. THE GAZETTE. " thu am a v. ocvonra talma ItUSIXKSS LOCALS. Adrcrtisvnianis Ineerr.r0 At taie notoan at ■n <Mina Baa Mr amlsasrilon .»•! • ocni» mix fur rach loaartiou ihraliw P*~)lThBBD UV* ew A. F. v.lilte skies. _ _ 0_ NlOH ate fur fall planting at J. B. Carry it Co. _ ■nUUND-A pair o( noao glnaava on* £ glaM broken. T3*0B 8ALE — Good milch oow, about iV J Jersey, Mra W. M. Writ*. ANTED two corlcc of Th* Ga IRTl or Feb. 99th 1900. Lasts at this odlce. DO YOU waot a oew top (or your boggy, cheap ? Apply Jo Wm. if. Lavra. R. 8. B. PECK, tb* Charlotte Bya Specialist, will be In Gaitoula at the Falla House Wednesday Oot. 17tli. THOSE oaring A. F Whiteside*. agent, (or (ettlUaer. will please call at MoDUl A Miller’* atore aad get their notes. WANTED—To rent—In a good oomrenelty a II or 8 room house. Apply to C. 8. Mason, at J. A. Gleon A Co*». -\T'OU WANT Blank Deeda MorLga M gee. Chattel Mori gages, Land Posters. CaU at Tus Gaxrttb offloe and wa will furniab yon all yon need. B. W. H. WAKEFIELD, of Char lotto, N. C., will be In Gastonia at Falls Houaa oa Wednesday Oot. lOtb for oot day only. Ills practice la Drat ted to Eye, Bar, Noes and Throat, at. R BRANDT'S guarantee with every Lblog ha sella means your abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. This Ora was established In 1898 sad baa been In the Brandt family oyer SB yw IF U. Brandt did not have some thing apaotal to tbow In quantity of goods, naw styles, and more partic ularly In prioea. It would be no uss of bis making aooli efforts to do a more extend vs business. BY booeaty, Integrity sod low priced K. Brandt baa ballt up a large and suoOMwful business. If you do not wish to buy It will pey yoa anyway to sos bid elegant stock. Mall orders promptly filled for any oatelogue. Prices never higher, often lees. R BRANDT, the well known lewsier and watchmaker of Chester, 8. C., will vlalt Gastonia Oot. 82od with a vary handsome trad extensive line of fine Jewelry, watebre, chains, solid silver wars and novelties. He will display at A. C. Wtlllanaaoo’s millinery •tors ooe day ooly. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —The Big Show hid another adver tising ear here laat weak. —Union aervloea were hold In the A. R P. oburoh Sabbath night, Bev. G. H. Detwilet eooducUng them. —The second ear load of paint from Heath Milligan to Proit Torreoee for the Loray mill came in Tuesday. —The read (erapar has been on our atraata far several daya aod It la doing good work In leveling the streets. —New Pb ones—Lodge room, num ber 170. W. M. Adams residence, at Lormy 171. i U. Tovraeoa real denoe at Arlington. 173. —A negro waa considerably meabed up at the Bald Briok yard on Monday. The damp cart ran over him end meshed him up considerably. —Married Get. 1L io the Presby terian manes nt Bowling Green 8. C. by Bev. W. A. Hafner. Mr. Q. W. Dally and Mias Cynthia Bradley, both of Gestae La. —Mr. J. II. Gallant died this morn ing about tea o'clock, Puneral aervl oea were held this afternoon and tbe bnila) tomorrow at Steele Greek. Full amount next weak. —In Tuesday's Newi and Obaerver ws see that F. M. Sim none is to apeak In Gastonia the 98to at night. We hope ba will bi given a full house. Coma out to hear him. —Tbe cooklog exhibition at Long Bros., last weak waa a encaiee every way. A large number of Indies at lamed and nine ranga* wen eoM, and yet. aoaaa people my It don’t pay to ad vertise. —The office which waa formerly oc cupied by Dr. Ciowell Is undergoing many ehangta. The Oaark mill and Mr. Wylie Rankin will now urn the eetlre room. The partUloos have all been torn out aod It will ba neatly pa pered. -MW nun Walton aatarUmad * number of friend* last Monday night. Tba follow lag warn praaent : Mlwas Laura Page, Baaa Ha bar, Kata Ma Langban. Btbrl and Delia Nolan. Mama. Lawreooa Baal. Will Jaok •ao, Laoaard Holland, Mr. Wllltama. Mr. Crown, U. L. Barrett. —Tba first lwaa at tba Oaklaadlte mafia Ita aopoaraaoa laat Halorday. It la a monthly magaatn* published by the Oakland High Hebool. It aojoy* tba dlatlaotloo of baiog tba Brat Journal Kbllnbad by a high school la thla aw • and It la prlntad by Ulawn d LofUn, U la not aiwwary to aay that It M nantly and taatlly piloted for they tarn not do other hind of work. —Mai L. L. Adam raoMyad n let lar from bar non Harry laat Monday wrlUaa with kli Ml band whieh aoe talaad aa aaeooal of an aaatdaat be aoatained on the 99th of Baptawbac. Ha la working far Urn 0. » 0. Ball way aad la coupling earn bad bla arm mwhed. Tba C. fi O., people are kind ly wring far Mas. Ha la now la the Hospital at Clifton Forge. HI* am bw been wired and he la gattlag along wall, nM f-m ■*#*• Mm. Morton dtad Mat sight at tba Loray will. Mrs. Mortoo bafora bar marriage waa a Mia* Ceduoa, dkwgfaUr •f Mr. 3. P. Oaaooo. 9ha want U bad Mat olfbt apparently a* well a* twual, bat tbm maramg aba waa fbaad to be dead. Thadoawrmyilt waa a Male saw of heart hilar* Mb* ml be barted at Btaaty tomorrow afternoon. rMUkkl. inTISI. —Mra. E Bryan Josea of Hickory it Mating her buabend. — Mlaa Anuta Lilia of Hickory apeait Monday night In town. -Mlaa J>„ S vveun of Atlanta la Mailing Mtei Lillie Johnson. —Mra. T. W. Wllaoo returned Moo day from Cleveland Springs. —Mr. W. L. Gallant haa returned from a Hip to South Carolina. — Mia T. (J. Peg ram returned from Cleveland Sprloga last Fridav. —Mr. T. O. Lnodis a brothar to Mr. Joe Laodlt waa In tuwn Tuesday. —Mlaa Bebekah Hanaoo will arrive tonight and visit the Mlaaea Adama. —Mlaa Ida Puraely la Laacbldg for Mr. J. F. Bradley during hla lllneaa. — Mr- W. T. Johnsuu Ute-up- to-date paper banger returned Monday from Greensboro. —Mlaa StatU Wldamian and Mra. J. 0. Douglas of All Healing were In town Mouday. -Hmri. L. B Heguod and Dr. J. C. Patrick uf Kings Monotaiu were In town Monday. — Mr. P. II. Cooke Esq., spoke at King's Mountain Monday night on National iasues. —Mimes Bailie Pearson and aiatar of Makton passed thruugh Wednesday on their way to All Uaallng. — Mrs. J. T. Walton arrived this afternoon from Morgaulon after a pleaaeut visit to Iter old home. — Mr. Tom Craig tan Monday fur Hot Sprtoga, Ark. He goes from there to Kansas City where be will purchase a One lot of stock. — Mr*. J. H. Sepnrk left yesterday for Salisbury to attend Uin marriage of Mlaa Mary Bernhardt. She will re turn Friday at noon. —Dr. B. P. McC'llulock Newberiy S. O. paused through the etly Uat Tburday evening ou bis way to Clover to conduet a meeting for Bev. B. M. Stevenaoo. —Dr. W. W. Moors professor of He brew In Union Seminary waa the guest of Mr. Jno P. Love Tuesday. Dr. Moore preached the dedicatory sermon at tbe Presbyterian oburoh several year* ago. tMMniaxr Ur. James M. CYsIg died sodden ly last Wedorseay eveelisg. Ur. Or*l( bad not beeo feel log well fur some days bat was sot ooaSoed to his bed. Toe day before hie death be bad walked up to Dr. Patrick's sod got some msdf else from him. Do Wednesday eve Ding be walked out to the barn yard. LLU aon Clyde bad walked with bias out there but bed gone In the barn to put a rope on the eow. As he came out hla Uttla children directed bis at tention to bis father. He went to bla end carried bla to the borne but be never breathed again. Tba deceased was born March 1, 18*. making btm a little over 74 years old. Ha waa a ■amber of Co. U, 93rd regiment and served throughout tba war without be ing wounded. He volunteered lo Mav 1881. Daring tbs war he bad a savers attack of typhoid fever and waa in the Petersburg hospital for about two moclhai On bis recovery, but before being able to go Into active service, be went to Wilmington and there noted ■a overseer for the negroes that were building (ortiOcaMoDt, It waa his boast that be had always voted the Democratic ticket and a abort while ago when on a vLoll to Mr. J. II. Craig of oar town, ho said. "John 1 wont make November, I feel weak." Tho weak before be died be went fb the cemetery and selected a place where be should be hurled and left a pltoe where his wife should be burled. The fol lowing children survive bim : Messrs. Tool. Edward, Clyde and Schank. Mrs. S. J. Wilson, Mrs. Mary MeLeen aad Miss Little Craig. SSS f—4> la a Caw. Tuesday morning Mr. Tom K sad rick 1 kindly drove as over a port of the Craig A Wilton farm. Tba cotton Is opsu Ing rapidly aad tba fields era white. This ootton we are told will average a bale to the acre. It la ilia Bussell big boll variety. Scattered bore aad there over the Held were pickers besy at work. Borne men sod some women. We were Informed that on Monday last Mac Page, a colored man picked 649 pounds and qait la lima »o get kla ootton to the ban before dark. Cy Adam picked 418 pounds and Jim Adams picked 409. Between two and three bales ware picked out Monday. Who can beat this 7 Mac la the win ner wa thick. t*-Cov. firfli Ip—ka. Ki Oormtof Jerri* arrived w. tha 1 o'clock train To—day and apoka la tha city hall at UJO. The hail araa Oiled with mnu youDg and old. Tba m Uatened to with iotereat at. Aa waa announced, he mfloe hlm—lf alrlctly to oa tlocal laaaaa, and to he did, the en tire apeash belog taken ap lu the die oumIoq of the two para mount issue* of the campaign: Trust* and Imperialism Just — he closed bta speech he called on Dr. Dixon to make a abort ape—b, bat to the disappointment of the crowd tha Doctor demined, aaylog bis health would not permit him. Mr. Jarvis went from her* to Shelby. TUfev— mk caiimlllf. D»at night sometblDg eftar one a'etocb thleyaa broke Into the atore of Mr. 8. 8. Maaoey at Uherryvlll* and atole aboat $800 In money and acme valuable nor—. They broke op— tba front door of the atore, broke the lever off the aefe door and blew tba aafa open. One man baa been arreated and la aow la Ob rryvilie, Tba two MM were traced with in three mil— of Kief1* Mountain aitd there tba trail araaleet. They bought their bresk taet from Mr. Tome worth who ruaa a ■ton a abort way tram Cherry villa. The lotto wing la a daaotlpUoe of tba mao. O—a rather tad man with dark rod mna Ueba w—ring* blech — Itfal—k bat ted pots ted ahoaa. Tba other la a lew aet sr.VXisrsr'&’V ns koMt waa be— today giving the pal)— a deaorlptteu and a—tag tbeea to watch out for them. tw emu a mu tw an oat. County Correspondence. j ^^^iUnhyBHeh. ^ ^! Glad to rvpotl (.bat Ilev. Mr. Wilaou la *o meeb Improved a* to be up and marry a oouplaaud en)oy a wed ding faaat, Mr. Law)* Klabar ami Mia* Salll* rtLarne*. tbe pert lea united. The young people of Stanley ere making preparations for the Uallow**n Mlaa L To* and other mlaaea will be Invited to tble AH Soul* Sweethearts and somebody’* affair. Many way a will ha employed to gain aoone Infor noatloo. The pasaloc for prying . Into futurity makes a atrlktng part of th* history nf bnman nature to Ita nude atat* lo all age* mod nations, and It maybnaom* entertain men l to move philosophic minds. Polltlos an m remarkably quiet at present. Barely a sound save when tbe Slmmona Carr with that Jar of HU Waddells along, no pua loteoded. But wa ere looking for a broad exe from lha woods of Wilke* to Haakatt out away next Saturday. Junius Brutus Fortune wa* booked for Staa'j, but tarried not, although a crowd was waltlug. Tbe hasntad bout* la now tbe topic. A building wblohhs* stood for mors than a hundred year* on tbe bask* of Stanley Creak has of late developed strange light* sod uncanny sounds at olgbt. k party ot young paapt* all wearing Tam *0 Sbanter Caps went out to view th* sights end beer tbe sounds on* olgbt but what they beard and aaw tbay wine a aay. Mr. Alfred Nixon of Mariposa died quite suddenly on tbe evening of tbe lOtti. He was ■ brave Confederate Soldier having served in th* flftb N. O. cavalry. After the war be bought a ■mall farm from Dr. O. L. Hunter, where he lived end died. He wee pop ular with all whom be oam* lu contact He waa In Stanlay a few days before he dird asd visited Mr. Wilson. He was ■ prosperous farmer and alao e stockholder In Stanley Creek Ootton mills. He was au Eldar In CeateuU church, waa twice married but bad no children, ag* about asvauly yaara. Visiting people la 8Uoty: At B. L. Peg ram's Mr*. 8. M. Finger of Newton. Mrs. ti. L. Reinhardt of 1-tncolntun, at Wm. Sbarnll’s. Mrs. Williams of Charaw at Dr. M. C. Hun ter*. Mias Rosebud Adam* of Oasto- I ola. Mias Ola Otic* or Denver, at Mr*. McLurd’a. j I; ' All Healing. ; Work Ml Jours' Seminary la progrw •mg nicely. Tba teachers rxprees thaotaeivva aa grslIUsd w.lh tba eiudl ona and systematic work of Ike young ladle*, and are vary much sneonragsd Hew puplle corn* la from Uma to time and mere are expected. Tim aiaa; frleuda of Mia* IM.U* Gamble are pa la ad to lean of ah con tinued ILlneai, They are very aolicltoai and hop* for a a peed r recovery. Bay. J. C. Galloway waa a weloome visitor In oor mldat mat weak. Mrs. J. M. Johnson of Marloc, 8 C., la the guest of Jones’ Seminary. Tbs mountain air and mineral water an proving banetotal to bar. Mr. H. W. Irwin from Sardis, If. C , la the coast of fries da lo oar communi ty- He I* prospecting with a view to locating. We ebonld be glad to wel come him. Work on tba company store at Grow der*a lit. Mill la progreaslng rapidly. Tba balldlog will soon bo completed, and with Chair double capacity, they will be bettor enabled to aatteff their mauy canto mere. Tb* far man are buev with tbelr cotton and are glad ot tba good prices. Bar. A. Q. Klrkputncfc ml tad Charlotte laat week oomblatng bnal oaae end plearorv. J. During the Coofaceoo* at Bethel Evangelical Lutheran eburob. Rev. t. II. W, Hoerr and wl'e of Clare moot war* guaeto of Bar. Weeteabarger. Ou Seoday evening the brother preached an able earmoa at tt. Paul. Prof. J. B. Waoaemaober waa In our neighborhood lately In tb* Interest •f St. Paul1* Seminary at Hlokory Mr. David Paaour went to ecbool at Hlekory laet Tuseday.. We wiib him aueoem In his undertaking. Everybody 1* anxiously waiting for Saturday lu order to attood the Chil dren'*-Dey-Ex*ralm-“Plculo'’ Enter Lalomaat at St. Paul’* obnreb Mtm Pearl LltUa of Hlekory ti teach ing tb* Harden ecbool ibis winter. Her. Westenbarger made a uualnrm trip to Charlotte last Monday. Mrs. P. 8. Smyra of Conover waa tba guest uf Bov. B L. Weslaubarger last weak. mm mmw II ItTBlIf* M«4fl l*r—al pBpo< !• P T«n*«4 IbU m Krtlfftl For quite a while there has been mote or leu agllalioo on the subject of a naw depot for Qaatonia. The present' one Is altogether Inadequate fur tbe amount of bustuea* that Is carried ou here, it la always full and sometime* . It la crowded. Tbe tranter of freight! from tba Southern to the Harrow ; Gauge inoreaeed tbe bulk of busloeev . At times oara have been hard to get I and consequently tba dapot waa kepi. I fall. | Tbe freight business bare It tome- > tblog enormous, besides what ia trans ferred. It may souud marvaloos when we uy that this depot averages mom than 190,000 a monlb,—toman mwa it runs as bigb as $30,000—bat It is never theless a fact. It seems that tba rail road company ought to be willing to favor our town considerably. On last Monday Scut. Ryder waa bare and looked Uie groand over. Ha baa decided definitely now to build a oaw depot out and out. It will be located lost aba re where tha baggage room cow stand* Tbe depot will tie a model one. Rlaotrio ligbte will be installed through out tba bonding. In short It will be an up to-data dapot and In keeping with ibe program of ocr city. Tbs old depot will be transferred Into a freight ware house. Tbe parti tions will bo torn out and the building will be mad* longer. It will afford ample spao* for the storage of freight. Tha freight dapot will probably be moved so aa te fao* on York street and In tba place of where It now Stands there will be a nloe (lower garden. The side tracks lire to be changed considerably sleo. There will be only oo* weak at t'i« crossing and that will be tb« mein II nr. The blockading wblob has baan a grant annoyance In tbe past, will be entirely dona away with. Sleee Hupt. Ryder baa doa* so tnooh for us, w* wonld Just like to aak one other favor of him wbii* ha is in tba right mood, and that ia to have tha Vestibule atop bare. It would be out of plao* for os to give any reason. While bare on Monday ha must have been Impressed by tba progress!vena** of tha plao*. Had bo not Hopped, but simply pa mart through, Ira cook) bare •wen that. Km. awf KmHa MM. Mr*. Mary Morrta dlad at the bona of bar too, Mr. 8. M. Morris, sarly Mooday esornlny. Mr*. Morrto was about Tft yaara old at Uo tlao sf bar daatb aed bad bass a Ilfs-long msmbar of Uo Math odist ebureb. (Us caovtd bare a abort (law ago from Dallas. 8ba had many ounneotlona la Iba coun ty who will moora har death. flfea laaru tha following ohlldiaa: tsasara. U M aod D T. Morris aad Mrs. X 0. Witbara, of (laatonlo. Mra J. A. Mor ns, of 8unloy. sod Mrs. Julia Atataa dor. of CtoaM. Sbo waa borltd at Dallas Turadiy wore lag. Ray. Q. 1L Dataller pr tasting tha faoarai. On last Wodoeoday afternoon at I o'clock Mr. Tbomaa dhotis* and M las Qalihar Bbyua war* united fn marriage by Dr. J. 0.Galloway. Mia* Rhyoo 1* a daughter of Mr. Alooao Rhyne who liras abort Dallas and la on* af Ui* moat proaparoa* and wall-to-do faranrrt la Gaston count*. Mr. dbatlay I* Uo now onronar for Gaston oouaty. Wednesday night a raorpUaa was glreo la honor of tha oonpla at tlm roridaosa of Mr. dhotlor** father. Tha popular young aoupla kart itoalrtd Uo toogrataUUsaa of ttaay frtaada, aad wa wMb to asteod Uo oougralalt Haas of Tmm Qjjcmm. Mr. gamy haps Ke. asynh lals* itl. Mr J. X Carry ytoterdsy booght tha tataraat of Mr. X K. Boyon laJ.X Carry X Oo. Mr. Curry aoM Ma la bm la I ha atara balMfag lo Mr. j uavuMi otiavrn •rajrtH BMU>, *1 tulM, WhI ■•M M«Sw I*—b aim a Mh Tm Morula* Pom. Drayton Mediln. of Gaston county, wbo waa sentenced to bang October 18. yesterday received tbe benefit of execu tive eomcnauMou. Governor Huaaall cbanged the death penalty to life Imprisonment 1b tbe penlteatiary. Bon. F. I. Osborne. of Charlotte, counsel for Mediln, presented tbe prisoner's cans to tb* governor yes terday, going over all tbe ground. Tb* facta impressed the governor sad he decided that Medltn aboold not bang. Medilo, wbo Isa white man, hilled William Brown, wbo was Boor rc * do it r of cotton mill at Gastonia, N. C. The prtsoaer sad bis little daughter were employers ibere. Ou tbe evsning before the homicide tbe prisoner and Brawn bad a quarrel over the cumber of days tbe girl had woraed and appro brious epithets were interchanged. Tbe imxI day lbs prlaooer anted blm arlf with a pistol and want to the fso lo ry They exchanged shots at elglit, the priaoner shooting Aral. After Im withdrew dene—ad Bred oa prtaouer who Brad la return, killing Brawn. Ooveroor Kussell gave the following grounds for oommutatioo: ”1. Petition signed by nloeuf the Jnry sad by right or tea bund red citizens, and two of tb* Bute*a witnesses and by several ministers of tbe Gospel. Prisoner M not guilty of murder to the Irak degree unless be went to Uie office to kill and did Bra tbe fatal allot to lb* offioe. Evidence la, that be Brad two shots at deceased In tb* office. Deceased Bred once in the office. Prisoner turned and ran down the steps. Deeeaaed pursued. Bring. Pris oner Bred at deceased onoe. either on the stops or at* the foot of tbe step*. Prisoner ran oot of Uia building, deceased pursued and Bred at him from a window. Prlaooer being about tblrty-Bvu feet In Uw yard. Brad at droesasd la tbs window. Deceased fall at the window, expiring.” •'iT»ai euuri was aakeo to • ateunoe to change that t( tba raUI abot mm lha laa* aad If prlaooar Brad thll aftai baaing abandoned tba flgbt aod la ran aoaabla ballaf that It waa uocaaaary to lira to aave blmaair ha waa axonanble— altboagb ba began tba Ight with pro ■Mdllatad lotant to kill. Court re fuacd Lfaka charge, wblob on appeal waa attnaad. I think Um loairooiiua abould hare ban that upon tba Mated bypotbeata priaooer waa either rx eaaabta or waa guillr of manataugbter. tba degree of bta guilt depending upon bta oondnot la tba beginning of Um Oght. If be merely entered wUllogli lata I ha flgbt, droanaad and priaonei beiag egaally le tba wrong, than tin Carer waa oorraet and ought to ban an glvae. Dot If prlaooar provoked Um fight, if ba waa the aggraaaor nod want ta dionnd, la a threatening and loealttag Mannar or la a nob a wap aad uoder an oh eireoDMUeoae. eontampara neoui and antacideat, aa gave it deeeaaad raaaooahla ground ta bellevt that ha waa abont to ba aanaltad and dacaaaad drew aad Bred and prlaonai ■rad aad than prlaooar abeodeoad tba debt and trad aad waa pgtaaad by da oaaard down the (tape aad oat of Um door Into tba yard and prlaooar inroad aad (rad the Mat ibot wbao ao aevwa ly prraaad, Uito ha waa guilty of au alaagbtar. Thte latter Vtow waa cot giro* to tba Jary. I think thorn wai avMehea to eapport It. "Tba law aboald not taka Ufa in a anas khan tba prlaonar dtd not art tba heart of a now of bta aana whM •IgU have rndnoad tba dagraa of bla go fit.” MadUn waa triad baforn Jadga Mo aratll at OaMaala at Um fall harm « Oaatag Swpcrior Court la lMft. Tba Oourtadwaaed tba daoMaa of Utalew WHY NOT Save 25 per cent on ail your purchases in Dry Goods, Clothing, Gent’s Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, Notions, etc., by buying your goods at THE BEE HIVE 11 “.. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Another freight load of Men*, Ledie*’ mad Children’* Fine and Coarse SHOES. St let of Udiea' Dongola Button or Lace, Heel or Sprint Had SHOES worth $i .00. Oar price 75c. Good Brogan*, High Cut, from 75c up. Wa handle all grad* of Shoe* from cheapest to a ftt~r Shoe at $3,98. DRY GOODS. Wc have a good X Percale at 5c. Good Calico at 4c. Haw line of aka Dreaa to arrive in a few day*. A caae of iXc Outing at 5c yard to arrive next Friday or A^nrlay flnnthii big lot of thoae Ladle* Winter Ve*u at roc each. Good Towel* 5c each, Bleach Towels 5c each Good Wool Jeans 10c per yard. CLOTHING. Not cheap Clothing, bat GOOD CLOTHING CHEAP, llan’a heavy all wool odd Coats at ode See our line BOYS' CLOTHING and aavc 15 per cant on it Han't Winter Overabkta at tjc! FOR ONE CENT rJsraaRWBsasr:. saarjaarsar ss article* too numeroo* to aieetion. •' . - V'W’• THE BEE HIVE. Oppodlte P. O. Next to Warble Yard.CHEAPEST IN TOWN. _jAggS -A.3SnD QROVBa. A MS MIMA W. H. 4tU< ValuMn. All of Ui« BMbMi or Uit* company bava rmlrcd tba following lorlUUea daring tba laat week: Yon ara mo#’, cordially tan tad to attend a Baoolon of the aorviviog mrobere uf Oo. H. 49th H. C. Volontaera, to ba helAat Gastonia, N. U, oa Tbaraday. Nova® bar 99th, 1900. aud to dice at the Pall* Doom aa a guest of the undersigned. As ibis may ba tba teal time are wilt ant oo tbka earth It le hoped that •very surviving member of tba old Company will mabe a special effort to ba preseat. Please aaaarar me bam, or W. L Stowe, Gaatoola, K. C. P. OlLLlMO, King** Mountain. N. €1 PBOGHAM. CaofedaraU Veterans Co. B. 49th B«|lmeot. V. C. Troops, will meet at Terrenes Hall la GastooU at 19 o'clock. M., Nov. 99, 1900. Prayer by Her. Dr. S E. Boyce. Speech by MaJ. B. P. Diana. Boll can of eompacy^bj W. D. Bavikin. March la lioe to Pall* Hoorn for dinner at 9 o’clock p. m. P. DXLUKO. If by any means say member baa Mt rewired so Invitation It waa not lateatiootl. and yea are cordially In rlted to all an 4 and win ba expected. All armogetaeate are made tor a great day- Come and meet with yoar old | comrades one# more, perhaps It will ba tba last lima bare. The Southern Hallway aoaoonom the following rates to AtlanU Pair and Spartanburg Carnival: To Attes ts nod retort) Including one art ml mfns Into fair ground* 97.80. Good to Oct ober. 90. To Spartanbarg oo account of Strret Carnival $1.70, TlokaU oo sale Oct. 91 to 98, Dual limit Oct. 98. Special trains will ran from Charlotte 9ttfaao« 98th leaving there at 0,45, returning leave Spartan berg at 6 p m. TAX l Dainty HfearW Boh Bbyno or n;tol( will Moot Mm Uxpoym of Oootoo . Coooty at tha foOowiu* ptooaa uf Maaaa for tha poryoaa of raoamlug tha tax for 1BOO: Dogooto, Monday, OeU IS, a. aa. Booth Point," •• “ p. «a. BaimooU TOoaBan, OoU 1*. MoAdaorllta, WaBoaoBay»OoU 17, a. ■. Lowtll, 44 m 44 a. m. Uaotanta. Oclabor IS, BO oaB 17. MU dolly, Monday, OoU 1&, Lueta. Taraday, OeU 10. Btaniay. WaOnaoOay, OeU 17. Pallaa, Oatohar Ut^lO. BO^BO and «f. DUUHMI^+mSayfbou BoJV aa. mtmoo Bofcooi HoaMr. OoU BC a. m. SS^&OionBy, OoU A *' i ct>**T7'rin^ TaaaOay. Qotohar a» BM^^MtorrJhrShyl’Oou' BA My tana of adtaa anyfraa ahotUy and i l aak ror prompt paymata. Vary Inly, W. T. Lorn, Shari* QaaUa Oaaaty. Bring My BABY bom fa 1900 to our «tar» tnd we will t*k« ita meMBre and turv h » ****** P»ir of VTCT m 8ho— made free of charge.. ' We also hare oa sale Robot N. Foardarar VW Dicaafng, Vld Coeahiuatioo and Vid Polish. The ooly genuine Dressing made for Vld Mtt Leather. Price: ioc and ijc Package. _-^—ROBINSON BROS. FAMOUS FAMZL'Z’ FOOT FITTERS. A Great Load of responsibility rests on the dbptninr tad vender of ret—diet far the com mon ailments of mankind. Noatrama mad* of noxious or inert draft and chemicals not only witl not can oottfba, colds aad aiaitlar forma of afck—as, bat are apt to do positive ham betides. Our motto: "The beat is none too food.*’ Frost Torrence & Co., Gastonia, ... . . 1. C New-York Life Insurance Co., The Oldest and largest International life coaa ... .pany fat the World... JOHN A. MCCALL. PASSIseWT. ACTUAL New, Placed arid Paid-for Business, Excluding Not-Taken Policies, for ths tost 1899. NEW-YORK LIFE, ' $202,309,080 mutual Life, 162,870.679 Equitable, 149,731,910 PERMANENT CUSTOMERS Net Gain in Insurance in Force During the Your 1899. NEW-YORK LIFE, $117,850,865 mutual Life, 80,750365 Equitable, _ 67,259,288 I D CHURCH. ImmI A«oftt. Charlotte. N. C. T. M. MYUOUX, tpoolal IpM, N. C MoDill & Miller, -HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Goods, Groceries, Shote, Provisions. Orockery-wars,

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