The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. VoTxXI™^ {s«,S-JSkre5fcH.r.>_ GA8TONIA, N. Cl. THUUBDAy] NOVEMBER 8. 1900. ARP’S GOOD ADYICB, BARTOW PHILOSOPHER 8AYS BE "beoohoiled TO WHAT YOU OAIPT HELP. M« Trtn It (MS UIamII—H# Declare* the rklUMlat Wav U t'racl «»< l/aa> Iraa ta Uva Ixlnw-Aaaikvr iuwir ta raaalv. Dill Arp la Atlanta OonaUtollon. ••Sill deaperaodum." "Carp* diem.’’ Don’t despair. Kojoy the uday. Be racedoiled to wliat you oaonot help. That's good adyioa uud 1 wish Uiat wa coaid all taka it. 1 try to. but tome times It la bard work. Wlieu it rained alt tbe month of Jana and wa bad a burning aao all tbe monlb of Bepietn ber. I oouldenl "carps diem." Wh«u I ponder upon Ibo erual. useless FhlHp ploe war nod tbe lVirto Blen alral and Um Chinese muddle end all tbe other devilment that tbla administration has brongbt about, 1 oanaot be icuunolltd. Wbeo I bear tlieae McKinley men shouting prosperity It makes me bot under tba collar. They remind me of a gang of blghwdy robbers who murder helpless travelers aud rob them and then go off and cry proaparity. Manu facturers of army and navy supplies are getting rich on contract aud army officer* la Manila and Pekin are taking In tbe loot and cry prosperity. War always brings e show of prosperity, but It la at tba ooat of blood and tears. Bat still wa llvo to bopa that there will come a change. If Bryan la elected I know ttan will, and If he is not. we will be do worse off than wc are now. We oan’t be worsted, and no are will try to be reconciled. Wban 1 was a young man I was a democrat bacauae my father waa. but I oast my dm vote for W. W. Clayton, wbo was a wfelg. 1 was a collage boy at Athena, and Mr. Clayton was kind to us and wo all voted for litm Cot state senator. I knew Mr. Clayton for many years and alwaya respected him. (or ha bad a kind heart and waa a gentleman. Alter bis cleotioo be gave tba college boys a party one night and was especially kind to me, and I bars never forgotten It. ‘ How far that little oendle throws Its «o ahio«a a good deed In a uaugbly world." Baton Lbe war, when I waa la mjr prime ot manhood and bad more vital i ly than sense. 1 was a strong partisan and really belle red that if my party did not sucoeed the country would be ruined. My father used to laugh at my real and say “Oh, no, my son, tha country Is safe: don't 1st lbe politicians and tba new*paper* alarm you.” What a pity It la that wbso a man bat treas ured up a lot o( wisdom and experience he Is old enough to die t Whet a pity It la that we pern the beat port loo ot oar lines lo looking afar o9 for bappi ness when really It ts nearby aud with in our grasp. Of oourse, I get excited now and theo about politics, but I light it off. fur I realise that “Domestic happiness Is tha only bliss that hat sur vived the falL” Tha bast thing* on earth are the cheapest and moat abun dant. The Joys aod comforts of borne and tha fireside, the owners aud fruits, tha air aod water and snnthlee, tba garden, the birds and tbs welcome visits of king} friends aod nabora. Nalthar wealth aor fame nor offlee will compare with these. In most oases offlee means spoilt; reward* from tba public crib. Judge Underwood •eld that one Urns when be was a can didate and waa making a stump speech aud bad closed an eloquent paragraph, % long, lank countryman who was agio him, exclaimed: “Boys, tie's jest aide wipin’ around bootin’ the orthography of a little offloe.” The Judge studied politics aa a aelenoa tod understood It. One day wlieu wo were discussing tba great steal of Boa* Tweed A Go., in Hew York, a preacher, who wsa pres ent, remarked: “Why all these charge* against Tweed must be political lice aod aland era, for they are democrat a. ” “My lanooeat friend,” said lb* judge, “ye* Tweed A Oo. are all democrats, bat my observation haa been that H Is within the range of possibility for a democrat to staaL” Politics la a most demoralising botlnasa, and has been so In all government*. Sheridan euld “There la no eooeclenee la gallantry or politic*,” aod Ham 1st said “A poli tician Is one wb* would etreumvaat God.” Still, there eta tome boo eat politicians, but they don’t go about in drove*. Tbe main reason why I admire Bryan so mooh la beoeuss of bis hones ty, Ills sincerity. Hla political roe tales admit that, and ovary body admits that ba It a very wonderful man, both moo* tally and physically. U all iba psopls oould aaa bin faoa to faoa nod bear him ba would be elected by a mlIIloo or two majority. When a politician apeaks bo baa to ba vary earrfol what bo aaya, bat whoa a atataaman like Bryan apaaka, Iba truth ootoei goehlog forth tpoaUnaooa. Hurrah for Bryant I'm gettlo* evened now. Jet aa walk about aad oool off. My wife la oellleg me; wants me'to build a IllUe house for tha Muaoovy dacha. That will oool me off. Yeelarday the kept ate baey aff tha evaatog tlftlng aartb aod tehee aad fertiliser for lbs pUali that art toga In lbs pit. She bee lbs earth changed every fall, aad my back la tearly broken today. Hbe bar anmo nf those aharp-pointed, Nlabery naetna plants that Carl Mot her from Mexico, sod I got my old hand* all stooh up matting thorn oat of iba pots end labs. Oh, my country, is there no reel for tbe stake! t How bar* to a latter from another Mlaatoalppl flrl giving a poetic aoawor to that Milptoral aotgeoa. 8b* writ*# aa fallow* i ‘HraUburl, Ml**.—I aa* a actant gtrl. Can’i work oat your Biol* p«i (Ua, bat my 4*4 d tele phone wires alone; not for tbs trolley line, our for tbe deadly third rail whose doings are so edded chapter to the tragic story. Nor doaa It taka oog ntsanoa of tbe numerous ease* of minor injury to man, beast end property—Iq cldetits of such common occurrence as to escape press reoord of oommeot. The electrocuted were mostly It Bo rneo. stricken In their discharge of daily duty and watcbtol supervision or tbalr dangerous charge; but there are Instance* anoogb to be startling of dealb.Lo tbe Inrzpert aod uoaovpeet Ing. In tbe cases of the linemen leteose agooy Almost Always follows the fatal oonlMct. Homs of tbe narrativee are sic ken tug In their absolute horror— man on lira sod slowly rousting before tbe gate of witnesses powetlea to iwacus tbs tortured yletim. Then we have aneb affaire aa the HI. Louis polios tragedy, of Heptetnber 3. Using tbe police ulrpbone to com ma nic* t* with headquarters two officers were death smitten and thirteen ware more or less shocked Injured end horned. An electric light wire wee dropped on tbe ’pbone wire and when tbe receivers were taken up by tbe offi cers tbe fearful voltaga of tbe sur charged line put In Its remorse leas work. The heading* to the preae acooant* of them “accidents” reed : “Death lo the wires." “Lloemau Sharked to Death.” “Colored Linemen Electrocuted.” “Fatality to the Wire*." “Third Victim of the Week.” “3,000 Volte end ■ Brave Lite.” “Two Boya Shocked to Denth.” “Live Wire and Dead Lineman ” "Line Inspector the Victim.’* “Killed on tbe Poletop.” “Tbe Dread Wire** Dreadfal Work.” “John Tbanton’e Horrible Death.” “Man end Home Eloetroeuted.” “Armourdale Boy Sbooked to Death. ” “Street Light Trimmer Sent to bte Death.” “Instantly Killed and Finger Burned oft.” “Tbe Grim Harvest Goaa on." “Shocked and FeU Thirty Feat." “Current Kllle Strong H erase." “A Horrible Death on the Croat “A Tragedy up ta the Air.” Tbeae era the “dieptay llnea” that met the public eye Id a few daye of Auguat, and ao caaeeleee baa become lb air recurrence that they no longer astonish tbe reader, they are ax pee ted! Horae* abneked and killed la «*n« of the oonoomltaoteof the dangling live wire. Sixteen each “eecldeata” were raoorded in August. Twelve ot the dead for Auguat were boya who uowtttlagly vouched or eaane lo oootaot wltb tbo dloploeed ooodue ting Una. Tbo “burned to the borne” bands or feat reported for Angoit were over seventy. Tbe aamber ot lives noted, due to crnseed wire, defectlya laaelallon, ar rested current, diverted by contact, eta was ovar twenty for August. Involving ta aoeaa oaava heavy property Insane la not a few of tbe aaoldeaU the ao aoorpaoylog phenomena were vary singular aad wholly unexpected, dem onstrating tbe exceeding power foe mischief lo the cannot of low volt and the exceeding peril of Iho high volt, even to experts aid wary linemen. People may shudder at took • eerlra of horroa, bat who ean atae tha reme dy T Tba tamtd Hgblotnt it not tamed yet all the tame It will eonttoee to be baraeeeed tor hamas tea. Tba Ueea that U demaoda, the eofleHr* and lha load It eotatle. art atamlagly, Moepard aa aioenary oondlttona Wot which maat not vroo quality tba lotrodaotkm of tha elaotrto daaeeo to oar aareloe. rh* beet erairtine tee (hUU end Oarer ■ e bate *» Oasrar TMtam oaubm ithtaprMetiaWMa (HITUIAILI WCATBBI. II ta a "To- Bp*: T>m Bor* and To Una ban Whal w Wtor-BoiAlf TAw* (Mr Blmw Clolbn Tar. Chtrann Ktrwo and Cornier. If year husband happen* lo coma •trolling In lata for breakfast. wltb hi* eyes bleared and awnllen and wltb a touch of earmln- on bla note, don't (un away with the idea Unit be baa bean on a bat. This combination of Si got la gwoerally a trade-mark of a man who tight# boose, but lo tbaaa days nf rsptd cbanging weather a wan la llkaly to look aa If ba believed tu tba free and unlimited coinage of dreokarda. when, in faot. be hvd never aaeo a bottle. All of tbia la apropoe of weatliar; weather which obangea wltb tba rapid ity of Ilgbtolog, and the outbreak of ouldr la now prevalent. These cold# are doe to tba manipulator! of tbe oarda at tbe weather boreau and the people have bean guessing ao much that they have given up To disgust. Cool Travel sod hot waves oowa and go. sod tbey step on each other's toea with no regard tor seasons or matsor ogollCAl conditions geserallv. Over eoats usd straw bats bava bate eeeu togetbar. and It did look gnear, but wImo the weather turned on tbe over" coat Uie straw was tba real thing. Flannels and heavy good* have gone on one day to be toesed off tbe oast, and thus it la that tbe eolda prevail and tbe druggists are having tbe ueoa) ran for their money. reowe who have lived tier* ell their live* ought to remember how the wea ther changer," raid a physician last night, "and thry should know that tbe hot weather U not gone with Um tret daali or winter. Now It has been raw and ohtlly today, but you oan’l gamble on to-morrow. Tbe trouble wbleii Mags about tbe epidemic of ooldi U due to lb* feet that folk* above oo their winter garakeol* just aa loon as It looks cold, and when the ley wave is gone they gat hot and huffy and bunt for lighter top. Welt that's enough to give fits to a Polar bear. You ungbt to ell ok to oue thing, and the bast rule U to kavp on your summer tblop until the oold weather li hare in earnest. Bat then there ere tbe thin-blooded who get miserable wllb the Brat air. Them people ought to re member that they kiokad pretty bard about tbe fearful summer, aod II you only know ;t tbe summer Isn't pas yet- It will bn beta again." Tfc* VbUl »MUh. yron AIimUa'a. About two years ago a party of three women aod two men wars crowing If or Ui Fark In a witgoo In tba oouib of February. The air waa bitterly cold. bat dry ss a boo* aod motionless. Tba sun sboo* with almost startllug brilliancy. Aa tbe five people drove along over tbs crisp snow they did not experience Ilia least cold, but rsdly fell moat oomfortable, and rather eu Joved U>* trip. Mountain iwaks fifty ■Ilea away eonld be seen ms distinctly aa tlw pine trees by tbe roadside. Suddenly oee of tbe wooer, pat her band up to her faoa and remarked that so®attain* bad slung her. Than other members of tbe party did the Mine tblo*. although not a sign of an Intact could be teen. All marveled greatly at tbla. A moment later they noticed that the distant mountains were dis appearing behind a cloud Of midst. Midst In Colorado lu January I barely tbere must bs some mistake. Bat tbars was oo mistake, because within too minutes a gentle wind began to blow and tbe air became filled with floe particles of something that scin tillated like diamond dost to tbe sun shine. Still tbe people drove oo outll they earns to a cabin where a men signalled to them to stop. With hit head tied up lo a bundle of mufti era, be rushed out soil handed lb* driver a piece of paper on wbiob waa written: "Come Into lb* lioose quick, or tbla storm will kill all of you. Don't talk uutatda bera." Of coarse do lias was lost lo getting under oovsr nod patting Hi* horses In tbe statist. Dot they war* a little lata, for la laas than an hour lbs whole party was sick with violent ooagbs and fever. Before tba next morning on* of Uw women died with all tLa symptoms of pneumonia. Tlw others were violently 111 of It, but managed to poll tbroogb after long sloknees. “I men von people driving Bloat tba road long before y*o got to my house, and I koowvd you didn't know what you were drivto’ through,” said tbe man, aa soon as tbe surviving members of tba party were able to talk, "mat staff ye tasn to tba sir la small plteea of ion, froze so eold It gone clear down Into your lungs without melting. If any coen stayed out a few boor* with out bis head ouvsred up ha would be sure to die. On* wlntor about sight oieened out a who!* In dian tribe scree* the Wyoming lias. They era more afraid of It tone they art of rattWeakea. That's tbe reason they cmII It tba ’Orbit* death. A WaOVlia ■*«>»». Tlankful wort* written by Mn Ada K. Halt, of Gratae, 8. D. “Waetakeo with a bad cold which mtUad oa my lung*, cough Mt In and Boally (ermln *teod Ida la for Preatdent by naming them Willie, Jennie and Bryaula, while hia brother aod brother la-law la a et.uDCh Republican and baa named hli three boyi Hanna, M-Kluiey and R-m avalt- A. R Wblta, tbe Republican candidate for Governor of Went Vlrgloa, and Judge John IL Holt, the Democratic oaodldeU, bald a Joint debate at Breeden two dare after the tlx little one* came Into the world and noted ae godfathert at I be cbrialanlug, Mr. If bite abending ep sn eer for tbe three Republican boya and Judge Holt for three Democratic girls, although the Judge declared that It ■oat not lie taken aa a pr»oedmi or aa evldouce that be la In favor of truata. Judge Hull, wtiu la the authority for tble atory, eaya that It la Joat the or dinary luok of tba Democratic party la Went Virginia, wboaa majority la being rapidly out down by immigra tlon. He eaya that nearly avaay voter that cornea into the Bute nowdaya la a R» publican. cto*i riQCtua. u»* • Wwm CpMI Her ■•hnKm I lee re* Iwtay,' Balaam raBna. She m the wife of a tit. Paul street corporation. Her urn pet bobby waa economy. Though ber husband made au exoaUeot salary, she was rigid la ber rnlfi pertaining to U» buying of ilia necessaries for tbe household. 8ha would liaunt bargain counters nod market stadia fur hoars in order to get iba baorfltof a rad action of a few cents on Uie article desired. Tbe corporation official with tench Uugbter, used to teaaa hit better half shoot wbat lie nailed her "stinginess.” So one day feeling hurt at bis rtdieule, she resolved to Uks bin to market witb ber and demonstrate beyund a doubt that aba waa a moat aoooumlas buyer He consented, stipulating that be waa not to be sated to carry the baskets Arriving at the market, aha made several purchases and tben at ooe stall Inquired tba prioa of egg*. "Wbat,” aba exelatmed, “lAoenta a detail T No indeed, that la too high.” She dragged bat reluctant buibend after ber from ooe stand to soother atlll Inquiring tba prioa of agga and al ways receiving tba same answer until near tbe upper end of the market. Hera aba found a dealer who offered to ■ell her egg* In any quantity for lfi oeoia To her hatband the said Joy fully ; "There, 1 told you at. Why those other* ware robber*.” Turning to the salaauun, abe ordered hair a dozen agga, gravely banded Mm tbe 8 oauta asked la payment sod want home prattling away about tbe worth of eooooiay la marketing and tba al leged willing neat of dealers to gouge the anaaepeetlng onatomer. And to this day abe does rot know that her huabeed and bis Mauds laughed over It at tba club. A4neU(« mf Vmmm M—A—aaa. Mark Twain la Tha Ku Thai OornieAad . Hadlarburw." Tba last summer when I waa on my way beok to V loon a rrom tba appetite cure In the mountains. I fall ov»r a cliff In the twilight and Woke tome arms sod lags and one thing or soother and by goad look was foand by eoma peasants wbo bkd lost am am, aod they carried me to lha neeraat habitation, which waa one of those lam, lew, thetob roof farmhouses, with apart ments la the garret for the family and a euanlag little poreh under tba deep gable decorated with boxes of b« igbt ooiored flowers mad eats; on tba grcaod floor a large and light anting room, aeparated from tba milk cattle apart naent by a partition, end in the front yard roes, stately and Baa, tba wealth aod pride of tbe bowse tba manure Pl>* That aaotenee la Oermanlo aod shows that ( am aequlrlag that sort of oum lary ef the art aed spirit of Uts Uo gnega wbiah eekbU* a man ta travel all day In one eon tenon without absog Ing ears. W»W*a I >M« door bat I a boot aa aooo aa II aoaadad, aod toomUmaa aba gar* anawara to wboaraa might b* Umt* that war* eartoaa. On* day lha nao who ooHaeta Ur* part ago* of !**• dry waa at iba door aod aakad If lha Laaadry waa raady. abaraptlad; "pay* ha* gut It OB.” vicmut ruounm. AMI I—WMm wf Ika Van Mm Wha Ml. loon hhMI—M. Pur a*Tara) reeaooa the new Parti*, ■tot which opto! to England la a faw dajrt will bare aa lateraet far thought ful penoa* all otot tba world. It wlU ba tha Viftaeath Parliament of Vlota r'*'» rtlgo. aud aa tbaat, theoretically, bat* a duiallou fur aeveo year*, thla circaoataivo* will glee au Idea of tba great langth of tiara wbleb tbe praeaat Qutaa baa boraa away. TbeFartlamaat haa lourruptad tba tegular pehdakw •wiege wbleb have baae la pragma* ia Bdtlab jaUtiat for a quarter of a era tuiy. Tbe Britlef, eleetoraUs aaldoee glvaa power to tbe earn* party twlea la euaeaealoa la the** daya of noeaial po lltloal condition*. Thera la ■ petal idlitjr that a mw a>an will |o to tba premiership tarty la the term of iba Parliament which open* next Thursday. Lord Salisbury will tab* oAoa at tba outsat, hot report has It that lie wit] toon tarn the post ever to some youufer man. Ha la in Ms aavsaty-Qm year, which Ic not extreme old ago, as ooapared with tba average of tba recent premiere. Gladstone was aigbty-l ve wbaa he made way far Boa* bery to IBM, bat a lad atone waa a prod. Igy la both a phyalealStnd letoMectual aeome. Hal met moo area aighty-one at bia death, holding the oOea at premier at that time. (Salisbury lacks tba pby. cloal vigor of those two poreoongee, but be ta believed to be anxious to •quel Gladstone's reaord In boldUg the pramlarsbip four times, which no other person baa aver done, hot which Salisbury will do when bo eaten oftce at tbs beginning uf tha coming Parlla* maul. * Ten mao—Mr! ho ante. Past. Bussell. Darby. Aberdeen. Palmerston, D IsraaU, Gladstone. Salisbury, and Haeebery— ban held lbs premieaabip during Vic toria's reign, sod coma of them hod iba oftea several lianas. These ropreaoalad all shades of polities, from the ultra Toryism of Derby to tbs advanosd Liberalism of Gladatoos. It baa ban said that tba prime mlalstcr who held Mis Queen's highest regard was Mai bourne, tba Brat ansa wfeo bad the post daring bar rstga, and who died the vHlea before bar time. Mast to Mel bourns, the Brat mints ter with whom tba Queen was moat frieudlv waa Dis raeli, the nna who conferred upon her the tills of Bmpreaa of India. Bhn la said to bare disliked Gladstone for bis imperlouaueaa, and It waa largely on her request Met Ruaaell dltmlmcd l'ol mrrston wlteo Uw latter, as mlstotor of foreign affairs, extended the support of tba British govaromaut to Napoleon III In 1BC1, after lbs overthrow of tha second French republic and the one* tton of the seooad empire. All the personi who have held the often of pre mier at any ttmn during Victorli’i reign ora dead except Salisbury and Boaebery. bovonteen pei sons bav« auooraatvely been president of the United ttlotea. beginning with Vac Boron. Moca Victoria as cended tba throne buck in 1887. and ouly three ef thaaa—Cleveland, Uarrl son, and McKinley—are living. Tba whole face of hatnao society baa Paco changed Id Us almost two-tblrda of a ewotary wlileb has passed sicca tba present British aovwtgc Brat xmumad power. AoiAL racer» THcmin ThsentM MiIm thman am Trass. MssTiMim la Mias Jsasu ra»r. BurHoetoo. tf. OL. Dtspatoh, Oat, 30(b, ta fltltl csora H^n. Determination of oue girl oot to Uko the plum of a fellow- msasber of e union who bad been dlaobarnod bee csusrd the greatest strike ere* known among the ootton milk In this district. More than 4,000 operatives ere set. end tbo mill owners have rot* red opoa a bluer flgbt with their eta ploy — for tba pur poet of orusblng Uwlr ooloe. Mice Jennie Pope. 17 years old, aa orphan, employed In the Holt mill, at Haw Hirer, waa recently ordered to taka a loom whom operative. If lea An oa Whlteell, bad been dlaebarged after a quarrel with a foreman. When she learned of Klee Whitson's disc barfs the lefeeod to aeeept the piece end waa ordered to leave tba mill, rbe ontoo wanted hi strike Immediately, but sbe advised them oot to take toy action. A meeting of the salon tu bald that eight, however, and tba opt.rativaa did net go to work the neat da*. The mUI waa (hat dewa and tba atrfke agreed ae that praatlaal ly every mUI In tba dlatrlet waa elamd. Non-union mao under guard have bane operetta* anme of tba mil la rises October Id The union man have be gun maroblag and threaten those wbo ere wotklog. ***** OlfM tWMln mm *M CMb. Forty pretty gtrto la Ayraoam. moat of Urnm aot yat oat of tbmr toooa, ham omniaid aa Old Malda’ Glob. Tba aoaatltatloa baa aa artloia wbtab pro ▼Idaa that tba brat girt ta baoai aa* r»r*d •ball “atand for’, a baaaaat far tba mat at M a Plata. Bo tba aroapont of aa aapgii it ta not mgirdad aa a half had tdaa. Among othar rnaakao maau aoab mambar aftbaOUl Hilda’ Olablaaalamalypladgad tiapmaarlbad modaof pnaaiun wbna a prefdaal happaaa to bar. It ta a rala that uadar tba etraumataaaaa aba aball la notably aaolain: “Obi tbla la aa aaddaa !•• and warp a Turn tiara far ifcet. Hala Mu. S proTldaa that aodar aa olmaaaiaoaaa la a man ta bn nnaptid ualnaa ha mom dawn aa bto kaaaa aad beta rani bard. Rain So. t a bleb to tbaoUtnly la* (toalblr, rrantroa a noliutm dUtoiad tar an ryngaant ring. Rato Mo. 4 ailpataMa that *nly a oattaln braad of eaady will ba nngtid by may mambni af tba Old Hilda' linb, apd It aawat ba a flea ponad bag at that, Mgaaoagh U go nroaad (brail tbaatbnm. *«M » HlkiMM. Hew Tort Tilt in. C “It tarter dart." Mid Halter Char* 961!1 ”f Topeka at tea Ratal Imperial yaatwdar. >'«hao a aMa waa to be exe eu tad tea eoamaaKy la wMak It oe pE£d cnThulf eo^bafa'iMd tSw ooaJd be bad by all. Tba rani popala Moo, bringing their hnehaca with them, oana from tba Itttit parte at tea eoaatrr alda aad tea atraeta aaaar fllroat^dt** t^SaatC*r^°a ” aad aaob’tbiaga aata'aaSdl merry** »»»«•. aborting gttariaa. eta.. am nae tot tea ooodemaed. Aprogoa of tela Manner at treating aa aaaaallia. »»‘goawaat* aaad taftil aa aoaaiag •tery. Tba little tawo In tka aorttera (tata from wbleb be bad come wte tea eoaaty aaat. aad team oaa day wat to occur a Imaging. It waa, [ tklak. tea laat aaaouttoa teat aannad la teat •tata, eapltal tmolthnient baelng Morn anuoiima um whm tte fetal day far tte oaonted Man oaaaetbapao P*« »**aa to arrive tariv. Froo Ur ratio* waa aatedalad far soon, tet at 10:30 tte teavaaa took a* an owinona look aad tell a drloUa* rain bad ba ton. white ten good preaetaa of ba Mcaleg a ataady downpour bafora Um day bad waaad. Tte poop** began to ■row box lent, bat tte Majority bang on. ^ At tbia Jo net ora tte abaft went to tte eoodetuned aad arid: _ “^rok ten. Bill, tte wtela ooootv baa turned ant to ron yea tamed off. rod nog ttere’i a rain alerted aad ovary ooefe eaxtona to go* beaa. They will moat of thaw atlt It all right If tbay can atari la a few mlnntaa, bat K ttey wait aaUI naoo tba raada wUI to la bad condition aad many of them woo t gat base la Uaro to do tte otene -rod tbafa aartoas. Yaa’ro to te hanged in an hoar, aad aa bear nr leae ero*t ' ‘•Tbla waa agreed to aad tte* hang ing waa pulled off an hour ahead at aaUadnled time, although UM ooc daaaad oonplalacd Utterly that tte i eheiiff bald tba awbrolia aa that tte j water from it triakUd down tba hank | of bta neck. Strange at It may aaam, tbia atury lu ke CMetittal featnret la literally true.” Mctuwur Hi liiorm. tMU UMlrlkXa CmmMtraMjr u Mm*. •rn Hul OnTtn. Barefooted lioye acd bon form a owlnoe pwtaarehlp la tin making of a pair of too gtoTM. Thoueaode or doa om of bean* agga art need in owing tbo bldco nod tgoaaaade of boy* an amptoyod to work tbo atbm to elaar wotor by treading on theta for peroral honn njra the Philadelphia Beeord. Wbon a woman bayt • pair of gtovan abo apeak# of her an ‘■kldn.” If tbo dark who add bar tbo “ktd’1 flora know tbo menu of Un flora maktag buatooio ho might onrprWe hie fdr onatpeoer by tolling bar that than bpoutlfol, ooft, amootb-guing •‘Wd’’ florae coma from tbe eboolden aod atomoob of a 8 weak-old o««- wbooo nook wao (lit oo tbo iriaiw Baaata and whneo lewder bide, w ibipped. wltb.bandlee ofjotber ootte’ bidee. io Frnwen, when they were made np la la “kid” flora; or be mtgbt with renal regard to tbo troth, tan her that than gtovoa In the other oompertmoot oaoo darted from tree to tree to tooth Amartoo on tbo book of a rlag-tnltod And If bo made the roonda of tbo (ton and eoold dletlogoieb one akin from another, bo oooM point out “kid” flora made from tbo khan of kanga roo# from Auatralla. lambe or (harp from Ohio, or Spain or England, ealra from India, mnakraU from oenrywhom mask anno from China and ether of AMa, rata, aata end papptae. Bat the lb tow-footed baby from tbo tbaOnwibi Urn, tbo Moppso of Siberia, where reload be the tfcoameda, aoepUea aklao which fnraiab tbo belkof tbo dainty oovoriogt for my pody* boada. ■.mo. i i I j 1 1 ’ i j I I I ! i ssKrsyas*as,w» ■arrad toy »U U»a paapli of tk United ButM,ukMNN ttoaaid, aaadayaf tbaakapt »U.. aad proto to HlaTwba hoidaiba uUooa la too hokawaf BO ink'sssx^.s&rss toraaUr pm Ota thaaka ter too prMptf uy •harawtth Hi haa attar Madtlna aad * ▼alar. daaoUoa aad_ amto aad aattoaad far ak Ate to at aa la“ " ' DkUae., aad that __ toa eoatieaaso* at Hk for rich teoatawa aw waya. la wti aeal of iba UoSad Daoa at tba Ur of Wi_ UiiaMtb day of poor ■ ■ . i * » i i