Hill s Going, serve. — * Results In i896. Estimate of Vote In 1000. -I- ITKIN^Y" _BRYAnT _~" %£|^gas. *%£■» ,o,s!a-r- ■sst* '^x,ta* v, iMABAm...,ti| it 1 Tcuno ',-i 8‘ Bm CALPOMnA- i_a 1,797 i ooma4 no... 4 a xa^aaa '■'£ oonaticncT. a a u,m8 ' ■ ’ ; 1 dblawam.. a 7 m»» ymatDA.,...va_4 H.44B j q*»QlA......Mf IS 14,141 " :I ^_a ]_ 14.S06 I! ■ r f PJJ»r<Ha....J4_84^ 143,488 _» MJW r iowa,,,..13_18 86,8m ~M_*> i*J88 I KgwTcarr...M nj m~ I ‘ 1 I^OAHgAKA... 8_ 8 MiiS8 KAIBE-4_8 43,777 ~ MAMtLMMb.. 8 8M84 ~~ , "■ »AaBACgir8..1t 18 1784« " MXCH10AH....14 14 08,8*8 ~ | aPWNEaprgA.. $1_a aajm . KMHBMPW.. *{_t__88,789 “ maSOUHL.... 17_17_ 88,789 MOlrCA*^^i[ * <8,048 ■ -' . 4_8^ 18,378 • ^Ta&4..,,,. 1^ I 8,488 ' — “ KAW HAACP. , A 4 83.7*4 j •\ jaw jptarY.to!_t> n,tu ! : MXWTORA..88j 88 *88,488_l~’ " M, CABOLnrA.lt_U -- *■ DAKOTA. ,. V 8 8,848_ " i oapo 88|_88 47,487_ 1 £ 4_4 i,m_ ] | PgKKyrLV'A.88 B 189,878_ ~ ABODE mup. 4 7 91,178 i -- * aCABOLnr^a_. j a -1 ;■> DAKOTA,.,, 4i_4 ^ ! J rmupg^a..^___i*_ 17.4*8 *1 - TEXA*~-.Ia i* aoa,9i4 OTah»A-.... «_I_*J ^57 -- < ♦ 49,490 , : vnoDn*‘•■■•M___ 1*^ 1*441 ’ wAAHntona. 4 « 19,49* w, vaaonaA. a_a 11497 wnooaumr„.«_n 18*411 ' a _ j~| ---- TOgAL, ...481 181 14*8488 rr7 HUmT ' ... - ■ -. 1 l J. GHmmtom Ommm. TW iumlw M> Vptmimu of b !CfW Tgrfc It «H told of Daniel Webster that •boa be asked at a Boston hsbsr daabor'a ona day for a ooltar or “diosey,” the clerk took a critical took at bit ohitomer’a neek and then amid: “ Wa haven't got yvur sue You’ll have to go lo Ike neat store around the curaer foe It.” That waa a luruevw aaker’a who made a wwotaliy of horse cellars. Quite elmlUr hi eharaoUr Is a story tbat la being fdd oa "TVmi” Sard juet now down lo Um Wait street neighborhood. Out of It baa grown a bit of slang. "About as big as Tom Bred's cerk.” (hat k current la Bhoda Island juat at present aad rapUly spreading all over New £uglai.d. (W hot da* but August Iba ra-Speaker waa caught In Iba llltln town ol West erly with a badly wilted collar. Us dropped Into wbat looked lo l* the moat inviting haberdasher’» lu th« Wece, and sou no need that he wnnl a collar, sod wanted it ’> A q." too. Mr. Bred didn't know ttw star. After a deal of wrestling the wilud collar was removed, and it wa* Ihto dis covered tbit the i.eckbai d of the shirt required a collar twenty Inches In lengili to fit the neck of Malua'a former -’Mol IQQ.fi "Twenty inches t” gaapedthe eirtk “Why, Mr. Rant, wa dost carry a collar of tbat also in stock, and there la not i no to baliad In Iba Stats or Rhode isiaudl” "What knd of a Jay Utatc is tbte 1 bare got Into, anyway T” drawled the portly allorney. sa lie i Ouch* d for the discarded collar. “And oust I ettbor go back to Walcb Hill or alas wear this beastly wilud thing to Naw ToikY” , Informed that this waa about tbs attuutlon Mr. Beed hurried bis bulky fraaas to the railroad elation, mut tering something about being glad to l»a able to yet lo a town wbaia the babe rd sab era* establishments weie run ou a more liberal plea. Tbs story drifted to town somehow, and now ilia ex bpaaksr's professional and political frauds are sending him all tbe saddler's business cards that they can lav their bands on tbe services of ooa eiark baiog required to sort out tbo mail of ibis sort. rau umb ecu. »■ »*»■ fmt«« Mtk «• Mkwm. 1* jour Blootl Pure ? Are you lure of it ? Do eou or scratches heal aluw ly T Doca your ikla itch or born T Hava you Ptmptsa » Eruptions t Aching Boots or Back t Xeaeaoa I Old Soma f Bolls T Scrofula ? Rbeu tMtiaia ? Fool Breath V Catarrh ? Are you pals ? If so purify your Blood at cbm with B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). It makes the Blood Pore aod Rich, basis every tore and aivca a dear, smooth, healthy akin. Deap-aeated caasalikn ulcers, cancer, tatlag aorta. Painful 8walling*. Blond Poleoa ai* quickly cured bp B B. U., made (specially for all obatinate Blood aod akin trouble*. B. B. U. dratai U>a Poison and Ho more out or the Blood and entire system so tbeaymptomecao not retorn. Glva It a trial. It cans when »U also fails. Thoroughly leaud for 30 years. Sold at drag Mores st $1 par large bottle, 0 largo bottle* (full treatment) Id. He sure the bottle read. Botanic Blood Balm. So suffer er* may tret It, a trial bottle given away abmlutaiy free. Writ* fur It. Addrees BLOOD BALM Co , Atlanta, Qa. Write today. Describe trouble aod free medical adrlea given. Sold by Frost Torraooa A Go. roasted ... O.ioajro New*. An active tool cover reqalres ri**t. A good many of the Mandiog Joke* should be set upon. To ask a mao to pay a bill la atally said as don. Th* clotbiog ot a growing boy rafnata to grow with him. Tbs taking way* ot the kleptomaniac may be do* to Ota of abslraclioo. A mas may be a bla to deceive Hit own wife, but cot bar fat bar's wife Rather than waste time arguing a wlsa min will let a fool have bla way Mauv a man baa got Into a peek of trouble by trying t» hide hie light under a bushel. Onr ruliog peaaious are apt to re main wHb us to U>a and. Th# last movement a mule utters pta I* a kick. Wben two woman meet, they klaa; when two men meet, they don’t klaa. That shows a bo Ilka kiaaaa bast. Bv*a when a woman is aware that aha Is lea* beautiful than other-women. Mm never forgiven n mao for koowtog it, tor*. ''8mlla when you can,” aaya apul That’s all tight; bat why didn’t ha oonfar ao avert anting favor on human ity by tailing as how to siail* wlten W* Can't. Ara mad, bat Hkla Br)>pUon» rob !lf» of joy. Baoklao'a Arnica Halte. enrra tham, also Old, Rnontoc and Farar Maria, Clear*, Delia, Foloua, Ooma, Warta, Cuta, Benlaaa, Duma, Sealda, Chapped Uaada, ObllMaiet Beat Ptla aura oo earth. IMree oot Paint and Aobaa. Only M eta. a box. Cara ruaraotaed. 8uM by J. S. Carry aad Cbmpoay, Dt«BK Word do mm from Maeda that on# mill too dollara will be appropriated far barbor Improramaolr aad two minion dollar* will to u pm dad epos road*. Tba A marie an paoyti will doobOaa* aaa la tbla tba math od* by wblab tba praamt admlolatre Uob Intaada bmiSttn* tba FUlploaa bad roddrc tally, tba Brpebtieaa aan traetor. TO THI DEAF. A rleb lady, eared of bat Daafuem aad Metaaa la tba Head by Dr. Kiobot aoe’a AitMalal Bat Drama, pare S10.000 to bw Ioatltata, oo that deaf people ■oahla ta proaura Urn Ear Druma may bare them from Addrrra No. Ml Tba KMbataoo laaUtota, 7W>. B4«btb Aroaoa, Maw Tart, C.M. A. Iff *M mu iiiwaagM1**. irriaTBrw Mu Twi i»Mt« VrtaaMf ItonnwreW-Aprnal. One iCkeullat Uaa rilacoVatad Ust h««t la luurraaiog at auch h ntl* Hist It will burn up iba world Id 800.000 jrars wh W awotiwr baa dlaeovarad ihsi tlia Blood. Vi e live by our blood, and on it We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. Whan strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver OiL It sets the whole body going again—man woman and child. It rot lum art triad lUstadtst tr« sswyta, Its sfrctsbts lube will surprise you. SCOTT * SOWKS. C Statists rtnn atari attsst, Jtrw Yssfe. fSC. sad |I N. sU drsdistr. Leon Steam Laundry. Equipped with the newest and best machinery. We em ploy skilled white people only, and dost take asgco laundry. Band as your bundle through Moore Me Alexander at the Elite Grocery. They are oar agents at Gastonia sad will be glad to serve you. Bend not later than Wednes day at noon. LBQNSTBAM LAUNDRY CO., UT.TrUiSt. CHABLOTTE, 1. C. Moore Sc Alexander, Agts. How is your Watch Running? A little sluw ? A little fast ? Is it out of repair? If so, bring it to me and have it fixed right. Difficult work a specialty. WETZELL,__ The New Jeweler. At T. A. Henry's store. SALE OF LAID. Hr virtu* of > Imrtftn MH. oontalolo* a ooau* of ml*, luidi-xaoutud on tbo irtb da, of !"•* r“2y^,'*r*>ojjv of out.* . ounlr In book number H. Ml* MV, tb* condb UOHMmillnMd iwrftttt not savin* b««o cytbpPod with tb* undscilsmnd win .*iTm tbs btsbina bidder at tbo Own knuro door In tbo town of liaiki on tb* Mb Way or Ndvoaibor ISO*, ibn roUowtn* lnirtbu.1 tracts of land. Irina and betas la tboooaotr of Oaatmi, adjoimn* tbo and of Nallbow Stroup, DavW Plonk aad otbrrtasd Known a* tb* bota* plan* of tbeaatd John n*lHo*«*vs*d be In* oa rbc wataza of Itoarar Dam Crock. Said Irarta bounded aa foSdwbFind Tract. ItasHa otwr on a Peat flab aad runnlns tbouoo dan uaat 190 polra to a alaku on David Plonks Hna tboaoesuuth W pnlaa toaaoikrr Prat Oak. tbraooMSpo'fa loa JJaokOak nn (ho Mattbav . . B. ■ pokao to Oiaot (ink. thenoo K. Ctf M. with mw lln* ns pal. ■ tf a a aka, ibanoa *. S W.Mpolaa to Mold tbo eth oarsff of lot noa bar t. Ibanoa wttb anid lln* AST w. 1ST pot** to tb* Bcartonlns, contain!..* M acna mo*w or Ml *'</ In forma doe dorirwl about tboa* two losnm of band cun bu obaamad \n ralUac so •tf. la M. DotTlmmvr. Chcrrr villa K. a Turwa of aalanasb. . , „ UK.Dai.wvovas. L. ImWT p. _ ddnvr. of S. W.OarrnS dtoaaaad. Tbla Sap.on.bar • t. lisa BALI OP LAgD. i o^Ur of OMtl mads entitled Ah rails, SLtoyailwinasf sf jlStSin £* iSTjSfjiijlt SffiiiSfigfiSMW I 'iafJi'. Save Vduir Money. One box of Tiitt’s Pills will save many dollars in doctors’ bills They will surely cu re all diseases i of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, | malaria, constipation andbilio 1 usness. a million people endorse TUTTS Liver PILLS »u* si. 1 jr. SOU * *’•* **. \ILWAY. / > i . .M't«v«|srTrslns _ • -.i*jr **#». 1X0. — W .No. IS. rktMa K«»iiihuk„u N'.i li. X.i i*». f*. No. Si. ..ally. Daily ■ Hun. Daily. tv. Atlanta.DT Ilia II 10m t Up n lb a Atlanta.DV a iaa IK; t aun 11 Ba “ Hurvraaa «INa lain lata * malnrd. . lb 0t a T«p IMl " Cialaanni'r- luWa IBp 7 Kip Ilia " J-"1*-,. !»*»• "**1' ,0JP **a - ( <.to»)lA. It Ok. I «0p . . bit. Airy. II Dba (Up . L«. T,k.-.k lll'la I Til- lent, 111 pTlXorum. i 0<|. ... IIa.1 l.y. K'Uriwt. . OcObI Lt. W’«tinm«r. li~*T>e ~ . 4 un ft ^ K1 or eft. II ta». 4 Up . 4 Aft Ck tlltfti. I «l|a . 4 M ft " (4r«*>liv|||ft 1 U |. s»r ... § O' ft : ST ISt: iSS:::::: IS: Ar Ui* mIhiu. 0 'Jk f )g 4T p ttMp Lv || *Sp~" ▲rN'ortolk .... feaii ... At. Payilk. "il »»' || kTp Tip At. UUAmimA. « 00• 0 Ob* ..... "Tl»p t £^“TF:^:~78i RuMa Vaa. •aathbaaad. No. at. No n. No. ID __Dally Dally Daily Tg|£ Is: Waak'iok 11 Da Nil; . ...... Ite. Rlkhmood II wTn II COy 11 10 p La. DakrUi. , at; Tin TlTa ” “ Lr. Rarfuth. Ilia IMP Ar. Qraaaboro ttep s l»a. ; i«p tu. i JTa . lu <Ip W (A a 1 Ttp . ii up MMa 155 :.;.:;:; It «p M Ma Ifci . . ii Ba it ua a Up . . '" ,,c- rt,0p 15?sr# *** ,30p i B* fe. a Ba t :tp « atr TB1 . «»■ 1 !<J I-. I II Ma 1 Kip .. ... .... |—— —t*r«p'tifl I. {f3p IBS4 4 lift • H|* $ OOP « III ; v _. {«: Jop| is: |SS Af. AtViSSVr C Sn i Up M oS pj • SOI ^ Allanta.CfTl t 10 a lit? I uag iS| Botwaan Lain and Altai*. tjtai . niais Ei. No. 11 STATION* No. 11 Ex. San. {Daily Dally. Bus. ■ lOp It «ta La Lute At ~Hriih T Ml (Mu 11 Ha " MayarlHa " k> to a t Hi • top II Hi “ Haripony •• 10 (■ a l|| t op lr HpiAr. aihana .La* * Mai i fit Rota Saaa owaailoa Bata at Late wta Ball Baattalaa •A*a n. -y p a. 'IT'iob alppt r*Bl;ut» Liao 8taa»ara In dally aarrtB knrirnaa Norfolk aad BalUmoaa. rallBIk UiaaloiuntataaB Raw Ten* and Row Orlaaaa, via Waibiattan, Atlanta and RMBnimf, aad alaa batwacm Naw York aad Maaapkta ala Waahlayton, Atlaata and ter Bmaha*a. Aiao rW-naoi Ptrtajaaa Libia XT Oanaavayioa Can* betwara Atlaata aadjfaw jortt Jn rate tana ihorouthfara nnaahte W dWan WateiHtoa and Atteate. Dtalp* «ara ■art i all Baa ii carouia. Laatrlna aTiuAlaH Baton Xondayn. VmUandaya and Ifrldafa ^aSa SMB 1^55 rnllBao drmwlarrooai alatndM aara llhnia Braaaabura aad Rvrtolt. Cluaa aoaaaaitaa at yottott hi Oia hnnOrnmat. • Nna. M aad %-Doited Atatea fiat R -Rid halwaaa Waahta*ton aad Raw ( 8mtWa Bail way. A. • tap. R IN EL M . hater twopoaad kf mm MofttfMMry ftad twhiMu V> •d.Alkfttft Dt«hif Cftrft mtrrrn uril ad Hoa II and M. MRHmI kTOARKOM. i M. CULP, V. A (ten. Up T. M.. Waahtef* B *L A I. HARDW1QK, ... . WteU^a.1. a. P A.. ADM Ph. Professional <;ai*d». ' H. F. GLENN, M. iTT Physician Jt surgeon. Gastonia, n. c. GOe* lo J. B. Carry A Co. Night Pli.Mie 14®, 3D. Xu. RUSSELL, A1 raiMKT at 1.411. G ASTON ... c. p. H. COOK|£ ATINlMXkT * SWfAaBLLMI AT LAW* tV* * A WlUun Uulidixr. UkmwiIa, tt. C. Will practice I., Il.aaiarraio in Hut Federal V . lu *,,,d Gin lilt trdrn.1 Courts. Corporation aurk H^orgaors.tluu ana Mm cm die Ad’ JoMa»'tila a speclslty. Wm. 11. LEWIS, — Attorney-At-Law — GASTONIA, N. C. Practice* wherever hit se« vices are required, and attenda lo all mailers of Bdulnietrallon and guardianship for his chetile, without the iceonvenleor* or expend of a trip to the court-honan Lucius J. Holland, tmMKT A ISI'XIRLLOI AT LAW DALUfl N. C. OQlc* bear residence. Jt* & M&AGVM, -A rrottNEY-A T-LA » O ASTON LA , M, C. Will practice lo the oouiU of Gaato.i sad adjoining oonntln and In the Federal Courts. it. B. WILSON, attoknkyat-law (iASTOMlA, N. (X 9V. Jt. Hoffman & Sonf —DENTIST S— •aetonia, *•--«, c. ••"Office oeer Ktrat National Bank. Pliooe 73 P. R. FALL8, DENTIST. Gastonia. .... n. C. oatee tm ■•Mama Hr»Hi,rt Klara. WPboor 80. 1>K. 1). E. McCoXNBIjL, —DXN TltST— Office (ini Quor V. M. C. A. Bonding. GASTONIA. . . . . n. O. ’PRONE 60 .F.C. Whiteside, M. f>. PHYSICIAN A 8UBUEON. y!'“■ kla Prof at tonal asrrlaaa In uir ikmuIo or Qaatooia and mranadtae ooumrr (3KS. N** to n nest and privatA rttJ AJ.'o'H lire, More, AH^ail. u u ,u> Uroa arts reeelra prompt auinmarT jEHUlSSiS"'" *,v“ r«nr° rEoea as. IKkt Pkaor at Dlt. W. H. CROWELL PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. oaitonia, h. c. Office under T. M. C. A. • Dej ’pbooe 10. Night Phone. 19_a. _r«IN Houao. P. L EARP, Photographer. Main Street. Opposite Poetoffice GASTONIA. N. 0. First CIem Work.... ....Prleu to Suit Everybody. Wriiom m.-ffia* w. B. BEACH AM, Architect and Builder, and Real Estate Agent. Ot»»o» ovbo T. A. UxwKY’a Kmw. PARAGON BARBER SHOP. To an, Urn Ui|« |. tha „ulppea tooeorlal parlor lo town would be the truth, but Dot tbu whole truth. J|*_ ,UJ<" * ««». «*•*» »hn>. wa hare new ohalra and keep eleaa tow«U and tool#. Our burbaia are toon o( experience awJ up to their butloeea. IB .hort, we are op-to data la arary reaper t, * ,rta, will convince pou. H. 8. Alexander, Oppoeita Ou, Han. Prominent People Pa iron ire the Paragon.

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