of ■ oawipapor aa aaait. and by tta gakMa la togiraafi tba <to w* * **» Mtta* af aaaa. Tba I of tba day aakaw I dalj «ad la •f IU oftoo pabHab > baaa Mttto mom than - ***** *«“<*Um. Saeaatloa ■UMlTbtllib^* **w b ao aaa* will oaorn ooo. Mow ahtla r, la Ifea fatlaat aaaaa of J la Mfaoaai to giro aU tba aavattkga ao right to go Unbar am U la tba kal tocaTlakMft'kaaaatom'1**" MU> Miy baaaa amartgbtto ocalaST^ jf £ Si* **“*■** *•» l*a Maaaa bat aaaa too y«Uow l"|»ala af tba praaaat ut tba amll •"•***y MiUy la giaatar than it baa J****1- la bat tba word uaaapopcr “**>** ooo Id todaaartbo tbo j la tba Mako-ap of tba too, aa la tba ■“ ««a a« tba baad of met. thaw, la to too boat am tor tbe **“•*■*• H. aod that aioaot “■* ,™,,» **to bo a»j mi to o*ti *y» at too aaan tbn, bo hao too L'T1 J* **• aalty at baart aadba arBI aat aacrikoa public aural* tortolvata gab. ThaaditoraoMba amll -twapipaaa *"• ■“*« too AaHgM »at ton aaa a r I i I a I h 0 a k a a *H» f»X»KT CAir. The tael that eight of tba cwilcu "»Maf true* the camp c» l« Muadey mur la« —an tMMtit i.f m.icj will be i» another column -wUuntMr »*«• tba q oration what ta (ha matter* An Ilia cu*rtfa uot utteodieg ta their duly ? Mo. I« them no Uoadboenda 1** > J the «amp T Mi*. U then ao taw aid far me a «h» n%*% aaat aometbiag ilia »1,10U to lb* eooaty t Mo. That* exactly tba alata of affair* pub bt piaia words. U aaay ba bowb toaowmof tbo tax payer* of tba ooooty who bar* aright to pay ao to tte maaagamcat of again In lb* ooooty bat It If aemtbelraa a fact. Tba sooner ao moth log W doaa, tba bat tar forth* oouuly. Maady all lb* eon. aMa wh» escaped an* soatsuosd to ioeg teat Oaa waa a murderer. Aa a rvme dy wa tbtak kbrra should ’j- a sarara raprimaad to tba p*»fv If neorstaiy discharge. Melt tba c jp should keep af h**t two good blooi bound* Tba eoavtata should be a. ada to *m tba atfipaa Uataad at tba ordinary Uuo oearaUa. Next tba aiuty com mls aioaar abated offer a toward, aa aooa aa they ban that a convict baa escaped. Tbta reward wiu necessarily iiactoate accotdiaf to tbt tangth of (he term* of tba escaped._ fmrmn »■» biwih. cr> >1—0 miiu—. Cutt—poirden— of Vko Uuvtte. BtUfh, Not.—It now dtnlopi toot •a Mliapt will ho aih tu carry oat the throat (circulated duri»g Ltw url mrnty eewpelge bp tbo ration retailer* of political goaatp) to “oouteat" tbo poUtMnl etatiag of Seoatof-ehset 81m —ooa next March. No awtlw of tba •Hagai dealgo h— baao wade lu tbe— tottoco hitherto. booaoao 1 did not cow aidar iba aoara— of tba threat worth aoUclof. Vow howeeer tba matter baa aaeumed man dahaita abape and Importance, la tb£ It la announced that delator Pritchard la eeUeettng mat trial and “OTldaoot” apoa which to ba— a coo toot, aad obat ha, aod aoc Butler, aa tome tali—a—d, win appear aa "lead lag oounaal” la tba coataat. That Batlar h bahlad tha aatWM ao oaa oaa doaht; It la equally artdant that Prttob a»d lakes ehargs af Urn "oam" largely asr^“-“ i Uaa;** that UthTao relied “arid*ace” •eculed by Republican "watchers” on oloetloa day la Anguet, will ba need to impeach the nlURy of Senator Sim ■aonn’election, the claim being that tbo legislature aleoting him waa a fraaden tly elected out; that auch a ooo lent la eactala to ba arede at ton eery outael of tba extra aeaaloa of Iba »ao> •to, auch aaaioa being uaual at the be ginning of tb« term of a oawly elected Fraaidaot, elected President, etc. ou*» Kntr amwova out. Xx-Cougraaamaa Settle, now of Aabeeille, nritee a truer to Sana tor Pritchard, la he warns the latter againat oaeh a caarea and polata oot the tact that la attacking tbe Simmons electloo Uw (aadar which the November elec tion waa also held) be win be digging a (St that may eaguir the two Repot] 1. can Uoaareeattaa-elect from tbe 8th •ad tU dMrieta; that erso tf the Sea «• oapportod Pritehard* eoateaUoe, —immediately ygoaat Mr. Miamene to tbe eaataoy Uus deelamd. and tbo a«xt Legislature MS*?*** eUot him. Mt Bottle U»eo appeals to Mr. Pritch ard not to take • stop that will uaquaa ^jaasaea&a: •ad Uo Demoeretto party. Betel* him tb^by iwrwlttlnq the daad paat u bury fu d—d the day when they both •2Jdtmeaj of Uo bankers, railroad ■MB Sanaa manaUeturere aad other *• «l«ga them eel tea »*M> Ue RapabUoao party will ba ■aataaad; that a oaatrery aourae will t****TV'1 tU frultUn—all of wbioh la briefed here foe what It may he worth. 3 NORTH CAROLINA’S WEALTH. kn Batumi ln«r«M t.'.yk Bum! Pw water ItaowlrSa*. It U expected that a clover acquaint mace with the gnat ran American Us pqairion to ba held at RpCalo u«t year all courtuce the |k*od1o of North Carolina of tba wisdom of being re •resented by a proper stale exhibit. When that* la onervsuon for tba Stott’s re pro as o tat ton at Parts there arv a score of good reasons why It should hare an exhibit at Butialo. Tbs grout markets Into which this stats sands her prod ucts are the rides of the Vailed Watt*. The state Is seeking, not settlers speak ing a foreign tongue, hot Americans from any statu who are looking tec grand opportunities for Investment or for engaging activator ht profitable Unas of beatnea* Mousy of oar own people do net realise that they have on* of the most productive states Id the Unton and odd of the richest in natural re source*. Beth In agricultural products and possibilities and ta mineral wealth North Carolina la an* of the most favored states of the Union. All agri cultural Interests have rapidly advanc ed since 1380. The com crop of WW approximated >0.000.000 bushels and that of 1894. **j0Q0,000 bushel* Much attention baa been given to truck farm ing, and as much as gIJO.000 worth of prodace has been shipped from a stogie town to oaa esaeon. Peanuts are ax tanelvuty grown by our clttoan* North Carolina having base at oo* time al most the only sours of supply for tba (Jolted State* Since 18TO much atten tion baa also beau given to grape cul ture. both far the manufacture of win* and the supply of the northern market with papew The climate and soil are especially adapted to the culture of the star, and Tint-yards are found to al most all sections. It trill Interest many to learn that no stale baa within Its boundaries so many of the plants used la medicine, the Atlantic slope of the Bias Ridge furnishing 2,300 varie ties. Ooe firm annually ships over 2.000,000 pound* the dried root* herbs and barks going to all parts of tba world. In the cotton year ending An*. 81, mo, tbe area under eulttvatlen Tor cotton tu 1*11.708 acre* and the pro duction 630,836 gross balsa, roc tbe year 1866-1900 tha area was 1,220.000 and tba eatlmated yield 168 pounds at Oct cotton per acre. Tbe timber lands of North Carolina aro one of Its meat valuable poaan stoo* Tba great variety of soils and tba wide rang* of rttmste give its* to n rich and varied forest growth, tn the aoaiheastoTP counties under tba to ■nance of tba golf stream are found tba magnolias, palmetto* Uve oaks and other aemkroplcal tree* while on the higher mountains of tha west are tbe Hrncea and Hr* The rial* abounds lb pica* and from this tree la derived one of Ita moot valuable product*-that of terpentine. Oat of 12 asks todige noue to the United State* North Caro Una baa IS. It baa all tba light pine* tour of tba flea spruce* six of tbe eight hickories and an of tha seven Tba mineral wealth of North Carolina In as boundless as its agricultural and forest resources, and tbe further de velopment of this wealth offers great Inducements to capita lists seeking in vestment. They have no need to go to Sooth Africa or the golden mads of Oapa Nome. Than are both gold and aOver to be mined in paying quantities In North Carolina Work Is being pushed in tbe Oner, Cappl Bin, Sum merville aad other mines la Mecklen burg county; la several mines la Ca banas county, at lbs Grid Bin. Dutch Crash, tad one or two other points tn lavas county; at the Beds mine tn Moarc county, Portae mine In Franklin county, Mann-Arrlngten mine In Nash county aad at points to Stanly and Montgomery counties In sOvar tha moat actable activity la at the Silver Hill ml nee In Davison county gag tba Trenton* near tha di viding lino between Bowan aad On bnrran counties. There was a notable gain to geld mining to 1S6K, tbe out put being <064 floe ounce* valued at EM. non Copper and bun mines are being washed, and qnarrylng la carried on open an extensive seal* In ISOS there ware quarried granite valued at 679.796 and Madstoos and limestone veined at 9<180> total, 160, *74, The copper oree tocad Include native free capper, esp rit* axurit* malachite, rad oxld* eop P* Slate and tba green and bine car Panadas at copper. Thera are several promising tren mines la operation. A company has recently bean formed In Moeen county to mine systematically foe tba gam rhodolite, also ter the raby, aapphiso aad other woods* gem* mam la IMA ChmaMaa w artiahi beds of mica ta tka wsatsra porttoa of the state. Mica Mbitag showed aa Increaaa ta 14M. ■■■»»! t» be tho tarat dc££»t^rf Mgaatle Iroa at* la tba soothers Itta nWi la iA county, and ha Worsaibsr, UN, a tract of 10,000 acros Waa Isaaad by ta* Praaaytvaata atssl fimfunlii. tad nflroad «tianft4Nii to Mm seat of sp.rttlsaa war* orders* A tnt clasa sahlbtt of mica and otbar ■haih at tbs Paa-American Sx pisttlia at MTalo might ba tbs mesas •< attracting tba attsathm of oaaNal THE WHITE FRONT PHARMACY .IS ALWAYS HEADQUARTERS FOR. fflBRUSHESlSfc Agent* for Normally'a Fine Candies. Fresh lot by express. Call and bay a Salem Almanac for 1901. Just arrived. Prescriptions a Specialty. Onr Motto: Purity and Accuracy,' with Cleanliness. Three Physicians have their offices in oar More : Dr. C. E. Adams, day phone 84, night 18; Dr. H. M. Eddie man, day phone 84, night tp; Dr. J. C. Whiteside, day phone 84, night 81. Come to see ns or phone No. 84 for anything in our line. _J. H. KENNEDY & COMPANY,_—. DRUaOISTS AND PHARMACISTS. FINE PORTRAITS. We make a specially of beautiful PI^ANIOTYPU, the high est type of Photographic Art. Your family and friends would be delighted to receive a portrait of you made by this process. As a Christmas gift they have no equal. See samples on exhibition at ___CMAS. E. VALE, PHOTOGRAPHS R. There’* Reason for THANKSGIVING when the shoes you wear don’t pinch your feel, don't cause corns, don't *K>rravate yon, don't add to your worries and Iron Wes. Wc don't moke shoes to order, but wc sell shoes that fit. It's a feat to sell shoes that fit and we are up lo that part of the business. Here are shoes that not only fit, hut are stylish aud every way satisfactory. ....Robinson Bros.... SHOSS and MJSN'B FURNISHINGS E. M. ANDREWS ...OASTONIA STORE... Special Attention! See our line of Bed Room Suits, Hall Racks, White Enamel Beds and Rockers, furnished at less cost to yon than from my Charlotte Store (lew expense here). AT FACTORY COST—One Folding Bed, One Leather Library Rocker, and one Hall Rack. SPECIALTIES: Blankets, Comforts, Stoves, Trunks. Also Carpets, Mattings, Organs .... and Pianos.... If you wish time—coin©. If you pay cash—com©. E. M. ANDREWS Successor to The Armstrong Furniture Co. THE BEST BED ON EARTH. Don't Be Deceived. The great success of our Royal Elastic Felt Mattress, which is due to its merit, and also to our vigorous advertising, has caused others to put mattresses on the market, which they are offering for less money ana claiming they are “Just as good as the Royal Elastic Felt." Don't be deceived by same. We emphatically deny that they are "Just as good," and are ready at any time to compare oars with others. If your local dealer does not handle them, write at direct for descriptive pamphlet Royal 1 & Borden, Goldsboro, N. C. Sole Manufacturers. _ New-York Life Insurance Co,, The Oldest and largest International Life Insurance Com ....panjr in the World... JOHN A. MCCALL, PRKSIDCWT. ACTUAL New, Placed and Paid-for Business, Bxcfudlhg Not“T*ken Policies, for the year. 1899. NEW-YORK LIFE, $202,309,080 mutual Life. 162,870.679 Equitable. 149,731,910 PERMANENT CUSTOMERS Net Gain in Insurance in Force During the Year 1899. NEW-YORK LIFE, $117,850,865 mutual Life, 80,750,565 Equitable, • 67,259,288 J. 0. CHURCH, general Again, Charlotte. N. C. T. FAVSI04IX, lgeatal| Again. Aaatenla. N. C -v ■* AT > We have just received a Big ‘ Shipment of COMFORTS^BLANKETS At prices that will PARALYZE COMPETITION. Also Second Shipment ewOF__ * Ladies’ Cloaks and Jackets. Children’s and Infants’ Cloaks and Caps just arrived. See them be fore buying. WATOH OTTR, W IN'IDO'VT’S. Yours for Business, THE OLD RELIABLE New York Racket. Early Fall Thoughts on Shoes Other \ Styles for V -* tjQCCly Dress, House Outing. Summer is ended and the coo1 weather is here. It now become necessary to change one’s appnrei and one's Shoes. Onr store is the place where th< freshest designs, the up-to-the-dati ami the-hour c re at ion* are to be Sound, and at tbe least prices. Heavy and light walk ing SHOES for men and women. Beauty, Comfort, Service, Small Cost—all combined. J. Q. HOLLAND & CO. FEW AS GOOD, NONE BETTER. Th# IRON KINO Stove* have been sold right here in ftaitonia for seventeen year* and they have never failed to pkase. Good hakar/ large ovena; in (act a good heavy stove, and will last almost a liKr.il Fire beck* guaranteed it year*. hletlme. Other Stoves including *9 piece* from $9.00 up. ~-LONG StOVE 4 TINWARE CO ■..'ll' I.I 1—-■ II W JL -- I -I Uncle Sam's Feast Day frequently make* occasion for the doctor lbe day altar. The wise ones who Intend feasting on Thenksglxina ) « «**>" day will keep a wool* r of our own DmabCs* bonne for atUck* of indigentiou or internal disturbance of' anv kind i^^SSS’Kar- - Frost Torrence * Co., Osstonls, TTTT . H. C.

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