The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home end the Interests of the Cosnty. Vol. XXI. UuJL-Jh'iEZk—.) GASTONIA, N. O.. THUKSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1900. —ns—— -TrTT_^—_ ' CHARM IN LRTTBR N. ABP BAYS DEMOOBATB HAVE THE BULGE THIS YEAR, were Jackson aad Van Bonn. But U Is sstoulsfclog tx-w little la generally kuown of vies presidents. Dow soon they are forgot ten. Bren tbs beat histories of the United State* fall to mention them )lu table or order or Index. Indeed, Uie defeated candidate* for president are equally Igoored. Wbo did Taylor run •gainst T Wbo did William Henry Harrison T Who Van Burst), wbu Madison T Who was J. y Adam's vloo president; wbo Jeffereo.-'e and Jackson's, Monroe’s and Madisons T You 0*01 Uod answers to these lu eov school history, and I fouud lItem only after moot research In Appleton’s blograpblee; aad wbo ran against Jef feraon for hUeeoood term ? who agalnet Monroe Taylor end Pierce T Nobody knows hardly. Now bars Is • table of rufarena* that lover* of history may look uvar sod pasts lu a book for refer ence. Washington and Adame, Washing ton and Adams. Adams aod Jefferson, Jefferson and Burr, Jefferson sad George Clio too, Madison end Uenrge Clio ton, Madison and Kl bridge, Gerry, Monroe and Daniel Tompkins, J. y. Adams aod Calhoun. Jackson sod Cal boon, Jnaknon aod Van Boren, Van Burea and R M. Johnson, Harrison and Tyler, Polk and Dallas. Taylor and Fillmore Pierce aad William U King. H nobs nan and Breckenrldge. Lincoln aad Haallo, Llnoolo ahd Johnson. Grant and Colfai, Hayes and W heeler Garfield sod Arthur, Cleveland and llendrleka, Hsrriaoo and Morton, Cleveland and Stevenson. Jefferson ran against C. C. Pink ney. Madison ran against DeWitt Clin llanroe ran against Unfits King. J. Q. Adams ran against Jaokioa. Jackaon ran again at Ciaj. Van Bareo raa agaloM Harrleoo. Harrleoo no against Van Bareo. Polk ran against Clay. Taylor ran against Can. Pierce raa against Soott. Buchanan raa against Kreemout. Lincoln ran agaiaat Breekrnrtdge aod Bell. Grant and Seymour. Grant raa agaiaat Seymour. Hays ran againt Tildeo. Garfield raa agaiaat Heuoock. Cleveland i an agaluat Blaine. Harr won ran agaiaat Van Boren. Cleveland ran against Harrison. How piok ont those anooeearul oandl dates whose names, preside*l* end tie* presidents soiled It N Jefferson aod Cliotoo, Madison aod Clinton, Jack sod and Calboao, Jackson and Van Horan and B. M. Jolioenn, Lincoln and Hamlin, Lincoln and Johnson, Harrison aod Morton. And now If liters In any charm in tbe letter N look out fora grooodswell that win roll Bryan and Htevenaoa In to office nest November. Look ont, I eay, and have ae mooli faith aa yon do 1* seeing the new moon in a clear sky oyer yoer right shoulder. Bryan wae defeated the last time bboson tbe nasae of hie run blog mate coded lo L. Thai's wby tbs Wiseman wouldn’t take mil ibis lime—too much L (bell) lo It they said. Bat all’s well that N’s (ends) well, so Mr. Hhakeepeate says. Bryan aod Staysneoo will sweep the oounuy, for the doable H*e bays never yet been defeated. And there la another shameful neg lect la our histories They tell ns nothing Jeceroely of tbe mother* or wlvm of the presidents; so thing of tbtfr children nor who waa born lb tbe white bouse. Of oourm we koow knew sboet Washington’s mother sad bin wife, and about Dolly Madison who waa a widow Todd, and maybe waa kin to Mm Lloeole, for she waa a Todd. We koow eometbmg about Oca era 1 Jackson *1 wife and about Mm Baton for than wae a eoeadal cheat bsr, and boeasN Mm Calhoun aod otbera WUUUIt t TWII UTl III Ml* w 111 VB Jack too brok* op bla oabtnat ud took a now OU Wa know that Jaffa non bad as mm, but that his daughter ■anted Mr. Eppaa, and lw daaoaad aota an quite numaroaa. Oaa of bar 1 grandson* wa* mj alia innate la ooltego. Wa kaow aouisthiiig about Mr*. Folk and Harriot Laos, wbo kopt ihu white bo oaa foe Baobaaaa and about Jalla Daat Omni and Mtaa Fomom, whooa Clarateod laoirted, bat lb la la about all. Tbo Matter of o groat moo da aorroa tbo blgbeat ootuldamUoa of tba historian, bat thar liars not bad la. With tba tew exoaptloo that I bora caMad oar paopla kaaw ooUriuc of tba aiutbiTt -f— or abtldraa at tbaprost daoU. How Many Haw England poo pie kaow wbo was Duals! Wabater** wither Motbar T Flow caauy Carol loo la as kaow of Ualbown** bow maay XootoekUa'a know of Haury Clay**? Bat tbo womou an at loot sowing to tba front aad will hr matter aeoopy a higher pi oat. Wa an laapauanlly waiting for tba eontag of lbs proH IMd rcduMO by Mra tterab Batts, glr law tba biography of aotabta mm t tern womm. A woeaa oaght not to Man bar aaara wbaa aba nantes. Mr with ought to alga bar nans Octarl Hutch im tatur teMted bf Mary OoUrM UMitb and arary woanen pnatrra bar Matter** boms la tela war. Wall I an away down Wu in Moat gomery county btsklog In Urn in ash foe of Mount Vernon, tn oMUne, aapre teodlog village beeutlfully situated on perhaps the highest plateau In the ooupiy. It li my first visit end t was pleased to be Invited here. Tor to me It is olsesleand venerated ground. Eighty two yvan ego tnv father taught school bare, eu old field school, end there ere e few people still living who r(member the old log school house. Hut It has loog sloce passed nwey end tint e pa tron is aUve end so far nt 1 can learn ool a pupil It llylog. All gone. Many a time did be tail I us of hts rx perinea while teaoblog here and bow tnde boys rebelled against bis discipline, and for a muoth ha had to fight hts wav, but finally subdued and subjugated them and breame famous with hie patrons, for those boys bad ran off three teach ers before be earn# and the community rejoiced when they got a teacher who was game enough to conquer them. This Is a quiet delightful place to rest. Even Mis eigne of antiquity are pleasing to the eye. Beautiful legistremla* la full bloom ornamrol Uie front yard of mr hotel. They ere not bushes or ebrubbers, but sie Urge truee end 1 reverence Uwm, for they were toy mother's favorites sway back tn my childhood, and they ere allII sweet memoriae ciueterleg arjund them. I am here right to the midst of towers and frails. Oh the fruits that every where abound Indeed this Is a blessed country to llvn In and be happy, and aa fur that t have not suffered at all uor fouoil any dlff-ronce between this region end north Georgia, provided you keep In the abode. The ulgbtt are ootil and pleasant. ‘•re« ternirj" mthsTkaan. "Tbe century Magazine" for July, 1900 io an editorial on “Home Censor ship of the Theater." employe language which Illustrate* tbe prases' stelae of some of our theatres. Coming from such a source it ie the more deserving of special aluuUoo. It I peaks of "an epidemic of stage indhttnoy such as that with which we bays recently been afflicted," but comforts itself with die assurance, that such a a epidemic "la seldom of long duration." We aoote tbe following. “The hardening Influence of famili arity la proverbial. The growing lu susoeptlbillty on the part o? N»w York audience* to an; shock from tbe am mission epos the stage of gross or* fence* agalost good teste and good moral a, baa long been noted with some thing like dismay by old pl*y*go*ra, and as city theatres era largely sap ported try uut-of-tewn visitors, tbe deterioration would appear to be typical. Words, gestures, actions, and ImsenJcs wbleb would have beau resented instantly and fiercely HI teen or twaoty years ago, now ezeite merrlmaut only not ludlgnatioo. Nor Is Urla callous* neas a phenomenon peculiar to tbe cheaper theatres, or what ire supposed to be leas cultivated and tenors. It la even more conspicuous io the moot fashionable houses. Th* truth canuot lie stated too plainly—unmistakable references of tbe moot objectionable and vicious sort smok Ingroom pleasant ries are habitually arxf freely ottered before, young woman, presumably reared In all Imaginable delicacy and refinement, and are beard without tbe least apparent embarrassment. In sidious poison of tble klod which asps the foundation of modesty and slowly deadens *H the Hoar Instincts is looom* psrebly mors daogsrou* to the moral health uf tbe community than Urn clumsy sod brmaen vulgarity which carrie* Its own antidote with It. “To My that the evil eaeonnta to n national peril would be aa exaggera tion. How to deal with It problem by no means easy of solution. Thedllfioal tan in way the of the moet oblvlous and mOet practical remedy no official cen sorship seem to be Inenperable, “But tbe oaae Is not abeelntely hope Moob could be eOeeted In tbe way of tbentrleal reform If only tbe parent* aad guardians of the young ooold bo sHi need to a seals of tbe re sponsibility that rests upon them. The ally press, even tbe moot corrupt, Ignorant sod unscrupulous part of It, assy be depeoded upon to lad lost* tbe nature of every new play that Is pro* doeed. If It is Impure, Use details are always described with loving relish. No hallucination oo the subject Is poesiMa. The father whs permits his daughter to attend such * performance disgraces himself, dees her grievous wroog aad bacomea a partner la a nefarious and contemptible enterprise. It is by tbe young, sot by tbe old, that tbe theatre Is mainly supported. Let the elders eaeretee a little dieerlmlne tton and rightful authority, and guard lhair daughters against potlotlon as entefuliy aa they protect there from hardship, sad every manager, out of •beer neoamity will bosom* a eeneor on hi* awn » * IbMMi Could oot aaptvee tba rapture of Anata R. Hprloger, of 1184 Howard 8t, Phlladafohla, Pa., when alia fnood that Dr. King “a Maw Dtemyrry for Conaooaptloo bad oompletaiy cored her OfabMMagoottgh that for ani yean bad irnda ber Ufa • bordaa. All at bar raaaadtea and doatera mold give bar ®o help, tat aba aaya of tbW Royal Core—*MI Boon removed tba pain la ■T abaat And I oaa now (leap aooadly, aoMthteg I oaa aearotly remember datof before. I foal Ilka aooodlag lu prelate throughout tba Ualverae.” Mo will ovary oaa who trtee Dr. Xing*! Mew Dlaoavory for any trouble of tba Throat (Jbeet orLeaga FrteeOOuaad tl. Trial bntUee free at J. B. Carry aad Company*! Drug Store, every bot tle guaranteed. Thursday, August 2ud we vote for Gov ernor, State officers, County officers, mem bers of the legislature os well as the eonstl tnttonal amendment. Be sure and come out to the polls and vote. AWFUL BiBVMT OP DEATH. | EHlIy HarulilF IMM*4Allv.«to~Thlr4 •WaIUIIm Already Dead. . Ur. Louis Klopjch who baa been In [ India visiting tba famine-stricken I dUtrlac and Inspecting lbs work of re ! lief baa rate road to New York, i In an lotarrlaw with a New Y«k Herald rrportrr y»»Urd*j be said that Uia reform Hi«>. Itara reached tbla country of the distress of million of lababltAnta of India bars not been ex aggerated. and that while large mom of money end qaantitlae of gtalu bare been contributed there la much yat to * ha dona to prevent many thousands more from etervlng. Dr. Klopeeb reads two trips luto tba famine dlstrlota going Oral Ova hundred miles into the Interior from Bombay, hod then an equal distance north, cov ering more than two thousand miles. Speaking or tba raault of his observa tion and Inquiries Dr. Klopeob mud : "Ooe-balr uf India today la a great obarenl bouse, lit which countless thou sands have already perished of cholera, piego*? dysentery nod starvation and ns many more doomed to a like feta. Twenty thousand new cases or cltoisra weekly, with 75 par cant mortality rep resenting 16,000 deaths every serve cWty«; plague on every band, dysentery mowing down IU victims right and left and star rat luo storing millions In the face reaping a harvest unpreceden ted auno* ap the horrible etory. "On tba day of our arrival in Bom bay tba streets ware I It* rally crowded with walking skeletons. Every step of tbs way we ware leal god by man, women and children In Uie last Wages of destitution piteously bagging for a ■alia tbet they might set aod live. They betd out tbelr hands with a be seecblug look hoping Uial wa might drop a eoiu Uiat would purchase at least enough food to satisfy their hun ger just for as boar. "Haunt men, emaciated women with bosom* wasted with nursing diminu tive, bollow-vywd, siotly Denies children with lops anti arms like clothes plas and avury rib plainly visible, all ran after ua, oomptotely surrounding tba carriage aod entreating ua every step of the way. nouseres* too nomeies*. this# uo fortuoatea sleep in the streets of Bom bay at bight. They lie don just •here they happen to llnd tbsmsalves •hau fatigue overtakes Umod, and it la •o exaggeration to say that I have aeea aa many aa live hundred aleep oo the sidewalk of a eiugle block. **Oue experience which elands out clearly lu asy mind is our vlait to Abaitbedad. On the ahadelesa pUisa before the gate war* nearly two hun dred and Aft; bundles of raga, contain ing as eaany human beluga In various stages of emaciation, torse standing Rome In Oriental fash loo. squatting on tha ground others lying Hat on U.elr becks and still utbars lying with their face* lotbe ground. In order to screen thernaelvas from Uw burning rays of tbe erveulhg suu. The thermometer raoged At about 110 degrees In the shade not a breath of air stirring and tbe beat asd stench contributed to make os is 111 physically as the sad scents of destitution, misery, pain and helpless ness made us to mentally." Or. Ktopeob described his yitlu to poor houses, where thousands of mi aisled erestores were tested on tbe ground waiting to be fed. He said that sloes tbe Ant of the year 3UO.OOO famine victims bad died, a number equal to our lueses in tbe elytl war and that tha average daily death roll la India la 10,000 whils tbe faatns-iutok area Includes 80,000,000 Isbabl lent*. -w. h.m >■ Cwn. Atlanta Juvnal Tb* Ullool* Supreme Court baa been called upon to give a legal loterprela tlon of tb* oft-uaad initiate U. K. A lawyer wrote tboaa letter* oa a oooiaut verdict and It Iccama Dec** ■try for tha c»urt to deolar* what be meant thereby. Judge Horton, woo delivered tb* opinion aeld . “We Bod In tbe Oeatury Idethmnry tb* following explanation aod defini tion—vtx : (Origin obacore: usually ■aid to bay* been originally used by Andrew Jackson, aaventb president of tb* Ualted fit*la*, aa ea abbtevlsttoo of “all oorrect." spelled whether tbrongli ignorance or humorensly, “oil korect,” bat tble 1* doubt less an Inven Uoo. Another statement refers tbe uaa te “Old Keokuk," an Indian ohraf who la anld to bay* signed treaties with tb* Initiate O. K.) Ail right, oorrect, now oocsmoclr used a* an In dorsement aa on n Mil.’ Wbatavur may bn tboagbt of the parenthetical explanation a* to tb* history or origin or tt>* term, tb* deOnilloa undoubtedly gives tbit which is tb* ilelvenel eoo eeptloo and onderaUndlng. That In, no doubt, lb* arose In which Urn ooert understood It end Urn meaning tb* eonrt lateoded to axpreta." WbUe the llllooi* Boptome Court baa cot thrown any now light a* the ■uteeot. it baa oonferred a dignity up on O. K. which it d>d not pawem be fore, and w* may ell naa It hereafter with Imparity In the moot polite alralee. T»« TMt/Ml Uwmimm AsImmu. Ifcniow Trtmertft. Wwom-Tbeaa oolUri on all tba fu. They are eon by amybody. Caatoaarr—lo that oaae, I don’t think 1 aara to bay any at tbaai. Helteman —Whan t aey atanbody of eoaraa I wti ttarybody of oorraot uata. Aad paraana of oorreet taoto an no few you know. Oaetnaaer—I llilok 111 Uka a dasao. aaemai (raw Bern Woo tba roauK of blaaplaadld baalth. ledoasltafda will and ti anecdote mm S*ra not found where Stomach ter. Kidneys aad Bawala an out of ardor. If yoa trank tbooo qaailUoa aad Uo aweoana tba* brine, one Dr. Klog’e How Ufa Pltfe. That dm toy retry power of brain aad body. Only Me at J. K. Carry * Oo'e, Draf HUta. . KHiKi.M cMtunw inoaia. NmnHMac tkwi lk« Hm n* »«>«! a* |l*IM Malm MaeMar fraw fkiw Malaa | M. Loan HaouDUe. One of 11m DDlqut characters of the Mlwtatlppl Valley wu Janes Shields, who fought lo two wan lo Aaierloa wag Territorial Governor of Oregon, i who Mind ns Senator from three Stales, sod who challenged Abraham I Lincoln to light a duel, Shields waa 1 born Id Duogkaikon Oouotv, Tyrone, , Ireland. December 19, J810. He was about IB wImu bo oeme to the United States, where be flnlehrd hi* ednoettoe. He begnu the practice of law at Kaa kaekla, llhoota, lo UBS It was In the oooree of bla career as . a lawyer end public men lu Ullhola . that Um proposed Ltooolo duel was f dlseusaed. lu Herodoo'g '•Lire of Linoolu" trie affair Is described at I length. “■we *«• l>U I>WD MIDP mi, Lt|Q i coin always seemed willing to forget,” writes Mr. Herndon. -'Ooa waa bla , un part learao Wry Ncipt with Joarpb , Gillespie from tba legislature by Jump ing through tba oh arch window, la 18 39 and tlia oilier waa the dlBoaliy with i Jamas Shield*, or aa he expressed IL la a latter to Speed, the -dual with Shields OUier Incident* la bla oartn It* fie ausoUy called up tn coayenalien with , friends, but la after year* be aaMom if aver refer rad u> lb* a flair with Shields, ISxtple la llllDoi* did grad nelly forget or at least oraaa meoiloo of It, but lo ■aunt remote quarter*, where Mr Lin eolu was laaa extensively known, lha thing mueh to his regret, kept rising lu tbt surface. During a visit which 1 made to Uw Bastarn StiOas In 1968 I was often asked fur au account of tbe so-nailed duel; *o often iu fact tkat on my return home X told Mr. Llueuin or It. “If all tlia go-id things I have near dune,’ be said regretfully 'are remem bered aa long and wall at my scrap* with SUtclda. It I* plalul *1*11 not eooa ha forgotten." Geooral Shield* waa a bachelor and as he waa quite a ladles man. be was prominent In a social way. lie was a pronousoed Democrat, and uuUpokm lo support of bla party’s action*. Promloaot socially and politically—ba waa Auditor of the Mato Treasury at ! Ibis Lime—be became a target fur ail the blit*ruse* and rtdieula wbloh the Wblge could heap upon blm. “It happened that the financial re J source* of tbe 8Late, owing to tbe col I Up** of tba great lnt*n-al Improvement system, ware exceedingly limited aud people were growlug reslUe* under what Uiey geemed excretive taxation.” writes Mr. Herndon. “The Mate uB I ears ware all Democrat* nod during tbe summer they Isiued an order declining to recurve any more Mate bank nut** or bills in pajmeui of taxes. This made the taxpayers hardens iwsvier than ever, a* mueli of this paper re mained noUUndiag lu tba band* of tba people Tba order met with opposition from weary quarter—lha Wblgv losing no opportunity to make it a* odious as possible Lincoln Joined lu tbe abuse of the mau la oBo*. and aa the columns of tba Bortngfiald Journal were open lo bis undisputed use. he plnoued to encour age the opposition by the use of hi* pm. The Auditor of lb* Stale we* a onn apiotoua figure. At bin tbau Uucoln directed shafts of satire aud ridloule. He was than paying court to Mary Todd, for the ascend Urns, and aba and her friend Mlaa Julio Jayne, were lu bis conOdeuee. They offered to aid blm lo bla plan to maka Shields rldiou k»us. TI1N RBBNCCA LBTTNH. • ‘Tb# thing took shape la aa article published la the Journal," writeo Mr. Herndon. ‘‘perportlog to have come from a poor widow, who wltb bar pook-1 ota fall of Stele Bank paper wee still unable to obtain Um ooveled receipt for her taxes, It was written bp Lin coln and dated “ Lost Townabip, Aug net 87, 1841." ‘ Within a weak another epistle from Aunt Rebeoea mppsertd In which among other Ullage iht offered tbe gallant Shields her hand. Tbit no« waa written bp Mlae Todd and Mies Japan." Poetry eras also directed against Um Stale Auditor. Genera) Shields fait that bla Intoerlty bad been emailed. Through hie friend Genera) John D. Wbltoeloe demanded of tbe editor of tb* Journal the name of the anther. The latter hunted op Lincoln who directed him to girt his name and mj nothing about tbe ladles Use era) whltastd* gave aa aeoouat of the affair to Um Joersal, whlob was published at Um time and which Mr. Herod on givve together with the aor reepoodeuce la rautloa te the proposed duel—General Whiteside writes ; ‘•Mr. Hliislde addressed a mote to Mr. Llneela, Informing him that he wee give* up as the author of tome artielee that appealed In Um 9aagnetoo Joatoel (one more over tbe eSgaatur* having made lie appeareaoe M thla Uae). and re*nested him to retract the offbwalve •notion* contained la said srUeia* la relation to bis private •hamster. Mr. Shields beaded this note to me to de liver to Mr. Lineals end directed me el the Um* not te outer late any ver bal oommnahsaMow nv ha the bearer of may verbal egptaeeUoa, as such wee al ways liable to mleeweehseelnn. This note wee delivered bp me te Mr. Llo eola stotleg at the aasne Ume, that I •mold sell at bis eewvsglede* for aa answer. Mr. Lineelo, la the era*lag of the was* dap heeded me * IsUsr ed drreaed to Mr. 8bMde. la Uils he gave or offered no sxpIgaaUoM, bet staled therein that he eoold not submit to a as war farther, on the ground that Mr. Mb laid *■ note reaUleed an m snmptlon of feoto elm e meeaoe. Mr. Shteida then add mean him saothrrnote In which he dlerawed all Intention to men see a ad rsgaeetod tekaow wbeUer Mr. Mneata wws the eother of eUhar of the artioles wMeh eceeeiwd te the Journal, heeded ‘Last Township,’ and stgued -Rebeeea', and if m.he mealed Me reaeeet fat a retreoUoa of the of. faaelvu metier la reialiea to privateehar eeaer: If eet Me deelai weeid be MM inMaliH. This letter woe reterwad to Mr. Shield* unanswered with • verbal tut—rat -that there eon id be ao for thor negotiation between thorn until the flrat note waa we* withdrawn. CUOUIX or UIOAMWOKW. 11'■ iraortn’n tnatracUco* to hit Mowed Mr. Marry man, wbra tha affair ••amid about to be brought to the polut uC Agt)ling, are given by Mr. Herndon : “In oaan Whiteside* obnll signify a wtob to adjust this affair without fur ther difficulty, let bitn know that if the present papers tie withdrawn end • noto Iron Mr. Shinids asking to know If [ am IDs author of the article* of wlitob bo complains, and asking Ibet 1 shall,mate Um gentlemanly aallefac Uoa If I am Um author aad this with out mooaes or dictation an to what that enliutaellon shall be. a pMf* ic the following answer shall "1 did write tha -Lw Township* appeared In tits Journal of the ted Inst., but bid no partMpaUon in soy form In any othtr artloke allud S.*? Jr?"_ 1 wholly for tlloni effect. I had no Intention of ■ring your personal or private char *0Wf "■ •••“•»«* ganUo mnn and I did not then think and do »o« now think that that crUcio could produoe or hao produced that effect agulnet you, nod had I antlelpetad ■ueh on effect I would bave f.whorn* to •rite it. And I will odd that your eon duct toward ns* ao faro* t know bad a!wire lawn gentlemanly. and that lhad do pmooal ptq do again si you and no osum fur any. “ ‘If this should bo dune, I leave It with yon to manage wbat shall and what shall not «e published. “M nothing I IS* thin Is doue the proUmlnariot »f tha ffgbt ora to he : 1. Weapons,-Cavalry broadaarords of tba larges: eis*. precieety equal In all napeeta and eueb aa are used by tbe cavalry company at Jacksonville. 1. Position : A plank ten r«at long and from ulita to twelve ladies broad, to be firmly fixed o»edgoon the around M the line between us which neither of ue ie to aeae hie foot over upon forfait nf his life. Nat • Use drawn an tbe grouud oa either aide of eil4 pUuk and parallel with MOb at tba dletanoe of the whole length of tU twotd and three feet additional from Ilia plank; and thu passing of bis owa snob linn by ailber p irty dnrtog tbo fight shall be deemed a surrender of the oontart. 3- Tima : Oo Thursday evening at B o’clock U you can get it so; bat iu no ease to be at a greater distance of time than Friday creator at • o'clock. 4. Place: Within three miles of Alton, on the oppoalu side of tba river tba part loutar spot to be agreed oq by Ton.” Snob was the choice of weapons - cavalry broadswords. This duel would have been a one sided affair, for Nr. I.lncnin wltb hka gnat height aad long arms, ooelJ have retains I the required position and out down Nr. dbiekfa while tbe latter abort nf figure e »uH not have toueliod hie opponent. Mr. (IrritdOB calls It a serio-comic affair. Mr. Lloeola did out like to talk of it. ”1 only rem-mbar.” eaye Mr. Herodoo : "of hearing him aay this In a reference to tba deal s 'I did not intaad to hurt Shields attires I did ao dearly in selfdcfcuea. If It bad baan ueonaeery 1 oottld have split Sim from tbe crown of hie bead to tba end of lilt backbone.” Tbo principals and their sesoodsinat oa Missouri soil acmes the river from Alton, but tba affair Wee amicably adjusted. ik run iuati Mr. Shield* catered tbe untw uf United Steles Id the war with Mexico and mu la oomauod of • brigade of Illinois troop* On served nndor Ovu srnle Taylor, Sooti nnd wen woe tided at Oerro Gordo and Uhapultspao re ootvlng ton bre\*t of Major Qantral for marltorhma terriers. In IBM be was appointed trrrltorinl Governor of Grogan bp Proaldeot Polk. Da raalgned thin pnslUou upon bit eloutlon In the United 8t*ton Senate from Illinois in IMP. After bln term In Un Senate he took up hit abode In Mlui.neoU end opoa Mn admlseaon to Urn atntebood 18*7 wee »«uln made United Mate* Senator. At tbe beginning of the olvll war be wee commissioned Brigadier General of Volunteers and bed oomernun eogagw manta. Ha wan defeated bp Stonewall Jackson at Port Republic, V*.. Jane 9,1889 After lb* war be setUad In OerroU toa Mo., andtlib Mtaaoort Legislator* auila him United State* Senator for Utt third time. It la an Internet tag Mt of Mtaeoon hletorr. th* atorp of tbo sawatorsblp In 1879. Th* sou* leg is laturv that slanted Ur. VaM to tbe Senate skated Geoeral Shields to tabs tbe plans of David Armstrong, who had boon utrotad to til Um euexplrvd term of Lawk V. Bogy dsnsasad, Ur. Arm straeg voted to eaalrm owe of Presi dent Hayes's appoint menu, that of Me Xanl, prominent la Urn Palmyra msa me re Thk outrage.} the feoilaga of Mtaennrlaaa, bad Armstrong was re moved from oflloa and General Shield* •l«ud to aOrre a term of ahowt ala WVakA General Shield* died at Ottamwe, la . In 1879. Thursday, August 2nd we vote for Gov ernor, State officers. County officers, mem bers of the legislature as well as the Consti tutional amendment Be sure and come out to tlie polls and vote, “H,*» m of bar I" -Ym.Iw woat «vwi tetkar Mf ■ ltya» km." i^u . ■ 11—uparw^ir—r—*■ • _£■ th» *wT*t aaeborof tba Voo wr^aa^mtaJ^la'^JtSSrftSl!! Um paa of (mm of tba odttoild wrKtra, •ad aaprinttbaartlaia In fall Mm: *• tbaoo draadfal boara of aatptaaa. wbaa rrigblfal poaalbUHjr baabaooaa aartatety It ta hard, ta think af China araapt with horrar aid utter ooodeaietioii. 8oo4er uorolnf Dr.Gaor*aAta*aoda»fowlbly a aid : “Bar bar baa bat diaati'tta doariu Um Una of drUisUloa. mad U to tbapaMtaaa tba taonlac altar tba »«*•«? attarad. kt ta hard to tblak Mtaty and laaaoomiy of apaopta who tliaa attb loaoaarqaaot oradty bar tba way of prvfTooaand of Cbrtatlaa oh* llaatlon. YM avail la ibU boar of appalled ■awttssqsw ** thaaaaaaaaT ibtea_ nlddla kingdom.” T -tha ago aMUbriateadum_ eougrataUtlug Iteelf on taa "upon 4oor”af Ohlaa. How that dour baa baaa ratbteasly “ibaaal la tba taoa ot oivllltailua,” aad trilfa aur ibw eitlaa a peculiarly hopeful manmmU of pragmas bat baao obtekad. Than ■'»'tmtom torswob conduct, avaa lo Ohlaa. Ja tha atady ot tba oaoaa Ibaiw aaa ba ao bat tar galda than tba mtatteo. atlaa wboae Uvoa bava baaa apeai ta tbe oooulry, aad arba bava ltaraad to rood ih* Datura of tba pnopla mod tba •igiia of iho times, lodaad, wa aaa redly saying to ooo aoolbot bow If tba •ertafa miulatara bad but beaded tha war a lacs of (be aWoMrte aaaabof peat ood praatat aguay might ban baaa •Patted. Our mluMer was aanad by our aalaafoaary, dm rim A KtUta tbs Praoob Catbolto btehap. warned bia govaramtat. They koaw whereof they ■formed, tbaU ounUet with naljva Cbriatfooi being cloaa aod lo toll besot; but theory of "waif” oft rapwlod In pant tfomt wan llUlafbaadrd nndfodnad. who that dons not 'Jmraugbiy know tbo Cbloaaa ovoid beftevo that tha turn bar uf euToya was petal Ms? !«*• hMaWlawof tea altnuioo •bloh Dr. Artbar J. Brawn nootribntm lo tbia wncfc’o Inaua of Tha Ureal Bound, World bo peiata vat that the ■uderlyleg eaaaa uf tba tuoanot oom awlfua la tba extrema natural oooaar vattao of Ua Ufcloam aa acted npoeby Uiraa unfamiliar furoaa with wldob la comparatively raoaat Una It baa bam brought |« contact—oomiimrrw, polltlca aad Cht latte iiity. D Breda hardly lo be explained that u- couim«tea aad pulUiea u «Utah Dr. Brown raftra are Christian oimoaior and Mitioa that la thay ara Ua c ruMOtrelal and political intereoenb uf Christian pwiptet wkh Cblon, and that tba Christianity lo wbleh Im refers is In Uot mimhmary aBbrt. AW who rend tbe pa para kuuw that of laU I born baa baao much aalm. adyaraUMi upon mlaalonarlm aa tba uaar or remote aauan ot Uw npriolag. Tha writer* of snob anlauavaratou wwuM dad Dr. Brown* artiste whole some read Lac; but It aeada not such madftng, it Heads -nly a lluia rrgaotlou um aatreraallr know a feats, lo mob* nyldant that, an Dr. Brawn says, llU1 b la lory at both tba auaamarotel aad tba polltlowi dealing* of Christian oatfoao ‘Wfoe yaara. with Batata. Oarmaoy. Traaea and BagUad atoarlac for Ihnwailfae large partioaa of Uhloma territory wltb aaialj reward far tba rights or tba pnjadteatrfteom who fu* tboaeaoda of yaara have owned this gnat country, will gii far to n Ptelo tba prratal tetter anU foreigo *» wuion ur. Drown non | *lgotflo*aUy oalto UbrlaiUalty. •• a third, aad aotoua with western ma natee and politic* |« at/lb I os men aad aotblog Ian tbaa than ladaaoon brought by Obrlatlua nianaarin to boar upon Chin* la tba “okwty-tbcn yoanfrune Ibo pioneer* Bobart Mamaoa gained ntraoea la Utlaa." Tbb ban woord at what nlntaoartn ban dona btaoa than “1.1*1 nlnioaary eehuoie aod aolhg**. twenty-three maeloa printing praaeaa, thirty-two agMlib aao neaepepan, 1M bcopiUia aad 4lo> treating Ian year 1.1MLMI patlaata, aad lUrty^wo orphaaagaa, ioaadtag aad lapar, Mlad aad daaf ■ato a*lncasM~nafcn U IdJa te aap that Umw an aat nan accurately n prnsoUtinof ObrtBbmty tbaa tba ^Ig^nitr urn*tba majority CMaa ar tba mwapilan eatUag aad carving of Cbiaan territory ior Untr own baaadt by tba Cbrlatiaa aattaae af Koropa It la worn tbaa idle, it la S&WSSSKtStKS nldtbana of tndato aad petit Inna, an at Uta bet ton at Ohioan apr Mat. *o. tot m thicknon Ms^r of tb# oat withstanding al Hiartaarieua lyaoflntag la tba anna* af tu re unnatnivn. Aad In mpmim, aiisrasr-'sattmjs •tobSitoWbONpdod, nitotian^aad vlabnn tba fact reaeiae that tba fkronoparatlagOblaatoday Instate tbavltai tawani Han HI af tba «orM, aadahortbotmaKaf tbiann nt Unatban ban paand. It w» ba ■flunk af than, aad r » CMmI; road Ba.'SjBL.rU. •t tto aaawTng tot :^r»r2ffit3E s^usr^^vir ssm tiUu brtwato Uw *tr, la -T^rn 'w;; poww, attalatag tba baron wtwrolbrp • toad ooM ia Uw re-:, teutlaaa otaap of tab, a voice em •aro abb aUaaaa? Tmnjraoo’a roraa rTfirUdaa aaa «f Uw tewrtrf Uw toad ta Uw —ryalaHi a of oypiuWw . baat ramladwc af aald. • Ufbt of darkoaaa. to aw aetoWc gapklaal toil lb. "Litoiy OaU," hi lHaiunal i toUUa-- prmri wtanha aayr »j aorrow’a crown of t^SSSmPSj, oua baa hlbetlM|hi!anwa^w2!!u!^ i»r !■ dlaUoouWtyUafiihpa«alUMty to ooMtnak Mo etas ba ditUnaa Uw taald to Ida aad uw tab- oolirf tana, that steal «c re wry, "TWm. Mb. Taai».M tto post aata in .ntlUwaU Uw freaboaaa of Uw aoabawn a Up Uw ta potoac aail. boaring a daar o»« to sar teirtog aWa-Naa. aod Uw woarafal ladlaaaa of uw toad tap rodeo ted (Mat tba oatward-boaud skip's tap ■oat spur fading fnw lija atmtiaad ■laion at low. la Uw aaooad vans of tba {mow of oar sabfset, tbaayaaa tto glad, mat lag fuels brotbar. playing aa UM sbora with Wo slator, tba baoyaat-banrtcd bop at tto aaaa. staging ta Uw stwIUsooa uf Ufa with tba orpsahs awud at fcla own * ■Pint. Sonny child twod. tto joyaaas •*,«nw-ftaa youth, aa aaatly attend to alilb sad happioaw aa tto Mate aa tore In rtpi'loa bp Uw auft wind*. white U bta own heart ret goad a divine ^Ths'jswteb proabat, with Uw goo It sorrow oa tto aaa. It aaaaat to gaiat." Tba teoroata Mds Uw wavaa toil tlwir wawipt. sad would that to. too, iwdttopawct—tto wavaa had tto tall tto tboagbtetbat anas wtebta'hte toO aaa, yaar watara oaa altar spasaa la tanaUag iliaadaiai with aw. faaltog la groat arthaa tto flaliadaoC