The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. Vol. XXI. GASTONIA, N. CM THURSDAY, AUGUST 16. 1600. ARP TAKIRG A REST. BILL WILL IOT LEOTDBE TIB TIL VI0TUAL8 ABE EXHAUSTED, Talk* Ak«vl ItlwM HwMIr - .tr* liapalMa VTItk Us* aum. »«•, ka Majra. Arc ri|MI*| far ikHr llaaipa. lull Am u> AUanUi OunWMjiitun, Ida bocne where the heart La, and tbe moat uP mlae la here. The epicure QDad bka stomach with choicest Pond, aod exclaimed, ‘-Fate cannot harm me, I have dined to-day,” aod ao I bars tiled my heart wltb the »w«u and comfort* of home, and (eel defiant of human mlaery. Fate cannot liarui me, for my borne la my cattle where aa Dlacketonr ajya, "the klug of Eogiaad dare not rater uu la rued.” But au old man did tnter not long ago aod aaid lie «aow to stay a few days U It was cou rse lent. I saw bis baggage on the Iron mat to tbe verandah. He mid, “I travel free and lodge free eud mix wltb none but the beet people, aod ao l bare oome to abide with you for a few daya. I hope It la ejoveolewt.** Writ, It waaeot convenient, for mv wife waa at Borne, aod my daughters away, aud l bad oarer heard of him, au 1 told him tt waa not convenient. He seemed surprised aod asked m* If 1 was a Vir ginian, I told him nu 1 was a (Geor gian, and ba eatd that Vlrgiuluue seemed to be eoarce io this region >tud be feared old Vlrgioiau hospitality lisd oot reached bare; that Bishop Nelson bed entertained dim Id Atlanta, aud he found a weloome among all Virgin ian a. '*«Vbsi are yon going to do with me T” ba asked, "I am lama aod cast walk; 1 waa cold you had a car riage and would drive me snywbere I wished to go.” “No air, I have neither carriage no buggy, but I will go down town and gat a vehicle and taka yoo anywhere you with to go.” Then be aaid Brother Beeler told him that If f would net take btm. there was a poor widow woman across town who would and be would speak to ber. 8o I luok Mm there and left blm and will pay his Mil If brother Baaler illdent. There are religious tramps aud sinner tramps, and they are sol angst a unawares I waa down la the wtregraae rsgloa for aearly two week*, aod have most pleasant memories of my one foond friend*, bat tbe last day was tbs heat, for 1 eras on my Jouroay borne aod oouuted tbe ml teat ones as we speeded along. Happy faces aod loving klaaea created me when 1 came and bare I am going to rest until tbe larder gets low And mv vifa InalALi LdaL I had better oak* another venture. And now let the prooeailoo proeesd, Let tbe war go on. It U now* #f my bagatitog: It might have (toped at Santiago, but our jacket brethren teem to ktra tbe nigger afar off and bare bouaht 8,000,. •000 at two dollar* a bead, which waa cheap enough It Spain ooold hare de livered the gooda. But they have oust tan ttmaa that, now aud are atUI In the wood*. We uaad to ad vert lee our run away Digger* and aay ••Ten dollar* re ward—Bunaway from the aubaenber any boy Dick, M year* old 5 feat 10 inches high, black complexion end very let noae. Tbe above reward wlU be paid oo hi* delivery to me or hi* Judgement In the Dearest jail ” Why mot try that on Agulnaldo and the other runaway* V Bat If Urey oatoh them 1 don’t know what they are go ing to do with them; tbey wouldeol let Agulnaldo eat np a barber abop in Manila no more than they would in Boston or Chicago. Profeasor Council who la president of tbe oolored Indus trial college In Alabama, understand tbia. H* la tb* smartest and best lead er of hi* raoe sod when be speak* or •rite* to lhe public always aay* tbe Sfi' thing. I bare great reaped for But tbla awful muddle with China which was precipitated by our agates Bon oo tbe Philippines, seems to h*ye oo end in sight. Bey. Dr. Ualderman, of New York wbo la said to be a very learned man, reya that bo dctnanvtra ted a year ago from scriptural propliecy that the preaant year would and all nation* at war. and there would be a mighty atooggla between NusaU sod (Allan, nod that Huerta would eventu ally gala the suprsaaaey; hut that for a lima tbs hordes from China will break la an awful avalanche span tbe waat tara nation* and the grand tbe rapacity the Christian, God leas, aelOahores of European nation* will gat He reward, and there will U a terrible baUnoe ■beet against those (Auiatlao odious who bare poisoned Gblna with opium •and made them look a poo all Christian* aa rapreions foreign devil*. Ha tare that Um Cblnoae art fl*uioa for their horses and institutions, aad know that tba UbrlaUaa nations art oaskiaf to rob than, aod that Oetr aJaaloaarlee ora booked by (ant and s words and Oodlaat told loti raadr to kill aod May. Thla inforlaUa Uaa, aod they look a poo aay vbiu nu at a dttil MM MMOld ba Main. Ha laya that while tbla Impeodlop aad dttUao wer la ordaload of God and foretold by Hit prophets, yet the Mn of II Hot at tha doers of tba Christian nations. Off tom Boot needa ooree, but woa uo totboaa by whom they doom. Tba lode of Booey la still tba root of all oytt. "Trade wtU fellow tba Baa" la Um lb tba lath of •omaeres and If tba flag bat to ba alaload with blued It dots not Bailor. Tbaoe are my ooeviotrona aad henoa I eao*t work on aod ealbatUam nor aay ittwgi. la 1841 Seals ad took Hone Kona, la 1848 Boglaad made China pay feO.OUO.OflO haaauta tba de ■tmyed 90,000 ehesti of opium that had baaa ttarad than by tho Caytlab ator ohaeta. la 1888 Batele grabbed all the A moor aoaatry; eooUfelog art, ono tqoara ml let, mad whoa tba United MUtaa crabbed the Fbnilpiaat tha eaaptetooe Chinamen said, "Tbo Christiana era earning Uwy want aMra’* No, it la aoaa of ay wnr. Tba Mood of It la 00 aoBtbody’t bonds. T aaa tool 0mural Oordea la (Map mm m kOBthar nlttKM of dmh -jtrying to Mr ay tba Wire aad tha grey aod anko a eomprlaj eolnr tbat wUI aattafy both Mdaa. Ra eaa't do It but maybe be enjoys Che fan of trying. Here and there you will Mud a good hearted, clever federal prltoutr. but moat of the clover one come down here and etay. The malignant ones don’t ouqm; they are efralif to come. That la all rigiil; let them stay there; we had latlier live with the nag rose than omuiu yeukee*. Here le aa Ohio p.ipeT that was Rent u>e laet week—a marked copy—that M mad because our people talk about building a confeder ate memorial at Kiehmnmt, end eaye It ought not to be allowed, sod that oor loyalty to the union IS ell a pretense end that Bill Art), a toted rebel and writer, shows do lave for e restored anion lie says that snch a memorial le so lueult to ilia nation and makes treeeoa honors bis and loyally odious: •very confederate muoumsnt Is « Moody shirt, aud lbs rrpubUeaa party ought lo die, and die eternally. If ever allows Um return of these rebel llage • blob are an Insult to llie union dead end to oar dlssbed veterans. He de nounces our rebel so met and rebel trib utes to treason; and there le a lot rnurw of such etulX. end in keeping wiUi Ueo eral Shaw's ullarinee* In Atlanta about what we (boll loach our chil dren. Old as I am. I can lick Ural fellow In thras minutes by tbs clock, sod aa lie bos singled us out It won Id do me good to maul some grace Into hit malign sol soul. 1 am afraid we will have In whip tliem again. But I am not going to let wary foul up tli ere make me mad —1 lie vent got time-I’d rather work In the garden or play with the grandchildren); they keep me amused, and I oan love them with out a strain. Lett night I had lo play Trlmbtetoe with them sod bed lo be the elephant aud let them ride home on my back. Bow faraway that sounds —“Catches Ins bena sad puts them la pens, sins lays eggs end some lays oooe; wire briar, limber lock, three geese la lbs flock," etc. One of these Hula girls not m four years old, dis obeyed her mother ye steed.y and woe promised a whipping. "Mary Lou, Ihta Is the eeooad llms you bavs opened the loe cheat and tamed over lbs cream. I told you that If yoa did it again 1 would whip you Now oocoe along into tbe other room." Bite ten good child, losing and smart, but willful, "Mamma, peas don’t vip ms hard." Her older sister, Caroline, had followed along out of sympathy. Mery Lou asw bw end told, "Now Tall ins, you go bsek; me doe vanl you to see mamma rip me end hear me quy. It's uooe of your pianese; It'a Inal my pie neaa Iron go peck, Teilloe," and alia laid bersalr across her mother's lap ready for bar business. The mother couldn't stand that : sbe releotad end kissed her child aud the little thing promised again. Aud ao It fuse on In every loving family — promising and repenting — from ohlldbood to old age. we sin In baste and repent at Isloure. May the Lord forgive tie all and Ulau Iba chi I dren Is mv praters. •»»«■•< Mrtkta* fcwUaiM. In Uta speech accepting the IVtixi. at a tic nomination (or prealdeut, W. J. Brren Mid: II elected prasldcot. I shall oouvena Coagree* io extraordinary session ms soon aa 1 in Inaugurated, and recom mend no Immediate declaration of the nation *a Tin nano Pint, To establish a atable form of government In the PhtHppn,.> tal.ade, Juat aa we are now establishing a stable form of government lu the Island uf Cuba; Seoond, To give Indapendsooe to tbe Filipino*, just as we promlaed to give Independence to the Cubans; Third, Tn protect the Flllplnrw from outside Interference while they work out their destiny, lust aa we have pro tected tbe republic* of Central and Sooth America, and are, by the Monroe doctrine, pledged to protect Cob*. The UepuUicana shall not b* per mitted to a tad* tbe stupendous Issue of Imperial lain. W* cannot repudiate the principle of *al(government in U>* Philippine* without weakening that* at borne. The advooetas of Imperialism lo this of t"UioMa DOt *** * worrt tn beh*u The Demueratle party doe# not op poaa expansion when expansion an large* tbe area or tbe republic. If w* have au I a par 1*1 policy w* must have a large etaodtng army. The HepubiKson party he* accepted the Karopeeu Idee end ptanted Itself upon ground uken by tieorge Jir. Uletory (urnlsbe* do ram pie of tqr pltede baser than our* if wa eqlatltqte our yoke fur the Span Lit] yoke A war of oooqeset I* a* auwtae aa It ta anngbteous. Thankful wort* written by Mn. Ada H. Hart, of Groton, 8 D, - Waa taken with a bad cold which aattlad on my laoga. oough set In and anally tannin •tnn In Consumption. Four Doctor* f*** «• up, aaying I could lira but a ihort tin*. I un myself up to my ®*7*or> djdaimlnad If I ooold not atay wUbmyfrlandaonaaiUn I would W mJ there. My hoahand waa ado lead to art Dr. King’. Mew t>15BfT^F tor Ctonsoaiptloc, Oougha aad Guide. I care it a trial, took la til night bouSa. It haa eu*d ma aad thank Gud I am mrad and now a wall aad healthy woman.” Trial bot tles free at J. B Carry A Co's Drag Store. JUgular alas SOo aad SL.OO. Guaranteed or prior refoednd. A woman who* bad ignored a eub poeea to appear aa a wltoeaa lo a oaaa «tri In Waetmoralaod, Kan., waa brooght before the eaart by tba sheriff to answer tar oonetmpt. “What maata, madam." aald the Sedge aerwraly" bare too far aot obey ing the turn wooa of tba court r* “I heist gat awt, Mr. Judge,” aha ■■•jC*1" only we her* amallpoi down be kinder cottar 'plwjwfkwd^r "'il^ cba^iTMr^ see-e paged for the NMa mu. urtn irnoii. A MUSlOwal rtMWUMasflkslMM •( m Mmm M 9m* 14**— Umtw Mifw - nirSx Ml* Aw«*H*li Up** a Blab Ury ml W«*iniun Pom. TU* Democratic inrty ciui well m*t c.-elect wlUi the prveealalion uf Uw Ima ihwuIi at Indianupolla It is tha moat ouuiplate and loglool ar gument which lias yat barn submitted. If any evidence were needed to prove Mr. Bryan1* ability. It I* amply found In thie add res*. In ISM he wai eo thoroughly eataraied with tne (liver queetloo aa to gain for himself tbe reputation of being a mao uf on* Idas only. Hil pereleteot and tucoeetful eflort to iQOorporate tbe 16 to 1 plank la tbe Kaote* Oily declaration strength ened tbl* view of hli character. It was felt that altbuagh the plat form smart ed Imprrlallim to be the paramo not lasius Mr. Bryan would not li* able tu divorce himself from hla favnnte eob Jeot. and tbe money queetloo, after ell, being Hi# on* with which he was luaet familiar, woald oeeupy hla thoughts to the exclusion uf all situ. Tbe falsity of thie bellvf la ebowo by the admirable manoar lu wblcb be bea taken bold of tbe newer and graver topic. He baa Ignored silver altogether. Tbe oboox loo* woid la not mentioned In bla •P*eeh. There U no reference to 16 to 1. He take* It for granted, evidently, that bit position no that question is eo well understood as to render repetition untiwne— ry. At any rat*, the address Indicates that, eo far aa Bry*n 1* coo oernvd. Imperialism Is actually tba par amount leaon nf tbe campaign. It If, we admit, generally an aaslar ' task to crlliclwr end oondamu Ilian to praiaa. Flaws are easy to discover; fault-nudlog oouses naturally to tba human mind. At I ha asms Us* there I* captions and foolish criticism, and, or 11* other hand, there is dlgnidrd and sensible argument Mr. Bryan's spe-cii is on U* 1st lor plana. U* has uul descended la the level of lbs poli tician, bat disco sets what he brllavra to ha « grave danger to lbs republic with calmness, deanxwe. and force. Ha explains and defends hla support of the ratification of tbe treaty of peace with tfiaiu by saying that be expected favorable tsUon would end the war, release tbe volunteers, remove the oaoa* for military expenditures, sad bring lod«p*ndeuoe tu the Filipinos. Io this he admits that lie was mistakes), tha defeat la tbe Senate of tba Bacon reeolutlos). which promised Independ ence, being evidence that tba Hepubli oeo party was determined to keep the Filipino* In a state uf suUeelkin. lu UiM eonceotlou. In repeat* tbe wall known ariumeal that the inhabitant* of tbe Philippine lelmde, If thelatter am nlaioed a* a part of tba Votted Si*to* mutt aitbar be aubjeot* or olll aena. If tbay am to bo aubjoota, tbe Republic«n party baa entered upon a policy of imperialism. He Soda oo wbaie, lu any Bapoblloan apeeoh or party declaration, any celdeno* that the FDlpluo* are to be made ciUaeoa. Mr. Bryan ha for expanatoo, but It moat be, to bla mind, expaneloo (hat OMfit ueer Stale* and more eltliena AqMther klad of territorial aequtai ItoMt. be argue*, at varlano* with tbe id>a of a republic, it u governmeut by force, a government of taxation without repreeantattoo la dcdaeoc of tli* very principles for wbiob our fore fatlieri fought In 1T76. Ha would have lb* American people brought to tbelr old mooring*. Nor doe* bo And In the Bepnblloan platform any ex preeeed Intention of granting to tba Pilipinas Ibat lodepeoaene* to which, be lira, they are ae moph entitled a* tbe Cubioa. Tbe Philadelphia Coo van non declared that the fflllpirtoe ahould hare tba bleating*of liberty and ciTllliatlou. and the “leigeet meaaur* of Mlf-goyernmeot oonilatent wild Uaeir welfare aod oar dutlea.'1 But tbta. ha asserts, la exactly what Kieg George promlard th* American oolo nlaU, and win which they were not oonteet. Say* Ur. Bryan: “in what reapeot doe* the poaltlua of the Bepublloao party differ from the poaivion Ulna by lb* Ifoglleh men moot In lTTftf Did not tba Bnglleb government prom tea • good gomr* merit to the oolooieUF What king aver promised a bad government to hie people T Did not the Xugllah govern ment prom lee that the oulooiat* should have tbe largest mature of telf goveromeot oooaieUnt with their wel fare end Englleh dettaef Did net tbe Spanish government promise to give to tbe Cabani Use largaet measure uf mlf goverument eoneletent with their wet fare and Spanish duties J TIM whole dlffireoee between a mooaroby and a republic may be eommed op In one teutenoe. In a monarchy the king give* to Uie people what be balleym to op a good government', In a republic the people secure for themselves what they hellers to be a good government.” in the enure* of hi* ipeaeti Mr. Bryan Incldeatally remark* that if we •oqulrvd Spain** title U U»* Pklllpplcea by pnrebeee, we cannot defend Midi a title, “and wa eaa honorably turn the property over to the party In poe ■aatloa.” Tbl* I* tha only reference, direct or Indirect, to the pomlble ear render of the Phlhppioee, bat It It e phraee uf whleh, we deobt not, aoeb will he otadc Is--the campaign. Tba propealtlou la ho* elaborated, while oooddarable space U derated U wtu Mr. Bryan regards ac the solution of tbe Philippine problem. He follow* e'oeety the language of the Democratle national platform, end waaU tba Uelted Sutra to promts* tha PUIptnoa tndwpcodanon and artf-gorara merit, assist them In the leedaMe task of aoaompUahtM tba latler result, eed then amora them e protectorate, euob u wa aew afford tha Booth eed Oea tral Amerteen repubho* through lb* Moore* doctrine. That la. at Mast, a deSalU and Intelligent programme. Mr. Dryaa** ****** I* long, bet It la weft* reading. It l* the aSral, mom Uftral, tad thoughtfal, at weM a* lb* wj«s edrait aad pmoalbW, praamuu** of Um aaratUa of taraertalmm erbleh bra yet been eabmltleJ I* Um A marl eaa people. riKiita «>» in tbs «mi Tempi* *r aaMba-Tk* «M4w* rtnn-n« win* amu t»*i rmMo Om ah* TMqria-A nxiUm MTMian. The following article Is called from the very internet to* and lust motive work, "The Peoplns awl Polltloa of the Par Kast," by Henry Norman, and pabllatied to 1809 by Charles tier I Liners gone: One experience of Celestial light seeing I am not likely to forget, and enoeld be very unwilling to repeat. Among tba pLoas of toiereet In Poking tits Yung Uo Kang, the Groat Llama •era! or Llama Temple, ranks very high. It is a mouaatary of Mongol and Thibetan monks rolad over by a “Liv ing Buddha.” No foivlgnsr, however, bid been la it for several years, as the Inmates are a rough and law lass lot, praetloaliy bayood the oontrnl of lbo Chloeee an thorium, sad tba Let party that eatertd It whs rudely buadled. it Is regarded ss all lbs more eaersd, toe, bacaum an Kmperer wee bnrn in owe of Its Isodpies before they wore givoo to the Llama*. When ( spoke of going there both my msfeo and "laty” told me that strangers could no linger get In, the former adding that lie bad aoooeepouted dlferml employer# liter* it* times without success. A friirud In Peking, howover. told me Unit one nf the priests, culling lbs Pel Llama, whatever that may meau, bad come to him a few weeks before U) burrow five dollars, and had said as ua led dormant that If lie «r any of hie friends wanted lo aee Ilia Llama sersl he woo Id rake them over It hlmvelt without a fee. Bo my friend gave me bh big rod Chinese enrd with the Pal Marne's name on It ns an Inlrouuetl-m, atut a member of the J«e*ait >u. wli> epoke Uhloeee, area good enough to go with me. aa ba was equally unxloot to aea Uta place. It la im tba uotakirti of Peking, nearly an hmrk rVIe from Legaliou atreel. and we passed lu through two or three gales fnuw tba atrant without any diflenltjr. Then •oma boy—sariphyua or actolytoa —ara knew them from their shaven leads— ran abend of ns and warned the prtaste, who abut the doers. After a quarter of ao hoar's oolkmay we bribed the doorkeeper to tell lbs Pal Llama, and ny sad by tbs latter appeared, a email, dirty Individual, who eueorr-ded with mueb dlftcolty lo persuading lhaothi-ra to open lire gates and leans step Inside. Then La Immediately disappear'd and we caw him no more. After another half bo ir of bargaining re agreed to pay them a oartaln moderate sum to ■how as Ute four gblef light* of the Tempi*. The 8m of these was the pent Buddha, a wooden Image TO fret high, richly oruamcnlcd and clolhrd, bolding aa enormous lulus in eaoh hand, and with the tradilVnqal jewel on hla brrasL tn each section of his hugw gold erown act a small Buddha, as perfect aud aa much ornamented as the great ooe. Ills toe owweurwd 91 inohea. Oo ccob aide of him bung a huge aoroll 74 fact lung, bearing Chi nese characters, and a aerlaa of gal lerias. reached by aererel flights of ILatra, aurroundsd him. Ttio exprrn aioo of Ms great t>n»bse faea waa sin gularly lofty, and I waa sailed with a great desire to photograph him. Tba crowd of monks wss outs'd* the locked door, one only entering with us, a.» 1 Muted to him that if be permitted me tn take a photograph a dollar might he fort booming. The dollar iotcreatgd him, but Its had no Mae what a photo graph was. After a while my com panion succeeding tn explaining what tba Chinese call the "shadow picture,” and then ba would net bear of u, da alaring that the whole temple would lostaotly fall down If such a thing were attempted. I offered two dellan, three, fear. Ire, tea. and then, my secernent It.o renting with Urn dlOeulty, f manic Al Lnl km a^ 1.1 a ■... a twenty dollars he would agree to aoog gle CM In next morning to do it. os if eoy of Ui* other priest* knew, there would be trouble. Mo we passed on to the other slghtg-two magntOoeut brooae Horn, end e wonderful brook* aro| msoy teoeple* Ailed with strung* ulols. busg with thousands of elTk iiHogtoge, eod laid with Tblbataa ear pats; all sorts of bream tad amine! altar ntanella, presented by diBarret emperor*, among them two elephants lo Ololaeuee, said to ba the bast speci mens of such work lo Chian; and Urn graat hail, with Its prayer beaehoa for all the monks, where they worship every efternooo at Ov*. In a couple or hour* we Ind ease everything, and oacoe wot again Into the eaeiml oourt yard. Have were already a hundred or more monks welting for as, ell with Utelr heads stsawc like billiard bulls, and on the whole * set of a* thoroagb paeed Maekganrrts w euuld be Imag ined! Allhy, vermin eovered, ecrofotoua, and with the marks af eameleaa vtoas stamped dearly on many of their faom. “I shall be glad whoa w* are oat of this,” I remarked, and my oompaato* heartily smentki Bat easier said than (Ion*. They crowded round us with brutal loaolm Uveneea, pulled u about, ifceawd to a*, and Uoghed groesly as half rational gcrlllaa might da My ones pus loo eaid U lham that we war* very much pleased with our visit, and we slowly edged toward the door. Bat there warned t* be a sort of taell ooneplreey to crowd a* to tag ether direst toe. They did act aetaeliy oppose aa, bet eeaeehow we eould sot get there. U we* ee though they did not Uk* to let ae get away, yet were ooaeeloaa UMt they hod oo exeee* for detaining as. After a quarter of aa boor of this we began to gat annoyed. Jam (ben wo all fame to a sort *< luanel gate la a wall, loading from ewe eouu lo aa other, my oompaeloe nod awe orowd Aret. I and another eruwd artarwards, and my •boy" and a third erowd toot! As I wo* poogUg, a man whom I took from bis dress to he a sen of door keeper spree* out and -11nqqid mn volubly. Vet uudarstaodlng him I took wa not tea, when he groaped my arm t« Attala me. I aback him oC aad MriMd ma by Um cellar with both bands and tang mm violently bank againat UM wall. A law oh a moment one dose not redact opoj OManataon, and t did what anybody Um weald hats doM. The Moment kls aiaap qalttad ■y aollar I a track bio. Ha r covered UimaeU. and tit* olaandaralacdlng waa a boat to to peoloagad vigorously on both side* artma a very old priaal lit a flue yalluw rob* amaryd free a door way aod began to play tba peacemaker with mane amllttr, holding a* anek by tit* Itand A aaeood'a radaetiuc abowad oaa tha extras* folly of getting Into a quarrel in suoli a pi a#*, au l laapoudad effusively to tba rambb Llama's oTartar**, and sailing my “Coy” bad* him explain Uat If tb* priaal bad aoy tblng lo say to a* wa should b* reap Mad ta bear iU bat that If b* laid a infer on as be would get into troabte. Aa wa were two, and they wrr* op wards of two huodrad by tola (Ism, X bars wmdrrwd aloo* Uat tb* ludiaroa* aid* of this did uot strike ibam. Uow rear, aa X rotfownd up the remark with a raw email ooiaa, nob-sly erred to Impoga the luwio. A* soon aa I overtook my ootep.ui too I saw frmp Um awvamant of tb* orewd Uat something waa wtong, aad adtea I forced my way Into tha middle It wa* •videally a mueb nor* aartoas affair than mloa. A yoaag brat* of a Mock had approached Mm from behind and saddenly and viola*tly klakad blm. In ratara ba bad ratal red a good cut aeroas tb* face from a riding-wk Ip. lit* inouk waa foaming with raga, and rapidly stripping off all bl* appar cloth ing with a rn-wt —mtaukatda latan Uon. Already ha waa nearly half naked, and although perhaps a UM* fat, still an ugly easterner in hand la. "He streak me with his whip,*' be ■Xdaiaaed. pointing lo tha mark on bl* facr, and than followed a tiling of remark* IrvHled at a*. *• What doaa It* M)»” 1 asked. “Ilasaya wrshan't gat oat alive ” Just than a owok shoaled something which lbs utlirrs eagerly eehned. and a domra of theta tu*'sully ran and abut tbs great galas of Um courtyard. Then taa uo do a LA whatever that wa awe to a very tight place. We wen In the centre uf proUtMy the owe* deogerou* pWo» la Fekmg. i told him tu aak ouletly the beet to-Alu* of the ui'ak* fur how in neb they would eon etui to let ua go out. AU Ihie took but half a minute to do, sod u eooo u tba oeowd Uaard the qu-ariou tb* pugl lietlo geotkmaq wu* aqaakbed Uf oommon ooneeut. “Fitly adUta" wu lb* oonolusioo arrived at after several tnlnuim' dleeumioii. -Tell them wa have uot an much money with a*, bat they uu some and get it from my house to-morrow morning. *’ But they were much too w*ry lo fall Into aneb n iMlpaida trap. To briug the doty lo au end. however, at last my "boy'’ mad* a bargain with them, eod wa were fleeced of several dollars «l oaob gat* that they euald manage to lead ue through before we reached the ■treat and our bureau. 1 gut through the gate all right, and my “boy" waa following when several of the moake precipitated them**!re* on him and seat him flying heed flnt Into the mid dle of the sweet, while the broken camera, Utpod. aud bag of double back* landnd each la a aapufala mod hole. That aftero-ain as 1 wu mandlo# my camera the -boy" cam* In with the tu. -MaeferT” ••WaHt” -I ao go l-iam* Temple aoy awes—beloeg rally bad maul" And I did uot keep my proalea next morning to pkotegragh the big guddha fnaively. 4beta all other obareetertettoe of rat lag ong thine aUnda out In horrible pro-nine no*. Hot to meutloa It woald bo wtflfuUy to omit tbo mam auiktog feature uf tba |4aaw. t anaau IU flNb. It 1* tbo moot horribly and ladeaerlba bly flllby pleoa that eao Im imagined, tod red Imagtaatloo must fall f panod of aeren yrart, tbn ant uf aetomettoaonpiarr *** *”£**££* lolgH. TVorigiwMaofratwIrarSo ebaagra to to aaada within a parted uf •raraora. ThU wee (deed to to praa arihsss trsr hE1**: •fMlailott ftrat In Jaoaary 11900 and that toAmcart 1 In order that tlw Caw cm atill aaailpgad sight ha •rada to ouofaroi to the nrartnwaeto of Uw low. The grant army af railway am pin ran art to to aaagratdUted upon Uw m atoral af tMa paUlawlar danger to Ufa aod liaati la noannatina with thair lull ing. Tlw twadUagwf rakwaram la wottoe la o bartr'loaa calling whra artry pen rentable peril haa haao aUnt aaiad. Tlw ooaphog of freight aaraby the old nwtfaad baa Haa itaaacent ratal tabaooaof tha aaoaaaaaary part la of railway aarTlaa, and with tha tatoUta tod of tha aotowatto (ha wa eraaard. Ttw railway eorpora41oaa will to onito aa aaoeh Uw walaan to the raaagr aa ihalr autployaa. far with Iba aaw derloa tba ontfdiug of care will to craaUr faeUIUUd aa mil aa wada Iw dahrarawa. Tha wring la Uaw will donbtUea aaaa pay ount of ,tlw change. WUh Uw diaapeaanwM of UiaoM ear oouplrf averytodf wUl to Uw gainer, aod tlw Uw naaaed by Ooagrara a*rm year* ago wih bare eespiately daman-, (tratod Uta wWlaw ef He fruaera. A* AH A mmrj KTIiHUUm lUniMiVuui. riflyyaNraagou toy waa worktop bU way ibrougfi Ooarlln 1 'nil—a Ha bad kuk aeoney—pcaotloatly mm at all -t-xoept wbal Ita mim4 by bit ova labor. On* of bie at—dy Mm w— kneading d-nigh In tha ooliaga ktteheo. He al—made fancy Uilafl—“nid*—” nod mb-M handily *• any girl. He bed a flnr v.iifrt. anJ e*og over bla work. Nobody >1 Uurvlin (bought tbe wor— of hi m l>i* poverty. Ua wm well op In bit el—* lie waa an lade faUgaUa boiaaleL Ha laaraad n lot of lain* oetaMe ofooUaga-ln tha rail road above and ■leawlc-re. Tba other hoya were pri tty an— that ha wowid “•mourn to aucnrihiug" la tba world. They w.ra right. He did. Tba In* few yaara after (radnation wblla ba wm atndylng law aad then wblla ha waa watting for hla Int client*, wan year* of hard ahddlng aad abort ao— •MO*-Of ptoahlag —lf-doo—. Bat ba and hie brave wife (FraeMedt Fin nay'a d*nrhter)Uvrd through tha— aad laaghad at thaw. Tba etiaatt aa—a after a wblla. aad tba ana—mm, aad tba boaara. tanator On bad -ade bM ■ark at tba Mtaiehna— in TTnliiMb— when tba gnat wm bcuka oat. Ha aad bla friend Boated Garfield aatteted o>< the aa—a day. FraaaaUy tbara wm a Brig. Gan. Oox la tha arny. and than a hUT Con. When ba oa-a hoaa, bringing hia laaraia wlU« hi—tba pa—la of Ob- Bade bl- Gov. Co*. Two peon later Frrald—t Grant Invited mb iota bte Cabinet and ha ha——a DatMiij Co*. U waa aathhIM -m It wm the fortune ef three of Ohio —dee, llaj—, Gerdeld, MeKlaley—to attain tha hiphaai ad alh bad it ba—, tha aaaa ef deot Cox would have had aa honorable la tha eowntry- —la. Hio (a -Mar trnau - the eaMcieot i it— af that. Triad la war aad la pttn, Jaaoh D. Can wm nwvr oa— fowvd waating to opportaaHy or to A—arlaeo bay wbn aaa rand ad I aoeh a oaraar at tb— without a tbrib la h— pa—M da— aat Juana to ba aa A-artp— bay, A tTM lm MUk MkN two kwrti IMA. The wtooar In a bona ra4a baa o food too 0( look. in* faartbMV I to thaGH _ fax; u»Mt«»Uut to— Urn Moot to MwaMy pars bailout) nhsraatar U Marly aaehaatrable. tba MM that It gfraamU* Uka tbs Bom MM la antwh saws] of temporary Tiara teas Wfna aortopo taio Paa) aad pagan pirates thro w op aalota aad whiten but sothlna else ateoh stoats a rsaa whtob Hoot cross'd. Stady a Uuto tha Boar fasHlaa which oa— from th* Hag-da, ta tbs Dutch fan it top of Mow York, aad too will, — thtak ba eootiaati u» cruras! pram ana ba—am aiiarv or oooutiuoaa, oaw gaita aradl oalaa nattoaal oharrater, aad ths K— - Hall bays for aaatwr— to— aatdsatad la as praaaaro at •& !/• :‘j>} Asa wd lag to tha Bart In l/*al Aw •to—. the Kaiaar mada aaotbar ro —rkabla apoeek oa tha embarkation of tbo Qaraua troops Par Ohfaa.