The Gastonia Deroted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Connty. V^ol. XXI. GASTONIA, N. C., THL'KSPAy/jULy"10, 11)00. BEL1EYE8 IN BRYAN. BILL A BP BAYS THE VEBRA8IAH 18 A WIBBER. That ktaa rioe HMMam-Adnilila iMtkea'a War raltcy Will Bolnl ike ■«rakUm>-»ll»r Cali »• Plctr*. run Arp In A'lairtM CooMMulloiu Away back la tlie 10s when .UrneaK I'olk waa nominated at IUUIid'sh (or preaid eel the mall on me lu our little town three time* a week by etagr. It brought the new* In an Augusta paper. My father waa postmaster, and whec he tore off the wrapper to read tlia nsws to tho waiting people and gave the name of I*ollc as the no uiueo uiy good old Norwegian friend, Kle Om bery. threw Id* hat up and shouted : "He la de man—de l>eet oimi lie will beat Mr. Clay out of Ids pouts. Moes ter Bolt rot did you eat Imh-s uame vaaf” That Is faith—democrats fallli I am Just that way about liryao only 1 know hll name. '-Clarum el vnner able noaoao." Was there ever • gran der purer statesuiau uq the A merle in continent? tVas there ever a partisan aspirant foi tl>e Pnwideucy who stood ao far above atl rivals that uu ooe pre sumed to quaatlnn hla rights to the uomloatloo aod this uolwlibalaadluy ill* defeat In llw last race? What manner of mau la ha that without ef fort cr political Intrigue lie baa fur four year* stood pre-eminent the choice of toe Democracy of every statet Without (ear and without reproach, his wlU has been aod still is the will of the party. Sloeerlly, earnestness and purity of character lu private au4 In pnbllo life have enlliruuad him la the hearth of th» people and my faith te like Umberg’a. "lie will beat MoKln ley oat of hit pools." As to ble run ning mate (Senator Tillman i* right. It ooasu’t make any differed on so lie la a Democrat and a gentle on n. Bryan doesn't need a helper. In home talk, a running mate Is a teaser, an exciu-r, a stimulator put on Uie track to make the raoar go faster If possible Bryan* will get a* many vote* In New York without HU1 ne with him. Hill and Irokar quarreled end eacb luld the truth oo the other. They arerxqgtaiie potitloans. Bryan 1* a There ere thousands of us who txilieve that all these wen have beeu precipi tated for pally purposes and the blood of our bon la crying from tbe gronud. Our southern people barn lost faith In the ability of the administration to ex Vrlcate tbe oouoly from this mountain of trouble. W< mutt have a change aud that soon or the mountain will get bigger. This administration begun with ear ou its heart, for heretofore stars have been popular with tbe peo ple sod kept the war ptriy In power and gave tbe aoaootaoiurers up north plenty to do. Wbat a mum have they got in Cabi and Porto Hico and tbe Philippines anoaxiug a few more mil lion negroes to give us trouble and killing them by Ihe tboueaode without a oauee and raising a big rumpne it we lynch one down here. And cow we ere about to be Inyo I red in ibis war with China—a war that no doubt was precipitated because of onr aggressions oo the Philippines and tbs Bugllah on the Boers. China sees that the motto of the Christian natione te: “Let those take who have tbe power and let tboee keep who can.”* Chine bee brooded orsr all this and the time come for a terrible revenge. But what about our mlmiooarleeV My wife, who Is my running mate Is much axereiesd about ibal for aba is a great mlmlanery woman and attend* every meeting and takes ber money along. I told her not long ego that I dident have much faith in the conver sion of the Chinees, for there are thou sands over here right under tlis sound of tbs Mabbath hells, und not on* ever attended church or has expressed any coooero about his acral. lady Church hill reported to her society that It bad •pent >00,000 pounds in twelro mouths In aa effort to oonvert the Jaws in Poland and aha wea satisfied they had converted one— ptrbape two—and she adviced no abandonment of the work, Tbe religion of tbe Cbioese 1* as old aa that of the Jaw* and (tick* to them a* elooe but (till tbe missionaries do re port e Ijalltiy program and are refin ing and refureolng tbe children and doing much chants We work among the poor. That's all right or It ■ earned to be eo but It I* all wrong. It makes say people (eatoo* for rare! go art to oome I® with new methods and begin to dictate *e to their need* and mea ner* and religion. W* wonldnt stand It a week. We can hardly stand the Mormons, who pretend to be Chris tiana. Bat wa era eolog lo eleel Bryan Hirer or no Hirer for tie la ao honest also and hla wife la bla ruoolog male, a beautiful aod Irepraaotfe woman if tbe picture of b«r face la a true one. Wa rejoice wImci they an domiciled Is tbe while houae. The surer question can't out sot ttgura for tbe next six yean ao 1st II go along. Mr. Uryau'a derotton to It |c because be la of Irish desownt aod dislikes ling land's dno> I—MM bat be knows that wo sent change It for many years to noose. Tbeo here's a 4lli ofJoly to Mr. Bryan aod Mrs. llryaa aod Mtsa Both their pretty school girl and tbe Mttle boy and the baby. I want to aaa some child nnplsylng lo the while houae yard. When that good tlair ooaaaa I am going M MO the family If I'm ail re sod 111 walk la withoutkaoeklng. I'm not afraid to racist* (a any house where I aaa pretty children in the front yard._ WIWWN fwlhH. pyj^W Prm "Wboerar ruae tide paper," re isatktl the walrus, wbo bad pleked up aa oM oopy of the Xew York Diurnal, drop^edjby a polar rails* expedition. W "What’rUte matter »" safe ad big bm1i> ••Why, be sap : "Cadet on slreoaa gggm dwaM you go Into the water after a meal.’ Whore an we vs get It thear* I a cnaaua or rweiriwg*. - •. Hoar MM WkiHida •' Tlaaa Hu *a y»rmm4 ik> AINUMI* mf Portia*. Pfellsaalpb:* KoocxU. In the action and reaction of poll Lice parties in ttili o >uotry have made come surpralmg changes of poalilon an lm portant question* uf public policy. la the day* of Jaeksuu nod HohUxc the Democratic parly woe the puny of sound money and remained euob through all rlclasitndes till alter the civil war, when it beoauni corriip'rd and gieeohuckery, anil taler oy the liarcay of free eeluage. Oa luu other hand, the Federalists and their sneer* *or*‘ lb* Whigs, war* tbit parties of tli* ■ b.»nu*, and the Republican* aubse qoen lly were lUe authors of thn meas ure which made paper Issue* of govern ment legal Isndara for debt*, public aud privala. The Democrat* began by deuuunelug this measure as uocouail tultoosl and iukjut oils, and they euUed by embraclug it. out a stranger mutation of party po ■itiou ties taken place on the question of territorial expansion. IVhen Jeffur eoo made tbe Louisiana Purohase tbe FwrieraliiU deuounoed the act as uo constitutional, sod also a* unwise iu openly extending the boundaries of the country. Bust gloomy were Ibe Fed eralist prediotlous of tba coueequsacaa os this rookies* Democratic expansion Later uu. ilia Whig successors of the Fedrntlisu vt-beroeuenlly opposed ibe anuexalkou of Texas. (Hill later, the IVbigs oppuocd the acquisition of terri tory from Mexioo. uot merely because It threatened to extend tbe area of slavery, hut oa other political ground*. Tney ssld of Uie Territories of New Mexico and Utah that they wore deso late waste* not worm trouble of or ganlasug aud governing them. It would be tedious to quote the deouu elation* wblcti Uie Whig leaders and the I uu I pivot Republicans Ibowered up on the Democratic policy of expan sion. The Brat sign of a ehaugo io tbe spirit of parties <ni expansion was wlw.i 8eo rotary deward made Uie purchase or Alaska, wblcti was dmoonood by mauy DemoorsU (and some UspubUcaos) aa foulisu to west* money. Next there was some Republican mo nib watering for tjan Domingo. Da Med in this tbe Republicans Uieo began io turn long iog eye* toward Hawaii, an acquisition which the DemoorsU regsid with re pugosooe. Msloly through New Eng land Influences which eynnator Uoar could uot roslat. Hawaii was annexed by joint rosoluliou ol Cuagrets. whan it was discovered that a constitutional majority could uot be oousurrd for the llawallau treaty io the Ssuate. The latest act* of Republican expansion need oot bare be told. But there is an essential difference between tbe Democratic aod Bepubll can pullets* of letrltorial goveromeot. In tba orgaoltsllou of every territory under Democratic orgaolutlou of Ter ritory under Democratic aduoioUtra Uou Congress confined itself strictly within Uia limitations of the Couatltu tiou of tbe United blstee. Such a thing aa the power of Congress to ovar step the bounds of Constitution In legislating for tbe Territories or any other subject would have been regarded by the Democrats as monstrous bad It beea suggested. The Republicans, on the other baud declare that lu legisla ting for tbe Territories and governing them Congress and tU* administration •re sbovs tbe Federal Constitution. A leading organ of the Administration thaa deflate Uie new fsagied doelriue that waa applied for tbe Hr*1, time io the territory of Porto Rico : “Self government fur those Qt for self rule, and for those uutlt for self-government a sovereign authority directly exercised by Congress uudsr the spirit of our In stitutions tbs Constitution and the Declaration, but oot subject to the special literal limitations uftbeCoimt tnUoo. What 1* tills, when slrippped at its Itogulstio ornaments, but tbe assertion of a ‘ sovereign authority” lu Cougrese to travel outside of the Constitution’s domslo lu legislating for tbe Territo ries ? "Spec111 literal limitations of tbe Constitution” Is good. What I* tba Porto Rtoo sot but a violation of tbe special literal llmtuuooa of the Constitution wblolt Inhibit Congress from imposing duties that nr* oot uni form throughout the United SUlse aod from lavM duties upon articles exported frees any State ? Wbep Con gress cmi stray beyood the bounds of the Constitution In legislating for tbe Territories with a pretense of observ log Its spirit there is not oow of It* pro vision* that la safe from Invasion. The government-tom from Its constitution al moorings would be at the of every chaoging majority to Uoogress. MIIIUm CtlrM Awrnw It It cprUInlf fritlfyinf to ibe pab lie to know of on* concern In the land who ate not afraid to ba gauanru* to the needy and auffertng. The prowl atora of Dr. King*a New Dlaeorery for Oonremptloa, Oongba and Colda, hare glare away erer ban million trial boOlaa of tbla grant medlotna; and bare the aeUafaetloo of knowing It baa theolataiy cured Uoaaaada of bopalaaa eaaaa. Aethma, Braocbltla. Hoeraenrea and all diem era of the Throat, Cheat and Longa are aurely eared by It. Call on LB. Curry A Co., Dniggleta, and get a trial bottle free. Regular aiaa OOe. and II. Xe cry hot tie guaranteed. oV price re rnodad. till A at MMl n« AfnBM Dhh» imml. Wben It waa lieeome winter, the Oraaa Hopper went to the Ant and ••Bad for a cold band out or aorea thtofl. aaM the Ant. "ft U uarleaa to Irepartaae are. I are adamant I" “And •hat," reelalaaed he Oraaa Hoppar. teralag away, “la to bn e« preted of a-eat t*^ Thta fable teeehea that ooe reap ba •blfUaaa. yat eatnrerly witty. ■•OKU IKIIAU BIU* OH PI»K. TV riw KM flalMd duck Kml»n> »*fw* t*« Pmayt UmM be U«u«a M Work bni Om>- maned They VrM lk« MHlwt CfcsrkXts Observer. l.loooUilon, July 111.— At about 7:90 o'clock yesterday ever In* news came by telephone to this place. that tbe f<ong* Cotton Mills acre In flam** and asked fur *11 help (mmrU>I*. A crowd quickly started for the Are— a distauce of few loile* — but before they reached there the lire way out Tbe blase stalled somewhere In the machinery of the power house and near where the pumps are gearsd to the power. The blase wee discovered at oaoe, but everything wss so saturated with machine oil tbat the flamee quick ly spread, end before the men could get to tli* leeer that turns on the pumps they wen drlyeu back by lieat aud amok*. Tha situation was deeper - ato but by trie aid of uu Iron hook the pumia were Anally put to work. Tha power house was attached to the main building, end Lite (Irion* shot up oeer Its toof sud *long Its walls. Tbe large driving wheel continued In trn tiuo and drove tbe smoke through tbe bell hole. Into tbe mala betiding until It wai Impossible for soy one In stay on guard Inside. U looked like llte entire mill, iu a few hours, would be bat * fallen mass of smoking ruins, but when the pumps began to pour their sleadr streams of water on the flames, it was but a short time until tbe Are. wss under control and out. Parts of the main driving wheel were damaged, aud but a few momi-uls’ delay lo getting Uu pomps to work wou'd have cut oS aud reu dtied useless the nuly meuuj of saving lit* plant. Fire did not get inside the main building, but It Is Impossible to give an accurate estimate of the damage doue from tbe heat and water. Tlu elsetrio dynamo eras closest to the A*'ov* and It is feared that It Is badly damaged. The main driving belt was drawn through tbe flamas until it was ruined. Moat all Itie machinery in tbo power bouse sustained some damage. The Are U supposed to have originated from (riotlou. It will be in operation again iu • few days. ■ I ■■ 1 1 Hni.ll «r Ik. SMk Tire war which bar been made ngalnw Uve English eparrowe In Detroit, with lb# very agreeable reeull of Dearly rx ttttulnaliug the prat* In that commu nity, so that eoog bird, are veld to be rvturnlug, call* attention to the ill adviaed flghu which are frequently made upou birds which are sometimes supposed to bo groat enemies to the farm, whereas they may iu reality be just the opposite. For Instance the various species or Amerleau sparrows, •'non they are sometimes tern eating grain sod arv f..ond at times In oonild •rable Hooks are thought by some fat mvrs to be hii tujnry rather than a tarn •Qt to the farm. As a matter of fact tbsy eat but alight amoocU of grain, yet an Investigation of a Large Dumber of tlielr stomachs show that Uisy ure Indefatigable weed teed destroyers dur ing the Isle fell and winter months. It Is estimated oo a very ooDservatlve bests that thousands of tons of wood a»td« nreeaten every year by them tiny foragers. On bright sunny days dur ing the winter they oan oe seen In swarms lu almost every briar patch an0 badge row busily eugagvd in picking around for weed seeds, and were it not for them It la impocaiblo tu eatimate what tba natural looraase of man? hurtful weeds would be. A French scientist baa stated that without birds to tart Intacta and weed seeds, the earth would In a few years become uninhabi table for mao. When It li considered that the almost entire food of the nu jorlly of birds oonslsia of seeds of soots sort end insects or worms lbs state ment Is not Improbable. #rer»» A. Urey m Uu Orta I* In China. The Manar.hClarers' Sword of Bil Uioore, lately sent t> a uutnbar of prominent coauufocturers the follow ing query : *-A) bearing on the ex port trad* of aoothero Button good* lo Chine, what. In your opluloj, ahonld be the cation of the Colled Stator government at the prevent oriel) I* lo that ooantry.” To the above Mr. Usorgo A. dray, president of the Avon MUM. replied u follows In the July dth leeue of that Journal : “A* lo lb* export trade, the writer I* of the earn* opinion as he wee two yean ago, when bs wrote an arttela for your Journal on the war with Spain aoocorning Cob*. Porto Hloo and the Philippine). That wee lo late all of them end hold them, for w* have eeeded and do etlll need theca. My Kltloo now la to build nod equip the at navy of lb* world for the melo teotooe of home proteoUon la lb* for eign water) of tbe earth. The Island) In qoeMlon have broom* our), Inelu ding the Philippines. wbtoh held the key to tb* alUmtloo In the Per Beat, and do* that war eaaaet Inevitable lu China, let demand oar equal ehar* with other nation* not a* a matter of loiatlabl* greed bet a) a matter of Jett and eomcnerela) equality. ” All dooton told Bantek Hamilton, of Wal Jefferson. O afivr suffering IS fau»iihe from Meetal Pistole, bo would die ualeae a eoatly operaMoe we* per formed; but be oared hfmnelf with fly* box** of Bneklen’e Arnlea Selva, the turret Pile core on Barth, and lb* heel Salve la the World, SB arete a Dor Hold by J. £. Carry A Oo , Drafts!). *aM and gas). rWMaa real. “Ilow do you suppose I eau asauie a Demoaralle nomlnaUwn f" “nomination tor what V' "for eeylAlag.” •■Oh, barnma a Populist-” •-NO SALVAGE OX UfM." bSwUflllaUlMa mAJnreT Awl la TV» OmmIm Murad Owl r (Ihtaasn CSroninW. Thomas Hood told the IrttUi wlwo be said that bread war deer and Beeti sod blood cheap The New York tog oa|>talaa pat it la another way wlwti they refused to devote themselves lo resouiug perishing creatures nn tlm burning ileimahips at Huhnhnu. ••Tliare Ir 11*1 stlvugn on llvwe,” they exclaimed, and worked with CMroInnry onttiuatnau while hundred* Of people burned or drownedalmost wilhlaarm’s leogth It lr not pessimism, tut plain truth to tay that thla episode wan largrly oharaeterlrtie of tha materialism wit I oh pervadnsnorro-cafiad advanced oivillta tluu. Under the thin veneer of educa tion and nillgioQ the primeval mao still ext its. The struggle for axblanoe no longer takes the form of murderous onmlml's over food, ft la a competition for food'* equivalent-money. And no skin-clad. oave-d well log men of the sume aga over fought mure desperately over the csroaea of a goat than do tlielr soligUtaned descendants do over a pile of money which represents tha neceaaUieS aud comforts of lit® Fortunately tha battlaa of today are utually—though not always— loUllee Lual istlnrrUian phyaloal Tim mod. ero trogatodyla does not attack hi* neighbor with a club and wrest from hiui the spoils of tha chase. Ills wa i pont are cunning, dissimulation, and _ _xi, as we liava eenu •xampleilert at Hoboken, thn pnrhiatorle man, breaking through his veneer, •liows bis enoiatnpl f.r human lira as Compsuwd with aiaieiiU oousldt ratlm lie harks hack lo Ui* alums agw aod bunla bis dinner at lbs oust of his uelglibor’s life, Tbsis Is i.o salvage on lives.” A Bra engine will ruu over aod kill or maim people lu its liaatw to save nut life, but properly. Firemen liietnselve-. saarliaa UmuHess that piles of brick and stone filled with mm cl mediae may uut burn. Firemen asm be replaoed without out. Buildings aud mer chaodlsu are expeualve. it Is so lo all tha autl vltlna of Uomsu life Men are cheap, there is nn sal vagw on them. Tha New Fork tug captains stately declnrrd with brutal blunliwas wliat la exemplified iu one form or another a thousand I lanes a day In every city lu every laud under the sue. Sl*»rr Ulfa but Wave (MWbrt. Balunlsjr Brcolati host. fho evolution of the steamship is as Interesting as a novel. Taka tha cat tlsshlp. It began as u lingo freiglit ooat anil it waa found that emtdshtpi tlmre was room tor faw pi scanners. Tha taw poaaugars liked it wonder fully beesuso of the smooth sail log aud the moderate coast. Thao gradually more staterooms wane built sad iu addition to cattle tba ships ware souu carrying large cargoes of human be ings. The other typo waa Ilia oceeu greyhound,bnrnlug fortunes of ooul on esoh ruvmge—using man and maehloery iu a strenuous effort to make records, sod 10 the mastuwblle churning tha stornsobs of the passengers lute tlx days of untiapirioem. These did not pay the divldeoda, but they made Bn* advertisements Mow, finally between ilia extremes lias cocos tba compromise. Ou each aids of the ooesu splendid ships arc belog built which exceed me greyhound In Um luxuries aud beauties sod which slightly excell tba oalUa ships In speed. Iu other words, tha steamship companies hays come to ap preciate that tha average traveler wants comfort, do it bappeoa that at least a docon million dollars la now being spent Id tiiia new type of Immi. Tba other day. at the Cramps' yard un tba Dataware tha keel of tha largest ■hip ever made In the Western Hemis phere waa laid—a levlaUiau which will be nearly COO feat long, with a tonnage of 13,«0. Hhe la built by tba same company that owns tba at. Paul, at. Louie, Tails and New York, hot, uu 11R« them, she will have great, broad. bUga keels that will keep bar almost a* ■taady aa a railroad tralu. It will take a day or so longer for the passage on a boat Of this kind, but tlie passengers will enjoy Ufa Iu the meanwhile. Tiiere will be two of tba same type and other companies era nultdtog some what simi lar snips. Two wlU be launched In JCngtaod Ibis month. There never waa a tlase when the popularity of ocean travel was so gnat, sod It Is an Interesting fact that every deem eh Ip company id Uw world la at work and Is mak log money. TNiMlMP U •% f*mrk>M w If r ar*. » Molll* Aged 44 jtw« Hem par Kidea : Died ISO®. Eraetad bv lbe Wadaworth family Tba abort engraving nan ba aaaa on a vary Mat graalta tomb atorva. "Mot Ila," aa many know, waa a bona which draw tba Wadaworth family aafcly far ■any year*. "Moil la” waa looked open alraoat aa a member af tba fatally, aad when aba died. tba family bad bar bar led on tba farm wee* af tba city. A monamaut with tba abort loaer Ip lion ntnrda bar grava. The appetite ef a tn«l la an vied by alt poor dyapeptice wtoai Stomach aed lilwi am aut at ardor All a«t«li thou Id kaow th«t Dr. King** Maw Lila PWa. tba wondartal etaameh aad Urar llaaaady. glraa a aptaodM artlu, attend dlgratiaa and a ragnlai Ity habit that twauraa parfoat baaht u4 gnat aaaegy. Oaly 43a. at J. I. Carry * Oo-ndreg Mara. HM ANW mVKCB. j NHm Uau as HinnlM Ho *«'l •* It tMa Aussara OroaUAo. hose gantleuuac were talking alioul tlw present Coroilo* campaign yastar day, and Uia ouonrsaUon drifted |0u former campaigns, and lbs story ol Colonel Bunch McBos'i famous excar ! "low durlog the Butler TUInwui aeua I Lorln) outitmt. The a tors' Is not n now one; lmt It Is go al enough t > bo told ogaiu. liunob He Bee, who was than with Uis d-iutticru railway, was so deeply luterpstad la donator Duller’a cssspalgo that lie ran n free excursion to tbs pulut of debate on Uie ueeasioo rofsrrad to and look about COO asan who tried to bowl Tillman down wbon be spoke. Don Tillman is •omething of o figblar biSMoif, nod wboo a man fltflit* him, bo usoaily fights back. Uoloaei Bunch AtcBee having shoara such “pomloioaa partlsausiilp," wtwu Tillman won Ills fight «f a Untied dtates senator bo demanded of llio Southern railway Col. He Bee's scalp. Bunch Meliee had Just getrm his die charts aud was staudlug la front of the southern railway office In Washing ton City, wlisa a friend passing by recognised him. He bed beard nr Col onel HctVs's txenrston; bat was not aware af Hi* tragic denouncement, aud the following oolloquy took place : •*Baocb. is It true tint yoa ns u excursion down there la Carolina ta the Butler-Tillman eampdgu r’ ••I’ll tail yoo n atorv." inpUsd Col out-1 He Bos. "Tor-ro was a UlUs M low down my way wbo warned a •trapping big woman by the name rtf Mias Mary llopklna. Tkli married meu occasionally gut oa a aprtr, and whenever bo eases home nodar such olruumaunosa ins wile gave him a sound drubbing. Ou a am occasion, whoa lie reedMxJ his I root sat*, lie could uot get up bis couragn l > g-i in amt was alUjug oo the feoos thinking of what waa waltlag for him, when ae old aoqualotaoos cams by and said : •Look hrre; didn’t you' marry Mary llopklna V* Ho repiled; •Tea, hot d»r nod if I'll aver do It again I” That story answers your eaeursion qore tluii," replied Colonel MoBso. Bunch Me Bee wse too good a roll road mao to he I-mg without a Job, ami h« uuw has a poettiuu with the Boi b-isni batter tban the uoe be Inst, an lie Hughs over Hie rxunrstnu suny as iH-nnlly as suyooo. I'Alltinl (/Ilk'ftjrG Hew*S Tb* hny dealer dors business ou a Urge scale. Aj a man grows elder Its swspi lus ideal* for Idea*. The leet we bav*, Uw a taler It U to share U with other*. Ufa aaemi to ha made up of ardent drain* and vala regret* Home aieu don’t have to (ravel very far whan they go to the bad It doesn't p»y to be a prollg .1 am uuleaa your are partial to veil. Many a married couple could anva money out of what a t*elielor spend*. It la batter to be linpuard apm or oaeloually than to doubt ludtacrlml aatrly Floe rrathera may not make Una Idrda but they arr apt to make onetiy bat*. ff you want to hear a hard-luck story juat ask a man for m->nay be owe* you. Man listen whoa money talks. Proba Wy that la wtiy we sometime* hear of hush-money. Woman are partial to tight wearing apparel, bet they draw the line at tight boat tends. Tb* average man Imagines that If all the fools ware dead bl* opinions would soon become universal it Ohio girl who I* uuable to apeak above a whisper baa had forty-seven offers of miniate. A word to Lb* wise. Ac. People wlm are always looking for trouble are fortunate In oca respect at laaat—they ashlnm meat with dteap pomtmaet, res rsnstiM n*. The power or ae orator esc he large ly measured by the degree of ennMrnoe which be Inspire*. and lodged by this standard, Henry Ward Batoner mask be reckoned among tb* greatest speak er* of modern time*. Mas who heard bin in the pulpit or talked with hla* out of U could not question lb* slooari ty which ahowad forth In hla fees, hit m*utier and hi* vole*. Mr. Dcaehar was on a lecturing lour and Major Pood, hi* manner, waa sit ting beside him la the railway ear. Radtlenly the pnecher slapped hla hand oti tha llola watub pocket of hit trous ers and drew forth a small antelope. For a memest be looked at It In tar pn«a, than opened M aud ended. Pres ently be turned to hi* oom genian. ”M*|or,” eekl he, "I married a graal railroad magasia a few month* age, and ns 1 waa Uk in* hmvs of him ha handed me an envelop*, which I slipped la my pocket, awppeecd. Thu trai U-# last I thought wf It until today Juat new I openpd It end thle la whw I fo-kCd.*1 The maj rr took tha eevstep*. With In It war* kve oea-theoaaad dolls Mil*. ■mi Mn Fait Vktioii to atoAooh, llrer aad ktdoag trosblaa m Mil M WMM, and all fat tba raaaHa lo koaa or appatlta, pataoa in tba blood, baabaaho. Mfrowwa inadaeba aad tired, HaUna. rei daai hailaa. Hnt iboiVa no eaul to (re ilka that. IrHtan to J. W. Oardnot IdatUia. Ind. Ha eaya: "Xteatrt UlUrra are Jaat tba tblaf for a aw arbao ba la all mo dawn, aad do*low artwttof ho lire* or dlaa. It did nor to plre »o mi atreoaUi aad foo appetite thaa any tblaf 1 aoaM tab#, aaa no* aat aaytblaf and bare a no< Ware oa Ufa.” Only Meant* atJ. 1 Carry aad Oaaapaay'a Drop fun Krery boUta cuareataad. TMMr.'^Bfnw, Lincoln, KeU. July 10.-At the ret 1 Section meeting brid in Lfnootn to Bight, Willies J. Bryan, thedmooret* la uoslnaa far prsaldeiit, mmks as follows: "I Ah> deeply grateful U the raid people of thto city and staU far thalr approval of sy Domination. Four Tears ago Ibn stats gsvs so about 13,000 plurality and on tkran meaalaat elaou that tins tba people nf Xehrosha declared their u<| Iterance to the pull li sa' principles for which I have hoow oootewdlBg. “1 sa not vein enough to bailee* that their support Is meant as a par* eonsi oorspUsoct. I swept It as so evtdeoo* of tlw atssdfcst dsvotioa to tho^prioclplcs to which I ha vs bees •* We enter thta campaign sudor con dition* far mors favorable to estofso Mian lhear whioii surrounded ue In 'M. Bat whoUitr wo win this yew or not, the Qgbt asst bs cos United until onrs eiaed wealth ooaaea to eoetml the allair* of tbo nsMoo ami It booewMW agelo a nation of tbo people. “Idoo'toaro to enter at the present time upno dlacuatiou of the laoaos groBBiMd bp tha platform adopted at •*I oaa say, however, that It Is in By JntgBonl >hh greatest uUtlorB adopted lu rooont rears. If not In tbo history of tbo country, it to a greater pisiform than the Cnloago platform, !•« It M <1 arses the principles sot forth la that plat fora aod In addition thereto pre sent. tl.s party** position on sovorsl new and vital oooscioos. “TMf* Is bo evasion about tba plat form, no ambiguity ot no doeoi* deal ing. It Is aa olaar aa tba tswi *f a toll, as clear as tba tons* of liberty toll. It dealt HoceaUy with tto panyir. •'It* candidate* am plodgsd to Us maluUnunoo. Whan tba eonresUou • cam* lo the evleetton ot a candidate for vice president there waa diversity of opinion. Soma prefWrmd an eastern candidate believing that ha wuald KnsugtliM the ticket In tba seat. Some preferred Mr. Towns, knowing or ibn saoriSoe which b* mad* fur prinelylrt and of bis devotloa lo the principles act forth la the Chicago pUift>rcD. “Tba choice fell upon a distinguished lltioms democrat, wboonoe discharged with greatest oral It the duties of Xb* nttoe. lu tto campaign of *9*. wtoo plutocracy and drnswciaey net feoe to faes Adial E. Stevenson was au able and courageous defender of tto team of democracy. During tto aampalgn lie spoke in several of tba closest states. Whan l visited Bloomington. near the cl‘>m of tit* campaign, lie waeefaelrann of the at ciIik, !<■ Iwalnning my ipwok I rvfrrrwl hi lihu aa follow*: ‘••Wa will, have Itreu Krttpra of the democratic f.rtlb lova Adial K. tftevao Sen. not only for wtot he I*, but wa lova Ida also because to Is all ere have left Of the lastdrmiwratht lickst. Tto Bible tells y -u of the father who lovsd the prodigal aeu whoa be retarded. 1 tall you uf the democratic father who loved the eon who Wtot not astray * ‘■I know that tome of oar a!Ilea Mt grieved that they warn not given the second place upon the ticket, bat I am •ora Ural they cannot feel unkindly toward on* Ilk* Mr. tKayimsoc. who waa loyal to tba ticket nominated at Chicago and who is atria la defend the msgnlSoeut party craod ant forth at Kansas City. “In this campaign. Issues am greater than men. I shall net ask any one to sou seemly because It’S the ticket of the party. It deserve* support beosaae It stands r.vr tbs declerstloo of inde peudenoe lo dealing with the Philip, pines and far the doctrine of eqaai rlghU for nil nad special privileges for no one In all domotUe questions” ■■■swt nmM r«i rssTs *10*. <*•». Alias Tllua m ■•ftM VIM ■eaaeeoa IkMlStlMK Uot'. Alien of I’oito Blot talked an tbuaterttoally ymtetdey about Uw toined u4 luoomioerotal powlbiiltiea. Ha eeys tost eager will ba Uw principal crop uf Uw rutnta aid prod Iota that to • year from nos Uw sugar outpet will Iw flvo-fold what it aver had Ism under normal oouJIUooe la the laluod. Regarding the tariff Oar. AU-neakl: '-I would rather net talk tariff bet tot the remit apeak for thawailvei. Tbe nwlpta ere looreaelng rapidly aad to three ametbe Una 1 feel eoeMaot that the remit will have jeatMad Uw beet eapeetatiom of the advoeeUe of the tariff eweautw. "Uuatmai to geoernl to steadily plefc lag op aad the people ore eatbarintto eyer the yroepeet. They are Intelligent internet Ih Uw ttooe aad than la every llw toUed daring Uw eaa If jOlHOI III MDfiftt revival solid aad UaUag basil.’’ AnUtheOnUnrUtr af SaiOn i. urw gore lea. ’’■wry larbet oe earth,’’ atM the ill— reel man. ‘bae eaa habit that drlvea we to driek. Be gate yen aloety i lathered ep, ettepa a nor aarefnffy tad Uwa awhaa ese rseap with the Made arre« ya«r fbaa. Then ba leaka U yen toealrlagty end eeepnede ap— Uone while batata, ‘la— atat yaa 1 Ur V If yen eoaurer yaa, bo, always 1 term armed aad atrope Uw re— tse ! mXZTeZ i either when pee — peseta wdltoad t I een not tot bow Lately I beoealwaya , aaM tlwt the n— did — a— aad to i aaarly every e— Uw haiher bept » weaseli it ewrk with the — moor. » i tatabt add that that* the totem | that! — ms ahavtag r h I k. 1 fttUd tte uwa who do ttTStoT '"Ft °np«»;*r. control, aod 555* Itoru Md wand fiwtta Moot part not la tta clltoa, hat to iha country, or «i laaat ta raaui S?©MtS QmSoM «Md WOUMh KoKUttoy ««*' hMoiimrat at out Una or Matter m proof* of the •uporfervotoa<«i5pS waadtag. Bu» tta rtatlatlaa, after nil «ta out aadateUa mump ah it* hi ha to oupptr tha maau* of a Iborooghly nntto factory ecteportiao. Ita tottBag of aaa who attoto proto* iaaaoa by aaaaetoi ate OMMtoiMMiyw Inquiry would furolto tahtaa of mm. giarral iutamt. If for loaunoo.ttw uim handrad uwu —' iii wlan i iM S^MtoOte^MSdlaatoataalHato^Mw to pul on record a. to-their pl*oe of ■tiraeeuatoainx ttaatha tlottgattocte by^ttowrttorawUo haya « thoory t* One tory gaud raw »u why tta ooea* try tooeld oatey tta oKjorily of tte too® who attain pmalMoao i* that tte rvuurj rural popotottto. aren in tbow dayaof rapid anoatotratlao la eKtoa. to mara Uwu four Uwa* aa groat ao tte urba» popaWutoo, For laateooe ■ ktoryaity toite Ualtod State with ~ opooid of so.uoo lobaUtaoto ha ptoood lo a oolutoa. thatr total popatolloa wdl undoubtedly aura up taoa than U.000.* Mb. Afaluat thia tbara aro Mare tlwa uo.owlijoo Who lira lu llw country ate rural town*. ThU raUUra ratio be* iwi«a total ate aity rfifliM wua »ach grautar lo Ha dlracynnca twowtr yearn ago than it la at Uw praaaar Uutuiertara dccbtlcM foet* otter Ilian that of being la Um nuiority whlab fo*or tta yoaor hnyaaod la tte r«a* for tta nrtoas. DU uatefbtottte* fed way* which tonka tdto tbotett Od Uw «Qtotl fwe yoatt ladtoaU tta took of n kind of kuowtodg* that to raaUy of little ml aa. W*yn of tninkleg. domt aatad by tta uarrww prov.ucUlloBa at a ally are largalr a hulhiy. Bet. thare are to toy ally hoya wit • prara to ha winner*. Uatt the aUtUtiea are aura raltoMo compartaou ura to little purpooa. al«'/ b»wl»wl «Mt MOat mm a Rata Praaa. toHwujr VTorkl. Jody* B ikar of tba federal court at ludiaaapotla o<> Krbraary lrd,pnu iplalna (a tba cam of Victor O. Tatto lyaliift Julaou IfunoM, receiver ot Lite Baltimore and Onto 111“ Will Mil Itatlro td Cudaptaj. drderiag a rail road t/> hr | oat a* IUUa tr iHPaaaa to i porani ah) hi* rrealveJ tajartot wblla ilJInjt aii a grulaltoua Mb taauod by tba oompeay aa If ba bad paid hit far*. The plaintiff charged that be waa a litaacapar riding In a pnnw car of Um deftedaut company, and that ba wee aariouafy Injured by tba darail ■ealofttiaetr la witch ba oalrtdlug inaaatoned by the canden and nag) I loot mtoaoemeul of tba train. Tbo defendant totwIced that the ptalaUC w«a travel lag ao o pern table* bad been taaaad ao blaa at hit raquaet iratuitouali whkb paaa embodied that •f aerjdaet aod damage to patwn aod baggage, whether oecorttec Cobb oan llRaoea or othtrwlaa. Tba nUiatlS da maned. end ioMtVrd that the oontract mt up by the oompaoy doaa net tulle re It from l lability. Judge Buber to eae talwtng the damamr. after iMUog o Dumber of deetatone to whleb (be da preota ooort of the United Stout bdld . that aay aagltgaoea ao Ibe part of a currier who eadortafeca toearry tbo ssssssarsastss: duty af h oarrtar oho atdartebae to carry piaiapn by tbo daogurica ■gaooy of atoem to eserome tba greet Mi pottlbto MM tfld dAiflMi (bat aay ntgUgeea* leaoab la o oaae ought w«T daanve tha epithet at gram, fti Mild mum ditsf thai (ha MMMMi relied opoo la tola aa U eoavelllay became to Id • oootraat to lelleae tbo ourrlar from ita owe great aggliar—. Tba eoortdaaeaol aaderatood that law wUI permit a oarrtar to raitore It dalf from inpaoMblWi tar aagUcMOa ohtah may ho daaarred to hiotaroeter W» SWMcoy aaaa^rer themi toaMUlMd.n »••••» IdtSllBpl

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