■£** aMMouiad” mM jttft ot the v«u Oottoe tore eter been " ^Jtr. Potter wi »«terrte« to IW MtaM> oTjto me mi ud on* '/"'.m PlWMW to UM, Hto tto MMMMMBt of tto Uhutotoa Oottoe ; sMrofcggJpysB jjjwsaS»!ir1ss»j5 JotofS* MntoMR ■t fctod e> tto tod of tto omapeey. 4S?jSSto^ U too ItototoSrie lobar’’iU pnosat tto «•» MOL to Mteaortioa with other sauriSSyteL^s.v: *82b?jbs*1£3& >—*e»>to tto Mamet opawtlwo to spagr&Syjaarg cfr^aayaiTsa^i Krisssrai-JsS KS^'fcsS’S.X: ture wttl sucoeed is left with tto negro. Ift after oanful tnlaieg, Unto opera Wttojtgw ttoamilm to to jopablo i a tarn Civ tto batter. 2£b£3.H£E?s >W®im£bacSl fS. tack afgggjj&agfigs Stofffsjd^toSrjrtSi^ tto Vtota Mm toe mat vKt sen one tawtovbi. Wtoa to alOmtlnt Itotdto atrtto lostnwtms ?* aaalto to row. tto Metro for a etoaa^olwaje oooovtod Itself. This itoltoa too mots bltto. Bat tto wtitoay lo hateful ood bvllevao ttot u «m oooe bvook to enough bonds to cony oa IU mark. ™ *a-^r— * ■Mt up of «S0 l CM of ttoM on vomo sad r mob and children. Tto _l lCyoan up. Ttoy on jog.fatoo lo Mr. J. C. Lewis, ousrrto !?”*» » ■” ”5 ■«> «par*eoeo. Jto.Hto tow from Rhode island. .**.- ia on tbuoteotls otor tto out tatooad teatoliewr la negro labor. Tto MU to ran aa tto atrtetoot plan ■WMtoty. Wo lagalotlou sad rain •w M Moptegwttb ttaae of tto larger ■* l of tto ooaatty. Tblo —1 is sow orsr. Of ■“* “«£• w«kie?ofo"£ui ***£* ■“sad tntoadhelp. Hognw lie tSnrd noas^sa? Um «Wi » toll w ia tto na ; : ; | Wspi M U» J.ftot this eaa to ■gu of tto ii|Mlmnt.» •y to It lag to aao Wwttspslut Sy*^o5r2srifS5at; •*1 ttot tt lo toted mods toodW «», .uu., ■*«i‘TS2?$rs£s; gtgSgSfWara g* 00 to taaM tow y Vfd fled ^ttooa Ui.^bw wtl! log, Croat say , WHwryeoZ U bksriW 83* 'fit'll M . n YoctvtNo Tcmu : Sam ta la Yark villa oa October tad, a tart.to.thatvffaci tari.* juatbeen of tba atoek ®5j}w»oC Ifci Yoit Cottou Bill waa Nti lil tti f6a—l jtaOKlBi on tba a ill (rottodi mI TvmIii, The —emery aod traaaarar submit 22 **» <»•■«««• ap fMatadlo Tariff the reports aada at not mvatlog aobmUUd i:.,r Bodlage, vblca am aotlfbalory. Tba old board of dir utora ware re t!52i 22 ,'i« They are a Ataa, preoldrm aacratary and tnaaaian r. M. Oumee, aupertntru tSL!t VS*,iJ-arau^TS. *•*• CanaU, and W. a. *oO#a vaa given that at tba uexl rErwdrc'susr* " Mu UM»wMlatt M uST.um'm 2 2.2 * Wbiag condition. AdMdaMof 8 par east bad already ,n<1 ** ,b|* ntartiag ao additional 18 par o*«l vaa ordered paid out. Xveo vltb tbaaa bandaama Mtvwoadoek, » Urge surplus vu Mtriadlo tba reaerra fund. A mod*tn tad baaaUfol Mora budding U now m eouaa of araathm that vtu c at 89.000 •“4 abm U la fiatatad it will l*> Olted ■P with a maiamntli stock of aupoUaa •n tba mercantile Uoe. PP President Ashe vs* asked by aoma ■yktaMir peasant at tba meeting why Mock af tbla min vaa net Uatad 225* «*tar prominent and paying Booth Caroilaa milts where pnomtavabare recently nested. lie ragUad that.there existed the but of r*^2r.22ih“ H van that tbara was noma of It for sale. Those who bare it done! want to mil, tat vast more, i?" * cold vator crowd. Tta directors bad oa bead a quantity of lamoaada, lea cold, that was in uo vim am las a hot dar Ukt Toeaday. Lincala Journal ; Waab Anthony. eMmad, vaa fooad lying in tba rota taaat neon Tmaday. apparsotly dead. “• Md tan omoB« bj Um beat. Tj*14 * arbaat va have \ beard of ao far van that of Dr. R. H. KRUan wbe made 800 bushels oa S3 Mr R. IX. WUHi made 900 Irasbcia good wheat oa 11 scree. An Inter anting rial tor to tba Journal office yesterday .was Mr. William w. 6atm of Long 8boula. Mr. Gate* tfc 88 mrr of age and works on his farm everyday Ha aaya be would have lived to be 100 years old, but for the ver, which he says, broke him down. Mr. Galea U a good and respected oltl Tlie bust Dear mao of tbla place bare petitioned the Railroad Ooimieslon lo forcu tta Southern Express Company tomtabhahan ap-tova office. Notwithstanding tba rain aud tbe apprabcMloos of the farmer*. It la be ing found that wheat was only slightly damaged, in fact, from alt reports tbla yaar’a atop la yield and quality * one of tba Boast ayer raised lo tb* country. 8uf. J«dJ 18: Mrs. £iigs dle<1 •* *»« houM on Rorlb Waabiogtoo street Thursday « 840 o'clock. She waa taoat C7 years old, a member of the Baptlat obureh and a Obriatlao woman vbomllMnf beaotlfut aacriOea was mriiy fragrant with kind deed* aod tataar aympathiaa Tba foaaral aar ▼teas were conducted from Urn Baptist ohewh Friday Afternoon by Hev.T F. Tradway. four daughters and on* rvwsri. savssusr* - saaalon of tba Broad Kim Baprir* A—ocielioo, will be bald wliti *VPi?* q»wcllto Gaguay Olty. 8. C. AugaguML TbiaaaaaioB vuibatta can ten nlal of tta aamoiaUcoal body, of TTaryoboreh formerly belonging to t*tai222ttoo >• raqaeatad to md aaa dilign;», and thk delegate to ta 222.25 52* h**J.n **■•»Um— met **** Tba caataooial rxar rinavUlbaMd oo Friday, Aogoat tnun °* r»W*X eve 2 F-52l2.2“ K>“«®PMd remove “** ,ro» tba track taritalov Gfovar ta save bia Ufa. ta by hgppanid to ba astxalgbt 2E2 2* ,h* TTglnoar saw 1fa rwraut a horrible Irani (hat his aaam waa 522! ypw «jr* *•■•••■» to bm !gfr..g* -jy-0- u» «ii wb. miw tiiad it. la aai owm nr run bmw maud thAir aaaii __KrTz! Uaoflw of Um ooMpany bw Wodnse 0< UP MskT Ths report of Uo treeeorer were reed *8-1 everything mm nported to be to geed condition. ▲UwftlM oldogleer* were re-elected tod lb* eeoal dividend of Spar ceot. WMdcotared parable oaehalfftret of Awm Um eecood half I ret of January mm* «Stt*&UZ^U>Sd * b*ad*OQM toad. TtM nock holder* were well aporeemtrd end an were pel) satisfied witb the reeett of the rears buslnra*. Oa Tessdar M Ospt. DUllng wss aakleg a tour of taapoetloa at the Oorm mill be bed a miahsp and tdl anwe eevea or eight test striking saross * heavy timber aad getUng severly bart, but with bp usual grit ha kttpe op shout bp business bound to tafl It oat. Us P thankful though that lire heit p no worse UtoMjr VM»r U«. Bhiloal Mwonlcr. When In Baking « political argn antit any one Is able to bring upon hta H4« sobs d lot am from thn Coosthu llos or lbs Declaration of lodepead •mss, we all sund by aad heark*4. <-X tots, boar frequently bsvu wa seen tbs quotation from the Uttar adduced with regard tu lNxtn Rico aad the Philippines _ “lioverommts derive thaU jast rights from the consent of tbs governed t" Tha tentlemen who mv rt am attarly oUIviom of tha Uoodirst foot aad tha biggaat la tbe Mrtory of tha Uulted Statss-tbe Ulvll War, waged nod won to ootrpel aon *“l fOTereed whan they woald not. Ktoos tbit day until aow tbe on written daelarallou of tha United 8ute* has been that the majority rulea baeaiaa It la the majority—set that “*«ht makes tight, but that the best aval labia standard—and ws bum have a standard—Is lbs will of tbs most Ttl* does not make the diotaru any the *•“ food—If It Is guod—bat It dorm vtttaos Its effect la an srg irnsct by a OUiaen of tha United States. As for tha dtetum llsalf. U Is quite at easy to ■Mkt It tbs motto of anarchy as of Ubarty, as a writer recently pointed out. Tbs consent of the govsraad la worth having only whan the goveroed an aeftbis of free government. Time »»* when American eltlseos want so far in their revolt against tyranny that they apposed an sovereignty; bat Meg si nee wa hays learned that la on# ifaga people uesd a king, in aaotbar a limited monarchy, in another a com monwealth; aad sesing that none of thrna am perfect, thsrs baiog serious otgaetioos to even a mpublle. w* all look forward to the time promised when ovary Ban shall so rale himself that do outward authority will be re quired. But maaowhils 1st us not make tbe mistake of seeking to effect this too soou or fsH Into the scarcely lees serious one of investing Inferior peepies wttk • more advanced political eonditloo that they are prepared for. We could do them no worse wrong. We do well to exalt liberty—bat It Is no exaltation to on trust it to bands that will abuse sad degrade it. rniili«tUwO»»Wy. -A picturesque figure lo American ll(a !■ rapidly naming away,” aaya Mr. Hatfield, of Texas. refer to tba cowboy of net loo, tbs man with the big sombrero. tba bucking brooebo. aod tba shootitg iron* that ha ua»d to operate with reckless disregard for oootrqoence as be rode at breakuack atwed through acme frootiar town, /ailing tba while at lila loudoat. Much wa* the cowboy of dime-novel lore. aud though lUs amertlon baa oftea been dec lad, be Uaa existed and does exist yet in limited Bombers. It la this class of tba oowboy that la rapidly dis appearing. The cowboy of practical existence, or 'oowpnaober,' aa be la known In tba vernxcjlsr of ilia plaioa. la an important factor la Western life’ Ha wears a sombrero and can alt a bucking bronobo with all tba grace of bit more romantic brother, but bla ■booting Irons are fur uaa in guarding bis baid from cattle Uiisvss rather than tba terroriaitlon of twaeefol dll laws, aod ha is aa hard worked and Indastrious a cltlsao as you will meet with In a day’s travel. Instead of loading tba wild Ufa of a nomad, ha la more 1 Italy to have a wife and several ycong hopefuls at tbe ranch house. Ha works bard, bseause be baa to, aad |f bla gnus are over taken from bis holster, it is for tbw-aama reason. We have a gnat many more undesirable cttlxsna In this country than the Texas eowpnaehar. ” Thursdays August 2nd we vote for Gov ernors Htato officers. County officers mem bers or the legislature as well as tbe consti tutional amendment. Be sure and come oat to the polls and vote. "Ball* SImWm Lteaa, Aa all oar readers win Sad lo tba last part of their diotloosrtaa, means, in lb* Latin long sags: "Ho day without smoothing per form*!.” we want all oar raadara to ao far adopt title aa tbalr motto a* to datrr mlaa that ao day of tbalr llyaa (ball paaa wliboot aomathlog aald or dooa by Umaa to caaba the wot Id bappiar a ad bat tar. . P*4' ***** Kraptlooa rob !«* af fo». BaeUaab Arnlea flalre, aataa tbeaa, alao Old, Raanlag ma l**" UR«*,mBo»b, Am. Coma. Warta, Goto, Bralaia, Roma, SeaMb, Cbapaed uaada, OblfttalaT Baaa PI la aara a* aarth. Drlraa oat Mm and Aobaa. pair 9» aU. a bax. OoremarmMaad. Mdby J. C.Carry and Company, DraniaU. Thursday. Ana out 2nd we rote for Oot eruor, State offloera, County Officers, raem ber* of the lefflRtature as well as the consti tutional amendment. Be sure and come out to the polls and vote. AihutU Cowtiiaiioa U bM been very frequently remarked that practise! farmers object to a bat Ucalled “scleutlOo farming,” and the rssaou therefor has been ascribed to prejudice based on Ignorance. All dames and conditions or men who are supposed to hate the ear of tbs public bave railed agaiBU It. Editors who hare the kaaok of “Drleg the popular beart’’ have Written mllm of leading articles about it. but the farmer con tinues to do business in lila own srny. II# la “Ignorant,” be Is “prejudiced,’1 be is everything except sclenllfb la bis methods. We are led to refer to tbe matter by tiie oonfeeaiooe recently made to Tbe New Orleans Time#-Democrat by * gentleman who has had a somewhat ead experience In ao effort to carry on truck farming according to aelenllflo rule*. Uo ioforma our contemporary Uist‘‘there I* ao met blog eery mysteri ous about acinitlflo truck farming.” Theoretically, and on paper. It u lim ply perfection. There I* not a daw to he found in it. “I can taka a pirea of paper," said Uda geothrman, -him) Uxure enough profit oat of a Ore-acre patch to sake me rich beyond the dream* of ayartoe; yet arbea you at tempt to pot that tame calculation into praotlnal execution, you will Und In tbe puorbouae with a velocity that k« simply tlckyning." The myatery la very easily explained. Baal aetaoce is a eolleerton uf ould, bard faete, tbe retail of experiment end rxintrleuo*. The farmer wtoo poa menu common aeuae and haa had tbe opportunities that experience brings to ail Is more scientific In bl* method! and will IbervforB sooompllab more laportaol reaulte than all the thaorlsU in tbe world. The truth Is. every man consider* himself a good farmer until be Unde It decenary to gut between the handles of s plow. He may have read all the agricultural works to be found, and he may cows to hie work with thousands of irresistible theories; yet whan becomes to put tbem lo practice thay go to pieces oae by sae, aod be I* left hopeless. Oae of the moat successful “sciau UAo” fanners tbe country has ever seen was Horace Qtsely. Hi a osbbagvi ooat him IX.SO spleoa. aod be never ate a radish at his own table that ooat lea* than 76 cents. Now Horace Grrely cue Id afford to ladnlgo in "scientific” farming, but tbe average fanner is not ao fortuaately situated. Ha mutt ad dress himself to tha facta and mast be prepared to meet the ever-varying con dition* presented by the seasons. The gentleman who was eompUiniug to oar Naw Orleans contaaipornry said he knew several unscientific farmers who were doing well, where*! a friend of bli lost 914,000 in an effort to oper ate a truck farm on a scientific basil, and la now keeping book* at 91K a week. Tbe explanation la vary simple; there la no myeterv about it whatever. What la popularly known ax “scien tific” farming bear* not tbe aaallaal relation to real scientific farming. It Is made up of a greet variety of whims, theorise, deduction* and sat am pi loan llenl science Is of inestimable value to a farmer, and Its importance canaot be overrated; but becanat Ibla la so. It by do means follow* that the theories which are put forth from lime to time aod urged upon the farmer* are really acientlfia. Such la tbe fecundity of the priutlng pres* tbal miy little mao-jack is able to present bis surmises, theories and deduction* to tha public aa "acientiUe;" and such la the glamour the term Car rie* with It that a large part of tbe pubUo Is Inclined to welcome anything —even U>* veriest uooaenas—that bear* the label of science. The troth ts that a farmer or ordi nary lotelllgnooe who farm* with my degree of system, or who has average success, te carrying oo his butliwe* scientifically. He may knew nothing of edeoce, as »uch; be may have never heard of the technical terms that are applied to tbe vmriooe oonetliueutt uf tbe soil, or to tbe element* sod agen da* that give value to fertlHxeM; but this due* not render Ills method* leas ■etentlOc. Ha baa discovered by ex perience that cartaio crop* can be grown more profitably than others on certain soils, and that tbe rigor of hi* land may be maintained by rotating crop*. Us discovered ibis by experf moot Jong before the aeleotieU . Xu- KUSSELL, ATTORN KY AT LAW. UVSTOSIlA..h. a 0*un ki* profMMoual Hnloa to tn. wopt* oTUmMoa and .djolnlny cooneika. i*U Is mu hid. OHuoOru, n«i.u|/*oo'« . £. McConnkll. -djsntibt Offloo first floor Y. M. C. A. Building. GASTONIA. • • - . N. C. ’MON* 60. .1. 0. WHITESIDE. PHYSICIAN A SUHGEON. oeare hi. protnaioiul merle** to the prop la ol OMUWa Ui4 uimiwllur mntrv. Otter *a*b**nwtovod to a mh and private room id J.H. Koooody A tbrlr t-(,i„aa» |n abort, wa at* ap-to data I* »v»ry ttwpael. A trial •III atmvlaea yea. It. 8. Al«xaii(l«r. OppoaUa City Hall. Fwmlwest Paoplc Patroniia the Pkrafwt. 8OUT7"77 RAILWAY. 1 '.. l*nm«r Tnlat _ I •••:' tlayUk. MW._ V** jKa ■«tu.bu«> i Vx I'.’. No.31 1 jL XaW. .0«l3I> Dully Hon. Dally. Lv AUaa4*.. .. . 0 yap t Ma bufortL luiAn .. ,. 7 up Hi - UalawUlc town i«Sp I Up ilia Lula.... HiK« >4*. iggS lie. “ OuraeUa.. . ll A. ... imp . ■ Ml. Airy.. 13 SO u . S 35p Lv. TiMtML li 37. 3 33X Iiiiii I 13s fr' SW*'" X ■ x a »Jft 7.'. .. TTift Lv, KlWrloft. _ t CO« .. Ev.iTaMyr IS via. . . ~. . 5. - 7!l*7; 12 **p ««ip . « A* • IXotral.. I «i„ ,. r i u. : JMf 1%'i iS? If: ; ffiSL., IS* ?8*.Zfl* . Cha>lu;i... in,, s lip . Jjii Ar. Hrr,ft4l..rti v;*|. twerp II S3 Lv. Mrc'iuboro .... 31 «sr. ~ Ar. Norfolk. ia» . Ar Dftnvill. II Bp li Up “ fiJJ Ar. ftlolonoiuf. a 00 • 0 CD. ., 4 ap * RaSS*!Sl7S{ KkOl* Vo. •aaikbM.A So. 06. Xo.ll. Kcv IL _[Dally Dally Dally Lv. N.T..»a.H it M* 4 30., ; 'kiuinkia s30« lap " Wlixomv . Id. tuf,.. _ ArfiMo« 1115 a li> 45* . Lv. Hlokiocmd. )} 01 it 11 | Ua ... .. ^ 8£fCfc'u pup »S!l a*; Z f.“^bmr* D »P N 41« A 0*9 ■ ”'VffJfy 11 4i|t I4k> iiip . “ kpar-li™. It an ii mx 3 lip " UnmorUr. 133. !|uor 4 »p ■ mm - Cwima 5 p 3,i.TI " Lithn. 3 M u 1 3J |t I Up “ " WftMmivr ... » nip _ia* TVvtnx. Hi I B( C Aft Lv. BJMIM.. '.. t.i 00. Tlf .... . Ar. KlbvMoo. 11 An in.. .. Krsr^rT'~— - -v-rsi Tin ■ pornvua.Hp Hi * fatMpvtU* IKi; s JSp: I Kip Ilf* " KtifawL 3 Ct t I «p t 3a Normax »»«.... If. 137 a ktlastdCTI 6 10x1 3Mp I onjl IKt “•tWM* LaU aad A' WfcU.i ; ' ■" Sx. No, IV STATION# a«». ;D»iiy I Up 11 OB « L. .Lute At IMp |I Ma *• SlajrvrUla•• L._, . . i flU pj liar (I " Rarwonj" loCftaj i{ 1 >u P Ar. At bay .Lt ®j5 ajlj 1 Not# oIom ousMdta& uadi aTLali , MSla Una trmlnft. "A1* a m. -F’ p. m. "IT* noon -0 *fcsn«a^££EK£."* .!» 0 and 8k—Dally WaAlafUo and Inilivntini VaaMbnls UniM. TYro w. A. TUB if. rt. U. li AKDWIUK. •. P. A, WuMngMa. _ A. U. P. A, 4iSa A Woman Only Known what ruUcttn* from (■lilac of lk« wutih. whit**, painful or TrracaUr pcnm*. or any dlaaaa* of the dutlactly (•ntlnlaa nrga** la. Anumirinaa Ikl*o or t l:/ bat bo cam not know Ik* afrulax aboaooalbrnuck—iko toniblo •aUcr.ng. aS pat.colly bora*. »klob rota bcr of boaaty, hope and kapoi> an Y« thl* nfariai ml; I. McELREE’S WIdc of Cvm will banfak It. Tbla mdlclaa curaa all " foraala dlranaoa ” quick ly awl permanently. It doa* away with humiliating pbyaloal mmt nation* Tho treatment may be takan at hoar*. Thar* la not con tinual ox pane* and trouble. Tba •offerer i* cured and ffryi rare*. Wino of Card ml U becoming tba loading remedy for all trouble* of tbla claaa. Itconta but |i from any drlmgiat. r or ndvica In mean requiring xpaAal direction*. addreaa, tba ,rl.wile* Adrlaory Department,” Tba Chattanooga MatRcina Co., i i ~ Sale Of U»t. “pOTTON ^Culture” ) is the name of a valu able illustrat ed pamphlet which should ' be in the hands or every planter who raises Cotton. The book is sent Free. toad bum *ad uUm It* GERMAN KALI WORK* 01 Nr*m» b4.. Ne-w Y o*k. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ESTABLISHED IN 1780. Summer Session begins June ra. Closes August $i. Regular Col legiate Instrnctiou la ull Depart |br term of twelve weeks. Tuition $*o; Registration $5. Summer School for Teacher* from June 1 a tb July 7. Special Inatroo tiou by school experts. Tuition $t>. For circular containing courses of study, nddrcMK President Alderman. _____Chapel Hill, N. C. Don't Tlirow Your Money Away ! Yon base been pay lug trig dental Nils loop enough. Our Xew York prion: Vbuy Hsst 8*t of Tkbtix. Guahantkkd fob IoTralj *8.00 Second Grads Hbt - . . . (jqu Gold CnowNs* Brido a Work AOO Poucxlain Crowns .... 3qo Gold ftllino*.. 1K4IASS I Otiiru Fili.tmos 50 Extracting. 25 New Yerk Denial AmocUUmi, R. Trade St., Chari..lie, N. (!. Young: Men “wanted. With f«lr eduostioo ai d good ebar *.cl“- 10 k*ru T^»r»pliy, Ualiroad Accounting. sod Typewriting. Thl* Is lodorseJ In- an feeding railroad companies as I be only perfect and re liable iustltulloo of lit kind. All om tr.duale* ate asslsud to uoaltlooa. Ladlea also are admitted Writ* for L't? (Fall lerui open* August tXD .) ... BIBLE SOCIBIY DEPOSITORY". GastM Co., Bible Society. The Gaston County Bible society bas a depository at Mr. J. A. Hunter's Book Store where you can get uiblee end Testament* of the Amerieao Bible Society laeue at ooet. _»“€• Bi. 1 yr. CABOLIIA ft lOETHVUmi E'T. CtMUr*DMfttber 7U», „„ Ite. (tendard. us'.'szzz- ssqsn (SIS *Ww Uaoelatan.... Arrive ftCEot^!!!*’. Arrive leeolr . Amvo pwvw I (5j®[ •!*» m Arrive EaSSSSUC:... V.: ” ] S S g gL t »» m ffiSHiHRi OnunMiiAM «i an iLln,,ln<,1 ~ a. A. 8. q > u"ih‘t«y w“* THE UBIYBRSITY “ OP NORTH CAROLINA. The head of the State's Educational System. Thru academic ceurus leading to Dear... *!£££."”* * u* «hd Sumaiar School (or Teacher*. "“■•(BSk 512 students betid#! Ui .. School ^ c-lataod and hrformw,*,' F. P VEhABLB, President. J-—— afc*p*« Hm. N. r PATRONIZE 7“— THE CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY, Tb* oldest, largest Bnd BKST HQtriPPRD Unndry hi tht State Strictly High Grade Work HIGH GLOSS OK DOMESTIC WISH. We don', tad* ^ 1ft*. L*«vt yonr work with lfoor* A Alexander, Acts.