The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the Const?. VolTxXI.__GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER «$. 1900. THROUGH THE WEST. People and Products—A Description of Some of the Pine Hotels. -BY JOIlJf It. CHAIG. Wodoeeday. Alton Bradley took me out to #e* the family of Sidney Bradley. He le a son of Jei. Bradley aad llvaa a alia from town. That eight bla youogeat daughter, Kale, drove me down to ki* (Sidney'■) brother John’*. Tnera we ipenl the uighl and on tbe return trip w# atopped at tbe old Bradley borne where Jamtn died. Samuel and hla maiden ilatat live mere alone. That la about four mllea from ItnaMllTlllr Alan atopped awbile with Jaapar Hoffman, a eon of Peter Hoffman. J a I per m tarried tbe widow of Joo. Tor ran o», Jr. They liave lour ohUdran. Spent oue forenoon with lire. McArthur, the ouly daughter of Martha aad Thu. Looeay. They have one too. Craig Lonrey. called for m-, I met him. Sew Haoueli Welle, who waa Hannah McArthur, then married Mr. Anthony and later Mr. Wetla. She la a widow living with Mre. Quinn, who la a daughter of Pater Hoffman. Court being Id eeealoa, I attended some, aad there met many old frlaadi. among whom wore Monroe Wbltaaidea and otbare. He oeme here 19 yoare ago; baa loal hla wire and baby. Tbureday, April 6th. Tbit evening Mr. Albert Bradley drove wltb me down la the bottom! of the Arfcaeaae river. There 1 eaw eome of the moet beautiful and fartlla laadi iu tha Booth Tow* landa are owned by people who Ilea out among the bllla, and are cultivated moally by txgro tauaota. We returned to Mr. Henry K. Whlte’i where 1 took aopper and ■pent tbe utght. leaving fur Jeckeou vklia. Ark., at 4:91 on tba morniug of April 6th. My highly ralaemed young friend, Mr. J. Warren Ferguaou, called upon oh to aay good-bye, after a abort but moat pleaaent acquaintance. LITTLX ROCK. Friday April Olb, oo my way U> Jacksonville. 1 mimed my train In UUIt Book, ao lay over tiers till that afternoon. Took streetcar up town to Ux Capitol, where I found my friend Dr. MeCally, want over to the Mer chant1* Cafe where SalUe aod "Jenka" ured to board, aod bad one-half doren olee fried oyatara aed a cup of coffee for breakfast. This is a olee dr it clam reateoraat and 1 enjoyed my meal. Took dinner with Milt MoCully’a fam ily. where I had previously spent some day* ao pleasantly. JACKSONVILLE, ARK. Left that afteroooa for Jacksonville, where I arrived safely. Met Lee Pierce where 1 stayed all night. Saturday. 7ib, mat John McNair aod took dinner with him. Wa rt to R. £. Bord'a aod stayed an night. Met Darby, a. S. Boyd. R. S. Boyd. Joo. U Wood, W. R, Johnston and family, aod Drew McNair aud family. Sunday 8th. left Boyd'* aod weot to church. At tended Sunday school conducted by Rev. Parfclovoo. After S. S. at 11:30 o'clock the sermon was preached from John xV, 6. After preach lag wc drove to John McNair’* where I remained all night. Slept well aod ate a hearty Breakfast. Beautiful morning. John snd children weot to planting oorn. Went out to ww the Bayou; saw some very floe bottom lands. After dinner 1 drove beck to Jacksonville on Moo day, April 0th. Spent the night with Lee Pierce. Mat Robt. L Youngblood. Had a vary pheasant visit la Jaekaon villa, Ark., and leave Tuesday morning for Pine Bluff. PINS BLUPP, ARK. April 10U). Reached here O. E. Had* close oooneotion In LIUle Rook. Don't think t ever saw It rein bander than It hat today. Found 8*111* and •Je»k«” well. Brady not at I to me on account of a wreck on bto road last eight. Good new* awaited mo at Fine Bluff, Tit: the arrival of a new naa* aake at Charlotte, N. C., John Craig Mel loo, aoo of Ed W. and Itta Crate Mellon, on Saturday morning, April 8th. Wednesday. Apr. lllb. Awoke with considerable oold and koareeoaaa this morning, but the weather la clear aad after a at roll out over tbe quiet ole* town of Fla* Bluff feel better. This place oomparea van favorably with Charlotte, K. C. Though not mueb manufacturing, It to g lira bailee** plan* We too* a “Cotton Belt" pass enger train out on* mile to tbe shops of the railroad, which I* a big thing. On returning to the ally 1 was mat by a Mr. Bussell, Free, of the Commercial League and Invited, or urged l might say, to be present at tbs masting of tbe League, called for 4 o’clock to disease the erection of a cotton mill at this point. Mat a largs body of bright, enthusiastic clllreo*. I took plea*ora In stating to them Us experience and knowledge I bad on this line, which U*y reeaiyad very graolouely. There Is an abandonee of capital hereto betid oottoo mill*, aed 1 think It Is poly In tho near future till we shall hear of many being looated In this great oottoo ooanlry. Later to the evening 1 was met most oordlally by Dr. Halt, a promise*l phralclan of FIs* Blaff, and bto brother a merchant of Moetloello, Ark., wbaee father I know well to Moats Carolina. Thonday, April lath. Thlttaorelac wa had a pi—not walk la tba aeoabloa, Drat atnpping at tha Oth Avaoua aity pohOo aebool. wbara s»» fraodaoa, Jaaklaa Brady, attend* Tba prioatpal aawad gM to aae o«, aad wa wara blghlv aotactainart by uaaay perform aoaaa f roaa Um vary wall Inland papRa. Qalaf oa, wa «n» eallad at tba baa— of Mrs. Taat Alklaaoa, a widow, wbara I oat bar ooUtar lira. Klrab, a taiy old lady, aad wbaae rrlatlvaa I uaad to haaw wall la Baath Oarollaa, Attar a van lalaraattnc annvaraatlaii aad a p ratal of la viuttoo to roaa* barb •ad aeaod a whole day, wa wool awl to aaa Mw. VaigaMw. a alatar of aay *raro Moad la QaatoaU, Kro. Oalp Hart we Urr led only a Hole while. prom.alof to return at au early day and taka dinner when Mr. Ferguaon would ba at (Him*. Meat we called at the home of Dr. A. Q. Thompson, where Brady*! family lived a ahort wliila. Found tba Dr. and lila good lady very eord>*l,aud enjoyed a alwrt oliat with tha Dr. wbo waa originally u Wlaoonelu gentleman. Pound him exceedingly bright and Intereetlng. Go>>d Friday, April 13th. Took u drlva over Pine Bluff, flopping for aoma minute* at lb* boat landing to watch •■f.uuile Mowland" ileam up and pull out for Memphie. We again druva to Uie Mg aewmlll, "itawvar Auallu,” where t an# a great quantity of pretty loga in lit* poud of water. Tlila two million dollar plant they aay will b« la oparallou In about two •eekt, when ( hope to are It ruoulng. Saturday. April 14lli. My ould aud cough oocHeir lo annoy me tone, bat 1 railed fairly writ last eight aud had a light break feat at 0 o'clock and re mained In the home till aftar dlouer when I Hrolled down lo Brady's office aad found ihei he bud Just golleu in after a week's trlu. dratted with him Ull about four o'clock wbec Hall la took ids fur a walk through the bmy streets to see "typical Pine Utotr.” Saturday after noon# all tba eolorwd population for tulles around come to town to see aod meet each other and buy “oluk naeka.” So tba good while people of Pine Bluff simply glee them Ilia town to to ipttk. Easter Sunday. April lath. Went to service at the Pint Preabytertan church. Heard a good sermon preach ad by tlia pastor. Dr. Caldwell, from John xx. 4. I recognised my friend "Tamp" Hall Just in (rout of me, uod aftar church bla brother. Dr. limit. Mr. T. U. Alexander, tbs pastor and others came up and shook band* with me. Sunday afternoon was very damp and raloy, so we did out get oat egelu. Monday, April l#th—SlUl reining. At about eleven o'clock I want down town for a walk. Frleod Ruaeal. Pres, of tiro Uiomarelal League, met ms oord tally and took me around to several of the banks aod buslncsi bouses, where 1 found all eager to discus "cotton mill.” Monday night I went with SaUle aud Jenklna over to tlwtr church lo nu Easter song service, which was repeated oo account of Sunday night being rainy, thus pra vantlng many from attending. The ■bale was very Hoe indeed. In addi tion to the large pipe organ there waa an o'otmtra constating of ptnoo and two violins. 1 I want many good voices both male and female, aod enjoyed the •ervloe even though the lights did go out twice. rnr* bluff to TxxaBxsxa. Tuaeday, April 17th. This more leg la bright and beautiful. " Itoks,” Sail la aod myself leave Pine Bluff this after noon at 3 o’clock for our Texas lo«r, Brady baring secured pa MM for us over bia entire Una from Oalro, Ill . and Malden, Mo., to Fort Worth aud Waco, Tex., etc.—a dlstaooe of over 700 miles direct line. If he oao leeve his work be will make a part of ilia trip with us. At B P. M. wa reached Texarkana, which la situated on the line between the two states, half In Arkansas aad hair In Taxes. The two jololng oountlee are Mlltar aod Bowta. TBXABXAXA, (AKK.-TBX.) Tbl* I* • Dice town of about 13,000. W« stopped at lb* Uuckiae House, a vary nice hotel. Wednesday, April 18tb: The C. in tent loo of Federated Clobe for Women le Arkuaea* being la emeidn here, sod Sol lie having been appointed delegate from the Lad lea Auxiliary ta lb* Y. M. C. A. of Ploe Hluff, tee remained lo Texarkana to day an thetebe might attend the ooo ventioo. Jeoka and 1 stroOed over tbe olty end riel tad a very large sew mill where I aaer le operation • bend aav. the Oret of tbe kind I have ever aeen 1 spent several boar* In the hotel lobbv chatting with lb* travel!!eg men where 1 met an acquaintance ltd made up at White's Hotel In Buaeall tIB* some weeks also*. Ills name Is Hobt. rentoo; bis home I* lo Little Hock at present, though he Is a Ken tootles originally. He keew Drady’t family won when they lived In Little Book, all having boarded at the asms hotel. I found blm very cordial and an Interesting talker. Hal lie be* spent eU day lo tbe CooveoUoe Hall (tbe “•] end aaye ah* bed a good time. Wa visited tb* ft. R Y. M. 0. A. bet*, wklota 1 am told was built by tbe noted Gould fballr, Ml** Holes baring oon trlbuted Individually eeveta] thousand beside* lb* handsome library sad a SWIla moale hot said to eoet 1430. It Is absadiom* three story (truotur* of brk:k •** amt .beat s*5 •****■ *• thoroughly rqulppei with all kind* of tames and rwninmsnts. bealdrs the large library, also kethe, dormitories and temporary hospital. Tbl* Institution It principally malu mined by the Goalde, *o that It oasts Ui* member! oely £00 per year. They have already over 000 members. Brady amooe them. Building bee b*eo oom plated only a few moot*. ▼***■**» A TO PO*T WOWTn. Thutodoy, April lOtb. Om mooUi re ■it|fatooM I bar* kapt trail aad aoiorod 1 raatad wall loot ulgbt at tba II oak laa Hooaa a fur a booty koppar, aad tMa moralnp partook of ■ aptaodkl broabraal, aaatop lha krai atraobarrtaa I ham bad Ula aaaaon At 9 o*«taak tbta A. M. wo laara for ft. Worth, IMaoaa of US otiloa frooa aad JOT ■lira (root 1’tno Bio*, Ark. FT. WORTU, T*X. 0:30 P. M. After a ptrsaaut day’s t£RF«l sc roes lbs grand old Stale of Taxaa wa reached Ft. Wortb. which U a beautiful otty of about *0.000 people. The union etailou here U tbe prettiest sod moat palatial I ever eaw. It bee oomforUblo apartments for tbe white and colored. Including lunch room, diulag room, smoking mom with easy chairs, etc , which ere really luxuriant. Wa took street car up town and stopped at the lletropollUu Hotel, a niea large four story brick building covering an entire block. Tbe finest bold iu the oily li Hotel Worth, Just a block above. Here we remained till next day, wit nessing last night a grand street pa rade 01 flower carnival, given by tbe business people and elllnane of Ft. Worth In connection with the annual convention or citUemen, which la at prcaaot In area too. ll was oerlainly a beautiful procession,—more titan a mil* In langlb, ami composed of head tome floata and beautifully decorated vehicle*, carriage* and buggies of nil descriptions. literally covered with dowera. The moat attractive of those andlbeona which took tba premium was a "Victoria.” drown by two One blank horses, drlveu tandem, with euow white harueet, and the Vietortv Weo completely covered with white lowers, (snow ball paper flowers) ovary spoke of th* whole carriage and tbe mitiro body being a solid met* of these flowers. Io tlw Victoria were vested two aoeoMlkt yoona girls dad io pore white dresses, with Urge leghorn lists eovrrrd with tlie same snowball flow ora. Tba driver matched up with tba horses, he being a black boy dressed Io pore white duck with white beaver and brsae bookie aod buttons and white (loves. U was called an "wleclrio parade." Besides the many huge lire Uio lights placed all miougtbe principal si recta for the occasion, each float aod vehicle was provided with eitrs lights uorne aloes ou either aide by ooloied boys It waa truly a greed affair. After a stroll around tba city Uils morning, Friday April 90Ui, we board ed tbv Texas Pad Sc train for Dallas, a diatanon of 90 miles. Reached hate at noon. 1 immediately made Inquiry about a brother of my friend Mr BUu ford of Gastonia, and found him u be a hotel man on Patterson Are. He was glad- to bear from bis old North Carolina friends end lorlted us Into dinner, bat being a llula nauseated declined the Invitation, aod after an boor's pleasant chat, boarded tbe “Belt Line" street oar for a ride around the oltv of Dallas, and stopped at its ooly cotton mill. Mot President Howard aod 8upt. Fairbanks. Tbe latter (peaks of altendtog the Bpiuuer’s Convention la Charlotte May 19-13. This la an old mill and makes dock. Wa reterued to the M. K. * T. depot at 4j50 where we left for Hills boro ou tbo "Kata Flyer"—distance of 85 ml lea Dallas Is about twice tbe else of Ft. Worth-OO.dOO people, and baa some hotels aod large business buildings. The largest and floral hotel is the Oriental, built by Adolphus Both, one of tbe Mg bear men We oft me L b rough some o4 Ute ooM mftg nlfloeot farm land* X ever raw, rich black toll, looks like It woold grow anything lu the world. la moat of these largo Aalda 1 noticed great drove* of stock, b*rse*. mule*, and cattle. There are scarcely auy trees In this oouuiry. one can ae* 30 or 40 miles un obstructed. or till your eye* give out. No hills or mountains. HILLSBORO. TRX.U. Saturday. April 81 — Wa reached IliUaboro laat waning at suudowu, •topped at tba Ktharaga Uoom. Till# la a plane of 8 or 10,000. My object In thin I named lata ooenlry la to aae my old boyhood alium, Bob Ferguaon. who 1 am told liven ten ml las . north of Hillaboro at Brendan. Al 8 o’clock we took Ibe Cotton Belt train for this point. At the nation we found that Mr. Lulher White, aon-ln law of Mr. Fargoaon, wa* a bauker Jnat aoroaa the •treet, Wa wvra pointed to the algu “Book of Brnmlon.” In a mlanta we ware fee* to tao. with President Wldu. FoonJ him very, very cordial. After ■bowlDg ua through bta pretty new bank, bo drove ua lu a oarriaga out to hla fatber-ln law’s place, one and one half miles oat of town. Everybody la Ihieoouotry I* familiar with • Uoole Bob" Fargoaon. Ha la eoostdared Ibe richest mao In Uia county; owns TOO aerve.of Bos land with thousands of cattle oo It. Mr. Wbtte aaya I should be proud of my old friend; (bat bo la a grand old ohm motor. aod that tita wife la grander. Well wa earn* tha alia and uoe-lialf oat of town oad fouod ■y friend Ferguson highly dalighted to see we. Though ha did aot reeog uW* cm at drat, aa his eye light Isn't good. Rsa a cataract growing film ooa aye. Ha U nightly deaf, hat toy at to talk, and wa ipant aerora! houa de lightfully dtaoumlng waor looldoota uf our jouogai d«y*; what b* ha* done our beta lu Tex** end In Haw Maaleo, where he own* Mg eauie raoahea, ate. i *od or tha many old (Head* and rtle tira* b* left behind la North Carolina. Hr. Kargaaon ia now 74 yaara old. Ura. Fargoaeo la about 01. She w*aa Hootch lady, good looking aod vary pleasant Thay haae ear an children—4 tone and 8 daughter*. Nona nf them at home Ia Uialr family alboia I notice the fa islHar fame of Turn Wilaon, Jaaa Fall* White, Bright Torrence, and UchFella We *ojoy«1 a splendid family dinner ecoked by Mr* Kergnaon alone. They hasp ao eery ant. After aa feral hour* more of ehat. wa draaa out about a mile to Hr. rorguenu** 800 acre pan turu. which l rouod etoehad by aararil hundred bead of mola*. bore**. (do. On uur way w* Jumped one of tha fa moo* Jack RabMta—tha Brat of lb* ktad I ewer aaw. It Is about twine Um alas of our ordinary cotton 1*11 rabbit, and oati ran twice at fast; looks tnste thlag Ilk* a small deer, mod ea* run about aa fast. It left our daw away iw hlad, bod M we bed du gua with ua, Uie Jack BabMt anon disappeared. On ra taming from lb* Pasture wa foaod our oawtr mad* friend Mr. Wklta awaiting up with uta carriage to dries ua book to Bsoadoo. 8* after apawdlag on* of II* pleasantest day* m my 1&*, 1 bad* my oM frWad good-by* Ray* awtlsw ran to my life whom l liked belter or found more cordial than Mr. Lather White, He drove tie to hie pleaaoat bora, when wo war* royallf eoter Ulaod by hie mod wife, a beodaora brunette, and tbe youngest daughter of ay friend Fergueoo. f never partook of a more pelalabia copper. I learned they bad a white cook, a Swedish wo man. Hot oooklng oertelnly Halt'd myteete. At 7:80 wa wM good by to Mr. Wblta'a family—they Mara twu •mall boya lu dieeaea-aod loft for Waeti. via Hllleboro where we spent the previous night. Changed earn here leaving the Cotton Belt ana taking Die famous “Katy Flyer.” which landed ua la Waco at 0A0. Wa crossed the Brecon itvwr near the oily. Texan hasn’t many large r I vert. WACO. Find Waco to bn a Use city of about 40,000. We stopped at tba Nilatorlum Uotal, which takes Ita name from a larga Mricnialng pool right In lha ro tunda of the building, whloti la sup plied tioin artesian wells aeveml hun dred fact drop. The water la 10P. It being Saturday night, the ladles were excluded; other event on they goln with tlwlr assorts l was told. The water la dear from 0 lo 14 r«tl deep. The as faattia are free to the guana of the botel. We spent e pi as sent night here, and left Mil morning at 7:45 oo the Cotton Belt, for Pins Bluff, reaching the latter at aldolgbt. Drudv nrtii »t Law la villa. Ark.. Bra hour* ride from Pins Bluff On till* rid* of 18 boo i a we paeend many pretty little clil- a. unit through the lest fruit and harry section of Tessa, and I found It a little mure lillly and eendy. At Coral Cana. I holloed dusaua of oil adit scat tered all ovei town; looked like wind ■ ills Tbs urnt large eity waa Tyler, a great fall toad center, aud wbers the Co. U'WpItal of the Colton Ball la sit uated. This place has about 15.000 population. I met several eMlieaten oo the train from Tyler, who were very anxious lo U]« "C.-Uod 11111" as they C'lDtrmplata building a islll at this polul. Ou leaving tha ear, ileey ex preseed many regrots at not B id log me ootav«v It poured rain all day long wbkb toads uur travel plsaaauicr as there was no dual, and wa we were In a baodsoro* parlor oar where wa had our meals served to ua, Hanes we did no4 have U> get out of th* ear the whole day loop. Tbia car has glass observation In llie rear, aod large easy chairs Instead of rAU Monday April S3 Reashad Pina Bluff at i o'clock this morning train being a little late. 8l«pt wall fit ulus o'clock and do not now fan any won# for my week's travel through Texas. After dlnoer Brady touk tea out lo his railroad strops, one mile; went this far oo tha passenger train for Little Kook, lien we boarded a special for a dying trip out on the Y, This train Was In charge of Chief Car Uepalrvr. Mr. Osbornr, aud wea run nut this dlatanoe of 12 milra to Althei im«r to test the workmanship ou the care. We made 70 aod 90 miles par hour at limes. Good level track, as I* moat of the roadbed In Arkansas aud Texas tffn crossed the Arkansas Blver oo a Urge Iron bridge 5 in I tea from Ploe Bluff. Am told that this bridge has tbe longest draw or any bridge mad-*, on account nf the ohanuel >4 the river changing oiti-u tinea. Ou returning to the shops. was shown through and found same very Inleroettog. Tuesday April UlUi. After another «o»d night's ml I arose at 6:16 to taka a little trip of 39 mite* down the (hi’., ton Bell with Hredy. where he bad to go te get some Information from one of Ibaiallroad company's physicians rs gardlog an Injured man, with whom Ur. Brady makes t basaltic men t for Hie ojmpauy. Want to Kendall's mill Just below Pina Bluff aoma 3D mltaa, aod law Uia baud asw in operation. Ai we came back, the conductor noti lad Ur. Brady ha bad a crttj woman on board (or Tenoesjaa and that be bad better go an with bias aad look after bar. which ba did as far aa Urmphla. Ha bad no serious trouble. Several Umet aim attempted to Jump out the window. Brady turned brr oyer pi tba other railroad at Uemphls, and re turned to Pine Bluff that night. This afternoon I called upon my old friend Ura. Klrsli, mother of Urs. Tom At ktnaoo. She directed metp the bom# of Ura. Tony Smith, tba only daughter of Godfrey Xtrab: aleo to tea Un. C'aughlla at Ura Byrd's a relative of Klrati family. Pound til at home and ▼art glad to meat me and bear from their old hoeoa. pnr* nr.trrr to OAtio, ill. Wednesday April MUi. After a yert pleasant sUy at Ura Urn's, 114 Waet Otb Ava, Pina Bluff. Ark., wa left on tkc noon train for Cairo, III. Stopped off that night at Pair Oaks, Ark., to avoid having to travail all night. Left there at 6JO next morning and reached Oelro at noon Thnrsdsy. Hare wa ware transferred aorots tba Great Uiaeisalppi right ware it la Joined by Urn Ob In, making quits a largo sheet of tba water. We want over on a large resell, which carried oot train solid and several fratgh ears besides. Wa rode Bva mtlaa on this transfer-boat on the rlrere In croacfn*. Calm la a nice town of about 18,000. Tba Holliday Qowta Is a goad stead hotel. Attar aa hoor'a stay bare wa took tba Illinois Genlral railroad (or 86. Loots. rr. r>ou i*. Arrlvad boro at 7JO Iasi at dart. Found tbo "Orand Tarmloal” or Union Hutton, all a Maas wttb r toe trie Hfbla, one of tbo pr ait toot thlrtys t rrar at. Sold In bo tbo lout |n iba world. It oowon two blooba. All Unto* Into St. Lwli oosm to brrt and in wtd I if bird, lo tbb atotloo to a total, oo tbo Eoroftoo P*»o; wo— •LOO to FA 00 per dor mol ad lac ■sola —rod ot o bondoooio rrotaioat lootda tbo bolldlaf. Haro on also foond to) ffrapli. tolapbnna. and Maoaftapta adUaa, aodo toonUiaa. aolooor, sat Sow— lor oato, oil tbo iataot at Edl s^rassrr. tarasu.s I—if. It lo ooootraeUd of army Mona and tbo la—tor to talabod lo Mmli tSodoor, walooootlog, with nafw a pfeea of wood to be assa. Attar going I °T*r mognlfloont slrusturi, at •bout8p.a. ntook a streetoar up through tha city to Um elegant new Neuter's HoUl-Uta laul Is St, Lwh »ad aald to be the loaat of tho Mad Autoldo of Hew Tort Oltr. Somehow , It salted we atl right, at I slept; bolter laid night titan I baveeloae I left hoot. '>«• btopoed ham on tbaKwopaaa plan. : rooms M OO par day. Took oar swaia at Tow Faust•• reatnraot. a very tme An*. Took la tha Wg Mimiieippi land | lug and bridge barn and tha baat pertloo | of the business part of Um oily. •t lows to non*— cm axiom s. o. Friday April S7th, nay* purchased railroad ticket from dt. Louis ta Char* lotta Tla. Illlaola OtaUal railroad to Chatiaoenga. aad from tbsrs ria. the Soathern. Take alespsr here to Chat tanooga where I should antes at LM Saturday, and get a through ilsrpsi (Or Salisbury and arrive tIters Sunday moral tig lo time (or lbs Washington Utallsd Vast I bale for Ctmrhrtte. end •rrlrs si Chart ate rtunday sxwnlng, Am das to lenvn this gisst ally of St. Losla at SOB this, Friday, morning. Ilatre bad a ptasssnt trip and sees mauy new soeusa aod varlad aoaetry. Oonsidarlug say sgs, and fesMsoean, batm gotten around oonelderably and aoysrsd au Manases aoaocut ot terri tory. Hays passed through about a dotau stales, and travel lad aeysral thousand miles. Have had no III luok On alt my journey, not area a belated train, end oeu only bops (or a ooolioe anos of giMid luok antil l shall have rwaohod home. ON DOAKD TON ILUrU. Jenkins, and Brady are on lbs train with me. la a fa* caluutut will mu goed-tya after a thoroughly aajoy shl* ala wash's alsiUoN with them. Tkry lutuir. lu 1'lee Bluff tomorrow, daturday. This train Is aellad tbs Dix ie Flyer. Tima up I Left 8t Louis •t 8:44; oroeeed ilia Onlo and rode 40 mU«e Hi rough Kentucky. Passed through the old town of Naehvillu. Arrived si and st«nt the dev. Went up the Inclined way on Isickout Mountain. 1700 fan. Left dialleitnnga at 10 o'clock. Tama through KuoxviUs, Teitu , aud viewed the beautiful mountain ecouary about aod around Asheville, K. U. From thence on to Ballebury and to Charlotte whem I arrived at II u'elooh. KMIMT Wtltn r«K ATLANTA a BN. raaklauklt «■«•! .Allows Mo «uw l* llNlM Dark at Itlsun. Atlanta ixaratek la liw rent Worts. 'In response to tin written petition of a njsjorlly or the woman board an st the fashionable llotai MqtU tbe proprietor granted perietmiou to geo tie ttwtrt to appear In Uie dining room iu Uielr ablrt walata, a privilege of which half a hood red took advantage at din ner. fix William J. KorUien led the pn»asi.Ki of ehlrt waists. Ula walet waa a euow-white garment, gathered at tha yoke Iu email lucks. Til* black Lie be wore In Uie narrow oollar wai partly hidden by Ilia whisker*, but bis Silver belt bookie «M wholly unobeeored and 11 Ota tug rsapl indent, rivaling aba cut-glass and labia silver la brill laocy. Tbe ablrt waists ranged In color from wblta to purple. There wen red. blaoke wblta and purple. There were is all color* of the calc bow. Joined together, llwy might bare formed rffeo live strings for a May-poU d«ic*. Tbe wearer* of the waiate and belU were quite a* diversified hi form as was their attire lo color. There were tall men. abort mro, lean men, rat men. mao with srbithereaad men with shav en faor*. Tim combination of colors and shapes la the elegant dining room made a pis turaeque display. The worn in at the hotel wore proud of tbeir victory an they observed the neataerv and comfort evinced iu tha shirt waists and tbe smilaa of satisfaction ou tbe faces of lb* was reel. *• W* Just eonUa't stand In tbs way of their comfort to this bet weather," •aid one of tbe women. -We were all gltd of an opportunity to sign inch a petition." ■r»»kim the w*m. Fhiw Weealr. ▲ workman hiving kora Injured a*, rtoodi In the Man* of bis employment oaa of bis mste* «u lotd to no and break the aewi to the Injured man's wife. "Break tha sews M gently »• paeaible ram.” aaM Um "fmtfrr ” ”1 will,” aaM Tern, ead be want to bit nafottnnete mate's bourn, wlMrs found tha latUr'a wife at bar hoars hold duticu. "1 ns Um war's golu’ ou as bad as aver, Mrs. Thomson” observed Tom ossa ally. •‘Yea, more's the pliy.” rata rood Mrs. Tboaesoa. “lasts of pour lalloai a-loala' of a Uf * amlM Tuna •*, poor chape.” sighed Mrs. Tomsoa. '•Yon feals for 'em, dost you T” i... Tomsoa. ••You ortar,” saM Tom. ‘'oaa year ola soaa 'as Jest 'sd both at ’Is eat at by the engine tM Co«aeo fro* Dr. D. U. (WrpUa, of Waahlte, I. T. H« wrttra: "f*mt bottlao of Eteeirfo Itiuor* boo eurrd lira. Browar of torofah, wbteh bad aaaaod bor (root aaflbriay for poor*. Ttrrlblo aotro would brook out oa bor hood and faor, aad tba boat doctor* ooubl (fro »• brio; but bare«r*la*o** pfota aad bor baakb u rxaabaal.*' Thla •bow* wbat tbowaad*hart prorod, that Kfoauia Bitten tetb* boat Wood purWar known. fib th* wpraoM mm dp for i—i, tetter, oak rkaom, a tear*. bath aad roaatac mo*. It Miteufotea llTw, btdaay* and booth, oripotopahnaa. batua dteiatb^bobdaap tba *traa(lh. Oafr SOacoU, Mold by J. B. Curry aad Oaoipaay, DnwMt ffUBrAStflM. AWfW AIP ISMSTW41 INCAfVM. TWftMMl MiiMf firtnlp Hi ft*. Pnd. 1ml dimeter of »ActM*Aftteaa*to" la •even! Jfonheru taatttiiUast, la etar* VMaUaa At health *i Kia*’» Maaalala. Aa lotarwter •tth bio on Um .object or laarlw IndoatrUl afcUl aa .entreated with for i|(a uUoaa, la wfaioh be had teen for rMSjsSES “Aoartoa ha* Iruatad to* Iona to l»*r rawoaterteto la tba bMiTr.. tan. Crude oalortel la oada mum reluaU*in the decree that oore healna asd dn4 taate to put Into It. Than, for luaunoa, If **u eat dowa a tree aad alre eoa-balf to a erede worker oad the other half to a AIM. tba AntaMP iMkeealranU* at kindling wood, worth fow down; the oUwr workman may taro ble W<* Into n Am todetaod or Wane worth oaay del* ter*. The difference la retee ta the difference In tba hrelM *f the two oan. Thte la ao in everything. Of two dec ten or lawyers we waolAglad ly Hr* the oeat oeaay to tba km who