« The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Conntj. Vol, XXI. GASTONIA, N. 0., THUKSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1900. MPUBJI—rrrTTgwiny-—-T-rr» 1 J' " * " ^ CHRISTIANITY AND TRUSTS. BRTAB APPLIES 80RIPTUBBS TO THE ISSUES OF THE DAT. imum n» SMiKiaH ail will r*i Mia With lb* Water «r 1.11.—r'HrW 11—1(7** Vika) PrlaMH** la Malattaa •a Trail, aad IraprrlNllw - 1mm lliljr la HM.klwd-Mr.i4 Statem—i •1 T —r1 n-‘-1 Tmkr Uotrnilw Mall—I aa Wall aa . Oup/tWM, two. by W. U. Hcarat. HI WILLIAM JTNN1XOH UKYA.V Standard Oil and the Water of Life will no I mix. “If a man ear, ‘I lore God.' and hatelh bli brother, ln> la a liar, for he that lovetb nut III* brother, whom be hath eeen, bow cad he leva G vt. whom ho bath not seenf" Thua doe* John, In hla Pint Kpiaile, denounce that* who pretend to lore the Ileevealr Father while lhey hat* Ui*earthly brother. Obrlet condensed the Ten Command meets into two when bo said, "Thou eball lore the Lord thy God with all thy heart, aoi with *11 thv aoul. and with ail thy mind." TtaU h the Orel and great oommiDdmaol. Ami tlx second Uka unto It, “Thou ahalt Joe# thy neighbor aa thyself." The Bret defines mao's duly toward lb* Almighty, the second hie duty toward bta fellow men. Tbe father hood of God and tbe brotherhood of man era parte of the eame gospel and cannot be separated. Wa liafe no way of maasnrlng men’s love toward lb* Creator except by tho good will which be manifests toward his fallow crea tures. There It e wide enua balweto the rUSrmtUy* benevolence which religion commands and the rectitude which govern meal oompels. The Christian oannot content bimwlf with a Ufa of negative hermlesaoeae; the frulta of tbe spirit must in am (set ibetnaalvm |D positive belpfalneas. The object of this article, liowevor, la not to point out ways In wbtob the Chrletlao may aid bit brother, bnl rather to Indicate a few of the ways In which be mey be doiog iojuetioo lo him. X A A ATIUV IS Cl 1C A A p l An cut. The subjuot of taxation la au ever present one. Other questions may came nod go, but this question, like Tronvsoc'e brook, goes on forever. If is on admitted proposition that snob eitUso should ounirlhote to tbs tup port of bis Govern menl to proportion to tbn protection enjoyed by blu nod the benefits rsoaived. If. beckisss of a tad system of taxation, or because of tbs faulty administration of a good system, taxes are eoilaotad in snob a way that some pay more than their share, aad others leas, injustice is done to tboee overtaedeoed, and partiality shown to those too lightly taxed. An unjust system, la effect, colleots from those overtaxed and elves to those undertaxed: or. in other words, transfers mousy from one man’s pookrt to another man’s pocket. The wrong doce io this way Approaches, if It does not reach, the proportions of grand larceny. It tbs uojaet lew Is the handiwork of tboee who profll by It .and la aaactcd because of tbs advan tage which it brings to its authors, bos stall wa describe the morel char acter of the act? IHCOW* TAX IH A NXW LIOITT. Tbs wrong consists io tha fact that snaoay Is taken from one person with out an equivalent being returned by tha government, and given to soot bar arltboot a coos Ids ration being de mand ad, tha method beta* immaterial. The person wbu robs by force or by fraud (a no mors guilty, from a moral standpoint, than the mac wbo par posely secures legislation wblcb trans fers to tha shoulders or others tha public burden which bs blmsslf ought to bear. The advocates of an I Dooms but tatiave that taxation Involves a moral as wall aa a political question, and. be lieving In equality before the law, they favor an smandmant to tbe Ooaslltu tton spsetfloally satborlslng an loooma tax. Can tbs opponents of such an amend naaot plaos I heir opposition upon moral grounds? Can the Christian wbo lovaa his brother aocoasl from tha assessor property rightfully subject Io taxation or favor lax systems favorable io blmsslf, unjust to others? won raw senium awd rasauna* It «M Mid of tbo Herlbea ud Pberl mm: "Thor Mad heavy bardooe and grlevoaa to be borne and Jay then oo MM>a ah on Meta, but they inemariras artU not nova them with ana of their flu fere.” Tbla Indictment might be brought today against ihoM who ea ooarags eattravagaooe lo leglelatfoa and yet evade their share of the bur dans, which that Impose. Kooeet differences of opinion aa to the Merit* of say proposed Anaaela) policy are to be expectsd, bat there ought to be eo dlttardaaa of opto Ion a* to the Ideal policy, toward tba aMiuteg of which every atoet should ba dlrooted. Tbo goMtlons, what money la aenndT gad what dollar mates the oMTaat approach to benaoty* may afford ground lor dlapute, hat there should he no dlOMat from the proposition that the boat dollar, oo matter what ayatam mum It, la tba dollar which Is most stable la lie poreheetag power. Abeo lata stability, K aUaloabla. woald glee •is an absolute hooeat dollar, but euoh n dollar has never yet beea devised. »rm mar atm o* nr momet. In mao ay, aa la other aauan. wa strive for perfection, knowing that it ana act ba lady at flood. Every dna t nation la tba porahMlog power of tba dollar la|a«na aoaM oaa if a dollar rioas la pan*rung power. It tMiflli tbaaa who own money ood Umm who hold eootraeU pay*Me In doMarn, bat It lajaaso tbOM who owe meaty and i)mm fka nfolati vtiltb. "A dollar whlsh tails la ourahaaiag power produces tbs opposite effect. To Lnoreese the Dumber of dollar* called for to a contract would not ba tolerated for a moment; to lncreae* lb* pure basing ;>ow«f of tb* dollar, how ever. bee exactly the tame effect. Tba purchasing power of a dollar may be obanged by legislation. For Instance, other things being equal, legislation, which lessens tbe volume nf standard money, increases the salue of each dollar. NCJKIMOCY'M TOLItlX) arjuccu IN 1891. This idea wav forcibly sat forth by Mr. McKinley In a speech made In Tuledo, U., In 1801. Speak In* of Mr. Cleveland's hostility to silver, b* said: "He was determined to contract tba circulating medium and demonetise one of ibtt com* or oommeroe, limit the volume of mooey among tbs people, mat* mousy scarce and tharvfor* dear. He would have iccreased the value of mooey end diminished the vain* nf everything alee— monry tlis master, everything alas the servant." If legislation intended to make money scarce and therefore dear, money makes U>e master and every thing rise tba servant, can Christians Igunre the morel question Involved? In the parable nf me sower. Christ Uugbt that "The oarea or this world and the droailfulneas of rlolies elicits the troth," hlaiory ounQrms ids teach ing*. Kafonm com* from those who suffar, not from tbuau who aie bmrtk ted Ly existing conditions, and yet. In 1800, lbase who arera perverting the and* of government and reducing fa voiltlsui to a science threatened Uia nation with bankruptcy, if dvprtvad of control. TUB CRRUTUN AMD rni rnnir If Um> prophet Amo* were to revisit Um> iwrlli and witness the Increase in tenancy upna the one hand and the piling up of lumens* fortune* upon the other, b* might exclaim, as lie did of old: “Hear this, U ye that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of tlie land to fall. • • • making the •pah small and the shekel great, and falatfytog the baiaooe by deoelt. • • • Shall ool the land tremble for tola, aod every one mourn tlwi dwelled! therein?” W hat It the altitude of lhs Christian toward the trust? Can he be a monop olist? Can h« rut a ooroer In loaves •od dshes without hxn-hlo* the Gulden Buie? WIU Staudsrd Oil aod the water of life mix ? U a trust magnate can porohaaa religious respectability by liberal oou . txibutions to ohnrch expenditures, wliat proportion of his Ut-goltan galas should hs surraodsr In order to alone for the violation of laws, liomau and divine» No church would extend tba hand of fellowship to a physical giant who occupied a mooolaio put and enforced tribute from all who fall Into his bands. A monopoly does not differ greatly from the giant In method, and may be lofinitaly more potent for evil. Monopoly li bondage; it nohrtdlea greed and furniabee to avarire a de structive weapon. Hu mao nature baa not changed much aloce the days of Pharaoh. The lodnetrlal monarnli la ee ty ran nice I aa tba potlttoal monarch. Give to strength and opportunity and oppression will bn the result when ever a selfish Internet la to be subserved. Can Um spirit of Um mask and lowly Nazafiao be discerned in those who water stock. Issue bonds lo excess of the vales of Um plant, drive rivals into bankruptcy by tenet methods, aud then prey upon society at large ? csumcne ancomjro imzip. Conditions bate kecomo so alarming that church organisations are begin ning to sound e note of warning. At the General Hynod of the Ueformed Cborck, held at Tlffto. O.. last year, the Committees on tba 8tate of the Church reported the (allowing resolu tion : “Tbadanger to be apprehended from eertalo agencies, which are slowly, bat surely revolutloolzlog tbs entire social fabric by Um absorption of the wealth of Mm country In tke bands of a law, the steady eolarmement of the poor olaaaet of people, and U» gradoal dlml anllon of a proaparaea and happy middle class, the hop* of every thriv ing 8late; the rapid Increase aod in tentifioatlon of all too** social and In dustrial agencies which tend to make human Ufa a burden of despair to the many aod a material pared!aa to the few—alt these tMngs cahoot bat exert a baleful lafioecee upon and prove a oonaUnt hindrance to to* progress of toe kingdom of Christ epos earth." The resolution* might with propriety hare oooeladed with tba familUr quo tation from Timothyi ••But they that will be rlob fall Into temptation aod • soar* and Into many foolish and hurtful lusts, whieb drawn men in destruction sod perdlUoa. Fat toe love of money Is Um root of alt evil, which, while some oovatad after, they have erred from the faith ead pierced tkomaalvee through with many eorrowa.” roioiLioomiuMT wr >t Arrow*. Thu forelbid annotation of tha Phil tpplDu IuUuda to daramfed by torn* oo tbu ground that our oatloa to parfotno Iny a raBgJooa duty. Without atop plog loatonorata Uto taut that a tom earn bur of Uto Flllplnoo are already ■tooabtra of o«» branch of UtoChrtoUah oh Utah, it U worth whHo to loqalra whether ware of oooqeert are io Itee with Cbrtotlaa preauptu. Ttto Booaruod Jauw* L. Barton, auo rotarr of thu Aiwortoaa Board of Por al fa MtoUooa.donlua that aa Aauurloan protoctorata orar uoadirluttoa ooaa totoa will aid oar atoalonartaa. (la aaya: Hilbarto oar tolaalonartou bar* goea ta tha aads of Um uarth oarrylag on lbalr work, aod It baa aurar buaa ebargad upon thaw that tout ware Uto krtreawra of Uw mImIw to bo plaatad, whtoh la turn ware to toad to a protMtorata from Uu toe* uowaUy, If not aneantioo Utoutuoartoa fraa •agUad. Oanaaoy aad Traaw ton buaa opao to tbaau ihirga*. aod tharoby Utotr lafltMftoa baa baae |r—Lly aar rowed sod their effort! misinterpreted, while our own missionaries here been •nilrely uobemperul. The Christian religion Is essentially a religion of tbs heart, nod lots Is It* supreme menlfrstatlon. The kingdom of hesren has been likened unto a grata of mustard seed, whloh. by Its Internal, vital forus, grows Into a great tree, aod to n little loaren, which gradually Isevens the whole lamp. "ugWARK or raLSJt ruormcT*.” There arc some who think that des tiny leads ua away from lha Declara tion of Independence, away from the Constitution and away from lbs tradi tions of Um past. There are some who even think that nur nation <■ cons munder! to go forth with the Bible In one hand and tlm musket In the other, prepared to road tbs former to those who nsosps tbs latter. We have bate warned agelust falsa prophets, sad It will be our own fault it ws are led astray. A lest bee been given ua by whloh we oan distinguish between the spurious sad the true. “Blware of false prophets which oome to you In sheep's clothing, but ioward ly ure ravening wolves Ye shall know them by their fruila Do meo gather grspea of thorns or Oga of ihlstles?” By their frulti ws shall kouw them. ! When we sre told that religious duty • requires os to deprive remote rases ol ! l,w opportunities of self-government, we liavs • right to aak whether oer 1 os tractors have been oaraful to ob eetva their religious duties at boom. We cannot eipoct philanthropy and hauavoleoca to Inspire Imperialist* In Ibelr foreign policy. If wrong. Injustice and speeDI privileges ifcve beeo the fruits of their dome*lie policies. If they have asorlBood others for their own netware here, are they likely to make sscrlOcaa for the benefit of othera abroadV Will Uiey be more oonsidarets of subjsots than they have of eltlaabtf Or is It the eoehaxtissot or distance that transforma aelfisbosH Into altruism 1 IT It TSXrTATION, NOT orrOBTCSITT. '"w uieu woevuer ne thought the Lord w«a oa bl* eldt, and be replied that be wee anxious to be oa the Lord's aide. We canoot change eUioal principles to soft oar owo oonvacleooe, or to adrmno* oar owo plans, bat we o«n strive with slcgle noes of parpoe* to know tba truth. and whsa we Bod that whlob wa belter* to be the truth we can adhere to It. Ul ut uot mistake temptation for opportunity, Tire eight of new terri tory may ba alluring, the glory of an Empire may ba fasolnatlng. but tbe price demanded Is loo great. "Tbe devil Lakath him up Into an exoeedlng high mountain and ahoweth bits ell the kingdoms of the world and tb* glory of them, and aalth unto him: ■All these things will I give time tr tbou wilt fall down and worship me.* Then aalth Jseui onto him: ‘Get thee hence, SaUo 1’ •* •won Sarlsl WiMblngrun hat. Another of those strange romances of a melodrametlo obsraeter Id which n bogus borlsl plays a role la shoot to be disclosed la tbe English law court*. L*et year ooa of tbe oldest, beet known end most highly ret peeled Ormi of family lawyers, Lake by ntme. tailed, Involving in rote many titled families, which, bad for generations, 1 ut rutted tbe management of (belr eetatee to the Lakaa. One of thoao most hard hit by tba oollapse of the Brm was tba present Dak* of Moo trot*, who loot In the neighborhood of *1. 000,000. Mr. Benjamin Lake, one of tbe two members of tbe Brm, who slope remained In 1/mdou to faoe the muete. wbeo be spywared In tbe Court of Bankrupt ey, explained to the pre siding jodge that tna Insolvency of bt* Orm was no fault of hie owo, but en tirely due lu tbe dishonesty sod dafsl oathan of hie partner, Mr Qrorga Edward Lake, whom ha awors bad Bed tb* ooontry, »i,d bad died In Germany lo November last. Be Ilka wist pro. daosd oartlUeuUe to show that Mr. Caorg* Edward Lake bad bean duly barled, a* Buabey, In EngUsd, on Ds oember 6. It bea Just been discovered, however, that Mr. Oeorgs Bdward Lake Is alive and well, living In Itajy, m tb* utmost luxury oa tb* proored* of bt* theft* Testimony to this effret ban been placed tn tb* band* of tbe poll os, and steps have Lena taken to obtain Me extradition. Mr. Benjamin Lake la. meanwhile, kept under tb* stoat strict polios surveUMoca, pending au loqalry Into the quest ton a* to whether be was • voluntary or an Involuntary agent tn Hit* conspiracy to defeat tbe-ends of Jostles. WtH*. IfClIIS RM«M. NM rinrin. rwradbj HMwl« llwl »«!■ . Mm, FrM b |iQl hi. Dwn yoor Hklo Itch owl Born? Diatloosing JtropUooa oo Uio Skin oo 700 hot oohoaood to bo tooo in 0001 •»* Bo* 100 torn oo Iho Hklo. Hair or Hoalp? Haro too EeaaooaT Skin Boro and Oreokad? Boob form oo ibo Hklo? Prickling Pain 10 iho HAIoT Bella? PlMptr*? Boo* Paint? Bwollan Joint*? Palling II011T All Hob Doom? Hklo I'M*? OM Boro*? Bating Boroo? DIooroT To car* la *tny oared toko B. B. B. (Romaic mood Bala) which aiokoo um blood port mod rich. B. B. B. wilt mom U»o aorta u> bool. Itchier of MONO to Mop for*v*r, ibo Min to booooM clear aid th* breath lam. B. B. B. 1* J«*t ibo remedy yon bat* h*oo looking for. Tboroogbly inMrd for 80 T**ra. Oor reader* nr* (dvkard lo try b B. B. Por ool* by dratf*** ot II por largo battle; eh larg. txmw* (foil lyoatlll. lie mi* tbe houla toed* BoIoaM Blood BoIm. OaapMu direction with **eh boula H* iaf*r oro miim It, • trial botU* give* ■*■7- WJlW f»r •*. Addroao BLOOD BALM OO., Atlanta, Oo. Dnaorlbo year trouU* *wd Pro* paraoaal modi Ml AdrlM Bold by Preot TOrrenM A Ca. a unimwirci trim. Xr. JMptr Bull Telia haw ha ktath UahHad «fm»i0»a lha Bagrwew la ■ Ctaee MlwUaa la Naalh Caewila*. (hwwwl, B. u Index. Tboaa wlto know anything about the blatory of Mouth Carolina will recall that there waa an election In that State io 1870 at wbloh oonalduruble Vo'log waa dona. A goodly number or voire were cut at Edgefield court tionae; In fact. It U conceded that Edge Bold e*v*d ibe day fur tbe De mocracy aud Vie white mao*a govern meet. Tbe eleeUou two yean later, in 1878, was also fiercely ecatcatrd. It wee Indeed tbe crucial teat, ee the uegroea made a u»t daeprrel* effort to gat back lo power, and It waa unlvby another superhuman effort that lbay warn prevented from doing to. In thla election, at in tbe one two yeera before, Edgefield did her whole duty. Many atoria* liar* been told about tb* aoanr-s and Incident* at the election at KdgaOaM. but tbe Index reporter Ul« oilier day heard a new one, or at least one that has never appeared la print. It la an Inleraatlog story, and beet of all It la a true one. Mr. Jaaper Ruth who uow live* in Greenwood, waa the bero of Lha Inci dent. Mr. He ah la now about M year* old, grtasted and gray, aod in every reaped cornea np to all that oan be meant by tbe Urm a “eaa*." Ha waa living In KdgaOaM la 1878. aod waa erobsWy a little more of a “exae" than a la now. <Jo mm morning or the election Ui« negroes o-xigrvgsu-d early and mussed themselves around Ute ballot boxes. There were about 1,400 of them and and they war* packed so closely around the polls that the wbitre were com pletely shot out—In fact that vrsi Mm sc lie me of I he negroes, to hold tba polls aa lung aa possible nod thus pro rent tba whites Iroro voting. The whilst soon saw that something bad to bo done or tbay “would lose the elrolion, aid acme of the leaders were preparing for so armed attaok, when Mr. Bash staled tbu he Uileml he could run every negro away from Um polls without a tingle shot. Ha was laughed sl at Brat, but after be had unfolded hla plan It waa Mgieed to let him try it* Mr. Rush selected a few discreet man and told Ibem Ills plan la detail aod instructed lham ss to what lie wanted them lo do. He thru aeot to a drug store aod purchased a stick uf aliasing soap, being particular to spe cify '*a kind that would lethal firely " Cutllog Iht piece of soup In two, ne 1 put half of It In bit mouth and com menced chewing vigorously. Ha soon bad a oopiuut froth nr lather around his llpa, and than added a plnoh of red dys stuff to girt it the oolot of blood. In tba meantime lhose who bad barn posted. had been circulating among the whites aud telling lItem wbst waa oomlug, so lhey were lo a measure prepared for wbet followed. In a few minuiaa Mr. Rash cams running sildly down Mm street, froth ing at the mouth and apparently tier ing a non vnlatoo at ereryjomp. Borne commenced yelling “Madman I Mad man! Hydrophobia! Get mt of bla way!” wbtl* others okwsd In no him and a seemingly terrific straggle f.,|. | lowed; hut Mr. Rush urerpoweitd them ell sod kept on his wild carter, still foaming at the mouth nod soap ptog at«very one be passed. Ha head ed straight for lbs negroes. Tba lamented Dr. BUI Jennings was in the plot, and waa dabbing about Um crowd bnuidlahlag a oo I local horan ptatd and sbcallug at tlm top of bla voice. “That mao hat been bitten fey a raaddog and bu bjdrophnrbta Urt out of tba way and let me kill him La fort be bites somebody.” Tba remainder of tba story la hast told to Mr. Bath’s own words. ‘•When l got to tbs negroes l put my bauds oa one’s shoulders and Jumped and landed oa lbs pile. They were packed ao thick that I oouidal get to Um ground, aod I lust crawled around oo Itae hands and shoulders uf Um negroes aod chewed on my aaaa and spU lather and ends all over the Whole business, all tba time howling aod act earning worm than a wildest. “After I bad started, l thought I woo Id play IbegesM to the limit, aa 1 picked out the cleanest looking ear I ooold Bad, and reached down and got a good bold with my teeth and slaved. I figured that the Map la my mo a lb would hasp am from suffering any barm, aad l didn’t moeb oars linw It affected tbs negro. It wae not many second Mil tba negroes stampeded and began to scatter, aod pretty sooe tba only ms Mt waa the one wboee ear waa damped la my teeth. I palled him around tba street a little, same aa you have aaaa a dog pull a sow around by tba ear, and gave him a Boat shako and let bios go Ha want off like e •hot, ead the white people earn# up and am started lo voting, aad—and— well we voted enough to onray Um •isnttoa. negro mm got ni« oar la ray mouth wool boom aid want to bad and •wore that ba bad beau bitten by a madman, aad It teak all the doelora in KdgeArld to f*VU bla Ufa. I didn’t eotfar any bad eCMta. aad I’m beta yet,” and Mr. Buah laughed aa ha walked a®. TMe la a Una rtory la ever* detail. Geaaral M. U. Butler, rxGorr rooc Wiepyard aad a boat of othan now llylog win vooeb tor Ita aneoraey. Uae reeeoa why It baa oarer keen pub lUbed before I* that aat uatll reoently bar* the whit* people eared to talk about their method* of carrying elea Hod* la the TO. Aad tboa It will be Been that a atlek of aha ring soap in the band* or meeth of a man who kaew bow to uae It, nUyud an Important part la the ru demptWu of Sautb Oaroiiaa fraoa Xe gro m tarn I* and the ruatoratlau of Urn relee to the ban da of white men. ■aanwmewama am L*e Vegea X. uTklf. 1A M* Baaotar John J. Ingalte died m Urn Moateowwm Motet. Bel Mortage, at f o'uUab thi* moraleg aw iwMWuat ADttma. WWM la Mm OMlMk Car Ikt Inn naaa la IkaAtaM r-flm *4 a Lari. The Wloebju-Salem Seatinel p«u i IUIms ib» f.dl.iwiug Utur fruK on* of : North Oaiullna’a loading colored «da aMain, Prof. 8.0. Alkloo, proaldaatof Um Slatvr IodutUUl School, of that euy : ! l! CAD not be qiMoUooad that lb* oo*ored people ate now la a aetloua Mate of mind. They undoubtedly fret that thav ha vo boeo loro from UmU uiaortoga, and It U not aorpriaiag that U*y an aomowhal at aoa aa to ilia future, I tiara therefore, deemed U ftt llag to make a eutomaot. both la the Intarvat of my nan people and for tha welfare of my Stale : Aaeumlug that the tuff rage amend ment la oooaUUitlooal, let It bo.admit ted that tb# rcall lotion of negro muff rage la an aocoioptlabrd fact. Tba qotoUnnlfi Wliat to tbn outlook for UM uegro moe hi the State Y la at tempting to Bud au aoawvr to thla qncatloa, let ua note the folluwluc : 1. In Um Halelgb Nawa aad Qbaer m of Angnat 3rd, tba morning after tbo election, Um following In given edi torially : '‘Tba Democratic party, which now In publlo affalri boa baaa obenau la govern thla State, la not boa tlla to Um negro. Ha will Bod that no prvjudlue. noIntoloraaoa, no btturoaaa angaodorad by Um campaign will bo permllted to deprive bim nf fall pru toeUoti to pvraun or property, to ieay him fanlUUan to tdoeoto hi* children, or to Hod boro In the boro* at hi* birth every proper Inoaotlva to thrift and good dWacuahlp. Mac? uagnjea have been mad* to toltava tbat UM pamag* of tba amaodmant would b* Um togia niog of n war opoo thorn. So far from thla being 'he caaa, they will Bad that whan political Motion la eodod, they oaii rely implicitly opoo tlm juatto* nod falrcaaa of the Democratic par tv " a. In Iba Charlotte UUrrvrr of the ■ama data I dad la an editorial thla abort but Butting aauUroor, u, «u : “TW* viewer la a iwatping uua-now fur a wtaa iub of It.” Tlia Twin City daily Sentinel af Auguat 8ih aaya: “Tba negro waa told that tba adaption pf Iba amaod mwt would bo boat for him aa wall aa bMt fur tba white people aqd thla «u a Uuih wbleb owning rrvaeta will aub ataetlate. ” S. lu ilia B'k-lgb Horning Fuat, of Auguat brd, the foilowiag tangir*** la otad, editorially s - The iron It of the election >>*trtd»y. aa* bat the rgpioa aWu of the determination of the good ciliwoabip «>f ltie State loaneure for all no lorn for the blaoka than the wbllaa, Ilk* tacaalug* of good governuxQt. tha protection of all lotmati, t la promo tion of tbp gest-ral trolfuru, tba equal enjoyment of the Jnat law* impartially edmiulalerrd Ivory booeat cUJgao will dvvote Ulruaalt henceforth lo tha aa oompllabmaut of three object*. ” 4. Leading bualueao corn have given aaauraecre that tbe white men or tha State controlling tta boalntw Inter ala and aha phi g tta eomaorroUl future Would not tub-rat* the law—that tlooe tbe adoption of the amendment there could be no vxooea for preventing tram voting aey pvreou aMItiad to vote un der the amendment. They have #* ptvteed It aa tbeir opinion that no election law wnold operate lu future ao aa tn prevent uegrwri from voting •bo would be allowed to vote by tbe tarda of the amendment. 5 The hlatmy of pwUlo opinion le North Carolina ehontd be ragurdad la thla group From Urn* Immemorial public Wallmvcl U North Carolina baa beau lb favor of giving tbo negro hia right* before tba taw. Thl* we* •yee eu prior to tbe reneeotpation. Siam Urn emanotpatt jo tha Uletory of tbe State baa been emphatically on tha aide of equal right* taall man under tb* ooesUletion and before the law without regard t* raw. Tba negro wUl not anon forget tb* great mao |e tb* hlatory uf Urn State eU«* tb* war -like Vaaw, Settle. Jerri* and the late Uoveruor Carr who exhibited tbe •Plrlt of Juattao to the negro mi *11 eo o talon*. When * proposition war mad* to rvotrlct tbe uegro’a ad Bastion *1 fact!lure lu tb* noaUt* ef laxatiou upon hla propafty enly. Governor Jar via wm tha hie-hearted man who ataod for tbo odoeoUou of all tb* peopta with oat regard to solar. ***■ •••navi w Ihww vno lot* lowlag language flow tb* apeecli of Hoe. U. B. tjOMk Ute Oovarnor-eleet, aoerptleg the oomloolion. lie mar* thaw at rang word* : "May tha wa of good fWtliig b* tba nnloome of Idle oooflJat. Than wo a ball lean If wa da •ot already keew, that wbtla ontraraal •u Braga l« a fall ora, aalvenel JoaUaa la tba perpetual degree of Almighty Ood, aad that wa an entreated with power not far owr good aloae. bat fat tbe negro•* well. Webold oar Ulle to power by Um tenure <4 aarvtee to Ood. If we fail to admin later equal and exact laotlea to (be aagro. who* wa daprtea at auffrega. wo Anil la the tail aaaaof time looa power ootoateoa, fee we Meat kaow that Ood who la lava troau ao people with aether!ty for the per pom ot aeabtlng them to do ItfsaUoa to the weak.” TMa daolaratioo would do aredU to Um nohtaat aptrlU of aU l'm», tod la worthy of ttM gnat atoteo ■•a, poblletat and mantra wbo bate laid the fouodatlooa for bamea right* and tba world’* graataat elvlVima tlOMi 1 writ* ibt* arttola to eaatore Um •ptaloa that lha aowraaaf thlatalo lha futon ea It rotate* to my paapi* will reel npou tba maltmaaU eoataiaod la toe aboea ottaUoaa. Cartalaly the Raleleb New* aad Tlhaei in aan be qootad—a« 1 have doaa above —m ymhlag with aathority, nf oarety aa atroagar expnmtaa eu he given Ihu toe aamhtaad Mat amenta af UmBaMgk Nawa mod Obaerver, The HaMgh hat aad the ChaaVAto Otoarrar’torH daw eat am paaaiMa to dowhl that thorn pepan wielded th* moat powerful aawa paper laduaan to brtagiag ahoat Um * f——1 !«•••* tklaf tbat than la aay roam tor doubt mu Um ataaartto of man reaewneetlac the leading hamaaaa lotaremaftha Utah ■a wall aa laadtog pwhfta mea gntral **• wh*» thejr .vue that the taut* H nseSaarjasorB HMM to ml too. that tba khun -— traditiona of too «at» M^httoMSiS for otaob la th# feiaoeiag of pwMtc opinion ae I be rUtlu of au aad men an Inrofved. fb« breoatt of oator ad MH afl through the State, aod <>r rotored Jforth UaniHaUna everywhere bweo with pride and RnttiUda-when •w toey reotomler the htotcry aad i»«Uooa of (ha aid Xarth dUU. Swaly thle hUtory aad Umo iradiUoae are aot to he forever reeanad cod da Meayod. Shall we not aleo lake the M m* oot hit wprde qsated above aepeeiaily Onltnut» Jror three meddereHnne I think |jfc» !• fiwndtehSrTLd ehoold Ilka to anprel to my people l» the lan guage of Sfaon of eld, lo “«Uad Mill and ere the aeiettlm o* tb. Lord.''It ■eecta to Me therefore, that It wowld ho soviet for tho oalorad people to oea tlMdato leaving the SUM to Urge uuojben beeaeae of the rveaJta of the ckctloe and that It li as* the oppor tune tuna for the oeuro to ek-jo hie MIL lo Ood Md bomroity. We wtU do well oa a rate to atwaldar arrioueir M*" "»■*OtoeX It topevbaWy uofortnatethat ooUUoa la Lbs past bai TurmmA lbs shlsf ftssst elaaeaga bwwoeo the raaaa. end to tbi futore it eeeau wtee for tba negro to thl»k of the ladrvMaal far who* ho votee aaewtle. the party W. wUldo well to turn oui atteaUes saw eepealeJ If Is ling nit I is to tbs ■strfsiggd, ^ywgHafwiwpenn—elgeoataHyaa lodiridoek, relying-ea 1 trset wemay —OS u* psrpoaa of all good am to the Stale, and upou thorn auueglag tba waw adaatulaUattoo of adhlra, lo glvoua *a oupoitaalty to abate afoot doabu aad loan, to win TtltMMtHp. aad to have a permanent plaea lo the fqUn devlupaMt of the state. . Lrt me eogc. et to my not omm tliluga la detail which moat character - laenoj people that oaysot to have each a permeweat ptoto aed bold UMic em hi too competition of life. Three Umb have haM uereleed by oUwnaad they are worth topeatiog : 1. A ecrupuloae rwnird fur too ri*?to asd property of when. Thle will go a long way toward attatong i a* ea*a far ounaivaa. » * lon ax nac tMWWIou of Um valua of tout*. it fa won* noth (ug to otMorvs Unit oUmh am faoblaa lug lu UnoqtulUiMi it fa milotmt to know that wo mom hovo tfaa •«. salves before wa son survive. » A proto lo Making oanalvso nan ful miwi of tko —rt’lTj la wbfab wo live Wo o<o out olfaoo. , AHbougb o«r civil tum< may mm to ; bo tbranleued. M««» it to oar wa I auoltlan to ooutrtbuta In ovary way wn oan to Ue|r prosperity, aud Una aball wo aumty. If rlnarly arUUiab ourselves a* balpfal fiotora iu «ar cuaunoutUi*, aad finally cotnr lulu all the protection •ad privilege* u »uch. 4. A gantiiuu low aad rerpaut far «r»rk wall paifunoed. la Ufa aaaitar tba uagrn haa taa* a raid raoord. bat tbM luoonl eau aad a»««t aa iHpfoved. A A atroug ava of raapuaitbUHy aa to obligation! uHerat or Impllad, that fa nnimpaaotubla lotagrltr. Oo th» foaadatMo Um astro will ball* baslneaa rbaraotar, whlab la ladfapan ■ahlo la bcooMlog a lamtul eluom >n aay coataanlty, end a ettfaaa that •UI ba protaotod fa bfa rigbu, 0. In tba aetwolr iboasdsavor maat bo to train um tup!* to form habits of thrift aud economy, to rat arm gratl todoa for fovora, to pay debt*, to oara a liula— if not Moob—to rpoud a lHtto fast aad to pat beauty la Uotr boana and Morafa lei Uieii living. la tba proaacBUoa of tfeaaaoado I Uluk Un oagru will find that tba «ao latlooa above glvan troa tbotiUto pa panaod Um Oaiaraor afaot win bo livid op to Worth Carol!oa will, I Ibiok, repeal bar own history In tba fair treat Meet of tba negro as ha rfaaa up to tbit MMpfi of niatwiod citfaeoahlp aud l appaal to thoaa ea tltfad to apaak aa to whether I aa right or wrong la Ufa opinio*. Chtowro N«ws. ( I I I Tkaaoadtttoato Ua< ‘..2 ttpatcb Ttmm ikt Wnahiogtoa iwriiiiiil ETnm"m a£ {•““•to tka Par* Worn miS';. *! >» tka Mllw Hiwmi at iMkfMthaPtoto&a aptdln7raaKy oakaa it waaaatomna. &&£&^j&9gSy§ : SattSfuTtotoTtoMtoMM^iS^SB^ '■ iw® K Miwm uoiei af vtev :iflM • Mt<>4 wtU JatoMy. Porto IMgata o*T to Uw mm Manly rm'nal anon wlaa la tka worti, baring aa arw«*» ^£35?&SS3£ gjfeyy UtoaaUM. to tkat tka yaw Hwistellfe snSEsrvSSSBs sss^sxr 2 nEtattseusane1' ^ny>rti0Btowall-to4ayaoyM lamuii Smu !• ISLJS. T.>"^T.T!'l..y>; »' coOm mining raatlna ttook atpUnJ. p.lrt^oi^' -A-a*f1c*0 Malllbrum bad tana alUkato' wkltoi dttoogta it MS not ufoed — -— lirrtUaond for *11 tka paoyta, aaratUua Uaaitaaiitto in mmm amt aitmktm. Tka Anartaaalaniaa to tka lakuto pan kUy baa batyrd aama to tka yaatoa. batoUinr.U.nbae. maim mtokZSm 3f Unmj Umv ten *--*— -■— — to Into yaar'a bairiaaaa haw toM v. I ha hankktoa to tka naapla. Statu R‘oo ia primarily aaH iaa'fiiio war popaUtioa nod Uan la aa nook proa pnci for lodoKfial aaadltlaaa that rHU nra alt Ua paaMa a aha»c« Ua aam a kaaotlltoas. Taajanadki itkat am to MamlM bo Ua Porto Hfcan protdatt aacht to ba darlaad upon a kruulaod twaaaa piaa dwlgato to ba toolla ►«wU*' to Unatttna to tka lalaorlt iiafortounta ooadlllox wen. tamw rt«». hm. Urn. Patrick A. CuHInc. who la m mono «•<! wlce ■ Dmomc m thfa pturr»Uou hu uroAoaaA, MM hi* «w Blaciona to to ll.e Actyct Um boar la WM chart cad prapuanc oratMeo: ‘Tto* suit mmcAf 1m i DoaxMfMt oca cm r«r rxtetiap priKiod <tnd tadacUtel •rile fa to mu Um arnlgti OMcaaratte llCkCt.** Briber Bryau «# MoKiofa* win ba Um OMR PmWe.it. Oca. CoUlac cm m> to point oat. id, white Um Meat rater win ui*t pet d) ha MeU hp tha ►JeoUoo of rllher. he mill pet dl that U preoUori<ta. The dentin to Bryan »>U caeca lb* iwap enact of oar proCTCM from a lapaAta to eg Maptwi. atoTWlU aback tba piaatli to tadmul*l Monopoly. Tin cteetfea to IbXMar wOlmaeo tee oontUanaoe to the potter tfartalaUc AcccnAeawroaA*iflte lariat to ptinatte tract* Tbc alternotlra ktoara each rotor la pcetty cteeriy aat (otu kp tk« taota to i bo tit Motion, which mo eteor to nil; aaA, aa GeoTOufltea any*, tbto la Mt tbnttetofor noyaotor Mob to kta rote (or n banco Mod. IWArnw Mnat In Made upon tbOto toato whteli an ritot The Many Maoria to Bar. R.*rMaJth vUtnjjdaatoknowtohteMMaMaite Me aawMAtotehor. * iniaiilm I Lba UbriaUca Otoerrar hwtba bfatteany: te Un MM«y noA too MtolaatUte fjM mkto* u^gt. A p^SdtTLv szxxThZz the lata wire noAo know*. oBertea* «m aaot tor tote M4 Ip thaaa Mb* 'RXffsgszsrsgsat BiTTSvars W2S»: A few Aoyo apo Mar. m. P. BMUbtaok blnto BteMtaatUte aoA ptaatoMat In

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