The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Rome and the Interests of the County. Vot. XXI. GASTONIA, N. C.. TliUKSDAY, JUL.Y 5, i»00. HELP STARVING INDIA. Facts About the India Famine. rilK TAMIKK OKOW1NO *01111. Ulahop J. U. Thulium, III* great Method lit Kptaoop*l Mlaalonarr btahop of India, dow to thi* country for tb* recovery of hi* health, write*: "Tbe liitk way* are ouvered with people, loot of whom are mare walking akeletona. vainly aaaklng a region where food can bo found Children whoa* parent* bate pertibed are wandering everywhere. Tbe apeclael* I* oue of the moot painful whloh oao be found on earth. The erica of Ui* orphan*, if Urey could only enter into tb* ear* of all good people In dialect land*, would allr the Chriaiian world to inch a movement of *yoi|iathy and help a* lias never bean wltneeeed un earth. H 1* not strange that In tb1* calamity Ibe heart* of tl>« ralsalonerie* tnru to Tb* CbrMlian Herald, which ha* beoocne known throughout tb* world a* lha helper of tlioee who nr* in *ora Deed. May God move upon the heart* of all who k read IhM* line* to do that which ihall he aooeplable to him.” nnr tuek quickly. And shall lbay look in vatu ? Shall they be disappointed ? Shall we lead tbam to believe Uiat oar religion i* mere profession ? Shall we ehnl up the bowel* of oar oouipastlon and tell them that American money and American grain are (or Americans only—Hist religion Is one thing and charily quite another ? Or (ball we open oar heart*, our lianda, our puree* and our granaries, and in the nama of mir Master whom arc serve, bid tbecn share with us the hounties of our Heavenly Father's goodness ? wno will iiklf ishiii Mantua * "I have seen wilblu the past two days young mothers with new-born children, who have not tasted r.wd In sever*I days. Children deserted by their parents, wlto could not bear to see than dlt of hunger, bay* come to our house patboUeally bolding out their tiny hand*. *‘A tiaart of atooe would melt at the alghl of such suffering For the take of our dear Lord, tend us relief.’'—K. A. Horn, Amer. Hoard Missionary at Abmednager. ▲ MOIH.K RECORD. Christiau America ha* never yet turned a deaf our to the pitiful cry of agonising despair. Ireland. Hovels, Armenia. Cabs. Purto Hten and India Itself bear eloqaent erUnees to bar generous and prompt respond rental to arsty worthy appeal, and In thla calamity, greeter than any yet witnessed, she will unquestionably provs herself worthy the nobis record of tbs pest, and ahar* la (onerous msasure the sbundanoa wherewith aim has been so bountifully Ueaaed. The appalllag calamity In India should touch every heart. what you OAR DO 1. Hand In a ooolrlbotion to-day. uo matter bow smell It may have to b*. ■3. Ost tevsral others to atnd with yon. 3. Oanvaas yonr town or neighbor hood for oontit bat loot. Many srs ready to give if a ebeanei >• opened through which they een send their moony. The ladtvtdnal so am given may net he large, bat In the segregate will amount to enough to an ten. twenty or thirty lives. It will be no thorn la yonr pillow et nlgbt to remember that you have eared ton tinman Urea. 4. Ask the mayor or the paatogi to sell a public meeting, where, After a few short addressee on Christian cbarltv, and the present famine eondl tlena to India, n collection oan be taken. 8. If possible, Indace yonr local newspaper* to open their column* for contribution*, printing tbe names 'of given and urging tbe matter upon the public. A Get tbe choir of yonr church ta give a concert for tbe benefit of lire famine sufferer*. Wt beseech yon not tu wait for other*, but taka up this gnat oeose along one or all of tbe Hose her* named. Htart to-day. By giving a lltOs time to tbe matter la yonr oommunlty yon will multiply your own gift many limes over. Tii* outer*. There can uo harvest tilt Oetober. Tba laat montlia are nrnnamr Hi tha wont Id tha period of eiQlellon. for the soaoty laaouroaa of the people are axhaaated by tha long uruggle. aod every day adda thousand* U> the Hat of tboaa who bare nothin* Ian. Must they perish 1 Shell we who have carried them th rough the as long, weary month* aUy onr bands at tba laat WUer eriaU sad let thaea die with tba haryrat almost within eight f (Ana laat effort will be i—-*- last all that baa been doaa ah all bays base dona la rain. Tba danger now la that effort will relax ton soon. Already the mlaatouariae aaa this danger, and are begging •• will not desert llie* la their work until It la flotebed. Tboaa who hare glean may be willing to flea a little more. I at thaea who baea done what they eoold. pnt forth neery effort to gat those who bars dona nothing to contribute to (Mat the final srlala. uow xxxy urn will, you savx* Off H DOLLAR will aare x Ilfs for a mooth. TWO DOLLARS will aare a life until tba harvest. HI VK DOLLARS will aare a mao. wife iod child until tba nail crop li ■*"?& DOLLARS witt say* a whole family from death. TWMTT F1YS DOLLARS will aare them aad afford theta the comfort of lihml'f* dating tba relay aad ootd season. FIFTY DOLLARS would aare Ore rami lias. OVS HTJMDRKD DOLLARS weald aare a small foesaasalty. • • • ♦ Sand goer gift lor tha famine sufferers of India to THIC CHRISTIAN HKRALd, f* Bible Jinnee, ff*w York. Will W«*T A WAtKOVMK. Mr. yniwrNMuii a Muir ef WarlalM In Ikf RryHMIfu. It It about lime lbo Republican lead er* gathering lo Philadelphia quiet congratulating Uiemnelfoo over Lb* roev pro*peeli of a unaulnioon conven tion and faced tbe fact that their party •III not bam a walkover out Novem her, Tli* vtniyof political eonvenliuna la full of warning* that lnteroal har mony often precede* a (all at tbe pollt. It beget* reekleaaceaa and a neglect of the mean* neoreaery lo win bafotn the people. The certain of the reoooilnaUoo of Preeldent McKinley mutt not be Inter preted ae a guaranty of lilt re-election Viewed dlepaeiiooMtely wllb the moat friendly eye thle cactaloly merely caeaoe Ui«t hie admloletratioo meet* with the beatty approval of tbe leadtre of hie party and In a large measure of it* rauk and Ola. But the time baa gotta by when tbe leader* end lit* rank aud Hleof any one party oan elect wltuui Uiev ohooae aod upon wbataoavar art of pt tneipales Ibty may eee flt to formulate. When parti c» grow arrogant aod merely atadv their own aim* aod dealt*-* they Invite the destruction promtaed to the fully that aafathviaie un God —which In a re public la equivalent lo taring there la oo people. T1i« usaulmitv over ilia brad of the ticket |« apt to deoelve the Republican oouveutioa Into thinking that "any old tbing" that wears breech re will do for Its tall, to rely oo a boastful re cital of what the party has aohlared lo the four years of McXtuley'g adalals lradon and to "potut with prion" to tlia success of A mar lean arms diplo macy and manufactures abroad. Hot It la a wise saying that "the eyaa of a fool are in the ends of tba sarth." It Is the wlea men who makes sure of lus nsxt step. The Republican party may well plume Itself on the passage of the sound currency bill establishing our (loanees on a solid single gold standard lo tbal niiaclmeiit the party has fol 01 led the promise sod expeolaUnu »f Its victory In 1MKV But that very enact matil baa ioaeeued the bonds that held thousands of inde pendent voters to tbs Republican ticket The country la secure for at least six years for any successful assault on ils Unsocial credit. This alone libera lea thousands of voters from the necessity of supporting lbs Republics., ticket aa the only da fetiae against the legions of repudiation and national dishonor. That the Democracy Intends to avail Uaelr nf the hopelessness of aoampelgii against the gold standard la proved by Ibc Inrteflulleneaa nf It* 8Late utter ances In Indorsing the 16 to 1 plank of tha Chicago platform. Kellbar must the Republican Ignore h* fact that there are thousands of voters who cast their ballots for Mc Kinley and Hobart tour years ago who are stubbornly disaffected toward the party’s policy or want of pollev in Porto Btoo and tba Pnlllipplnes. Thera is the possibility of tba loss of many votes on the false cry of Imperialism. The slroog sod unquestionable curd of the Republican party la the wonder ful prosperity of the people and tba natlcMi. This prsveuts disaffection In tha party ranks bat It Is not a power ful Influence in winning votes. Let US summarise half a doxen ques tions that may eoat the Republican t icket votes : 1. The Agitation Against Imi>»iial Inn. a. The Army Canteen Quealloo. 5 "Our Plato Doty” to Porto Rico. 4. Uackwark Step* In tbe CWI Ser vice. ft. Tlia Bay-Paoooefote Treaty. 8. The Htmpeon-Hchley Oonlmvrray. We do wot Include the tubject of vruiU to Uiia enumeraUoo of weak •pot* In the Republican armor for the oppoettloo la without a la not that can pleroe It and the tcandal over tbe loe truat In Hew York haa operated to the dlaadvantage of Lhe Democrat*.. But the Republican party mnat pro nouooo boldly for a cooatlloltonal amendment providing fur the election of United State* Senator* hy popular vote in the State*. The Banal* la the (trongpold of trnata Internal* and it mnat bo toformod. Wo have a*Id aoough to ahow that the Republican convaotion eoauot afford to regard lla nomleeeo aa good 0* elected. It may wall remember that after Philadelphia oomaa Kanama (Illy. and after Kanawa City Ho*aatber. There eta a million votee in the United Staten upon which do party baa a montage. Ifnrmouy In June doea not tneu/e a walkover next fall. -LI—UNII LKR A >Mf w BnM|K. Thankful word* written by Mra. Ada B. Bait, of Oroton, 8. D. “Wa* taken with a bad eok) whloh aatUad on ay lunpa, cough tot In and Anally terrain euu In Connucaption. Four Doctora gam mo up, taylog I oould lira bat a thort lime. I gave mywlf op la ray Savior, determined If I oould not May will) my frlaodioo earth; I would moat my abaant on an above. My hothead wo* advlaod to got Dr. King'* New D lac ovary for Couauwptloo, Course aod On Ida. I gave It a trie), took In all eight holt iv*. It haa aarod me, aod thank Goe glrta, but nne of Uieee girls was marry iDongti to waive bar bonnet at somebody ou Lbe train betide me. Some farmers sit dowu aod wait for tomorrow's sun tn dry off Uve ground; but tomorrow's sun dideut shine, and so they wall un til uaxt day. OUvers slap it every uUar.oe and do aoiseLblaj; l know one wbu began to cut hts wheal Monday morning just na aoon ai Sunday woe gone—lor Sunday waa Uw day it did not rain. Ua cot half that night and all day Mauday and got through with 90 acres, and saya bo will make 70U bnsb ete. Aootber dUlgeal farmer made 400 buebels last yaar oo twenty acres, aod towed It right away to eowpsas aod eold bis paavlee hay for morr per acre than he gut for hit wheat. That Is business- and Solomon «aya, “Herat thou a man diligent In Ilia bualuca; lie shall stand before kings ” l am no braggart, but let me Say that If l hid waited fur the rain to quit l would be atugtug that old aong. “A man of word* but not of deeds, la llko a gar den full of weeds.” I worked between showers, and sometimes when Mrs. Arp colled and aallid me to eome la out of the rain [ pretended I dident beer her mod struck a few mors licks for Markham. I wish you could see my bean arbor—oat batter beans, but tbe lawt end meet prwllBe beans. I have aver planted; 1 bed them laat year on my oorn patch, but they do bettor oc poire or over e oase arbor. Plant tw i rows of beans Uve feet apart, aud when they are well up etlok them with canes. Lap the email ends of the canes on the ground and get your wife or daughters to tie them ap In three or four places—all of uniform length — than arch them ovor boons, aod nature will du the reet. I never aaw half as maoy bran* as hang from my vines. Of course the ralos have I «u laird the growth of everything aval It’s lucky that vegetables grow upward Instead of outward. I planted my potatoes lu mr potatoes lo a trench that was atm* eted out and inaoured wltn ashes — wood sod coal mixed-then covered with pins straw and some earth on that. They art the floeat I ever grew, and com out of the straw almost clean enough to cook without washing. Pine straw ia very valuable In a garden and le cheap, ousting only SO eenia fur a good load. It is a good mulch for strawberries, and 1 am experimenting with It under a few tamoto plants; moss of them f have trained up to Makes, but I aaw a market garden near Memphis sad all the lomatn viuee had tumbled over on whewt straw, and made more fruit, though not *> large, and Dotai when Slaked. A garden la a small experimental farm,and vs mad) of oonseqaecoe and more ptaaaon-, aa lieetelly if ynw mix flowers with it. Iton't throw away year coal eabea; wiw wmw aa me* in ■ Sou fertiliser. Mr. Uercktsaos u)i that aehea produo* fruit, while tubbi maour* produo** kin* end full.m. A Oh** will doobi* th* quantity of •UwwborrlM. R*ou generally oome up too thick. Ttilo thorn out aud Uhaaploat; out off purt of th* topo, and th* transplants will make tlio boot tart*. Juut uo with oelary. But 1 don't propose to laaoh old gardooeru, fer some of thorn can teach mo—my neighbor. Mr*, rtotda la tha beat gar deoer 1 know of, aad I am aalladel If I oari keep up with her. ( have aomu of my wonderful bano* planted to polau Thea* pole* are from eight to ten feet high, aod It later rota me to aoe the utoee reeehlog up to Bad eo mailing higher to eltog to. The toodrlte are now two iw three faot higher than th* polM. aod atilt ruaehlug up and (Ming aroaod In the air. 1 am going to gly* theta aom* flab log pole* flfUea faet loeg to-day -wtah I had com* twenty feet long. They remind dm of jack aad bla bean rtoa-nf children and graadohUdron nauur Ur* of that good old atorr. now a poor widow hod a IttUe boy named Jook who wa» good to hi* mother,nod owedoy Joekiaw an old giant. Ilk head waa a* Mg a* a email berrol, bin eyre as big aa laaaara. bla OSM ae Mg my arm. V* mouth Ilka th* and of a Mg atom rip* and hi* teeth Ilk* Iron wpoaa. lit ram* ap the reed aeartlng Irk* a hero*, aad wa* dog Ing. "I »mrll the Mood *f aa KngHahma*', Ally* or dead t awl bay* mm." Jaek ran la th* boas* to kl* mat bar aod aha nulled up a Mask m tha Scot dropped Jaek down Is the esllar asd pwt Urn plank baek and moetd bar obsir and tahie oa It. asd aa daws aod want t# kaluieg Her* oam* the eld gleet, puffing and Mowlag lit* a rtMaboat. Ke dldeot eat anything but little bon, and be pea pad in at tb« dour and mid : “I'm hungry nod I aw hunting fnr a boy Jaak'a mother told him aha dldeot liaao any boy (or him. and to go off of •ha would art hir big dog on tarn. Th«o bo walked all round tba bouai and looked down tba oblmaey (or ha waa m blgb aa a tree, but be oouldwt find Jack. Whan ba want away aod waa oat of eight Jeek’e mother took ap the plank, and reaching her bead down atm palled Jack out of the cellar. How altar thia u poor woman name along aod beg gad lor oooaeUilOf to oat. and Jack and hie mother fixed bar ap a good dinner nod aome coffee and tba poor woman waa ao thankful that aha ■era Jack a bean and told him to plant It and It would grow aa blgb aa the aky and bare boaheb aod buahele of benoa. aod the Waa would grow aa blgb aa a tiea la oae night. Bo Jack planted It right away, and next morti tug ha want nut to aaa it end tba tea of it waa away op yonder and be oould aaa It growing higher, do no thought It would bo fan tu climb It, aud tba atnaa of the lea roe wan atcoag enough to hold him ap Ilka a ladder and ho kept on climbing and tba bean vine tope oa nowise so root that Jack oouldeat catch up with it and by and by bo got oo high Im couldaut om tbo ground and bstore lag Im got up lo Urn clouds and stepped ug oa tbo blue door of tbo sty. and looking sround at tbo beautiful country bo cow o great flue boose that wag built of stone. So lia walked ofor to II nod dldaot MO anybody-not a soul— nor a dog Mr •at nor bone aer cow. but Im board k gnat ottering >uotd« and saw booaa all •round tbo yard. Then Im pooped In and saw that ium old giant noieep iki tho floor lo Uie wide boll. HI* longue woe banging nut of hi at anxitb and his fan* o agrew meut whereby lUehard was to furulah tbo tisy and pasture for tba horns, sod Joseph was lo provide for tbe oowa. Sines 1800 It Is oliorgod Umt Mrs. m»rgMri KinRiMnn laaimiwtuit « bar liutbaud Joaapli haa rafaaad to food tba oowa no dlreetad by Ibo wlU. Mire KlnpaUod tbtn aapioyod eouonal ta aecora tba anrrylnf out art ha prortatoa af tba will and ta reoorar through Um aopreaaa ooart $1,000 Um a non at Um Kiogaiaud aUtara bare apaol for bay and paatora alnoa IMG. Whan UIm KtnnUnd’a attorney aooM to draw bio dtaloretlun |o Um •apraraa oourt re It bo ooold tod oc fora that OUad Um taoa. Ha wrote to Jaaoa D. Coekreii adltor at Um ▲aorloow oad Xofllab ftoapotovadi' of If of mo nod Praaadonta for advMo of Koran oad Prooodoot for odrao Mr. Uoebroft raplted tbot o ootrfol Moral Cat tad to dtaaloao o oano la any way afmllar lo Ibo ooa to point. wpatn*n UriMwl >■«#. Mr. ft. P. Ollra, of Daroatona, Spain ■panda Mo wlotan at Alton, ft 0 waak oorreo bod cauoad torero poUb In Um bat* of bio baad. Om natao K> oetrlo Bitten, Aaorteo’afraataat Htaot nod Harm W Moody, all polo oooo taf bla. Bo aaya UUa trend aadtaloo I what bta oouatry noado. AH A aortal , known that It reran Hoar and kMaaq , troobli. poridaa tba btaod. looaa ui 1 Um ftaaoob, oUa—tkoao tba oarrea I I rati a m a «icwmuvt immwi I U1MM. TA* rimry KlaMaat U ikr tMMy Tra teak* wmamm nut MNMte !#• »ti« at lk« AarrlMH. (tea ul «• Ami|.M. tea A. ILaII in Atlanta Journal. Tba/ B-wAr" wtiwoli la Oliloa brlii* lato rant wad nod atari* og pruw Inaooa that ntoat uotqo. and Inlaraat ban Mill np Uia Gklaaat Samara ateoda ■Iom—• nra eurloaUy in bnawa uia laaon. And tba tnnaefty oxatbifad by uia nUa af tba nwotaat apt in lu DOIBII In BOMTO (oHDA Ml 5iTS5!otn,l*ii?/ !* u* of MMarr and atblaatopy. It aaanu a atraapa oantradioMan uf hnaaaa amrianoa iW ibteptatnwqaa nation, vitb an nobroteo bbioiyan tandinc baob boyood tba day. .** lai ▼ab and Uf of tba CtuUdrana. abaoM to Ibta day wain lain lu individuality and tba pwalSraiinraalor tdUapaapla. ntabtapnd atran in alight dograa by oouloot wfcb tba Ufa and tUooghi af Uur raat of iba world. No «U>or nation tea axiatad aa loop and IWt ao aligtaiy tba aOaat of Uia amnia wbiab go to taaka na biatory, and uo ebaiaator it aa tepUaaafcr tnd and oaoacrmtira aa that of tba tAloawaa. mm Mongolian rase mlMUntte attaia any degra* of oivUteetioa. Tha1 oMaat aoolptaroe la the world, whether uaaarUwd oa the beak* of the Tigris or the Kite, afcow Um saieoth. rail face aod tbs oUtaus eras of the Uhlnamt* of today. With a aaiokar sod wore cuwprabsoaire l»**lUaC thaa any at Um other tribe* of savage mao. Um j Mongolian aaoo caasteredthe arts’ Me-1 fulto Wm aad orgaaiaad an eqaiiabU Mom thau twaaty fln haadrwt yards j before Um UbriaUan era Okies la Mid I to have rMObcd IU golden ago Caw I awroa aad agrlcnkura flourished aad eohoote of phUoaophy wvre mile tala ad oodar the oaro of snob m*raUooet prt iaary wund*. Ne other people la the world (peak a language ao erode; no other govern maut is ao primitive la fora* and paraphernalia. Other aad stroegvr people* pc died lha pnenoiou* Mongolian oat of Um valley* of Um MHe and Uir Kopbrata* and built up groat kingdoms aad non splendid ctvTltsaUoaa. bat oely their brokao arena* and orumUliag pyramid* naala to tall of their egteuaea. lo Galas, fenced off from the root of Urn world by mondial* aad desert, tha Mongolian cl i tree tar toaehad Ha fell frul'lon and tbs Ublaea* of today la thalr speech, their government, their nllgtea *ad their eoeial cnatome rep Minted tha Babylonian*, the Made* and the Egypiiaaa. w man tacradlbl* that » MllN, oatmotag may talillaa* of MhaM Unta sad ooTBrin* a vast ana of tta world1* sarfaoe ahead tan otrautwd oat lit ttriotnoo through forty-Bn aantarloa of war aad total mad eo» «lu*»* Aooyrto, Petals, Egypt, Gmw *ad Bom, la turn aroar. astroded «u ntpln aad aank hw Um mn of oatlouo, bat all of IbU ohlftlng of powar aad ohaagl«g of Um fkao of Um world tad bo oftaet wtaiavar oa Um doolluy of Chios. Only durkag Um pnooot eoatarr oaa U bo sad that European tsfiaooeo baa pnotraiad aooa ■tightly Um ootar aroat of this oarioot rwflw uwog tta nation*. Durian Um past f*w year* tta toraaioa of Koro |mum has roirtad ■ point which Might tall hrtag (Uarat to the ooonrwtin Chlua— Tta rath— oarront nf tta world** progrm ha* riactad tta boo datlono of Una aoolaat at met oro sod it *u*t tawMa down. What tta Ohlita Beaplro watt do la daar to onry ilarw of oar Um*. ladoad, If It war* allowed la ratal* Ms IndirMaaUty for another oootary or two U would ho Um otraagnt thing Maa*oUd With all luatraoga blatary! Its doo* la wM. Enry oas reoog alm that It Is aa «oooaumao* agoa thaoarthaad a Moot to hama prog, raaa, y*t oa* ouaaot Ink ago* tta dsatraotlaa af thla aoetnt ooiplr* wltboot awilltat aaoh akin la Warn awabaaad liy Um onrthraw of com glMlII maamat or Um paWag dnwa of a otaiaty and nMgaldooat rat? Thatbd of Um InaomUn whblh la Um vnttayo of tta Wtaag Bo asaod Ilk* tta ormah of tta abMl drill lata Um wall* af tta yyrnaudo or tta tanptad Of Laror. • • » I 10 Mm I'oterfeu ol we 'hrbUNMniti UkUbMNNylMNIMfMI^M In Metal affair*, and it Dm vWM m per end rdttarlnl wMob tonaWodftMi. \J open a M«aU«aa*rtol potkiobaiabaSlm! aalaty b tba tout nnnoata. parbaaa. * J*Li1" of tbaaackr Mac! *•» •“!$ »*ro*-tta lmat tint avpiota bk». Qa la a nrcatora of tba traatwHb ao bo pa. no fmara la which ha May ba siMlar of hlamtf. ThtatalH*woMa% 2SLa,y!iBr;:y-„'T.rar ’SSS! SSJ&SSi ■Maay klaga ta tba 'woaaMa" paoata Woman's totally afalaai irual ia apt *"»«**. It atabka aa IIh> Amarieaa prlaetpla of IIhart* ui *««al riabtaand tba atiaactboT It to tba fata* of a mmtrn* pitta la bar Thta la a rtaw af Uw trust aUwatioa wbiab baa br«a bat IHtla —r*^r ■mi jrjry.TOarjgga IMtoal party aa«w Oaa tba towala bata proapaNk.