The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home sad the Interests of the Const?. vrol. XXI._ _GASTONIA, N. Q„ THUBSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1900. OUTLAW RUMS FOR OFFICE. W. A. AIDEBBOI, FUGITIVE FOB FEFTEEI YEARS FROM NORTH 0 A BOLD! A XtW M iMBMIl CMSIrf Hwtn* (W IkwM Will* • €1m4 CSuh «f 111.1 an11 oS Martin Thai Me cenkua-akM Men t»ew witam pieeeeellen At LmM Wm (MtIMrt end ftwprt. Italeigb, N.U., Oetober7.—(Special) J. C. L. Harris, chief or staff lo Gov ernor Russell. sad a well known attor ney ban*, makes the euu-meot tliat W. A. Andersoo, co order nr and outlaw, and (or flfteeu years a fugitive from North Carolina juetloe, U one of the special secret service guards of Presi dent McKinley, eud Is also a osndldate lot sheriff In one of Ibe Rocky moun tain states, with a strong probability of elaotloo. This brings to mind Andersoo'a crime, which la ooe of the worst Id the history of Mtlohell oounty. whieh is by far the Boat lawlasa of all the ntoety arreo oouatlea In North Carolina. In February. 1884. Andersoo, a des perate Ban, a native of Mitohell. weut with hla brother-in-law, Ray, Us a Bins Mine near BakaranUe. Ray bed e record of seven murders In twenty years. H* was a rsyeoueofficer and lo swch eaaa got tb* Batter brfora the federal oourt, where he was each time acquitted on the ground of self-defense. H* waa Andereoe’s brother-in-law and the latter Induced him to go with lilm to the mtoe mine, lo the mine four men wore at work. Hush mines are ▼ery shallow, but the miners were In a trap and at the mercy of the deperatc men at the mouth of the shaft. An derson claimed to be the owner of the mlos and eo told the men. He ordered these to oomu out. Thar refused to do ao. instantly It* usd Bay Lagan a fusillade. Bay killed two miners, MUIer aod Burksoo, and dangerously woandad Uurleeun’a brother. Ar.der aon killed Horloo He and Hay fled al oaoa, taking lo the wild mountains near by. leaving their victims in tb* mine. Tb* wounded Uarieson told tb* whole Kory. It spread like wtldflre aod 000 angry m*o starched the moan-. Uioa. Aoderaoo had friend*; aad ao did Bay, and thay war* hidden for a lew day*, but lb* pursuit bee>me so bot that they surrendered themselves. Tbay war* pleoad la Jail at Parker* villa. Threats were made to lyoob end counter threats to rescue Gov ernor Jarvis wet on tbe point at tend ing troop* there to guard tire jail, but H was decided to remove tbe prisoners to Asheville. There they were several lime* guarded by irooe*. Oooe revol ver* were found lo tbelr poesreeioo. Tbay ware triad for murder at Lenoir, tb* eoanty eeat of Caldwell. Aodereun wee ooavtrted of murder io tb* trat degree aod eras sentenced to be banged. Bay waa convicted of murder In tbe eeoood degree aod sentenced to twenty years Imprisonment in the peniten tiary. Both appealed. They were re turned to Aelievllls jail. Tor tea nigbl* they were guarded by troop*. Both bad Influential rHsUrre in Mil cbeil. gome of their kinsmen and friends openly defied tbe lew by stylo* they would release them. Tbe sheriff end Jailer appeared to ocostder their eaoape Impossible. On tbe night or July IS. 1865, they escaped from Jeft about 9:80 o’oluok. lo so daring a way as to lead to tbe belief that the sheriff and Jailer were In ool lneton with them. Two day* before three brothers of Hey had arrived at Asheville from Texas, their borne, aod at tbe asaee time a dozen Mitchell county men appeared. On tb* eight in question these people picketed tbe square on which the jell stands. It was e rainy end dark night. Tb* aberiff end the Jailer went in tbe Jail. Aooordlng to their atory tb* aberiff want lo tb* oall block, giving hi* pistol to the Jailer, who stood lo tbe corridor, with one band e* tha lever wbleh looked tbe oeU duo re. In an tnatant Aud«rsou seised tbe eberlff. while Bay earned the Jailer with e pietol. That prisoner tamed over tb* sheriff to two other prisoner* end slipped the lever so the door ws* open from the oel) block Urn door wee open from the oell btook to Urn oorrldar. Tbe eberlff end Jallar were tied end Anderson. Bay aod three other prisoners stepped oat. They expected to walk out of tbe other door, bat tb* Jailer'* wife closed aad looted IV a murasrar woo waa in nnouiar owl btook told tbo mat of tba atorr of tba aaoapa. Ha told that attar Aodarajo foand tha otbar door lookad ha walrad a tootaru at tba wladow. Tbta waa a ■lonal to tba Crtnod* outatda, who aarly to Um nlgtot bad paiaad four ptatola nod an ax to Aadoraon and Star. Thoaa oototda attaokad tbo Jatl wall, wMto Aaderaon oat at It from tba Inalde, and a hota wna aooa wada. Oat of tbta Aadaaaoa waa tha Hint to pane, with a putol la oaeb band. Tba othara followed. Two borne* ware madr Mar tba Jatl. Tba rnurdoma' ood tketr rooouma rodo out of town. Bring Bftaoo abota at oaaaooa whom tba* pnoaad. Tba Bra ball waa meg and a groat crowd aaeataMed. Pontiff wMbagMotoMOrbotao aoptnno waa Tb» mortfimi iod lhair noort rodo bard tar Mltehall oownty, tarried tbara bad a Httlo Una, got moony nod tbta burr lad to tba far want. fur'* wife want want and jaload hU». 8ba did not atav toag. bat on bar raUra laatltotad dtaoroa prneaad laga on tba graaad of trnrtly. Bar awaraay waa J. O. Pritchard, aow Untud State* aaaator. than a lawyer la Mltabail oaoaty, aad a wldowrr. Ha «oa Mr oaae aad aooa af tar ward* sairtad bar. Bay died not toag aflar. Andaraaa'a rteatima ham known bin •haraaboota all tba white. Hla artraa la ta tbta day apokao of aa tba ‘-atea Tar." to BOW being braagb* opaa " mmH to pardon Aadaraoa. i bam baaa Bade to abow aa ■ ardor at tha aalaa, aad bemlotdae. Than* bam aromod ladlgaaal l tbara to aa oatary at aay mat a or I mine) I ny*TBMO|ii RMirrutim. TMy an More HuatrwM Tbu N«fU Tllfth MMI Are Cll«i/ Dm lo Rp> ••epey. New York Trvbuae. It all the Cits* lu which men sod women wander away from their home* without auy particular miaou aad without giving auy Dottee to friends were reported to tbe newspapers no oaelonal disappearance* of prominent persooa would not cause eo much pub lie Interest. Promioeot physician* who have made a special study of nerve and brain diseases say that the public has no Idea bow many pereoci taka un ootiacloaa trips of greater or leas ez lant, end on regal nice cootoioutueea wonder bow they got to where they are. They are unable to re me teller anything wfaloh happened In lbs Inter im. It la ooa of Uie wonder* of brain Investigation that men can move about under tbe control of a aob-oaoeoloas oeee sod appear perfectly rational amouc stranger*. Medical Investigation has shown that such attacks are chiefly the result of epilepsy, aUbough the vlotlm may bays shown no pravloa* eigne of tbe disease and may never have suffered an epileptic Qt. Hysterical persona are often affected In a similar manner as the result of tone# menial shook, such as the sudden loss of money or the death of a relative The effeot it the earn* whether tbe trouble I* oauted by epilepsy or sudden mental ebook. Tba person loaea consciousness aud a anb cooecioutness it tat up. The charge la often aceompeuled by absolute fail ure of memory, which frequently cause tbe suffer to forget hie owo name. When c'jDtckioaoeae, It regained there Is out the faintest memory of anything will oh happened after tba attack cam • on. Tim attack or aub-oocacioaiiae nay UK ■ few boura or for eavaral month*. A year agu a man waa found wander ing about tba KreKa of Blogbamptou, X. Y., la a euboonsolous state. Ha waa taken to a nalghburiag Insane asylum and received tba bait of treat ment, but It baa baao Impossible to re enabilab tba coaeeloui ago, not baa Urn tasn bean able to remember lit* name. A traveling magician gave aa •nteitalnmeet la raw mobth* ago and oonasotad to go to tba aaylam to eaMr tela tbe tomato*. H* bad performed a namber of clever tricks, wbao tba vie Um of tbe lost memory a rote la lila aaat aod InsUtad oa balng allowed to •bow hi* Kill. Ha performed the tricks wbloh tba sleight-of-hand artist bad executed aod did other* which wars moot) more difficult. It was evi dent at ooe time be bad been la lit* business, but the claw did oot result la eslablishlnf hla identity. Another case of this nature waa re cently reported by a London medical society. A well-known Boglisb buli ne** man lost oooaciouioei in Perl*. Ha came into lilt right mind several month* later in tba state room of a staamar wbtoa was outarlog Bombay. Why be bad undertaken tba trip to In dia or what be bad done lo Paris wat beyond bla memory. Tbe paaaiogere told him be bad behaved in a Beaming ly rational manner, Nearly every New York pbyiielan wbo la a spaolallit of narruus disease* eao give tuatanoa* of strange case* of this sort which have oom under hla personal observation. Only a few weeks ago a prominent business man bad an egperie&ea of this kind wbloh ceased him oouslearable worry. Ha left bis office one afternoon, intending to go bo ooe. Three days later Ire found himself on hla knew la a church in Pitt*burg- He muK have noted in a rational manner, n oa bad not at tracted indue Ktsatloo. A young married couple visited a prominent physician a abort time ago to have Uia wife examined aa to liar saaity. Both wars convinced that alts waa Id tana Khe bid wan dered away from home oa tba W*at 8Ida aod regained oonaoktasoaea la an B*K aide Kraut boura afterward, and several ml Ik from bar reside do*. Mb* was also ten*Wed at times with aa “ImpalM" which caused bar to at tempt bar busbaid's life. Both of these earn were due to epilepsy la a mild form. In saoh a treatment oalau letod to balid op the general system waa given and tba patients were then treated as la ordinary a*aa* of apllapsy Hopes an entsrtalaad of parmanant sons. Whjr Um DMi'I Play the JHM*. ▲ liiosBta recently adyartlead a "piano-playing elephant.’1 tad draw a arowd for the Ant performance. After aoam preliminary 'remarks describing the talents of tba beast aad hit educa tion, the elephant wee led late the ring Be Steppad op to tba piano, ran a ml* dopped, lifted hi* trunk aod ran bel lowing flora the tent. The tbowraan ■eteppod forward not a wblt tobar “ Lad tea aad gMUeaien.'’ ha aald, 'an an fortenata oeearrano* prevent* the performance, I am aora that yon Will all leaped bla reaeoa for tbta abrupt aoaelnatoo. Hebe* Just rassgalaad ala deed mother** teeth In the piano key*.’ Another groat d I too very baa baaa mad*, and that too, by a lady la tbta yoaotry. “XXaeaei fastened it* dateh ra upon bar aad far am yaare ah* wltbatood ite aererut teats, hot bar yttal organa wars uaderralaed and death learned Imminent. Kor three meatba aba aoagbed InaraaanUy, aod ooaM not deep (Um Anally dlaoovarad a way to raaosary, by paaahastag of as a bottle at Dr. up Maw Dtaoorary for Oraaaaapllaa, aad was ao raatb relieved on taking Aral dean, that the slept all night: and with two betUra, baa baaa abedatelv eared. Her aaaee It Mr*. I Ad bar Lata." Thee write* W. O. Hamrick * ( Hhdbv, K. J. Trial bolt lea fra* at J. >. Gurry A Onto Drugstore. Regular dsa 80* end 81.08. Avery bottl gaaraatead. tui v. a. uiimuip. “r»ir rUf" amkmwutim a«»«i m Mm UmiirUU IwIhiIm Rt MsM. Id ore Inc N«. An idtoMl* of Col. Carr, writing to Tba fast of Buaday over tbo nem de plum* of “Fair Play,” aaya: “Tba voter* of thla country dam two eternal from wbicn to rvkct tbsir candidates (or oOoa— the piofnarional political* —moo wbo (tart out to maka thair living oat at polities. and tba snb atantUI working bactaaaa man, wbo by tHair Industry and cloaa application ■ucoawl la building op Material worth for ibemaalvca, and thereby ladlraetly add U> the material growth aad develop maat of tba oommouwaallb.” Ha dedaraa that the former look only “to bla own political advaoucaieat Mid la Boat oaaaa w auerly rtgardles* of tba Baaoa bo uses. Neither duaa ha ear* wbetter tba State la banaflttad or not, ao ha aceomptlabaa bla purpoaa aod auooead* lo buiMIng up a machine for blmialf that ha Bay prolong hi* bold upon oOea.” Ha thao arguat that we must not aalaot a Baaator fraw thla d*M, but take Q«. Carr who rspasuante tbi otb«r o)m. Col- Curr, In iua ML Hotly ipwoh, aa reported In the Newt and Observer, dtdarad lbat ba bad bo “machine’' babiud him; that be was tba paoutaa’ ceodldate aod would ba aUeted If ba oould gat a free ballot and fair ooont at tba huodi of the Jtesnoeralle or no laatlon. Tba clear Intimation Jrom “Fair Pliy’i" article la that Mr. 8lmmons “loeocomplteb hie purpoaa aadaaeoaad lo building up a Baoblaafor himself” bus teen utterly regard teas of tba maani employed and ba* not eirad whether tba (Mate waa baoaOtted or not; that he procured tba appointment of the various committee* throughout Use Slat*. not In lh« Interest uf Whit* Bupremsoj, good govern meet aod Use election of Bryan, but to aoooaplish bis owu personal ambition*. Tba staff correspondent of tbo Cbarlotta Observ er. wrillog from Winston, says that Mr- SlmMooa la belog obargad with •vary fraud from ballot box atofkog lo highway robbery. In lid tbo party demanded Cot. Carr's personal ssrvlsas-not bla aouay. Ha daollned to serve tecius* ha laid lit* Wife aod business aaaoclatea did Dot Be air* bins to eater polities at that lima. lo £BBB tba patty secured Ilia parson* al Mryloaa of Mr. SlBMOos. Hal* a poor mao, dapeodant upon tbs Iboosm from his profession as a lawyer for bis support, but ha readily gays op his baslosM for more than a year aod gars his entire time aod uteot* to tba party, besides paying at least one-seventh of hi* satire as tale to tba oaoea, aod witb tba aid of the Democratic workers, sucoeedad In redeeming tbs Slats aad In making Whits boprsmacy perma nent Uouer our plana of org«ol*tUoo to •act) of tbaae campaign*, gaol) pteelooc lu Ui# ittata aelaoted ila own pracl net ooamlUaemen; eaob oouaty oonrao Uoo elected Ute oouaty commute**, and the deiegaue to tbe State eon Ten Uoo earned tba Stats committee Tbe eereral commlUoaa worked harmon loudy and with great aeal, aided by tba graat army of Democratic worker*, and tbe great victories Tor tb* good of tbe Stale were won. Tbr friend* of (lot. Carr now Insin uate that thee* committee* constitute a “machine” which Mr. Stmmona Its* built up for hla own ‘•edvacoemant,” which will be “utterly regardless of the mean* employed " to defeat him— Col. Carr. A* oo# of the bumble Democratic worker*, In behalf ot tb* State aod of the county aod precinct committee* end of tbe host ot Deooeratlo worker*, I reseat these onjuit Insinuation* Them oommitteemeo are among our best end bravest mm. They haw worked day In sod dsy out tor good of tne State. They have remained tUent under Butler** vllltOeaUooa and haw not feared H lion’* Fedeial proa*ca tion a, hot they will reeent tbeea nejuat Insinuation* by men in tbair own party. It la upon tbaaa same committee and Democratic worker* that Mr. Bryao must reply to carry North Car ailoa io November. Are those who would discredit the** vtcartoaa worker* friend* of Mr. Bryan? Until new, ao one, but Butler aed bto betters, baa thought to oall tbeea men tb* "fllmnwnt machine.” Thee* ar* they who oo nett tot* tb* Damoerat I* organisation, aaleoUd all mr tha NUt* bccaoea of U**lr ability aod willingness to assist la red**Bring tba BUI# frees negro rale. It it fair or last that they should ba now discredi ted by tbaaa who daatra |e aeoura the fruit* of tbair labors? It appears that Col. Carr end hie supporters ar* aot content Vo wla on tbair merit* only, bat seek to win by break lag dawn aad dlarapUag the parly orgautaotioa wblofc baa mads It pneaibl* to elect a Da moo ratio Kan* Has It tueo com* to Uita In North Carolina that wben a naan gives hie time aad hi* talaata ha bunmei a “profeaao’laal polltloUn” aad part of a ”machine.” but when be gives hi* money, bs beoomee a patriot whom w* mart fall down aad worship. Dwwocbatio Wonsan • — Wt«a Oom from Or. D. B. fUrpllo, of WMhIU. I. T. Ho wrKro ; '’toor bolltea of Klootrto IIIUoci hu oorrd Ifn. Bnw of acrofolo, which hod »«*> hor (root aufOrlof for fwn. TbrriMo torn would brook out oa hor hood ood foot, ood tho boot doototo ooold ffiro oo balp; hot b«r ooro l* oom Ptetoood hor hoolUi lotMolloot." Thlo oho wo wbot tbowoondo horo prorod, tbot Blootrte Baton to tho brot Wood port dor ksoora. It's Uo ropcomo tom dr for Mourn, tottor, mdt rtwwm. wwi. bate ood raoolof ooroa. It nimoUUo lion, bidooyo ood bowoW, oi(dl pal loop, hitn djPlPHf u boBdo op tho rtnofth. Only tOoMta, tedf by J. K. Corn ood tfempooy, Aoonntood. MHM ur TBOCaU. ■a »■■>* I ho HMmy fa AtUali, Dmrnm Uw Hah# An. aa4 to gekumi kgr itoMlm. AliittU Qx—IIBM m. "Roeoos, wbo nets 'em nil re.” It oc cupying i Mil it police barrack* Boaooa, a fauna ansae oil Urn atega la Georgs Haya, waa booked In oat tnakaa oo too midway at tba fair, a blob »m tbU moroing. Ha aialiaa to ba ahamnson lira aaaka awallowar of tba wodd. Rosooe got tangled np with tba po lice laat night for trying, with three oilier wan detail, to do Iba hobo act on a freight train. iilcycle Oflnn Walla aad Jo ore found George Hnj«. George Herbert. George Guemao aud Charley Murray •a a railroad yard getting ready to hoard tba Orst empty that polled out i fur Birmingham The auartotU wore neat to tbe police bemads and locked up Boaooa, wbo nets 'em olive, waa aooa Iw a reporter at The Constitution last eight after tba rnaka aator bad rstlrvd. Ha was eurlad ap on bio osll bunk Is true bobo style. HU (boas were under bu bead aod kb aaat waa drawa over bU bead to baap oC tba dsw^tbors geo*rally bring daw whose be sleeps at night. With a groat yawn tbs man who swallows live seeks* for a living, if Dot for notrltloo, aat up ow the Side of hla bank. "Why have you deserted Iba midway •se It thrust IU grmtaam upon tba world T' tba man wbo use* caabes far pills waa aabad. "Ob, I am oot so particular about where I swallow ’em," replied Boaooa with soother yawn. ”1 Just didn't ilka things out oo tba midway, So I dnoided to catch ap with aoother caau with snakes aad do lbsawaUowiagfsrbla.n "Tea don’t hero your owe snakes?” ha was aat ad. "Mow listen to that, will roe,” re marked Boaooa with soma sootempt. "When I eats soakaa for a fallow ha lure boa got to furnish bin own aaaka* f would he a pretty sort of a guy to aat makes aod than furnish tba aoakaa myself, wouldn’t 1?” "Ha waa informed that tba outside world was not op oo the aaaka swat loiog businaa* m | ■■ a iiaii U* HUB tloued. "lMwIlan hiiuIm lol« trouble ’twUt me aad the other Make later end I eald to myself, Roseoe, oM boy, ent em alive for somebody elm.” ••The pries ef Make eallna accord ing to Roeooe'a etatomaot ie bis eell, wan gift a week, tool ad log biard aad teaks fare. ‘ Tba four meo aril) bv arralgoed la tba police coart this afternoon for leaf ing mad Idling In n railroad yard. “Boscon did not eat aay awln la llie prison last night bat as bn me in Lbe aame corridor with a number of prisoner* who bad tbs jimjama he had ample opportunity to bs*e eoy number of snake* ut all Siam aad varieties pointed oat to him." vemyeMa—MyamMM not looki* a ron sympathy aim* by Iks Ullwl. A native of the mountain, district if Kao tacky bad eoctslM u go ea a fouroey, rteroUy aad before starting, took oat on accidental pel ley up the ULIoago Dally New*. Hejahaeaed to Pe one of lbe vieUma of • railway col llaloo, aad tba next morning big wld •w, armed with a uawepaper report la which his asms wa» meotiooed among the killed called oa the ageat of laeor Aoce eompaay aad demanded.tae mon ey. "Bat, madam," nald tba agent, we will base to have more dcflolta proof before we eea pay your ekla." "Mare proof !" exelalmed the be reaved woman, "Why he'e daad’rn a door nail, I reckon ” "Possibly my dear madam," and I am very sorry.” •■Horry 1 You ara sorry, at* you f" •T certainly am madam. I sincere ly sympathise with you In ywer lad aflietioit." •*B<»t haln’t you gota* to glv* me Lbe money wbat's oomle’ to me ?" ••Not today: Yoer olalm will hava to be Inveetl gated Brat” "That’* )u*t Ilk* a good far nothing man. ” angrily istortad tba bereaved woman. ’Yo* all are mighty perilu •bout things ao loog an they halat oontlo' you nothin ' bat tba mleast s poor, loo* fam ala dees git a ebenes to to git bolt of a isstle spend in’ money yea get Um gall to my you’re sorry." And tba Indignant female slammed tba doer behind her m she left the o«oe la leaieh of additional proof. ■ ton* nti*oi ctram ava.aa ■■Ml* Fr— I* a*nn*>. Jteap aaatod, obaUaate oaaaa, ih* kind that ban raatatad doctor*, hot ■prinic* and patent —dtalao tnafaot. qalakly yteld to B. B. B. (Botaaio Blood Bala), iboroogbly Mated tor SO nan. Hanjroa aaoOMva patobas to tha month? Han Throat? BraotUxja? X»Uny Sana? Bom Patna? I Mb law 8kIn? BwaUts Qtaada? Stiff Jotata? Coppar Oalarod Spote? Chaacr—? Ulnar ail on oa tha bady? Hair a*d anbrowa tall oot? la tha 8<l» a aaaaa of holla, plaapt— and alaato? Thao ihU wooderfol 0. U B apart Sa will oooaplatolr obaoio tha wbol* body tato a ct*ao, pardaet oondltteo, fr— fro® •rnptioaa, and a akla aaaaatk with tha (law of parfaot h—Itb, B. B.B.dnloa the pottos oat of tha (yatoao to Um »y mo to—a oaoftut ratara. SB. H halloa up tba brokan down oooatlta ttoa tad tnprorta Ik* dlcaatioa. So ■Haw* -ay t—t R B. B. a trial bottia will btftnn away fna of oharaa. n. B. B. for tala hr dramai* at || par laraa hatUa, or d lary* lottl— (rail traataaaot) IS Ua—plate dlnattewo with aaah botUa. H* aars tha hotua road* BaUate Bipod Baha. For trial bottia, addraaa BUXJD BALM OO , Atlanta, Os. Daaorlb* uosbte and Fna andloal adnoa (fna. For aate Front Ttacnaa* A Oa. ian’»T sail r*Utt Him! ik* Ordeal -j Www W— k**f riimbvs Mpooki iv New Tort Jcurmit Bataraliig tourMta from Farts hare brought Information that explains why Madamoiarlls Qaorgaita Doasmaa. for mer teeober In Traaab In tba Faoaart MiilemoIwUe Oecrwetta Doasmaa. Wbaa aba Ian Pittabttrg oot toag atnca It aaa tba expectation at beooe> Ing Madame, tba wife of a rrenebmaa wba could pan tba moat beautiful plimas* of Iota. Tba marriage did not ooma to paaa, and tba many who had baaa let Into Vbe prelimlnaiias of Uie secret won dered greatly until now. Two or three years ago. while read las a *ranch periodical M i dam a Mill a Daaaaaaa waa salts Inaanaad a«pr aa artlela that did not moat bar views, bha wrote a fiery Uttar to tba editor-la oblaf and posted it off ta Paris. Tba editor wrote In raters a law brief words and told bM iinrrmpnndanl that ba bad turned bar ooamuniettinn over ta tba member of tba staff wbo bad psooad tba article In qnaaMan. A few days later a oom pop toot too earns from tba gnaafnl pen of tba op Eil Viilaiaotaalle replied. Tba allot mwdH aa ana war. The a breathed war. Tfaaaa ware •boars to frfeodi and intaraat waa arouMd. Bat tbaro same a lima when tba lrt.Ua laitrnctor grew more rvttoaet over bar French mall. The let tats Hu, but cosiest* war* not revealed. It baton ta ba rsmorsd that Madomot *MM had a sweetheart la Purls, the uoknown newspaper inrrmpinitial Pi a ally Madamiri arils want ta Paris, acoampaalad by tarr brother. She waa ta ba married. If aU west well aad the on known mat b*t expectations. bine* Ibea no hint of matnmony baa baaa breathed la tba laUats of tba llttla lanabac. laatmd of woddlag oarda a few riial frlaada repairedelraulars noting opening of a psaaloa by Madam of •Mia Doaamaa la tba aatmita of Pans for tba XxpoaUioa parlad. Two m» bar* of Urn Tosag Woman'* Christian baaoelatlua looked ap the location and •o nil led aa gaaeta darlag tbair recant Mfoorn to Aria, M Madamo iseJIa. vkit hat hiUMid— Is the rsmone* off?” iaqalcadeMof ibaas la aeonae* whisper aa aba parted From her baataaa two wooks ago. Made i*o tael la gava a abrsg, waived ulde her qnaaUonar aad tragically "^SS^aai; J# fouud^him aa deaf aa as p«atI” cvrarr m* muiiim u>t More mtm riHIflit'a Tmimmi M Mm •Mb* HllUm oTMte Im. **w Tw* Sms, Friawde of tenut Fowter. «f tha Forty-eemetti lofjntry. United ttUtae Vo! a steam stationed la tha Ftillip plaea with headquarter* nt Liyupi. Kara received nawaof bint tbmarti the return to tha United State* of Borges ota Carton aad ZlcaeieratnQ, of Footer* rafloaot. Fowlar to tha aoa *f Oeorge O. Pewter. af Wblteedw, I*, t. Ha a*read a* a volunteer though tha Sp*el*h>A«onoe» war aad raw Itoted la tha United State* wrvlw aa Septowhoi 18, 18M. itoaaaa* of bit irpsvteaw aad Marfcea*Mhlp ba wae appointed sergeant aad aatigood to Company C Barton and Ztmmormaa eey that Mar tonal Fowlar baa dlatta galebad hlme*it la battle. Ba abet and kilted a yoang native llaateuaot nstned Unroot aad etp&arad hie Ideoteoaat Mutu' fntbar, kfaroet la* Karen*, a atna af wealth, aa ra ealTlof oawa of bto aoa’* donh. orgsanted a troop af 3,000 aoa aad offered to pay 8100 for tha toft ear of nay wo**bar af tha Forty aeTenth err A atari the Potto i haw foaad Bum «f TOnttl. Oar eoatonl ta our blit baring.— Oonoool Uoi Caroto yoor drotror oaodo oarafot watohiag. Oor faith now to ocowU oor rioa U babHwal.—~ Oor < •• i__ BUoC tft ft at tea ta aot Marat; goto* on Ibo tar faoa, bot a drop aaaiad tail of tfta ln »ar llfr. [tlaaooft oa towardraalUr— galat witWo lha tool, mortal llfa W oaotft aM otbor Ufa that Ob riot gfraa to tftm that ara HU.—John TaDaftb. aaMa K Yerbahlra rtooraaoMH ratural «ft> foUowtog aoto Croat oMNbb pari tft loom: “TMoUto giro jwft ftottpa that I and Mlat JlMliftt AlftMlft Diwrbf ai« tfltg tft poor obftrah m Batargay aflftrftftOft l<0 Qftdorgo tftft ftp artUtt of ■airlonay at par boo da, naaaa ba prooapt aa thft aab U bind bv ibo hoar Forawaraad la far* trood." | | ^ - ——— wwu«Mha •eaaraeuih. . «ro,,P of ofllears stood Id m av l*#U book etors, mm iiNiy afternoon gsMMt3S3B ■>* * tbo.C’bstuSSoSSsrIM oUaon Uikwd the sulleu boom of oen ■om smj mow nd then Interrupted their MtnmllsD. But eras It warder T Jrtft&zr&ssui ’z wh» bad been Aot aa boar bafan waa a youth of lilt sen. «t father tony tot tba bay" raid tu6 QdpCAi Q. ^‘Oh I l*i all right.” obeervad tba mm -iswaravsr- - WaMM tt. 14 “Beyond a doubt,” waa tba aajor"* • Beeldra,” aaid tba maril "Hi waa no longar a boy. Ee waa ■ aoKUer aod wbeu b# dawned ho know tbo eon ••Juetao,'’echoed the other alaral Uojwd^. bat their bra wore a of^rW^oiTiw’a^ir^S overrated book. "Whatletbeprice of It?” be la* ,'“Flfteeo deHart,” rtpMnd the book, tilt, “Tea aac, gealliraea.” aaid the geo oral, “how ihoao oorwnraats taka nd yaatage ol ear mtHnrHsaaa. ntteea dollare tar a book wortk Mly eaata t” Tba BlUtary aua elated ak the beck - seUer who wisely raid aothing. ■•Tea” aaid the eepteln, cpynraoUy rase ns log ble talk. “I sever mm at affeerad la «bt Ufa. aa wbaa I aev that lluta fallow shot.” »DU ha Alach T” r*Vt tba ador “Vet a bit. Ue waa vary pale, eod Ms (gee that bat that tanway leak, peculiar to mom whe are looking deotb lotbefaoe. Ho stood it Uho a here. ' Ha aaear tnwblad, aad bad bla wtto about *»«■ to tha laat.n “D*ui IcitmnUy, dfcin't b# V9 mU UManmt. “Taa, (our balls tbraagb tba heart,” “*o wuah the batter be did aot suf fer.” Aad tba asasral plakad up Mabaa oa Field FortMaattena.” “Wbat, la tbla crank ?»ba aakad. “That,” auewarad taa hooksaller, la worth tweoty-Ave dollars.” ■•Tba Wteehief 1” Uurtad aot thp geoeraL. “Mow tala la aa outrage. Hera It a book printed oe brown paper, bound la pasteboard, hardly went pick ing up la tha road, aad this sane want* tweuty-dve doiuie (or It. 1 won’t pay It.” & wara uif u 7 ucijugwu w m I goad family Mkl the (Bejor “Ha ran I away from bum* aad Joined the army end fought bravely Hla daatrtloo waa more of a little oeo »p tde than anything «1*A ” “II Wwnaaa waa net Ffeaalag ua M laferitally bard." laterrnptad the cap tain, "be would baye boon let off, bat the court-martial jam nsabad thing* through, and (bare waa uotoody to law after the boy." Boom I Boom I thundered the can Moa over Uw blue at the front. “Wby aboaU anybody took altar him T” inquired the general "Wa mom took after the army aad Its dtset pHnn." Boom I •The teat” eootlnued the general, "bat It make* my Mood ran aiM to slaughter werv boya.” The general tasked Jommi’* "Artof War” la hi* poehat and mild (or K. Than ba turned round aad steered bit throat. Boom I ••Now listen to me, ba aaid Impma ltely. "To* ornately wlU give m* eradlt (or Urn average amount ol kind nam, sympathy and human (Ming. Tat I eau not agree with you about that dmrrtir. Aooordlng to all aa oaunta ba was a aeaalHelad. Hakaaw hla duty m a aoidter. Ua knew that If hedaeartadh*wooM to abot. What did ha da f When the enemy wee maruklag ou three teoleg thla very city, cndeagerlag the rzMoaoaat tkaCou (Odaraoy ha imekad a* to the wood*. surAruaur sjs • IwMt u ■» W.I htm MMn would have to ba ipamd. The army ba damocaltaad. DtmrttoM would to the ardor e< the day. Wo had to ahoot him eo an mingle It eooid not be avoided. Now let no drop tho an Hook I know that I am right aad 1 Would like ta aw My ana ala ad up and any that I am wrong." to i TM KMVNt • Bm*. Gan. Linton’i dlrUlon WM MNk> lag back la taka a new pome loo tba tbanail morningattarthafiefct tt» Oaaay. Tha General and Ua laaaaatar Gantnl, Major Wabb, tba Mima Ml i«» tbaiwaiar Maat “Hain, aarporal/’ naiad Motor Wabb “didn't joa moral aU laat aSjhi Ud dM.jVyaw^y aa day, aaf haaaao ■MR. t!r.” Mid tba Mb wrpiril, Making a traia atliMgt ta aMM ^ “Wall, tban," tba Malar obo*tad% -tft^OaSii^tha* bpk'&nSr' wa» tba i«ply. L*wtanTuaJor WaS^raftadVraT^aaS orar aa tha gtonod, and taoghad abb" orlad Uka a Sag*

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