The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home the Interests of the Vol. XXI.lsm*S\lfa?SSk..J _GASTONIA, N. C., OLD TIMES AND NOV. AHP TALKS ABOUT DAT8 WEEK HI WAS YOUia. Talk* A l»oml tka (Mo* War-Haw He. »«* It Waa Wkrw Ifca ko». War# Twigkl la Utr Oprts t'lrld aeheelw— IHIwf Tnixre. Hill Ar» In Allnnl* How feat the earth la tbrluUlog. How far away waa China whan wo old loan were boy* it took alhrrcyuara crulae arount the world to Anil It, and eeeti than our asrehantiDent only touched at the i«.il* and learnril lint little of the v»*t unknown lotmiur. Her unmenae domalu au aat down ut 8v* and one-half million! ut «in*re oil**, being ouw-laotu ut the habitable (lobe and nearly twice the area uf the whole Uoltad states. Her population waa In 1800 MM.000,000 and l* now probably OOO.OUU.COO. Her government for at leaat 6,000 year* lie* beau ooa of revolution*. Internal broil* anil* of dynaaty, but It baa iloud and attll aland* and no dnuU will oooiiuih> lu •tend. Travele.s tall u* that tlM (Utf (i at loo and ig.«>ranc* that b** luug voBu oiuukw upon uuint uori not e*lst ; that they are an Industrious peace-loving people, and all tbclt in»u Um come from outsiders. 1 waa rum lusting about this China burloeas and tba war over there ead the csliie dis patches that corns la a day, for wv had an old-limn district aebool to uur luvo laat night and old Mother feltcu aod tnyaelf were the two yoougeet eeboiars. She bad on a draw-string frock aud a pair of paotaletls aod was tuck me a aUck of molasses candy, and I bad oa a shirt and one gaMoa aad a pair of breeches that ooma down nearly lo the top of my blue borne mode socks. 6be wee lleeky aad I was Bill. We be longed to the InCarl doss and had to stand np and spell "be" and "ba” aod ■bo.” Backy cried because she oouldu*t spell ”ax” aod bad 10 go loot. 1 coo totaled tier all I oonld. Kirby Ander son was tbs smallest boy in school and tba largest dunce. Hs was In geogra phy and said Chios was m3 big as Bartow county, aod that's bow 1 come to ruminate about China. All that I ever learned about Chins lo cay geog raphy waa that Prklu Wes Its tel and the people were ell IhmUifij aod eat rata, aod there was a wall aiound the eotire oountry. Our buck makers ought to have known better, for Maroo Polo had traveled all oyer that country nod lived therefor twenty four year* and was made governor of a Urge province, and be aaya he never mingled with a better people. Con fucius gave them lawa *,600 years ago (bat they still rvvsrence aud obey. Families are faithful to each other and children are taught lo obey Ibelr parents aa long as they lira. Confucius had aosh reverence for his mother that ba mourned for liar for three years when site died. How many sons do that in Ibis Christian coanlry. Of courser they bare some rasa traits and CO atoms that seam very bad to us, but they are not malicious nor set Osh nor are they revaogsful nolens wrought up to K by bed treatment Our Christian monk m imscrvd SOU of lb so out west a few rears ago for no crime but be cause ibsywrere in the way aod wanted work and eocepted It at leas wages. Who ever aaw a more barmlaas, indus trious race than those scattered China men who era found in almost every town and village in this oountry. For thirty years I have observed them In my travels from Virginia to Truces and have never hand a complaint. Betting and gambling la a national amusement, bat It is on a limited seals aod makaa nobody rich er poor. It doesn't com pare with ear stock gambling or high rolling on steam boils or Kentucky poker aaM'Bg the bloods. I never saw (Ivweral John C. Urscklnrtdge bat once, sad that waa at a faro bank lo Rlebmoud goring the wsi. Colonel Tower* took me la there to straw me bow the thing waa done aod to oar surprise Breektorldge was doing it. Rut the gnat orlme against China was tba introduction of opium from ladle by tha Kogtiafa. This began la 1M0, and la lft*8 bad gotten up to 7,000 chests. In vain aod in vala did tba emperor and bis counsellors protea* -and pis ad. They aaw that the opt am •habit eras spreedlag aad raising their ■people. In IBM It bad Increased to *4,000 cheats, aad lu isoportatteo waa •topped by foror of arms—aod *1,000 cheats wort aalaed aad daatroyed. Tbla brought era a war aad the Chinese gov ernment bad to pay 1*1,000,000 for the oplam destroyed, roc Ita value waa •1,000 • cheat. Then a treaty waa patched np aad the opium ba si ones Increased tn 74,000 oh rats in 1M0. 1 wonder what It Is now. Bat Uie Eng lish merehseU now pay a doty, but that amounU to several ml III one of dollar* annually. What will no* Johnny Bull do for money T Mo won der China men have a suspicion of all foreigners aad a contempt for our m taslnnarlm. The CbltMM author I Use passed a law sgatast sating opium and gars It a death penalty, bat It wan smuggled la all Uia same ssd they declared that not even Iluddba oonld anO IK. Xm aa lo that groat Huddba, my reading Ul>« ma Mat Uia no cnaioo paopla do not npraai any giant adora tloa for him awr faith lo bTm. At Dr. Job noon ramartad to Boawall. “It la nooaaaary far ovary natloo to bara aama religion, whether that under - ataad It or a or." ul haeot the auyar atilton of Me Cblaaoa baa taken bold or Buddha aa Ma boat thoy oao do. Hat lb la uakaoaa Ood baa tailed Mam ao often la great amrraanalft they laava no aaamvarlag fallbla him. And yet than an ovar 1,000,OuO peltate la tha empire aba make a beggarly Hr lag out of ooddbates. Buddha baa glveo them a MUM good far avaryMIag. BverytMng that eaaeeroe Umtr tem poral mi I are. noth lag for tha heart or Uw laumurtal tool. Tbay do not ba llon ta althvr. They toy that iban to ao fatara la ihle l>fa. bat If (bare to thaa good road net la Ihte Ufa will man aaiMy ta that. If the rlaa waaba rata, they appaal to tha gad af rain. If the drought continues long, thay drag tha lltila rain god out oo bia wheeli and let him stand In- the burn ing sun until It doaa rain. They want him to see and feat hnw hot It la If tha rain cornea too umch and laata too long and the rtca ta apronting In tha flelda they get Lbelr aqulrt guna and dreuch the rain god every day until ba atop* the poor down. VVe nught to have had him over here thla Juue and pal our Chinamen to work ou hint. lint tha government—tha govern ment of 90.000,000 of people dora not ooet half aa much aa oura, with ahont 80,000,000. Tire par capita tax la ahout 76 cents, and all taxes aru paid In rloe. Otilna lisa no boodad debt. No rvveona fruoi whiskey or wins, for none la din lllln] nr drank. Nothing la In her way of peaoe and contentment save for eigners and opium. I do uut know wlial la the salary of the emperor or empress, but all salaries am amall. Tha prince who la to aoooaed the em peror gets only 119,000 per annum. Then there are thousands and thous ands i>i ofhoiil* In every provtoM- from tba governor down, but their pay Is email. A soldier la Ibe aland log army gels but 84 per month. That army ta computed or about 11,000,000 of men Tbe emperor has no arbitrary powvr. He tuust conform to tbe laws and must advise wllli liia cabinei. aud behloj all la tbe great tioard of coutrol that rap rewrote llw pn.ple end le made op of two or more leer uni aud good nso from every pruvloos. This board dune not act often or, ou trifles, but whet) any great emergency xrlsrs they meet at Pekin ami ttielr word controls tbe emperor and rterybody else. That la not a lied government, le It T Tbe egg pernr is entitled tu aa empress aud two olber wives, who are oalled qoeeoa If tbe rmprvss leaves on aon, ibeu a aon of a queen It lakro. but nobody kuoee wblcli eon until tbe emperor dies, fur Confuelus said that if lb* yuang mao kuew that he waa chosen It mlgbt make him arrogant. Another peculiar and democratic provision of thn cooiUtntlon la mat llw nubility ehall not always be oooll Ity. Byery generetloo It reduced In rank and puwvr down to the seventh, and then they beroma as the common people. This keepe tbe nobility on tbe duarn grade end keeps the government from being oveirua by a pampered aristocracy. That's good. Yes, It la better theu tba English law of prime ■enllore. whiab gives all rank sod the home estate to the eldest eon aud tells the others to go to grate. I saw a number uf the grass fellows lu Florida. On tbe whole. ( like tba Chloess government and I haw raspect for the people. Orel Iiarte wrote i "That for ways that are dark Abd tricks that are rata. The healbeo China is peoalier." Yea, I expect Best wax trying to wio their mouey and they won hie Hilt is enough of geogrephy. X have written it for Kirby Aodersoo aud Bert Morgan sod their toil. l‘eul Akin called our llltla grandchild to come out ou ttie verandah and kiss him goodnight. She had pot on her night gown and said to her mother: "Mamma. Paul doesn’t ksow any better, dose he?" Here are a good msoy big school boys wbu know un more about China than Kirby. t» fkhM Oairalt Trlbnae. Rev. Arthor Brownlee 'too* before tbe Methodist conference at Toronto to ask that tbe Met hud 1st taboo be laid opoe tbe works ef Chartaa Dlofcena. Mr. Browning’s grlevaooe appears to bo that Dlokaos said harsh thing* against ministers. If the disttnguilbed novelist ooakl rise up and answer be would undoubtedly plead guilty. Dick ens. w'.tb all hi* faults, waa quit* aoe ocaaful la forcing reforms, and he did not noaosipllah hla purpose* by soft metboda. When be naw aa evil con dition be pul on hie magnifying gtaaeee and mad* it look worse. He wrote bluer denunciations agalaal gorern rnent dspartrosnU. against iiep*rtmer u of public lust lea, sad against Ui* •hams and foibles of sooiety. It waa oteleas to point oat no evil nod deplore It In htgb-Aowo language. The British pobtlo was asad to that. When he taw a dirty plane which needed elean ing. ha robbed tfak public nose la ft, aad made everybody *u furious at Dlekaae that they removed the nui sance to rob him of literary capital. It aasoead tbe a or el let to see tbe Mr*. Jetlybve and Pardlgglaa waatfeg human effort by oeadlug “moral pookot hand kero here” to the beelbeo and Bible* to tbe starving. It s as need blm to bear an oleaginous Kev. Chad band preach platitudes to a ooagregatloo of Cbrt* llan drones, who noodsd stirring up with a sharp stink, aad ao he ounce tarod them in characteristic fashion. Ha taw lots of modality aad barbarism in Astoria*, and osricatured American typea so harebly that the whole ooau try wee ferlon* fur a time. At this lala day Mr. Browning need have no fkar for the Epworth Imago* with Diskoee left oo the abelre*. Dlokea* ridiculed bypoorler, ouot, and Dogtrot of duty. Ha never wrete a word age last good morale nr true religion. There was a panic in lbe'Manhattan Tract Company building, the sky owaper at Wall and Ksssaa sweats. How Tork, hi the heavy tbuader storm tbs Other day. The Immense Sagstaff oa the roof wee struck by lightning and tbe shook wsa fait lb rough the betid leg frightening tbs hundreds of eeeopaeto in Us many ofbee*. Many of tbara mad* a rush for tbe stair causa and the axoltsmaat was I o ten re for a few min eta*. Med Mat rma in* nww Waa the ball that hit O. B. Bleed waa, of Hawart. Mloh., la tbe (Jlvil War. It aaaaed borrlMe Weere that ao treat moot Imlpod fort) year*. Thaw n.w*loo's Aral** delve cured blm. Cars* Oats, Brule**, Bure*, nolle, ffatane, Oorea, Bkia IrufUoM Baa* PMa ear* aa earth M ote a baa. Oar* gaaraateed. Betd by j. R. Carry aad Company, Druggist*. ■■rnuMN rax axudxkxt Mtawlua OMLtrnilm tar Wltlla >• pnauif-rrahlMt uA iMrMur al (.'award (wnUlna U«V l*o>k -Vkar *" Anlatl “rb. Mat" aak Xagva Bate—Tlr*4 af UMmm a» alala aa4 “Black HApukMoHilm'.-A Warala* to White Be»nbll«aa> Bvaeywkara. HeiMlerauutlUo lluu Mr. Whtrtan. Tiivrv dura dob exist much hidden dlMaiifscuoo Hmocg the non ottstel elate at the laboring whit* men, of Ute Republican, party of our o>un try by reason at ebruwd management of pwillenl machinery by wliloh our governouMil^Suce aud county officials, are selected aod continued lit domina ting positions from yjuth to old age; end whereat such conduct baa • ten dency to dUbsarten, hinder aod pre vent young men, pair men aod white men from making the or ones try pre paration* for an educated mao bond, and Indirectly Ignores onr Ood-given right* as frreuwu of America : Tlierefors. be It reaolved. at Upward Hands non county. North Caroline, by the white Republicans of our olubu that to stimulate aod encourage a high er grade of cltlsMisbip emoog the while race aud to further seonrc areHned sod educated eulfrage, we the white Be publicans ut Upward, do agree in lay oeide all prejudice end partisan collar* and vote loc the proponed constitution al amendment. aod we will work to gether as a olub of white Republican* whs aasooiate with rlilta women white glrbi aud white children, aod together we will record our Indignant protest against ulgger-rul*. ring rule and boaa ruia. That (here nr* only two promi nent Slat* I-sues lu North Caro lina that concern oar people. That poltllo* luu no part lu our summer campaign) that lhare it no pntitlas un til U>* usUonai aompeigo In November That th* two real lieua* before tbe people are “blaok supremacy" aud “rlag do-idlar," somUoalloui, and lb*** (an leant# are twin evil* aud ara riveted upon ua by the an rue eleas of ma Union • oOoa-srrking politician*, who are "btaek-R-pobllcai.e" to the our*. That there are only two kind* of Bvpublioaos In our stale county aud aeiUoaeut: Klrat, wtilte Republicans; aeeood black Republican*. That the white Republican* ar* composed of white mao. with Anglo Saxon blood. That tl>c black Republican* are com posed of the black-akinned sad whlta sfclooed Rapublleana. That there are about iaS.QQ0 bUok-skinued blank Be duellcsns aad about JTiX) wblta aklnned black Dteuublieaaa, aud tba r* malnder oumbar fruia 8 000 to 18,000 White Republicans, who ara bitterly o|>poa*d to black, sopremaey lu aov while washed or galvanised diagulae. Wp are opposed iq negro reprcseula Uvea magistrates, actios) ooimplttee nxu sod negro postmaster* lu Hender son m-uiity. Merile county, Yadkin. Forsyth aud Polk oos ultra, and In all other oonutir* lu oar Slate. And wa will help demand that a majority of tli* wblt* men of our ooontry shall make all the lews fur our county. Huts and national government, and w* are will ing for a majority of tbe white voter# to select the men to execots aud en force them and to secure this end we call upon white Rapublleana from Cherokee to old Currituck, to vote for the propoapd constitutional amend umdu tod that rid ounalvp* of negro domioatloo from Ue seaboard to the mounlaiot. For the time has oome for nil tbe whit* Republicans lo our State to oall a halt and see where we ara at. We must do our own readiug aud thinking sod voting, end refute to bo any farther insulted by tb* blaok Republican, oAeaamklog politician# end their lying ben ah men, wbo falsely proclaim that the emoadmant will dls iraooblee white native* of our Rut* or any other Mtata. Wo, Ute common people must rand and nee our own practical, rxperlmeaul oonnon and cvaiy-day aaoae and carefully not* tb* exact wording uf tb* ataeadimant acd not oonfuse the pualtiv* dlefreaohlslog seetlon with the exemptlou cl a ute. W# muat uut ckaa our rye* to th* *lfkt year provision, for the vx*mptiou •lauae does provide for tho aacora method of cafraoahlglag all pur father*, grandfathers sod tblrteao-yeer-nld boys tLat ara aaUvta of fair OalumbU'a land. Wa most catch the exact letter end spirit of th* aoMndCMut from an Aoglo Baxon atandpoint. in* unit an lore* eaeenlial qnrtlfl eatlone to tpettay foil aeffreg* : Klret Phjekul man hood | Mooed, praoUeel, ekearlmchtal education/ third, ereaaoa eUe abate of tlie refleea Motf aqsou of huauwlty. A thirty yeer praotionl nb Mnrtrfion, fioai • itrteUv beslMee •Uodpoiot hem •offlolMilly convinced •Jl prog rewire m lotted ▲toarlciua that thedeaky “fan. maker." Modern eooe of Hem end Oeoeeo have proved ikw mItm «log«tet>]y deficient of (be prime etoeaewte of • JuetlBeble frenobiee. A potieot thirty-year effort to develop their nr^aoity to govern tbeaaaalvea liaa exhibited uo tpvolal lign of tm pauvrmeot till forvaaraoee low a I moat oeneed to ba ■ vlrtur*. Tbme modern aooa of Cauaan, of both oolon are obadlaot to all mllllon alre prvjeeu, treat oompany oocebion Uoo« nod all lava that make both rail I km* lit* and tMopare. They fua ruaklngly cut ail their vniee u» make the rich «an richer and Uie poor man poorer. Tboaa black RapoUleaa Madidatee of Uandeteon onooty are run a log tbl* MOonahloa campaign with Maff. fatoa •aylogi, alegar voice and the Mapebil ean oaoUan roartU ra. They bay* pro van tklMartve* in mor* waya than owe that tba entire court-kouae gang of aoertoeaa are bleak lapreaeeyKea. and yet they go U> llw uoeducaiad lioaaet farmer mao. that vuuld ah odder u Jo a alagla thing that would be eon at rued In eey way, by any on*, aa a mean Wat, aad aak thaae good mao U> rw-aa P*ny them to regMer our dead*, whew w% know Uwy promtard to ren a raw llakat; wbao Uw man of both parUm know that tha pee am it regtttrr of daadr did pramma IWt ha waaer wwold raw, What ad I need ta erlpplad maw. Than# pad* fa aad. Mack aopomaay aomlaaaa who go to nigger Make el Flat Kook and other ptecce la ourooun ly end cocoarugs both ookm of black suyremacyttes to rote for e Hntnau oouoty magistrate* at Flat B Kik, «na "Frank Brown," a colored man against James Brook ah Ire, a reputable white mu, and l.y lbe liberal aid of white volee the negro eras ejected. That Ibis came act are now asking l tie white Republicans of Upward to rot* for tbara, without spy apolty, to make them high sheriffs aud low sheriffs, commissioner* and law making repre sents) tree to mem about Bigger olub iu our owo county and la tint black repub lleau citucuwp* at Raleigh of gwa aa btaok aa aunt. These black supremacy U*e that bombard Upward Republicans at long tow. who want to represent ua at rUh-ipb. ought not to run mocciablM campaigns and oowardly abno aud evade daylight discussions. They die ouee aeclion 4 falsely and oondamn seotiuus fi aud curse lbs Democrats for such m liberal proviso for white men la lb* daytime and squaielf meet the real Imue; and If they can't face the men wlui are ouuoeroed ah >ut Ute race question lu their presence, we, ll«a white Kapubllcena of Upward can't af ford for soch meu to repreamt ua In our absence at Bulelgb. That If these Candidates are afraid to disease the face question upon the true menu or tha proposed amrnd maul with democrat!* opponents, they are hereby now challenged to Ocas* to the "Republican Club at Upward Hea deia >d county, M. O.," ami dlaoum the amendment with white Anglo-Baaoo Republicans la a Republican elob of Whlta men a|)d 9-A R man, before white ladles and whlta pbltdraq, |-i g oomiauaity that here not a blaok man any nearer than three mile* la all direc tions. When any candidate deelrin* to rep reeent white mao can't nek hlmveir i<i defend tit* aid* of the only taeua »u a ofnbof white here end elsewhere all oyrr Uia old Hip Van dial* Ip ball about fee* aud Tolu for ahlia man. regardless of any aod all tormrr peillct Br arena of ibt aearabllgtl of Malory wa |rem thel tl.r ortgioal uiaik of otd-faahiourd Republi canism was a oonatitultonal union of all the Slate* lo one polHteal compact. Now the mark la "Ikiy Spelu'e old theca" that aha ha* wore out ta Cuba and the VhiUpplooa, and civ* million* of dollar* for Uia privllrge of w*glog »u uncertain war aod maialainliw a ■lauding army of US,006 toidkri and 9,117 o(Berra at tbe anurm >ur expense of $47,160,000 a year for a long time lo pome with no deQolte algna of praca till Uie year pilf; and all tbi« fur Ilia implied purpna* that some of the mod em (Jauuanllea may have lifetime job* In Our great Pacific. Th* original motto for Republicans waa * ■■Stick to the Union; Stick to tbs Old Plai." ifow 11 la "Stick to the party stick to t|ie ntfgvp gud al)pg to klnfulk wiio killed the bear attar It wa* already dead." White tiepublicau must awaaa from ttulr thirty-year •lumbar aad apeak out la bj uncer tain tours I.y lbelt rotes lo behair of white me a, whit* women aud whit* school children of Kaatam North Car olios wtio can nut bold tbea>a*lTv* from oegro domination as long aa Ibe block euprcmacyitas of any ooiur rule any portion of our State. Th* proper way t> teat our candi date* and aae which make tuamoelvea black Bepcbllooo* bayoed aoy duuK Is tu watch thalr talk and uoU th* company they keen: aud if t(jvy huli| up for olggara aud get mad at the very maotlooof dltfranohieiug the oegro as I go aud club with negro** nod encourage the nigger lo raa tor offloa, aod fur their vote* club aud eaooua at the State capital aud help appoint from Ova hundred to eight hundred olggara to bold ottoe near white mao white woman aod thalr white famlllaa; that lo collect and expand, white people'* taxi* aoourdlug to thalr own liking; If aovof oqr oaod^etaado thir, wc greet reprove tbom by voting Mr men wun will cot rot* Mr negro** to hold MB or to Iwetor over th* whit* rase. This oatlon boa bad to pay one great bloody national debt on account of the national alas of oar govern man t abo il tble raaa of servant*. Again It Memo that w* ore on tb* arv# of knottier great tecikiuel war «> account of Uita ana* mm of law-makers, who have alwav* bam meddling with tb* vraakoegt and nakedone* of oar Uia Individual* of th* wblM no* of moU*. Wa must drew the lice aad all whUo mao most strip thamaalva* of all dkgnlae and link Ibamaclvaa where they belong and aui watchword atnal b* "Whit* men will mla tb* white man’s ooubuy." -G-*d la not lb* author of conMtluo." Mod are Da by ton has fallen. Item* uni of bar my paapla aod be no loogar n par taker of her etna. W. A. Uaulk. Ch’m’a Republican Club. N I»l»k». Secretary Upward, N.C., June 1H, 1900. TV "Mrw Wu~f.” Tha “new boy" leaf Uu>r origin than tbo“new woman.” Hasan maka hie own bad, MW button* on Me own cloth ing. euoh bla own break fiat, and with the dlahoa. If nooMaary, and ba la no looger aoaaMerad a atm*” foraodolng. Ha mo o-rry **u memwMy a bachelor •aUWlabmaut for bit father and bim arlf maka not tha ntanua, birr lha damaatle*: and mi do hit part w»«lal 11* wltboai toeing bla place among the Atm *i* In tebool. Tha "new bey*' U Uw ratal! af a growing faaliar among metban and adnantmn that Oomaatis training la jMt M good for boya aa for girl*. They erne that a doroaelleallr trained bo* male* tha bm buahand. tad that Urn Urotha* who la obliged Vi oeoaatonaHy (a maka btm earn bad *r boll an rrgg, will net look dowa oa hU •later fordoing I be acme thing*; alao. that tha girt who ean um bat broUwc'a •at of taota will a* langrr ceoaMer hlor a aagarlo* being baeaaer the tool* *r* hi* prnpwrt^rather than hara.—Mr*. rv mam rr—aripilaa hr rkHh and trrar h • hem* v aaovar T«#taaam Own* Mm k k dadr ban aad «ahku :r Wddiahra. Vam-wrw r*ae.m*. rutni call bo rmmm «tu. WWW. Waeblugtoo, July Asa rtault of raoaut oonaalutioua of IbeSecieun of War with Lltuuuaat Qaaarai if ilea, commanding tb* army aid Major Uao vral Wood eomaaadfag the dleMos of Cube order* were to-day tmoed Mr the retarii to the United ftiln I root Cub* " m poMlble of Ute daooud Flftli •w* Eighth Kefimeote of tufaotry. TiMM leglmauu era Matured oyer tin lilaad and probably will ual be able *J‘n..•‘“"T ‘“f ■ wr** or ton day*. Tliey will all Ua brought to th« port of *JtF. *.?'* *** tarir future Kauoci will bodowimlord before they reach that port. . The e*o«ll of iba Cuban troop* ia tb* 9«««P *•» the programme of the War Uapartmeut for the taulaoammi of the eetunteor at my la Un Pbillipptuea with troopa of lb* n-falar MUbUeUaunt. It waa Intended to bagm tUe boueeward ■o*emeut of the euiouleentu lb* Poll lppluee neat November bat tb* doplur* •JJ* «•« * ■*•!» la China aadoubt •dJy hoa ruuaadtb* military antbort I tie* to baa tan tb* departure of the out going troupe a* muob a* poaeibie with < *** “UU*,W taut* fur iba pro motion 01 Amaruaa lataraet* in China ianaMUinfoiiad neoaaaare to diem them from tbelr original deotloaUno at. Manila. UaneriU Devi* cum mend log tU«! ,0 •’“rto **®° **• <*<»•* rrd in raltM* on* aquadrao of tba Fifth Ua?-' alfj and one battalion «f the Mirth in-' faoUjr from farther duty la IWa fiioo aad aaad them to K-w Yurt. . >«ra lha Filfaaalb lafaqtfy atfeadr under onU« fur Jfa.aaetf ihd ibaoN tHWr lo Manila or Pehii. The ivpartmant la luMbralug lha departure of in la organ isation. hr ora La 17 Bout today ran an order fur tba aaoUJiial.«a uf t|,|« rtgtmeal uowimited Is N«a Yor«, Oaorgia and Vermont at Man Frariemoa lo time to anil on Use trunaport gumurr wliioli la in Warn on tba Ukh Instant, Tba iegloMM.1 will be recruited tu Ha) full atreugth Mute Waving Uw Untied ] Mots 1 l'*r«uv ••my. Tim (i.llvaing «rlicle by wilHipy (;||| *" Agricultural Bpltntyiiu was Handed ua liy a KcMlrman who lives In town *>Ui lb*, riquest Uutl wa publlali II. For a Dumber of years tills geullrnan was u Unnar au<l a successful oua. Tba article la full of meal for ul|. How 0(1*11 tins quealion has been SskeU aqd bow seldom suwersd I How 0*D U be asiwerrd mhto the/a is oot o«>« former In 1000 who can tell tbe number of each kind of Itvs stock be bad and what thay were worth oca ywu ago? f her* is out <>d« lu 1,0)0 who can tell h*»w mooli It baa coat him iba post yo»r fo houaHiotd and other expanses. Iiookkeeplug is a terrible bugbear to “J? farmer, but out would tbluk lie might taka aon-mut of stock oooo a year and make a memorandum of It so aa to be abte to oompare on* yoar with another mid If be kepi aa ex> uvaM account and also ua account of Ws bo would know wbats fag «“M ratrauob if umwary and when lie might aafeiy expend or Indulge In something besides lbs barn-rnrln oflifa. Few farasers know bow mush It would Uka to anpoort their families la lira way they live now ir they Inid to pay bouas root and baud oat tbs hold cash f.iT eeorytblog thay oousome; and that ia lbs rtasou so many corns to grlvf after sell log or renting tbe Ir farms nod going ts Ilfs In (own. A farmer cau and frequently does, dries as Ass s boras ua any man is town hut ha daaao’t zvatis* bow inuob It soata the °thar fellow to trap a boras fast far pleasure It It Halting quit* oommon for wsll io-do farsMri ts ssovs into town to cdBoats tbair ablldran and butlr they sad lbs oblldraa fnqoaatly lama mors than la good for Ibsm. Tba soat of kssptua a pony for Urn ebHdreo to rids sr drive to school would ba •«wn Is oomperison ami would ha keeping tba wkota family out of the way of temptation. Tba moral aids of thta question la a great dual mors Important than the floaoeiel. Tbo farmer doesn't bars to tba patronage of anyone. Ha dowat hart to safer Into competition and strive with kit neighbor Ilka a mttwbauti ha doaan’l bare la wraagle sod warp tha troth for a living Ilka a lawyer lm dottw't bars to drpaad oa doi.nllout rulootaatly doled oat Ilka m*ay ml»lat«rt| to short bn cun ha tba SIM lu dependent man ua God's groan •artb If ha manages hie affairs la s butliMwtllht manner. Hs has mom Usm and equal eyportsnlUat tor Im proving hit mind ba baa lass allure mswta fur oorrupUag I. la morals, and his weeujmUon Iscauduclvw to Ibebfeb vat davatopmvnt of bis physiaai pawara llr ena ba on Intimate tonwa with bis own family at pease with Ua world, and hnean worship Ood aadar Moawa grapa vino tad apple Usa, aorta dartog to molest nr make him afraid. Tm t Farming doaa pay I *•**«■ >tM MM TU Min sad algMIast I1UW thing Unt rrar ni mads I* Dr. SIM's Saw aaaa Into etroagtk, IlntWaaama tula juarw, brain-tit loto aoetal psvrr. TVf>* wondarfnl la bonding up tho Milk. Only Me pel bn Bald Ur J. K. (lurry and Ooapnay. ^ • •JiT? «»»• Kan Inks c<*» Uub nblab ssaaaa U Un • l aeulUr »#*el on dsga. On dnnday Mmlnc na moo as Iks kali Wise to rtna Ifca caulnon wftta* Mult* **■**■••_*•« m stMda aw for tao •*«?}»• Irjnt -f aWnh May knap up a howling ahama antll Um Mlstona ringing. Vo oU*r Ml |g tka ettyhaa 1 «»*■ «>*u * race hu»l - Rwtatlm tt» riaal War*. Low DOM. July 7. 3*48 a. m.-Th* Bunlto tovumawol mmomk that It "!!! ***• **»« * tra* hand lv apply ■Ulury foroala Utla*. Th#tanaaof tula art Maatriad lb a nM itrr * dlapatoh froai 8t. Mmbari l»dW d»u oOoly 8ik- la tap* to a* la v^xxxssgs&z 10 China tontudrr aid to tba foralanan In Mila, tli* Baaaiaa (ovarnawat *rc,»rfd. on Bay 37U, that It l*ft lb* p"*™***"* f*U lawny « jMCarjasrAs Ih full acraaaaaat with (Im otliar paw •r*. It la to ooaaeaaaaee af thti. no ^SH**"?***** to aaa •**rk 90.000 Mia troop*. Political oimldratlnci that wemtbooRht to Iwv* bate fctodartof lb* aatJMtaT tb* povata. ara (but laid add*. r*r * wotsant. at laaat, by tba aiima-al lappoard to ban* oWrad parp*a*a ra ■***«•* ^Uhtaa** hmwa. Japan** ■audiac of troop* now aaa bar* lltti* twarlaa oa ttuifat* af tb* faralnan Ip Pkbla. Baron Uayabl, tb* nU Jap. aaww wiotaur who arrltad la Load**. on Friday, mid that tm day. aoold prahaMy U raqolrad foe tb* oarrytaR of troop* to Cblaa. Ba dtoutad atata ****** Matataad I* tlnwa a**t**a*a* “If aU tb* wodlttona *f Japan *n* Maoidad, tb*r* |* bo r***on wby Jaua* akould not undertake tba taafc *f tap •*5—'»*«>• WoahhL tW povai in an antoa la wiablaR to pat dowa tb* rabab, bat It doaa wot mmm that tba* HireM oo um tiiini ” From these asthorlULlre -ttaniagm It la Inferred that Japan fete nSSato ooodOloai and that Um eoneert of the powera la a IRUd j«agM. Rentals of further barron la Pet la ara gathered by ourraeoowdeets a* Shanghai from Chinese aoaroea. eape eially«/ Um (laughter la ibeUWwese BJ-d Tartar dty a# Ihoaaaadi of antivs Chris'tana. a» that tba aapUal ranks whhoamaga. Tba ruUilaaa UrftaiCor btood U meadlag la aU Um eonbara pmincaa; aad wbameer (beta ara oa» Uva UbneUaas Um aarnee attested in Um oapltalere reproduced lu mlatsluie. From Ibada atoriaa nothing further oo«« regarding tba lagatloa tame, wwrpt a repetition that tbav an all .Tb® corraapoafcma am that if Um Ualopaa ogkial* in Shanghai wiabad to throw light on Um raalataUafaf falri lu Um eapltol, Uwy eaeld da ao and therefore tba worat reports ara ao orpjrd aa non Tbe Um Vu oormpondwit of Tb* Utprts*. telegraphiqg on Tbuttday aaya there Is ao longer any doabt that din asur baa ue»r taken lb* Ratal aa for an of 9.00U Uiat left Tmo-TsIh for Pokiu, OB Juno 111 It. The Hatklsnt bad a (dll BrM gun compliment. and carried their own transport Aa nothing haa been beard front them for M days, it is aasamed that tle-y have bean over what toed. Trustwuriliy aeara is raortrad that all Um country la tba northeast of Pekin la noverad with tba Correaa of noon and b-nwa of tba wrslaru gunl am*. Fighting «r a deaperale charac ler took puoe lu tba iiqmwllaio neUti burbood «f Tlaa-TUB an June 90th. Taka dtapetchea gay an attack la »oroe la expected at nay MoaaaaL Tba Chi nas# oommandats ara ewaiUng um atrleal of more gun* and re eafecoa Mtto before making an effort to re taka Um alt*. A dispatch bom Shanghai to Tha Itaily Telegraph, dated July 5th, aaya the loaeea of the allies ap to June tttb, totalled MO. Chariot ta ObMrrc?. Our Uoma, of Marsh villa, Calm aotuiy, la a Popoiut pa par wMcfa aata tM paos fur tha Populist papsra af tha eoagtcwloaal district, aad hatiaa it laa haaa tha custom of Tha Ohssrvir to weak of it aa •’Oar Ham,of Baavar Daa (tha tour mom af MsnbflUa) aad tha other pa para of tha grand sir colt.” Wo Uava always had a good teal of raapact tor Oar Ooaia, aa ■ paper which spots 1U hoosst Bind, aad thla raapact la oomtdarahty aa haoaad hy tha ftftewlog irtWa frum It* aoluBas this araak. Wa priot It, tha good aad tha had, with ah lu la parfeatloa apoo It: ”Tha Laglalstata a mooted tha pro pMSd OVMUUlllODtl MNS^MUi (w oemtdnlag actions 4 aad t and adding tact Par section dsctariag tha who Is eaflrega aehaaia 'MadlrMUa.*' At It oaw ataadi wo aaa ao daagar af sav wMU aaa bring dtefrsad) lead aad shall tbarsfora support thaamodaaat. T»<s Pupal(st party a cosepoaad af white aaa. It has always Mm aad always wiU ha da* aateat for Ma axta lamot upoo white voters. Thsrsforo, Vlswlog ft fn»w serially a pmy stand aay ooaaMotailou ha la Iks was s(*Uh haw party, bat hy teaparartfy nfbal naUag tbs aagra oaaaUm boa poUtloa M will ba a mat advaategt to aay party tha*. Waits lo bring shoot hoasat isfarae, Ha aaw party aaa saaeoad lo tha Booth as long so ibs rsaa prahtam huha up la awry c ■ wpslgn, nog tba sllatasUao of thla uidfw aaw a re—t teal taararda atetatltg poBrias to a highar aad mart daoaat pteaa. After tte eateslwent la adapted wa aay ho «atOs that towtlaa aardwamUy. TU neck aad rfla at alfwhlte am off ad partm aarmatly datra ttea aaw, hat Wteaeae aiabtaa la aat tha scares tnm which to owpsot ft Lai’s taka an tba -white Thla la otaariy tl ■ of aa hoaatt am, aad la aaUtlad te Ita watght ao amah. Ilmbtftaintte H||^ ilMi Mtwi badlo , ' , MS SMMI M! yyi putt Uas ta a tetter aad ao te,* Than baa baaa so aiwaami ter tea « tern that oabak tad by wMob lo prteted la lu . m mn not nynM that a* Cm. •^mmSSmJSmrntSS. sass^rTsasaSEN mau ta the raalto Of Uapbaaira itoooah U I stonily with Ua button. The acute problem U Uat of Um b«Ha» aad wa kata mam to tha nUat a EmthalCth poilhmJty "’thaTiT |T •act while maa to i ‘ daoay|tPat tha | ©39 oMbatal rim to y mamerUat aa a l it Im4 i dnc no_ mora llkal} to ptoy hTt# the* tha bum thaw the patter « avas Um North baa 52. V" Mm of raapoaaUilttv aa tha aartaC Um whl*« maa weight * ‘ - Malnat mm of 1 tMimrtefthaoai The Cenfenmn _ Uto dlrmtlim. Ui__ . Madlr dealiug with Um Igaorsat toward aiding him la da* ' at tha aama uaw toward vmlUoaUaaa aa a voter ai them Moordiog to Uta i tba pultueil ui nation la State*. ILad lUI* 1* Um treed of Um__ Tbe nmmni la North Oamltaa to aot by say means tent. Uta as broad sad as demist lbs honth. If yea rail the Uat ef Southern Htoto* you Si Uml Louisiana, UtarlaalpM, Aiabaiaa aaddoaU OsrgUn* ucvebetaraiasd to eUmlaata Um Igaarmt robe aad laboring aodm advam oatatUoao here deea It aa bmt they eoald. AH' bat yesterday tba people of Vir*l»ln roied to oall a tVmattaUoaal them Um will* Miaewbat Ua lama purpaaa. In common with bar ataura North Carollaa baa rnltaad that pahttoal program t* all bat lapimtoli wham a lama tody of igaaraat 1—irinlgw aad IrtaatKHt.tUe voter* are to be reckoned with. Saab a ——lira to the cue **mou*l to bom rats aad to* only pmetble bo I work dr oorraat rate. Never wlU we (sent that a editor of this » mieuoderMood white ba" .... support from tba frehlbhlwi eaam am lb* (round that to preferred taVirrm wUhwten tonla power to aalnee wtu colored toco to odor. tar ha haM traly ttotdivUtooef Umwblta vetaom llm mteoa «aaaUns or aaj other woaM brio, this aad aeataag bwtthto. Aflac hit noth Ua aotokdaam at him pooteloo of pftaao yean before waa strikingly prortd. Wo toast deal btadly with the me It to aot hta CsaH that ba a aaisfor UUmmbto It to set his (salt that ha la laatm&s of voUag wlaoty. It to aot ha fault that bo m fcaaraat. But to ia—to la oaSt; to la loaaphUr, ha ta Igaarsathath*faultllo whom to map —aad UUlathe Uat we toeM dm) srusu 2sjraa.s**fis iktess s&taris? him 1* sur toad it freedi■ white Urn while ran mar f» into the-‘fn atbmaf utbsraatoNboaa Uat bars tton barrsmsdour' Ttonamlib

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