The GastonIa Devoted to the Protection of Home the Interests of ***__>iA!Sr»MA, N. C.. THURSDAY, JUNE 2h. 11)00. NO SEAT, NO NICKEL A Humorous fourth of July Blory by Roi* C• dehorn. ICepyrifbt, l [IP. KltWma | HR Fourth waa tbc hotteat day ou record, and tbo cor waa crowded. Jl* waa fat aud per , epiriux nod ap peared thorough ly euraifed aa ha struggled with I ha at rap vr*r — bead. rat**, pica Mr! Fare, airr “What for?' ••What for Y’ “Yes; what fai r’ •■Why. tor tiding, air." “When 1 get n scat. Ill j»y my far*; ant before." "Sorry. air, but l".-o got tu have a tore, or you get off." "Then yon'kl pat no off: 1**1 Ilka to me yon do it!" "Theju'a the rule*, sir" "Don't the fare entitle a mao to a •eat, or does tho company udrerttac standing room only V queried the puff ing old gentleman. “I don’t know nothing 'bom tbal, but 1 do know what tuy order Is. sir, sod I’m hero to do my duty." At this stage every passenger was eagerly lutcut on the Impending strife. “Well, yon tend tu your business, and I'U tend to mine. Ret roe o seat, my man. and you'll have your nickel." Tbs l am pea toon a subject smiled broadly sad continued, addressing no nus In particular: "I'll be Moved. If I don't get a seat the company will have to ride me free. Hecrua to ms this Is os good a day as any to assert the right of the public. On the glorious Fourth orsr a century ago our forefathers vot ed do representation, no taxation, and 1 move no seat, no nickel. I've ridden -over this line twice a day fur the past four years, and I'vo paid my nickel every time, and yet 1*11 wuger 1 haven’t had a seat once out of ten rides. It's an outrage! I ll make a teat ease of this Juet for the principle of the thing.” "Standing seems to ngree with him O. K." Only one person knew where that voice bad emanated from, hut It eounded from the corner, livery one attained to see for himself. "Bobber!" It wus but a whisper. Sheepishly the curious ones settled hack late their original positions. The old genUenusmiled and persisted. "I’m Jnst uniting to bo pnt off; then ni sue the company. Perhaps I won’t get back aocue of those alckela they’ve US. --—-: "wwkr r«rr lnnl|bd out of Cdc! t Borer knew my righto before. Rut they don't luipoeo on me again.’ The Murry eyed conductor took In tbo nUoottoo and retired to ble plat form, touUMlDf: •Til giro you one more chance. If yon don't pety then. I’ll hare to Ct my dity." Tba nun of "prlnciptoW wtnrrd out of the window amiooaly. "What atreet? Twenty-eighth t Stop the car." Tbo conductor thought bo wee get ting off re ay. '*“* * champagne dinner bore. Bet a man ot my tin can ride ten blocks without paying for If lie obaeklad as be deliberately waited for the car to atop I "lacing hla foot flnnty on the street entering. be added: "Thanks, awfully! Wish yon ware with me, old man. Horry to hare tmotde.1 yon, but boy* win be boyar Tbe conductor pnllrd the strap. "An other beet!" he growled. Tbe passen gers settled 1i»cV. all bel one street arab, who liali yirrrr ' atm n surprise pot-ty the 4t!i of inly, | UM3. Yon tee. we lied Into Idle all summer lu Arkamaaa while Grant doe ed the coll nronad our people In Vicks burg. One day onr leader telegraphed army headquarters: T can lake Helena. Please let me attack.’ Tbc auswer was,‘Go ahead.’ Now. If we took tlel uia Grant would simply have to call off bla bunt at Vicksburg anil turu It on ui; for, ouca In Dele us, wn could break Yankee uuvlgatlon no this liver and starve the nnctoy out at Vicksburg. It was a rich prospect, for we outnum bered tbc Helena garrison two to one. "The Yankee gunboat Tyler guarded the river front, and an unbrokeu chain of fotts and trendies covered the city cn the land aide. Tho enemy bad 4,000 men lu Holcim anil plenty of guns. Onr columns were divided Into three storm ing parlies to rush tbc batteries and In troochineut* In onr path. There were stx roods Into the town, and the defend ers were forced to watch them all. Onr brigade opened tbs boll, and soon after daylight wn had parriad four llaee of trenches. Hot there was no attack at any other point as yet. The day waa frightfully hot, and attentloa to busi ness inailc It hotter. i n* gun* on urnre/ard hill poured abou into i!« for a time; tbeu that hill wua raptured, nud we took Uie Bflh Hoc of trenobea and ilnalied Arg» Waab taglou'a shin*. Wbwi rongican, la 1TTT, •OTMlotMl a commute* *o Assign a Hag. tba eomtnHtar rary aamraMy rooaatM Onlay Haas. Tb« arlgtaal Amiga n» mated af U rag ami wMtp atrlpaa sag <*• auar auaakrr of Man NOTES ON THE DECLARATION. Borne, at leant, It not nil, of the pa trlotn who took part Id tbn work of oongreee Id 177tl nod know that they went making blnlory expected that Jn ly 2, and not July 4, would La reco* ulacd an the Mrtbdag of Aaaerleaa lib erty. The Virginia delegate* entered eoogrene aodpr Inntruction* to propone a declaration of Ibu iadcpeadenca of tbn coloulun, and In Jane Them a* Jef fernon wan appointed by caagrenn chair man of a committee lo draft a dectara tion. The nptrlt of Ibis declaration wan, however, anticipated hy (llchard Dia ry I-en'e fnmurv* resolution It *11 July 2, 1779. that tba I as raw station waa paenod that tba united culonlaa ware, and of right ought to bo, free and I odependent atatea. On July 9. oiler two Joy a" da bate, Ute Declara tion of Independence waa rand and agreed to, bat not itgnod. On the fol lowing day copies ware sent out through all tha cutonlea. On tba 10th of July It waa read rail that tba Declo mUon pawed an the 4th be fairly eo groaaad ou parchment and signed by •vary member. On the 2d of Augaet (he Declaration waa algaed by I be am Jorlty. But not until tbo 4tb of Rop tambar af tbo anma year dM tba Hon. Matthew Thornton algn It Thar* wore a nambar of otbara wlx> ,lid not agi tbatr algwaturaa until 17R1, among (bona (ho Boo. Thomas ReKna Although tha popular haMaf that tha Dacloratton waa algnad o« July 4 In up b«U erpltcttly by John Adame. Thorn at Jefferao* aad tha printed journal a* tha Ooetlnawtal congrats, y« na candid Inquirer who examine* tba evidence la dlapruea tba data can dooM that Ad ana and JoRemea. though both praaant at tba Kudoo. and tha printed Journal, though tt hears the authenticity of tbo olhrlal 'aanetton, waea grievously at fault. Garibaldi lb* Itallaa patriot waa bar* J«ty t lMC. Ruala hroofbt am lb* Fraaoo-Pruaalaa war b» aa a«t at tha carta* iUIm a Ganna* prior* la lb* throw* J«#r t l*T* DRAKE'S ODE 1 ;;; OLD GLORY. I Jowph I'.oilmau lltakr'e ode to “I'll I Flutaolu- a.-zt In popularity i to "The Pinr Kpatuck-d lloQbcr‘< aa a TTT* aid' ll trU'Mtr to DM I dory. Drake 41*4 nt tho nite Si. mi i but pemrllf baa been j nail (led io oat- lueUure at Iran. He ana a poet la hi* rhlldhood. la hia tw>-iii|-«i'rond year he wrote "Thr Cul prit Fay.” ibe worit upon whirl* bl* rcpa tatioa c Itlrfly rr-ta. Thr data of hi* aplr lte«l ode ’* tvd eerlalu. but hu uitarhrd lllll* rabiv to It. XVh-o mi bW deathbed. * Irirtul luuugbt II to hi* 0*1* with othrt fayitlrr pleura, aBd the unlbar raid, “Bunt ibeat; they arr of no ralue.” They \ MMM RODMAN UUvl: W«* prv'M'rvrd, Uotivr, ami |Uv wla w»» mi-11* mluri ID a cnlldfrkm Hibli m Tb* milk/ btlilrlc uf tkr ikla. Ar4 wiiprd 1<»pmr. «Mi In l|>r aun tlir calk* Um raff I r Iruo iWt, A ad (me uwto hit ud«bt> hand TVr tjnilx l * t*+ i |H «rfl luad. HaJmlU iiuarl X I bn olouil' *1lo oraT'X otofl I by final form, 7k War tW !• hifirtt*lfuaa|>tncB Ua*J, AmA mm Ilia lialitaing linn* kfim. WVn rtrtt* lift nirliti X l ha MOfU. A9A roll IW IbxaJtr-Oiufa X fctainv Clrtld of fix aaal to Uin *ll» r'n\ a To tfuaid i bo km x I ho trao. To toTif In tbr — *| *-raki To work away :Sx WHln-tuiAt. Ami bid in blmUnai rbbn alat, Lika ralXion-a on tin aloud X nor. TkO kartrlafXO X riot XT I ri* «f IW tonal 0«y laWa atoll %. Tto ato* at ton a*4 trtaaapH WcV Wtoa toaakl tto atoaal taa* U4 tto ton Maa aanaa itoaiMa* a*t ■to fit tto Mta MaeC wan to art. •to ttoaaaO tto itotatoa* Uto't. toah aatour rja atoll MaMl, tan i Ta wtora l»y toy-tom ftortaa bam. r".. - ! to ! k I • FWf at At aaaat a* acaaa watt TV/ tiara M |NHar •‘at tta kaaaai WVaw Mt. aataMaf aa iw /ala. Mata Jaatl/ Wat tka WttaA ra*. I AM trVktwJ wtaat ratk at Id* kat* I IMaaa IW Iwltf, aaaNa/ mV. ran *rt*« aaaiaaa al IM tta I Mall laak at am ta Waaaa at taaa, tat aarfka »a tta At a* Mara •» ■ la tataarak a-ar lAa rkaaU* *>« rw* at tW taaa warn Wr* tat kaata Hr aa»at batata la lalaa at' rat 1 n» ran Sara Mt IW aatvia taa. | Aa4 Ml tka km waaa Van ta linn »W aaaa Ata< Mat ataaAaat tkaatl kkaa- karattaa ika laa kat MMt waaaa Ml Kcu Ulni'H hUUKin. A dofcar Mlaad tha Mayor, and Uia Town Had a Ctoaa lhavo. (Coat'lfM, Nklfil Mai _ MB HllaMo of p yj jgy «*■» y ' I be loner DIM of Jooa when mi order , J *a» Itened bjr ^ Um uvrrly cprt J n) uatjror otrlrt f »f PfeblbHIn* any ciMmtlai » ' . HI IW IUWB tbe Fourth of July, He mi wont » fur •• to bur flrecrackcn awl threaten 'd •» lock op tba flint IndlrMual uoaght butUtug a bonflra or eboottag a roefcec As Indlgaatioa moating m at am oaUad. and tba vaaulc Wl BUM Mt” talkioe. “Aa I rtnrtatar It, tba tbranr t* orartaard at tha ta* la Baatan tar tar aUitad tba taaa. Waaa't that tba proper thine far aa to AaT •^Tbraarte ararboarA at tear aakaA the Mayor M aatoblataaaM. “Ta Aaal ntaaa ta pa —4 wabai that It vaa taa ttay tbrowad orartaarAT" They ana a*4 all aaaant hta ttat : wrt war tba oaaa. ud ttay «rata aa I Watery ta prora It. After a Mae at I Staa2 lh# ta»w*ta*t|r » ■ ft **•—and that dorsad baak uak I waa atriara m aQ tha tlua. Tha bli«ad carat* taU aw it waa arfckfcr. Md t-r'ar-aM atak at that, that aat I fm*Mhari thrancd eurtaatd. add I t>OTM«d that it tha* mu aub taate m that wa hadn't attar ta da Ik* ahaatta I tor 'aaa. Whaaol Kriryhadr Itrathraa rln**>* far Oaar** tVaahlddtad add «Wa fan** ua am ta tha t)a«ra* aa lo*m. aad it I kta Rad a arttt** that ate*t a-haBrrta ad tha raarth n alas Man m Jail ar nu Mai aat a( Had Da*." A. A team. 0000000 THE DAY IN HISTORY ■OEM NOTA9LE EVENTS <8 THE «XJ NTH OF JULY. It tu a ration ttrofc* at Mm that led to the bnmUUt loo of tha Brli Ddi am* aa July «. 17W, with Calami Oaatsa WaOdagtm ta mwaaad «E th« IU atamd oEpedhte. AMheagh a boy ta year*, Wnlitngtaa had dtaaaawad aad reportud to the gorernar of tha out* ! oay of Virginia tha plan aad priffirt ttoaa of the Pnmh tor tha ihrmi of ecrategk- paeMeaa eoath of the lEhaa. Be helped ft Mia* troopo to cheek tha Preach aad, ilara«|li the d«ath at tha eoleari erpotated to lead then*, eraae ta the chief -ream) hteaswUlle tha BrtOeb peat aa tha alia of Ptttehorg had fallen into the head* of the Pnmh, aad tha rang ««»-»■? togahat eat eat whs ISO nee ta ratafee It FOiUag to aattc with a form a#> pointed ta awet hie ou the --anht la, ha h«gt aa tatroaHUeeeot oedcaMed it Poet Xaooaatty. Tbie tree tfcnatm «*I, iu be aal IU4 oat oo Juac *7 ead Brad the •rat gun of «k KraocU ant la •laa war, Optn bt a ceafilct which, nttder a variety of ptv Una aad oo dir- 4 l far eat field*, i la (tad CO yean. Baton July 4 be waa deady be- . ■MgM by vastly sapactor Mia bom rorti—fty, a Aetna atorn of tkaatw mmI lightning ragnd far hoars and pt» traatrd tha 1'mfl front attacking- At nightfall Washington —rtftotTf and mardMKl forth vrMh lb* kasn of *tr. /wt U imii after tbo anbtratewga la tbo wUieram tbedtb of Joly darn ed aader brighter aaapfeee far Virgin la'c faroitte ton. That day. ITItt. Oaa eral George Waablagtoa leaaad Ua dm order to tba cdoolai artey at Cam bridge.^ There w»» ao nbatb« a ad ba anticipated tba great and of Mb 4. 1T70, by t ah tag that la tba army “mb dlatbteUea of abate. ba laid aatda.** Two yeara later, lb klaeamp at Morala. Iowa, ha laaagaratad tbe ntolggitob by tbe a nay of tbe aomlreneey of tba fteclaratlaa of ladrpeedeaet. ^Tbaraja * gap ha the chronology of m** ?!***•*"• ™ 3j ,v* I: 5 *« f:fi m 1 m