The Gastonia < Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Vol. XXI._UaS-JSsIgSfr.,.,.}_GASTONIA, N. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. 1900. THROUGH THE WEST. People and Products---A Description of Some of the Pine Hotels. -DT JOHN H. CUAIG_ Oo the inaide nf one lbs back* of Mr. Craig'* book in wblob be kept hi* diary was the foUowlog to that in ease of aooldejl there would be no trouble In identifying him: "Tbta booklxloucato Jnhu H. Craig, Gaatonia, N. C. In oaae of *loku«M or an sceldent, notify Mm. M. A. Craig, Gaatonia, N. C., and all taper.are will be paid, for tbta or any attention* that may be nrotnary. Foe QnaocUl refereoeea. wlra Gaaloota I tan* tug Co., Jno. F. I ere, Catbler, Uailoota. N. G., or First National lf*nk, M. P. Pegram. Catbler, Charlotte, N. C. Thui March 10th, 1900. (Signed) Jobit H. t.iiAitt.” Boro November 8tb, 1B40, weight 170 I be. Left GutooU at 0 o'clock on the morning of Ibe litli for Charlotte, and spent a plsaiint week Uterw. Left Charlotte. N. C. for Hot Springe, Ark., on 9A5 o'clock train Monday, Marob 19lh, 1900. mmil, LITTLB BOOK, AKU eiNK uLvrr. March 20tb. Arrived at Memphl* on time, changed for LltUe Hock. Arrived at Little Hook 9:49 P. M. March 90th, oo lima; took Oral train to Pina Bluff; arrived on lime, 6:80 P. M , Pine Bluff, Axk. Found fuika all wall. Remained at Pina Bluff Marob 91 at, Wadnaaday, riding and walking ov«r Pine Bluff Mel on lb|* day a*vara! cotton planter*, among whom were Mawr*. Tar tor, wlio own over 10,000 acre* of land. Saw the big mill plant of the Sawyer, Auatlu Lum ber Co., the two oompreeeee, and lev oral oottoo warehouaaa lMmtioed at line Bind Wednesday night. Tbnraday, Mai. 29. Lett Pine Bluff at 7 A. M. this day; arrived at LUU« Rock, where 1 met Milt MoCnily. Saw him about half an hour. Arrived at Hot Spring* at 19:16 P. M.. train twin* a llttli late. The rtaa to Hot Spring* from Pina Bluff la about 400 feet Tha Mill bet* are rough, rocky ana steep. )>rank a good deal of water right out or the ground Saw the two large l.oiela, '‘Eastman” end ••ArllogUm." At the latter I met Mr. B. D. Wilkin*. • big oottoo planter, mod R. C. Tbocap •on, • mere bant, both of Pine Bind. Stood the trip very well and am feeling all right till* nlgbt, 8 P. M. Thursday. March 29ud. Friday, aiaron ard. i *•« uot au wall today; think I at* too bavlly last olgbt, sod UaU morniug I bad so attack of dluloees. B. Brumfield, of Gallon la, called on ma at tba Leonard Hotel on Main St. He told me wbere Col. Myart end K. U. Sprlngi were stopping—at the Wavecly. I called oo them today. Col. My era la quite feeble, bis faoe la Moated and color bad. Saturday. March 84 Ur. Had a pleas ant visit from Ell Sprluga at my bo tel, tbe Laooard, this morning. He lo> .'ortoed me tbit my old frieod Col. Myan would return to Charlotte. X. C. tomorrow, Suodav. As tbe Colonel had no ratora ticket, and I being <k tlroui of istgrulng to North Carolina by a different roots to the one I name, I sailed a poo him to ess If he could ate tbe ratora portion of my ticket, which be agreed to do. My oldest daughter, Sarah C. Brady, and bar only child Laban Jenklnt Brady, my only grand son, accompanied ma on ray trip to Hot Sprlngi. For the amusement of “Jlnkis” wa took a long it roll au tba "Happy Hollow"—a regular midway. All kinds of eorloalUra and at rings amoaemeots. Nmt we made a tour of tbe Una largest hotels la tbe ptioe. First wa oame to tba lovely Arlington, dealing In splendor. This bout bed, I wa told, four hundred guests. After rooting in Its spacious parlors, wbara I mat Cept. later, a large and prominent grocery mao of Ploe Bluff, wbere my daughter lives, and balag quite re freshed by otralor of delightful Bale, »e journeyed onward to > be Park Hotel, almost In tho atiberba of tbo -city, and where there ware ala hundred nation. Wo took oaly a birds’ aye -alow bora, aod hurried oeek to tbo Polooo Both House, whets we met ilej. Fordyee (a brother of Ool. 8. W. Ford— the president of the -Pee <*•*" R. R.) who owns the Palatial batli boose, also tbe Ho* Springs street car Use as wall aa this new railroad, the “Choctaw," which begins opera tions, I am told, Uw brat of next month,—thereby making two roads from Little Book into Hot Spring*. Maj. Fordyee war oordial to os. Said he remembered my old eat tun, Tom Craig, well, aa be baa speot maay seasons bare. In tbit eonoeetloo, the Maj. mentioned some Mlaaea Adsma, one of wbioli bo tboogbl bad probable boon connected through Turn with my hoooohold. I told him no eneh good fortone had befallen me. Well, wo took on# of tho faaeout bathe here under tbe direction of Maj. Ford— which wo ao joyed Immatusaiy. Tbo Major would raced re ao oomponaotlon —a small fas to Uio attendant waa the 11|f iQtt, H-ir>4*y. March 964h This morning opened op with besnUfol ranahloe. ao we started setters walk. Stepped ot Alton's migoeota spring, where wo loaad alee soft water, similar to tbo Hofmac spring ot eastern!a. West on to tho Uokat often sod signed my tlofcet ready to deliver to Ool. Myers. Ho gate mo for It tbo prloe of one straight rare to Charlotte, ala: 187.1%. Heat and last, hot not least, was tbe •‘Big Fail men" betel. Truly this la a mammoth hotel. Has 000 bed-rooms, bee)dee tba huge dialog room with a seat log oapaeity of 400, and tbs spa oleas ball-room, besides tbo many oar toco, writing rooms, aod wary giinai oflkte. This betel hoe 800 guests We took the iterator to tbo lop of tho baDdlng—seven stories, where wo get a 4oe yi*w of tbo famous city Tbo It eras Sonday worn lag we knew It not from our surrounding*. A string bind or orchestra of Ofleen Instruments mods ths loveliest of mule in tbs large reception ball, where we rested a short time sod met Mr. and Mrs. 1’slar Byrd and child from Pius BfolT, Ark. ()u passing down the broad promenade 1 was tapped no Lbe shoulder by Mr. Huoy of Charlotte. We pueed oo to the Woverly hotel Where wa ware most gladly met by Mrs. Col. llaui lonaa and Mrs. Jno. Jd. Soon, lioth of Char lolta, M. U. Wa returned to our hotel, the l,eon ard, opposite ‘ Bath house How;” took our farewell maaJ, aud left on tlia 8:43 train for Little Rock. Col. Myers took the same train, l-ul got off at Malvern to spend tbe ulght, where 1 law him last. Ue was alone nod very feeble- Is 88 yurt old. We ere at the Merchant’s Hotel In Little Hock, where Brady's family lived whan Tom vial ted them ben marly two years ago. gallla and "Jiokke” go home to Pioe Bluff this evening, ao u* not to keep the littlebiy out of school any longer, t will spend the nlgbl litre with my frieud Milt McCully. rod If Pruvldeooe permits will leave tomorrow or Wednesday for Russellville. Ark., io spend a week with iny friend Henry White, sod where I hope to most many other acquaintances. March 87th. Stayed last night with my old frteod Milt McCully. Had a good nlght’e rest. Went wiUi him to Stale House. Mel Jadge Hill, com missioner of agrleoltare, meohaolos and mines; alao met there MaJ. W. H. Dunlop, Ss-Andltoy of State. They piled me with quest loo* oo cotton fee tori a* fro** an experimental standpoint, I gave them nay experience very ml* outely. and vary satisfactorily Judging from what they said, and I am sure they were aioeare. Thence went Ui the Arkansas Democrat, publishers of the evening dally, nod manufacturers of blank books and book blading. Were shown through tbe eelabllab meot, and specially tbe three Linotype reach lues Everything ooanacted with the machine was explained by a bright young man, Alfred Hparhoy, who has charge of them. Noll wa called at tbe Exctiaoge National Bank, one of the ally** solid beaks, meeting Mr. Bollock ths cashier, and Mr. C. T. Pouont lbe president. Ur. Poooat received as cordially, and drifting oo to oryton factories, had agate to give my expert sms, whleb be appeared to appreciate vary much. WS tneu vwiled the Federal Uutldiug end want through Ik It 1* disproof, built of (looe. Iron aod marble, most HjloixlIdly and substantially fumWhed. After dinner, we had a delightful visit to the Inaaoe asylum. Mst Dr. Harper, tbe Jolly sopertoteodeok end Judging from tbe appearance of the institution, U the right man In the right plaoe. Tbla la an loetitulloo llbarslly tup ported by tbe Logtalalurs, and la wall eq'.lipped and properly oooduoted. The bolMingi oooupy a oommandlng view of tbe eity and surrounding oouetry, proeenllng some real pioturMque scen ery. Tbe buildings are bolli vary sub stantially of brlek. and ooyerad with slate. Don't forget Potter, bob-house man, and bW Oddis made by himself. We were eeot in a carriage by Dr. Harper to tbe street oar line. While there la waiting but a faw moments wa got In htaring of what appeared a church sociable of adored ladles, who seemed to be discussing tbe race prob lem. It I rated on oor ears to bear the remark: "All respect!ally raised while people would always respect tbs colored folk.*’ Usteroed to cousin Milt's to spend tbs night, end at 8:48 tomorrow morning aspect to take tbe Ft. Dmlto traiu for Hutaeilriiie. ntfWgLLVlLLB, AIL Arrived at RoaeeUvlIle March 9Mh at 11:48 a. m. aad took dinner with my old trteod Henry White, and Ma good wife, la the even Ing we took a ride through the alee little town of Kueeelt vlUa 1 mat Al. Bradley, a mm of Jno, M. 1 eoeld aee a good deal of the Bradley favor lo him. 1 then called to we the yoongaat daughter of my old friend <X ay young aaabood days. Jno. T. Torrence. Sue la now a widow aod living with her aoo aad only child. John Perryaaea. I tew the photograph! of a grod many of the Torreaee family. 1 alto aaw tba plane where my nH friend located in this town. The Mode that he oooa owned arc aow cov ered with very nice raeldeaoae Attar convening aoaeetlme witli Kata T.k reooc Perryman we CocUcaed our drive. Met with Rev. J. C. Dougteef, peator of the A. R. P. church at ihta plaaa, aad who waa raised In KelrOeM wnnty, 8 0 . at or near BleckMook. Re la a relative of oar grand old preacher, Rev. E. K. Boyce, of Oaa Kirk pair Ink fro« duel Crank, who once tenght •ehool la Oeetoalc. I loppoee the younger people of our towe etui re mcmfaer her. We then weal to the beautifully located oemetery end aaw ** 3**»« «t >r old friend Jaa T. Torrence and wife, and three of hie danghtera. BunheoUa. Martha and Jam, aod alan hk aon Jno. T. Wa tbaa drove by the nloe pubUe eebool building, where four to ftve hood red eebool ohlldren attend: thru armrad by the Boaeellvllle OeUen Mill bnttilBgi which at pnnui la idle aa tba meek I eery baa bean moved. Thli le e alee kcatlng for a cot too mill. Ad they rake a good deal of cotton In tbw county, aed the foul k nearly right at the door, as there are eight or lee eagl utaea with la tro to fowr mllae ef the mill, aad aa ahcodaoea of weed an arooad On retarnlag to town I met Or. O. W. Ilerkry who merited Jaee To tree ee. After a goad eight’a reel myueif end Mr. White left for Tell nounlylo eee my old aogoaletaMae le that county On tbs wayout paaesd km olos (arm* aod woodland*. We arrivad at ay old friend nod playmate. J. Frank Nolan, where we took dlnoer. UU wife died tome two year* ego. but be mem* to be rather melancholy a* nou* of bln ebll dim lie* with bin. Hu llula grand daughter keep* Imna* for tilu and hU graodeon help* on tbe farm with the aid of a hired boy. After dinner we drove down t» see kin. JdoKeniie, wbo llvre a few nillae from Ulm. Frank want with >*. 1 want Into tbe bourn wbera the old lady live*, and ■shod her If the remembered me, but ■he could not recognise me. 1 told lior of aereral parties and other Incident* which I thought would help her teem orf. But after I u4J her who ! was, rim remembered all about It. She la 77 raara of age. Bald aba bad 49 grand children and 10 great grand children. After spending tt few pleasant hours with ber we then went down lo see a Hr*. Cofar who U a daughter of A.. It. Cojl, wbo a good many of the older people of tiaaion county atilt remem ber. After staying a few bourn with ber we drove to Frank Nolan'*. Oa the wav be ok Frank showed u* wbera A. B. Cox and hie wire are burled. ( did not go out lo lbs place, a* It (it off the road a little In a nice field uf greet) wheat. There are two aloe oedar tree* by the graves, one of which •land* at the head of hU grave. The next morning wa want back do an the rood and passed Mrs. MoKeoaie'e again, and went lo a little village called Oeoterville, where wa called Ut •ae Dr. ▲. H. McKeesle. AfUrspeud iug a short time with tbe Doctor, w* went a few ml lee farther south; passed the piece wbera Dr. MoKansle** mar ried daughter lives, Tbetr house stand* on a little sharp rocky ridge, wbloh site Mid waa called the "Devil'* Backbone." Then we pasted o»*r ae other higher and rougher ridge. At the foot of this hut rldgr 1 found the home of Wn>. CUrk, wbo waa raided in the same home that f wa* born In. I did uoi find him at the bouse, but bla daughter situated where Im waa plow lug. 1 walked down through the field to where be was. I found himself and eleven chtldrea planting ecru. He ■eld the balance (1) was down oo hi* other place. After chatline a short Urns with him shout cor younger days and the people mat w* once knew, 1 want hack to Urn road where friend Whit* was waiting for «*. W* thso drove about a mile west to where hi* brother (dark's) Uvea, but did not fiod him at boms. 1 aw two of bit daughters and a sou, bis wife being dead. Alter telling '.he children who L was and lssvtsg s message to their rstuer. wc grove north itxit roar mile* to where Bob Cox liv«* We did uot dad him at home, but we took dinner with the family. We were eery kindly treated by bil good wife iud family. He bu a nine etoot looking boy who runs the farm, but at pment U haring M seals* and not able to be out. They told us that Bob bad gone to Dsrdaoelle with poultry end eggs, as be la engaged In the peddling busi ness, nut being able to work ou the farm on amount of haring an attack of paralysis. Bob has a nice looking farm, but I fear the people do not try rery bard to keep up their (arms as I leant they do cot use much fertilisers of any kind on their lands. We asw some nice oonotry on tills trip Left for Russellville about three o’clock, rasing a cold north wind which was rery disagreeable. After Vrarailing a boat three miles we met Bob Cox going borne, and of course we bad to stop awhile and talk. He Insisted for us to go back to home and spend the nlgkt, bot when we left KutkeUvIlle we made our arrange merits to be back by Friday nlgkt At Dardanella we Stopped a short time Pi see them at work potting up a small ootton milt that some man from Loolalana waa morlog to this plans The vaoblnery was sot of the latest make, but probably may make pretty fair yarn. It bad been run some little time in Louisian*. Ha shipped Noose (frame) as well as Machinery. Dar dsoelle Is on ua south bank of the Arkansas river, end la rery level and very Ui>ajr. tier* we are right la •Igbt of Um celebrated ML Kabo a boat aU ml tea away, which look* grand and mafeatie. and la raid to ba 1500 ft. abora this lawn. It la atad aa a aua Bar raaorts III bad had Un* I would bar* goo* on top a# I tan toM tha rlaw is magai floral. I waa told there was • Am Urge betel up there and • great maoy nice eottagaa. At Dardaaall* tha Arkaana rlvar la oromad on pon tooo bridge, tha Arat of the kind I aver mm. It la built on flat boats and la aald to ha on*half mil* from tha top or one beak to the other. We returned to Ruarellvllto about A P. M. Thla baa baw a vary ©old day. In fact, quit* chilly. Attar spending the nlgbt with friend White, I expect to visit down on Gall* Orerfc among th* Oates, Falla and Fargnaona. a day ix roTTavitLa. .Saturday March Slat bright and early my frteod Mr. J. Warren Fargo •co oalted for mo with bla aptandld rig, oonalaklog of a baodaoBO black borSa, boggy, and comfortable lap-robe. At ole* o’clock a. m. w* left tba While Hotel at RoaseUriDa and drove all mllaa to Pottavltla 10 uSlock—Wa arrived at A. U. P. parepeaga and •poke a few ward* lo Idv. Monro* Oate*. After aooeptlog no Invitation to apand the night with him, we called el tha I lUI* green bourn where tha Falla glrla lira Than or* amt Mlaoaa Martha, Oil* and Rath Falla. fMj are nil vary bright and happy glrla, grand-daugbter* <jt Nate Falla, wha waa anc In-law of my old re I earned frteod. Jama* Union. 11 o’alook-Wt war* at Dr. T. 1). Whttealdaa Ha baa bam a aaaoaafal prectltioear la tba aalgbborbood f w Ml years. Ilia wife area Mia* Jana McArthur 11:80-W* war* at f tel via Grier tteto*’, whara wa took dloaar and auyad twa boat*. Ha la la poor health. HI* wife woe Mia* Martha Haary. I JO p. m.-Flapped (Or a as la ate at tha home ef /aba Thamaa Fanruanu, aoa of Rosa fern •00. MB-War* at Silas HoaryS. Ha la from Foeth Oaralloa. His preaaat wife waa Miaa Naaey B Oa*aa, oleaa I of mmm af tha Hannahs. ToSlaah, wa oallad at the boma of Uapt. Weeb iDftoo Parker “a widow. Before bar marriage aba waa Martha McArthur. Fiva o’oloek, at Calvin a Ball*, aou of Akx Bell. 6:30—Were at tba old plaoe of Mala Falla, who died laat Jaouarj. Hi wa* M yaara old. Wa mat bla young widow aad flea children. Ttia youngeet (a about 8 moe. old. 8 P- in.—At Tboa. Oataa’. It la wife died about a aoatb ago. Sbe waa a Moll wee. Oo the atrret are • poke la Breklae Bbenecar Boyee Falla, aou of Mala Falla. Sundown we were again at Bar. M. Oataa. There wa apeul the night. Sunday mure log. Oo our way back to Rueaelivilie we drove peat PlMptb greveyer*. where nearly all North Car olina people bury. Amoog many other! I notioed monamenta of the followlog: Alexander Bell Died 1888 Axa 78. I’ater Huffman •• 1888. » 78 J. Fraoklla Kalla •• 1878 •• 44 Joahua Macrae *• 1800. " 81. F. C. Kalla •> 1888. •• 47. Ja« U. Morrow “ 1887. “ U. Jaa. W. Gaitoo •• 1888. •* 00. A. V. Outre >> 1888. •• 01. Jaa. Qolou Fall! •• 18M. “ 58. On thla trip wt drove by tba Mk Nabo aothraolta coat mloae. In behalf of ay travel]log oompaokxi and guide, young Karguaoa. muM aay I never mat a brighter or more Intaraatlng young aaai. Zvery body aaemed to koow bla and Ilka bUn. Monday, April lad. Tble day waa plvaaaotly (pent in tba boma of Albert Bradley, greodaon of Jaa. Bradley, bla father bring tba eldeit aou o( J. B. Bradlev. Pound bla wlfa, who waa au oiilv ebild of BupbamlaTurraaca. quite III, la (tar lag from a peo altar malady not uuderatoud. On the following day took d la tier with Mr. Born, whoa# win waa Mlaa Lizxle Pierce who ouee at* leaded eohool la Geatoala. Part of the day 1 wea moat plvaaaotly eater Uloed at llw home of Rev. aad Mre. Diughua. Mr* U. (a Ml* Kirkpat rick) waa a teacher In GaatnaU one year. On Una day I aleo vUtted 1*4 Smith and wlfa. She waa a Welli. a moat amiable wumac. They tmvn but one child, a Hula girl alx or aavau yaara old. While there I mat Maria Wlibera, a daogbter of Allan Wlibvra. (Cootiuuad aaxt wart.) Ml* Want la Mima. Charleston. 8, U., Aug. 14 -Ilia shirtwaist man has been vfflcleUy and •ueially welooawd to Oharleaton, tba moat conservative ally, perhaps In the country. At s fashionable seaside bote I a ger man was given last sight oompllmau Ury to visitors from Maoou. Ga.. sad It waa aooouooert that tbe affair would ha vary •swell" In IU way Thera waa a large attendance, and Ilia dancing ball waa beautifully decorated and lighted. Tbs bote) is on I be front beaoh of Sulllran’e Island, and usually there ia a stiff aae breru, which makes lbs place delightfully ami. Tbe brans last night was dead, sad It was opprt*. hlvely warm. There was talk at the german eboat the shirt waist man. and It waa deci ded to put the new scheme Into effect Aooordlogly Um yooug man departed and returned In negliges, looking e ml sod comfortable, evm If lliey did ap pear In oostuor weird for a ballroom. One visitor wore duok trousers, whits shoes, a white stiff abtrt and high standing oolLtr and was ant aj.iroed with a cravat. Ha was at bums with tbe other*, however, and with their ousts discarded the young men danced away tbe better part of tbs night. Now threw ia a mow oe Coot been to make the shirtwaist man a rtf Otar limita tion. •M «... UMn Naw fort Ftws Naw England clioas to anstoms sod InstitutioBa longer than any other Mo tion of our eonalry. Elsewhere, evm In tbe remote regions of the Kar Wait, tbe railroad hia dritia out tba stage ooaob, but la New Hampetilra aad Vermont the lumbering vehicle ia to be found still doing doty. Ue.ently Kr*uk Hurt, editor and publisher of Aeaoog tba Clouds tba only newspa per printed on the Summit of any mountain la tbu world discovered a Mty year-old Oonoord a >scn at Cautfe Heitor, and Lewis Downing, Jr„ baa found auotbar of tbe sees* stria at Moepallor, forty nloe years old this eumaaer, which bee been used et that town aver dec* It wee built. There aie on met nos ooeebes In New Engined with even loafer reeard*. —-—' -1 — Ms* ttMla MlltUI*. A1 to MU Oowtltiittoa. Wt d«a’t know Mkg o*wa tlili «Hk. aa tba psatnaatar want flaking Moodsy and no nail bM bwa d«llrarod Uooa Satroral ooorarta wan drowood white s,«,dtdwlrdon 8m*vBui iu* Tba BlllrllU 0 uarda will not an to China; bat tb*y tool that they h*r* do®* l hair dot*, I taring lynobad tb* Uwaa China** I sundry earn who latalr dM boatoraa bar*. w* WlllMt |° to tit* awafanr* this "M0». Tb# alligator* In tb* mill pood kaaw It ahnrnad op aa It look* alaioat Hfe Hvklf It LKd AM*n BilMH*'* only uiaalooary to Oblaa I'M )«■« for th* baoact of ht* haaltk. H* an tba ollnaU tbara doaaot agras with blaa. ■Uttaoa am* A WWW ft laoartaiolr graUfylag to th* pub Iio lo kaow af od* aawaaau In tba bad wba ara nat afuld to ba awanui to tba sandy aod an Waring. Tba praori Kaw Dteeorary for Oooaoaaptloo, Uoofha aod Cold*. •.RJr •*• ** •***» botttea af tbia grant wad Mo*; and h*r* Um aatlafaatloo of know lag It baa abaoiatelr aarad tbawauda «t *»*«— ±*h«n., Br»*eMtla, Hoananaa* aod all dl—*** of lb* Tbraat. Cbaat and Lana* an awrnly oamt_br it. 0*11 oali c.Vni &D53Sc-rc^,ste •fT^bjttte gnaraadaad, ar prtoa ra WAS IT A KAIM ISIAL t The T«*l« lw the reew thee dm •enulieljr.11111» w t krprtll <M Ptpee Hidlart Oauteui. . HI* « unexpected rerdiot. Th« km turtle** who Uttened to lb* Ueogetown oourtronm oo daturday •bowed Ihelr surprise In UtMf (am* w« hem. The prevalent Impression bed bran Mint tba Jury nrueld report e disa greement. I* it ej ok verdict ? Wee Power* an aceeaaury to the murder of William Goebel f Old ha personally procure tbe Bring of tba ratal shot, or nave a entity knowledge that It was to be Bred t We don’t bellave lb* juror* know. Undoubtedly Taylor eud Pow er* *ud tba other BopubHeaua la put •aaeion or lb* SUte oOoea at tba time lbs murder era* committed did aa Im Cadeot, ill advised tblag ubnu tliet ought the armed mooateinaeni to Frankfort. It la Just u eurtam that there are Urge excuse* to b* mads fur thair error. They knew that Goebel, wlio bad obtained hw r.omluaUoe by fraud »nd violent)*, would ruck at nothing In the rxaoutluu of hi* pur |HM* to ini***** himself of lb* governor •hip and Um whole muchlocry of State administration. They were aa*ail*d by a bool ole a o tempo louse «at, with videos* (maaqaaredlng uud*rth*for«u of biw) tabled ft. We suppose that on* or lb* muuntalouer*—deliberately or irapulflvaly; aotwr or drunk—Sred tbe tbot that killed Goebel. We do not think if be* been proved beyond a reason»U* doubt—or proved at all— that Powar* pUnaad for jot oounoslad the crime. We have oo do a hi that perjury bad an mo lug on tbe Ueorge town wltnees eland. and that offrr at 1100,000 fur oouvtoliox testimony — taken In oounectloa with the aateoe dnol history and the oourtr ooi (hew ing of the State'* evldeucn—errata* a presumption as to llw aids uu which tba bulk uf tba perjury wa* corn tallied. Gan it he said that Power* bad an Im partial trial when tbo judge. tbe public prosecutor, tbs abortO, and two-third* oT tbe lory were bia poilttoal enemies, and when tbe whole atmosphere at tbe courtroom bot with politic «1 pemten ? Tbe feet that tba uoe republioau Juror and tba Uuoe Jomra wbo ware John Young Brown Draoerete lam year ; concurred la the verdict, and did »> wilhnul any long dlacutaanu lu the Jnry-rooni. ibould have nil tbe weight that Jutlly belong* lo it, but tbe other feet tlial the eight UoebeUte jeroca equally ready to send Power* lu St tie’s prlxm Instead of the (allow*, should not be overlooked. It woalg seem to Indicate that a lurking doubt lu the beak of their ml ode. Ttw ebsoo** are. ere *T>oukJ an, that Power* will not aervu out bis Ufa asoteooa. W* wish th» State of Kaa toeky a happy dHIveraco* from all ber Unubha. They are of bar owo maklcn though, and the must be Iter owo de liverer. Tfc* ftpoal *T I MIW. Kmleiut, Oooe a yoocg man with a rrry llttta aooar opeottd a •■all Mora to a New England city, do row poooto oame to to boy bla goods that ha beoama dll ocuragad, aad aaul to htmerlf aa ha abut up bla More uoe Friday niybt, "M I don’t have more ceetumer* to* morrow, I’ll ylv« It op and go away.” Jurt than a liltla girl «am« along, loobad op ot him and raid. "Ate you tba mao that keepe ihta •tofsTM ’•Yaa" be auawarud. “tills l» my •loro but It la abut awd looked op DOW.” “Wen”Bald tba little girl, “won’t yoo plaam opou It again and aril mo 1 ■ pod of number seventy cotton? All tba Mores ant Mint ap, and my mamam want* II to flniili my dma to night, ao I oan g» aud visit my aanllo to morrow.” Tba yt-uttg marohant oould not ra fuaa the pleading yolea, ao lm unlocked bla Mora, want In. Ill bla lamp, awd took bar ais Santa. Bhowvat happily on bar way home, and tba next day hrr mother earn* In with two otbar lad toe, thanked him for bla klodnom and bought oomo good a, as did tba otbar ladies also who heard tba atory. l'brhape they told others, for man oaMomer* same in, and from that day bl* «or- woe rannnifab Afterward ha baoamr rrry rtob. aad uoad to toy, ■'1 owe It aU to that tpuol of auttow.” But It waa the kladoaaa’ mere titan tba notion, which woo for btm frtaeda and auocrto; (or arbo would eat rntbar buy of a kind, nUaaeet ponou thaw af oeo who aaamad aaiBab and tomtom af othara? ri*« u aaa mu. Fin Tuaaday aftaraooo daatruyad ptoparty la tba baart of tba U>wu ta tba ralua of forty thauaaod dotlara. Tba laataa apraad rapidly aod threat eo*d a widespread dhaeter, tba MHo afforta of tba BrodybUn belay ooMBad by tba Uak of watar. Wbeo It wetted that ootblay would atop tba praynaa ad tba daatraytny abawt a my beery nda earn op and aoeed the day aod tba tawo. aMi>a<«a«iwiaatMt>a. Balt Lab- City, Utah. A ay. U Joaaoh B. Nobit, fatbar af tba Brat ablld bora of a potyyaaaaua uoerrhye la tba Monaoa <£•&, woo barfed* Bouallfal, Utah. Tba fuoaral «wrhwa wata attaadad by thirty of bla obBdtuo, atybty-r<>ar of bw yraadahUdrao, aad a ■a»bjr “f bla oraal yaadcbWito. Hr. XoMa had do wltaa. forty-aataa efctldrea. of whom tbirty-ibrea ara hr la«, aod 1M yraodaMMrao. WM viM_ (nd»Btu*l» will aa4 S$£iI!S55 Ma a* J. I. Curry 4b Ua'a., DruyHtotu. WAim W i*M& Bw tm>> _«■*! IbvratUtaM. Jn,ri" 8omo aonrin la repotted to to as cya< Ottawa loading to tto lallat at tto tepattoaa at Mk It ia atoorrad with aotoujehnaat that their-(r~ toowad greet toil ia aU tto way* aad nnsaa of tto noat Highly efelUndwar* ten, aad that their aaidlara thawad Iba a»oat approved valor aad dlaaipllua. Moreover, ebay wan temperate wad banana, aad. Hi briaf, thay aanpand wed with any other Uoopa la tto world. Oar awn aurpriaa ia tto eaae la non at this aorpetaa Una at tto aaaaa at it. Wa bad eastward that tto war totwoaa tteia* aad Japna tod glvaa tto aatioaa of Europe a Jam Idea of the Quality of tto Jaiwaaaa la warfare, aad that tto natveloM daaainpnaat aad pragma to that eoaa try to tto --- mltilinnaa aad la tto HunaaMln bad aitowa aot tteiantly tto obaraetac at Japaaaaa alv Utaatioa. Traa, pnupla have have ny lop that Japaaaaa otvliaatioe n only ■bin deep, n non varaiab imr limed leabia barbarian. U aa. tto vanlab anau nnaawnaaly doraUa. It ia wnrtoi pnaf. It don not woar o0. Ton eannot, aa a ink, aarateh a Jap and dad a Tartar. Tto period tea apatoat the Japaaaaa **• teawdtertf eawncalag their roal oivMlanUaa moat to ngariad, It mna to na.aanaarvtvai of thaaaateat noa aad oraad totrada of tin dark "too. Thera la aa oM. old lanoa whion t£a world baa not fatly loaned, ttiobord miebt bsva loaned it fiaca •Mad In. aad Boanpartn from Taao ■tout, nod X rawer from lr*-— U ia to ba hoped that ooa at tton days it wlU be learned, aad that wa any wB opwn to rvalue that—pan the Unman Emperor—ia or any ba goad ntdhww. ami tboogh they am imh ObrtaUaM, aad nay tobunan* to apMoof bavtog Hllaw akihi aad diagonally aat eyae. No doubt wa of the 'Vanaatan me an tto people. Bat wo an aat aan that Quito ah af chivalry aad vtrtea will pariah with oa. ***** AM KIM Off AM*MALT. •MM JMIa pnn TM —— •UM. wuuwue Oo>. (Mom nwHmJi. Dr. A. J. tihafhlrt, proprietor af a drugstore at Hortli Capital aad H ■traata, Washington. Mad MW N tba aaphaU pavsmact la front a? Me pbannaer |WKb; abort* More DOOfl. The <n ««a dooa W tba laming point iu ae*aa aad a half at Inula* after It waa broken on lha coocivts bp Dr. SehntblrV It was thru tarued ear, m a oook dp* a pauesha. aad was thonMgtalp cooked wHhlu 10 alantoa. A Utile nrgm wii.i wee emoag tbe wltneeere of the Ulck naked far the »g* after it bad goes tba rounds of notion* bpataadm, a»d a«a It wttb evident rrllah. A bandied ur safe essptopra at Iba guvvrttiaaat printing oOm. wbfob la oIom bp. watebad tbe pharmacist orenee tbe egg frying aet. Dr.bebafUrt bad made the *aarrtion that judging from tba hast registered bp IbansaoMtan ataodiag la tba aim it was bet enough to soak an **gee iba pavement Samvel ft leads who las panad to bo in hla stare chaffed and “JotHad" tba doetor far making aaeh a •oggaatlda, aud dually ba said ba weald prove to tba doabtera that be knew what ba area talking about. A thermometer outside hla store uodar tba rape at that moment regta larad 1*0 degree*. The doctor Offered that tba radiation of Me heat Cram tba ouaertta, wMck fairly abmad aadsr <>M 8ol* attenttonk imnt that the waa near to 180 degrees Accordingly U*e rape of Iba sea tapped the shad and lot tba contests fall an tba darp eea rrata. Ba bald a watab wkUt lha hat as phalt ondsmaatH the «*( aad lha aara Isatlag rape af tba aaa ever its sarfaoa wst'csss-.a.'ia'crs have time to res over a large snrfas* of tbe street, a* at Irst feared hp the doetor. _ »■!■<■« towtpiapat. CWcift A M at to Ml to Win a 40. JhnMNMbM.x an, bor nTtoMtldbapt la bapaoatra If tba wlfa is gfnilw. t^^doatota aw probably •• rallad ▲ baa lay* dariaf Ux day bat at alfbt aba baaaxra a rooalar. A daMar la tba paabat la bettor tboa to |a .pgatoaiia ai ■ ■Mnn ii vifvvMmb Tba wbtp say ba road la tba aittxa rlag.^biH apt la tbajdilUH^rlas^ •tea ttxgr aao tod warp wbaa Ihn trill. ^ Oaa mob Bay tsaeb aootbar loapaok but oa Ban oaa laaob tartbar la tMak. AdroraHy la tba torad ftlaatobla Madia Xpert la tba wbaat fro* tba Ha wbo la ladabt aaatoadaro loaalt lrot ba laoai tba dlaplaaaara of Ma arodlior. ' 4*r».** ^Ma-tssugss ssyiwr •« jsLitst Mwftftooagfe to ihaS HaathaTtflE ftStoto ■atotoia lu LUmSSZ tbaa«wt of am-'• MM IL QgtoaaaiWaUfamatoatoto qZa 5^R«I tSa oSfiaaa arssr srjss'af?:eS aorthton batCm-M<?haaa£u» g*frgMiSa>i Sjnfif £ •rt^Utotr.' %Ttayl*Mt!ttat*uln u£ SZZt££&:&£*' **■ Tim wan Hal —r^y-n m that u»m swiPsisr.asHg:-; IM» »WM >• «>■« JL<B3t P1**—^bSbtohajaiiw aSfoaaaot to traato* waaoh. aha wfU tM to WMMiwU'tolw^ hSSiaSjtt Um dwaaaH for «2urtiy aowto« b? Uaaa wfcti wMeo aha watJcuST**® , *• Midd* Kldjatato." of Oalaa afnwr^ a^SrassS^ al all If fba UMuma ha* haaa pia«M ImMmtdmt Uta aarcaaitdiao ioaCq, WTuefAa- i«o-!ra mm.Mia. Dibit Mona, who baa tern dellamlng tiBpimn talons 1o iiheyiik ou sasesisuBums teMlWii ■( (Mr marking fti *V P|»W1I, Mrnrc amMoa to pemib on Urn onn dorim aartatc honn*.bto tfaetetea nf tS ^2Lir .‘‘A S® legal right to ir-rmlt eayeaa to toit£ The emet wet brought abate by aaaa of teoaa who dais to hare Mm aanoyrd by Mr. Mora*'* shouting. Be aat at potter b—douartars with bji ptctuMi.d pl^p|Tu.cked Qoder e>lulr«i fur'Thow to ’bad wo™*** °* «se«3ssis •an,” aald be. “ted i want yon to m on ay tot" “l enppoas tea idaa is (bat wa'reM srsvassisr™'*^-" .^'SSK3mte£,‘* » tk* wwr I wanted It to,” aald Dr. Wearer. Baaed Bar. J. V. Ha«lw stated m mo toad fur tea agysaraaeawt tea atefcaery teaarow aoralag. and ha waeielagerd. Tto otber dajr I baaed of a aan ot &,KiAP¥.0S2.“S*fi krai tk Ik. wmMwm« Mb * Um aaawtobto wtte bta without rpmtlat toblai far aace thee twenty years. Ate ware wanted la IMudtew tewdMdeao wheat*grawa tad tbMa s5S”5as*ta3%ar **tew agate aatn teanwaaatada wttbhha tea deeaae SSSS^&WS -*«. PL teat a wawaa

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