Th* hanatorUl not to attracting ■■to attreitoo (oat no In this Stata WatesattborawiQ bo no troobU or Tto 1—dtog tatoltoUi are Gan. J. 8. Oan aad T. U. Sbaaooa. Both are tola man, and both are vary popular la ttotonto. That U whore the truubla to Many paopia thiak that Suanooa la •ntottodtoremthlag lor tha way to baa far tto toto taro years. Qakaa ItotoUMSr~*PT Tagilflnenlli OMflaoM oC the meat litoral ■an la tho Mate Ha haa alway* **. •toad la aoy work that area lor tba welfare of Worth Carolina. Of tto tww eandMatre wo prepare to rete for W/M. ttlmmona. Wot that wa tonal Uto Saw. Out. Wa admire htti oaty msah aa a awn hat an. to UrooMmaueoUttostaB for Ito place aad will toU lor him. HU aratk u ••I yet Intotod. to far to too carrUd tot what ha tod planned and wa thick to itoald to stowed to carry It la a town. Wat lari scat Ian at all that Oca Care ar tto attor eandMatre tomM not do ttotr duty, hiomocc ^■•ftortad tto work and wa think to toacM toatowtd ta cany It through. Is Mr. Masoto Uttar to J. D. AlUatomya: POSTPONEMENT 01 VISE. — manum asaisst judge ATEirs pkofoutiss is oteawhslmus, of Um audtai SateigD X. C., Oot, ft.—'Um prop*-1 aKlua of Judge A. U. Avery of Morgan- 1 Ira, that Um DmumU Primary bo de ferred >. month Mbetgoeot to Ibo ■oft—ol eleotloo, oo ootuaed by blot1 la or total of Um dolly pvj»r» lost «<«k, ailraatvd utoeb uUoaU-io -.4 elicited a great deal of com v.t fr.ia kit claawa of people her... . igl—u»favv< - »M> for Ua moat pu i It vbvuki ue •AJtd. i After bearing Utc eui.Jrct dWcuaeed or oooiaiooteJI oo by hundred* of p«w . pit I look Ike pain* Id obtain the vie a a Of a number of Madlafc party aiea la eluding no tan wbo are pronoun evd nod promloeat la their eupport and advo cacy of one or Um otber of il>e a»pi raata for Ibo Hnatturehlp-goo Ueak»a who prefer tflMMoaa, otbare who sup port Carr, and mat wbo favor Wad Mi and a fear Ioollaed u, Jarvb —aod there la no mletabteg Um coareaMO of ofdktea. via, that It «ould be ooaUa aad Uaprecticabin to attempt to slde trdak toe Mentorship Bailer at tbla time, la Um "latecaet” of Mr. Bryeo or for any other reaaoo; that, io loot, it boom be lapoeclbM to atop ur euvaend Um eoateet now *e U bu proemird too far. aUATOUAL riUAlT WILL utr MY AX. 1 tod that with wj few exceptions, ' it k tha general belief that Uta primary : will help ioatsed at hart Mr. Bi-ymu I a»4 the Democratic ooagTTeslonal oan dldataa ia that tt win wary materially —tin In bringing uul a foil wote, —P—laity aa tt la bellerad many (Popu hata especially) wlU "qualify" them tovee to paxUolpete la tha primary by UtM^ electors. •to—SSaltoaaCTttaSa^thiiMUaa! Ha aald : “Than la no disputing tha fact that thaca ta a graat deal at apathy prevn laat among oar folia oo ter as national ticket is eoaearned. It ia men and Mt ta a great or kea dagnss all orar tha toetm bat la some localities Including whole oo on ties it ta apparent aa ta ba aaaarca of enxtety. Right bars la B^aigb. awoo. I haws nsww known Damoorate to be so aaeoaoKMd and taaetire n month before election in all myowpmtamea. TMartato of affairs, la, at least partly, dna le the encase and surfeit of ‘pollUca' this yoer, end lbo reaction uataral after the exeltemeat of the a tala campaign. £ot there ap pear to be some other reasons, to among oertala classes. It is my belief that Jam some eucb ic os at ire aa this aeoator ship question was desirable, if not or emery, to gat Um while people out oo election day. aod, my word for it U tha primary worn postponed Bryan and oar coegreeeiooal eaodidalrs would sailer the lorn of thousand of Yotaa which they will now recrire.” Axnwf nut cut tic* or to* * xa cbihb.’’ Aacthor Wading Democrat, and to Is act aa attire Simmons man, either, if ho Intends to rota for him at all, aald to mo today : "I don’t think mack of the proposi tion to atop the senatorial oaaraSA but thoro Is one feature of It that should be stooped at ones. Those oreiiealous critics who are attempting to disc mill and east odium upon the Democratic erganisattew by crying “machine,” had better pot a padlock oa their source of 00*00 It they can sot get op a better argument than that. Without the ao oelhd machine and a capable aod courageous --maohialat” to operate u (ao Mr. Mm mono ao admirably proved to ba) I’d like to ask where the Demo cratic party bo to-day t What would ha Um political complexion of tholrgia hUare elect, which Is ta formally and leaagy elect the Hcnator after aU this primary in melt ia over, had tt not been tor ibis ‘-machine” and* this "ma chinist” ? Without them last sum mer, there would bo oo a— of a Dem ocratic primary now, mad butler would | beehoasn le January to anemwd him self, undoubtedly.” i ht< i umwn man to aui •taMar nxaam ia mj pmiaoi daring iba laM wnk. Mom of ibata took till* potoUen : Wbon a paraon crtat “-^ •Itnptp ftUneka tba Danooratio party and Ma orgaalaatkm aa a waoia—aat only tn tba Mata at larga bat in avary nmigraalnatl and jadiaUI and ma tortal dlatrist. to avary coaaty. la avary township and praatast—and bla ia —Tll“‘t r ffmt ailanb opoc UarWraw aad aaaeatlva oowwlt taaa la an* of than dlvMooa. 'Ma ebtaa," ladaad I What ia tbaia wrong ■boat a ‘‘yaablaa.»■ partlaularl? our •aabloaT ItaayaaadidataarMafrtead* Iblak that by Ibaa “aoraiag oat" tbs wort log Dvwaarataaf Jforth Corolloo —tba vary aw whs radawil tba buu haBMgnnbtat PopaPst wlayov «MM| aad at ado M postUda for u* to data Dmoaratia dauatar at all tbta tit *bay aaa alaat or aid oay aaa who Uo party u l». Umy win fed Uwaadjvaawaafafly oMabvn, aa they Wtotat" ii mn aanuuwa. tk£Wa^^Pwnaaratio ^srgaatutlaa, by (Md dbd fifn*>atar>lh«r aad *12 rsr a smzriJLx ***** Mat* wtd itaad by tiT wfe pygr band of a paUUasl party edanl by aaaa am that Mat t.n a no anted V* Tba “waa^tai" M rigbt. HdMf propar aad aa ladlapsuaabta adiaaot tdMsars. to aay aad ^vry •ST-* o ttsawsavr" -tt la** to t r board at Ma*W IU boar aay am I MHfffi ELECTION—n If You Think You Know How It’s Going. •Cut This Out. Fill It In and Preserve. t_ ■ap or tmw nnno mraa. anowiiro umn or taoo lutcnoi. ■stab mm KLirx. H'Knanr itatu wkitk. The Results In i896. Estimate of Vote In 190a STATES, MTC1NLEV. BRYAN. UTKIN LEY. BRYAN. ** **<*• J1***- **»■*•» *UeU«»l VovalM Wtt- ropvUr »t» ■UBiOfM T«>«. y«tll FlmiAUty. TM«. gmlBy. Toim. imlltr. You*. rollty. ALABAMA 11 U 75.570 ARKANSAS,., 8_8 73,581 CALIFORNIA., *_8 3,737 1 COLORADO, 4 4 134,883 OONNRCnCTT. 8 « UJU5 7 DELAWARE.. »| 8 3,830 ypQMPA.4|_4 31A48- ~ j GEORGIA.|»_13 34,141 IDAHO.;. t 3 18,888 ILLINOIS..14 >4 143,488 INDIANA.1» 15 18,181 ————. IOWA.13 13 GO,553 KANSAS.10_10 1*288 KENTUCKY.. ,13 11 381 1 LOUISIANA... 8 8 55,138 Maine.8,_a 45,777 Maryland., 8 T MABSACHTT&.Hj 15 173,385 MICHIGAN.,, .14; 14 88,888 MINNESOTA. 9 8 55,875 MISSISSIPPI.. Pi_8 SB.TsT ' ~~ RM80URr-HI 17 68.738 MONTANA....j_ 8 83,048 NEBRASKA ,, l{ 8 13,678 NEVADA.l| 8 8,430 NEW HAMP... 4] 4 85,784 NEW JERSEY. 10 10 87,88* NEW YORK . 3»j 38 388.488 --— ■ ■■ ______| N. 11 13.374 N. DAKOTA... 3 8 5,848 • 47,487 OREGON. 4_4 _ 8,117 j PKNNHVLVA.88, 88 885,073 RHODE ISL'D, 4] 4 28,978 S CAROLINA.. 8| " | 4gnl7 *■ DAKOTA ... 4 4 188 lEANEaSKK, 13_._13 17.415_j TKXAa.U 18 809,814 .» • njw* VERMONT ... 4 4 40.480 viBonriA. ,,u u It'tii [ WASHDfOTN. 4 4 ItAU ' W. VIRGINIA 0 t HAST WISCONSIN.. 13 It 108,811 Wyoming.... ■ ~~ " , ~ TOTAL . ..Ml HI 1,188248 ». ITS $88,848 Ww«oia Jourtmi : J»dfe Hok« 5**»»• »*•, wm ho!4 Um fall Una of Usooto ■'.pack* ts* «r~ “ ill'. “?*?**; TWr* * • iw|i THE BEST BED ON EARTH Don't Be Deceived. The great success of our Royal Kiaatic Felt Mattraaa. which la dna U Ha merit, and alao to oar vigoroas advertising, ha* caused other* to perl mattrcaeca oe the market, which they are offering for leas money and claiming they ara "Jnat as good aa the Royal Bloxtic Pelt." Don't be PP»W ^ hoo*a fc?k your pocketbook receive. the same (air treatment ii your eyes. Respectfully, TORRENCE,";—*.