The Gastonia G Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the County. V'ol. X.X.I. illdllw «wl rra»r4laf. \ GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1900. HELP THE ORPHANS. AHP BAYS A DAY BHOOLD BE BET APART FOR THEM. KxiylMO •«**»• «• »'P lt].an. u wiiiibs to silvaa iMllar |< Bill Will Work II Val. lUil A TV JUlanui OoiulJlmtoa. Come now. let’.j divide out. There ■is 800 good working days lu thu year. Sopp06« we call one of them or phans’ day. We have a l-abor U.y and Washiuglon'a birthday and other days act apart for otBei vance. nl.y not have a day fur tint urphani of Georgia'! The orphanage at UrealUf la iu lint uead and the good men la chatgn have otkod thapwiple tu give tli* 2l)in day •>! ’ tbla mouth to their service. tho tabu, and the earntnga of one day, Wl.ut belter can w» do with it f Madam UeStael laid that our bank account lu heaven would be made up of the money #• gars away in charity wl.ila lie lived upon the earth. IiuuUugtoo dial worth 150,000,000 but he scold not ln«« it with him, and it It fvaied that hr will have o vcscy acn ill buu up yomler. He could havu endowed a Hundred orphanages and had plenty left for hi* kindred. Surely we can all glvu some thing co that day. 1 am going in give 5? Ur. Oraml«-y shan't shake his Methodist locks at me. "Ua that giv olb to tbs poor lendetb to tho laird " "And now. If you like the security down with tho dust'1 as I he old hootch preacher said when he soul around the lust for chat tty. Tire woid fatherless swans so ocplian — a child herrft or a protecting psrvut, either lather or mower or corn. ™ worn motneries* Is uot lu tbe Bible, but the word fatherless lucluda* It, and It It found lu tbo scripture* thirty-eight tirueo end Is always coupled with a reward to those who befriend tbe orphan*, or some calamity upon thorn who oppress them. Job saye, “If I have lifted my hand against the failiei'ros, may mine arm fall from my shoulder blade" und St. Jamas aayt, “I'ara religion is to vlalt tbe fatherless and tbo widow In tbolr afglction." Good frlondt. It will uot do to say you have never wronged tbe orphans. Neglect of them la • wrong. If nobody gave wbal would become of them V Everybody ought to give—give according to >uur purse —give as tbo Lord hath hiesoed you. K la a peril not to give tit, Peter keeps the books, and I want him to ilad my name on tbeoi with a good uauk account attached. I bad a fuooy eoufarencs with my wife about this. She says the will give « dollar If I will work It oat. “Wbat do you want me to do ?”*ald I. “Pm window cord It brokeu," sbe aald, “aod tba sideboard lock It out of order, and the loug-lianditid broom tbat I brush down the spider webs with is wont out sod ueedt au other broom oo It," “la tbat all ?” said I. “Oh oo. Tbe ball papering is pealing off aod needs reposting, and there it a leak in the roof over tbe dining room." “Is tbat all ?” aald 1. “SVell, you can llulsh tbe day sifting tbe ashes and pntllug some around the rose bushes. Mr. Berckman’s book says that ashes are good fertiliser for tbe rosee." 1 pondered awhile and then ventured to ask where tbe wae going to got tbe doller to pay me. “Why from you of course,” ebe eatd. "Where did you expect me to get It ? Didn’t I give you everything I had, aud didn't you promise to gtva me eyerylblngyou bad? Didn’t you say, •■With all my worldly goods I tbe* eudow V" What’s mJno la mine aud wbat’a yours Is isloe, too according to tbat." “But my dear," aald I, "haven’t 1 supported you aud maintained you for ail these years and responded to every want sud wish 1 could T” “Why yes, of coure you have; but If a wife waato keepaccuunta with Mr buebftud she would bring him Id debt every time. Board sod cloth ing don’t pay for uurtlng aud night watching aod seniug and darning aud housekeeping aud raiatug up ten chil dren through Infancy and childhood, and doctoring measles and whouping cough and bolls and colic, etc. I made a thousand little garment* tor them with my ueedle before there was ever a sewing machine Invented." “Tee," eatd I. “1 remember; and yon roaua your own cumej UCQ ay »mru —ay plaited bosom shirts, with pearl bulloni—yve I remember, t cau’t Oud soy sa good now.” Then «be re marked : '‘You couldn't get a good housekeeper for lees than 9100 per year eou|d yon ? And that would make over 13.000 and the Interest oom poooded would uakeflveIlmen as muoh more that you owe ma, and you ask ma where 1 an going to get a dollar.” •'lint hold oo a>y dear,” said I, “you forget that I had to support and vdu eat* your ton children—you always call them yours--aod that old Abe Lincoln set all your ’nlggere’ free, aod that the war broke me all up and I’ve had to souffle for a Hying ever since, andlglvuyou money whenever you esk for It and kuep you In ou logos and camphor and liver medlotoa aod mis «i on ary money aod little preaente tor tbn oblldreo and grand children oo lheir birthdays. Didn't 1 give you two dollar* last week to bay amber beads for Mary Luu. When the cook quit* or gut« alok, don’t I gat up and make the Bra aod oook tlp there and tb» girls have Invltad oompeny tw taa.” Ladder* and squab* I Well, I tried tbe new ladder. It I* fourteen feel long and maelie* up to the the gable of the atnokehooaa, where the pltenna live, and by the time 1 got Jmatly within reach I didn't know whether my head wav awlmmtng or the ladder careen log. and X Jus; shot my eyen and slid down with alacrity *ike a liremao.and my wife Job*; laughed at me when I told her. 1 am thn boy and she hasn't yet realtaori that 1 mo growing old. 1 go to tho butcher'i and tlie baker’s and the poslofiloe and dig the potatoes aud haul up chickens aud sggt aud bring her fresh loses every annulug aud look after the little graud chlldreu while she takes her ava iling oap. I have a lot of letters to arawer every day. nn stlie writer for the press and had mltusuce, and he wanted me to lii-lp him reform the woild about lying. And lie told me about the poli tician* lies and the newspapers lied and the mercli mis lied and mud* ttielf clerks lie aud deceive ll.elr customers uud bow the lawyma lied lu the court house tu deeetvii the jury aud some of the preachers had got to lying aud making up seuaatlo