THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY. AUH CAT I. JWU. business Locals. ACnnJMMm anrtu la tkla columa al 10 maTllM Ikr iwimwlw iwl 3 noli • uw lor Mali I—Win tharsaltar. TOOK SALK-Mlos large FmUbsr"mJ. " Apply to Mimes L. ft S. Adsios. ANTED—Table Hoarder* LUtaa numbli Apply at tbli OfllO* LOST—A osrd cat* wllb tbe name Will WhIU ou tba back. Re ward If returned to Ihla office. ANTRLI—One pair PulandChln* pin about it mouths old. 1C. I. Sholar, Chany rills, N. C. LOST—On the at reel* Siturday. • gold oar-shaped pin, bearing lit* lrltar*“U P." Reward offered, tie turn to Uiii ofllon. VALUABLE city lot roe sale, at bargain opposite T. M. Faya, an ax’a P. N. Ulun. liafluey.S. U. OU WANT Blank Deads. Mortga ger, Chattel Mortgage* lumd Putters. Call at Tiir OatRTT* oflloe and wa will tarnish yon all you used. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Tbs majority of tba stores will ctosa up on oleoliou day. —We are In receipt of an anosytnoaa letter from Ml Holly which we will be glad U publish If the author will send his name. —Oastonla bus ball olue irUyed the team at GUrveiuyllld on I sit Saturday and won a tlguel vtetory tltu score being 86 to 5. —The Presbyterian Sabbath school convention which mat at Ml Holly was well attended and those who were present express tbtmsslTsa a» being well pleased with tbs entire program. —Mr. P. IL Cooks addrsstrd tbs people of Glenn’s School House oo last Tuesday afternoon. A good crowd ■u present, and ooa of Ute aadlenoe a*Ul It waa the finest epaaeb be bad beard. —The lllvar Hand Hilly uo last Wednesday, Thursday and ri Iday was attended by large crowds (rocs all over title oouoiy end many from Meck lenburg. o aawa of DnrW A On., aod tooh eharge Aag. 1, 1800. Mf. aod Mra Darie are el wmeat hoardlag With Mra. L. L. Ado— fOMlAk (UTIM. —Mr. Gut Page spec; 8*bU»Ui Id King's Mountain. —Mm I. A. Campbell la visiting Id Clover this weak. -Cspt. W. U. bullih of (Jlorer woe lo tossn lost Friday. • - Mr. R. A. Love ot l.lnootntoo •pent Monday in town. —Messrs. J. K. Holland nod Lumur IYgram (pent bubbath In bbelby. -Prof. Wolff of Dalian wbo liu bran north ou a visit boa returned. - Mr. I.loyd Sffford of Ibo boutherti U. R., Is taking a venation Hit* weak. —MIm Hm Wilson returned Mondsy Irom s visit to relative* at Howling Green. —Mrs. D. Lebovlli left Monday for Darllogtoo, where she will visit home folks —Mrs. 1C«1« Drilslu of Dtlles I* visiting the family uf Cspt. J. D. Moore this week. — Misses Aoola sod Miaul* Orty are visiting friends m d relatives lo Moult Holly. —Ool. J. C. Tipton of l.lpooluton, editor of tbe Ltucolu Journal speDt lost Friday lo towo. —Misses Gay and Katie McLaughea left Monday on a visit to friends suit relatives la Llneolnlau. —Mr. T. M. Fayesuux and tamlly retained law beluiday after a pleased trip to Piedmont bprtngs. — Mrs. E. N. Caaison and little sou Rhyne of Mount Holly are visiting Mil* Mamie Love this week. — Messrs. R. C. Adams sod Leonard Holland spent HubGath with Mr. Adame' parents In Bowling Green. —Mimes Kaama and Laura Page leave Tfioredsy night to spend a month wltb relatives lo Atlanta aod Marietta. -Una. O. P. Mason aod Rev. W. O. Woodson, wbo represent the Baptist orpaoage will speak lo-alght at Dallas. - -Messrs W. P. and T. M. Poitou of King's Mouulaiu passed Unougb last Friday on tbelr wav to Granite Palls. —Hoo. O. F. Mason and Mr. L. J. Holland passed throogb lbs elty Mon day afternoon on their way to Baker's Mill. —M1M J aua Mooro returned from LIdcoIdUmi Uat Saturday where ah* attended the Wllklo-LlneOergec air ruga. —Mlu Call Cornwall uf Dallaa spewt several day* In town Uat week. White bar* ait* waa the guest of Mias ZuU Nolan. —Mr. and Mia. J. H. Kennedy re turned last Monday night from Waynce rllla. Mr*. Xeaoedy waa much Improved by bar trip —Mr. U. II. Spencer returned Tues day night from Statesville where be has baas at work on the new A. B. r. church at that place. —Mrs. U. C. Warren returned from Shelby Uat Saturday. Min Bute Hoay accompanied Mra. Warreu and will ipend some time here. — Masses. Barron sod I.lyy Caldwell of Dos West S. C. passed tbroogti the city laat Friday on their way noma. They have been playing with the York ville base ball team which is now disbanded, — Prof, and Mrs. Dandy, of York vlllr, paaaed through the olty Wednes day. Prod. Dead; was a profeasor In the YerkrtUs Graded School, but has resigned bis position to aocspt a simi lar one at Pick*ns, H. C —'Cent. J. J. Smith of Clover passed tbroogfa the city Tuesday ou hia wey to Greenwood to the Bute reunion of confederate veterans. Capt. Smith was a number of Jenkins Brigade, Palmetto Sharp Shooters. -Prof. W. A. Hand of Chaster. S. C. was in town laat Thursday. Prof. Hand la a native of this county, hav ing base born and ralaad near EM moot. For revival yean he hss oooopM the position of principal* of tbs Chaster Graded school. Gaston ooualy should he and Is proud of this worthy son of bars. BirtMar rarif. Tiny lltll* envelopes were clrcolated last Monday whiob on being opened contained the following little levita tion, decorated by a tittle pink bow In the right band corner: *•1 will b* three years old Tuesday. July Slat. Can't yau coma to my Birthday Party. Madst-tw Twomsok. 4:30 till 0.U0 P. If." Unite a number of little folk* attend ed and had a great Mg time. LUtte Madetyn made a moat plea rest sad •erasable hoetees and the little folks wlab her many happy returns. Mbs was aaaieUdby Miss Ullle Harris. The litUa glria were eeeh given s doll a* a ion van ir of the oootefoo sad the boy* each a harp. ■•kwt rnaklhi Dm*. Mr. B. 9. Boyd, who Htm near Plaomtrldf* died at bla home Taaa day Dlabt. Ho waa ilak a little orur a day. wbau ba earn# borne Iran work Hooda* night, « hula after anedowa, ba bad a «poa«a. Dr. Tonawoa waa ••Mad la but ba eoollaoad bar log tha roM until ba dlad. Mr. Boyd at Mate of Ula daotli waa about 99 yaaraold. H la exact age oould not ba aaaartalnad. Ha waa m old Goofed arata aoMlar, a member of Oo. K., 40th Haglnent—the •'OaDant 4*th" aa It V* *n?*»i«* * lM ooMlar. a nan bar uf tba Lutheran church. Ha waa wall known bora and bla cordial “How ara you” will ba nlaaad. Ho had a final many frtaada all oyar tha oowoly who wlU lamaot bit death. Wa extend aynpathy to tba family. *o launwrthroiao. Bar. Jana# Boyoa. Prvat - H»yi tba Dna Wart Fanala College oScra a aonbor^of aonmn under experienced Kay. Jaaaa W. Stlar, PrlaatyaJ-ttoya tha fall tarn of tha High School wLU apaw September Sid. Tbla aobaol prmama bay# far Sapbonara otaa* md atria par Junior etaaa, C. M. Nolan—Haa raaalnad ordara not te nwd oot to oallaat fralgbt MUa. Altar Anfnaa la» you atnal eall at “Sfcl&SSr-8*". “ii c*um 1(0x1; i.aid. T*» ■iisirfai Ur iso MnmAIMt Tmw Tkolf ■*« (Honk. At itvsn o’clock oil last Monday »reolog the cornet alone of Urn new Methodist eburoh on the nomer of Mein etrret end Oakland Aveoue wee laid »Uh Uio ritualistic aat vtcex uf tbe Methodist church. Heata had been arranged lot tbe ac ooMssodattoo of those who ware to par ticipate la the eerviocs of flwinootstoa. The following ml ulsters besides the pastor were noted on tba plat form; Presiding Rider Rev. W. B. Wars, Bav. Bn roar, Bev. W. T. Watson. Dr. J. tX. Galloway aud Bev. W. L. 0. Killian Bev. John W. Moore. The asrvloss wire opened by staging Hymn No. 1M aftsr which tho preaid log alder lad la prayer. Appropriate rarer* of sorlpturs ware than read after which tbe article* which were to tbe bos were announced which were : Copy of tbe deeolplloe. /.lit of piarnrs and odlolaJ members. Copy uf ti-sh'iile New* aud Ga UTTS. -Oopy of N. C. Christian AdvucAle. Copy of Christian Advocate pa fa ll short at Nashville Teon. Tbe bos was then deposited In tha stone and Bay. W. U. Wars placing bis hsod 011 the Moos mid: “We lay this oornsr-etoos of a hones to be bo'.It sod set apart, from all worldly uses for divloe worship. In the name of the Father and r*f tba Sou and of tba Uoly Ghost, amen.” Tbs Mono was lowered end Used Is place. The pastor aouunoed that as was customary a thank offering would be taken up. After whlob tbe duxology was sung aad the benldlotion pro ooinoad by Dr. J. C. Galloway. r I Ml AM MTUAIV MCltrY. ri-aarnua mt ika Aaaaal UkknUM *«•«. x ah bmiim, m. a Tha following 11 the program of tbo Annual Olebretton of the Plagah LI* •rag Society Aug. 4tb, at All Hading, PROGRAM. 10 a. a. Prater. Welcome Addreea—Edgar I/t>wla. Da bate — " Resolved, That North Carolina should have a ootnpclsory hlUB of ndocutioo.'’ AS.—Robt. W. Cereuo. W. Heater Bhanoon. Music Nog-—Juo. B Car mo, Tbo*. K. Oaire. £ may—Betlle Gambia. Declamation— Uaoar Shannon Essay—Mamie Pearson. Moaia. Deolamstlou—Gus Shannon, ttscttalkm— Daisy Gambia. Oration—Ward Shannon. Moaio. Rysay—Maggie Gamble. Recitation-Halite (Jarsoo. Deela mat loo- -Samuel Thomas. Heading—Florence Car son. Moaia. A me R NOON—2 r. u. Music. Literary eddrima-Bav. G. A. Spar row. Marshals— Motile Bhanoon, Ellen Tltomaa, Daisy Gamble. a a a • Tba I ad lea of tbe PUgab Missionary Society will lorra refreshment!, sad all who alleod the meeting of the Literary Society may expect an enjoy able day. ■aas l» stsa Apa Last/. Mrs. 8*r»h P. (Lewis) Lloaberger died at bar borne Deer town Monday evening at B o’clock. The doctor did not liar death to any dieses* but simply old age. Blm was bora right near where abe died Angual 4, 1814, making bar 80 yean old lacking 4 day*. Her maiden name was Mlaa Sarah P. Lewis. She married Mr. Jacob Liueoergw. Deceased was a member of Iba Preabyterlao ohnroh for a long time, and a devout Christian lady. She learn & children—one ana, Mr. R. P. Lloeberger of our town, and 4 daughter!— Mr*. W. A. Wllaor of Point, If re. J. K. Wilson of Cboour county, 8. y m Isa loo on that rida, tor which a livery ArmfwmUhed driver aa wall w horses, wsa not lo every re spect legitimate and honorable. They are liars whan they ictuaato that It was not my siuosr*|Kirpow anddcair*toast th* crowd lo give Mr. Llunry a respectful bwrlog when bs spoke hate last. (Ltnury dceliuad utj offer shortly; aad as 1 have haul lauybt that a gvc l! amen never iodrudrs, eveo bla good nerviest, upon auy person, I retired from th* hall Immediately, and did not return till near the end of lire harangue). They are cowards wbsn loapirer and Inspired stand twlilod s “man Friday" sod a no id d* plum* to auks Insult log chargee, which thry have not Ur# courage, even from that dark aad safe retreat, lo stale plainly, bpt only lo Insinuate. A genUsresn’srooehul try is limited; rise I might hope to say something which would set under the hkls of three skulking bushwbsokrrt. _B. L. Durham VBIATCSUm. Bsasr SylrsSM cnys Mads by OwJM From all over tbs county there come* reports of splendid crop* of wheat tills year. O.i* uf these wlduh deservM special taeotlon was mad* by Cbarlw Adsnj*, a eutnrad farmer l|v leg in Crowder's Muuctalo township. 11* mads 80S bushels of tb« kind known as the Dollar Variety wo a small (arm. Charles mad* a very floe urop several ywra ago K* has paid for bis farm and baa purohaard a bind er and other Improved farming ho pie men t*. Ac jtlirr Largo yield was mads by Mr. A Irak Crawford, who aowrd a bushel and a pack sod raped 41 l.oah sta, so aaosptluaal yield. I«*Um *1 Term nflenn Im Um. m« unljr. Pursuant to au order nf itx Uov> rnor of North Carolina there will be ■ special term of Um Court IwM for Gaston conoty to begin Monday the 18;h day Of August, 1UOO for the trial of Civil eaaas only. JOHK C. PUWTT. Chairman of tbs Hoard of County CoBmtasiooers. July 34th 1800. |°0000<^^^nvill^00000^ Than an no mat snot* of national nr InUruaUotiiJ Import a aaa treuapir lag la oar town at present but our ijevpla continue to najoy themaaleae «tailing nod being rial led. Ur. Sobart Fisher vlhitad releUvee to Newtou ieet week ratamlag hams Saturday mad we accompanied kg hie ooueln Miae Ruth Styles who will re ams bars a soapls erf weak* the gaeet of bar east Mi*. B. H. Fisher. Mr. Was. Hope visited bU pa rants In I/loeots aou uly last weak. Miss Emma Herat of Dallas la visit lag at Msvor Roberta Uila week. Mm. J. f. Walker la visaing her one* Mr. A. Baton In Charlotte this week. Mr. WaJka-r is left a forlorn widower and looks diecuaaaleU. Mra. Pansy Jackson of (Selisbmy nemo over la «sr bar sister Mrs. J. P. Hooper Met week remap,tog a few Ut. John Wilbert superintendent uf tbe Oa*rk waa In our town Sudsy sod *ti entertained by Mr. Ilsary Smith sod family. LUtle mute Bill neb anil eon of Mr. W. It Hbleeliardt la aaOeriug with a broken bane In hie foot which wee ! caused by stamping his toe against eocaathlog while playing a few days ago Mr. L F. Mabry went over to Con cord Saturday evening to ace bn metber who la very sick Mr.' Malay baa not relumed yet this (Tuesday) morning. Mr. Hobart MoCarn's little three yeai old daughter died but blgbl after an tllueae of several seeks. Tba Serial will take place at Hoe ben this evening. We always sympathise with parvnte a bo am bereft of their Utile •Miff, We had awry heavy mla Sabbath night which swelled tbe atnamn one eldersbly. Tim Frog Level bridge waa washed away and wvarel truck pa I shea war# destroyed 01,4 «oru that was la roasting ears waa waklied down. oaawMmnme oia Tlasa Mkhsa. Camp-meeting at Book Springe will begin on Friday before tbe second Sonday la August, end evalinca into tba next week Tba music will aeaml of sccta bymoa as “Old Tima Rall«lou.'‘ “Amaxlng Grace," ' Old Bblpo/Ziou." ate., snag In the usoorr of the old fathers without lira asstetenoe uf the organ or other Inelrtunenia. All am Invited to Join Ic the aunl-inapiriug exerciaaa. end If possible expei Isom tbe feelings of Pool and Mine in tbs enjoyment of the old time religlun. -- Thursday, August 2nd we vote for Gov ernor, State officers, County officers, mem bers of the legislature as well ns the consti tutional amendment, lie sure and come out to the polls and vote. to cw a c*i» id on Mir. T«u Uniiv. Upooo lna tMMi All «raw«Mi rofood I bo Moony If M roll* looaro Mo. Tbm oMaakie Mo U 1. a on oook tobM Due West Female College Offers A. B, B. 8., Normal, Music, Expression, Art, and Business Courses nudcr experienced teachers In an ideal college community, and the best moral and religious environment. Thoroughness, home comforts and re straints, intimate association with teachers, and high religious tone are strong points. Most healthful loca tion. Tnbnlar well water absolutely pure. Low rates. Forty-second session opens Hept. 10. | REV. JAMES BOYCE, Pres., J Due West, 8. C. THE HIGH SCHOOL, OABTONIA. 3ST. O. REV. JESSE W. SILER, Principal, (Soeoeaaor to TUM nod Balt.) Fall Tonu opens Monday, September 3rd. -A HIGH GRADS PREPARATORY SCHOOL— Prepare* bojri for Sophomore claim. Prepare* (iris for Jnnior claim. Pall hltorerj Cnrrlealam, together wHb Bloeutlom, Mamie mmd Art, rtvn COMFKTKHT TBA CHBBB. — GOOD BOABD la PB1YATB FAMILIKB auger CABBPVT, COifTBOl, VBDBB TBOBOUOM KBUOIOVB tHFt,VKHCU. For price* and particular* address the principal. Belmont Academy Open* the nth 3mlt»i muter present maittfement September 17, 190a healthful location. REASONABLE RATES. EXPERIENCED TEACHERS." MUSIC A SPECIALTY. —A.__ Send for caUlofne. f f. HSU, PHnel^al, Belmont, If. C. ROBINSON BROS. S^JS2SESM> Tn»* SOUTH BUTTONi, that wa an Rota* to veil at prices that will interest you. You will 2nd a complete Una of VEOLIOBS awrara .. _ More, from which the mo*t futidiom can be roiteT ALL STRAW HATS WILL BE SOLD FOR COST. ROBINSON BROS. FAMOUS FAMILT FOOT FITTERS. Special Notice! WE, THE “ELITE,” Cater strictly to the City Trade and spare no pains In trying to give satisfaction; there fore would be pleased to have your order. PHONE92. “ELITE.** Hi ' WEATHER WEARABLES. Wo have had sane bat weather, but the majority of it ia to com*— be »aminer la not over by any means. If yoa have not bought yoor iuturner Clothing nr your light Coat and Vent yon will not he prepared o withstand the ootniog hot weather. , , Wehave everything in feather-weight Clothing. In Suite, vary ight, thin and cool. We can fit yon ia Linens, Crashes, Piques and For Cants and Vests use our style sponger silks, alpacas, serges and vocatoda. Our line of Shirts, Ties, Summer Underwear, Straw Hats, etc., in lonplHt. E. V. MELLON ft GO., Cllirlotte, I. C. cVuuYTKtno ur wabm wkathxr cloth mo and pvikubikoi. THE STATE NORMAL ■ INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE OF NORTH CAROLINA Offer* to young women thorough literary, rlsmirsi. srhslifU and industrial education and special pedagogical training. Annual expenses ha to $133 ; far rxm-resident*, $153. Faculty qf 30 member*, lion than 400 regular students. Has matriculated about 3,000 stodenta, van. reseatlng every county in the State except one. Practice and Obaerra Lkm School of about 330 pupil*. To scoute board in donatories, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information address until August 15th PROF. 3. Y. JOYNER, Draw or COLLxr.a, ) _ _ CHARLES IJ. McIVer, PxxerDXMT, j Greensboro, N. C. A GREAT WARFARE^ The British and the Boers, in battle array, have been firing at *y.f other by night and by day, while E. M. ANDREWS, fin estOt to Amuboag Furniture Co., is still firing FURNITURE Into the Piedmont section of the State in whole car-load lota, and bh salesmen art shooting with the Oetling gun called Legitimate Business and firing twice while other salesmen are getting ready to shoot once. With a dear insight to the beat manufactures in the world, and backed np by 33 yean experience, we don’t hesitate in saying that no competitor can meet our prices. Wc will not be undersold. We lead, while other* follow. A visit to our store will convince you that We are headquarters for FURNITURE sod HOUSEHOLD FURNISH INGS. E. I. AUDREYS, »■«■*<» *"»«** imtu* u U. L. BARRET, Manager. _ Oakland Hiqh School, (Kale and Female.) Offer* course* of instruction ia the English Language aad Litera ture; Mathematics, including Arithmetic, Algebra aad Geometry; History; Science; Elocution; Music; Art; Latin; Greek; French. _ - - - - _ f A. ACADEMIC. ». IMTXBMEMATK. 5 Department*: j c pbimary. D. music. K. art. Graded dsn* of so Grades. JMeelpffsa KIM Awt Firm Faculty of j diatin, all gradaalee of eoMagee and sahwiMw mi high etendfag. Tvrtwx 1 *• saae eest. - miss > tusnsui *wawd Fall Term opens Monday, September 3rd. Write to the Principal for handsome do page Annual. JOS. H. 3EPARK, Principal. Gastonia Bankinq company. —-GASTONIA, N. C_ State, County, and Town Depowitoky. YOUR BUSINESS BOLIOTKD. Promptness. Accuracy, and Safety Guaranteed. -JOHN r. LOVK, Cashier. McDill & Miller, -HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hats Olothins, Provisions, Orockery-ware.