THE GAZETTE; THIJIAIlkAT. JTTLY 1*. 1*18. BUSINESS LOCALS. AUvarOarawnts neml la ISia oolncan M XI wnki IIm for ir*a iaaorUon ends Mala • Uov rur M«k UuarUoo Iturraallar. WANTED—TaMnlioarderi. lUUa reasonable. Airily at Uili office. XX)U SALK—A aU-yaar-old bursa Cor * tala. Apply ta K. C. McLean. LOST—A card cam wllb tbe dabs Will White on tbe back, tie word If ret anted to this office. LOST—On tbe streets, Siluidey. a gold oar-shaped pin. bearing the letter* "U P." Reward offered. Bo turn to this office. VALU A BLR olty lot Cor sale, at bargain opposite T. M. P*ys eoux’a. I\ N. OLBNN. Gaffney, 8. U. VOC WANT Blank Deeds. Mnrtga <*• gee, Chattel Mortgagee. Land Poster*. Call at Tan Gasettb office and we will fnrnisb you all you uaad. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Sbelby will have a grand atreet carnival August 7. B 9. "Urer $10,000 worth of frae attracliuos ” —Don't forget the mretlng of tbe Bible Hoolety. It ta Friday, Aagaet 3rd. Etorning end afUrixvm erosion. —Tbe member* of the Dellas social club will give a barn party naxt Tarn day ntgbl ua tbe lawn of Gaatnu College. — f*be Brlmont academy under ilia efficient maiiagesoest of Prof. P. P. Hall will open Sagtemher 17. See ad. In anotbnr oulumo. —Hon. M. 11. Justice addressed tbe people of Gaetonia Tuesday night In tbe Opera Houti. Tbe apeech srae well received by tbe aodleocr. —In another column will be found notloa of epaotal term of oourt In Gas too ooonty beglonlng Monday 13th of August for trial of cMI cases oul>. —Tbe Preabyteiian excuraioo pasted up tbe C. N. and W. on Taraday. Tbe train was well loaded before It reached her*. A number from thi*pisoejoined them. —Tbe ltbyoe B liter Mill which tu bought by Craig A Wilson some time *40, bee been started. Mr. Calvin Mam has beau engaged aa miller aud tbe mill will be ruu every day now. —Don’t forget tbe big tally at River bend this weal, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Col. Abernathy ears it will be tbe biggest to ll>e State. Amusements of all kinds will be fur nished. —Mrs. 4. L. Lendls gave a delight ful party to a few friends Saturday night. Tbe following were Invited geests: Hisses Aoebel Mardook, Kate MeLeugbew aad Madge Walton ; Ms ears. lAwresoe Baal. Arthur Span oar, Robert Murdock, Matthew Harper and McDowell Waitoo. Refreshments were eared. — Mr. Chat Carls weet to Wilming ton last week to stand tbe examination before the State board of pharmacy. Mr. Oayls bad only been in college one year sod be passed the examination without any trouble. He will return however nest year to Baltimore toojo tioee Lie studies. Tbit speaks well ror Mr. Cavls and we congratulate blm on hie suoera*. —Rev. J. M. McClain of Torkvllla passed through the oily Monday on ble return from Poplar Tent church. Mr. McClain bae accepted a call to that cbureb and will move to Poplar Tent about tbe first of August. Mr. Me dela has been pastor of tbe eburohes of Bamab and Beth Hbiloh near York vtlle for about 8 years. lie lived In Oettoole for a number of years and bee quite a number of friends beta. r»Map IMt. A good crowd had assembled Ja Urn Opera Houaa la at Friday Dlght to hear the speeches of lion. U. F. Mason aad Mr. I. Y. Wabb. Mr. Maaan waa quite unwell aad not nbin to apanh be did bo war nr tanka a (aw remarks wbtoh wore full at good adrtaa, sound dee Irina. Tba narrow gaaga trait waa vary rnueb delayed aad Mr. Wabb did not gat hare until a lata bour. Tba time waa taken upby epeeobaeadjudge Waa. H. Laurie, Mr. W. F. Marabell, Mr. D. L. Huaaail, aad Mr. Oaorga Howell of tba Tran too mill. Mr. Howolle epeaeb waa applauded time and again. Joat after Mr. Wabb bad began to apanh tba eoranine of a lady attracted tba attention of tba orowd sad moat all left tba hall to aaeartain tba oauaa. It waa found to be at Mra. R. L. Johnson's. Mra. Jobnaou with bar daughters are living In a small houaa In tba rear of Ih«wr reetdeooe while tbelr bosM Is andergnlag some ebnagas. They ware frlght-ood by some one trying to enter tba window. Tba lad lea ware ukea to Mr. Marshalls and Mr. Wabb oootlnaed hie maeeh which was a dot spurt nan of oratory and argument. Mr. Charlie MoCarrer, son of Mr. aad Mra F. H. MaOsrvar, dted on Hlbbalb evanlag at <1 o’clock. Mr. MaOarrtr waa Juat eomlng Into man hood *1 aetata. He waa M year* old and bad a bright future before him. Ha wee greatly beloved by the family aad a fhwrite with everybody. Tba daadly favor did IU work qatekly. Ha eras sick only 14 days. He boa bees alerting at nankin A Craig’s store. Tba fuaeral euarrtam look plaoa it tba Chapel and ware a on ducted by Bar. Mr. Bogar. assisted by Prof. Ctlaa of Laootr College, of Biokory. Mr. Ctlaa said Charlie bad gown to aebooi to him and be wanted to testify to Me scholarship nod Obrtathui ebarestar A van Urge erawd attended tba fnaarnl. wi extend oar rtnoavaat sympathise to tba bereaved family. At «-*«*• Bf M mahHMM Mr. L. L. i«t» klo« m to «paok a Botor’o Min m KMdt 1 olgto. Ho woo oo tto fraud a tto prop* DM Md nm Roa. o. r. Maooo. Mr. JuklM toeltood to (pook ottor aotdoa Mr. Moom ttoro. Mr Mmm told tto bo eould opook •nt or loot tot to wooM not agio* no aoptklo* to Mr. Maooo tpoko 10 i largo om ■UoodurV> ■odtanao. it bum tto ottor Mo la otrald to UUO no I* Ho* dotota. WUXTIOS. Katrina lluntw returned Inst week. — Mlaa Nellie Koaeman Is visiting In town. — Mr. Lloyd Milford •gwint diblwtli lu luwn. —Ml* Jane Mwire ia vultlug In Llnoolntoa. — Mra. Ed. Love returned in Llo oolotoo Ual Friday. —Mr. A. U. Mangum bu returned, ■uoti Improved by Ms trip. -Mra. Little Falla ot King** Mown UId wu in town Friday shopping. -Mtm Ella Cody of YorkvlUr. le vlaltioR Mlm Boea Eoart this week. —Mra, J. C. Galloway left U«t week oa • visit to ber old home la Virginia. — Bev. Plato Durban la vialtiog Lie brother, Mr. It. L. Durham tbi* week. — Mra Emma Curry of Wildwood Ft« . la vlaltlng Mra. B. F. Olenti lb la week. —Mlm Annie Plunk |a vlaitlug friende and relatlyea In King's Mouo tain. - Mr. Zeb Ding of Knoxville Ten nenee. Is vialtiog friende and relatives In town. -Mra. Gapt. Fetrlok and MIm N. Gleon of Begonia were visitors to town Tuesday. —Mra. Dr. It, M. Beld and Mr. aod Mra. J. K. Curry left last Thursday for Hendersonville. — Mr. 8. A Crossly returned To reday •tor* pleasant visit to bu parent Is Doe West, 8. U. -Mr. and Mra. J. U Keunedy are at Hsyeood White nulphur Springs for a week or two. — Bev. W. P. mine nf lllckorv was in towo yesterday drumming op stu dents fnr ills college. -Mr*. .1. F Gallant, of Charlotte, mother or Mr. J. II. Gallaolspeat sev eral days In town thin week. —Mrs. L I„ Jenkins, aud little MIssm Helen aod Lata left Tuesday mocolug ror Wrlghtavllle lieaoh. — Uiaeea Mamie Hues and Delta Johnson arv vlaltlng Mlaa Mary MoLurd la Stanley Croak this week. — Messrs. J. R. Lewis. O, F, tissue, L. J. Hollaed and Boh Lewis, ot Dallas, attended the speaking Tuesday night. —l,. l*. Jenkins of uastoul* a Hooded tb* meeting of the Dtlling mill stock holder* WedDeaday--King’* Moun Ula Oracle. — Mri. Dr. Crowell returned boo* Uat Wednesday. Si# waa aeeompaniod by Ulaa Emm* and Ailoe Ardray wbo will vlalt be*. —A. M. Whltaaldaa, of Oaatoet* wn o*«r to tb* Beating of tire DUliog Mill atoek hold era Wedneaday.—King1* Mountain Ora el*. —Him** Clara and Baa* Holland re turned Uat Saturday morning from Tort Till# where they have bean viatt* Mia* Mart* Carroll. -Mai. Whit# Ware, w. T. Lora. S. N. Bojo# and John Bryan attended the WilkUMnabargar marriage In Lincoln ton tbla week. —Mr. and Mra. J. J. Kacoady, Mr*. Troil Turreuoa, and Mri. L. H. Loaf left laat Saturday morning for Spark ling Catawba Spring*. —Mra B. C. King and tbrae chil dren of Foreal City rial tad In town Mteral daya tbia weak. While hare tbe waa lb* gneat of Mra. W. I. Stowe. r» wtrmrlUi. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Kennedy left laat weak for Wayocavlll* WblU Sulphur Hpnoga Mr. Jim Gallant left Tuaa day for WayneavUla. Tb* Chariotta Nawa or Saturday haa tha billowing to wty of tba Spring* ate : Tha Whit* Solphor Spring* hotel, Waynaarill* X. O.. la aojoylog a One patronage. Tbla early lo tba aaaaoo they Tiara tb* main bn lid log nearly full of gnaau and tba a»w annrs near mmplatloo la now ret ting Ito abac* of application. Tb* groeoda there are baaoUfol. tbe aprieg Itaelf Is a marvel of woader for Ita eeretlT* propertlea. Tb* moaotala rtawa simply a grandeur of oatuie that auipriaaa ovary viaritor and no place In Waotero North Carolina can boaal of mote real advantages for comfort than tbla spot In WayaaavlUa. ■■HammM a Maw natal. It mu from aoTalopta printed In to wD tola weak that there it a m bo tal bare. Tba envelope tiaa thla on It: Hotel Loray, UaatonU. H. C. W. T. Barnet, Prop. Only aeoood-elaaa hotel In tba world. A Rack Undar tba Table to Support Your Poet Wbile you pull at Uie Steak Caab Prloaa to Bainla and Slunara Tooth Pick* Proa. Coma on Boya. __ | ■•HIM a* amawn A protracted moating will be,bald In tba A. B. P, Cburoh at Pranmir (illy bwriaalag Friday night. Tba leiTloee wMboeondoetedby Bar. B. B. Hough. A aordial lavitatlna la oitandad to all dteomloailoaa and to lha aatlra oom ■oally. Uin to Imp toimiiumm F . r. Hall—AonooPOM tba opooioa of Um 11 tb Saaatoa of (bo BolorZu aZ*. my nodrr aroooot nanaftwaont aad •gako of tbo advaoiafoi of that Bow Joooo W. HUor—8ayo Iho Hlfb Sebooi of Oaatoola wllloaoa Softott bar S. A Boo or I Mary loaahac taaafad Md toDoi Iba otHwt of tba aeboat. BoMaaoa Broa.—Bill) have a foor O* ford Uao aad Boat ban tka m4 but toaa at prtoaa to totrmt you. Tki bata aooMtblof to aayof nafllgaa tMrta aad atnw kata. Haor York Baebot—waala you to om tkoao koto la Ibak window for SI.00 a rr'hnjw to P. R. Okm-Raa a nloabk lot far aala at a banal a. Staada* CduC-IMya by . tarn of tba nHa you aao got an dawrta of boat yoa raaotro aa a Wlekkaa CHI Mam jssa " **• o. Paatt—<omi aatka af aaaakl tom uf oaart for Oaataa oooaty JIIAM lUlltll. Will fcc (1h4mM aa Briar «*T, A. «l. KMwlrM. Prlarlgal iipoi OMilirr I. Uaaton cvuuly It to have another trliuol, a kIioo) nduilyilf fur gtrK Ilia Jones Heminai y at Alt Heating Fur 8oom) Uan • oorriw|ionilmtce baa been going on Ustwroii Mr. L>. 1*. Junes reprti-waUog tba holra of Urn Jonas sa ute and a (peels I oomailU-r appointed by tba First Presbytery of tba Aaao elate Ileformed church. Mr. Joare wire vary saxloaa to have a school opened lbare and cooductad oa Iba •acos lioaa aa before. Ha waa vary lib eral In bla terms. lie naked that tba building ba pul iu repair and kspt In repair and be would allow the uae of It tor a term of three yaara, AU arreogamata have now beau ocmplaiad. Plagab and BaUwny are going to put tba building la repair. Tba comwlttaa wbo baa tba matter Id charge la ooiapoaed ..f Matari. Edward Ousoo, George Fall aud J. T. Claw ford. Tba oomtoittea appointed by Presby tery mac laat wart and sleeted Bar. A. G. Kirkpatrick, of Prosperity A O., aa principal, and be tiaa aigniBad hit acceptance, Ha will ba assisted by bla da og liter Mrs. Wlllia Xlrtpatrlek Douglas He baa no' selected tba other tancbeia, but ba will bare a full eorna of teacher* Tbs repair work will ba ptwheri to completion, and It la aspeeted that the •cboo'i wilt Lie opened about October 1. Bar. A. G. Kirkpatrick la a native of Mecklenburg county, and for a long lima engaged In ta*ehlog. About 10 f«ara ago ha entered Kraktoe Theoiogl cal Damluary, and ha* bean preaching constantly, ainea bla graduation. Ha waa first pastor of Hew Dope. Fairfield oo'jnty, A C., and laat ptaanot patter of the A, K. P. eboreb at Prosperity, B. C. Tor coma time bla haaltb has tot permitted him to preach regularly. Hie daughter la wrll known aa Mias Wlllia Kirkpatrick. Mm la n splendid teacher Mr. Kirkpatrick will earns on tola wart te make all arongemtute for an early opening of tba eobool. The school will ba coo doc lad upon lb* cum lioaa aa formerly. It will be > non Sectarian. Christ ten achooi, and Ua term* will ba mad# *o reasonable tost aveu tbeas poaaaeaed of small menus can bars obtain a good adiuar ilon. Tbla has always base an admir able quality Id this nobooi. lu fact it tea bean one of lu distinguishing feature*, and this dUtlneUvanaea will not be leal uoder the new manage ment. TIM Nlak new—I. Aa tDiHiDaad in our local oolumn last work Bov. Jeaaa Siler will hxfa charge ol the Gaston Institute (or the oomlug term. Ur. Silei inform* ua that under bts manage meet the school Will be known as the High School. Tb* object of tbe school will be to prepare young mac wad aonug ladle* for sutartag lb* beat milages of our land; to give a good arrv'eeubte high school training to tkos* who an not preparing for college. Mr. Silas baa been hard at work am alecs b* decided to undertake tba management. He I* do at ranger Id oor midst, baaing preoebad for a number sacra In Macfe taaburg oonoly, but for tb* Infor mation »f thorn looking for * school for their children, wa ghra something of tbe personal of tb* faculty. Rev. Jeaae W. Siler Is a Prmby terlan minister of Franklin Macon oounly. (I* graduated (rum Davidson College In 1885 at the hand of hia class taking I mad ala; on* for oratory, oca for mey 1st and oo* for muthemuUea. He graduated In 1868 (rum Untoe Samlnary Virginia with dUUnotioo and has •luce been preaching and Is wall known through western North Carolina ea tbe Staled Clark of Mecklenburg Presby tery. Mr*. Siler who will have charge of the primary department la regalded ae one Of tbe flneat primary leaobere tu lira State having graduated from Salem Fares!* Academy, and baa taught In Wawvarvllle OuUegs, In tbe Graded School In Hateigk. In Sallees College Teno. and baa tb* highest recomeoda tktna from Prof. Scarborough, Dr. J. D. M. Carry, end ell lb* Principal* with whom aba ha* isugbt. The music teacher la Mia* A. V. McOeacfay, a graduate of Peace Insti tute, a teacher of 6 years experience, and lsjuat now back from taking a noons* in vocal and InatramenUl aeutle In tba college of music la Ciectnaetl. Ail tbe teaobrrs are thoroughly com petent and equipped tor drat clam work. UtalnraiarA.MMi B.CMIna. W. Iiava tba catalogue of lb* A and 11. Collage far 1800. Tber* an 901 Kadnata, of whom 188 paid for Uiolr education In monty earned by them **Um. Btodent work at tba Callage daring tba year amounted to S9.OT8.8ft. It Incladed carpenter log. garde*lug. boiler-tending, englun-taodlof,dynamo tending, machine-work. atocVfaadiug, wuod-catting, milking, plumbing, a weeping, ahoe-making, uaoblog. farm work, bell-riogtag. trumpeting. wall alaanlog, dlalng-room aartloa* and (aoltor'i work. Tba Cot lag* Include* (1) a high-grade teab no logical da par trot ol for tba ad a nation of engHmara, arobitoeta, otwm lata, electrician*. agriocUwrlaU and hortlcultorlaU; (S) a manual training department for tba training of tkUled workman In all line* of manaal labor requiring Mill. Tli* total ezpenaaa for pay atudanU are 1198 a year; for etndaoia bolding acbolartbipe, 899. Write to PraoMool Gao. T. Wloaton, Raleigh. H. C.. for a catalog no, TUa «MM i*M won Im rtayM. Tba York Till* Enquirer of Friday agate taken qp that Imaa-ball matter— tba gam* that wa* caver played. We can’t aaa that tbe farther eg I tail *o of Uw auhjeot to oar paper would aeoom plieh any good, an we ooald not ooe elbM the York villa team that tltey did not piny tba gncaa of ban. and an w* will drop tba matter with thlelmu* ■wtaoit. We lave endeavored to get tba total rvgwtratlou of precloou an ever the county but have act baaa aucaemful. Wa give lboa* wa have. total. vKoaont I-a well - ... fan 81 Halotont - - - - 897 184 Gaetoata Ho. I - - 888 188 - • • 840 84 County Correspondence. 1 LilU* Gooige Dewey lb* 10 moolli* oM mu »f Mr. and Mr*. Noah Delling er dlrd at their bone lo Charlotte Frl day evening ; tbe remains were brought hereto Mr*. Dallioger'e father's Mr. L. A. Reynolds, from whaoee the lu ll era I area conducted by Uielr pastor Rev. B. L. Hoke Muoday taornlog. Tbe little body was laid to rest in the fkslly burying ground at Hickory Grove. There was another youug Ilf* went out here Sunday morning, It anta the tbe little year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Maugum. The little out sue bed beeo III for eome time and iteadily grow wares until death relieves Us lufferiog. Tbe reaaiei were laid lo rest at Uoatoea Monday Burning. Mr. Uias Lay and Mlm Maggie Wit aim warn married Sunday morning by aomeoae having authority to tia kuota lu South Carolina where nearly all our youug people go to gel married lately. Mr. (Jotsmao Howard of Denver Is vtmtlng hie moUter-lo-law Mr*. □. ft. Wilson. Mr. Cleent McCaJIum and family liave moved here from Hop* Mill# Mr. and lira Robert Browning (not lb* pool) who bar* bean aojourulog In Ooooord fur sums time are among us W« are glad to im Dr. L. N. Gteoo na our etaeete agate after bis vacation at Cleveland Spring*. It* was calted Into service aa toon aa he landed. Mr. k. a. Moore tad family went over to Moout Holly Bondar. Ileaaya they bad a very heavy rain aud courld •Table wind over there Sunday rrru Lag. llev. W. R. War*. pnaMlagBdw of tbo Shelby district waa here Saturday •veiling aod pruetdrd at the third qoer terly conference of the Ho Aden elite cliuroh. Mr. Were preached for ua Saturday clal.t uud agate on Sunday night at which time the L* rd*a Sup per waa oalaWeird. Mr. Jamre Stowe ig taking lesnne ta tbe dva bouee awd Intro da to leant lira art of dyelog. Mlaa Bits I*rvaaWy of Gaetoola •tailed filauda bee* Sunday. Mo Aden vltle la her old home. Mr. (luo. Shrrar of ObarloUa. waa over Sooday on very partloelar bust bom which could not be attended to try proxy aa It la an affair uf tbe heart. Mr. Mack Kala Superintendent of the Ninas mill waa ovsr terra to aaa Mr. John Abernathy Sunday evening. Mr. Abernathy baa been au lovalld fur •one time. Meaera J. H. Walters and brolJier. M. A. Walters returned from New Fork where they hare bees attending a Wrbrr’a school Mr. M. A. Walu-r has accepted a position la a ffrtt olaaa barber ibop In Urveuiboro and Mr. J. H. Walters baa opened a ahop In-re these young men are worthy aod we bellave daarrvo suooru Mrs. Sarah K. Flatter. Icon a visit to ber eon, Mr. R. D. Fiaher. Tbe MoAdeoville post offlou ie lively, it moves about pretty fast, tbe last nova la to Betbttoa's etc re The Amendment has gained all the ground there ie to gain fur all our people are a unit on It aod are very much enthusrd over tbe proeprot of baring a a bile man’e government. | Lowell Locals. Pftio bUlurUe wnV« Imuc.) Dry. dry weather down Ibis way makes thing* kind 'a dull, but atUi people err going end oomlng all tbe tints. Wheat threshing etc, keeps tbe fat •W lu a bustle. Wheat la generally Siod bat wImI baa besom of osle T rmera are mill working In UwJr oreoe u round liere bat will iweuy well Oobdi up lUa wi-ek. A protracted reeeUag baa Imago lag on at tbe UapUai ebarcb since tbe aeoeod Sunday. Be*. Mr. Smith la assisting Mr. Vlpprrma. Mr. Haywood Earoy took rlolaoUy Ul I eat Saturday and bad several con* vulaloas but la Improving torse, tla bad been unwell for aem Urn. Wort an the new factory bonding is prugnseiag rapidly and with no bod look eon be Bobbed In a abort time now. MueOste Oo rowel I la vlaltlng la town tfale weak. Mlaa Alloa Craven la the goeot of Miaa Krwln HoWnaoe. Quite a number of yoeoa people et Uudad tbe pleoio at Hew Hopeeboreb. Tbe tamtlj or Bov. ». Batter are vtalUog relattoee at UeedavUle aad Breen boro. Mra. B A. Millar, gave a tea party IO a number «f yoaug folks tart eve ning. *—*—--*- —*T----t-T Tim Velma* of Qaetoo eouty ora heioity notified that oar no do*] reunion •HI be held el Pa I he ou Tboreday Augaet lbe Oth. Vetomoe let n« how your pneenee; Important mattora will bo me up, therefore he oo bond. The Wm. (Jambla Camp of United Confed erate Veterene will were tba mm day. Tba conamlUaee appointed to aollolt funds to pmvlde dm oar for Um old rate ran. will report u> tba undents oed by tba 1st of August the amount raised end the probable numtompeetad into pessaot. w. x. Stows. Seev. J uly 24th 1200._ lalvaan Baanrlwnilan tor Ibr A. 4k M. IMbS*. The annual mtraooa esamfnaltoo lor sdmlmioo Into tbs North Oarolloa College of Agrteuluan and Mechanic Arte, Bale lab, X. G., will be told by see to too Goart-house on Saturday. July 28th. lost., st M> o'oltck a. m. Candidates will plasm bs proatd. U V. HonrxAM. Co. Sept. Hobenlt. _Dallas. N. C. tea el Mpeetal Term tfwart Hi 4nt» •as oaaaly. Poraunut to so order of thaQormior <t Nottb Carollua tltara will be sapoobaJ L-rm of tbe Court held for Oaaton Bounty to Uwrio Monday too Ifitb day or Aunoat, 1900 for the trial of Cirtl eeeee only. Joss G. Ptjstt. Gtoirmoo of Uio Board of County CommliwiuDire. July 24th 1900. SEE THOSE i i | I2T OUR WIITDOW. THIS WEEK FOR $1 EACH. They are up-to-date or down-to-date and worth $1.25 to $1.50. Your choice one week only $1.00 YOURS FOR BUSINESS, THE NEW YORK RACKET. THE HIGH SCHOOL, —-GASTONIA, 1ST. O. Fall Term opens Monday, September 3rd, • One of the finest Trimary teacher* In the State ha* been engaged ; of Urge experience and acknowledged ability. OUR OBJECT: We prepare young men for Sophomore clam in college, and young ladies for Junior clam. HBV. JBftftB W. BILK*, Principal MTWateh this apace for full notice next week. Belmont Academy Open* the nth Station under pretest management September 17, 1900. HKUTHTCI LOCATION. RBAaOHASLS KATYA. wtftuwrcro tbackxm. mttbic a specialty. Send for catalogue f. f. HALL, Principal. Belmont, S. C. ROBINSON BROS. _Wc (dill have i few aombm of tike OXFORD TDM. SOUTH TIHB and SOUTH KILN BUTTONS, that we are going to iwll at prices that will interest you. * **°UOR* SHIRTS »t oar store, from which the most fastidious can be suited. ALL STRAW HATS WILL BE SOLD FOR CQ5T. ROBINSON BROS. FAMOUS FAMZLT FOOT FITTERS. Special Notice! WE, THE “ELITE,” Cater strictly to the City Trade and spare no pains in trying to give satisfaction; there fore would be pleased to hare yonr order. PHONE 02. “ELITE.” HOT WEATHER WEARABLES. We have had some hot weather, but the maiority of it Is to coat,— die tumtner i* not over by any means. If you have not bought yonr Smcmer Oothing or yonr light Coot and Vert yon will not he prepared . to withstand the coming hot weather. b*'T ^rthlng feather-weight Clothing. Xn Baita. very rL.iLu° “d C°°1, We can fit yoa in Linenm, Craabea, Piqoea and For Coat* and Verts dm oar style span gee silks, alpaca*, atrgaa and worsteds. Oar line of Shirt*, Ties, Summer Underwear, Straw Hat*, etc., is complete. B. V. MELLON & GO., GhlHotte, H. G. KYXRrTMINO IN WARM WRATH KB CLOTHING AND TURKISH I KGS. 1- ' i ..L-ML 1,1 ' THE STATE NORIAL s INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE OP NORTH CAROLINA Offers to yooag women thorough literary, classical, fieettge aod industrial education and special pedagogical training. Aisniial expenses $9* to SiJ* ; for non-residents, $15*. Faculty of 30 member*. Mm* than 400 regular stndeuU. Has matriculated about a,000 students, rep reaenting every coonty in the State except one. Practice and Ofaaerva .two School of about 250-fXjpiU, To aecura board ia dormitories, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained tctchere. For catalogue and other information address on til August 15th PROF. J. Y. JOYNER. Dxan or Colleok, 1 _ CHARLES D. McIVex, Prksidrnt, J Qreeuabora. N. C. A GREAT WARFARE. Piedmont sectiou of theStatVin wbtf e^ar-touftouT Vnd” hil salesmen •re shooting with the Gatling gun called Legitimate Business end firing twice while other salesmen ate getting ready to shoot ouce. With a clear insight to the best manufactures in the world, and hacked np by 35 years experience, we don’t hesitate in saying that no competitor can meet our prices. We will not be undersold. We lead, while others follow. A visit to onr store will convince yon that we •re headquarters for FURNITURE and HOUSEHOLD FURNISH* INGS. E. M. ANDREWS, *•««»« to immiii hnUm U. U. L. BARRET, Manager. Oakland High School, (Male and Female.) Offers courses of instruction in the English Language and Litera ture; Mathematics, including Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry; History: Science; Elocution; Music; Art; Latin; Greek; French. g Departments: ( £ acadxmtc. b. imunun g aecytuiracnia. } c< rmXu\WT. D. MPMC. B. AST. Graded Oanrea of so Grades. INaelplfne Mftd kst Firm. FotmHjr of 5 Members, oil graduates of ee/legee and mhmUM nf high atmmdiag. rsmss, n.w m ns* »w mma nnann. --1- — r-r. Fall Term opens Monday, September yd. Write to the Principal for handaosne do page Annual. JOS. H. SEPARK. Principal. ■■ - 'L-i _i!j!—l. u 1.! j-m«nat9«ea-B--!S!>amtvw Gastonia bankino company. <=«.-GASTONIA, N. C — Htatr, (!oum, and Town Drpomtory. YOUR BUSIN ISO BOLIOTBO. Promptnem. Accuracy, and Safety Guaranteed. ^OWM F. WOVE, 0»ewi«w. McDill & Miller, --HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing; Provisions, - Crockery-ware.

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