1 * '•"Z 4 ; c. t’ v.' v. •"■ • N;.* .’'•*• ■' v - ' .’• i * .■jVv4; • . .v ,'..f.y ‘'; IiN& _____ For Can. of AgUcoTui™. 44* FlOtHIOQ, of r» If will For Com. of Labor and nrtntlog. H. B. Varaor. of DarMooo. '■‘vfttsr* of ffauafk DJUTBIOT. lion. CMaafMNti? COONTT. . "Sraisg* BogMot of Doodo. STTcarnat? TSZ' T. W. tatby. TOFograa, JBCoaaoO JMGootoo. Tte Urao Bo akloti boro fooo tucb foBbfol o«rt loo la tho patoat aofioiao riHtUaaaK, and ban iterate ba ooobo hallM la Um reading poMlo, teat ten »at to a aoa aso te tte pa ten of Ofnrp hao aad pal Bloat orators Qf mryoty dsrtag tte 1-1 State rtrteteaaogroTte to aow ^M^ «!? *• •" Ibf *** **— 4n ooon wtea wo am te *f*nam*bothntte aogroaadtte . Tteaogro win te Of oa Thmofoj. iBowUCaU back te ftonoad an In tte (MwnufUMn, -- ~ ** I I L—.1 .. -L LWetee Jelj SE-Tbe Baptist clocck At ibis uUot iru tki mm*n Ui\a •omIb* at 0:30 of eae ol tbs prettiest MRlinsmi * it o steed bate. The cootractlaa partWs warn Mr. i. LaWu gBiMraws overflowing with fnende of the happy PPfiJ" roam eoopie. The bridal san?* aaaas**yas to Hn. Tbto Sob? The where were keesre J. O. Esehlo, 2L .*!*■■■ T. 8. Willae »*J Treat L Wilson. The brides Melds wca Mimh Annie Wilkie Eleanor S»We» *oe Tthese sod Ere Wilkie Mhe Awn Tiptoe «u »akl of honor The groom eoterod with |.i« best nan Mr. Benin— WUeoo of Charlotte, aod lhahclde soon im era of her hraiber-ibrdaw Mr. T E. Osyoce. Uttie Klee Joann.!, tJaynrs m lie The beeatiful and letproeelre cerw mmy wm ooodooted by Dr. J. a Uowertoo of the Tint Presbyurlsa ekareh, Cheriotta H. O. end Bar. D. **■Amu* of the Baptist ebareh. The bride wore white, e Ion-It .”****•» •* e*Un rtbboo, end tom. Her veil wee heM in pisoe by wbJta lowers had maUeu hsir frni. ^°«^»boa«jaetaf brtdre roan Ued with white wile rtbbor. The j weld ef booor was diraaed hi gram «**odJ with white wtla web and her beioeet % was white carnations. She I "**1®!*^ »®4 strikiag la apprareooe. The brides —Mh Wore white organdy withpeeawahea and thry carrird FaeeAil Perns. Tbe little riag girl W«P ftPWd la p*ok aUk and bore the *■« “**» • *her wPJtW- There were fb«r UttM ribbon girls dressed in white •**_,**& handled tbe ribbon moat TO* bride aed groom left on tb* XI £ UmoUm * Northwestern train ftrattis.-a'agia aad Montreal, Canada. Oa their re u"4rk0-* ThatoMy iaoDoof Lincoln’» low Ktfsys'jssi's.'tts a^SSSi SK'S.'Sfffi? J-XltolA^wko wan at Uu tlaooCbla death and foe many yean prtvloua, the traaonrer of tbta county. The |wwi is ..ij irtamrtr of tbaSpanoar MonntataOitton IfUle. e tatty equipped end soocaartnl boalneaa *tin exceedingly popular young b£Si.7S3%.?5£..;Si£Z earnest aver eaan hare. Following i* a Mat: Stlrer tea aarrlee from Maaara W. T.Lora, G. A. Gray. J. L Bryan J. F. Lowe aad J. White Wan; tilrer 5— H»ooe with naat tort aad berry spoon. Mr. Hamitum; WUaoo all wr waiter Dr. ead Mn. Bled: caaa of aUrar apoono Mr. eadTKn. U.N. Boyce nao of Hint apoots Mr. and Mrs. B. X. Dereeport; eeee of elegant Hirer tain* ead forte, Mr. J. 0. Baaktn. P*«ar*. Mr. Hinas: bornlahad gold Jbetograph frame, Mra. Sarah. White; OurteU# X. a, eoUd hirer cup. Mrs. Mery WUaoo; Charlotte, oarriog art Mr. A. J. Begly; after dinner ooflae apooua Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Baaktn; pi elates Dr. aad Mra We. Preaaly, Mrt BUI 8. U. willow rocker, Mr. sad Mr*. Heary Robin eon; oak aad leather tab, Mr. aad Mis T. D. Hay net; Dr. O. a Base corner chair aad clover Mat tabto, Mra Johaaah Wilkie, plaque Mr- sadMre. Hagh Jen kin. gold ecarf Pte with Hidden it a gam, Mr. aad Mrs. tarn I endec; Jasper placquaa with vx 5«“t rteaeto dartre Alfred L. Mitobel from Boston Mart. eUver call hell a goMea time piece, deaerated with a foUee harp aad brlinaati Ur. aad Mre. J. W. Moore Augatta, Ga. Mr*. A. M, Finch aad Mrs. Florence Finch Mid and aitvar eager apoon Dr. and Mrs. L A. Crowell; ,*ilT»r spoon la aaflA N. A. Lsokta; elegant cut gla« bawl, Mr. If. 8. BtodThaaoUful out (hue water pitcher, Mr. X A. Smith Charlotte H. C. aUrar batter knife, Mrs. i- O. Latham; net far Mlaa Kata Hillobraad; pink eatla aod laca pin ftartaa Mra Dr. Seao hand palntad lea; tall raaa T. 8. Wilkie; embroi dered center piece with hatteaburg tremmlag, elegant bad raoo* - eat of Mahogany. Mis. B. C. Wllaos; rnsset krttbnrawd mahogany chair Mr. WlM Moore; baauUfol marble clort froo a Maud la Mew Jeray: tileer eager toege Mr. end Mr*. Geo A Him; Hirer and gold apoon Mr*. KMrad Orifltb; indi vidual enlt art O. B. Hotchtaoon ollvor ■ad gold hotter knife L. P. Hollaed; m* Mirer dewert woota Mr. O.obtM ptaMdM Hn. jfwwood; ptMnbonhMMMhiMNt with Sm^LomSS; I,m?"1* w,lkt* BMaw W. Hart to; Iff" Jd**■*£ *** »*> yi Amj Ttptiio Mlm Iwk with baaior* harm ha ml I. Joan* GarihaMli Mlrar Mat fork. Mr. •hd Mia. W. L Woodward Mlrar bottor balfo pM aad Mlrar owooa with oaaa. Mr. i. O. B. awwni; fin hoary aad MbtaMoty oagrarod pMd oad Mlror BaralyJ. Odd MMoo P. HoCwao PMIodatpbla Pa. agvras&sK: Vj Bra WMMr,Minor bowl •bogo of waior Hlr Mr. ___ RoHr; -"»■■■ of llaoo drawn wort, i Loo Moll; rgooa id gold bawl Mr. w fesur* 0* —/Mb with Mdlo Mr.’/Sa Mlror oMblo fort Dr. tod -1 lo oooo Mr. atoriM. Mr. -#bar, Mr. , Mr*. D. W. «. a. a. Wla*. Mr. . aad Mra. A d. _. «»d Mia. J. T. Otiiwriwbrrgif.Mra. Xrarwor bra* Of *n llada loo ; turnrsi nwa noun*. fMkllM Lincoln Journal: Charles Meaoey loet about 900 bushels at wbsat near Crouse Thursday of last weak. The •ofhie of Um thresher set Are te tha •traw, end destroyed all tha uotiireehed •beat. About <*0 boafwt-y vrbkb bed already lean thretked wee saved. The wumhi wear Whltener’a were set on ike by sparks from a threshing roo obina oo« day teat week end burned over eight setae of woodland before It could beextlDgnlabeu. A bridge oa tha Carolina A Kortb Wfeten near GUCs waa destroyed by ■ro on Thnradny night of hut week. | It eangiit from n ooaI from Um engine. We regret eseeedieg to learn that Mr. end Mrs. W. t. Woodward win ! eouu leave LincolnIon for a new borne lu Georg is, Mr. Woodward for see «tal years (nut has been superintendent •f toe Bln Grove Cotton Milk which poaiUun be has resigned to accept a Uka position with a uueh larger salary la Georgia. He la not only a eery fine mill man, but be Is a deaervtdly popu lar gentleman end a devoted church worker. In Uwir removal Uocolaton aad the Methodist oburcb will sestsln a distinct Joes. They will lure In about font weeks. Yotkvilla Yeomeu: It will be news to those or our readers who have uot already heard it, that Mlm Elb a Uevldeoo. who Is uow la tha Chinese mMoii Arid, Is to he married about ■ October let to Bar. Lacy L. Little. 1 who assist*! Her. W. G. Neville with : aervieea at the YorkriUe Presbyterian church during the past week. We are informed that Mlm Duyldsoe bad ad- . dressed a lattes to the ladies mleeioaary ; society of the Presbyterian church at ‘ thto piece statlog tbe tset as we have ’ given It. Mr. LUtlo la a charming Senile man and made a good tmpcerolou on our people during his abort vliK here. Be, Uka Mias Davidson, la a mMooary to Chios, and Is now In this country on a visit. A prominent farmer living within four or Ore miles of Yorks lUe, but who baa bound us to etereoy so far at hie name le ooooeroed, because of the no tariaty attached, has secured the beet return from hie wheat crop. He had several acres rowed, all of which be treated alike. Ooe half acre of this wes mease red off and tasted. U yield ed Id* bushels, or at the rate of B1 bwaheli par acre. He la a thoroughly nUabto mao, and we wontrt accept tils rintemaot shoal anything as Ires. Cleveland 8Ur: The hiroet Fair aad OaraTval to be bdd at Shelby oa tbe Jib, 8th and 9th of August has a taro fold advantage ;ooe la Uta advertising «>d money making the town gats ou tbs week of Ua fair, while tbe other la tbe fact that Um prime object ot this fair la to collect products of tbe farm, (■waste, mines, etc., of tbtsaeoUoo to be need oa tbe greet tour throegh the North and la tbe Southern Exposi tions to be held la Northern cities to to ehow tbe wondmfu) natural ra sources of tbe texrltorv covered by the bee board Air Uoe. Hence it can be readily be seen why the business mao at Sbelby have raised a oooUlbulloo of more than two boadred dollars to meure this fair and why tbe ladoatrial depart meet of tbe Seaboard Air Dae le co-operating lu this (vest work of advertising this section. We want the farmers to begin thrlr work far prise-taking oo their live stock, farm, garden sod orchard pro docts at once. (v coat you notblog to make an en try or exhibit, and even if you fail to be awarded the prlxe by tbe judges, you will be given a valuable premium. The management wishes to buy tome of toe best exhibits, with wbteb to ad vert tea this section lu tbe North. Nr. L. A. Geliys, the leading moua xita dealer, shipped a ear load of moon silo to hie bouse yesterday. Tbe car load consisted of about 00,000 pounds. Nr. Gettys maker a shipment tike ibis every month. He gets aooaaite la great quantities from Eli ec boro. Mooratboro. Cagey sad from tbe In exhaustible miner In No. 10 township Some professional thieves round tbe stem of Nr. C. P. Ham bright at 0rover last Saturday night and made a raid oo avarythleg la the store. The safe waa Mown open end every cent of aMMwy taken. There I* no slow to the robbers, but they ere supposed to be long to e gang of proteeetoeal ihlevaa. Wtow Uaaarrt learrelerHS. A cablegram from Rome, Italy, roya: Xlcg Quid tort, of Italy, wee aentaslo ated at Noaxa Send ay night. He was abut three times by Angelo Bceaat, an anarchist who waa promptly arrested ear) who aarrowly escaped violence at the hands of Urn people who wltneered the aaaasetaalloa. The king had been attending m dis tribution of prltas In cooneetloo with a gymnast to com peak km which took place aboot K) o’clock. Ue bad I oat entered Bis carriage with hie ald-do eamp, amid the otiorre of tbe orated, wbea ha waa atraek by three revolver *kou Bred la qelnk euecamlou. One pteieM tbe heart of bis majesty, who who Ml beak aad expired la a few eso King Humbert eooeeeded to the throes 18TB aad waa popalar with his paopla. Tbe newt of the aseaealaatloc caused groat excitement eed Indtgae lion et Rome. Signs of meure I ng are rnenea every head. Tbe aaaaaatn eialma that be bee beta wvrkug In A mar lee. at Peteraoo, M. J. sad aayv that he tided the kite baa an of hie hatred for moearohW I act It at loos. Tbe effect of tbe latest news from ! Chiu* was to fietbeo tbe bop* that II* mlniatra were still alive, and that oar gcveramect weald soon be I* direct eotaoBviclcaUoo with Minister Couger Tb* reason of tba brightening of the bop* la a letter from Mr. Fowler. American oouaul at Clio Fu (laird Boon July 9ft “A latte; from lb* German l«gmiu«, deled Slat Inataut, received at Tivu Tain. German loss ia 10 dead and 19 wounded. Cbloese ceased ibelr attack on tb* 19th. Baron Voo Ketteim'a body aald to be aaf*. Tt* Austrian, Italian. Dutch and Spanish legation a destroyod and tbe Frsneh partially. A letter from (be Japanese legaliou dated 99d, arrived at Tlaa>T*ln oo 93th. Ten battallooa of Chinee* shelled ilia legations cgnmeetively from Ilia 90th of June and stopped on tbe 17th, but may renew. The enemy are Urervav loe. Ttc German, Horn Ian, Amrrlean lfrltisb and half tha Japanese and Frvncb lagatloo* illU defended. Jap an*** aay they bare food for tlx daje but Hula ammuullbio. Tb* Emperor and Eapreaa are reported at FrkUi ” But all I* ool *o bright <• would arem. The advance on tVkln hua not J*t commenced, and uutoy tiiinh all the foreicneralo lS-kln will bv murdered as aoon at tb* advance la c ‘inmenved. If tbe ministers have been murdrrtd or are murderd before tbe allies reach them, are will never know wben iba event took plaea. The Chinese or courts would say that it happened after tbe sdvanoe oo Pekin was begot. Tbe anti foreign sentiment appears to be spreading all over Chia*. and every indication points to tbe opinion that there la going to be a wav and a tdg one. i =t »** Wrlssme' HIM. New Orleui for ibe put week bu bun the scene of uue of Ibe most ter nl le note witnessed la that city since the ueueJutUon of Chief of Police He.meeaey bf lira Unit e. Then Crave been seeorel reolsl strain* between the negroes end white* or let* lo oooMqueeae of the nrassans of the Legislature directed against the os croee. end oomplelou that the negro** had grown impertinent nod insulting U> the whites in the public parks end pleeee. ▲ nomber of burglaries ben been reported here the lest two weeks. The public ead police inspected negroes of being the bucgUn end ben bm no the lookout for ell suaplotoua Macks. Thursday eight at midnight they were notified that there were two susptoloea Mgroee at the ooroer of Dyradee aod Waehtogtoo • treats. Sergeant Aooota with two officers west to the earner. Only a fe* words ware nrhanged. whao the negroes draw their revolvers and opened fire. Soma fifteen shots lit all were fired, when It was discovered that one of tba negroes, who was teb aaqeeoUy identified as Robert Charles, had shot aad fatally wounded Otfiosr August Mors, owe bullet penetrating bis arm, tbs other bis thigh. After receiving a slight wound himself, be aoapid In tfe* rfarlrnm Charles was afterwards located |u a bousa aed In th* attempt to arrest Ulm 4 policemen wars killed and 4 fatally wounded. Tbs exeiteoemt grew so Intense that the mayor entered out 1600 extra polios. Quiet was restored with difficulty after several days riot and disorder. Several hundred negroes wsee frightened oot of the oity. tiiTi ot Oaio, crrr or Toaaxxxi _ Ll'cu cucxrr. f Paajnt J. cnxsr makes oatk that be >• u» atneirpaitasrsriaa timet r. J.CniLt k Ox. doiaa Mwu la the ub ol County aadMataaronoal*. tod t hasaaClArto will par the «aa> ot OMiaCNnnu DObLAiU for •Mb utomr eaoa of Catarrh tbor Mitom bo oumt b| tkr at 01 Mou.'t Cs-rasae •.vaa. tun J. Caaarpr. ■worn to baton me and subscribe* In my y net act. tbla frt day at PHrakw. A. u. IM tel Hairs Cktarrk Core Is taken tntemaJy sad sot* Anody on ika blood and oro muoaaB mirfsoro °*“* * "V.tWOTBSufeatTh. sa-M^a^tbebcm. In Cell— Bin Boar Iswalr. (It arietta Prattler. Mr. George D. Ilia baa returned from Lenoir, wbore bn waa preaen t nt tbs organ nation of tbe Bfcodbtas Man nfaeturlag Company, wfaleb waa capi ta Hand at $900,000. $00,000 of which haa baan subscribed by tbe incorpora tor* : Memra. J. M. Rhode# and hi* son. C. J. Kbodea, of CberryriU*, and Georre B. Hlaa, of thin eltr. Mr. Hlaa ta president or tba company and Mr. I. M. Rhodes is yton president and genera] manager, and Mr. O. 1. Rhodes aaerotary and trestorer. Tba company naa pa rebind between 300 and 600 acre* of land on lb* Catawba river at Doabta Shoal#, near Granlto and tan alias Iron* Leiuslr. and wlH erect ■ oottoo mill. Work win l>* Mart ad oo tb« oew min at ones. Tba Brat equipment will bn 10.000 spindles, 8,000 of which will make yam for the market nod the other 5.000 will taka ear* of flBO looms. Tbe mill will bn doublnd lb rise Inm dlately after Urn Brat equipment U put In. Mr. J. M. Shod an la a wall kmwo notion mil] man of Cherry Till* tain# the secretary nod treasurer and gonersi manager of tba Gaatea Manufaotuilag Company. He waa at onn than mana ger of tba CharTTflUe Mnnafactarlag Company. Mr. Hlee la elao promlnout la eottao mlH airalea. The Royal Elastic Felt Mattress. Mr. Howell Cobb bought ninety of otir Felt Mettrawn for fata clcgoot New Ouilford Hotel li Onenaburo, N. C. and we take the lib erty U quoting from e letter he wrote under date April 15th. "And the bedel Well none know them bat to lovo them, or none name them bat to pro lee. The tired oat, critical traveler, and chronic grumbler, ell Join tn one rrand chorus of praise of this the best of beds at tbs Twentieth Century" We guenmtee the mettrem to be euparlor to any Heir Maltreat. After jo eight* trial if.net entirety aathdhctory, money will be refunded. If yourloBw dealer doer not handle them, write to tw for deerriptly* Royall dt Borden, Goldsboro, N. C. WhenYouBake «o away with oil the hot discomfort of former baking days, save yourself work and bother and do your baking in leas time, at less expeuse, by using a Wickless Flam* I Oil Stove Bums the cheapest fuel that's sold with abso lute safety, without causing dirt or grease, smoke or smell Sold wherever stoves are sold—made in vari ous sixes. If your dealer dots no! have them, write to stsmmis on oomuon. PARAGON BARBER SHOP. To say that thte la the boat equipped loosen el parlor Id town would bo tbe truth, bat not tbo whole truth, lit eldeo a neat, clean ahop. wa have now chain nod kaep clean towels and tools. Oor barbara are men of experience and np to their boatnoev In abort, wa an up-to data Id every reaped. A trial will con non* you. H. S. Alexander. Oppoalto City Hall. Prominent People Patronise tlic Paragon. The best way to buy anything is to borrow it. First get a pair of our GLASSES. We pay your money back if you don't like them. That's our way of lending. Umpectfnllj, TORRENCE, WATCH-MAKER, JEWELER, AND OPTICIAN-— Leon Steam Ltondry. Equipped with the newest end best machinery. We em ploy skilled white people only, end dost take ugie laundry. Bead oa your handle through Moore Be Alexander et the Elite Grocery. They ere oar agents et Oaetonla end will be glad to eerre yon. Bend not later than Wednes day at noon. LBOWSTEAM LAUNDRY CO., ISV.TrtJlSL CHARLOTTE, I. C. Moore 4b Alexander, Agta. COOL OFF I By witnessing the cool way hi which WKT3$KT,I„ The New Jeweler, i* repairing Watches and doing Fancy Rhgravlng. The warm welcome which yon will re ceive will not Influence the tneTenry. as nil* imuiwci. CsKMlMlftftrn Sale «f Laa4. SMwSafWa IMkftqrW Aaaaal MW ATTENTION FARHERS! New Roller Hills in Gastonia We have just started our Roller ami Corn Mills and have secured Mr. Calvin Mason, who is well known to the people of Gaston County as a first class Miller; and all those having Grain to Grind will do well to give Mr. Mason a trial■ Satisfaction guaranteed. The Cotton Gins will start as soon as cotton Im ready, and your patronage is solicited. Will pay market price for dry wheat. CRAIG & WILSON. New-York Life Insurance Co., The Oldest and largest International I,ife Insurance Com ....pany In the World... JOHN A MCCALL, PRKSIOCNT ACTUAL New, Placed and Paid-for Business, Excluding Not-Taken Policies, for the year 1899. NEW-YORK LIFE, $202,309,080 Hutual Life, 162,870.679 Equitable, 149.731,910 PERMANENT CUSTOMERS Net Gain in Insurance in Force During the Year 1899. NEW-YORK LIFE, $117,850,865 mutual Life, 80,750,565 Equitable, _ 67,259,288 J. D. CHURCH, General Agent, Charlotte. N. C T. M. FAYSSOUX, Special Agant, Gastonia, N. C. iTHB NORTH CAROLINA COLLKGK OP * Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN: Agricnlture, Stock-raising, Horticulture, Mechanical. Civil, and Electrical Engineering, Textile Industry, Chemistry, sad Architecture. PRACTICAL TRAINING IN: J Carpentry, Wood turning, Blsclcsmithing, Mschine-work, MUl-work, Boiler-tending, Engine-tending, and Dynamo tending. L Tuition. |20 a yaar; Board. |8 a month. R Hart asaalou opens Saptambar MS. H entrant* titamtnaOon* In aach Caunty Courthouse. July 2am, 10 o'clock A M • 3 alas at tfcs Cottaya September 4tb and Stb. I For fall Information addnaa PRESIDENT CEO. T. WINSTON. | SALXtOH, X. C. 1 What Is to become of my boy and girl? e. m. nun --m-t

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