I The Gastonia Deroted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the County. Vol. XXI.{netjl jsruawfGASTONIA. N. C.. THURSDAY, JULY 2tt, 1900. ARP AHDTHBJEAHS. RELATIVE OP JAOX 0TBEAJ8TALX FAME WITTES TO BILL. •mnU ftfwlnia ar tmmtta M u>« l«« Ran >aR Raatlaalea tea W»H>n mt IMarX Week*. DIM Arp in AUtnl* UmmHuUihi. A veteran friend liaa sent mu one of the identical been* that Utile Jack planted end Uiet grew up to ike aky. It came In a letter celled up like* little groan snake and I liioughl at drat It was a snake. It ta about the site of an average wax beau and I* twenty eight and uue-half Inchei long. I meaaorod It on my square and aiu eat laded It vii at least thirty loahaa when > It waa taken from the vlur, fur It lia* elirunk some lo Uie mall. II* write* that h* la a lineal descendant of Jack and the beau (talk and Uil* variety ha* been handed down through *«v*uleon geoeratloue, more or lea*, and the** Man* won’t glow for anyi»dy i-xoept Iriali patriot* or confederal* vetcraua. The writer belonged to CaiAaln Daw* **w>» company lo Uio Biglitb Georgia regiment and waa with u« that memor able night when we oroaekd lb* 8lwm andoali river liy torch light and the boy* bad to be eased over the deep place* by putting taller soldier* behind them, and even then the water ran Into their mouths occasionally. My friend was one of lb* aborts and say* he gut airangled several timer oo tip Theee bean vines nod other vines have often excited my wonder end con templation Solomon aay»: “There I* a purpose forcvvrythtng under heaven," and Aildl*ou any*: “in reason’s voice all rejoins." And ao l would like to know why all Ibe bean vlnee, morning glories, madeira and elonamou vlnea grow and wind toward the aim, atari log on tha south aid* of the pole aud going teat, while the liop vine and soma other* reverse their oourae. Every thing has Ita law and you ain't make ■□ruling ebanre Ita nature A vine will die if you force It the wrong way. A ad yet Raphael Seiamea oaya In hit grant book that south of tha equator everything la reversed aod the bmn vlnee that climb against the ten up here climb with It down there. Of oourae tha motion at ths earth on It* axl* baa aomethlog to do with It. but why la I' ao? We don’t know much sftat all. Mrs Homan aay*: “And flowers ahali wither at tha oorth wind's breath," but If aba had lived In Sooth America she would have aald “at the •oath wind's breath," for that la tbe odd wind below the t qua tor. We are •II loclloed to view things from our own standpoint. Of oourae It It very natural for ua to do to for we live la the same sane aud latitud* that Adam and Eve lived In. “Westward tha esarae of empire takes IU way." That'* att. Ko change in tbe coorae of the ten or moon or star* or climate or tem perature. Paradise waa on a line with Carterevllle, end It la yet, aod ilia Euphrates river it tha Etowah now aud tbe gold of that land waa good and •o la tha gold of tbit. Rut i waa rumlualiog about these mysteries of nature Utai surround ua aod aiw ao common that w* do not uotlee thorn. Last night our grove was illuminated by a thousand Oreflleo - -more onmarohs and more brilliant than ever before- It was regular pyro technic* for an hour. They lighten ai they rise from tbe grass and emit a ■park of gold anti green luster that la lovely. Rome naturalist* aay It la phosphorous that they can illuminate at will by breathing hjrdrogeu or oxy geo Into it and that It hot no boat. Ever ilnae Ltoneue lived this little In nocent bug ha* been under the Ores of dissection aod diaonaalon and no solu tion of Ita wonderful faculty has yet been egraed upon. 1 bad to oateli a bottle full (or the little glrla They p'ayed with Uiem until bed time and then I turned them out aud owa of these was dead with the light atill ■timing In lu tall. It had Illuminated Ita own death and kept Ita laotarn burning without a breath of hydrogen or oxygon. Away down In the tropica tbeae fireflies are an Ieoh long and a •core or two of them will Illuminate a room and a dozen in a bottle giro* light to read by. Traveler* tie • dozen to k stick and travel et night by their light. I would like to Import some of that variety Into aay xrove. In fact l think we ccnld utilise them In our street lamp* and get more light than ere do now. Tbe other morning ebunt sunrise I waa surprised at the number of little dew-wrered oobwebe tliet adorned Uw grace and weed* around tbe ho see. They were almost touching each other and flistened in the rooming non like a frost waa upon them Moat of them ware about Uia atsa of a aauoer aod bad thair tiny cord* and stays fastened aw curtly and la everyone waa a cunnlag UtUt aperture where the weaver lived and waited and watched for hie prey. The workmanship at three little wehe was rzqnlalte, artistic sod perfect where did tbe llUla creature get lu wiki uiiu lb mat will VM • rood * wo hit u> Ml III trap* ? Tba books tall u» that It hw within lit llttla abdomen a tint real that tnrna aa the wab la apua and that tba Hbar la to • ondartollf Una It would taka taa tboaaaod atraod* to auka a I bread of —trior «Uk. Waadall Pbllllpa datlyared a laetura la Doetoa aad hie tabfeol was: •Them la Motblaa Maw Under tba 8oa.” Hr dsetarrd that I.DOO Man mo Us Pstatae ladles ooutd wear fab rlaa aa delteate aa a apldreb web and that oooa a Perelan prlnoaaa who waa fstar out to a faatalooabla daooa want into bar father’* raem to (how him tb* Mautlfal garmeata tb* had on Tbn old klor »— * at bar nppanl, or rather at tbn laek of It, aad mid: 'Oo bask, mjr daagfctsr; go book tad dram jaaraalT. Tour r>maou do not poo otal poor naked orna ” 8ba —amid In dlroant at Ma raboka and aald: -Fa thar, I bars on —ran different oorer Ms hreldemp dram. ” This Is aeons* of baaaa and Ma— aad la—ala. My folk* an busy now nakief felly-end* thirty at* (tinn • *t horaeappl* jelly yesterday and are working on the btaokborriea today. Never waa suob a mop of borne*— those harries of chameleon colors that are red when they aregreeu and black when they are rip* The poor couotry women aod little girl* hart) taken Id many a dine already. They want 90 oanta a gallon and I never Jew them. When a poor woman and bar little oblldren turn ont In the wet grate aod aeratob tlielr hand* and tear their Ololbee and gvt wet up to their tcnseo aod tote their buckets to town two or Uirva mile* they ooght to have 90 oaota fur a gallon, but they dou’t get It often. A woman cam* yesterday with a peek of nice brrrlea and L knew her. tlmngh I hadn't scan her sine* her Imsbaud was In tbs ehalngang. How it lie do 1 Ing now? I sued bar She smiled and ■aid: "He’s at work; he's beta doin' right well for a good while. Ills health aiu't good, but he'a at work. Me and U»e ohlldran haveg.it a right good gar den, but my little dsoghter needed a pair of Sunday shoe* mighty bad and I told her wa oouhl pick hsrvlaa for 'em and wa will." Now that poor woman tied heraelf to a trifling man wban aha waa young aod fairly pretty and (h« don't want to get loans. It la moat astonishing to ma—the devotion of a woman tu a trifling husband. Sha s«y» he la good to her aod loves tbs ohlldrao. but ha has tits fallings and so •ha cllugs to him and keeps her mar ri se* vows. St. Peter will let liar In when she knocks at the gales and will let her children In, too, but 1 don’t know what will become uf him. May be ba la elected fur her sake; I dope so. Vu'WUmImi NMnwMl I* ttlu if III* iMtk. Atlanta Jaumal. In addition to Ilia Hat of Motbodlat, Baptist and gptacopal niissiouanra from the southern slates stationed In China, The Journal baa secured a list of Preabjierlao mlaelonarlaa In that troubled country. TtM totlowtaf lilt of miaalooarlaa of Um Southern Presbyterian church in Chius is taken from the official reflate r: MID CHINA MISSION Haogcliow —Hot. G. W. Painter. Hot. aud Mr*. C. N. Caldwell. Mlaa K B. French, Mlaa Ellen Emmersou. Mlaa Emma Board man , Mlaa Mary 8. Matthew*. Mlaa E. C. Davidson, Mias Vania J. I.ae, M. D. Rev. and Mra. Geurfe lludaon, car* 33 Campbell Hoad. Brlfbton, Sutler, KngUnd, now In this country on leave of absence. HASHING. 1896. Hen. and Mr*. W. H. lludaon. W. K. VenabW, M. D. Mrs. tV. H. Vaaabla. Rev. and Mr*. J. M. Ulain. Miaa Elite bath Talbot. KIAKOYIN. 1896. Bar. and Mr* K. A. FTadeu. B«v. Lacy L. Little Rev. and Mr*. I. Y. McGinnis Geo. C. Worth, M. D. Mra. Geo. C. Worth. Mr*. Anna MoQ. Sykaa. kcdimu. 1895. Rev. and Mr*. J, L. Stuart. sarciiAttn. 1892. Rev. and Mra P. K. Price. MIm Rebecca E. Wilson. SOOCHOW. 1872. Bsv. Dr. and Mra. H. 0. DnBoae. J. R. Wllklnaon, M. D. Mra J. R. Wilkinson. J. W. Bradley, M. D. MIm 8. E. Flamlnf. Mia* Bella Smith. MIm Add la M. lUoao. MIm Emma MoKolfbt. Miss Nattl L. DnBoae. Mra M. P. McCormick. Hat. and Mrs. J. W. Pax to a. D. T. Seminary, Richmond, Va. Rev. and Mu. J. W. Davla 34 Bow man street. Wooster, i). NORTH KLAMG8U MISSION. OaiXKIAMG. 1883. Rev. and Mra S. I. Woodbrldf*. Rev. sad Mra A. Hydeustrtcker. Rav. and Mra Jamas E. Baar. ewe csotr too. 1807. Rav. Mark B. Grier. Mra M. D. Grier, M. D. L. L. Moore. M. D. Mra L. L. Moor*. Rev. aud Mra Ungli W. White. •tr-oalNM. 1894. Rav. B. C. Patteraon. Mra U.C. Patterson. M. n. Rev. W. F. Junkln. Chur lea S. Terrill, M. D Mr*. Cbaa 8. TarrlU. TSIHIl-KIANO-rU. 1887. Bsv. Dr. snd Mra H. M. Wooda. Rav. and Mra J. K. Graham, Jr. Rav. A. D. Btaa. MIm Emma B. Blmett. WNAI-AW-rU. 1893 Jas. R Wood*. M. D. Mr*. Jas. B. Wooda rv*f. OrAf rwrOml. HHH, Prof. Gray, the Mellloo expert and road bollder, who want to oJeep In hla buggy la North limok townablp eoeo* month* ago end let him ungodly wretch load the butgy with etotea Hoar, he* ba*o pardoned out of tbo Gaol on oouoly ehelngeng by Ooeeronr B—ill. It to baraly poantio that tbo Governor tboaght eo raoonroofol a Her oould eerre fate aoaatry batter for Ue next few Death* u a campaign orator than a rand ballder, aad eonerguoaUy doelded to tolarfe bit apbera of lo Aoeaoo and oatfolMta. TM nrkMItw H«bM« Won Id auMkiy leave you. If you uatd Dr. Klog'a Now LUb Pill*. Tbouo tode of tuCartrt bow proved thoir ■aatehleo* merit for Sink and Narvoua Hood taboo. They tanka pure blood and etroiic nenraa and build op yoar MulGi. Sn»T t* take. Try them Oaly K seat* Money beak If ao cored Hold by J. K Carry and Oa. Droggiota. n. MTtra ■urtiM.icti tturi. H« TlMqr Him »«■ *••!<■( with TUt Utatiftilii rtrty Sint I am. Nee Tort World. lu hlaoemaaotoit theellver plank In the Demoeratlo plalform made ou the day after Ita adoption Mr. Bryan eald : "If wa had only Dautocratr to deni wild a alia pie martlrmatlon would hare been auQtomni; nut we hays to deal with Bnpubncaua ta well a* Democrats and acme Of the Republicans wop Id misconstrue a reaffirmation and eo rieavor to twlat It Into an evasion or abandonment of Uta sliver ijusBtiou. Mr. Bryan's reference waa to the ttilver Republicans whose convaotloi. waa tbaa lu eaeaioa In KautaaCity aod who Dominated him the neat day. Tlia Democratic (Joovoniloa waa op pored by a larfe majority to the adop tion of a apoctflo Is to I plank. lu jud|in*nl waa overridem end IU pro ceat disregarded hy Mr. Brren wlio in , slated on the maertloo of this plank teoauae as he explained, "we have to deal with lUpubiicaue as well as De mocrats.’’ j-otv iuim oow iime Oliver itapuwi eeoe Jure dealt wlUi the Democratic party •loan 1890, tail what the present altitude of the great majority ot them Is- In tbe thirteen States where silver wat strongest to 1880 -California, Colorado, Idaho, Rasas*, Nebraska. Nevada, Montana, North Dakota. Oregao, South Dakota, Utah. Wash id (ton, sad Wymalofi-lir, Bryan re ceived a plurality of 231.406 voles. In 18U8 the Demacrslt and fuilonlaU lu them States had a plurality of only 122,611. Four of theae Stale* have baan carried by the Republican* in every eleattou elnce 1680 ami In 1896 they bed a plurality In aeveo of Uvea A* avmtomsila of the feel lag of these UepublloarM for- the ante or whose tup port tbe Democratic party baa had •bruit upon It the odium and danger of a f/oeallvei plank It may he man Hound that the Deliver BepuMIcau the lenilnjt newspaper of Colorado which sup^wted llryao In lHOd laid on Wed oeadav that— "So far at we are al ia to learn after careful Inquiry lu many quarters, out one Silver Republican lo a hundred In Colorado la willing lo accept either tba Hckel or the pisiform adopted at Kan sas City. Nobody need to turorltcd to ace Colorado give a majority for McKinley.” Tbe Denver Times which likewise •upported Bryan hat com* out openly for McKinley as baa also tba Halt Lake Tribune tbe leading newspaper of Utah. And with Uta Silver Itopabltato sup port thus rapidly drlfUug hack to McKinley Ute fact stated by tba World oo June 14 It at pertinent at it wet then : "Tbe only States that depend to any ooostrierabie extent upon fusion support for Mr. Bryan’s tucoata are Colorado, Idaho. Montana, Nebraska, Nevada aud Utah liavlug tOgtrtW twenty-four electoral votes or twelvs leas than New York alous.” Is there ent ea the World baa said, "a aarduoie humor a prepoatnrous pure • dot In poliUaa in the fset that tbe DecaoaraUo party risks Its very life and pula in peril the Integrity of our tree Institutions npon so Issue not desired by Democrats and not Involved In Hie eleation hut forced upon It to Please a (mail and contemptible fan Hon ot Silver Republicans"—who It appears to add to the grim Irony of tbe •Unit loo refuse after all te be pleased? vena* VUe Knee al Stake. Tim impression seems to prevail la eome quarter. that A met loan iiuereiu is Chin* am confined chiefly to the lives aud property of American mission- i erie* and other American cliltena har lot buainaaa in the empire. A dim of timely and InteraeUog infonaalkm 00 American trad* in China U fur nltbod la a phamphlat of ooaioUr ra porta from that oouulry Just Imued by oor state Depurtawot. It appear* from the aomparattve 1 IK • her* given showing the vela* of Import* to China for the yaar ISM and 1880 that la Utaao four yean wa have do*hied our ealaa to China while Croat Britan to U>* some lime r*ll oil about 68.000.000. Our nearest commercial rival la that Held ii Japan. Oor sale* exceeded Japan1! la ISM bat Id 1888 Japan led os by orer 64,000,000. la 1897 the value of oar sales to China ex oeeded those of alt oootliAatal Europe. Including all the Huerta* (European and Aeiatto), by 1890,081; |n ISM tbte exoea* bad Ic area sad to 64.171,984 and I* 1888 to 10,101, 938. This doea not cover *11 our exporta, for we send vast quantities of mar chIndian to China via London which are credited aa export* from Croat Britain. Other American goods gw intoChlaa via Japan and flonffcong, for whloh wa reelava do credit. Aa It is our Ugure* are creeping up eioa* ta those of Croat Brltlao and If w« bad (all credit tor all American goods eoM In Ohio* tlie showing would be still ■ore favorable. In 1806Croat Britain sold Ova times aa moon aa wa 4M to China la IBM only a little over twice as mnoh and laK year a Kill smaller proportion la the geoeral Insroas* of trade la UMea in 1880 our gains were tan tlOMS tbuaa of Croat Dritlan. In a table of trade balsa*** for five year* peat It appeal* that tb* bale ace agaloM Um United State* In 1887 was 63.878 866: In 18M It Uroad la our favor by 83.808,410 and Isk year w* KUl led by ♦nsn.783 lo apit* of the feet that we bought nearly ten million, more ofOhlnathan In the provir n« years and almost tale* >• mach aa did Croat Britain A rnaWIUI StwwSev WIN often oaaaa a horrible Dam, 8*ekL Cat or Hraise. Bueklee'a Aral oa Salve, Un M to the world, will tUl th# pain and promptly heal It. Cans Otd More* Favor Bov**. Utoara, Beil*. Fotowa, flora*, all tfkt* Krnp tlma. Beat Pile euro ou earth. Oary Met* a ho*. Our* roan Bleed, toil by J. B Curry A Ou.. Draggle I Charles Salt* laa MfMlMS hr « Martial puiara Mew York WcrtS. Thera era many bailee to Uablootblr society who boset of the cumber ol prnpuexls of marriage they hare re. oelved. The summer girl Is notorious for lb* way she brings suaoeptabla men to her feel, and at the sod of a season Oan frequently number her engage menu by the dosec, It lie* remained for a roan, however, to dleUnoe all lbee*. (Jliarkaa Smith Lee. of Dutcbeee Jauc tion. S. Y„ nan Icy claim to the medal to Ibis line for he has received 1.000 offers of marriage la a short lima. Borne time ego Mr. I we advertised for a wife, stating tbet be was a wld ower with sir youug children Latter* came from all peris of the United Slate* and Canada. Be was over wbelmad by matrimonial oindldaiss. many of wunm annoaooed their loten tlon of starting at ooo* for bis home. Oat of the many applicable be turn aelrated Mias Margaret Matthews, of Cornwell, N. Y. She I* a slender ueat pleasant fared young women, wbo has entered with east lute her bousrhoM duties. She le very proud of bar hue band aud tlepcblldrru She never taw Lm until tlie day they were mar ried. “But I feel a* it l have koowo liim always." eh* laugh log! y explained. “As eooo as he brought me home I knew I had found lbs place In Ibe world where I exactly fit. MASS A MAT FT GUOICM. The Lee home f« a two *Lory fallow frame home on Lb* hanks of the Hud *», two tallei below Dutches* Junc tion A roomy veranda rua* around ooa aide of the Imlldiog, Lee work* a* handy men at Tlouney'e brickyard, al*o tiai a bUckamllli *b-<p near bit hooae. For two yean be lua taken w>tire charge of bis children, and (is, nicer, belter-maonerad children «*u init ha found In Use e anty It waa becaumof U<am that nn didn’t have Uas to hunt a wife, and so ha Look the uo’qoe method of advertlelog for a helpmeet. The result baa been entire ly eallafactory. “What kind of a wife a man grta Is all l«iok anyway,” explained Mr. Lea. "Yon might know a woman always and flud oat wlieu you married her that you didn’t kuow her. To advvr llae for a wife la ahum the heat way of getting one after all. for (hen you havu your pick. Thera war* about a lltou sand appUcauli fur lb* UU* of Mr*. C. Smith Lao. 80 I may any Uiat fee got one woman out of a thousand. ’’ Mr. Lae 1* tall, dark, mu scalar and aerloua He baa bo seat brown eye* and a kindly smile. He does not look upon matrimony lightly. Ho atuJIed the letter* of each correspondent aud made hit choice after much delibera tion. ”1 needed a wife,” ha went nn, earu rmlly. "I waa * stranger hers aud didn't know any girls. I h id six ltttlw mollierleas children, and they kept me an buay nights that l didn’t Lae* time to go courting, Everybody kept tel liug me ; 'Hmllh, put some of your child tea In e horn*. “You can’t take car* of them.’ Bat I swore that a* sura aa there was a God lu heaven l would keep my hltla ooaa to get tier. Folks tanfbad and said Smith La* waa an old granny whan l need.to coma borne night and do lb# svaablng and the haoaa cleaning and Um family mending and scrub the young*ten be tides. Bui I didn’t oaia for that for a granny la alsraya a good hand wlU» children. It was a power* ful way of living, though, nod I said to myself, 'Some men take a wife aa a luxury, but with yon Smith, It* a Doceesttj.” im.nii by Tax it vs Darns. "Just than Mr. Hoyt, wbo live* at Mattaawao, and wbo kuow bow I wat situated, pat an advertisement In Ui« paper as a Jok* that I wauled a Wif*. It waa dead earnest to me. Soon let ters began to pour la. 1 didn’t know there are re ao many lonely woman lu the world. Thev wrote from nil over the country - Kentucky. California. Hew York, Bostao Brooklyn. Halifax, Ihdlaoapoiia, New Hawn. Chicago. Philadelphia, aad from the little loams round about. They meant boa!ora* tTM "People says women don't like to tell their age. They ell mentioned boar old they were la Urn Ont letter, and some nf them laid they were eighteen and tome owned ap to dfty Are. Lot* of them aald they wanted to marry me beoaaaa they wan aorry for the ohll dran. I didn’t fool them you an*. Tba adrartianmaat told them that 1 wae a good booeet fellow who wae having a hard time. It explained that 1 bed aix children — Eddie, fifteen yaera old; Alice, ten yean "*d; George eight; Charlie, Ore; Howard, three, aod Frank, two, and that they needed a mot bar. That wae tlie plain truth. You would UUuk that a big family Ilka that would have neared women of. ft didn't. It < Ur anted them. "What 1 wanted waa agood.eeotiUo woman. When I got eo many loiter* t wu bewildered. When you eta a whole lot of ntee red epplea Imaging on a tree right within your taaeh you harp looking and you iaa’t know whMb oae to take. And no matter how long you look, when you pull ooe and bite it there may be u worm at Urn tore. There’* no telling aboet applet or wo men. Home letter* that didn't eoued net eertooa I neve answered. though nearly every one la aimed a eta a»y. Whet I liked about moat of them war that Urey told me they were Chrietleei end Just what kind ef n mate X war hehMhg : Here era some ef the Wl tere : sown sampui t.wrrm»a Mr. Smith produced a tnndle that would have Oiled aa ordinary alto mall pouch Tbew ho pot oo bit epeetaelao aad aaleced several. "Vow, hare Kooo from a good wo maa." ho isolated, nodding bit bend solemnly “She writes tram Indian aeolle. - • In aaewer to your ad. wkleh I have I net lead, It la my dmlie «* he eon aide red see af the many appHnenfi to U* position you offer. I an a ma bar of the Oh/Mleu Ohercli. 1 ban boon a widow for elxteao run. I mm < •U alonn to tbe world, ban now U) Uk« oaro of hut uiyaalf. and though I ban eoccaadad nry wall *o far I be come rather 'r naiimn at tlmaa, and tblak I eanld ba happy u tbe wife af •ome ml good mao, aad I treat I may ba coual dared the moat forte oata ■ moot your appUoaota. *la regard lo religion, you oerUluly ere e member of eomoefaatob. Amen Who bee a family ought by ell Beane to DtOftM BOOM faith ••I think you hen done woudarfuUy well |e keeping together euob e large family, and yoa era worthy of an rx oeytloealiy good helpmate, who will da all lo her power lo aeeiat yon aad make life ■ plaaaure Co you. Treating I m«y raealn a apaady mwa to Ihl* latter. "Vow, Kite oua la la a harry.' Ska writ** from New Ha no : “Not haying beard frum you etoea i «» laat 'attar I am mod In* yon thia I note to e«y I'm earning lo yoo. 1 will : telegraph you wkao 1 Hart. Mart am at FlakklH Landing. Don’t fail. Will Iran the mt until we mart, and than we’ll know nob other better." I •Another wrote that *h« wee nry food of nfalljran, and had barn oonuaa led wltli an orphan adytum. Far that reaaoo aim was willing la marry ma, na aba knew laat bow to manage my little oitea. A Baltimore women who owne e hotel wrote aa bar liuUl paper aad offered to tend ma soar* to noma down there and pat acquainted with her. Yea. marriageable woman are plentiful.” Mr. Lra added, "aad a lot of Ibatn will marry • man Juet btcauao they am tony for him. A m«n baa ta booths along by liimaalf awhile to god ! out laat how eeefat women ora. My 1 wifa’a baao dead two year* oow, aad , I’ve found out tliat a houee without a woman l» un pUoe worth Maying. I UUI M ■•1L1 TKUUU.B. “Mr Wife wa» Um crgauKt of Um ohurch, libs uaad to tala about our duty to our ueigbbuca and that soil of thing. 86a a lad aod left a aix-woeke . old baby aod another boy a year old rich with typhoid rarer. Now* of har family ever can* near am. Ho* ob# of tha cauxoli people has arar bam la my houaa, Than this spring *U si* of Um ohlldreu had tha ihaaaia* aod I worked day* aDd set up nights naming thaw, and wo had a preltv hard pell. At ulglit* I had plenty of Uom to g«t loae »®i and lo think about Um btraaiuga of matrimony. I made up my mled when e aen tibia looking woman earn* along it wouldn't taka me two aaoonde to pup the quest loo. Hut when I had a thousand offered me iu one hunch I gut particular. "Dual believe In lors ?’* Mr. Lae looked frightened. Aa ha la a very conscientious man. be Anally said ekiwly : “MS. but common acoat Brat; that's ay ticket. A m«e with six children to Uiiuk about frtu'l be lo ro Kaotlc. but several of Um woman who senl their photograph* took hold of tnv. ( couldn't shake that* off. f was but bared. All at ot wise I Jumped from Obarlar Smith Ima, widower, with six children, kaowhtg no mar riageable females, to Cnarlasrimilfa Lew with 1,000 application* for bis band. It make* a fallow dlaiy to bavaaihooa mud arotnen after blot. "Out Umrr was one latter and pla in re from a girt near turns*, Her name waa Mies Margaret Maltbewq Ms* lived Id Cornwall, N. Y. I liked Um aound of her letter end I liked lb* touk of har picture. 1 kept thinking about her and all af a sodden said : ••Tht* Is thy girl for me.” "8o X wrote bar to ooma on. When ( saw her 1 knew I'd picked out tba right ua*. (the waa all In white, bride like, and she carried bar white dippers lo a valise. We want right up to Um ttav. Mr. McPherson, ur Um riafakttl Lending M. £ Church, and la e Jiffy he modi her Mr*. La*. Than •• came home to the cMMrtp. hi u ranrackLY MTump, '•I Ull you « woman makes ■ differ enee in e hoote,” Mr. Lea mid proud ly, 11 be looked around kl* Boot borne. Ula wITo Mashed until iha was m pink M the tolrt wiM obe wore. "Levt Monday waa ay wedding day. My wifa didn’t alt araund oad play bride. 8ha went right to work aad straJght tolnoe out lu a jiffy. I (alt It >o atom* ay I’d been aa 1 witched bar. And 1 Ull >ou 1 Warned that advert loomeut. 11 boa aaved me e tot of trouble. 1 didn’t even have to propoee, for you sea all the wumhn knew Just what waa wanted. They dad the offering. But 1 waa lu luck wbto Ignt Maggie. Mon day aha pitched In and did alTUe wash ing Tueaday aha worked getting things straight about the houee and cleaning up the llule chape, and aba's boon busy every day alone. I know how to appreciate a woman now. I’ve foocd out aomethiug about how moeh they have to do. It did ma good to hoar her riogtng about the bouse aad the ohlldren chirping round. My only objection to liar waa that eba waa too B. Site’ajuat twooty-eix aad I’m torua. I waa afraid a woman under forty would ba tlghty, bat aba’s not. dba’s jaat right. Mr. Lm’o eyas twlokled aa they fol lowed bto wife’s trim Ogata. For a Moment ba aat silent, watoktag her with evident approval. Than ba grow rare I ti tenant. "A widow aama up From Maw York briagtag bar daughter. Tha girl was only eight sea—toe young for a step mother. 1 told myself film oamo oat boro to tbo bouao aad m w Urn oh i id ran and am. vwd then ska arid rim waa erlhlag. Hor .wothor tried to per evade bar bow feotkh eba won bat rim wwnJdol Ileus to her. 1 turned har down baseum she wee too young for Urn JoA ••Thrive jaet ear thing worrying am now. Tha lerian knew eomlag. Aad swr^tiarrsz That’s rmbarraaotog for my wife. Out a# them turn written shell be ham to-morrow and another any* she’ll ar rive aa tbo morning train the neat day t*m mrry to dtmppolat thorn. I’m not »*•«»• y**——<»> » wW ba awkaard to hart Umm on my |)NMHn ' mmnmi; Jteir.Um T.tman la narnitenaurw ttirt Tha term (mate and eoaUaaUoos alraadr farmed and hateg termed bp <«rf«atlaas of oapltel and ecatldeted bartful to the maaaaa and (be namm TWa la a theory. Ibaamll* oally a thing nay be ao aad practically It may bs my saint*. Wbeo <as aoaak of treats and combine* w* thick « lb* ®tawd*rd OH Turn, Urn Sugar the Tobacco Treat, eta. Wbaalb* Standard OU Trust wee formed X are* paylug forty oaata a gallon ter karcaam oil; I an getting la soar for tan aaata a gaiioo. Iwae paying twain sedone half aaata for sagar aararal ysan ago bet wbaa tha com Moan eel In wa goHt bora seemed to ohaapwi (hat down la whara lharoan p<y tha pnwmn H.1# a gallon raaanaa on It aad rat Ml U for which damanaUataa idol they era naldag it aad tatting tea Chile bare It at about twelve and oa#> If aaata a gallon. . Aran u bo doubt about thaargiaga •loo of wealth with brains uooUolliu It tba that oou msaafoeturo u? irtiato cheaper thou It to or boo haao ■aoofaototod oo a •mail Kata. Tba rrau railroad oombt tattoos out Atat Will aot oa uc Mood rot*. Oo Matpoaliy I gat ooslittta Jerk-water wad tba la aot to tba comWoalee utd I tract to double my amliKt aoH )1k aad ha mttoOed with a lft-amtoao •oor gait and ouuaota myself with tba daa tost 1 ran nde all day lor a doUar {•* 1 *a oo Uia Peonaylvaala or Vaad-rbllt ayaUm af Mods with thalr nbtdako forty ml In e« hour vestibule .(Slot, with parlor eara j-ajit can, Itoolag oere l tiara a hotel oo wheels -fTTlte, am to wards my dsattoattao. i od all this for about two easts a mite 3treme tha rood UMt ta to tha oo Mae to sorry me wbara I am gufea. Pbtale aratimaat ta tha safeguard shlch la throwo around *H agings-, ion* uf wraith aad all combtaatlarw if InWraot. Tba Staadud UN. tbo ■allroad oomteuuilooa tba Sugar Trust • re as seat)lire to public acotlimotaa •0« Know-bank to tba rays of tba sue rrust* aad oomMosa will not bun tbo •uWlc hot stockholders aodboadbold *» may sugar later oo when theee pw»t bulky Institotloiie bkOOBI no •laldy acid fall with tbelr owe weight, fifty tbooaand ana In Ilia United halm perhaps not mora loteeakted to ha groat uuiti of Um ouunty. Tboaa «,(XW men know tha Umn stott.. •00.000 af other people In A mar has and heir wiadum tseetmo them wbara louodry Ham are orar which they oiu w-ga wtthnnt |wru u» thcmaHrrs mud limiter to iiwir bueieem No »io> liastlon HOW Soys •-.lam the public,” wt they bare toeir weatberooaka aut •" «»wy prominent oupota walohiog >ow tha wind mows. Of Cuarw pulhioal Sipital caa be nada out i<f auoh for *nal kina of wealth •ad social urdera may raise Um black tag to Unlit Urn* but I am a thousand •imaa mora afrtld of demagugwm aad •oMUcbuw than l aa afraid of trusts u»d omsMbm. Good ooraroBact— moans not oaly the well befog rf toe elUuo bat Um ovarthrea of all hat all) butt tba etilaao—-depends ap * goad eieu to cOtoe. and wo bad mtter pay taaa attention to wbat wo mil tlasts aad eocnWwatlooa and bow •Mention to those whom w« olsct to •&MS hi Um municipal. State aad am looal rorem moots. Ur. Stead, ta Ma wok -If Christ Came to » ipetkt of tha “Big Poor of md aaya of them tba tbelr metaao aad tbelr transactions are maata.bat that In tha road aftbatr •uoaam lies tho blood aad boose of Um rieUae oeee whom they hero run to •eoesm.” Tbs saoomafal amn orooaa •iMttoo mraut tbo downfall of ether ■so and other ooruhtaattona. Ooo xuoobar la proaobiog to i,000, twenty wuncton around him ooasMu aaroaty Ira a fall bonaa and o baadnd a par ’aot Jam ooa physician aaaklog *10,000 tyrar aad forty Mute doctors la Um ml*iiDortu>od aa mahleg the* grab h W ana maker aattlag *80,0011.000 a pear maooa many Uuta marahaota •Pidytag for Oartablpo labia store. It a Um sorriest of tba fttteat, It may ha When God mads tbte World Ha made Boaalalaa lowering leto the otooda -jfciSiSir'S.Ta •at tha pralrtea of tha Warn oad piled ■P »o«otalas around tha IKUe eJlaya ■ Iftnm a a--K .a oa-a- a - « « UM Altetarato. In tk«Ml nun m ted white muI nm twj aauU M>m. Md whaa th# Wtete mm ito*«ttelltU* teJi havu |a hid* out. I boat trayallad orar this aouatry fro* wautaooMa aad fna MoaWaal ta atlnston annually tor tmu ynm I ten witated th* yr*MM aCanats i«d tte arasateOM aa ttey Banted. Itew rat la k**« or * aia«ia laaUaaa wten ooatMnn and Wuata hart tte *r parnaaaaUy rated tte yrhaa •* toy prodaat. I an a thousand tten nan wIMto* to teal with tte trusts and aoaaWaaa aad Mrateaattek pndaalsiteal antayutay naaty lata Unlr la*MlaUoas aad inpanl ny zssa^'sigsr* W.b w”*5ErSi itey my yraaur* to«M*Us* la iMr aaa latarni yat ttey ban aasrya te as tte yabiia wnianatallUn Una. aaoaatoua that ttey aaa ao j aat n {ar aad oo fatter. Bara and than ttey ten test dam a nnmtetetyav aa iootttoUoa aad affiaatad mm ia> dteMaala, hat va an aat tefclac fnn that teadpteih Vftea aa tote at *te Tu,o».0W) af aar aayitey an aaly y SMS.,slw § almya la akatir M1? atMMi »mI oom mi «wrt Mi *1) atwarasSL^si gy^HsarvaaraB^ pJ2ppi“H?SKSp ferw. Ami*u4 MilwttS s^i&Si.’SS.'K: . MnbaiW11.^ **T***Uo“ °* Mr. Mm Unit aad (talk aa wit* . c-la«Uf Friday «.oo«!h fed ssas? aa&ri."sr-'ffi touy»al tharmla MM, aoUl W ted *wMd Mto a iKaaTtba water around tbe beaet waa a foot hat WWW Hr. Uhay waa kaa dry km tha band of bisUUW buy nho fendtoajSS lo lha rain nod w*ur manning Hub. chick* be aoddtaif bvirit a rnwuliu netaa. nod tb* balldiag nbnefc. «ur artsiag uta treabW ba ablated ta Wa artfa i« rae foe bar Uto. aa WaWaUaiad Uta building waa stoking. Ha was right la blaaarataa aadaeaNdiy bad tkry elan red Um building wbaa tha Mrtb tegaa to sink —‘ Tllitir they would have baau <urrted down with Um build log watob want litoa lick at. least dfty fast la death. Ike <4 the hnuss oaugfet aa tha adg* <4 tbnUak thnatoer ^laaaa/3tba ctewy We** ops* hla tour* aad afce’a Ma oowpletaloan. TbU calaaUt* 1a lha aoa tepraaatog u during the psat **• Met thirty-flea haad at hagai fattened aad randy for lha maikar. three hand rf harass. aad aU <41hla eattla that ba bad taraad eat so tba mage. Bat Mr. Ueary la Made 4 tha right *taC aad l*H the aitua lloa ahttoiOgWaaBy Sa aaya ba la thankful ltf« and health, wits aad baby are spared him aad ba wMt pea •and to aawat a raatdeaaa oa tha ila of tb# basin, taka W4d <4 tha plow, aad begin w> waba aaatbat crop. a riM-MU feob. Mtllh AimIoh, Tba Mauafaetumra* iisourd propones a ptatfona fur the “rragTaaalva death sud la It wa dad this pfeak: “Baaotvad, That tba South favor* tba poUtlcs that wUi -rmran aad peataet invwtaMuta within its border*, wdl rata* mn aMwnayalaaka of mUla aad fatfaaoaa, will ateaagtbaa aad n uod railroad feataraa. will opaa Mora a* loan, will widen tbs aurtsfe far agrt lattaral and -' ‘ aad will laoeeasa tha tualtls* far placing a lha fear beta.'’ This la a goad plank, oak. tba of WtUdMB , __ togathar to aatah lha rya, but without sndurtng goallUea. Tha South wants mors inveatoMola with la fe^oMwaJfWt a the band Wa'waat*aMMwafciMae lacks «< arid* tb* death to apgee* tb* alaeUaa of nay toon Vo atoaa abe t* aat only an* aMosiood ddb ^^d^aa^l paeity. end ladeatey ta aid lag thaaa fur aa.

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