Th ^ Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. Vol. XXI. _t GASTONIA, N. THUBSDAY, AUGUST 0, lttOO. WHY HB DID HOT FIRE. ADKHA1 KEMP IT EXPLAIS8 HI 8 00UB8E AT TAKU. AauHaaa (1 awheaS Vulkil mt Uu> *r FIN Wkw Mmtb hy aCfelam Shall - W.aarlydM of Oar (-aylarr mf the •'area amt I ha OaMH* aaa turn I —Itltal by l la* Warship* ar lb« Alllaa Stoltal't evens Aptraral by limitary (soy. Waahinstua Poat. rt# Navy Department liai roads pubUo tLe report of Rear Admire) KempS, explaining hit reams lor re futing to join with llie alitpe or tbe othere In Ibe pc were In tlm attack on tba Taku forte, and giving an aoeount ol ike attack which Includes many details not heretofore published. Ad miral KempS also Incloses the report of Commander Wise, of the Mooocacy, giving • graphic account of tbe action. Bear Admiral Ksmpff't explanation for refusing to parti si pete in the at taok ea the forltOoetloas uf a power with which we were at peuca la warmly aommaodad by Secirlary Lope. U. o. Flagship Newark. Take, China, June 17. 1900 8lr : I would abate what follows In regard to tbe happenings prrvteus to tbe resolve yesterday by uthrr senior foreign naval officers tiers to gat to pos session of the Taka forte 9. On Thursday, June 14, Hour Ad miral Brno# called and asked what I thought of tba matter, and 1 Informed him that I waa not authoris'd to in itiate any set of war with a oountj with whom my country am* at peace; that my limit wee to protect American ioterseie, both by regnlatlooe and un der rsoeot Instructions from both tbe Navy Department aud from ike oom msader-io chief of Use Culled Stales naval force on tbe Asiatic station S. On the lAlb, at a consultation of tbe other foreign navel officers, it was agreed that tba railroad station at Toog Kuabonld betaken. (Tbe railway it under Chinese government oomrol.) And In ease any Chinese govern ascot force acted against ttie force of any foreign nation all ibonld be involved and set unitedly. Under my lnttruc Uooe Z could not Join In taking post as •ion of Chinese government property and did not cere to beoome a party to •uob an agreement wltbont special au thority. A Jane 10th, the same foreign navel offioers signed a compact that It was necessary to take temporary poesssaloa of the Taka forts; and ootica waa served on tbe viceroy at Tientsin, end oq the oommaodant of the forts. Con suls at Tientsin were informed of whet ns ooa temple ted. ] did not join In tak ing tbe forte Caps. Wise of the Mono oaeybed ordara to protect Amerioao In terests baaed upon department’* orders but In ossa of sUeek by a Chinese gov ernmeot tc-rce, be wee to consider it ss e declaration of war tnd set accord ingly. Vary respectfully. Loci* Kbmptv. Hear Admiral, U. 8. N, The Beoretsry of the Navy, W sab leg ion, D. C. JArAHBSE YMBSL TOOK NV rAET. U. 8. Flagship Newark. Teku. China. Jane 18,1900. Sir: I bsnrthe honor to report at follows: iw wuuwwwi tmai onn gun boat* in the river met on the afternoon of Jane 16 and agreed for Uie senior ofOcer of tbe guaboati to dtreel tbe movement Thl» oCVoer happened to ho a Roaelan. The portions for tlte varloce ganboate were Uieu amigoed, taking poalttona In tba aaeoud "reach'* of tba river above North Fort. Tbe gunboat* participating were tbe KoreeU, Ouilek. Boor, Roaelan, Utle, Oar mao, Lion, F ranch, Algerine, Ruglarvd. Tbe English torpedo-boat daetropera Fame and Whiling Joined la tba latter part, after securing tbe captured torpedo-boats near Tong Ku. The Japanese gunboat claimed that her ewglaaa were dl tabled, ee abe remained moored near Tong Ku, and aaetgnad -charge eg the railroad nation at that place, Tbe U. 8. 8. M000007, being under orders, remained moored at Tong Ku, and took no part la tba action. Many foreigners were afforded shelter, and protection during Uie night. A oepy of tbe repot of tbs ooomaoding V •, of the Jkonbcacp la Herewith - Tbe Verne la, egnepf the lltla. took tbehr aaetgnad poalurfoa aarti In tbe evening of tbe 16th Instant and at ’ about 13AG a no. one boar before the •xptrstlee of tbe time limit; all the fort gnat wbleb ooold be trained on tbe Wipe Bred aamaltaneoualy, many abota striking tbe KoreeU. Tbe vamole returned the Bre with n rapid Bre from their guna which, with tbe eaeootloa of tbe gone of etz-lncb cel her. were ell of smaller rapid Bre ‘'ft. Bane on tbe North Port were -Cbiefip A 7-Inch, while tbe Houtb Port bee a aamber of gsua from sU to eight Inches la oaliber. ™ AJprnlo* Mni| aboard a laad In* party of aom* 900 abba, immedlaLa )v put Iban aabora. A portleu of tala adraooad tbrouph Tabu to lb* awry yard, and took by aarprlaa four aow aodara torpado boat*, carry lot two tabM aod aii throb-posadan aaab, and eonrayad by tea Fan* aad Whit a I taok thaw to Tbop Ku. Tba tr laadlap partite aad tbaramaladar of tba Baal lib. appr**aUa< aow* MO •aoa, owdtad an opportatw tlaaa tor aaaoolt. Tba drte* oooUaoad with ■ton m Um aplrtt ootU daylight, wb*Q It baoaoM rarr rapid aad mUto. and It M raponad, my dUattroo* to th* CbtaaM. A boot 4:90 a Mall Murad !ha awgaatoa of th* Qallak, blowing It op, a analog bar to asaka water, and borala* 47 mao mot* or laa* aararaty 86* pot ayw *■ awalag (m a eoMMo* wail, aod after • flaw boor* work «u Pasting *4 bar aorwal batphl At ahonl Sam,, th* ganboatehav lo* dtteted th* North wom Fort, a Imodlaa forte abound and ooaaprad It. wharahatetlog lb*bap, a faw aaaaal ttea enartwd, notably Iba mpuio of the Japanese landing perl; and one Bogtlab sailor killed aod sevar.l wounded. Tbe Cbtueae then abandon ed Nottli Fort, which U Joined to the Northwest Fort by s protected passage After about two hoars nor* the Hotiib Forte war* taken after the explosion of the mega a) aa. Most of Die oocupaol* fled, but were not pursued. Soma thirty or forty were found hiding la various parte of th* fort. Tbs various nations participating hoisted their flags 00 tba various flagstaff*. The fort*, being of thick mod aod gras* adobe, were but llUle damaged by tbe gun Or*, although they received a boat of projertilae. Tbe ran* sod gun shields, as a rot*, were not damag ed. Two or three of tbe modern guns were disabled. The deed Chinese were not counted, built Is estimated by eye witnesses that hom 800 dead were left In th* tort. Tbe lose on the aide of the silled forces wet, as nsarly aa possible aa follow*. Algerine - Ooe ufllorr very badly In jured and tight meo wounded. Illla— Optslu vary badly Injured, three or four men killed And Six or eight wounded. Knrtees—Two officer* badly wounded eight earn dead and twelve wounded. Gullak — One officer hadlv wool dad; eight mso killed; ten wounded, sod forty-seven berried by explosion of ■'lower room." Lion— One idhm killed and 1 badly wounded. Other ve-tels sugaged. lojurlssof minor Importance. Tbe above ie an account gleaned from oaoveraallou* with officers an gaged, but may coctalo minor Inao ouraele*. During tbe engagement gun* were turned oo tbe Mouocaoy, whiolr was out of tbe Hu* at fire. 8b* wee struck (eo casualties), and was forced to with draw up the rivet. Very respectfully. Lout* Knrrrv, Rear Admitst, U. 8. N. The Meoretary or tbe Navy, Washing ton. D. C COMM ANUKll WIM'I UgbOBTS. Following is tbe report of the action tDAds by Commsoder Wise, of th* Mon ocacy to Uaar Admiral Kempff : U. 8. Monocacy, Tong Ku. China. Juue 17. 1800. Sir : I nave tbe honor to report upoo the ocoonances aloe* yesterday noon. 1 attended a meeting of officer* at 0 p. m. on board tbe Dot bora. 1 was shown the protocol aod ultimatum aa to lb* Taka forts. Tbe signatures to lbs document were autographic and aa yours wee not appooded I Informed the senior officer that he would have to leave tbe Monoeacy and plaoe* for vessels of tbe attacking forces 2. Th* first guu waa fired at and with the simultaneous discharge that followed, two of the shot* passed over the Monocaoy, although she wee out of the line of fire betweee the forts and vessels attacking. 3. Tba lltia did not leave her berth which was a abort dial soon from mine until 1:80 aod tbs Jape ossa did not leave beta during th* bombardment. 4. The lira wu well sustained on both sides, and although ibells oon ttooed at lalarralt to pam near me or buret short or beyond. 1 attributed It to a wild Briog by the forts. About S JO I was standing on top of pilot bouse by the GaUlog. 1 bad mono led them when I beard a shall approaching nod Immediately a craeb. The eeeood cotter hanging at bar davits, a few below and behind me, had been etruck by a shell. It catered ber stern, lor* out tha bottom, and ranging diagonally acrom the chip, oat after Tall of tha Stern lean oh, a mashing port forecast the ladder, and peaaad through the ship’s aide, lo wbioh It left a clear cot oral, tiro feet by ten Incites. There ware many men on tbe forward deek, and It a tut have gone ae nloaa to come of them as It did to me. It fortunate ly oilseed tbe ltaaeb’e davit, aa that would have caused It to explode. 8. It waa difficult to make oat how lbs alllae wets faring, bat they were evidently elating la, is after 8 a. m. discharge* from guns Ilka GaUlega or Maxim* wen beard. At 4 o'clock Utero was a tremendous explosion and a mam of flame, which attributed to a magasIno In one of tha forte. Tnwarde 4 o'clock the bunting of tbell in my near vicinity increased to soeb no extent that It occurred to me that the forte might be directing tome of tbetr Are on the railroad station, aa In this Hat country it waa a prominent mark, and a number of Japaoeae and Russian troops were encamped around it. In each cam the Mooocacy would be la oooJtderabla danger from a Orv which 1 bad hitherto considered bid shooting. Acting upon tbe thought 1 at oane oast off everything, letoeaoed iway from the bank and went two mile* op Urn river anchoring lathe Bivt band. Tble move wee made at 4 JO, and S JO tbe Are slackening and ■ Japaoeae Beg floating over one of the forte, I returned to my berth. 7. Iwae able to render the following amlMnaee; First, a party of tblrly !"•" AMron refugees from tha mission at Taku, who had fled hurriedly ooooUffeatloc ot tE boas herd meat. They came aboard laet night at 8 p. m, and atlll with me also oasan two officers of H. M. A. Bar flmr, who had some down from Tient sin too Into to gst any JBsgliah chip. As I was coming down river at 8 a. m. «•» an Bog hah torpedo-boat tewing a Ohtoaee boat.prim. I had do small boat to make a Mediae, so I sent the launch to ran bar line art ore, for which thanks bav* town retornnfl. I have token on board and had surgical attendance for the following : A Jap aaera aetdlar with a gun-shot weond; a Cblncaa eoolM found doe* to tha ship arm tom off by fragment of shell: ■ Rum tea cold tor with won ad la tha hand. • TW* P**aa la 4*atrt*4 by wrmr —1 ao Inlaa. aa Utar*(><« ao«a taanfeatloaao i kid a 'abona i&rrsr: natural regret shared, do bovbt by tbe oAoere, that duty end orders prevented tbe otd Mooooacy from giving ber as slant smooth boars a last chance. Very respectfully. F. 1L Wiaa. Commander, U. 8. N., Commanding. The wceod Id ooameod U. S. naval forces oo Asiatic Station. (ssai.isuviuatimT srresT. SVlMr* ikt rumi Smlw Sara is* ■vtmk sf (tt* Lire. (Jbicaao It leea. Herald. “The beet polltla*l lighting Is duos In a ooavbntlou where there Is stub born opposition,*’said to old delegate to many national gatherings. "Tbe most effective oratory Is baud where speakers realise that they must be convincing. Ttie difference la the speeohes of (Jonkltng sad Garfield lo tbe Chicago oonvecllon w*e as marked as the personality of the men them wives. Aud yet undoubtedly each mao caused Intelligent and conserva tive delegatee to halt in their opinions, Conklin g. In nominating Grant, aroused the. convention and tbe gal terlrs to tbe summit of ealbustasm. It teemed as If It could never be sub dued. Tbe speech of Garfield, In which lie piewoted tba iiaaa of 8b«-r mao, bad, however, exactly that effect. It (a aeoeawry that it should be so In order to quiet tbe tumult started by Oookling. "Uremt m OgtikllDi'l speech U eoo oeded to hays bean, tbe convention and Uie galleria* did not hear ble gi attest effort, and unfortunately there la no record of It. It woo uuwrittso. The day before the ballot there wet a meet ing of the SM, aa tbe Grant phalanx la known In political history, dome at tempts had been made to break it. Strong overture* bad been presented to several of lha SOS. The meeting to which l refer waa bold to n room under the roof of tbo liotol. Wo met ihoro secretly. We were pledged to my ootlt log to others about uor caucus. U was a hot day. and a skylight was opened to admit air. Mr. Uonkling got up to make Ids last talk to Uw 800 before tbey wool & lbs oonvanlioa. It waa not a speech to oonvlnee thooe who board It. There waa no occasion for that. Bat It wen intended ns n warning against threatened eomhtaa Uotis. and a reassert loo of fealty to uor candidate. Cockling eras at his boat, tod 1 bad aren Him under all dream ttsuoss. “Jnst aa bo waa beginning theta woe a disturbance ou tbe roof. A reporUrr wbo had got so Inkling of the meeting had orawled up lhare and Battened himself so that he might hoar Uie pro oeodlogs. A party of linemen ou tbo roof at tbo saooo time, but Ignorant of the meeting below or of tint reporter's prase nee at llie ikyliglit. Came ulung, and the reporter, ihli.klog they were after him, skedaddled. It waa this disturbance Hus' caused Oonkllng to stop, sod llieu tbe skylight waaehoed. Tbe Incident bad no effect upm Conk ling's effort, hot It prevented the re porter flora sborthandlng what we oil oonoedod to bo a much greater effort than the one made by Ooukllng Hie night lie pi coed Grant In nomination. 1 know Uili is saying a good deal, bat I heard both, as aid 306 others,sna oar opinion on tbo speech In ths hotel roam wss unanimous. Several times a number of its aakod Oonkllng to write tbe speech bo made In the room, but bo always replied that it oouldo’t bo donei that It waa aa Inspiration and that Inspirations never rapes ted them selves.” A Q«t«r lulaittv. Thera eeemi to bj literally no sod to Ui* freada peratreleii uy tba wonder fully eterar Mr*. CiageciU, wile of (Jot. Howard Klagaoota. a-id daughter of 81 r Henry Drummoad Weltf. tbo Brill«h Amboooador at Madrid. Peer* mad pa no mi hire ibowo In a loo* oerlai of law lulu lb it It ter extract* log enormniii earn* from tbtm by ■doom of foie* rapraaaotatlftne, iba wltli Ul* moat cynical Impede one, rs Tllod them m Idlote when they eouglil to roooror tboir property. Vow, thore hoe appeared yet aaotbar creditor a poo Uia eoeoa la tba pereoa of tbo widow of Oon. Karla, who waa lodaoed by Mrs. Klagaoota to aitruet bar with tbo earn of WC.OOO for tba parpaaa of being toreetad la eoaia itooh ooooaro In which aha, Mrs. Klngeeota, woe lotaroatod. According to u>* •video** wblab haa Jast baa* given la the ooart of th* Msetar of the Holla, Mr*. KIuwmi did not dream of In ▼aatlog the money, aa arranged, but ooolly need it for tbo Hying cxpeneee of hor baeband end of bereoll. At la all the other oaeef, ahe militated th* olmoat rmntmeut when oillod to aooount, and laataad of bowing hor bead la tha face of tba tat [moor agalait bar, oo*operated with bar hoi* band lo tha iatter'a iff or to to repudiate bta own liability In tbo matter, th* litfarooo* na tor illy batng that torn* of th* mliopproprutod money bad re mained la bin koeplag. At aay rale, thla I* the view which tba ooart eeami to bay* taken, tloae It mod# Col King* ■cote jointly roapoaoibla with ble wlfa for the mhn amount. Tha extraordinary feature of the whole affair la tbo Immunity from criminal prooeaatloni which tin Klagaoota eeeai to eajny, aod whloh can oaly b* • Mr I hid to the poMUoa af bar father and to the ealoohle Mrrloa* which h* haa rendered to tbo Mata. Had any other pi non render id them mtrea guilty of one tithe of the fraud! yarpairated by Mr*. Ikyk (bay would long ego have boa* meteneed lo well deeeryid epalla of paaal mryltudo. Mr*. Kiogaeou I* well taawnla btara tor* on both eldas of tba AtlaaHe aider tha pmaim of “Lent Otay*.” la tha Kagllth pobllcatloo, eoUUed **Wba*a Who,” eh* leecrlbae bar awn earoor si "aheqaerod." ARP IN WIREGRASS. HE SEES THE SPOT WHERE HU FATHER TAUGHT SCHOOL. nillimkl«.Tk« Uekel—Old Man Alt Had • lldrd Tima Hnk HU dot H tddnl WiOiUi An laiirMilIwi nckk Hill Arp In ailaniaceoatUantau. it la good for a mao to travel and etudr geography without a book, 1 am down bara to tba wtragraaa talk log to the people living along tba lloe from Cordate to Savannah. Thta le a new road to me. U ta only teo years old and la called tbs “8AM" road. The aeeboard baa got It dost. Sil kaa bought Saai end la mating him. II railroad a have aei tba feminine la •bead. Soane mighty big things are femlolue. Shi (u nre called a be, but that they My ia benanen the rigging eoata sure than tba ball. An old men showed me the (pot at Mt. Vernon where the old log eeiiorl* bournMood la which mt father taught school some eighty year* ago. Father need to tell ui hli varied experience there How soma bad boyo had no three teoehera ofl la oueeewelan and broke up the tobool and how leluetant ly bo oodertook the work of reforming them. lie had about sixty soh.iUrs. boys aad girls, and their offea ranged from eight to alghtaen years. The oldest boy wee eix feet toll, a • tpllng with Unix anas and lege, a red head and a freckled fsoe. Ue was the rtng. leader In running the taaobar* off and father woe onulloned about him. Toe Orel day ha made lheal a good kind, friendly talk, told lbam ba came to do them good, lo touch them book* and morale, and manner*, and bo wanted them to obey the rule* a id help btm to make the * *uoorat>. You cao't afford, h* tald, tu grow up without auma education, Ho nlea ynoug man would marry the glrle, and no smart girl would marry so uovdoootad buy. How. boy* wbeo you com* into school aftar dinner I want you to aume lu good order. Don’t rush nod crowd the doorway like you did this morning You ran over a little girl threw ber dowa and hurt lier. Be quint end orderly and mo* In two or three ala Uma, aod before you take yonr seal make a little bow to me. That'a uteri that’s good manner*. 1 will like that sod 1 want all of you boy* and girl* to do that. VV ill you do It 7 If you will plows* hold up yoar baode ” All b*ode went op promptly exeept those uf Bill Jenkins, the red-headed rebel. Hast morning be declined to make a bow. bat looked roar a, d defiant. When acbool turned out that evening, father beard bimeuyt “I’ll bp durned If I’ll io*ka a bow to any yaokW" Next morning two other hix b>y* foiled Lu how. Bill Jen trio* bed w tr kod or them. Thai even la* father told Bill tu *uy la a llula while, as ho wished to one btm after school broke up. Ba stayed aad the door war shut The other boy* peeped lliroogh the a rook* between the lugs lo eee end to beer whet wa* xolog os. Father talked to Jenkins kindly and told him of tl a bad example ho wa* tatting and an forth, and begged him to numform l • the rule*. "How.” mid be, "William, will you promise to make a b rw lo me tomorrow morning7” "Ho. I'll be darned If I do,” Mid Jenkins. That crisis that fathar hod dreaded hsd oome. He go* between Jenk’oe and the door sad (aid firmly : "Well, sir you hays got to do one uf three things. You have got to bow, or quit sohool, or take a whipping. Wbloh will joo do?” “I’ll be gol durned If I’ll do airy one.” mM BUI. Father's hlokory was within bis reach between two logs Be seised It and bepox ou Jenk ln» with stinging strokes and Jankles made for him with hi* long areas, and used ease words abundant. They fought like wild cals tamed oyer benches broke the water booket aad for leo minutes the ooaBtct raged, for father wee stout end wee la the right and kept tbs hlokory going and fended off the Mrekee of Bill’s loaf aims. After a while they eltncbed aad father g”t him down bMween two pnooheon seats aod pnmoMlInd him good. Ha hollered enough and lo let him up. end sad after Uwy got their bieeih father said: "Now Jenkins whet will you do.” He Idol-bored out: "I’m gwlne home aod stay there. I’ll be gel durned If I’m gwloe to ecbool to yon any more.” "Well, why didn't you My that at first as J **v* the whip ping?” Mid father. AU this time there were a hundred eye* P"*Pl»« through the ontoks bMween the logs, bot not a word wee «*ld. Jenkins uavsr name back ead the crisis was osar. From that time on tor two years them wee e good, orderly teboul and my fat Iter's reputation wee made. TheyaekM bod whipped Bill Jenkins sod that settled him In tbs favor of ble patron*. , 1 won vrwrjuouj min Tint mi llttl* Tlllafw of l-onypood. It ia la tha wontry, ai«ht mtloa from Ml. Vtrnoo, and alf hi mtloa from a rail road. I naaar waa la a batlar tauin ajonl of farwlof paopla. lapohatbara la it* day tlMa aad ihoan country paopla oaata from far aad aaar and apraad badara at Uw Burn pfanln din oar 1 orur naw. It In a Scotch aatila maat, aad Uair falbara aad araad fathora all oaaa from Boharnoa ooualy lu North Carolina. At laaat thrao fourth* of tha aoatM bagia with tba kHx of U«. f mad* a moatoraadjm of tha aaay Mm I waa lotrodaaad to -all diffnraat-noth an Me Arthur, Me Bam MaAIMar. MnLaa* MaNatr, MeLaurla. McLnworr, Mattafla, Mo TtulBa, MaOuoaat, MaDoaald. MaDan lal and m forth. Thorn wort thirty anyan of Ihoan aad but of thaan had ao«t aad ItrMharaaad hi ad rad of tha wanitah aad Mil waa Mo noano Ulac ayarywbara. If a won't eaaoa haplna with Ma la that ration M It k aaatoaBaa of paad Maafe. to h a laa farming NRtaa aad thaan paopla aft ahwoM aN far ■arm. I aam an Boar I ru “Sf •w all wall aad aaataly dnaaad aad W*fr good look lay. ynod tow aad katotby. Tbay aotodkaodlo Mr aklrta aa gramfolly aa » atop lady aad aa lay oM frtoad Bui barney uaad to aay, “Major, thaaa waaaaa ara wall eoaptad aod ataad op eqnara oa thair paatrr Jolata." Baiaay bad daalt la Itatara tor MBy yaaia aad talked Itoraw talk about aroBco aad awrylhlo* aha H« waa- a yaualaa Deptd Harem 1 bar* most plaaaloy roeollajtloaa of Longpond and Iw people. Uy oext ull waa to QagaaClaxtoo, a doubt* town ooly three a Mo* apart, bat wlinaa people work la banwocy aad baw * wry So* htaJ. aebooi buUdleg e*»ed tba Hayaa-OlaxMM laaUtat*, that ia Jaat aid way bat wow U>aw aod U aottalaad by bulb. Tba teachers' OOfiTflntiou aaa |D wmU,, I hwrpk aWnal a hood rod taaebara Inna Tattnall aad other coubtlM—and I aay truthfully I aowr looked open a aaor* iboagMIW, aad earnest body of leaebore both idoo aad wowao. By request I «ada ao«# fatherly rwaaiua to tbta aad tb«o bad to at aod up and raeatw a beany baadabak* from awry ana That utgnt I yaw aay laatuio “Brhtnd Uta tSoaoee," la tbo beautiful largo ball wbara 440 good paopta freaa tba twin Iowa* and adjaoeot ooaatry bad gathered. Haw M) It la for a too turer or a praaebar t>i plaaaa aod aai uatiaa a large andlasM whan they ara paakad oluaa toyetbar. Tba standard of taaebluy la riaiag iilybar la tkla ragtao. Tba ooonty saboai commie aloaera ara good aoholjra. gr* luataa of oor oath-gee. aod tbay ara rytstlagm tboU ext-einaUooe. Kiaotaoa appll oaaU wet* rejected recently In uaa uounij, ims m an intervene* region tad farming la m; rod prosperous. Tba tong staple ooUnu ta grown ban. 1 did not knew antil on* that tha bloom waa Dot yellow -* bright ornery —aod then larord rad. Th* aaed era I4a«h nod are rolled oat instead at be leg cloned oat. It la herder to Utah thi* out ton from the b ills and erveuty flv* pouuda U a good day'a wnrh. It U now Su oaot* a ponud. gegar oaao * bounds bora aod b Ibamoatluxartant crop l knew of. But It la the tnrpta due aod lumber bosioaaa that aeaUer* a»eey ao freely lu all thta region. I vteitad the Perkier mill*. They are up tt> date lu all reaped* and out end kiln, dry aod draaa 73.000 fret In a day and glT* ampWwruttu several ban I1'”1 h»'*d» _l,laa laud* araoowbtlug *nf$S to $10 an acre for the Umber «ud the mow keep* Um land after the kina* are eat away. HU right aadtu m* all thee" U-agUful foreau passing away, but thi* i. detain y. While *e iJorolOg here 1 we* the gunet of Judge Wintern*. I felt eery much at home, for hi* lovely wife and twelve children adorn ttie large, invkleg liouio Thorn children era from two tv twenty years an 1 are well believed, obrdWnt and kept Ulrir fuoea clean The two lounger ohm began In o*ll me grandpa a* a»oo aa I arrived. Beautiful fruit aboaod* end I get «* much i.f It at l wl*b aod it kerpi m* In mod health. VmUidav 1 visited lldK*e-Helena, the twin oily. MoBae I* the bry »*.d Helena the girl, and they get along In harmony like Wioaton-dalem In Nona Carallu*. There l* bat one collet* •nd one of Um newspaper* l. The Twin City Newa, published by two nf these mm* Seotohmau —Mcleloab and Me Bw. Tbla I* a now, lively and pro grcaslve town adorned with ptanaant Somae and cultured people. It U high dry sjkI gantly roll lug. and quiet a resort for slok and tlred peopl*. f for got tv mention that Hagan Clagten, th* other twin town* hove no corpora tl<« and don't wont auy. No mayor ik alderman, no marshal or police. It B like Petaar. la Mouth Carolina. Judge Williams said why should Um good people af a town require tlwaa oflWIal* any wore tlian the good people le Um eountry. If they behave they are net needed and Uwy do behave bar*. I've bnon living bareali years and have not yet beard of a fgbt or avao a quarrel. and If a blind tiger or one that wasn't Mind ebowId some hero we would strap him ever a log add ran him eft to two boars. Thta Hootah blooded stock baa ramidad an over thta region and make lawa fortkemeMvae when neoaamry. I am* lav. Mr. Walker, nf MeBaa Helen*, todiy and he told me ho had twealy-aovan Me Rasa in hi* churnh book sad tatlf Um other name* begun with Me. Tattnall ooualy wee named for Joetab Tattnall, who wna governor Inst ooe hundred years ago. His sea Joaiah, wna in the UuMadVtab a navy aod commanded the Grampus. a maa of war in IMS, while Bag land was AgbUeg Chinn. Tattnall waa ordered there to watch and protect Amarieea Inter****, but to preserve a strict neutrality. Hla vessel got stranded eo a roak In Chian see* and ha wna in dtstrasa until ao Baalish asna of war earn* to hla roller a ad helped klm of. Soon after thta the Chinese ware get ting the beat of Urn AgM and Tattnall yiiahad la and helped tbs KagUeb to whip than, for this be wae court martialed whan be oame beam and when ashed why btfMM answered ; “It waa gratltade to oar kladred i eeuMnt help It, for Mead U ihlebar than water. That reply ooqutttad him aod mad* Mm faaaouu Bat I most Mean. Geodhy dear friend* of the whmgnms, geodhy Me. AtUMMltm, ****7»U. ... Mr «. via j*?r wJy wpodttloa^Ut oUcWar M«e i abort Aagut IS. la Ua mmm ttao the eooata at Mia akM *i«kt Jl*“PfB**S tooaat a atiaSaa over tht alHU forge* art Momlufly bat aitabtl* srffiu.35i.sS!rsK5rS!; gg SfcKr X£-JSi fcrais'd la Mia who oaaa to TUo ^^sML^aaaa aaS of OMMlfyiat IkTaMSuTk. oaooaatond la mediae Mia. PrMidaat Toaojr. of Uo Tba TWa aalwqity, aha baa virtue toorod to to *'*!•. *aM todays sSrHKSKSSs data abtlo naa aod edIUm of tholeoa» roooarootarviod aod await. U«a la blokorlai am, mu, prtwS Ua aorr, ayaoUbfi. U wUlao a dor* Mot oa tbo repuUUoa of over, ton* mndlaf odUar bora If wbNo aaoala ia fVklo tioahowod to prrtab wit bout a dcaporato effort to aavo tboa.” ii■■■■■» may mm my otbars •jtam oaMOfatad With the ooodlUoo* thloh lhMa aca mffcieat troop* km to pmb forward mod panu* tha Chtaan •fur the tan of tb* astir* oKyofTioa £"• Tba pueUiou of thategaUniH danaadad Utat the army taka oxtroer JJaory risks by aeuoriog Umanrmwod toa eoualry aad eoeMoandiag aalmati aad wagon* aad that kgUtwMni Sj5E&S33&8£ Jy—Aatariam, eooflra thfe riaw. Tba oacaaMMt la mat* that Bompaao offleam are too moot) m fMfrrdto book tbaoria* to aUlm tha reaoarM* of tba ooantry. Mad that I bay wuaM rather May in Tim TW*. m to rales, Uua to atari for *^*1" »*tb>njt a par feet agolpmnct. Gworal. Iknrward. of U* BilUab form, aad other high offom taka an kuod'thM* at Fokin aartkg Urn* tblak tba UguUwao wUI manage to bold oat, Oa lb* sarfeeeibs bwt uf Min# praroili amjng ofleer* aad eoidlara of tb* several aatioaa reported IwraThii are fraterobnog, bat the lack of organ fcMUee aad a supreme oxara.u.w haedfoip projnrv. Wail# people »« TUft TiUj Mta Iriiblif iitOMnuit nf ^b> foaaaUe ot* > WUo • atiiwad or Chtaeaa again Um leak of h*> roily hare amour the rapraarniaUvta of tha powwra Mu. darr etaoron* aotton. T'w-fapa'^w ar* string a aoirndM exlilbl tkm nf arg4i.iiulna. Thitwi •hula awobliw mores like cloak work Tboro bar * beaa forwarded from Japan mall boats or HgMam ter noeing troop* and storm and army raglmaot la landed "richly aod without con faslm and started for Tiro Trie with: I* a few hour* after lb* tmaaport baa aeoharad lu ilia barber. Tb* ■anagi maatoftba Japaneaa army aod the bravery, spirit aod«*nto of Jap-: aoaaa troops at* a raeeleltaa that com-1 "Madaib# raaprot adatrathm uf all iwelffo ofllotrt Tbr kaat la lutenra. ■ Taarparulnra amond 100dagiaa*dartog ttewerk. aod yaatarday It waa 104 dwree*. Tb* disregard of all aaaltaty regal* Ilona by eortate from la a —- - -- Tjmrirukto uafallof rsfaooaod te ■bOwoMo tooacb porrrdto tha town Tba potter aod aoaltary work oomparas aatarorably with tba A maria** ro glaM la tb* PbUIppinaa. Tattaw rarer to tempo. Wd j-At 10 o'alook tb* . Irdof Aagart br. L. W. Tntm. agant Bute beard of health, laaoad a 'uZf&zzvz ‘mS: ■ from yellow few. and that tbar* ar* two eats* know it promot. Tha death waa that of Gaorpa gen oonbcry. a Garmaa. who dtod ycatar d* amratag. n. wm aTSfiTM b*4*^ oatalda Utaaltr for yean. The oalr Um la that ha aootcaatrd foe I - - , •treoaoea effortswo"__ > loimtaUw roars* of iataoUoe. Dr. Porter, *uu health offear, U an route bars aad will toko shorn*. Ttaofty total healthy oondiuoa otherwise aod vary etaan and little foonar*agSutodBat• sproadof Uo j AM who daatra to hero am dam by fln for than la *o panto bare. lutoly to MmmWW«SIS«MHu[ “•*■»***■*. *«** m* that with a tsr: >*;-<•hh"pobst'wMNMd half* and * —-■ibinihlif._ nfimtmi. Infantry.” M *&■» ■*•■ «atd: 35* •**• yoa |« yoai lo IoIiIm eoMmlat m Woatftp:” Lttar la tho day to mm MMth of IhohoiMsbold of tbo 9bob. who triad to lar^rrocau Dm. tbo prtooor oald: “Yoor (Motor MU do wMl to vosMo. ntlarrwlM wo wlM bill bha." ▲a eyo-wluiow of tbo iUmwM BbaTaw^it^&bb* UTootb^riUt prrtroc oooiar** and woo mom tbo irat to tolas bit w—ld bo oatiaw boMtac bib with both hoods niU it* mbs wm throws to tho oarth bp tbs (bib». Up to 0 sUoak this •<nula* tbs M VMUntioos of tbo polios hod not ra lotted Is hj fltTtlnprsorit tooilios to ■rioUUb tbo tdootltp of tbo woo Id-be ■stossla. or sssooistioo oay otbsr with bis ati*o|it. Wbao tbo obelato utsd to iatorropat* tho jllltnSM this after ■o»B bs walolaiood atoolaU titace S^itSS«f5rt«£ ^.*a2i.M?L,i!Sasrt «•«■«*»« nowod that ho it M iMMob. Boonuinty ba bailee of * osggh ooootij. T»l a« 5: »;

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