UW.laatffliaaaeitofcly beautiful tad »■*» yoathfal Ueodo aaay ' who bate apt at the* thirty ittaapatia which baad to OoaalBa Uoea aad aaaada bar ftoatregard to patoo oplo» b°s3i?sawS: tos weald thiak nothing a bBHm to any ooe the •aw than aay aata d toe la raally a goeaa .-.UbaoM. Hereoel bar ISO.000 a wooth or aato to l«ate tow 1erwaTria.’_3teU^ to aalowa graodaer to a wag aidoeat toawoa raik Amat, to Haw Tort, noftoHaooaia wocalloooUy fer aMadaBda Wgooaaarvatory la owe of toa ndaa. Aa ttaj of earvaota fiwdda ooti tto aoUbllabaaoat, aad a Fraaoh otof looka oat tor tootteoaa datotiaa tor Mto Qeeld. Tto woaey •topaoaeaaea waa wade la ttoraUcaad dOoa Gould to a atadoot, aad a teal !*”■»!» *!. otraago aa tola —9 —to dto la food of atanrer par tote, awdttonweyttoaa aba aad tor Itojpd brother Freak, give are fea toWOPfOottowaecWty. toa la a 22* ■?boUr< rttord la law aad a ahtlltol toad at eotfaroidanr. Chart** wKh ter SSS7tohby. fod a large part of bar great moose la drafted to MsttaMe wort aad to tto **y>**to of tto woaaof tto aatorto A atom VOXAK A1AOAll. ttm iwilnaa living (tend art aa cs'srisjrr^jh. artMMdLondon aooordlog to t ba a£ »g»?W5rsjK,S st^vayjuraa MmmMa Kvarydaf la a gala ooa IdaaoaaWy ywtk knowing K°b«fn ■**■•■*• *‘*l“ ««•* *•**•» of l&SiKSSSSS.'gK"** 5a=^tTyr-~ t&saaxjsxrzrj: wWfar kacaaceawU handling acr raat «^£ar«sws !■? •*?*,— taigrty tabarlkad. at m akwrd witknili fsKsteagt...*.*, ^\sshM8ryr.a * »**Jaafc jj555aiS ggR sS§iaSp2KJ£'£ ff*** *jy~ *»»■■* Mini to < add . »mjt 1*On majority uf tba Aaaarleao pab bBJWbWtajUkl taut (bar eoeM pro al doBan ef Pa I tad Stataa'ieoaeTroea fawaaau Oar would reply that mat ■are either itapoaeibla or a aoheaM at mm eae to aril a gold brick. Tab tbarvoald Sa wroa« to both at irulb Md iM bHl ptoot to pfoTv UU hta .the oatmealaSuei uwZ*£f taaXXU. when tba money la made. . *fkaa oM aad tora pa par moan baa Jawraturaad totaaTreaaory at waah ioataa tba Valtad Stain OoaaniaMot Uan^eagy extnwdlnary precaution la . Tba Parted Staiaa emytoye a my large foraa cd paoph wbo do nothing •ha but deatm tala old and mutilate! ffy ■*> *»*>•» >a»a withdrawn naat otnuiatioo. Whemv r a batch of each MMa aa tbaaa an tuned into any Sabteaaaory tbay >... ladaamcd by fc*bU« nawouaa hiu •> n .tbair atewl. Hwae bttla ar» u,«u aaat to tha Tiaaaary a» Waabiojtou IX C. -ad an taan aartod aad aaat to wbat it kaqwu ta taa “redemption dteWea.” data teey an thoroughly examined by ex P*ta far tba porpnaa of dataetlng souq After tala la dona, which lakaa a 27 ‘2LtU^ — **~Q a record or each 5“fa l» kept Than taeaa go Uf the faatotattoo department," mud ban, after taey are again raeordad. Urey are Pat »to large ptnolog maohloea aod htft befae an dbirra tbroogb each boodle. They are next p weal t» * aaanlaa tor cutting and bora each buwdla la oat ioto two equal puna. nton, dm r»c to tte oflioeof tte Secretary aad tte other |Mt to tte ain of tha Bn wrar. Io each of tteaa pUeee of half notae ore apaio oemted and « record ttera^f node. After lhi* baa beau nemplalad ttey are aeat to tte “ohop department” where they areput lalo macbhtr* which oat them lato vary ataata frapmeote. XJf tteaa tHfanla the operator* are aaaaadiap oarafal aot to laaa oaa. Tbia mow at *Uk-webbed paper w tries oaaa reptcMuUd tteaoaad* of dollar* of ■atey la bow ready tor tte "boHtaf department.” Za thla place laaaw raU of water aod *lk*U an kept cooataatly beUlaa* tad lata tteaa rata the aw of trap ■“)*!• thrown and tboroapbiy boiled “til they baooiM aa uarceopoltibla They waaafaatara Uda palp iato wnU modal* of tte Capital; tte White Roaaa. bnato of Waablaptoa. Ltoooto. Grant and iota many other thtopa aod tteaa are odd to tha department etorae which cell them' oe aowrcolre for a a *mall nun. W+m'B Bare* la CMsan. It MIDI, say* Ibe Loudon Outlook, that Poe's “Ravoa.” like gunpowder rad spectacles, was loeltod In China "Iboussads of y*a» ago.” At any retc, * Chinese poem, written circs 100 B. IX hears a more or loos striking resemblance to tim “new am" offu ■tot^Her* la a tnooiation oI tin 000 day, wbea tbs sun wsi dscllt lny, * 2J51*0 .*■* ln*o my room. and. powhlof la U>* coaer «bcr* 1 was went to sit, appeared tuba quite at Kiont. This strange, tmeanoy thing coming With ”c- 1 •‘mdcnsS what might bath* reason. _ • hook to sack a solution of **•■*«*«»* the oracU responded: «rapura mast 1 matured tlma to Interrogate tho bred itmif: ‘‘If I am to go forth, pray l«il m* wblUiar. If to holier fortune, an aoanee it to mo; if to deeper calamity, mate know (ha worst and shorten my Ac hied raised Us head and flipped Its wings; It* asoatb could not anico UU a word, bat It haavod a sigh. a«d 1 IU meaning: 41 ** •remad to auy. '•are revolving In a whirlpool of change. Tb*y go aad retarn, bat tbolr trano formatloos on words can express. Oood often springs from 111. and oril larba in Urn midst of good. Joy and •rerow mare at tb* Mare gato: wo# and wml togotbor dwoiL" . J*o jw»**re wa* on* ICla Yl, and th* translator is Doctor Martin, a well know Amsrioan resident as Pekin. ■MMAMaifih. Ttoogb taw kM* it Maw York haa U. *• Bt Waabtagtoo Brtdoa. Tbaaawadaarobaat baardun fy.1.1*—aroh of Urn bridga •Wrt toaaaiiyraaakadfcomtkabrtdga ha tba Mairwav on tba aoolbrrd tida ar »»“• abort toad oaiiad Aqoedoat aya frot mTJiSf **r*JW *'«> U»a bridga Tba aabw aftaat af a ilagka aaaiadlooa aotalaaboMtba aaaao aa whaa on «rtkaaag«a»okag, bollfoo* aunda aavanal Dart away from ooa of um walla aadfaahHj iha rtnatawk, guata^j bawtH gala a aomalatira rffrat iVfar PWHf. j«— tfcaa iha ortgtaal. A uoataaltaatrawaat, pnCaraMy a flou. •Ml fBaatrala Um pomlbilUlaa of Maw * mi mo man mo boiler. IMdaa iha aabo aOaeta WuWnrtAn bwr of art aai attar* mmnnuMuit Mir. Twaaif right «f TW« U Mwttayr hr T« Ov» ' *»w T«fc Mapa'sh, au. .T** Brtttah atagaahlp lodravtlll ar il*** Ml) from Singapore. afUr a ***** HMcnom erlth IS uikm, wbo moUatad on board, harraamd tba mew aad pcactlealhr roiaed tba chip. “ir*Lw" lr° “ Singapore an tba moakaya got looae tod ran ap the rigging and all over tke rtlWl. The whole crew of 71 atan, nerpt tboaa orodcd ta men tba rtitp. turned •o end chaaad moakaya for a weak. It wee lea dayi before they bad Ike loot *•* fbay wore la tba cabin*, la tbe atate-roema. everywhere Ore of them aeaeoded tba funuei and committed taloide by iumeiag into tba me. Two other* ,|2 JSwSUST Tbm and Jvry and VTaU-Xyed r*t 2*** gorging tbamaeive*. **"»>•* *•*•» a lot of aweet potatoa* Md warn helping themaaivae to plum do* wbeo they were oornered. ..**■■*•*** P’,taa monkey. eeogbt tbraa blmteif. Frank paraded ap and dowa oa guard bafora tba oage ever •1*0*—be and Fldn, D* Japueeee poodle. . u * ***** monkey It* ».» hum the 04plain *a big aa life every caorolng, aad bo is now bring taught to eat with a fork. Um«ta limr. The Dehlooef * Nugget U ■Itin readable. The ridiculous phase o• nearly everything that happen• Onde Ita way Into lie oolomot. For InsUnce to retertng to the gooee ordtoauoe recent ly paeeed by the town ooundl of that Pjeea, which it appears, only applies to that portion of the town known as tbs “flte 11 wit.” K says: “Who ever beard of such a law r TV tut damage eonld the geeee do tbaae bloektsnd squares ? None of tke memben of the council surely Ullok Wist there U any danger of the geese fanning a spark with their tails and o* lotting eume of there btoeka a Ste ? ’ I" apcaklog of the arreH of a drank negro there on election day. The Nug get says ; •Tom'got so full of the ovurjoylol that ho cursed sod pltohed end get the tail of ble shirt on the err log aids of Ms shirt. Then again : ■The love made by so old grey headed men to a women the other night in Dahtourga canted s little kit ten that was present U> get sick snd die.’,. . And again : •'Not loog ago a man esiled si a lady's bouts and asked her to play a tana oe a bookcase, thinking that it was an organ. He waa so green the co«s got after blw. and he is gaae ” PMhjr l>*lyim'i Horn. Halt la il»o sermon easy smart but ll will heal. Success is not ia what you Utys but wbat you are. It la little use lending a liaoil unless you (Ira a heart. Ho outs Is correal with God without love's stamp oa It. It takas more than high prim to make a thing highly psaoious If you lose the habit r.f giving you biea the happlnas of living. Wa may heed many uf lire’s hard ships to cultivate hon.eaickneaa. It Is easier far to sow sin-seeds than to uproot them. The violent partisan known only tbs big "I” plank. The only limit to God’a gifts I* the bag in-which we fetch them. People who clear away uew paths will be braised by the thorn. God may braak hard hearts but he will nsvvr break into wicked once. The grasping itand cannot grasp God’s baud. chamber *" * pri,*t“ k*T 10 tb* Klo*'» A pictura-perfectlon la religion pro hibits progress. The warm-hearted church nevrr baa a ooM head. Thar* Is no danger of conforming to the world without when you have Christ within. The perpetual protest of ChrlslUnlty Is the ooijrtbtng that saves this world from rain. God ia as much e tori had when lie Mneps to a man as wtisu men bend be fore liim la worship. ■»•»«< town W • aHtnlw. I*«W lor* rrm Tb« Boat uocoacnrm thing la tha world ta corn moo isnas. Marriag* was InrsnUd lo show that Ikanr w*ro two aMas to ewy qoaul-m. A mao iwmtr asks a woman to for (Ito him uulosi la hti hatrt, lit thinks b« hiao’t door anything If 1 bai iaadi a aiao [ would h ito glvao bla two itossa; on* to w*ar no hi* foe* and tbo otlwr lo bar* cold a la. Until« own has baao aiarrlod two or tbaro year*, wbw b* talks polities Wa wife always looks at bio* llkr aba woodorad wby people didn't mob lbe bnaw and loh* bla away to b* Prtsi d»n’,. iui'i liar*. Tito 4-y«r old do it |la Ur of o popular Wow Howpoi.tm oloraruob wu t'lln* °»* owl WM pot U bod oorly. ‘‘WoMbao, I wool to M mgr jnipx.” W<* QBIir ropllod: "H» door} roar papa «uot act k> diotorbod. >• PnUy oooo. oka Mid ipli: “1 wont *«*mo my pop*." Tbo owtkor ropllod M boforo: "Wo; yoar papa Moot oat bo dtoUrtad." ft»*»jo»lo*g boforo oka aUrrod Iklo ottookor : Mooot. I o olok •dOMw. and I woM to mo *r at In to Uf !" AUMt* '^mmumrnm Itotop roooWod t* fW» • oohodolo of btoM^ooJproaorty.• ooloiod oiuaoo taUurerol dtoCrtot foratohod tha tat Oaa wt'o o* t koto or ooueo, V-?rt«rMuLi!! Uo* - OoolfMMkoooo'wtd * driacto roof topoo* * ML roMoado to I ~_rr ~ iti n ■ .1 1 i. i~*»udr. _A5^?U*Ud wtlu* Awlared that whll* thara la a alaog that la vulgar. Mm la also slung which Is “of aaefeat M4 honorable origin." Tha (attar kind • fammted by wordi or stmtancea that formerly referred to some legend of elrnsle loteren, which leguud l»a era MU paaaad Into oMIvloo Tor all hot Moaa persons who Ilka to he Inquiring antiquarians. Aa cample of thla la the slang eg. prcoalun, "I moat cut my stick,” maenlag “X touat depart." from time MMMlal, the Irishman, before leer. fOralga eoantrj. kaa cat a aUlllalah to bear him company, while It «r»a tha oaalom of pilgrims to the Holy I mod to out each a palm Mick as proof that they bad acooaapllahcd ihaic piupMe. He we aaa that tha aaylsg “Ha has cut hla stick.'1 Is wot u tbI gar aa It aounda. Again, the exclamation, "Oh! out It abort," alludes to lbs mythological legsod of Allropoe, ooe of the Yiirro nataa. who cut Me thread of lira apuo by bar stator, Clotbo. Tb€C« WHS OQOO opoa H tltlM* Mta Kgyptlao Xing, ao it la Mid. who built a pyramid and died uf melancholy. Ilia name was Duutopa; y»t there are prob ably fear paraona who know that they are perpetuating the memory of bla tragic Malory when tore remark that they are “in the dunne.*' How many of us who use or near tba familiar expression, -n wn Uobsoo’a eltoloa," are aoqualatrd with the real sort of selection that Tubtu Uobaou oflered hU aueeu? This U (be genuine veiuloa of the tale: The said Tobias Hobson was u Cambridge inn keeper with fort* horaru la bis etabhw, auuta better, of oouree. that) others Wluu a traveler came to request amount, lie was obliged to taka tba sUed that stood nearest the door, ill bough there were so many others advertised as fur btra. H “>« traveler Ai'jscted to that mouut, aU he could do waa u> wait until some other Ira viler Usd oume for oca and ao removed this aud loft lu next door neighbor oe treat the liable door. “By hook and by crook” Is ao allu sion to an ancient manorial cuitou Wblob permitted ibe neighboring poor to take all the wood that they coold reach aud pull down from the forest tr*». «•><* only their shepherd.' crooks. Surely the expression lVylng through tba nose" sounds anreUoed Tot it U said to bavs corns into belog on «e ooaut of a cattle tax imposed by Odin the Norse hero. This poll lax waa sailed a nose-tax by Swedish folk, ao 1 ot Ibis peony per bead Is all that la suggested by urn familiar phrase that is colloquially DKd to^ay. Even the wall-knowe saying, an sim ple to understand. 'That Is nata to him.” proceeds, ao authorities say. not so coach from the pleasure we may al ba supposed to take lo U>a flavor of note ae the faot that the Romani al way* partook of them at do.sort, sod considered them It toys for children. To call a person an “oof" merely re presses the opinion that he laa-eheoM llog," a foolish child, or ••elf” (irom the ancient ‘-oupb,”) left by the fairies lo place of the wise babe be should have been a very common pbtate u*ed Ljr u*> lower elum la "P.y the piper.” Only the other day a traveler by train wu protcstMf loudlf to hit cumptnloti *•! aooo got cat <>f It when 1 saw that 1 rfsoold have to pay the piper I” Was he thinking, I wonder, of the ramnua Pled Pifer of Hamel in. who. after freeing the town of rati and mice, was refused payment by thecitlleniT “To take her down a peg” is uotlilng hot a sailor's direction u to the lower ing of tha ship's oolore "Pal that into your pipe and amoke It” la an allu lion to the pipes of peace or war that are aolamaly smoked by some American Indian tribes; while to “get the sack” it a fate that aumalissee overtook in mates of a certain Saltan's harem, who ware pat Into a sack and thrown into the Bosphorus whan be desired to be rid of them. MmUmn Wo*4. Oakitvoro t*un. Consul Hsnoer, of Frenkf-.it, re ports lbs Invention by Dr. de Qall at ‘^our, Franoa. of "molten wood,” a substance having tbe character of coal and possessing several valuable qualities apart froth Its use as a foal, wood It placed iu a eluted vassal, and by means of dry distillation and high pressure tbe escape of developing gates is prevented, thereby reduoing tbs wood in a molun condition. This ®*w bojy la hard, but oan ba shaped aod polished at will, Is Impervious to water aod sclde, and Is a perfect rlro' rlcal ooncond actor. Dtnkm lUnU. listing has been under official ban at Annapolis, St at West Point, for years and years. Every cadet knows It. IXwa it stop? Xo. Why not? Brattice the punishments threatened are i.-> carried Into effect when occasion srltvr. Why uotT Because of political pull, pumlng san be stopped la both these Isstltattoos wbsaevsr It Is set lonely determined to stop It-tbat Is to ssy, whenever tbs penalties proclaimed are enforced without Darcy and with.mi partiality. There Is no doubt that commandants, at a rule, wonld lika *• *t*P It, but they gut their lesson wbuu their judgments are over r tint at headquarters la Washington. Barn** In JaU. Graham, Go, Nuvacaber 1 —At HsUeourat, all mlbw abova bars, last alght tha town Jail warn eon so sard b» I* tba Jail at Urn lima waa a mro, who waa bar nod to da>tb. Tha nagro waa ofaargad with robbery and It bsappoMd that ho blamatr aat i*aJail ■fire, hoping to bora his way out. Bla shrinks Wats I ward by aama at tbo alUMM who waat to tbo aoawa. bat or Hrad too Ista to bo of any aaatsUaca. Tha oogro's aama la aahnawn. TtsayysUlattsaMU laaoalad bw»U poor dyapaptles whoaa •tornaab aad 1dm ara oat of nrdor. ▲tt MMb OboaM know Ual Dr. King’s *•* U*» Wlo. Ibo woodortul atomoob Wd Um tumsdy, glroo a apteodld mod dlu*ot>M and a rrgalar bodily boblt that laauraa parftwt haallb »gXterfLSS*"J" uSu^txiJStsa aabad fliatdl at Dakaoa. «BWW&irt3S' * a^Swr*-1^ tm Wage*. The other day a young wmouo who had beeu promoted in a pat of leapoo •■Witty prevtourly ailed by « mao. aod who waa doing aaUafaclorlly llwi taste w uk a* tier oredooeaur at aboat half Um P«y. oallrd tbe attention of the ma imter or the ooocarn lo lhta d'anrp. a (toy. •"Oh. hut," he Mid. ”a gill never doe* get u rnorh at a man. you tn.iw .« ••Bo', why noiF" Hi* *.'011! prrutaleil. •‘it la the ao'im work that you paid Ur. —— w cauolj for. And you .uliou *uur ■elf that It la ua wall done." “IVa bo*, on# hat to treat a woman diffarenlly, One can’t awrar at a woman, you know.” Ton well bred to traQagreaa the ruira of ooarteay toward n lady tu hit employ. Im Indeaiuitlra hlowrlt by •tt h.g her aalary. ••alula fur Nil llama I fa. To olraii afrit lit'. ua< «|dii*a nf exmnite, which ahould be nppllrd with a hard broah. Ltallwr ©hair arwta may 11 revived by Tubbing Uttm with (li« w.ll-bea'in while of egg. If oilcloth, wfp r uclo: w»a.Vd, le tubbed over with lioaewd oil. It will l-ink equal to now. Fuller’e ewrtli wit! it-tn.ve grtntw aud aoot matte from clnthca. Brntlna will often remove njvjte , but oarr rauet bo lakro to rob lowarde the oeulre of da *P"t and out outwrrdi. or tho elru'i 'hateriil will be t polled. TO THE DEAF. A rieii lady, cured of her De.tfi.eki *i.d Nolew in lie UMd hy Dr Nicliol e.»a'» Artlliciel Ktr Druior. fare 810,000 to Inn loatllutr, an that deaf people unable to procnrp the Ear lVumi may have them free Ad dree* No. 9369 The Nleb.da.to InatHulr. 780, Eighth A Tenor. Nair Yutfc, U. 8. A. 1st 9 90 It s Easy To Take Thin, pak, anemic girls need a fatty food to enrich their blood, give color to their chedu and restore their health and strength. It is safe to say that they nearly ! all reject fat with their food. | ' U exactly what they require; it not only gives them the im portant element (cod-liver oil) in a palatable and easily di gested form, but also the hypo phosphites which are so valua ble in nervous disorders that usually accompany anaemia. SCOTTS EMULSION is a fatty food that Is more easily digested than any other form of fat A certain amount of flesh b necessary for health. You can get it In this way. We have known per sons to rain a pound n day while taking It. Joe. tad $i am, sUdrn^cim. SCOTT 4r BOWVE, Chruwau, Nr* Yor>. Mortgage Sale To those living i.' malarial districts Tutt’s Pills arc indispcnsible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills *ujr. 3t. I jr. 80ff:ir*'"V RAILWAY. < ■! of Piwoiiir TfiUa i; ci ii»j etc. iwo _ Vro. X& IS. MM» VwiUlw.ii t Nil U. J?<\ .-W. fix. No. 30. .July. Dolly Sun. Dally. Ly.Aitauito.cy I Ola 11 oOm a Up II Hi “ Allaola.i;’! ill 1 «0 „ Huv llSa • far ,s»: .: ?ss (S: :: ssr™* (!*»: is? I Si; iS: M 0*rd#Ua... II «• ... i»i.. - Mt. Airj. II Us Slip ... Lv T1ry^*~ iLsir g o»>p u>» Ai^ SiUtiua. 7~ T4*i> . ti 4J* Lv. K»a. »W>_.. . .. . . Lv. i| «Tm... 4 • H H*!|» « 1311 .... 4 Em Umnj. .. 1 «t ft . 4 63 ft ** Ur«ft>u\itlft 1 ha [i 6 4ujft .T »27p flip . T C*ft - SS2SL.4 5i: ?g?.13: “ l.'harlutla. (Sip lllf - iMa Ar. aM^-n.hnro I3|i lit a; p .., uftp L». Onr'nUv.r' ... It lip at. Hoitoik .... ia. ... Ar. Danrtait II a p TTM i> _~ l ay Ar. Wd.tavcl. (Ol. 0 uo a ... «Up V ~ 77:77 7s: iM:. Sd:::::::- ml KctMa V«A 3*o.fcta...,i No. 3* No. 2/. No. U ___|Daily Daily Dally L». N.T..San. it Mi aiop. . a JSOft «Sp. * l^lllmur.. Id. ft Up. *• »a*'iw . n ii» »Ap . :: L. WcAmooii. I! di r TT® p 11 00 p “ Ly. PnTtu«.. ft ad|. ft do. c 10. . »*' * “ o< http . . Ar.Cit.taifoofo lap ft Ita V* 9.r'*Mhn"‘ ’ 'UP Hit TiTa .... Ar. Charlotte i op uo» la uam *■te*&. is:. “ ^6^'* »j*p io ai. liSp “ » wta Main Mm train*. “A" 0 m. ~F p m. 11" mu. "H" -Ay** - O—juk. tiuo HtMatri la daily nrrtno Norfolk Hi BalUnion. Me* Kf tad A—Dalit Wathlaclta and lailkmlert Voauboi^UmUnd. tttrttunk plinuui tittplairtra buwxa Now York t&d I C»» Or leant, vim WtoMoftaa. Atlanta tad *5? knwYork tnA Myiaplila An Wathlnnloo, Atlanta and W ylaian Aim eiayiJu Paii.uav Litutr la »«a WtaMaftan *~1 AUtatn. Ualat can KS&SSESI I SSJSET2 ■Slid b#rwrco»» r~ I !•AWNtB l-r _ _ ___ USV. K. JL, bolay co—pnMd of i «*!—«» I<* rnu«l«rt»I id kotjrMd MmupiMfy *»« htt^r—« fr lUOfteB MdAtbtotA. Cn«i«f ttn wmifl vvWnk^ wtrasEL mm Profeanloiial Cards. H. F. GLENN, M.T>7 PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, GASTONIA, N. C. OfBoe In J. B. Curry A Co. Nl*til Pinna 115 33- 3-i- RUSSELL, «r*MM at law. 0 ASTON I A..N. C. Nt* rn>f(wioiMl acnlcTi co iks *--—■ P. U. CXJOliE, mnu.ur « ouraui.Lwa at i.« w. Cra'ir A Wltouj, Bujktin*. lu.u* to. c. Will practice lu il.t several C. ui:»of Ibv Htate and In Dielilc, and Cljmlt Ki-drral Court*. Corporation work, Br-ori.nliatl.jL ,nd Mercantile Ad! jualckieitia a i)Ncial(jr. TVm. II. LEWIS, —Attobsbt- at-La w— OAiTONI A, H. C. PiyctloA wlxrcrer lila *.»*«.*» „* rwulred. and attend* to a)] naltara of gf"W-V „ •** «w>rdlM»hlp for b > clUa.t., without tha IneonrenlrooB or expaun of , ,np t« tha conn hnn» Lcc-ics J Holland,' ATTOB.1BY A ItHIRAItUoa AT 1.1* DALLAS N. C\ Ofllce near residence. —ATTORNEY-AT-LA W— OAPTOSIA, J|, r. Will practlcw In tha ooui t. qf OmIcm and adjoining eonnll** Id lb* Federal lAuiitr. k. b. wilhon' ATTUBlfty-AT-LA W Oabtokia, N. C. TV. II. Hoffman & Son, —t>ENT]Sl S— OAJTONIA, - - - . Jf. C. WOtlea ore, FlrU National lt*ok. ritoiMi 73 v. It. FALLS, DKNTIST. QAaron ia. .... c •*** ■•Hum l!r«k(i>i aiar*. Wl'lkona 86. I>it. J>. E. McConnell, —u&tjri&T Offlcw Oral floor Y. II. U. A. Hutldlng. OASTONIA. - . - . N. o. ’PBONB 60. .1. C. Whiteside, M. D. PHYSICIAN A 8URUBON. I°,1fl? hlf PTr'rC**lon*1 •ETTtBC* la Ifau people I. 1 (teetania and aurroaodlna coast nr. o«ca ^"h k" £222? 1? ? ,nd »>"«'♦ roon. J. M. IL. Di.edF «* ( o • Dru« bforo. All mil* MMsmI* Umsb »1U rceeiTt prompt lUiniiiua •E6dbk£ri£,U>m *,rrC1 10 ***•■«• •»* fomm tw-Omj n»H U. Iltk! riMM# n| I)K. W. U. CROWELL, PHYSICIAN a 8UOGKON. OArroniA, ». c. Office under Y. M. C. A. D«j 'pbonu 10. Niglit Phone. 10_a. __Mu How. P. L. EARP, Photographer. Main Street. Op petite Poet office. GASTONIA, N. C. First Class Work.... ....Prlcas to Suit Everybody. WiiiOHJl 127.-** w. B. BEACH AM, Architect and Builder, and Real Estate Agent. Orrics ovan T. A. Hmt*Y»a »roms. PARAGON BARBER SHOP. To*, that Uila b the batt«,u,pp«, parlor In town would ba tba truth, but not the whole truth. lie ■W* a neet. olrao .hep, we bare new obalr* and keep clean towel* aod tool*. Our barber* are men of »ipert*no* and op to tbetr Imalnear in abort, wa ara op-to data In ever, reepeet A (rial sin eonvlnee ,ou. H. 8. Alexander, Opjwalta Clt, Hall. Prominent People Pa Iron ire the Paragon.