple tloa. Wtills other cities mar point with pride to their corvoistioo eon itraoled bulMSagr. Kansas City baa Aemoostwtnd a bat a peoute united aaa b lib a trust that bant tba Kansas CUy Convention Hall aot oaoa bat talcs. It’s a traat of Um pro ala, tor Um people aad by the people. The baiobleat subscriber-sad than an lk«aaaads—takas ao lass la tanas la Iba build lag Umn boot tba Man who holds Um flOOO shares. Twenty Iboaasoda psssln contributed from |l 10 P1.000. Vow 90,000 paspta sn SSfSXS JfTntnrlhtLJr* "w Itb I tba KnUonsI CoovanUua Ism than one month away, tlmn Is swpla Mtanaa sow vistbla that the halt will bs ready •t lasst two weeks baton tba tlao Mtiaatad by iba ooutraetors. A Rspublxi reptiamtoUv# at Imbed wm a mass of debris at tba aids at tba Mg building teal Monday sad stood in ibaoenU* of ihnvaalpavtUioa. ttovaral iiandrad man town paaotog to and fre, •u gaged la tkla ucoapsUou aad that. A wbariy lilt la upright onglaa stood lo Um cooler puffing stray vtooruoalv whit* a load of corrugate won roufiug wont skyward with » jerk. Tks tu ple atr all Hied bio lam aod down r~Ti we lift. Again (ha performance was gotta tbioufb' with uaill la baaajne tlnaooM enoaab oven to tbo norteo. On tba ta»»d roof o*u wont placing toe Icon In r cutar rows. Wheelbarrow load* of commit were thrown OB toe and that portion was ready for tbo riafero. Half—yea two thirds of tbo roof was Br-l-lo-d Around lha areas rows uf aftl.-artu wna <«lng piaoad randy be f e fl «nn .«» which ibr chairs for tbs vUltotw will hr pt toad. Above ibie tbo oaht-d Iron Utaiaoof tbo gallery wars ready for tba strlogrrs and ao it wont Th* hwitdlng loaltaady practi cally completed. A caurao thrown over each rod and l be chairs would IK tbo bonding Tor tmu aOUls and practi cal uao Kansas City baa aavrd Uio day aod caebaneod brr repaint ton a thousandfold. She bas accomplished that at tba auggtaUeo Uf which area larger eltiea wwatd quaU. "Its aboot lulabsd.” nM Manager J. P. Loom It aa ba Mood oa tba edge of an tsaavalioa, psroaoilly diraaUog a f«roa of own at work. "We are two weeks ahead of tlao Don't it low* Ilka U? I bovoot time to talk mraalf ■web. JuM a few .olnutaa. SeeCteo dm a lor Ha known all about k.” Bat aa Mr. LoomU talked Im forget him dot lea at the time and told what tba Xaoaaa City people bud dona la order to aotrrtaia oua of the grentaat gattwriogv near bold In tba oeuntry. “Tbo details May oat bo added," coollooed the Manager “But that la aahnpncviat. Tba cow vent jaw bail wlllba randy whan tba eenvcalton wrote and u one would aver krww It waa arwMad fioM pillar to roof Mae to two Months. Tt.oee steal traoMs you mo tbemoool M«JOOO far the dm hall, lb«M east *80,000 a d I Serenas In coot truly bat they terra neaoMary and wa |0» IhOM." tSSrSrSs SeSOBSSS ■m3 by lb* "rum *rr~mtnUi— sssns. i2tsr«s3sr'£ ^raftsvSSss sswfcotiytsas UltaU l*ft—d to aeUbUeb tfeatr ptaTt lawn UM Orwrn—ut o wM am f— ■tab -«la (bowing (be «»i»4Uy of a •b— whoaa w*w Ibry tulwibd do •<#*»•* »hm appropriate— had ka*i»yaUw«. tba daabad daU fara—rd Uaa dollar* Ineeated'by tb— aapttal "in ay optabM." oonelodad Clay, ••urn atipmpriaMoa is of eaat iMpnrtanca. Ida far h ay 8ta*a la eoikcaroed, «• real tv Utat wban — dvvalop oar water power and ««t««ag war raw Malarial, wa give a—ilaramd tOJKW Mia labor M M kaflTipIba Altar conald*rabl«d<-b tie along Utcae boat Senator Oatbtb —nr- ifpmi pea ealM and IdSd.OOO waa (wanted. I* tha Haw— tb* friend* of tba —aeu* ■Ma— n—^ aA — *— A . , m .. w“ll Wl *0 WR OflMUMi IM lRR o£r—m—i^riMtaMunS—£* bowaear, took iamb* to1—* ■troai^y In behalf of mate Hbaraieppro priaMeae M tb* mar f* I dlatiaatly Uat Uwy^ ’ lL°2?S> ***** tbotaJSriM—to ilpi ESascBsS mid!*'—entoSkd wR^jsSS**^M aeary qaartar of tba Uaion -ailrtag ■boat watar power, and —aylSSaU »«■#> *■r gbbf Mr. Lbliptn brpad, ba mid, that in tba tatara Ooagrrm wantd daal mm liberally wUb tM* t—artamt SSSU&BSlASg tb* wbelo United State*, and that Ma Matajgopa eheald bato SMM.MO ar gMWgrgjmyawea — to work Mr better tba Sawtb a* UM head ■fang tble l—ntant a#®!that |g;V linwaahPmwMtM ^ iwwwi^mmei ■ i ! 1

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