THE GAZETTE. " thoubat, ttovavn** a. ism. u USINESSLOCA LS. ' .Kivartawncnta Irwitu m Mas Potman at .« !.«>. its* roe am mtgtn emi * men lie, l.M iMSWfl UwaAvr —JU 1- -Id*', -rzr, r>e—• FOB 8KKD RVB aw A. F. V. hlie •Idea. _ XJIUUND —A palrof lines glaaans,oue X glass broken. 8KE —f. »V. Brawtey fur oai. Prompt rt«-llT*ty Pli nn* U8 TTVOll S\LK — 1 N'». 1 Bmilli Pieuilrr X Typewriter. U. £ M.\»O.W Wanted two oopim of Tn* ga UTT* of Fib. iutb 1000 Leave at tbU office. DO YOU want a oaw top for your buggy, cheap ? Apply to Wx U. Lawn. mHOSB owing A. F. Whlteetdee. X agent, for fertiliser, will pirate call et MeDIll ft tllllrr’e elore and cot their notes. B‘ "abgains In floob oil Cloth. Bought at a big saorl&ce • lot of flour OH Clntb and Leuoliuoia which will eslt at the following prloes: OH Cloth worth 85c will be sold si 30c «q. yd.. Oil (Jlolh worlli *5o will be sold 200 sq. yd.; LeooUumi worth 70e will bs add at OOo tq. yd , Lruolloms worth GOo will be sold at 3fto tq. yd. Come early and secure tbit big bargain; it will not atay loop. A. C. WltMAJSSON. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Mr. Arthur Wingate it now at Gray * l««1. —Grail A Wlleon will reoeive a car load of bone* and mules la a few days —Rev. J. \V Slier will preach lu Uih A. R. P. church next Ssbbstb si 11 o'clock a. m. —There ora several corrvepoudeul s left oat this week for want of space, they will appear next wrvk. —There will be on terslcee In tbe A. R. P. church al Bessemer next Sabbath. The ptetor will aiieotl tbe meeting of Synod. —There will bo uo services al Crow ders Creek church next Babbatl) aa the pastor Is sttauding the meet lug of Bywud. —Mr. John K. Wilson of Malden has bought the boute end lot of Dr. Sloao oo Fraakllo avenue sud will move bets la tbs near fulurs. —“A Trip to Tramptown" drew a large sud lance sod tbe performance waa thoroughly enjoyed by all. Ttie acting of Nat Hera* the tramp was epleoatd. —Fred H. B .roe#, better known at “Jim Pooy’’ In newspaper circles was in the city last Sunday looking after tbe health of all tbs girls.—KiDg's Mounting Democrat —The marriage of Mr. P. L. Harp and Mlt* Kate J to kina on last Monday eight was quite a turpi tee to many of tbeir frleads in Gasuoola. Mr. Harp leaves In a few days for Kentucky where he and his brother will engage in tbe photograph business. Miss Jen kins is a daughter of Mr. Jacob Jen kina and Is a lovely youog lady. Mr. Karp has beau here some lime and has made many friends Rev. \Y. F. Wat aoa performed the ceremony. —Mr. Stewart the new manager of tbs Falls House took charge after breakfast Monday morning, Mr. Charles Keen will be tbe day clerk. Mr. Keen came here from Colon H. (J. where be was clerk at tbe usw Union hotel. Before this be we* with Mr, Btewart In Asheville. The night clerk I* Mr. Walter Simmons of Deootr a sew office desk baa already been pot in which greatly Improves the looks or the oUoe. Other Improvements will follow. Mr. Floyd Oreaham will solas steward. ILL HULn« liotmal. The Town Min at ikf .Inlwry Uln Tfeelr rtnl KwpOml Quite ■ namber from her* attended the rsoeptlon nl All Heeling last Mon (lay right and asrli iim declaim that It waa a signal suocees Tbs following Is a fall aocouol o( tUa reception, al- 1 though It la a bit “gushing" In styls: Tbeeolertslnmeot at Jooes Seminary Monday night waa a grand anoeees to tbs delight of all present. It was one of tboM brilliant social even Is which Is a credit not only to tbainstltotlOD, but to thorn who so skillfully managed tbs affair. There were large crowds of young awn from Qaatoola, Bessemer, King's Mountain, xud tlia cotninanity round about. At 8 o’clock the soiree began, and It waa real delightful to ba ushered to the various Noam which bad bean decorated so nioely for the cess sloe and there mast the pretty and oh arming young led las who ware then In readiness to reoelvs them. Happy conversations together with the sweat sounds of the piano rendered by some lamias’ deft touch were all that ooold be beard. This order of the social pre vailed for soma time whan all lbs yoang ladles sod geoUemen ware ushered to the reading room where they were seated and It was aonounoed by Mitt Widemao that tvary one would ba compelled to talk to bis part ner for two minutes on certain topics ss tbsy were anoounosd. It was fanny to bear sooh lively eoovereatlsns on eobjeeta which at any other I late would have proved a difficult task to any young ooapie. After this several lovely songs wars sung by a class of pretty yoang ladles, all sf which wsra cate a la ted to make any one enjoy him self to falleet ax tool. Svsry one prep ent had a vary gay time sod the time passed only too quickly when tbs bell rang out 11 o'clock. It was with yaloo taocs that the young men took Uistr Isay*. Bat svsry one went a wav hep py that they Nad spent sack a pleasant evening, s good part of which waa attri buted to the Messrs Kirtpelriek and to the klndsasasad ooortssy of Misses Wideoeao end Crawford, Israssmui ftner ato* nm Hot loo 1« hereby *'**» u>*» applleo Uoo will bo ta*4* to Uv* 1-of loUuiro of North Carolina at tfeair Boat amlia ESSSBfaXXJSrS Manor* wttlili* Ibroo alto* of Colo* Proabytarlan oboreb of Gaatao Ooaoty. _ liman* or oaid Cwracn. I iTHE VOTE OF GASTON COUNTY. Returns up to the Time We Qo to Press. J’KEUINOTS.! | I J J _.! s11 1 £ Btkei'a. . B-ltnont. 189 0 145 167 001 Bmriner City 07 38 Caniler's. 85 tU Carpenter'*... CberrjTllle- 189 6 40 Dillaa No. 1..- 79 10 93 124 UO Dalle* No. 8 68 88, 79 97 00 Dill log’*. 36 16 60 63 00, Oaatoala No. 1 849 Ml 311 100 00 G**4onln No. •>, 169 U 163 60 00. Glenn’*.! 69 4 61 S3 00 Lowell. 186 71: 830 C4 0(K Mount Molly 71 84 87 100 OU Stanley. 01 30 181 113 Offl South Point. 96 81 4K 17 00 Union. 60 S61 OU 40 00; TotuL.,.| 1486 446,1 1637 1088 00 The boxes ut Baker's, Bessemer, .Carpenters and Kiser's could not be Rotten in full. Blackburn’.* majority at Cansler'a was 13, but tbla was not the full vote. rrmoiiAl. Kurtl««. — Him /or Craig la vtattlog la Char lotte. — Mra. Jane Oulliok returned front Cbavlutta I'ueaday. —Mr. Carl BrumRa'd of Charlotte waa iu town Monday. — Mr. Thoa. Craig arrived Moud iy morning from the west. — Miases Lillie and IMle Jobna m apeut daUrntb lu llalmnnt. — Mies Mabel Craig returuad Toea d.«y after a vialt lu Cliarlot'e — Mr. T. N. Kundrlok apeut Monday night In Yorkfllle ou bualnese — Mlea Malt In S tauten of Bethel vial led Mica Pearl Gallant this week. — Mr. Ben Wllleforil uf lieaaamer apent auveral days In town thie week. —Mr. K. B. Uniiter of Hanteraville apeut babbitt, with Mra. L. L. Adame — Miaaei Cora and Maggie Want of Charlotte'era visiting Mrs. J. A. Hun ter. I — Mia* Rosebud Adams apeut Sab bath la town, returning to Btanly Monday. —Mr. Qua Page leaves Friday for Liocoloton where be lias accepted a position — Bev. W. M. Hooter, of Monitor, W. Va spent Tuesday nlgbl with Mra. Ia L. Adams. —Mr. Georgs Hanna arrived Monday night from Brakine to at lead the fuuerel of her brother. — Mrs. J. £. MoJjtughea, sad chil dren, who be vs been visiting relatives lu town returned borne last .Saturday. Stanley Briefs. After ooe week of abeeooe the tour let* to lb* lend of flowurahaveretoraed and report a deligbtfll trip. Tbe two Carolina*, Virginia, and Georgia ware well represented with botbladieeand caollemeo atrd agent*. Tbe greater number of tbe party rpsot one day In the ancient city ot 8t Auguatlne viewing tbe work ot both of the old sod new city. History tolls oa that Ponce da toon, a Spaniard landed at this spot on Palm Sunday IMS and named the eon birr Florida, lie sailed from Porto Rloo In search of a spring known as the fountain of youth and to-day thousands ot people rlalt this land In eearch ot health. Tbe old Span ish fort now known a* fort Marlon is the great object of attraction. After nearly two hundred years In ooofunc tion It was finished in 17W according to th* Inscription, on the wait. It la an Interesting ratio of tbe aarly Span ish enterprise. Bat the enterprising Flagler of to-day has made a new city beside tbe old, and th* Hotel Ponee de Leun, la uuique in Its grandaar. Tbs moat absorbing question with the Floridian* at present I* the removal of tbs State Capitol. Th* conteilanta for the prise embraoe the following elite*: Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Ocala, Uaiosvllle and Tallafaaatao struggling to retain It. But that is their own affair, Tbe Gaston contingent* oame track eattsted that there la no State like Carolina and no eonnty like Gaston sad are better pleaeed than ever with bo CM. Oar new school bouse la oomplated and Prof. Steward e*poets to move In Monday. Yesterday was eelebrated with a rally end the following apnaknr* ware present: Bev. Mr. Turreotlne ot Charlotte, Rev, Mr. Deaton of Dal las, Bev. W. D. Wlleon sad J. H. West of Stanley aaaleted Mr. Mllei Hoffman ot Dallas who delivered one of his ebaraetarlatlo addresses. Ah a tr. using rnlartaloment was gtvsa during the eveolug Work baa baas rranmed on tb* Lutheran cbnreh. Simmons ara ripening. *vaik Vf Ho Skew. Mrs. Catherine J. Shaw, widow of the lata Dr. Shaw ot Carthage, died at tbe home of Bev. M. MoG. Shlelde Wednesday. Her body waa taken to Carthage Thursday for burial. Mrs. Shaw waa over 70 years of age a ad haw been in faaht* health for aom* time past- Uar hatband waa a very ptoml. went phyatelan of Mott* county, where he practiced for mom than forty years. Ha was In tbaLrftalatare enteral terms and aajeyed th* oonSdeoeo and vet ram at all toe people. Mrs Was the mother of Mrs. M, MeG. Shield*, of the wife of Rev. W. T. Walaoa and of the wife of rg-9horlff W Inker, of Moore oonnty. Judge Sham, of Qreeaaboto. ta a uepbew of Dr. and Mr*. Bhaw, CONCERT. Under the luapice* of Oakland a high-toned concert will be given Thursday night. MR. WATSON. Baritone. MISS ASBURY, Pinto. MISS BASON, Violin, i Supported by home talent. Thaaksglvliw VrtMwtllm. By tliH President of I4e United Suie* of America—A Proclamation: It has pleased Almighty Uotl to bring out nation In safety nod honor tUroagh another year. The works of religion and charily liar* everywhere been manifested. Our country, through all Its extent, has lawn btewad with abundant harvest*. Labor and the great luduKrica of tbe people have proa pried Iwyond all precedent. Our commerce baa spread over the world. Oor power and mtloeooo In the cause of freedom end enltfhiaoment have extended over dial as t seas and lands. The lives of our ogle la I rvpreseu tat Ives and many of oar poople lo China have i bee® marvellously preserved. We have i been generally exempt from peetilaoee and other greet calamities, and even th* tragic vwtlatlion which over whelmed the city of Galveston made evident the sentiment of sympathy and Chrlatlau charity by virtue of which ww are one united people. Now, therefore, 1. William McKin ley. Pres Ideal of the United State*, do hereby appoint and act apart Thursday, . lie WKli of November next, to be ob served by all ibe people of the United Blaise, at home or abroard, as a day of tbankgslvlag and pistes to Him wbo holds lb* i.atloos lo toe hollow of Hie hand. I reoommeod that they gather lo their several place* of worship and devoutly give Him thanks.for tbe prosperity wherewith He bee endowed os for seedtime sod harvest, for the valor, devotion and humanity of our armies and navtawaod for all Bis bees flit lo us as individual* and a* a nation., and that they humbly pray for the contluuanoe of His divine favor for righteousness and peace in all our ways la witness whereof I have hereunto art my hand and caused the teil of tbe United States to be afixed. Done at uw City of Washington till* »Ui day of October, in the year of oor Lord one Ihouaaad and nlue handred and of the Independence of the United States Uiu on* hundred and twenty fifth. William MvKixjuxy By the Pivaldeot—Johu Hay, Secre tary of State. a »*■ acciwiurr. •(raod Wy » rtaak >iW Imt IlmilU. Last Saturday Mr. Malcolm Hauoa who la employed at the coffin factory waa feeding plank Into a buzx taw when the eaw atrock a knot and the plauW broke. Tills threw the plank on the saw sod it threw u ot itrlklng Mr. Hanna In the itomaob. Homing •srloua was thought would result. But at dloner time Mi. Hanna ooutd not walk home. A conference wee called aud be waa takeu home and a dostor eommoord. There was no external bruiaes at all. Mr. Heane lingered until Monday at two o’clock. A poet mortem was hold and It was found his bowell^iad been bruised and InUamalton act In which canard bis death: He waa a eon of Mr. Dick too Hanna, Ho leases a wire and one child. The ru neral took place at too o'olook Tuesday at tbs A. B. 1*. cborcb aad the Inter ■sent made In kho oily cemetery. Four year* haw paaaad lines 1808. New questions an osfors the people, notably taper laliMi and trusts. Tbs vote four yean ago furnishes do cri terion br wl.lcb to forncut whet the vote will be Ifale year. J*wgae— ■agwlar. OMrm»oPos». "Ha elaima to ba wry systematic— •aw he’a aa regular a* a eloek. ” "H« la” "Yon know him than f” •’Yaa I know him. and I aleo know eometblng about docks. He*s aa regu lar aa one of tboee 00 oent alarm eloeka”_ HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN. Kor real fine photograph* of yourself and family call at the VALE STUDIO, Opposite Post Office, We can plcaae you. The beat work only—executed in artistic style. Prices will suit you. CHAS. B. VALE, OASTONIA, • - N. C. Successor to Rarp Bros. JBRIL Not for your Thanksgiving dinner but for your Fall purchases. Don’t these make your mouth water? MONDAY h^bst®* HKHUMCUF I TUESDAY THURSDAY Hgun-toiMi SHO£U)& PICNIC FRIDAY w Women Made at Jj. OUR new f 'A SATURDAY HAMpN-EW ohoeQis. OWnMAIC *23 Shoe The Hamilton Drown Shoe needs no enconlum. It tells its own story in language which never fails to gain friends. Once a trial— always a wearer of the Hamilton Brown. See I Don't let this Jar you. For ten daya we will aell Men a Vtd Kid $\.oo Shoe far Cotne a running. All Tan Shoea reduced. QRAY and LOVE. - -— ■1 BRYAN-ncKINLEY —' • _ We are not prepared to say who will be the next President of the United States, but we are prepared to save you money on every article you have to buy In Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Gent’s FurnishiimP etc., etc. YOU ARE ELECTED If you buy your goods from THE awm HIVE. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! Good line of Men’s, Boys* and Children’s Clothing at under prices. Men’s Work Pauts from 25c up to the 55.00 kind at 5a 08 te^Men's Winter Coate 98 c. GoodWort8oSk?uHoepaff. lleayy Farmers’ Suspenders lOc pair. ^ Mou’s Brogan Shoes T5c: whole stock Brogans at 5i.00u fc2diS> £»'b&»£S!“ t bee‘ or spri"* fceel «75« ! gZ! wo°1 oueH-t 75c Bleached Towels 5c. Lduueu Towels, large si&e only, 10c. Fine Dress Goods to arrive this week. 9 WHERE IS THE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWNP You may hear the answer waited by the November buyers THE BEE HIVE IS THE CHEAPEST I3ST TOWN'. Opporitc PortofWcc qwt to IHaibU Yard. BAILEES £ GROVES. W». ff) Wella ar Mlag mrrmmd. I am raallaUy laformd tbit a party giving hla uaflae aa Dr. <f) Bulla or Moling la traveling through the eouo try oltiming to ba associated with at In praetlca. 1 destie la any that I bava not and wnr btrva bad a partner, and all peraona claiming a neb relation ship ire fraud*. W. n. Wakkmbld, M. D.. Oharioltn. K. O. V* CWM A WLB M 0*1 WAY. ratio Uxaftva Uroao Qalnlao Tataaoa. All IniwiMt rofuoi ta> tanaas t* It yalla to oar* Wr. Ttm oooiiiiK tu I. M. Q. on oack utkl Leon Steam Laundry. Bgulpped with the newt end beet machinery. We em ploy * killed white people only, end dont take negro laundry. Sandneyoor bundle through Moore ft Alexander at the BUte Grocery. They are our agent* at Gaetoaia and win be glad to aerre yon. ■end not Inter than Wed nee day at noon. LEOH STEAM LAOMPRT CO„ III. TrdeSt CHARLOTTE, I. C. Moore te Alexander, Agt*. How is your Watch Running? A little slow? A little fast? Is it out of repair? If so, bring it to me and have it fixed right. Difficult work a specialty. WETZEl-L,__ The New Jeweler. At T. A. Henry’s store. SOUTH ATLANTIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RICHK13, VIRGINIA CAPITAL V SURPLUS >280,000 pbutmckt _ oooo mvtc jsassffsjfgr-” I i'4 r. i & Mg-fcw fa 1900 to onr tore and we will taka ita taiare and have K a handsome pair of VTCI UP Show made fraa of charge.. 5 W« also hare oo aale Robert If. Foerderer Vld Dreaein*. Viet ComMcattoe and Vid Poliab. The only fenaine Dreaaing Bade for V1C1 gm Leather. Price: ioc and *50 Package -^-.ROBINSON BROS. VJUhZOTJB FAMILY FOOT FrXTEOElS. THERE’S A FEAST ...IN STOREsa » for the family whose housekeeper stakes her purchases for the Thanks k riving dinner at Reid & Alexander's. I Please bear in mind Hut then you can obtain everything that gives nest to the meal-helps out the good old turkey. Citron, spices, s—toning of ; all kinds, to nay nothing of other en ables which go to make up a prime Thanksgiving dinner. Get your or ders in early. Elite Grocery. FEW AS GOOD, NONE BETTER. The IRON KING Stoves have been sold right beta hi Gastonia for •eveateen yaars and they have never felled to please.. Good bakers, forge ovos; in feet a good beery .love, and will W afaeoat a IRbtine. Pits becks guaranteed M yean. Other Stoves including sp pieces from S9.00 «p. —-LONQ STOVE A TINWARE CO. McDill & Miller, -HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Goods, Groceries, % Hats, Olothirur. Orookerr-wara

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