THE GAZETTE. TMUB»I)AT,OCTO*DMB,ja«0. it usiyess LOCA ls. .(dirrtUoaitiwx married .0 this miuiHn .< ;u nuiaii Him Tor Ini Inanition awl '.won Hum for eaob Hmmiiih_ TnOll HEEL) HVtftre A FTwhlta J? aides._ ONION sou for fall planting nil. K. Curry A Co. •Sound—A pair of no* gUaaaa, one J glam broken. TTkOR BALE—Good milch oow, about J j Jersey, Mm W. M. WwtTm. WANTED two cfiplm of Tub liA axTTB of Feb. 99th 1900. La-tve at tbla ottloe. DO YOU want a near top for your baggy, cheap TA Apply to Wa. H. Lawn. YJV3B BALE—900 but ball seed wheat, JT led cbafl variety. Hampte at Craig A Wllaon. J. L Guam, Uego ola. rTlHOSE owlog A. F. Wl. Use Idea. A agent, for fartilimr, will plaeae call at mcDUI A Millar’* *tora aud get their notes. WANTED—To rent—Io a good eomwunlty a 5 or 0 room house. Apply to C. K. Maaon, at J. A. Glenn A Co’*. T 06T—Somewhere on tba road be JJ twaao Oaatonla and BetUal, a black obsvlot aton Jacket. 1 lease re turn to tbla oilce. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —The alectrio llghU from now ua will burn all night. —The father of tbe amendment will apeat here Friday nigbt. —Mlm Cura Spenser Ik it present at tbe telephone exchange, lea ruing. —Three can of o«bb*«a passed through on tbe Southern Tuesday. —Tba hot aud* apparatus at J. H. Kennedy A Oo.’s was started up Wed nesday. —&. Brandt. tbe Jeweler from Chea ter, was bars Mooday with a due Hoe of Jewelry, umbrella*, watebm etc. —Karp Broa. will leave Gastonia about tbe drat uf the month. They will go to DenvIUe, Ky„ from here. -Mr. W. B. Bo lick of Sooth Caro lina baa recently painted tba front uf several storm la the Jaskla* Block. —Don’t forget that Simmons will apeak bare Friday nigbt. He will be glad to have you coma out whether you are going to vote for him or not. —Mr. W. B. Ford wis peiofnlly hurt by tbs warehouse door falliug upon him last Thursday. Tu# accident would bare doubtless proved fatal bad Ui* truck* not caught lha door. —Mr. Charles E. Vale in# new pho tographer la soaking many Improvemla in tba photograph gallary. All bl* ma terials are new and of tba beat. He will be reedy for the public Monday 39. —Tba represented vm of too Mew England Cotton Manufacturer*' Asao elalton epaot a part of last Saturday to town Inspecting our differed milk. Tbay want from hare to Spartan berg and otbar points Sooth. —Mr. Wooten, who for some tiara he* bean with J. E. Curry A Co., will In a few daya leave tor Hlokory, bla former boose. Mr. Wooten baa naada many frlaoda bare who will be sorry to tearu of bla lesviof —Tba foUowiog young people ftom Qastoola worshipped at Bethel Sabbath: Mr. Hatch Workman and Him Hope Adame, Mr. 'Robert Adame and Mias Lida Adams. Mr. Tom Kendrick sad Mias Rabakab Ransom end Dr. Ralph Falla. —Oo laat Thursday morning the Southern railway crew arrived and laid a aide-track from the Craig A Wllaoo boltdlng to tba water tank. By fonr o'clock that afternoon the trains war* running on It. Tbe track la oo tba east aim of the narrow guege- Than are to be several more aide track* laid. —Tim water-work* and electric light plants war* formally received by tba council oo last Saturday efiamooa. Tba rystacas are both prone onoed aa good aa any In tbe South. Tbe etraet lights are especially good. WUb tbs double globs there It no fllekerlog or sputtering a* with tba old typs of lamps. The town la not complete aa yet by any maana. Wa bar* fust got start ad. —Tba wbolaaale (km of W. T. Love Co. are doing a big botlocae J net now. Tbalr atom room Is fall to oversowing. Lest weak tbay raoatved a solid ear of Oood Lack baking powder. la a few daya tbay will reoalve a solid c»r of pick lea. They carry avarythlug in tba wbolaaale line and tba local matahanu am showing tbalr appreciation by a liberal patronage, Mr. S. ltryan Jooaa will move bla family bare Jaet as soon asbecaagat a boons. —Mr. R.O. Q. Leva raoatved a latter from bis son, Mr. Lea Love, who la a professor tp Harvard, last weak, la which twa tome Interesting facta showing tba alas of tlita graai Inelllo lira. lie any*: "There are about 5,000 gtodenti la all tba departments of tbs University. Tba saw engineer ing laboratory wbleh Is lu process of emotion will ooet tauo.000. Tbs Ual verelty Is bow emoting buildings wbleh Will oust a total of abont <1,000.000. ” •nua ■MMtla**lw S——aanaa. OtiMWcf Koran bar tbo Mb jloow will go uodor tow aaaamMot. Tbo bow laasafKlla Mr. 1. R. wwrt who (of Um pool four ton won boo hod obargoof tbo Oroon Pub botol at Blowing Rook. Ptooloaa to ibla Mr. Stawort bad ohargo of tbo Hwaanaaoa botol lo AobooUto. Dortag tbo wlotor mootba bo hao boon oonnoSod wltb tho Houl Walton or Pbitadalphto. Ho to a botol nan of wkto tsgartaooo aad wall oa la hto boalaaaa Not oulj doM bo onplor tbo woot eocagotoot ,.•11—— bat bo glrro bk poraooal ■atarrlaioo U aQ tbo work aod tbo KSESwrr-sr-afc snawsKaSATs Si .mm* !«*«»• .ow.i to M wao frooa Boob Hilt. A woo of ZJaaaat add root tod of baadaooo (aaa. TT uatuosi bis to our Iowa aod troot £ will naha tkto hto paroaaooat . j_««a——n roaoin aMTi**. — Mir, W. Y. Watito It visiting In Charlotte. —Opt. L. M. Or tat of Yorkvlllswaa In town VVnlMiilijf. —Mrs J. II. Gallant return'd Tuea <t*y Irore Steel Creek. — Mr. K. It. Amini*** uf Charlotte, wa* In town Tuesday. —Mr*. M. J. Clark loft Tnn«Uy for Dandrlrigo Tonurwee. -Prof. and Mr*. J, U. Supark left far Bslalgh VVedouaday. —Mr. W. L. William a of YorkvtlW •pent Monday Id the city. —Mr. L. U. Hoffman of Dallas waa lo town Monday ou bualoea*. —Ur. J. Klaer, of Hnapp, waa ta towu Wednesday oo business. —Messrs Hop* and Mack Starnes, of , Rock Hill vlaltad la towu last weak. —Mis* Rosebud Adams left for Stan ly Monday. She will b* abarnl several weak*. — Mr*. Kdgar Dove aud Mr. Robert I .or* of Llooolnton were down Laat week. —Kev. J. A. Baldwin of CtiarOott* arrived Tuesday algbt and wilt teach for Prof. Seapark the rest of tbe week. —Mr. Cbarlle Cevla went to Spartan burg Wednesday to anjoy the feillvIUes of the carnival. Cbarlle bad a wbolt coecli to himself. — Dr. J. C. Galloway return'd Mon day from Rook H1U where be satiated In lb* dedicatory aervioea of the oaw A. R. P. church. —Capt. J. J. of Clover passed through Tuesday ua tils return from Charlotte. Tbta la Mr. Smith1* eecood trip lo Charlotte alooe the war. A MB BSATH. TKe Wa.tfcr Twi MMnili( Over the DoetK •(• Ue«4 ~ One of the aaddeil dea hi of wbloh we bare ever known was that of tbe wife of Rev. W. F. Wateon on Mat Sabbath night at 11 o’clock. Oo OeL A 1H06 just n little over fonr years ago, aba was the happy bride, today aba reels la bar oofin in dvalue oold em brace, tbe husband alia in tha shadow of a sorrow that la tha moat try tug that mortals are called on to suffer, tbe loaa of a loving, lander wlfa. Two little girls will grow to girlhood and woman hood without ever realising tha dsptb of a mother's lovt or tbe tenderness of s mother's heart. Tbs oldest. Mailt* Thomas it a llllls over two years oM. Tha youngest, Halils Faulkner, named for tier angel mother is joat a week old. Tbs new Baptist oburoli which Is al moat finished and In which Mrs. Wat son look aomnet interestfrba will never worship In. Aa her hatband atands at Uk* aaored desk one seat will be vacant. Ha will cniaa the fane that was dearest to blm. Mo wife will graet him aa ba gOM bom* and tbe sncootagaiDsot and ebser which aba gave him ta now goo*. Could anyUi log be sadder. Tha funer al which wa* preached at the rreeby terlan church on Tuesday morning waa most touching, it was conducted by Dr. W. B.Gwaltney of Hickory and satiated by Bev, Vlpperman of Dallas, Bar. G. H. Detwiler sod Dr. J. C. Gal loway. A Urge number of friend* fol lowed the hearse to tbe city cemetery. Miss 8*l)<o McGehee Faulkner wa* a daughter of Mr. T. J. Faulkner of UakTnod. Person county. Her mother died some nine years ago. bar father ia April. Tbe only remaining member of the family it Mrt. Thro®. She will probably make this her home. Mr*. L. L. Jenkins has offered to take car* of tbs be be but if Mra Tbrom decides to remain eh* will rear It. Mr*. Walaon wa* bora March &0,1885. Her fatUkr’a house waa known na the preachers bom*. Hero all the preacher* stopped and enjoyed Ha hospitality. Mr. Weltoo baa the deepest sympa thy of tbe whole community. Mr. J. H. SalluL Aa announced In Iasi weak’s paper Mr. J. H. Gallant dlM at bis home last Wednoaday morning at tea o'clock The funeral was preaobed lo the Pres byterian cburcb Wednesday a'tarnoon and the body taken to Steele Creek Tboraday for latermeot. Mr. Gallant bad beao a resident of our town for about teo year*. Hie early school days ware spent here. After ibis be ipent coma yearn lo the west, returning bare lo 188} ha embarked Id tbe grocery business with Messrs. J. F. Johnson and A. F. Whitesides aa partner*. For soma time ha was the manager of the 800wtake f.eandry but bia beaMb failed him aad be had te glee this up. Last Ml be was connected with the grocery department of Gray & Lora. This position be bad ta resign on 10000ut of hla health. From place to place be traveled seeking the preeloea bleating of health bat all la valo. Mr. Oallaat was a man of quiet aad aoaseumlng nature, aad a Christian charaoter. Ha leaves a wife aad 00a eblld. The foners] was uadsr the direction of tbe K. of PV. of which order ho wee a member, and carried soma luiunsoee la this aad tbe Heptasopba. la ratio* «*•!•*. Loat Tboradoy m a baud day for Ibo pollaa. Baafda tb* ordinary fore* •"▼**»! dopuuco won awora in. Tha total auaabar of aaaaa triad bo (om tha Mayor Friday wm 90 aod lb* eltv traoaury U MLOu batter off. Monday mornlog Ibara wore four aaaw: JobnoMaCmMr, drunk aod dta OTdarir, 010 no. Haary Hauth, dhaor dorfi, IS.00. Bob Haadrlek, drunk. 17.W. Ho oooidn’t nay tha Oaa aad waa aant to tbo gaag for thirty day*. TIm pollaa captured a hag of irouaata a law day* ago at tb* Loray.oootatalag ala pair, arrar baea wore. They hare failed to Bad tbo owoor. ■ *<t***r Mwm «»iHImi»*»wu Tewt-a btaek atm jaokat. 8c* boal aoMlocola. "To* Win bore to hurry” If you got aoy of lhao* Me. good* at tha lfew York Baaact Monday Am Uooa in tbo window. Tb* now photographer la ooorly ready ; Mortgaga aal* of Mad. Tbo «a*t naaaaore at Fraat Torrauja** drag More rtacd Wbaat fur aala by J. L. Craig HaMpta at Ormlg * WUaoa'a. re CVM A MU aw ova mat. Tat# t«uit*« anal g«i*M* Tarawa. All druoatata lafuod <u* won*y M a r*M to sure aw. re* a***i*» are L. a. Q. o* mamw County Correspondence. Kvorythiug n quiet In our town At proas ut, we are not eve* stirred over politic* for w* ere a unit fur Democra cy sad will dtow nur enthusiasm at the polls tut month. The uew Baptist church Is beginning to show Itself and work oa It Is pro areas log. It Is ready for the roof now. TMcongtegulon^hoiw to bare it 0n> I abed Id tbs near future. Oar town wlU then bare three churches sod two school* wit lob i* a pretty good (towing for a small town. Tbs two weeks Pentecostal serrhMs st ths Methodist obarob olaard over s week ago. Tbe past-or Her. R. M Uourtusv, was assisted by Rev. B. G. Tattle of Ue'idarmurllle. There wsu a number of conversion* and much good was accomplished, ttev. W. U. Ware, tbs Presiding Rider held the fourth quarterly oooference here ou Satarday ths 13th and preached three sermon* while here and ou Sunday evening be want up to Bpaooer Moun tain and presobed and baptised several of the new oonverta at that place, tome of whom wore baptised by Immersion. Mr. Ware complimented Hie Metho dists on what they bad accomplished this year under tbe ministry of I ha "boy preacher,” Bev. R. M. Court My, wbo enjwa tbe cue fid coos and esteem of hi* congregation. The MoAden Mill was silent last Thursday having been stopped to allow all wbo wanted to do so, to attend the Clreoa lu Gastonia and a large number of oar people attended It but quite a number took advantage of tbe stop sad volunteered their eervloee to help the oerpenlsra on the new obarob which wan very commendable, Mr. C. F lllalof of Alabama waa bare yesterday on a visit to bis brother Mr. E. II, Hlalof and other friend* end relative*. Mr*. Hlalof has been visit ing bare (or ths past tea dm ye. Mr. Hlalof recently reslgoed the sagerletao dsibey ot a cotton mill at Brunei N. O. to accent a similar position with a larger ooa la Alabama. Mr. Dan Richardson uf Charlotte spool Sunday with friends here. Mr. J, C Walker spent Monday in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tbarpe of Her mooy are vlsitlug Mrs. Tbarpe'a moth er. Mrs. M. R. Wright. Tbe little 18 month* old child of Mr. aud Mr*. H. P. Headrick died Monday morn lag after s brief Ilians. Mr. R. A. W lTaoo Jr. formerly of our town but wbo reoeotly accepted a po ll’. Ion with tba Forest Otty eottoo mill* ss oottou buyer for tbe mill* la bar* sad had lateuded moving hi* wife to Forest City this week bat sbe is un abt* to nodeiiaka lb* trip at present, sbs belog ad Invalid for the past few month*. Maaars. W. A. Thorn burg aud Oasta Kay of UastobU were her* Sunday. They were bar* ou—well, they are both victims of Cupid’s darts. Mias Flora Pbillipe Is sick at her home lu AI bean v. Mr. J. W. Bad win* la off on a two weeks vaoalloo, while off he will visit frlsuds and relatives In Rockingham and other pise**. Mr. B. L. Farrington and wife and three children went over lo Salisbury Sunday tu attend the funeral of tbeir broUw-r’a child at that place. THE BUST *U«*. Wmm very a—it. The yteal Show of Adam Forrpaogb aod Sells Brothers landed id oar oily on last Wednesday eight. All ulghl long tbe work or unloading kept up. and owing to tbs small amount of side track available. It took them until tbs next morn log. About 11 o’clock ths grand street parade took ptao*. Tbe show had three bands beside tbe steam piano. For tbs privilege of showing tbs olrooi paid tlia Estate and eonnty MOO eeob and the town 1100. Tbs performance of tbs trained ele phants and mbs Ilona was especially good. They weot from lien to Spartanburg, when are learn one of tbe riders was seriously hurt by a horse falling on titm. Ths following description of tbe elr oua regarding dally expenditures. olQ oers, etc.. Is dipped from the (Asrtotte Nsws : “Tbe combined circuses, menageries and hippodromes, are controlled and operated l? tbe world’s four uranic ebleflaJne, vis.: Jamas A. Bailey, of tbe Barwum A llal ley eirons, now In Germany; Lewis aod Tatar dells, and W. W. Udaa. “Ths company numbers between 660 and 700 persons, not Including ten managers, eighteen so per Inland sets, twenty members executive staff and fourteen agents. There are M0 per formers, over 400 horses and poo lee, twalr* acres of canras, 74 doubts leogtb railway asrs are necessary to transport tbe show. “The dally expenses vary, of course, hat (7,000 la stair average. Tbe | company spends fWO.UOO a very season In advartlMsg. Four million sheets of pictorial and printed paper are posted aod distributed every year. “Prominent among tbs animals la tbe menageries are three herds of ele phants, tbe only tno-horned rhinocer os. largest hippopotamus, rare animal from Dear lead, caty saddle-baok taper, Bengal and African tiger*. Astatic. American daw, PhlUlatos sea buffalo, Arctic cede cad ssa Ilea, sight moo abrr Ilona aad three cob*. camels, dromedarlss and sue red cauls, scores of other animals, too numerous to •'Uook aod (lining tools, axontlro of. oara u4 pncfomorn mi In ons toot, ton work conn Is aonfbor. Thorn am two osaiptota oonhlog and waiters' for I non, UO ajnn bolog rrapioynd In thono d apart moo U a toon. Thom aro two wardropo tmta. haroooa ahoy, blnok >BHh dapsrtmoot sod Wrbor abop. 1 Tbo Union aro toa hmgaat nad too tools ton Urgant of in? otrouo l« tbs world. "Tbs abow oaaptopoa Ibrao apart On toetlma to proto* I hr paWto trom 41a ropwtnbio eharmetora. Stanley Brief*. ; oooooooooooooooooooooooooi Ur. Oeoar Carpenter la ool i>f ncbool Ikla work taking hi* brother'* pine* to Ilia *tor* at Dallas. Stanley Creek InsUlate 1* mi * boo a. Already abootalxty stadeotaliar*been corolled and tbo preepaote are that tbi* number will ba largely Increased next Month. The farmer* of LbJi Motion an very boar gather log In their crone aod seeding their (mall grain. Tbo mcfohaoU Inform no that trade I* lively aad oolaction* are good. Mr. J. D. Derr gladdened tbo heart* of hie many friend* by bis return la*t Saturday. He has many Interesting things to WU of tbs itfbU bo »»w is Oaba and Manila. U* Is well supplied with *onvenlr*. of bit Journey* wtlb which 1m delights bU friend*. Us ba* bseo In tbs army about two year* aod ■erred a* a tier** on the hospital ship Mima art. Messrs. Charlie Smith and Frank Carpenter lbs 8, A. L. Indnatrlal arrant* of Stanlsv start for Jaekaoo vQl* Florida to attsod lbs Industrial moating of that road now in program there. Friday Norember a I* to be a red letter day la Stanley1# history. Au eduoallooal rally is being planned by Prof. Stewart, prioolpal of Stanley Creek Iaalttate. Several good speak er!. among thorn Rav. Mr. Dnatoo of Dalis* and B*r. Mr. TurreaUne of Charlotte. bats already been moored and other* bare been Invited. Aa an* tertalament will Ira given by Hi# eta dents oa Friday eight, after which a box supper will Uhe plan*. Tbi* last feature wiD ho very interesting nod en joy* bin. Imt everybody ooint lo Uie BaBy and (tty for sapper. mmamnsK rax Hi kTtM. Tk* MuhUm* I Minn M*. In a abow earn at J. B. Carry’s nay ba aana ibe handsome loving cup to be given to tba wlorer iu lbe groat fox noot at PlooblnC Hot. IS -M rocluslre. Tb* enp Is mad* of onyx. trlmoMd wtlb gold aad baa three bandies A grand lime Is expected and there will b* great crowd* in attaodanee Mr. S. S Boyce to Uklng greet inter est lo lb* affair. The fuiiawlog eo oount of tba bust ia mat with *mrti inritetlou: There u to la » novel end unique gathering of Udiaa end gratia men from all over tbe Union, at a point near Plnebluff, North Carolina, on Novem bar litb to Mth. Tbe MUtarlug la for the purpose of witnessing and partlel pallug with Bontbsrn ladles aud gen tleman In eotna of tba old time sports. One of the principal features will ba fox bunting in tbe oldeu time title There will be more than one honored full blooded Bootbarn fox hound* In the chase*, and represents tire hanla men from all over the Union will be present and a dale gallon from Kugland Among Use gentlemen most li>tere«ted lo this graat sporting eanilval are lead Lag ootton manafaotnrrn and bail ees* men from tba Catawba eeotlon of North Carolina, who have spent thou - sands or dot la re lu breeding the beat ruuniug dogs. Thalr oo operaUuu alone guarantees that tbe bunt will bo tbe moat important and interesting ever held In tbe .United Status “There are thousands uf aorta uf un broken pine woods to bunt over, with smooth rolling bills and uo swamp*. It it the beet fox hooting ground In America. Thu location near 1’lurblaff It a good on* on account of tbe spt-u dld accommodation that nan ba had at lit* many One boarding booses at Piue bluff, which la a winter resort, built up by people from the North. It la also near tbe celebrated winter resorts, Southern Tin** and Ploehursl, that have accommodation fur thousands ot visitors. There will bn many amusing features, such a* barbeou* dinners, ’pomutn toppers, nsgro Jubilee Singing, dancing, cake-walk*, and many anus log games of Ohtaa times, that oao only be aero la the land of ooUoa and oao*. Tbe pahUe are Invited to be present tad participate Is or witness the sports and enjoy the fuo. The more the merrier.” Harper's WaWdy. The mlaeiooarim In Chius have been orttleleed for many things. It has been queatlooed whether they had any lawful bostoaaa la Cbtna at all. They have beta asssmd of middling la Chinese polities, of thwarting tba operations of Chinese law, *f •bidding evil doers from puotohmeut, sad of making bypoereey profitable to laatacare converts. No doakt there Is aotae troth Inmost of ttieeeailegUtlooa. No doubt lb* mlmloaarlae hive leaned b»rd on tbe secular arm, and relied per haps too much oa ooosoto ministers end warship* lo presto!* the tads to wbieh they have beta devoted a*d their pernooal .aafaty. Bat no eti* be* ebsratd that at the pinch they have not lived up to the bent tradlltoot of thalr perilous calling. At leant tbeea who have eafftrod with fortKoda and eoo ttasoy, a ad thee* who have died, have died well as say group of Christian martyrs that ;wa knew of. A good may bare died; Bow stray we do not knotf yet; nor hare w* ray bet meager (ooooats of their sad. Dal m far at we bare learned, the Christians la CM u—native and feretga—bare shown stout hearts and a sore faith, ted hare fated whatever peril met with an ua flinching spirit. MMtk Ort* rwulotta Hava. Mr. A R Htrphra paokod hi* brown Mather grip with tool* nod ■tartrd for Uaatoala at noon to laapaot tba bolter* of lb* A too MM I*. On roaeMog lb* depot ba **t bte grip down naar Ibaeoib, nfaw faat off, and aagajnd ta ooa**c*Mto* with a frtead. Wba* tba whtetla Maw ba leabtd fa* ate grip U gat aboard and it waa goo*. 8* bad to aboado* bte trip nod 'pboao tba Mill of bte Mtefartaa*. II* win b* dotapad aotaa day* aatea* ba raaoaar* bte preparty. XTOV WAMT Dtenb Dead*. Martg*. X go*, <»CM*i Mortgage*, Land Poatar* Gall at Tna Gaum* odtea ■ad w* will faro tab yaw all yoa peed. WHY NOT Save 25 per cent on all your purchases in, Dry Goods, Clothing, Gent’s Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, Notions, etc., by buying your goods at THE BEE HIVE. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Another freight load of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Fine and Coarse SHOES. Big lot Indies’ Dongola Button or Lace, Haal or Spring Had SHOES worth fun. Our price 75c. Oood Brogans, High Cat, from 75c up. We handle all gndn of Shoes from rti raped to a ts.00 Shoe at fs.98. DRY OOODS. Wc have a good # Percale at 5c. Good Calico at 4c. New Hne of nice Diem Goods to arrive in a few days. A case of 7)4c Outing at 5c yard to arrive next Friday or Saturday. Another big lot of thoae Ladies Winter Vests at 10c each. Good Towels jc each. Bleach Towels 5c — Good Wool Jeans 10c per yard. CLOTHING. Not cheap Qotbing, but GOOD CLOTHING CHEAP. Ma s heavy all wool odd Coats at *c. See our line BOYS* CLOTHING and save 05 per cent on K. Men's Winter Overskirts at age. FOR ONE CENT *4 sheets good Note Paper, 1 paper Pine, 1 paper Needles, 1 Lead Pencil, $4 Hooks end S4 Byes. 1 alltuaInwn Thimble, a balls Sewing Cotton, 1 Handkerchief, end ^ at useful article* too numerous to mention. THE BEE HIVE. opportte P. O. Next tojjggjj, Y«rd. ....CHEAPEST IN TOWN. —B A-TTiBB _A.2<n> QBOVBS... _ --- ■ PHOTOGRAPHS. » ■■ • » Having bought out the Photo graphic business conducted hereto fore by Karp Broa., I wish to announce to the people of Gaston county that I shall be ready for business MONDAY, OCT. sptfc with a new and complete line of card mounts, baefcgrounds and ac cessories. The best work will be done at reasonable prices. A spe cialty will be made of enlargements and satisfaction is guaranteed. CHAS. E. VALE, *Pbotgraphcr. Successor to Karp Bros. Gastonia, X. C., Oct. 24th. Mortgage gale TAX ! Deputy Hbarlfl Boh BA yea or myaatf will meal llm liqtywi of Qaatoa Connt* at tba following plaeea aad time* for the purpoaa of iwaamag the la* for 1900: Degoota, Monday. Oet. 15,. a. m. Houth Patet, - *• •• p. m. BaUaoot, Toeoday, Oat 1C Mo Adana Mia, WadaaadBp, Oat IT, a. m. bewail. •• " p.m. G eaten la, OoUbtf If, 90 and IT. ML (lolly, Monday. Oat 1C buata, Tuaaday, OoL Id. Stanley, Wadaaaday, Oot 17. Dnttaa, Ootohar 1C 19, 90. 99 aad ft. Pa am mar City, Monday. Oet 99. DOtbm MOIe, to*day.6at 9C a. ta. Baker*, - “ “ a. m. Patter** Sahool donee, Oet 9t a. m. Wamint ttHpa. - - a, m. Oarpaatar*a Store. Monday, Oat it KW^gSSiSXSiS. Hardee Peatery, Prtday, Oot 9C My term of adta tiptoe ahortly aad 1 am for prompt paymaota. wS- l»^ra, BhartC Qaatoa Oawaty Bnny any BABY born in MPOtttoat store and we will take its measure and have it a handsome pair of VICI DP ] Shoes made free of charge... | Wc »l*c have oa vale Robert N. Foerdcrer Viei D retain a. Via Combination and Vki Poliah. The only genuine Drawing made for VXCI KID leather. Price: ioc and ajc Package. ^^ROBINSON BROS. T'AJbd.OXTB FAMILY FOOT ITTTBBft. m m AMERICA AND THE COFFEE QUESTION. Americana are Iba greatest eon* stuoera of coffee in the world, for . tan and other table beverage* are only ot secondary importance with this. It therefore beboovea every conaclantieoa grocer to look to Hi* atock of coffee. . We are prepared to satisfy all tartest and have Mocha, Java, B. B. Java and several excellent “blends," mixed in excellent proportion. A good cof fee of flne flavor is oar Mnorjgrsw at 35 canto a pound 3 5 lb*, for gi.oo. JttUUIUMU. Elite Qrocwy. " * ■■-■■■■ - . ... X - ■ ■ 1 I ,-— • — New-York Life Insurance Co., The Oldest and Urgcat International Lift Tnenrance Coes ....pany la the World... JOHN A. MOCALL. ftWStOKNT. ACTUAL New, Placed and Paid-for Business, Excluding Not-Taken Policies, for thoyonr 1899. NEW-YORK LIFE, $202,309,080 nutual Life, 162,870,679 Equitable, 149,731,910 PERMANENT CUSTOMERS Net Gain in Insurance in Force Daring the Year 1899. NEW-YORK LIFE, $117,850,865 nutual Life, 80,750^65 Equitable, ' 67,256,288 |. 9. CHURCH, General Agent, CbarteMe. R. C. T. ■. favssoux, Spatial Agent. Realists. *. C McDill & Miller, -HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hats Orockerv-ware.

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