The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home the Interests of the v\»l/xXT_ _GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1900. ARP’S RUMINATIONS. ' DEATH OF FBIEIDfl MAKES THE PHILOSOPHER SAD. rant (Mit« imh ia«r-caM«i< ■tan MMl NniaU awl »r. llaWlkla. _Tktj ware nil Na»4 Krtaali of Mia. HI Are in Atlanta Oooaliluttoe. How like • butterfly out thought* Sit fro* flower to dower feeding upon the tver-ohanglog oieatel food*, doroe limM they toer to heareo or nettle emoug the alert, but their linear. It here among the people, oar friend* and nod red and tilt oooctrn* of our dally life, vf bo Itat not woudtred bow he came to be Ibioklng or tbit thin* or tliat and traced It back to aonoethlog wholly irrelevant. but leedlug on by eliidowy line*. But a little while ego 1 wee Ibioklng of the aoddeu death of three more of my good friend*—frlendt whom I loved and everybody loved who knew them. Mr. Moore, of Anburn; Colonel MyoaU, of Atlanta, and Dr. Ooetchlua, of Boot, left ua ou iba earn* day. There were good meo and the world wea made better by Utelr presence. I wit tblnklng eapeolally about Dr. Ootlohlua, the prmeber, whoia tourney and domination ( waa ao auddaoly changed, for he bad bought bla llekal for lallulah Falla, ther* to spend hi* vacetloD, and wea to take the train ut So’olook. II* roee from bla trod at 3 and It 3 o'clock ha waa dead end lilt eplrit eoarlog heavenward. Tueo I thought about tire. Barbauld't line* that flt ao well; "Ufa! we bare been long together In pleaiaot aud to cloudy weatbar. Tis bard to part when friends are dear. rarbape ’twill coat e elgb or tear. Then steal uway—give little wsmiog; Chooae Urine own time, Bar not goodnight, but In tome brighter dime Bid me good morolog." Then I ruminated about that won derful woman. Huw ahe was the Diet to write story books for tbe children nod hymas fur tbe church and how her life was spent In tbe schoolroom amuog the children that ahe loved. And Uien I recalled that beautiful hymn that she wrote: ‘‘How blest the righteous when he dies. When sinks tbe weary tool to rest, How mildly beam the closing eyes, IIow gently heaves the expiring breast. And then 1 thought of Uo words M Balaam, upon which that hymn was founded. "Ob ! may I die the death of of tbe righteous and may my last end be like Bis.” And this re minded me of Uiuee other words of Ba laam: "What oath Qod wrought?' That was the Drat message cent over a telegraph wire. It was sent from Washington to Baltimore by Mlae An na Ellsworth, the daughter of com mlaaloear of patents. She bad beeo vary kind to Professor Morse and lie promised that sha should sand tbe first meaaege. Title was sent on tbs 94th day of May 1844. and two days Uter the second massage was sent from Bal timore to Washington, announcing that Jamas K. Polk had been notalna ' ted for president 1 remember ell this for I waa in collage llteo. But still the rple were incredulous aud waited the mail train to bring tbe newt Then 1 ruminated oo tbe bard bit of great inventors, sod bow Morse spent all of bla small estate end received bat little encouragement, betug so utterly poor that he bad to go without food at tiroes for tweoly-four hours, sod how be (pleaded wltb coo trees for three mere In Vein for;an appropriation to p perfect aod build a line to Ire—ead how at tha vary last, when be waa In despair and bad given up all ho pa, congress did at midnight, on the test day of the session, pass the bill for 130.000, and Anna Ellsworth eaane running in to him In delighted haste aod told him the good news Wbat an agonising life be bed l«d dar ing all these years, for he bad been re fused help at hom* and had been to England end to Prance In march of It nod found It uol. Now just think of It after be had built bit first Hues and . Ms success waa established bn altered Me Bateau to the United Btatee for 4100,000 aud it was refused aud be waa constrained to mil te private parties, an invention that eoon oamn to be worth ooa hundred millions. Bat be am sum oi 7««n m rail of honors, and srso Franc* made him a donatloo of 400,000 fraoca. What a wonderful man—perhaps the gras test all around man that ever lived—for ha was a painter of dlaMontloo aod reoowa tba popll aod the peer of AlUtou and West and the city of Obarleetou waa hla beat frlaad and patron aod baa now hla por treitaof Monroe sod Layfayette, He waa a sculptor, an aroliitaot, a philoso pher and a poet, and would hare reached tba top la alt had he rat be oome so ; sbaortwd m hsrosaslpg tba lightning. As a matter of course ha waa kept in litigation aoveral years and other parties tried to atoal hli Inveo tiwo, but the supreme oourt of lbs United States did Boally sfflrra eyery rblog that ha Maimed. Ha died In ll7fln bta eighty BrstCyear. Hare any thongbu raalad for a while and then rata road to Or. GtoeUhlas aad the many other friaoda who h«va mm before aad l«ft o*a aleaeat alone. How fondly our aaicda aliog to the frtooda of our youth—our aohoalamtaa aad college osataa— aad every now aod then wa bear of aootber who baa dropped oet of line aod Ilka the barter In a barber shop, Otd Father Time wliHpors "neat" My dear old frteod Jim Warren still ltvea to great me when I eoaae and to doea Obam (toward aad Dr. Aleaaader and hi# brother aod Kvea Hawaii. Than I raamllad tba grand and banuttfal words of Ingalls •peter la bta eulogy an Ibsst* Saak. ••The right to live, la, fa heneao satl matloo. tba moat seared. Urn moot te ytotabio. the most InelleoaMe Tba toy of Uefeg la aaeb a splendid aad tamlnowa day an tbla la laeooosIvabSa To aslat H MaHaUow To lire forever U oar sublimes l hope. Ta kuow, to lave, to eohteve, to trlemph le rupture; end vet we ue ell under eeotenoa of death. Without a trial or opportunity of defense. with no knowledge at the eoaoeor or the nature end cause of the accusation without being eonfrooted with the wltuesses ageluet u* we bare been summoned to Uiv bar of life and condemned to death. There la neither exoulpstlou uor appeal. Th* tender mother cries paaelonately for mtrey for her first born, but there la nn clem ency Tbs craven fellou sullenly prays for a moment In wbloii tn be annulled, but Ultra Is no reprises. The soul helplessly heals Its wlugt upon '.lie l>*ra shudders and disappears, ‘ But lbs death of a good mao Is not an incoueolable taraoutailoa. It is e strain of triumph sod lie may exclaim with llte Roman Poet, 'Noo otool Mortar,' and turning totba slleut and uuknown fulurt esu raly with Just and leaaooaUn confidence upon the mou Impressive assurance ever deliv ered to the human race. ‘He that be lievetli in me though be were dead, yet shall be live and whosoevei llveth and bellsveth la me sImII nvvvr die.’ " Mr. Ingalls might have added one more shadow to his dark picture of death, by saying that be nut only oon deniuad ua wllhoot trial nr witnesses or an accuser, but tbs pitiless old ras cal would not nwn glvs the date of our execution n»r the manner of )L We ■re Ui die, that Is oertatn, but when or how or where we know not. Think of Dr. (soeLchius, dressed at 3 o'clock with pleasant anticipations of a real at Tallulah, umid the sound of ttie falling waters that soothe the soul, but within an hour be was a helpless, lifeless corape. nxiauir mgaii* was a giruxJ man — not a word painter, but a thought en graver, Kor years Ur was our enemy and harbored prejudice* egaloel our paopla. but a/tar be bad Tinted Texas and studied the negro and bit race trait*, he returned bone and declared that he waa unfit and unworthy of freedom or any political franchise. But enough of tbli. Now lot ms add that op to this date I have re o* I red nas hundred and aeventasu copies of the poem that I asked fur and Ibis outn bet Increases with every mall. Tlwy bare ooum from s»#ry southern state. I began to writ* plaanuol words aud thanks to those who have troubled themselves to please me, but 1 have bad to atop, for my old eyes are weak and my hand gets tired, t can only thank them all at ouoe and say bow grateful I am that so many know what 1 did not know. It bumble* my pride and taka* away some of my ^vanity. Borne of'my scattered friends give toe author ship lo Miss Flora Hastings, Queen Victoria's maid of honor, and some to Gcorga D. Premier, sod one to 8. S. Premia, but tbs large majority arc cor rect lo naming Charles McKay. Ha was born in Perth Boot land, In 1819. during our civil war wen the Ameri can cot respondents of the The I/indon Times. He easily stood first among tbe modern English poets, end was the author of many prose. *• Wwhleslee WeelS Da. Sunny south. He owned a little paper. And business was bad. He waa losing his subscribers. And couldn’t gel an “ad.” 8o ha mads bold aanuunoemert, Saying : “Hare Is something new ! Hereafter wa will adit As Georgs Washington would do — Every oolumo Will ba solemn Truth from eu unbiased view. And In his next week's Issue He told tbe simple facts. (Bom* of them were a* cutting Am though told with so ax.) He wrote on social doing lo nuembelllahed style. And public man ba menUooert Also their stock of guile. Vary truthful Waa this youthful Editor wttli wlunlog smile. That waa the only Issue On the Washingtonian plan. Also tbs final labor. Of tbe honret-minded man. His paper la not running. Blno* It Started such a bum; But tba editor Is rannlng, Or, when last observed ba was — Ha waa ebaaiog, Ha waa rasing Just ns AgulnnMo does. -mw Are T««r Tkv w,au«>ru»«. A llttla boy «*s on tbe scales, and being very anxloua to outweigh hie pUyouta, ha puffed oat hit oheeka aad a walled op lika a llttla frog. Bat the playmate was tha wlaar boy. ’Ob!., b* artad, la acorn, ’’that doaaa’t do any good, yon cso only weigh what you are:' now troa that la of us Wggtr children, who try to impress onrMvea uyoa our ootghbora aad friends, aad Avon upon ourselves. aad, yet, some Uoaa upon God Almighty, by the ylr lose wa would Ilka to have I ft doaaa’t do tty iped. Yob may Impoaa apon yoar neighbor’a Jodgmeat, and gat bit* to aay you era a Baa fallow—noble, brave, faithful, lovlOf; bat If It to not deeply true, If you are »t gaoerooa. brave aod lowing, three fancied qsell Uea ere not moving him to Ungenerous. bca*e and laving. **Yoo tan only weigh what you aiV' MeryttaOUre. To be bound impd and toot for years by Ibe chslM of disease la tin worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., telle bow a elava waa made free. Ha eeyt: -My wife baa bean so bar plena for Bee yes re that aba could not tan over In bed e’one. Attar using two bottle* of Ctaotrle Bit ten, eb* Is woodsafsUy Improved aad able to do bar awn work.’’ This a. ynaaa remedy f6r female dlsaaaaa qalckly carve nervousness, eUaglaaa maltnaboly. headset*. backaoba. falatipg and dlxay eoells. This miracle work log road lelaa U a godsend ta weak, •tohly. run dawn people, Cvery bottle taenaUed Only BO caata. Bald by J & Curry sod Company. IWoggiets AvruLtcKiin or wiicm An Rj'»Vita«« Dwwrlbwi Ut« Vfwrmr* of ibo ri«HMfl Md lUri, Houaton, Tains, Special.—nichard Hplltaue, a wall knowo Galveston newspaper man, and day uorreepoudant of tha Aaaoolated Prase In that oity, reached Houaton Muoday, niter a ter rible experience. He glvea tbe follow ing account of Him d I Meter at Oalvaa too: “Ooaot Him mud awful tragedies of modern limes baa vIdled Galveston. The oity la In rains sod tbe dead will number 3,000. I am Just from the oity, having been commissioned by lli# mejor and cltlrena’ committee to get In touch with the outside world and appeal fur help. Houston wet tbe near est point at which working telegraph Instruments oou'd lw found, the wins, aa rail as nearly all the buildings be tween bora sod the Gulf of Mexico being wrecked. When I left Galvvaton ahnrtly before noon Sunday tha people were organizing (or tha prompt burial of lbs dead, dlatrlbotiou of food and all urcaweary work after a period of disaster. Tbe wrack of Galveston wua brought about by a tempest so terrible that ne words oan adequately describe tie Intensity, and by a flood which inroad tbs oity into a raging aea. Tha Weather Bureau records show that the wlod attained a velocity of 84 miles an hour, when tbe measuring losiramrnt blew away, to H ta Impossible to tell what was the maximum. - • i ue norm organ it x o'clock Sjtor da? morning. Previous Lo that a great atom bad been raging In tba Qulf and tha tide waa very high. Tbe wind at drat cam* from lb* north, and waa in dirset opposition to tba foroe from tba Qulf. While It* storm In tba Oalf P<le<l tba water upon tbe beach mda of tbe city, tba north wind piled tbo water from tbe bay Into the bay part of tbe city. About aooo It become evident that the city waa going to be visited with disaster. Hundreds of residences along ilia baacb front were bnrriedly abandoned, lb* Ucoilla* (tee log to dwellings In higher portion* of tbe elty. livery home waa opened to Use refugee*, Uack or whit*. Tbe wind* war* rising oonsUntly sad it rained lo toi rents. The wind was «o flare* that the rain eut Ilka a knife. • By 3 o’clock the waters of tb* Gulf aud boy mat, and by dark tbe entire oily was submerged. Tba flooding of to* electric pleat *01) tbe gfti pUnli left tb* city In dtrknam. To go upon the street* was lo oourt death. The wind waa tbaa at ojoloulc velocity, roofs, alsterns, portions of buildings, telegTaph poles aud walla, were falling, and tlte nolsa of the wind and tbe crashing or tba betiding* were terrify, lug In the extreme. Tbe wind and wa tan ruse steadily from dark until' 1:44 o’clock Sunday morning Daring nil tills lime the people of Galveston were like rats In traps. The highest portion of the city waa (oar to live fert under water, while lu the great majority of oaavs tba street* wtrv tnbOMrgtd to a depth of ten feet. To leave a bourn was to drown. To remain waa to court death lu tha wreckage. • Such a night of agony ba* seldom baen equalled. Without apparent rea son tbe water* suddenly began to sub side at 1:44 *. m. Within 30 minutes they bad gone down two feet sod b* fore daylight tba street* were practi cally free of tb* flood water*. In lb* meantime tbe wind had veered to the south* »*t ’’Vary few If any buildings escaped Injury. Tbara la hardly a habitable dry house In tba city. When tbe peo ple wbo bad escaped death went i-ut at daylight to view tbe work Of tbe tem pest and the floods, they taw tbe moat horrible sights Imaginable. lu tb* three blocks from Avano* N toAveuna P, In T re moot atreet, 1 taw eight bodies. Pour corps** ware In on* yard. Tha whole of tha business front for three blocks In from tba Qnlf waa stripped of evary vestige of habitation, tba dwelling*, tbe greet bathing es tablishments. tbe Olympia and every structure having been either carried out to tea, or its rains piled in a pyra mid far Into tba town, according to tbe vagaries of tha tempest. ‘•Tbe Ant harried glaoo* over the elty showed that tb* largest structure* supposed to ba tha most substantially belli, suffered tha moat. •'Tb* tmy front frum and lo aud Is la ruin*. Nothing bat piling and tb* wrack of grant warehouses remain. Ib* Hevabort lost all thalr super works and, their stocks war* damaged by water. The llfa-tavleg station at Fort Point waa oarrtad away, tbs orawbeing swept serosa tb* bay 14 miles to Texas City. 1 aaw Captain Haynes and ba told m* that bis wife and one of bli oraw war* drowned. ■tm snore at rexaa uity onotatoa eaoogh wreckage to ra-baUd a ally. Blglit persona who warn ■ wept acroa* the bay during the storm were picked up thnra a)It*. rt*c oorpaes worn aim picked op. Thar* war* three retalltlea la Texaa City. In addition to the Jirlug and the deed which the atom oaat up at Trice* City, oeskata and oof do* from one of the o* meter lee la Qal mtoo worn beiog dotted out of the trmUr Ultra. "Tbeeottoo mills, the bagging foe tocy, the ga* work*, the elec trie light work* and nearly all Urn industrial as taUlahmenla nf the city are eitber wrecked or crippled. The food loft a allots about on# inch deep oyer the whole oily sad no lam feat nrograaa la aaede In borylag onrpee* and seroaasM there I* danger of iwatHenoa." •M tlmae Ohm. Hitherto the tomato sen has been a oon *td arable dreg te olrUtsatloa. Beery where It baa b*an a problem bow to get rid of old Cana, tie acrapa, ate. Bow a aoneern at Jt. Lewie la —T*ftt tag the »<d can and making them up *•••■ The I load* are uhao eg, the cylindrical part I* iheared off twenty aad new heed* are pal la. The Ua Is mnre or lea* mated oC the seat* ee they are sot writable fur causing fr«U again, bat they can be naad for paint, eta., to good advantage. The temps of aM kinds are maltad ap aad ran lata wtadow-nath weights, aaoardiag to a prm-tlaa now quite general. HOT A If Min DAILY MNMWBMM r»r VMBlag tHk »*■!«• Y«M* MMirlae MIimI* of BIMM. Th* Washington carrespoDdrnt of the New nod Utarm give* the fol lowing lakh showing the probable re •ull of tb« ootnlog emotion, The asU matr*ere baeerl upon the assertion i of different men from the Statae rrpreaeu tad. Whether or not limy are true, there li do question but what Hryan la galuiag ground every day ; BEYAK'S OXXTilX VOTE. Alabama.11 Artaome. 8 Colorado. 4 IMaeare. Q Flond*. 4 Georgia. 18 Idaho. 8 I ndiaoa. lfi Kentncky. U Loolilana.. 8 Maryland. 8 MlaalMlppt. 0 ViMoarl. 18 Montana. 8 Nebraska. 8 Nevada. 8 North Carolina. 11 booth Carol la*. 0 South Dakota. 4 Timoasaee. 18 Trgae. U Utah. 8 Virginia. 18 Washington. 4 Weal Virginia. 8 Wyoming .. 8 Total.216 WPXIKl.Br CKBTAJX ST ATX*. Iowa. IS Maine. 6 MnruchuKtu. 16 New Hampshire. 4 North Dakota. 3 Pen nay) van ia.32 Rhode Island. 4 Vermont ... 4 Tidal... 81 IXIDBTrUL RTATIM. California ... Connellcut. fl illiool*. 94 Michigan. 14 Mlon« 9 New Jersey. 10 New York.80 Ohio. 38 Oregon. 4 Wlsoonalu .. 12 Total.147 If l am right In putting Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Wcot Virginia and Indiana In the Democratic col umn*, Bryan will used ouly una more large State to be elected. A RrHI ef Slaaecniskr. Waaltlajnon liar. ‘ An Englishman wlio drupe hie b’s and asptrmtee bla a*! and a stenogra pher and typewriter who spoilt phonet ically from dictation make a Qae com bination from whtob troabto it ante to retuit union the ‘oops’ Is carefully re vised,“asld a New York merchant to a Star reporter the other day. “For lottaooe, a friend of nine, and tbe manager of oqo of the most Important banking bouses >0 Wall street, is an Englishman. Not long ago tie rm ployed ■ youeg man to act as hie sten ographer, and one ot the first thing! that the latter was called upon to do was the ‘taking down’ ot a letter to tbe manager’s wife, who wee away at a summer resort. Being a busy man tbe Englishman didn't take the trouble to look at tbe letter after it bad bean typewritten, but when bit wife. In the course of a lew days answered ii, there was a bet lime for the stenographer. •' ‘My dear Henry.' sbe wrote, - what oo earth du you meau by calling me “Hannah" and our lUUe Horace “Orris?" I will admit that ibis sounds Ilka you, hat why do you make e Joke of it before your employes?’ wi wiuifv, vuv tuna nuiuvoa iqq father didn’t know what It all meant, and to lie wrote for ao explanation, aad Ms Brat letter was sent bank to bias. Due (lance at It aad be naahed tmr to bit atanngrapber, excitedly threw tbe abeet of paper down before hlaa and demanded: ‘There, what do yon aaae, air, by wrltkjg ay wife’s name down “ ’Aonab?" > “ ‘Aaae?' replied the young man, •let me see. Ho; I’re got It Hannah, all right.’ • - ‘Bat,’ Mid tbe Kogliebaan, who was forlooa, 'it’s not ’Anoah; It’s Hannah I’ " ' Wall, there it la, Hannah—R-s-n n-a-b.’ *’ "donah be daabedt’ exclaimed the RngUahman. ’Ann-a, Hannah! Can’t you read English. Jon Masked fool?’ "By thla Use tbe stenographer be gan to ate through the trouble, us be begged off npoo tbe plot that, harlot had a aweltlug In one of bla aura, he bed not been able to beer rery well.! But It ooet him nearly a week’s salary to square things with tbe boys in the olBoe, aad be always dee as U boat to bide whan be been tbe aaoagur’a wife la expected downtown." Mr*. Michael Carl*!*, PWI afield, 111., alike* Vh* MeUtaeat, that Mm ought oold, which MIIM an bar lung*; MM wm traM far a omU by bar family phralotan. bat gram wora*. He told bar the waa a hopMeea rtatla of ootwo nipt loo aod that no madtelne ooaM ear* oar, Har drogglM hu» tad Dr. Klag'a Warn Dtocovary to* Coo •umpttce-. aba bongbt a bottle and to har Might toned haraMf booed tud from I rat doaa. She eontlaoaa tva oa* and after taking Mi bottle*, found her mlt Mood and mall: aow doaa bar own booatwarft, aad la aa wall ** aba evar man. Praa lrial bottle* of tbie great Dtanorar* ai J. K. Cat nr * Oa., Drag Mara. Large bottle* SO mu aad II. Tba adrartMog dealt** may oat Ml * laag fa* meat, bat be fln* away aa aebtag raid. •*«*. WMMM ABB ram. John O. WmiXmr In Mrtrepotaan MagMne. Perhaps the mart common thing la buhlnam Ufa to to hear redactions nrtt apoo Urn busloes* mnu who ti Making to carry out aa aoaaual Idea. Dream, ♦r, Iiiaattot. are the bait oodstterfng of lbe terma applied to Ua, yet a moment'* hurray of the mat bueinaea of to-day to euAeleot to oell Attoatloa to the fret that tba torgar number of lhone arlio may be regarded an my ■uoceMful arc tlu man who but a few yeete «jo were dreamer*. They were aen of an Idee nod that Idea waa original to a great extent with them. Not to Bake too tong a list, let aa plot at random Are d*bm: Hunting ton. Rootefeller. Pope. Plant and w*etlogtonaa. Thaga name* rtpraaant Ore of the great fortuuw of the united SUtM. Huntlogtoa'a drena waa a tranaoon Utisntal railway. Ha wa* the proprie tor of an extensive wholesale hard warn eaUUtshineut in Haernaento. But with foresight wliloh was not at a oca reoogniwd by hto daily aaaelatca, la draw in lilt Bind a ptoture of a railway which rttuitld arou the btarrsa. Proa day to day be worked oat the detail* aod when be wee ready ha milled tba poblic Into hto oooOdeooe. A aid die eonragameat* which woe id have atappad a lea* dominant nau, un Man was worked to a a uoceMful coeclurion hbA brought to lie projector a great fortune, while to tba ououtry it large It waa aa loeatlauble boon. Mr. KoctefNier coooeiwd the ld~* of thoroughly organizing « bull dm wbiob »m at tbot lima eundoeted la a haphazard and wasteful mao oar. WUh hit lot esperimscte, Uo problem be fau to lake clearer Mope in bio mind’s eye sod year by year he worked at hit dream of organization to brU« the production of oil tn tlio mloiotum of ooat. So tuocraaful wea lb la draamcr that to day he Uirtaleue lo dominate tbe entire world—all the result of an ld*<« (Lreouo uilr pursued. Tbe late Mr. Plant waa a railroad •an, who. at h* Uavstsd through lb* South, realized tbe posaibHittm of the lorrly Ueidt and harbors. He drew In Uia mlod't eye the pletuie of a areboard line terminating In great polaoae aur reuedad by flowering groves. dad be oomauutcated this dream to tbe pnhlte at the time of 1U organization, be would have been rid lea led. U wae worth? of tbe “Arabian Nights' Inter* talnmenU." Bat lbom who rialt Plorlde to da? and wander ie three delightful groves and palace*. moat admire the Ideality of the mao. and marvel at the energy which produced aaeh wooden. The great fortune whloh hie work brought him wae the reward which the public gave him for ooaeelv* lug in lie interest*. Col. Albert A. Pope oamr back from the war bearing Id mtud the deap. Micky mud through which the Army or Lha Polo mao bad maruhad acruoe Virginia. Good ruada became a dream. With Ua viatou or good road* came the Idea of a light wheel over which men and woman might ekls In delight ful eseteiee. A poor man. be nevec thaleaa by hie vitality forced hie dream to a realization, commanded oaptlal nod ailed the lasds of the Uolicd Stetoe with bit prod a* t. bringing boelth end Joy to millione. Ills wee only a dream worked out tn It* smallest details to a euootaaful oonolu»lo®. BLiu acoiner vyp« of o«n is Georgs Westing) rouse, burn with so Ingenious brstn, giem to dreaming dreams. 1'iUcburg, bis home, was a oentsr tli rough which cinw moot) passenger trafflo sad many freight car*. From tics* to Hoc cams accounts of sod (touts on the Alleghany Mountains whan brakes slipped sod trains rushed down to dsotrootloa. Along the tops of every freight train passing through the oily was stationed ao army of ao* ployoea to apply brakes in case of necessity fie o-meeieed the idea of to king men out of these baser dous positions and firing safety to them sod to the traveler. HU Meal slowly took shape. When he eonildered that ha had It lo practloal form, be stormed the ramparts of conservatism, ignor ance, and nnwIHIogecas to Itoteo. whloh occupied ao Important place la the railroad oooduot of that time. Slowly, steadily, unswervingly he forced the practical maa to concede that the dreamer was his superior. The comfort of Urn world to the result. While the dreamer baa base rewarded beyond the wildest imaginings of Me early vleioua. The average business fleld to being dally narrowed with Increasing comps tltlno, but the greater world of bueV cam lo whloh acoam to bad only with tbe open sets me of as Idas will aver remaia open usd eaattooa rewards that moat satisfy say tmbllleo. For the bemrit of the vary young mao perhaps It should be added that toe power to dream, to look far ahead, to prophesy even la n#t leAdawt. To toe power to foreaaa are oocsslonslly Joined Judgment to organise and the nerve to attempt. Hot tree ell of tboeo combined, are act tutoolest. To lbam meat be added toe power te gnaw eedlcm detail; te dlAsreaUato tome drtalk with uoarTtag dlseHmlaaUon. Kean with those, too wouM-ha anoosaa fal maa to Incomplete, he .east mote lover possess a ncrrrfelUn.* courage, pattoaoe to caravel small UaftoaTae a us wore lag detarmleaUoa, and fleetly toe totoedU physlqua which oaa aa osaslrtgly work without beoaklog down. ■aarinia a»n—«. Mmflir, Boclaod, Haaatot.—At • m»H of ih» eottoo •ptaaara bam It waa doetdad, pnotMalta qaaalwoot If. aot w forchaai Aaalua o«t oot V>» 'taring Uta BoaU af tbpiotil. Poar dfiha of tbo twptutara to tbo trodOMwa rapnaaatad. It H aottol Mtodtbot tbo daoMMa wm lao« to ** *h»i *1 waaba. Onit tbraa auaafaatoara aapuaad tbo raaataUao and Uwte otdao-' tfao waa that It waa oot abaia awooab. and It abould bind tbo trada to atop tb» ooooomptioo-af oattao aod not MM? atop porehaatag It 11 1 J i m WIIMilVNBfUol. ^isswasrtni "*• 3T*w?^>«r» H owrtb* aaaairy bar* NfM It and nnarkad on IU DftQIV, “Tba foraaa that an rally l of to tbo aoppwt at tha praarat adnlaMnUoa an tha foran that at oaa Una la Boa Borland aad Now Totk aup££d «£ •law trad* booauao tt waa produbia. Tbv mo tho aaaw Iona* that la Bar e°gg**_g““ «» bay opion tolt, Tba naa anTSuTaS ■cleDoaa to their pookat-baoka. Ibdr prlroipiaa ta double-entry led*wV and tbalrpetrlotlanlB tba proflu ufabbtb protective tariff, an all, eanlr or aoaratl*. for tbi. adwlnlaMT **£ an naa win Uallaw twt only la aa JSETf1 ‘^°°!*1 bat alao ha *• tbo toportaKn of waalUi. Wlna a naa derate* Ua tin to naklc* ■noayfor tha aakaof non*; bo tea earn to aa; oomnaalty. aad whoa a met political part; la aaotnUad by ■▼arkdoua mooay maker* In the lour nt of moneyHMkl&o, that patty ba S2?? * <T*f* nooaaa ta tha npabile. Tba Inprtlalian that 1 an naot afraid of U the impariallan of tbo doBar. Tha exact torn that tha law taka la tf*»!*^Ke5*M Un 225“Utaf'To eonnoa aad an all lawload la this ooa ynatloa : Khali win nil aad Ajnatar or ahall waahb doniaato oar politic* r IfaODgblfUl raaa Mb WtMt latte rntmit for tte a* It U diaokaea. Irat u* re* raombw ttea sod deeply poadar a graat faot la Aaartaau Watery, la ovary artal* Gad ku Rlv*u to oar poo P*« Ura right non at tte right Uara-a maa, I**y, aad not traralr a ptattorn. 1 apate for a largo lonont wteal toy that I oorw vary UtUo about platforraa. Ao tte gnat praoeteta uf tte world bavo alwaja bean broader tteo any dogmatic at*laraact *f raligioo* faith, ao Ura non who kayo kd oar poopk up to Mgter political lift war* ate who i wen greater tteo any platform. Tboir ' P'atfww1* war* alway* atapplag atoaaa to blgbar thliiga. Ourtepoln tbia oonoiry raaat tbaraloro always ba aero la rate than la tb* plaoka of a plat*, fora. Politieiaoa can give a* plot* fMra*; Ood alarm aao rafao ap aad train aod give oa raan. In tte dark day* of 1770 tte ooloclate put tboir earthly trust la ooa mao aad bo became Ura Fatter of HI* Country. It won wan to in Aadrow Jar* eon <a Um whan that iDOexibU Daraoorat: took tte United State* teak liy tte1 throat, and while tte Mark Hanna* of ' that day won predicting panic tad i Qoaoclal r :tn. ha flnng tbo eurnaa of tbo raooiter at tteir feet. If yon wlah to find a* embodiment uf tte eptrlt that gev* ftoad ura to tlw alava yon will not luru to tte coo clave* of tlt« •eteralRg aud place bunting potteelsoa tb* Bapublloan party, but yon will te>b up into tte aad aad careworn foe* of tte groat aad noM* Liaook). If I •vak tb* vary Incarnation of tte bravery *»d Ura devotion of tb* Booth. bra Bteoteod, ter abivalry, 1 wUI act tar* to SUaU, with oaooMrod bote la tb* Pj***oo* of tte taaortol Robert Im*. If you wlah to ao* an arabodlraant of daterralnatloa at tte Hortb to aav* tte Uatoo. look u l“»<«’*bl* figure of that client •utdler, Ura magaonlmou* Grant. Bat will toyman lo thl. veat aarambleg* *r any whraa oa tbla wide oootlnoot ■ay that If wa wish to flod a eteraplok ■f tb* poopk. a friend of tte oppretead aod ao aranaat antegonkt of oorporate ramdkaa avarice. wa will lad bin la an adralnlitratloa that ted had unlimited power for foot yaare, tod yet tea rraver etroek a alagk blow ■Ok«t any of tb* tyrannical mate or Mteralng tyndtoatoe to all tte load 7 Again I say, wa always want raan more Ilian wa waat idatfocm. A note UMrmto of Jtoaiassd «M goto votes to llw fssitac which oootrots many Amer ican* today, whea baorted oat: Ab God, tor a caaa with hoart, baad, hand, Lika ao«M of tbs stmpto giaal ooaa goas Foravor aad ever by, • s • Whatever they aad him, what aaia (, Aristocrat, damostaV, aotoerat—oos Who oaa rate and dan aol dta. Hoeh a ama win saoak to yoa bow. ( bavs known Mm from Ma boyhood. Uo to oao of tbo proate oad tar too Ma rta. Bo than aa living mao, aad all too mooep to Wad atsort ooaart hay btas. A port writer noaaUy aotd ot tejuaSSsaa bis cbanoter Is sbovt npaaoh, Ida «• powotfol, Ms tadaatey on Hman lo iart ha waa IghUag too atalaolvo slaima of oos Mad of mommy aad adva artlag too aqoai righto of oootosr ktod rt boost, aad I did art agros with btoa. Bat today, wltboat aaaridatey bis honest ooavtoUooo. ha had hNrt oisrt iho struccto aad la aghttog too ■adas ladooaw of aU Mada sfmooay. aad 1 am (m Mat ta too war tort ha to bow waging fbr tMa samhlto, aad Bryan." table cane in* open I or anuni of that ratUleg rag Jib*. -ThanH Bo a Hot Tin. ta tha °M Tewa xSoUtt” —Um album wag a Uufl-lt mm m mutto box lo dlagulae and tt waa pi t4af under wae ia great rtapr Tha min Mar r-* Bat Ot m»ia box didn’t. Theyoaof ar atartad tha funeral party waited fee therod. Thai Um aeinMer west on. bat bo*Ug a aaaaa of humor that ia wail J"ilniil ha bad hard work ta harp Me feet ta proper faoaral trim. kur aaath. Few Northerner* hevaovar aadar atood tha eoodiUooeot thaMaeth which retailed la the ndgn of Iba Xaktaa. Owi of tha Boat proeelnenl of booth* ora iMflaaa wraaekad if la Ma -rlalan Kakloxiam waa JoatldaMa and fc tap Mid! ‘‘Yee. air. and It tha doetnoe that •tha aad Joattflee iba anm* woaeooo eon rot. It oao daring ibe retrwof tar* rnrrlaaa In Um boatbora Mtataa whaw Kukluxlain waa reropaat. Hemember. air. that at the doa* ot the war aad ah tbe racooauoatlon period Ui* white nan of the Mootb wore dUarwed, aad It waa a panel nfcnee far than ta nave U rear m* la their linwe*. The lipan. however, wore armed; ear etreeu and highway* wan patrolled by aegrotat* diary, wboworebwlaaktof baiidioaa aafagae, worn thea an thaaavawM ta* day ia tbe interior of Africa. It got an that a white wmmb dan aat croca the tbtaahaldof taw baaaa, hat aba ho aaroaltad by ote of than hrataa, while white ohm bad ta ~T~—*— the roada to the aagroea. asd atafca their wap at beat they night aoraro tha Mda. To S to tha law waa awladi, (artha tWi*a<o«2t.haaara and mm

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