The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. V^TTxXJL _GASTONIA, X. C„ THU USD AY, SEPTEMBER 13, 10QQ. ARP FAYORS A WALL. HE SAYS HORTHERIBR8 HATE THE SOUTH AHYWAY. Hrwr> Sunil” *•* In ll-Sw~» mam Wlo4a MwlS *f Miwn anti SIttrk l.lit* Miani—an Irr MIL inilSrpIo Ailaon Ogttnltuilon. Ws thought, that maybe thn late New York aod Akron Hot* would even up things; aod the bou’.h biters op In Hod’s country would call off the dogs, bet tbey are still blowing the same old born. They are hard up. however, Some Ol the bound* hare Inst the trail, nnd all are sea lie red aod ttiera la no keynote to rally them—tbo bugler'* don’t harmonise; 8om* said that lire riot In Now Turk was owing to a cor rupt democratic administration in that city. The Akrmi horror called for another solution, aud no* they boast that they saved tire nigger but if It had iteao down south be would have bsttu lynched with Sam How torture*. A late paper sent ms as* marked copy says that southern mobocracy baa aroaaed the Hat and is afleotlng tha lower classes u;i norllr Just as a cornu, gloo spreads In unbasltby region*. It sJI comes from the south, and there Is uo quarantine to arrest Its pragmas That’s bsd aod sad. Let's build u wall. BUI Mrvuuuj wo mush vuuuuriwiu negroes not to cross tbe Hoe. It 1* dangerous. Keep away from 1’aua and Mew Tort. Stay at home and eultl Urate our ootton aod oorn and let poll tloe alooa and you are In oo danger. Idleness le rour eurae. If I hao my eray 1 would re-establish tbe old patrol eytum and make every tramp oegrn carry a paw ur Uke a whipping. I would empower tbe town marshals and Hie country ooaalablea to arrant every vagabond oo the highway und It he couldeot give a good account of him •elf be ahonld be Had up and dressed down. Wo.old men know that one good whipping baa more ekect oo a bad oagro tbao five years oo tbeobalagang. liven sjhanglng is glory for Ibev are going Straight to heaven. l.sat (Satur day night a tramp negro cut tbe alat from tie bllud of Mr. Cary's liouea and opened it aod crawled In and stole bla paternal gold watch and his pocket hook within three foot of hie head, while be was sleeping. Mu doubt be was armed mod would have shot Mr. t.'ary bad be waked up aod misled. Tbe negro took a night freight aod was arrested at Kingetoo, and the watch waa recovered, but he got away, We have got to do something with these tramps. Oar ebalngsogs are full enough. I repeat It Jim Smith la the biggest farmer in the state, aod lie says there la no l.tbor to tbe world equal tj that of well regulated negroes aod he koowa. But tbe spirit of mobocraey la oot conflued to tha raoa problem up north. Tbelvnchiog last Saturday at Gillmau in L'llnola, waa agaloat an old defense less Wbiu womau—a doc trots who was suspected of caoitug a young girl's death t>y malpractice, but who had not bad a trial, nor bad any lataoilou to barm tbe erring girl. A sou of *60 disc attacked her boose in tbe night, aod the defended herself and her home and killed aod wounded at many aa the eoukl. They mortally wounded her aod burned ber house. Wbal kind of a civilization Ig that t Why dident they bunt op the mao who ruined the girt ? Our civilization down sooth has always protected women, no mat ter what they did. We wlU not bang them for murder, for old Mrs. Noblee was sent to tbe dialogic*. Our wo man must bare protoctlouf rom white brutes aod black Sends, and we would Iiaverejoleed ir somebody bad given tmu scoundrel. Dr. Wilkeraon who ran away with hla wife’s atalar. a hundred la shea before bo waa turned loose la Atlanta. That waa a good oa*« (or a little mob law. If the lew could riot reach him tbe laah would, foor help less pitiful woman 1 How you bav* to seder in allanoe and live and die with yoer wrong* unavenged. Bow many Hearts are breaking now because or a has band’s tyranny or hts taUhlreenaaa , to blamarriage vow*. For bar ehll drfn’a sake aba keeps alleot aud burtea liar eecrat In bar bueom. I know corse melt Wbo made fame while llelag. and on wbo** mooumaatu f at soar epitaphs are eblatod wbo diagrmeed mod dishonor ed the name of buabeud. 1 know some who are not dead wbo art doing (be asm* Uilng now. A woman ehaload to an unprincipled men I* tbe moat balplaaa creature upon earth. Pramethloa, booodto to* rock and tbe eagles eating • bla heart, waa not worse off. Blaek atone eaya Users 1* no wrong but has a remedy. lie was miaukan. Woman have a tkonaand wrongs that ar* reme diless What kind of remedy is dleorna ' or separation or alimony T tt le tbe heart that le broken. It la love and honor that woman waata, sad that waa promised bar at th* altar. It, aa a leal resort, aba leaves him. be strata around and claim* the obi id mu. “Tbe obll drno are mine,” he says Tbe ossa wbo eaya tbta 1* a oonoelted fool, la tbt first plaoa b* doe* not know for cortala that he la their father, and If ha la, ba mads noaaorHie* to bean. lAII tba Under oar* and ouraieg sod night watching sod generally all tba prayers for toair aaroty aua gooa eoauoot are barf, white ha te at bte baak or atora or oAaa or ahop or aayba at bte elub or tell lard uGte. Tbara waa a tloaa wlMD tha Wlfa waa tha hoabaad’a aim according to tha law. aad tha children ««ra hla proywrif. and It la bard to aradtoata that Idaa fiowi aama man'a aalsda la oar day. Woman bma bean oalted tba trnakar faaaela. and man tba terda of creation an long that It wool obtttarata. dir I* ba earaful in whom yea chain yauraalf for lift. Uaitar aaw or ba a ahoy girl ar a typa wrliar or a aehool taaahar or Ue« with kladrad or frteotfa and do boumwort ibaa taka aoyrlaka. Marry a young man wba baa good prfaetytea aad good Hate Itaaod not maab mooay. Tba tera of bo ary la aUll I bo aama old eorar. aad moat of tba young man waat to make - It by abort euta and dmboaral proa' loaa. • •0*1 money, gat It honaatly if tbau canal, bat at all events get money,” La atilt tbalr motto. The a agar, grasping pursuit of money li Use curse of this age and generation. Huntington la dead, and left hta minima behind, and lila boast waa that all man ware pur chase bie, anil whan It waa to bla Inlet* set be bought them, whether they were legislator* or enagreeameo, or judge* of the courts. He spent millions that way. Some of our oBlcs seekers are doing the saivu tiling «>u n small »c*I*— buying votes—yes buytua negro rule* The white primarlm dident nominate them and they have re jigged and rsniggered. A litllo whisky and e few dollar* will secura the dar kles and tbs fear la that tba white pri maries will prove a failure. There are mea running for oDle* as Independents wbo rely mainly on tbe negro vote and can’t be elected without it. Such men ought to have the contempt of every good citizen. They ought to bare con tempt for themselves, and 1 reckon they do so. Tbe negro who soli* hi* vote 1* unt half at depraved aa Uio white man who buys It. But wa will know by waiting* and if tbe primary prove* a failure, thrn let ua have the Hardwick bill or something bolter, mid may the Lord protect ua from unprincipled office seekers. ▼Hr Billionaire. Omt Otiuruti riper. The Uoatoo Herald, spanking of the immense fortune! nf tha rich ineu of this couotry, aaya: “It la not easy to tlx dedollely tha amount of the wealth of tha very rich men of tlfia oounliy; but one of our Wrelein cotilemporarlea haa under taken to nppr.'Tlmate It in the casa of Mr. John D. Rockefeller. It pronuuu oee him tha Out oapltallat who haa arrived at tha distinction of owlox a billion dollar* In money values The St. Tools Poet-Dispatch reaches this coodualau by ettlaiallug that Mr. Uoekefeller haa an Income wlilefa la 3 roantofaeipttal of $1,600,000,000. la rather dizzying to eon template this fortune lu the baud* at one man, and still more so to speculate on tha, additions which II I* possible, to Mr. ] Rockefeller's Ufa, to make to it. The advocates of an icon me tax Hod argil manta lo ■ prelacies of this character, and thoas who favor an Inharttsnoe tax also are not without ammunition for their project. Theea great for tune* are naturally divided at death, In moat Inatanea*. even If Ihosa who bold them do not distribute their wealth in pohiio benefactions.’’ The time was, lo the recollection of men now living, whan a mao who had ao Income of a few thousand* waa couaidervd rich- How a millionaire la nothing onoommiko; and we are told that the “billionaire’’ is a* good ta here. In the New York World, some weake ago. the following estimate of the annual Income* of Amerlon'a rich est men were giveu: John D. Rockefeller.$66,000,000 Andrew Carnegie. 36.987,600 Senator W. D. Clark, Moo.. 10,000 000 William Waldorf A*tor ... 6,760,000 Comalloa Vanderbilt Batata 0,896,000 William Rooke(ei!«r. 5,000.000 Marsha) Fields. 5.000.000 John Jacob Aator. 4,500,000 J. B. Haggle, Montana.. . 4,900.000 P. D. Armour. 3.000,000 Clans dpreekela. 3,000,000 Jobo H. Flagler. 3,000,000 J. Plerpoot Morgan. 8,000,000 H. M. Flagler. 9,600,000 Jamas J. llill. 3.000,000 C. P. Huntington. 1,760,000 George Uould. 1,600,000 John D. Aobbotd. 1,960,000 W. D. Sloaoe.. . 1,300,000 Baasel 8*r*. 1,000,000 l>. O. MIUi. 1,000.000 in the at CM iaaoa Uie World gay* the followlag itemized aatitnule of Andrew Carnegie’» Income: Carry* la's wealth.#106,290,000 HI* lucome. rati mated by Vriok In proSu of Htaail Company. 24,900,000 I tioome from other ton rots 1,800,000 Tout income..#90,000,000 Carnegie's Income per mo.,f 2,1QA,66Q Ineome per week. 800,000 Income per day (teolodlog Sunday)., 71.498 Inoome per hour (day end night). 9.076 Income per minute. 60 Neatly one dollar for every clock lick I Wa bare reached a Uaoa when mm are ptllog up treasure to an ewtent which m certainly phenomenal. Aod they go further. They take their inll lloos and heap them together lo a trust, a union, a combine, to oootrol aome oertelo commodity; aod bating gained oootrol of It. they raise ihe price, and thus wrtog rrum the pockets of the uoor a few more million*, to '•rust,'’ because taken from simulation among Uie people. The massing of wealth constitutes e marked fuMlrosnt of lbs words of James: “Your gold and silver tacan kered; and the rust of them shall ba a wltnass against you, and (ball eat your hash aa It were Ore. Ye bar* heaped treasure together for the last day**' (Jaaose 9 :3); or, as tb* Revised Verston renders It, -*10 the last Jaya ” A Tlwuut Tui*aa Could oot tiyrta the raptura of Aaola B. Hprlopar, of U3S Howard At., Pblladalnhta, P».. wtwn aba fonnd that Dr. Klagt Naw D*aooT«n for Oooaawptton had oomplataly rural liar Of a hacking aoogh that for many yaart had ooada bar Ufa a burdan. All other ramadlaa nod doctor* ooald glvr bar BO balp, but aha aaya of tbit lloyai Cura— Mt anon raa*orad tha pain In my ehaat aad I can aaw alaap aoaodly. aomatbtng I eae aaaraaly rnaumbrr doing hafora. I faal Ilka aouodlag lu pralara Uirojghoul tha Uniraraa." Mo will nrary aaa who trlaa Dr. King** Jfnw Dlaoorary far any trouMa af ua Throat. CbMt or I<anga. PrtraVtaand •1. Trial botitaa fra? at J. B. Carry aad Oompaay*a Drug Btora-. arary bo* tta guaraataad. ricrava tiibrkcilmk. Xllflr«b« Dt«lrt|lNf Dnypi TibmAirmI TftrvfiRli PiUlfBiHi rtoemi am* Laijpi By KlMlrM CMrrml. tfelto Cor. How Toe* Tribune. Tit* medical faculty of Fail* la devo ting cooaldarabia attention to a oaw aura for luharculonte through ilia Irene foaton of microbe destroy log drag* by meaua of i-bvttrlo currents pawed tbroogb tbe pith'iif* cbsrt and luugt. Tbe dmoovery of tbe treatment which baa been submitted to severe teats at Paris and Bordeaux during the last four years it attributed to 14. Francis cue Crutte. of Parts, and ^exhaustive reports on tue results of thaw eapnrl menta were read before the Interna tional Medieal Congress last weak by Ur. Bert beau, medical delegate to the congress from tho city of Paris, and by Or. Duo.ttsu, delegate to tbe coo greet by Dr. Labadle. who ntteoded the cungreet us a delegate nf the Medl oo-Legal HoctKy of \*w York. Tbe conclusion of Urn three reports are emphatically In favor of tbe new treatment and this view U shared by Vlichow, of Berlin, nod by.Ur. Brouar del, of Paris, wbo uredlot that tba treatment la likely to receive the sanc tion of tbe medieal faculties of Peril and Berlin for ndoptloa In the publlo hospitals of those cllise. mo ran* physicians oouskmi that Mr. (Jrotle's diseovery msy base far reaching oonacqnancsa, for It ensbtsa extremely powerful antiseptic* to be Introduced tolu lb* human system and permeate tbe tissue* end even lhabouea so that tbe baeill may be klllad with out Injury to the patient, which wuuld result if lbs same drug* were absorbed In tbe atooiaob by other meant hither to rmployrd Itaa aunylnaad t»*a phyai olaua bar* that n aolutloo of tbe for mol known as formaldehyde, oooUlnlog lode and maroury, ti absolutely fatal to beclll of tuberculosis. ev«:i whan ap plied In the farm ot vapor. This ex ceedingly powerful aollaeptto cannot wllboat great daugat be lagan through tbe stomaeli. »odlti*r*porU SO bail led ted to the Medical ooarrets pj Dr*. Itertbaaii. Ducamp and Labadla show that by statlo electricity the vapor of formaldehyde has been transfused Into the tiasuas of the cheat and of the loop thereby destroying tba badll of luber ouloal* and preventing reproduction In their tcbeaof cultivation. Hlooa M. Crotu. oum® on lasted the theory of hit discovery to tbf Ifrenoh seedsajy ot Science to 1MM 800 luberculosts patients to Pninos have bean trusted by this method, and BOO of these have beta compl.-tely cured. The number of pel tents whose treatment baa bean art forth in “eUnleal" detail by the reporting phyatelaoa and sub mitted to kb* congress It 34 Of these ten were roportad cry Oy. Uerthseu. U by Dr. Due.imp sod 41 by Or. Labadla. AH the cases known to bev* been treated by the new method era divided Into three categories; first pet lent* wbo are In tbe Am akage of tuberculosis; second, Uross wbo have reached the the second stags, and third, those where the progress of th* disease is so •dvunead that under ordinary tlrtum auncas they would be conaldered In ourabte. Tbe statistic) submitted to th* oongreaa abow that tbe proportion Of oorea obtained by tba tranafuaiuo method applied to patients of lb* Qrst natatory waa I0u par cent, Th* per centage of cures of patients of the aeoond category waa 73 P*r cent, and tba proportion of enraa in ilia third category of 90 par cunt. Thais result* are nontldarad highly latlsfaatory, sad have made a decided impression on lire leading phyttciana In Perl*, and especially upon those wbo maba a • specialty of tobereuioeie Elaborate experiment* bare been made with guinea pica and rabbit* to pcoye the exact Quantities of formalde hyde transmitted to tba llaaue of the lung* by tho application or Ui* aleetrlo eorrrula, and also to sbow How tli# In tonally of the traoafnaloo ooo bo reco la tad. The method of treatment la ■Impla. Tbe p-itient is plaoed In an Isolated obalr or the atotie machine and towel* aal Jrated will) a aolntloo of of formaldehyde are applied to the obeat and tho baof The solution varlra In atroogtli from X to 10 per ocnl aocordinf to the degree of the disease aod teoordloB to tba patient's ooo all VuUon and temparament. Tbe 01 bhioe la thru started and a earrent wltb rffiuria or with apaika, or with both Is passed through tba lungs. While this la goiag oq lire patient In haln tbe foraoaldehyde wltb eleotrio rfflurla Obtained by plaeiug a saturated apoega Id contact with ore of the poles of the instrument. n»la< «• m* Charter Hasp. A spvalsl to the Rvaning Journal from 1’oughkeepete, N. Y., any* : “In Jail foe vagneooy la thlg city la a tramp who alarUad u>a llaoordar’i Court today by atoutly assorting that lia la Cfasrley Rom who was kidnapped from hl( parent* at Philadelphia near ly 85 yaan ago—aa areot whloh baa always l*ea of oaUooai Interaat. “The mao (ell* a atory whloh so oordi lo ovrry detail with tha accepted •lory of the kidnapping of your* Roe*, ■ad prodacea doen mania In ten dad to Substantiate hla amertloa. lie haa aaaured lb* police that a man liras In Hew York who can prove that what ha aaygala iroe Chief-of Pol Ion McCabe haa rrguvetsd the Haw York police to lnveatigats the atory. “Roaa aejra that ho baa boon tramp ing aliont the oouatry witboot money or work. He oarilee wltb him a pto tara<>f young Rose When last hater lha kidnapping oocursd There la a atroag atmflUilljr bataraen tba photo graph end Ilia tramp's taoe. Rom does aot explain* why ha did ovt I’ong ago clear up lha faaaoae mystery." The iysaUwaraOMt I* envied bran peordyapaptlaa whoa* Stomach and Liver are owt of order. All anoli should know that Dr. King’s New Ufa PIDe. llm woodenuI stomach • ad Liver Hamad/, llvaa a splendid appetite, aaend digest[oa sad a regain bodily habit that Inaaarm perfect bmltb and great aoergy. OalyBBe.atJ. R. Curry A On’s, drug Mora. WILL Til HUM ■■ TUtT Tk*lr Iwrlafi Nlageeea Ihe Mwll •r SlwliH. jN. Louie l.i9wkUo. It Bryan and Ktcveaaou are » tooted in Nora unbar, Jemee Howard will mar ry Mary Johusou: If McKinley la circ led he will-Wall he baa pm® lead that hi will not. Howard Is eD-imocial. IIla fallurr. and bis faUwr’a father bank Ur the time of Thorns* Jefferson wen Deuu crata, and voted for all the Democratic candidates from Jefferson on down the line in the good old 8ieu> of Virginia. Tlioae of them who were living fought tor the Soother* Coafederaey and 'wbm yonng Howard moved out West, and settled near Santa Pa, N. bo took all bla Democratic Ualnlogwllh him. He supported Bryau ardently la 18U8, and was a daiagata to the Kama* City oonveoLloo last July. J • U. Johnson, the fattier of the girl in the ease, la a Itepubltovo. Ue aer* no good In Brynn or any otlwr Demo crat, and declares, wllbllooeeveic, Umt all Democrats are—or words to that offset. Ho is a wealthy reach, and to aa stubborn aa any of Ida Now BogUod ancestors over were. HI* daughter to the beauty of tbs neighbor hood—aud aba and Howard have been In love for some months. Uld au Jobueou ni very friendly to Howard uotU recently. Then 11m old loan and tha young nan got Into an argonaut orrr politics. Tha falbor declared tbat Bryan vu a demagogue nod a eopperhoad aud an alarmist, aud that lili election would ba the ruin of the c motry. Ibe lover Instated IhatMc Kmiry was wholly in tha fcaodr of Haoua and the trusts, and that hie re election would mesa a death Wow u> the Declaration of tudapendcnoe aad tba oanverafiHi of llte United SUVea In to a practical monarchy. The sore they argued ilia more angry they be 04me and pretestly tba uld man or dered Uio young man from Uia bouaa. liowird went—and Miry want with him for a quarter of a mile down the road Mary wept and told James lira know her father bad (polled It all and that they coaid never be married. JsuuM grttUd hie teeth end declared tbat the uld man waa a-. At any rate he was mistaken, end be would be-. At least, be would never deny hie faith. Then Jamas kissed Mary aad Mary started bsok to her father's bourn. The old man was watting for her no ttm porch He was mil aogry. lie shouted to tier at she got to ibe gate, aod ordered bat to outne to him Imme diately. She oame, with swollen eyes aod head bowed down. “let one tall you miss,” he sputter ed, this thing of you walking down Uia road with a aimed Dem writ has got to stop. 1 don't waut to aaa him around here any more aod I don’t want to catch you with him anywhere. He's a traitor—a—a—a Democrat, by goeh, end I won’t have anything |-i do wtth him, and yoc abaot either. If l aver catch him here or you with him. I’ll—111-” And the old mm sputtered himself into the bouse. Mary was in despair. She loves her father wtth all tha love that a daughter hiu for her rough sire out there on the big ranch, where there are few other companions. He was old she knew aid perhaps be had but a f.'w more years to live. And he fuul alwavi been good to bar. But H meant so muoh for li«r to give James up 1 There wa* not ouch ehtace of her father relenting the know; hut after a long while which the spent then oo the front poroli. looking out over the darkened plaint with burning eyes, sod now and then sobbing the decided that •he wonld obey her father for a time anyhow. And she did. It whs a hardUtk; the days without Janet were long, and dreary. Bbe went about her house hold duties with a heavy heart, and rrqoeoUy her father tew traces of teere In her eyes. He triad to argue with her; ehe'.arould give him no answer hot at .toon at possible would ittal away to her roots, throw hersslf her bed sod give way to a torrent of barm. The Old man became perplexed. Mary had always base obedient bat he could uot help teeing that he was run ning a risk of being disobeyed at long as bis order of expulsion against James Howard was in fores. He thought It over many a Hiss at ha rods over hit ranch or sat alone with hit pipe. And at last ha decided bs would let James oome to the bouse on os in n while. '‘But I went you to uodsnteud that there It to be so damned foolishness he msttervd at Mary, when be toM her of hledeoiston. “He eta oome te tee you, but I don’t want say spooning aroaod- -not between mv daathiar and • Democrat." It waa no* loaf after Mary bad told Jamas of tba race Indie* of bar father’» order of expalatoa bafor* tba yoaa* nan waa at bar boat*. Ths oM mo treated him cordially—but tba eutyrat of polities was oarefotly aroltad. Tblufs want alone rary smoothly for a lima, bat ooa afternoon whllstbo party wart sitting under Uia traaa la front of the bouts, Janas Inadvertant ly apoteef “tfunts " Tba old mo flared up Inataotly. •' Young man,” ha thundered want you to uodaraUad that tba Be publloan party la not In faror nf 'treat' aa you oull them I” ——— Aod tbeergamaal waa an. ft ra«a4 aloag alt the lines of pomioal diaeuaatoo and peroonaJ abase. Mary triad tn ahanga lha sutyeet, bat her puolfylof words only lacreaeed tba In teoalty of tba ergo merit. "MeXiatojr wIB ba alaatad I" tbur darad tba M asm. "Ha roast b» I Tba honor of lha ooaatry la at state:" 'Tba honor of lha ooaatry has id rsady bora sttorid at ovation to Lb* highest bidder,,' retorted tba yean* mo, aad tba American people know that tba Jowly way to stop the unholy mla to to atom Bryaa I” •Tba? will, will they P’ anoarad tba o“L«»n. “Jolt a bool Ilka they did b IBM." "Bryan will bo olanud-IM ataki ay lire <m It!" retorted /sines. "Tbt country I* alarsitd at the pooolbUUj of I ta portal lam—i possibility Mat tka truateaod tbo reeksn altar dishonest Kolao aio Baking greater tvary day I" a BOBMt W*° w*,#*,,lto***J qolae tm "Look at tba artsy of aommerelal In*voteri that are ter Bryan.” con tin u»d Jam at. "Where wore thoy la«t ymr f Employed aad ibooting for McKinley, Where are thay this year ? Thrown out of siaploymoDt liy Um Rauna- MoKlolay-Trout policy and working like boarera tor Bryan. I Ian you Bryan la bound to win I" Tbo old moo ground tbo armi of bin big obalr and half arooe. “What will you bet oo that »» bo aakoii. "Anything I bare or expect to have" qnlckly replied iba you no nun. The old man roea olaar from the Obalr, and raised Ills ana, with tit* In dex Huger poived at Jaaoea. ‘Look bare young man" Im said, "ini tasks job a wager. Built Boat ba lo good faith. Too bare beau wor rying tbs life out of a»a about Mary. Too and aba bare been cask leg a precious sat of fools of you reify re with your lououliig and noo-aao e*aa_ »na sii tuet sort of thing. I'm tired of It.” I don't want ton for aaoo-la l»w;yoo nra not my kUd. Uatllltdl yon wbal I'JI do: If Bryan ta elected. tou can marry her. and 111 make the best of It ” '-Agreed 1” orted Jamie. "Hold on. you haven't put ap your end of tba bet,” the eld man cautioned "yoar stake Is a pro atlas that It Bryan ta not elected you will not make aay further effort to tea Mary or base aay thing ta do with her. What do yog aay f” "I* ••»’» fair," (aid Janasa, narynam "Why Isn't it t Vos aay llryan will orrtalalf Im elected-, wliat elutnoa you lose f If you believed wbal y»u aay, you wouldn't heeiute.” "i balUvs what I have aald I be llaved" holly retorted lbs young m-m, ‘•but-•• "Well t” "I accept the bet I" abuuled James, «s lie sprang from bis chair nod stood erect bsfora tbo fatbsr of tbe girl he Weed. A ud that Is bow tbo bet o«aw to be mad*. leave knows that aay work ha can do will hardly allset the reeutt. Mary considers that part of Mew Mrs *oo tbe key to the whole presidential aleet|on. She la eleotluoaerlog With nU bar might, and baa already secured the promises of s number of young sun of Bspublloso I do 11 nations to vote "her way.” Jamas says be is ears of wionlog; Mr. Johnson has Imd lime to redact ou tlw wager. And the neighbors are wonder lug if Mr. Johnson doesn't consider it pretty oertala that he will toes, even If Im should win. For it It agreed wagers ais not legal coo tracts and there l* no punishment the violation of one. uj-L—am=HB*-r roirrno a Ul'g. la Wbn* tlmmum II Kay ■> »M« wiikoai TiaUritu Law, Uabluoro dun, The aoUnn of Just lee Poe last Friday lo fining Jacob Keu. * Lexington •treet Jeweler, for pointing a gnu at Harry N- Abater umblo a lawyer, who refused to leave Mr. Kali's store wbeo ordered to do SO. bee raised tbe ques tion of the rights of gtunkeereia in ■oob caeca. Mr Kali was foood guilty of assaalt by the justice and was fiord MS and costa. Upon tbs basis of question* pro pounded by a subscriber of the Boo tbs law of the oaas is explained . ■ follows by William (!. Bcllt, a former deputy state's attorney of Ball I mors ■ "Foisting e loaded con or pistol at another la a threatening maeoer ta aa esaeult, an assault, and It Is tmmatm Hal that tire parson go aging tbe gua did uot actually know that It was faed ad. Bo also If the verson assaulted had reasonable cause lo belle re that It wen loaded it Is to assault, though It wu uot loaded. "II ear one enters Uw boras of an other tad makes bliaaslf offensive he eaa bn ejected by force, but Uw degree of force meal be reasonably. The question of Uw raseonnbtoosw of f.uoe used is governed by the (beta of Us particular coos "A Police mas, by virtue of bio oflee, and without warrant, bans right to en ter any house, tbe door of whteb le un fastened, or when Inritad to do e» by the mantes thereof. In wbloh Uw*s it solas amounting to a brsaeb of pence, and to arrest any person disturbing Uw peace there In hla prseeeae : "There is a distinction to bn drawn between Me rights of n master le his bows and Me rights In n pa bile store. In the letter ease there Is an Implied InrttaUon to I be geoeiel (Mbits to oowe lo sad a person entering snob aa es tablish meat bee greeter privileges, and ocaeeqeeutiy, tbe master leer righto. Heoee be la eompelled ta act with greetor discretion ta dealing with no welcome Intruders.- If A orders B to •tew* At store at the point of a ptetdl asd B refuses U ga wboraepow A •horde and kills U, A. la galtty of war der. *’ *»»«< lb* Weave. A eiartltay lute drat, of which Mr. Jolm (Mirer of PMIadalfMa, rath euWJrct. la aarratad by hlra aa follow*: *‘t waalaanoet dreadful modulo*. Myakia weaalaoat yeOow tya* aaak la, taagaa ooatad. twin rontloually la Itaek and etdaa. oo epjaUta-tradraMy irawlof w**kra day by day. Three phyetcteM bad ytra* tea op Porta* elely, a frtead *4 dead try lay ' Steed rle Bitten:’ aad to m yraat lay aad nr rate*, the drat twUteraadaa deatded lapcoraaettl. I rooUaaad Ibatr aai far tbrea ran, aad mb bow a wal ■an. I ke*w they eared ay Ufa, aad raltbad U«a frara of aaotbrr »t«Uea.» Vo one abaald felt to try Utaa. Oeli so won y botUa at J. I. Oarry i «. UnH* Giotw Dnucnt, An Muring laaMaot, In HUM a wW*i *!**.'* MMk mm and a sew batUgarad, occurred la tba wait, lag i»oa at wnloa atetlon lari night J «• «rid will* la Mid out-booed pat stagers mod aaata ta tba waiting raM wara at a prtailM. Tba oolorad woauu, lariiUy --f| and waiting with a trif-aot triad air. eotwad. Spying twa vaoaot aaata Is oaa earner, aba started toward tbam,, •at dawa fa oaa and pUaad a agate board boa oooUlalug a bat, tor tba purpose of wbiob aba bad tnreied to town, oa tba otbar. A tow Mlawtae later a beodaoaely tmad wbtta wo raaa ratarad tba atellea. Oar eyee WMdared la tba dbeeUoe of thaaulorad wouan aad Ml upoa Um aaat acconlad by tba baadbax and In owner. Wfaae tba rraohed tba aaat aba loabad at tba bandbox and tbaa Inquiringly at tba woman. Tba latter paid aa aUeottim to byroad aba ^flaaljy pototod ta tba waa haro.^ Tba triter prided *"n Um *• Win i*. cuter wfiwid, aa/lag M*kt4|iMw a>oeh fare aa tba white «wm aad did ant intend to oat bar hat m the door or bold H la bar lap. A wrathfal^M, daatied late tba mm of tbo wkitoj aranaa. She looted (ha woaaaa erer for » tootaaal aad (too taraad as U>M«h to walh away, bat lnataad dramd Mawalr Into tba aaat aa whioU waa tba bandbox. It au on* of tbaaalaor wayaaf sitting daws, where tba entire weight of the body la (brows la. The woaua sea aa* a lightweight, and aa she eat down (ban waa a Up. |Mag of paataboard and a crunetting of H*m». ted Beware, loot tad faarltav*. Tba owaar af tba baadboa let oat a yell wbiab anoaaad arery oaa la tba Halloo aad paabad tba white tits a a wit of tba aaat. Bot aba waa too tote. The gorgan oa bat aaa eretoed aB aat or to apt. i Tba oolorad woman'* aoraaio attraou tba polio*. bot when liter laaraod what oaaaed tbo trouble tbey tank bo Hettoo. Tba bat eraabar refuted to gira her oataa or addxaaa and tbo ooh orod woman was ao angry that abo waa osable to artiaalata distinctly. «*■■■» BrfM. All tba om«n« aad auperatltloua winab bear uo tba piaaaut oampetgo augur tba election of Bryan. There are arrant of Utcaa which by thajr ooa •Uut verlOoetlon have coma to exar elaa a peculiar Influence oa the poblie mlud. Wheorrar iba eatoa oaudidatea tjt Piaaldeot liava confronted each other lo eaoeraatva P.ealdentui election* tba lour lu tba llrat liiateMe woo to Iba ■Moad. Tbooaaa Jrgvraoc warn defeated I to I7M by John Adamai lo 1000 Jeffar •OB waa elected orar Adam*. lo 18M Andrew Jaekaeo waa beaten by Job* Qoloey Adam; lo UU8 Jaekeoa defeated A da cm la UU Kanla Van Borao waa elected over William Ilcnry Harrlaon; In 1040 Barrlaon dm footed Van Borao. Ia 1008 Cleve land waa defeated by Benjamin Ham rlaoa; lo 1890 Cleveland tented the table* a* Harrlaoo. Another auperatlUun that been on tba penaant oanvam la Utat Haw York awloira from aide to aid* In mrniaalu PraaldeotUl alerclon*. a* tba Btete went for IfeXlnhr la 1890 Itahokld go lor Bryan la 1800 Haw York govern WrM1' KwwbMean. lu iSTailwTUdao, Demoo rat, lo 1870; ft* OarOeM, Bapublleau, lo UNO; tor CtaveiaiM. Damoerat. in 1084; tor Harrlaon. BepabUoau. hi 1800, tor Clavataml, Damoerat, la 1888; far McKinley, UepubUoan, to 18WT It to Brvau'a tarn lo 1000. Indiana baa kept * awing maabroneoe with Haw York1* tor tba kat three quartan of a eaotery, rcton Democrat or Republican aa Haw Ya« want DemoemUe or Bapeboett. It ■ode no dHtaaoaa In tba awing of tba Htate* that their favorite tom warn ap far atom to*. Haw York want ■gal-ml Cleveland to 1000 and Indian* agaloet Harriauu In 1808. Thta la Bryaa'a guar to carry Indiana. vwnout uwgfTvr. Tho Bultif World mmu that Amrtoa* raUvay*. ata rate, got ao profit oat of tbotr r-nr Tmiloin rocnta? r*U*i?»i'oiiiirT<fia^i|l|<|tor ** to th* public, oraot no a gnat may of Uo panto gn tralao with taa low1 ponoagon ta pay tho ootaai irola as poooto. It Boot nab* aaoogh profit oa IU bottar potroolnd troloo ta nafea ap for tfalo loo* oofi loan a narala of profit btildtl, iIm Its MMgn Inito oaaaatbeootfiiaboaa aooUofaotorybaota Tot tog th* Uattad (tutor oo a whola, oaty a Hula our oco-eru «4 Uw total tbOMPtoaginlrST Mouwiiiiooiallio y&anrSaT r*Nw*^ iSan [u*0<mm£ 4acting tbotr panoagartraflU atalooa, a brio otharo an mealy gayiag as poaoeo aafi fiortrlag aa profit pro pan tooato to tho latnauooal aafi ul am of booloonioaa. Tbit ta oortaia ar«“.i^rv.;,'S3c: th* World thtakr, an ttoUobio lita oroaoo tha Tolom ottnfitaor lofiaar rspooooo. la “both tfeooa It afifio.’tfaak I* nan Ibr wort.*' Aataormi afn hardly oorro. It f plolael that aoaM tanfi tanfiaoo tho oo lam of tnul._ . «L*>cTiiiomr xmrbct r no* coal • la m latmlia Sg tateraa.MM.te ~^r«a Uata( tte _ _ __ ST-SmSS aTtoj^Trtpn"^otthat to wteToaul ml to t7^Jg "glricilr Into atoctrtoUy. Ite«M«MwW «omr. aad Umb m wit m tea la feat Car* — torn. Wa aapt DO par cent of tte tSeieocT uf a 4rua. agaioat 0 or 10 pw cent of an mgin - >* “wwmwwiif rmclt*. TUi *w teUcaa’a 4imb i* Mgr Hto rtoton Maau to bar* ' raaUly- ScttoagataoB Fraaauaaato corary. that atoaUtoUy aboald ha aaa rayte by wtoea. will bate amto» raaobtag laiateri than thto. Tba ssjusi-sasrsAas Printa etoeuto Lighting pi*uu to b» taatatataed^iajbaaaaa with hat mall ■tor* oanaat la *"**** **, bUaa ritboai tte_. of carrying (haw to a plmt Ttelaraattoa too** bar* teas Uhoriag i ___ Etoetitoai tagtaears ary that tte ae» ebiaa now eefl«*«d will aiki tba practical oae of alaatrtoltr eoara wtft. agraad than tea tea* a tee lag by *ay prartoaegarcfaymal of thto aayatact oua forea. IKYZXTIDX B aniFUL la Um new amuftaaMot a iM». portable aud tarzpenatve bkMm m to Uka Um piece of tbe dynamo. An ott. Move la to snppUut Um kwa eaekm. TIm wa ouaatracUoa of t*o bow ■aowa to-day to a bum cU*elo Kdlaoe, and to *hom had bate rntaMlM method of oouettuethm aad r r ituu of Um Invention. The principle of Um mash toe tathn Yen aimpie wo that eotd ooatraeti Uila ataoblM a aomhtaallna of aiui a eomWaatloo the raaalk of years of etudy and expcrimeul—Ls to bo heal sdbjjntsman itew, * D^o ss *£££ ass5Bsr,i2-T1?u ** * The machine U amaU. It uu la carried aboot la aa antomohUs. ta eta be nyoitnl kb a small eMutnf bare or to any other ocoYoatoak ptoan? Wbenerer It to desired to /m Derate a eomol or ataie a battery, all that vtU bare to be doao vQI l« U M«bt Um> email store, aed the maeblao #Ut bo ftn work. Scar etoce electricity bngaa to fa* ■oocreBy seed the itpim of riinhnei aad operatioa of a otaaea aaaUd aad dyaetao hoi banad Ik from the aae of —r «m " reuta to the paklio _ ' t&u£s&;<r&arTJs Chart* SaraUM asy £I| My hrawa w y *»M SET* »S SSL*

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