The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Trttnitt of the County. VolTxXJ._ <n,.7^rr;gfsy,a;j_GASTONIA, N. O.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1900. ARP AT BOMB AGAIN. BUT he ehoooitebed some TEOUBLE I* 6BTOTO THEBE. TkglallNWia>l« iiMdwI-WHTsSw r —rr •* AMk«r u«* *•* Au Hnr UW-* »*"•* Uun DtU Arc la AtWals tVnsllu.Uoa. Home again end happy. Children and gtaudehlldreu met mo at lb* depot and escorted mo homo, where a boun tiful rapper was awaiting, and I eaked the same otd Morning that I bare been asking for Ofiy yaort. only that It w«* with unusual gratitude for 1 liar* been In peril* of wind and water aud escaped them. I wee weary with luug iravrl. aud dow I eotikl «*« X »•", **• banr »t midnight, reached Birming ham nt daylight, only flv* mioulea ute and bad Or* minute* l<» buy a ticket for roil city, and Iram there I was lo board the liaet and Weal for borne. How happy I •*». But at a* I for lio man hope* to vanlM. Into doepair. There ware about m hundred Mg black, greasy negro preaobnts atirsd nt Bin at the ticket office Their Baptist two vnotion had beeo broket, up sod they were going home on the * .utlibound Ualc, and li«d an haor lo <o wn» ■•lit they woo id not let me advsDoe an Inch. I hurried back lo tbe gatekeeper and begged him lo let me la for my train sea* waiting, and 1 pointed to tbe crowd of negro* and told him It was Imporaible for ine to get n ticket. He raid be was sorry l>ul be bad bis order*. I bulled back to make ouc mure effort but a Mg square abouldertd preacher, with a back as broad os a born door had dropped a dime on tbe Hoar sod bait a doaeu were down buiilleg for It. I balled tbe ticket mau but he never beard or heeded me. Preullc, X rushed book to the iron ole*, and raw my train slipping off like a soak* In lb* gram, ana that official automaton would not let me proa *' ’Gainst unJers,” be ■eld. Blacks ooe asyt lher* Is s reme dy for every wroog, but there were no railroad* In hi* day. or be wouldn't bare written those lines. I had no remedy end there Is oooe Whst could I do T No train for Pell City for twelve hours, snd none from Pell City for my borne for twenty four hours, t wk* so tired and so disappointed that 1 rat down to ruminate un my valise. I was to week and lad and pitiful, for there ik no disappointment so distress log to me as being left by a train when going borne. Just then a dr' enter, Uod Wee* him I cam* up aud spoke lo me and aalJ, -My frieod, I am pretty inacb In the tame Ox you are, but we con go by Chattanooga, lor tbe Ala bama Qreat Southern It on hour late tuts morning. It'i scheduled to leave bent thirty minute* before we arrived, but it bai not come yet, and we have bait to hour to get our tickets. Those preachers are nearly all out of the way ««»»•” . - - 1 ruw Ui/ I®WK» * mmwr uuw l» row, and tbeo I would loaa only one hour In getting borne. In my heart 1 revived and Hie David wbitperad, “Blau the JLord, O ruy aool.” Wa got our ticket* and Id (ear huuit ware la Chattanooga, where I telo graphed my wife , “Bold tha fort; I'm coming.” And so “All'a wall that end* well." and no thank* to those who managr that Iron-bound pen at Blrmlnglvam. But I found the oulert little narrow gang* railroad iu Uiaainlppi that I lute aeen In many year*. I dido't know there waa on* left. It la called tba Gulf and Chicago railroad, but they began to build It In the middle many year* ago and bollt slaty mllaa and quit. You can ride all day on It fur jp SO. It decant term to bays any achodula and the folk* along tbahoaluit wait for It aud aeam eon I ant. Thvy aar, "Wefl, IU our road; It* all we’re got, and they do ihv bast ilwy c»u.” The owners era clever man and wait on you half an hour If you telephone them. They ara rary acccmenodatln*,e*pvctal ly golag south, for they hare oo coa nectiou to make l hoarded that train at Bin* Mortmain it 4 p. m for Pon totoc, where I waa lo leotara that Dlgbtat7;90o’eloeic. It waaooly thirty mllaa, bat we didn’t got there until 8:15 o’oloeh, »od my audience didn’t giro _ .... _a_ l_ k.M t ft waa that. road—their only road—aod they kooar IU peculiar waja. Wa atuppcd when within three mllea of town, aod after half an boar ao I waked wbat waa ilie ■natter, and waa told that tha ateam bad glean out. Bvfnre that tba train ■topped lo the wo'ida aomewhere aud then began to back. I ventured to aak what waa the matter aod waa told that the brakewian had dropped bia cob pipe aud they had guua beoh to look tur It. hot It wa* a railroad aud I bad do right to onmplain, for I remember when there waa uut a railroad lo Uw United State* When 1 waa Mveo yearn old t eaaar from Button lo Quor um over land in a carriage *uh iny faiber>0'1 mother 1,900 mile* and nev er created a railroad, for there wa. not one lo ewoa; nod now there ere 198,000 mltea in'ib* united Slatee N». I am happy on the way on ab| railroad, even If ft to thirty mllea elmrt and four bourn tong. It beat a Urn ••)<) etapo oo*oh a too* war* I tried a boggy tern from Malay to Blue Mount, oclr » el* mile drive and Ilk* to hare got drowned I got fundamentally and lirtreaelogly wet. I fball wait far the narrow gaopa nest Ue0* Ob that cyclone. I haeent quit talHog aboot It T*. H»»t Boro lag a Baa Who waP In It aud under It and ou top of It aald ba went out to ebot hie aolw up la Ui* atable, aod be forn h* ooald *«» J»* ««£lne.’|^u pinked feta up end turned bIB a Huron and aoBeramlta, while fee waa turning he beard bla aefee broytog In the alt above him, "(lea Hem ao." Mid bn. “that at* a fact. If I ever lold H', end the thing Jovt tat a.* down to Jinny Jooew pwuto paft* •» •“» *'1 *r0",n lata her baby In li* credto." That oBbi* at Blue Mcontain to a marvel In m* I* •*• 2SSA&S& V ”’'t at flrit a blah school for tbe benellt ul tba poor glrla Id tho neighborhood and expanded lalo a college, Wlieu ha died i lile tone aod aoaa In law took charge and continued to expand, aad now there are 300 gills theta; ova 200 of llieoa art boarder* at $19 a month. The otber* lies la ooltagta near by and board themtslvoe at a ooat of about $3 a month, for they do their own work. Large, handsome Wick building* have bean built sod mure nr* being built. Bountiful springs from Ihe mountain ■Ida furnish aboundaol pure water for ewrythlcg. There I* a dairy farm near by aud vegMabit gordtu* and cvery tblng moves like deck work. Trofesaor Lowrey le a mau of untir ing energy and save that work Is his beat recreation. He took me hu a ro mantic drive to the top of Uie moun tain aud the vllleu* graveyard, and when we returned he called for biifour little ctdldreu Including thv baby end took them lo ndr. I liked that. It do-a nut take me lung lo diagnose a good husband and a kind father. There waa no barber tu the Tillage and be brought to me bis One l*wo mower re* >r llutl cuet $3. end when be eaw bow awkward end nervous 1 wss lie ■aid : "Oil. let os do that,” and be mowed the gray stubble off la a min ute. Ever bear of a collega president doing that f 1 waa specially Interested in a young maa. Bar neat Guyton, tbe only laiy lo college. He Is (ota'.ly blind but It gott'ng a 9r»l else* education through his ears. Ua listen* eagerly tn the recitations, keep* up with tbn foremost and la now sludytug Latin. HU mother or stater read* to biro every night and tbe family are all proud of him for he la not only bright menially, hut cheerful and handsome, Ha told toe that Mug blind never dlatrraced him aod be wee happy ell tbe lime, for everybody wee to good to him. How kind Vrovldeoce It to the afflicted. Those Mi**1aaippl wood* are full of Georgian*, doom* of them to agot me and with a natural and earnest pride told me where Urey came from lo tbe long ago. ur where their fathers came from aod wbo they ware kin to. 1 waa amused at ooe old man wbo said be ua uie here from Cae* county before tb* war. aod lie coked me where Bartow conuty wee. He bad never beard that the name of Cam waa changed lo Bar tow Is honor of our General Bartow wbo wa* killed at Manassas. An unknown friend has sent me e poetic gem called -‘Tbe Change In Far mer Joe," by Sheldon 8toddard. I wish that It coaid be reed by every bne baod in the land, for It tells in beauti fol aod pathetic verse bow Jue bed long pursued tnonsr foi money's sake aod gave bis loving, long suffering wife few comforts aud none of tbe luxuries or ornaments that brighten op a wo man's boms. For years she bad from time to time blnted that she would Ilka a new carpet for her room, fnr the old ooe bed been turned and patched aud beaten antil it waa radrd ond thread bare, aud tbe window shades were woru out. But ba said no ha oooMut awuiu iv auu m worsen early aoa isle aud *•■ accumulating money. Tbe poena tella how be left her one morning and noticed a tear In her eye aa It dropped down on her pale cheek, aud be got to Ibloklug about it in tbe oonifield, and that tear haunted Ida and ha recalled the lung yeaia of tlieir married life sad how pellaol aba uad been with him and tbe little children and nuraed him when sick aod watched them by night and by day. Soddeuly he came to himself and (topped bis mule In the middle of the row aud hur ried Iloine and bitched up the boggy and went to town like he was going for •ha doctor, lie bought a nice Cat pet and mbs outlalus aud other eomforta and druse home like Jehu and tumbled them all at tbe front dour. “Here Sally come here, blew your dear heart; you abant cry any mote." Aud be hurried back to tbe eornfteld. Weil 1 liked Ibat, aud 1 feel now Ilka gnlug to town aud buying a new oarpet for my wile. We men forget that a woman baa to stay at borne all the lima She lores ornaments for God mads liar so. and If aha cant hare these things her house Is nut a home, but a prison. 1 1 11 —w nurmawMi *7 ■> lmom>u>7. *ba -on VM, tbmfvan. M. A locomotive helped lo the capture of two thieve* to-day iwr DuoffaUin. Whll* A. H Wier was absent from hi* Itoufn Walter Campbell and Henry Blair entered the piece and atele two •ait* of clotbee and other *tug escaping In the direction of Dougbton. Engineer Cook, of the Lake Shore ft Michigan Southern H«tlro*d, hoard of the robbery and offered hi* looomotlve u> the officer* to puriuc the thieve* Wbao oa board to* engineer pullmi open the throttle, and they were *o-m •pinning aerna* the ooootry at a I op no toll apeed. la a f*w minute* the thieve* were nb**rv*d eroaalng a Held, aod after a brief obaae they ware over taken and taken to Jail. h*<Wl«llH«wW. Xo Dlaooeevy la medicine baa ever 0rented one quarter of Ike excitement that baa been eaiinrd by Dr. Kina'* New Discovery for Coniumptlou. It* oevarmt irwu bar* bran on liopeleao victims of OoMumptlon. L’oeuenocla, Hemorrhage, Pituriey and Broneliltla, ihoumnda of whom It has restor'd to pevfret health. Pot Coegha, Cold*. Asthma.Creep, Hay Paver, Hoarmoasa nod Whooping Cough It l*th* quickest, •urcst cure In Urn world. It I* void by J. JL Curry ft Co. who fbaraoteo utltfeot km or refund money. Large bottle* 8O0 and ft 00. Trial bottle* free. A Aal'—a Pm*. MNabory Truik Wm By a mo«t deeparala effort • Caae dlan to ft near tooewdrd the other day iw making 113 mile* In 110 mtools'. Thl» may be eonetdvrad qolta a fret far Canada but to the Halt'd* mountain i.rlgliborbood, on the W. X. C. dlvtaton nt Um Soother*. It graarally Uk*a a llula expert*ae* U» knap fram making three lima* that epaad. THE TURKISH SITUATION Pacta About the Controversy Over Dr. Norton. TEE PKDT0T7LE THAT IS AT ISSUE. OmmIh •< Ik. Hu to Whoa U. Tsrklsli OtHrmaral llu Rttuif *» Intutv aa Causal at Karat. A Cairnr«d Mabr ul Rwailta. bla Mafvlrt Tha efforts of the United Status government to loduce Turkey to lasno an exequatur to Thomas li. Norton, appointed consul at Karput, dative A special Interest from tbo personality of tbo appolauw, says a Washington dispatch to tbo New York Poet. A notion boa lurked lo the minds of many newspaper readers who bars not especially studied tbo Turkish situa tion that vre hove been tip to our old tricks of making a acmlbai borons choice of a consul lo settle In a semi barbarous country. As a manor of tact. Ui* choice of Or. Norton seems to have been as nearly Ideal aa the choice of any consul lo the last rtoaen years, and doubtless especial pains were tak en to assure this appointment against any criticism on Its personal sklo. so a* to make nd the more obvious I be pur pose of tbo Turkish government In re fusing an exequatur, if it should do so. Or. Norton la 40 years of age aod a graduate of Hamilton college of the class of 1H7B. After taking his bache lor's degree lo the United Mates be vest several years abroad aa a student at Haidelberg and other continental universities of high rank, devoting ee poctal attention to bla favorite setenoe, chemistry. He eppeats to have a rath er remarkable gift for acquiring lan guages, having** fluent css of most of thone spoken In Pfnrops and of the Turkish language also. For sou 17 years be was professor of chemistry at Cincinnati university, spending mtu-h of his leisure doting that period In travel. He Is a scholar of gvuevous cult are. as lik examination papers on Ole at the state department, together with an almost unparalleled mass of testimonials from men of science and letters, attest □* bee bsen lo Turlc*7 before at tonrlat and student, tusking his last trip on foot for the purpose of hotter acquainting lilmsclf with tbo Ilf* of the people. He enjoys the per sonal acquaintance and friendship of several members of the Turkish offi cial circle in Constantinople.' who, as fur as hr la individually coDcorosd, would be highly pleased to welcome uiiu u«c* io u>eir country. Jn spit* of all this the Torttlab gov- I ernment has a principle, or, more piwp orly. a poller, at stake, which It aa suineti that It would sacrifice by con senting to receive Dr. Norlon ns coo sol at Karpnt. It Is not because lio la Dv. Norton, bnt simply liecnnso bo Is a consol of tbs United Bln tea. Tbo treaty under which we locate our coo aula In Turkey provides for the estab lishment of consulates at points where they con be useful to commerce. At Karpnt, tl>a Turks Insist, tbo consol would hare no commercial work to do. Karput, or Harpoot. aa It Is also written. Is of lotorest to the outside world chiefly on account of tbo Chris tian mission stations In Ilia neighbor hood. Like other Inland points of this sort, It 1s regarded by the Turks ns a danger spot In their relations with the outside world. They have tried to confine foreign Intrusion to tbo coast and to keep tbo Interior of tlielr coats try for tlielr own people and tbelr own religion; hence tbelr persistent re fusal np tu tbc present Haiti to grant aa exequatur la Dr. Norton. Unforto nalely for tbelr eonalstency, they have already yielded to external pressure and permitted the British government to establish a consulate at Karpnt, ao that our government cannot be said to be demanding any more privileges than have already beeu granted to an other country standing on no friendlier a footing. It le within the province of aay nation to object to the person named ss consol or minister to serve within Its own border, sod tbo other nation concerned has no right to take ombrage at aach n rejection per aa. Havtug stripped this particular cate of every possible pretext for the re jection of the consul on persona! grounds, even Including the ground of cloae affiliation with tbc detested mta ftooarfc*. Secretary Hay has ao far tha upper hned In the struggle between western pueb ami Tnrklsb obstinacy. If tbc barriers are once broken down at Kurpnt. (here will be nn reasonable excuse «o Turkey's part for maintain ing them anywhere else, and It tony be possible to follow every setUetasm of Americans Io Turkey wllb the official machinery for the protection of tlielr lives and proparty by tbelr boas# gov aratneut. fMalfaM rm lmkl«i nnnlM •al Trvlb-tndu U>. Mr. 8. W. MeDaffia. a bo loat bla tnlea but waak from rxeeaalm olgaratta a cooking (aa la morally brllamd), baa l»*o doubly amiotad. Yaatarday hla lafc arm Ml hrI plane at bla aide «*fl op to ih* hour o« bit depart urn for Baida villa laat night ha had not rrgainad tba oaa of bla arm Although Mr. MoDullle flora not ke llavr It, Mgan>U«e bam uadoubtadlr enoerd I hla great affliction to brfall him. Mr. MeDaOte autrfl mbra aakrd ynteeday by a Truth lode* reporter Ibat bs amok ad on tba nraraga forty eigaratraa aaeb dap. Ml. MaDoCa lift laat light far Rrldavltlr. whem hla family la vlaltlag. bat will ga to tba Gargrld boapltal at Waablagtoa. D. C , tor traat—at. to night. THE ISTHMIAN CANAL. Nicaragua Route Favored by the Commission. DDOI8IOIB OP TEE WATEBWAY. Tm VMM WUI B* SiMlne to Balls tkt CmiI HimiI tm Be Thirl r Vrmt DMp mm4 Om« anlnl MS riftr rmmt WUt-VsIM a talas Chief UUMT. Tbe isthmian cuanl commission be lieves that “tha moat practical and feasible root* for an Isthmian canal nmler tbe control manngrmeot and ownership of the United Btatae, la that known aa tba Nicaragua mote" After the commission returned to the United Btatae It gave attention to the determi nation of tbe proper d Idea atone for a maritime canal under existing condi tions. On thin point the report says: "A depth of BS feet nl neon low wa ter and a bottom width of 100 feat were adopted ae standard dimension* for a canal la excavation by each route. This width la for straight sections. On curves wltfa a radius of lens than 12.000 feet It Is Increased sit the rate of one foot for etch 200 feet re daction of radios, the width thaa be coming 1B0 feet on a carve of 04100 feet radius. In open channels, exca vated within tbe shallow limits of har bors or lakes, tbe bottom width la In creased to 900 feet, la tbe Ban Juan river to 2SO and la ike excavated por tion of Lake Nicaragua to BOO feet. In tbs artificial harbors of Colon, Urey town and Brito It la made COO fast. These dimensions are larger thaa those proposed for any previous isthmian canal schema. While they may seem excessive today, the canal Is uot likely to be opened within ten ysars, daring which time tbe Increase la marine, di mensions which bos been going os for many years la Uksly to coatlaos. “Tlia Isthmian canal, except In tha two maritime sections, will be a fresh water canal. Tbe draft or ocean startro •rv le based on salt water weighing 04 pounds per cable foot. Bomo large freight •teamen now draw 33 feet at sea and would draw nearly 33 fret In fresh water. If the heaviest class of freight steamers la to nac the Isthmian canal 35 feat la tbe least depth that should be adopted. ' A width of 130 (set will allow all but tha very largest ships to pies each other In lbs area rated portions of tba canal. If two such large ships meet, one will base to take tbe bank white the other goes ■ oiuiiier snipe win pass ran) outer sod larger slilpa wlthoot stopping. "Tbe most difficult engineering work Is connection with tbe Nicaragua cm* nsl project," esys tbe commission, "is tbs construction of a dam across the Has Jnan river to bold back Ibe o siers of tbe lake and enable its level to be regelated. It la of great Importance that tbla 0am should lie located above tbe mouth of tbe Ban Csrtos rlTur, aa tba Utter dJecbarffsa at times aa ranch aa 100.000 cubic feet of water per sec ond. carrying with II great quantities of sand. Tlte Nicaragua canal com mission mads saarcb for a dam sita above tba mouth of tbe Ban Caries, In what U called the Agua Huerta (dead water). One was found at a place about two in Bee above lira month of tba Baa Carlos river. Tbe maximum depth to bard rock It a boat 40 feat below oea level, or about 100 feet be low lew water to tbe river at tba alts, which will make It necessary to eoa struct tbe foundatloo of this part of tbe dam by tbe pneumatic process. The dam In the deepest part will (ban bare a bright of about ISO feet. Aa tbe pneumatic p roe cm Is an expenalre and slew one at beat. tbU commlaaSea baa made search for aa alternative •Its a few mil** farther op the rivet, where tbe topographical and surface Indication# aeemed to offer faro ruble results. One Ians been found which gives promise or a mote satisfactory and lass expensive solotloo of tbla problem. , ‘The time required to baUd tbe Nica ragua canal binges almost entirely oe the time required for (be eonstrucrioa of Ik* Boca Baa Carlo* dam. After a harbor baa been opened at Grey town and a railroad constructed tbe way wilt bo open to attack tbe work from a gnat many points at tba min* time, ao that If ample foods are then a rails bl* tbe excavation of tbe prism of the canal ought to bo completed la a com paratively abort time If prosecuted With vigor. Tbe cmutroctlaa of lb* a*n. tower er, trill be a coatly and tadira* operation. Right yearn would peabaMy ba a reaeonnble eadamta (be tba time of balMlag ibli dam. At leaat two yearn will be conaumad la preparatory w«rb aad In opening a bar ber at Qreytowa, aa that If work aa tba dam abeatd ba commenced Immedi acy tbareafter tba tlma required foe com plat tog tba entire work wonld ba about ton yearn." The eowmlaaloa nought, by aUUaUcal laraaglgatloa. to determine the aioeont of tonnage that wonld nee aa latbmlaa canal, were It now la rileteaee, nad faond that S,<30 TOT cargo town of tba maritime commerce of ike Called •tatea during (ha year i-odlng Jne 30. tarn, could hare need tba canal to ad caatago During tba calender year UM the trad# at Barone wkb tba went eon at of booth and Central America aad Britlah Colombia amaaatad to MMUTT cargo loan The earn of tbeee two a manat* 0,771.130 cargo or freight toua. doea Dot lariudi nay trade between Europe gad tba oriaat, a part of which would bare tend the Ameri can cnaal had It been la eitoeaaa. Tba ttara* maeoaetr. apply ts tba earn —aa of fka goal earned oa aadar «•» • —**■ - —■ -ee v -m naimiwii ius iiwwiiq “Aa compared with Europe. the UMt •d ftttn will Jarir* from tbe eaaai far ■teeter baoefits U-l'j e>msr. areally aad Industrially. The commerce at Europe with tba Pacific ccut at North, Oak tral aad South America, radar existing eoadlUoea, la somewhat larger tbaa tha total volume of tbe peasant Urn Be at tba Dal tod Stairs that may be aok rtdared tributary to tba eaaai bat this tact does not indicate the ralaUra adroatagoa wblcb tha eaaai win pea aaaa tor the trade of Europe aad that at the United States, ju soon as It haa bees opened our trade wltb the west const of Booth America win nipbUy lactaaae, as will alau tin, volume of •ur trade with the orient. Tha amount of the Americas commerce through tha canal wlM quickly surpass the total Amount of Europe's traffic. “Aa Isthmian canal will strengthen the nutty of tbe natloual and political Interests at tbe United States, develop Its Pacific territory and promote dm aeounerce aad Industries of tba entire aouatry. Tbe benefit* wblcb Europe will derive from the canal wlU be eon martial. |u addition «j tbla, oure wtB bo political aad Industrial. My briar* tag tbe eastern aad western sections of •or country tote closer relatione, by re Inctog the time aad eoet of transport tog our wasters product* to Europe aad by eaabBag the eastern, southern aad central states to reach tbe raw ma terials and marteta of Pacific coun tries cheaply and expeditiously the ca nal will pi ore felly Identify political aad social interest* snd quicken tbe In dustrial activity of every section of the United State*. The Iron ami steel, the textiles and the otlu-r manufactures of the eastern and southern state*, the coal from tbe mlnlug regions, the cot ton from tbe south end tbe grain and forest products from many section* will Bow out to foreign countries In aa Increasing volume, end this larger trade arill be »hared gen orally by the ports of our eceboarile-thr Atlantic, tbe gulf and the Pacific. Tbe reus) wlU caune tbe competition of tbe Unit oil States wltb Europe In tbe countries of western Booth Amities and tbe orient to be tuix-h knurr. wltb tbe re sult that It* trade of our country win Increase mure rnpk!!y (ban still that of our rivals. Tin* rsnal will aid the United State* in srrorlug aud main taining n postllim Of [primary lo the International trade of tlie world.’' S*S*I*I services on m ltr*nb«t Tho stramci' Jewel, which pile* be tween Evansville, liul., anil Henderson. Kj„ was Innu-d Into a cfanreb a few days ago. mys the ludlhhapolls Kantl aai. Tbe Rev. Mr. Klsnlnger. pastor of the General Uoptlet cbnreh of BrenavlUe. held religious services on the boot, wblcb were largely attended. This is probably tho first Instance on record of a strainer bring converted Into a church. Tbe pastor Is wall pleased at tha success of at* meeting j ths other day aad will charter tbs | boat every Sunday to be used as a pises of worship. Ntw oymnabthTmachine. rr».ro.r nrini w lUmti Iiklk H,» bmlln, ik* lunulli, Dr. D. A. Bar cent, director of Hat. rard'a cymaailnai. at Uambrtdg*. Uaw.. baa Invented a now gyinnoatlc npparotu* which, ha doctor**, win n paraede all gymnaatom macblae* j*•* Tlotaaly In oae. Tba Innomotor, aa Dr. Bergent call* hi* oaw machine. rxcrctsc* *Tery taa* el* to the body la racb * oat oral way *• to a*ah* axerci*# a pl«a«nra. It ftroa tb* banafldal rcsnlti of bicycling and rowing and arold* their dofocta. Dr. Sargent claim* that hi* naw ma china Introduce* a naw prtoclpta Into tb* art of proponing land or water rabid** and of applying limnan power *o a* to produce the grroteot amount of work. Tb* macktaa la a wholo gymnaalnm to Itaetr. II c*oalat* of a pair of iortra connect ad by roor adJnmbU roda with a ilkllng oral ami a eliding Coot r*»t. which are la lorn con Oae tad by a power applying rod to a erwak or goar or oprockat wheal. Tha tna ehtaa ran b* adopted lo the propulsion of a tricycle, a beat, a ocnlL n eaaoe o» a *1 to pie gymoaatlc machine. Tb* invention k the raaolt of tow yoan of hard work oa Dr. Sargaat** part. Aa eaklbMoo of model* was gtroa tb* other craning to tba Urnra way gymnasium. LONDON'S SHELDON COPIER Mwr. itwik hihn to R» u R»». ropor r»r i Wook. Tho editor of lb* l«odoo Bus, u afternoon balfpeaay paper, win b«hd o*er tb* rtHtarahlp of that joaraal from Dec. IT to Dee. S3 to tb* Bor. Jooepb rorbor. iMotor of tbo City Tem pi*. who will otuoloi* tb* Be*. Hr. BbeMoa. who for ■ time oeodocted tbo Topoko Capital. Ur. Parker will bare tb* eatl/o «t roetloa tod control of tb* paper, myt tb* Loaden cerrmtpewdeal of tb* Bow York Boo. Il lo announced that bo will ohow DrltUb Joarnallata aad tbo Brit tob public bow, la Mo optaloo, a aowa paper eboaM be ooadoeted la order to effort tbo area toot food. Mtikoo * Rim rt*a. **1 w«» troabird for Ntml year* •lib chronic indigestion aad rmubr debDUy." •iltra t. i Groan, of Laa e-ator N. R. "No remedy helped m* oatll I b*f-n oetoi KMrta BMata, •blab did me mat* rod Uma all tb* •adtataea I wt Mod. They beta ako kept my •W# in aaotHaat ha*Kb far nai*. tb* myo ■aaute Bttiar* at* )**b apftndld for fomala ttaabir** ibat lbey ar* a ffraad toab aad tcrtanallf far week, ran down •oeoea Vo other •atiaimi oao tab* it* ptaaa la oat fbmty.” Try I beak Oak Mk Bab Mention guaranteed by J. a Cany BOk THE NATIONAL CAPITAL laferastfag Incident at tbe Opwi fag of Cfcirnt oavioi aid Hit nv omooAt. outside cTtta1big wtS* MU^ writes tlw Waafctegtoti iiiiMi naitaiil of tte Kmr York World. Then woe failr two doom mb anted with ca» ana manta* hitter aad thither to catch views of statesmen. Back pho tographer waa aeoao^ulod by a capi tal golda. who pointed oat the latter taut peraooagaa. Aa tte boar of M approached aad tte abeam Ante tte capital lacreaaad there were llghtetag Uko changes of platoe aad ttaw la or-. der aot to mloa a subject The ma jor** of senatom ware w«Usg rkttma, aad mew than owe waa otetrrad ta atfalghtaw a hat aad adjust a eoat ta w«oaaa for too aaap of tte shatter. Sene tore Aldrich of Mhode lalaad. Teller of Colorado and Fester of Wash to the senate ana Is atm Tte brie tamed pale aa they faced tte charging camera expects. "Whefe tkia ferT queried deader Aldrich paod oetared ly. “I baren*t done a thing to warraad tWo." donator Thomas C. Hiatt camo an hi a carriage, gad aa te alighted ha was buttonholed and ladacad te step te a hotter Ugbt. deaater Bdly Kim of Illinote offered ao object loo and posed with hia toad tecked tato his eaal •water Mark Baaaa'a antral created a Mg raah. bet a sign or disappoint aient anas aa tte Ohio waa ordered hla carriage te proceed te tbe doth en trance. under the wola steps. The Mlted appeal of half a doom wca sue ocadod is bringing him Into tte spaa, and ho waa caaghc te a nomber of at Otadee. Only one senator openly ob jected to tte plctaro taklag-BawtiM of Utah. rn«U Jo* Cannon hat a new ovor coat and tbaraby bancs a IttUa tala. •*T» tbe lira Tart Trtbooe's Wash ing! ou representative. A few day* M» tbe chairman *r appropriations Mt hla business care* at Danville. Joor aeyad to Chicago- and after a brief so Jootn bvonlwt U>« train far Waablag ton. U* crossed tbe Allecbcolca la peace atul rvpuaa. rod* down aver the foothills lato Hi* rich agricultural tac tion of Maryland, and when be Beared llockvllie allowed the obliging porter to brush him up- for the tenaloatton of his railroad trip waa at band. Be gtancad Into the look lug glass on tbs wall of the Pullman car with a Mt of prtda for hla new salt of ctethos and •book bimaalf vlgorooaty as tho por ter put him lata a capacious overcoat hhethwitb bo plunged tats tbe dasp pocksts and began to lab up cough drop* and ether strange articles. Da •arrayed tbe aplendM Mack cberiat with hardly lees amassment than ha did the cough drape aad Informed tha porter that ha had trawled Inside of the wrong coat. Tb* car was toned upside down In ■•arch of the mtostag garment. Mt It waa nowhere to ho round, Moreover, tha porter aald no gentleman bad left the oar between BockrtBe aad Chi na*. "Wall. I left Dan villa with a rnaty last winter’s overcast, aad new I have n garment of tha latest cut which Its sae to a T. It to Strange. In deed." said Mr. Canaan. "I moat have swapped ’em eo mew bare la Chicago-" Baron# to tbe knowledge that be baa the better of tb* bargain. Mr. Cannon wore tha coat out at tb* trato aad will hasp ft with him till b# bean from Its real owner in Chicago. I one toon tto* other 4oy. ayt the Now Tort Wortffi VuMifte rnrruynat oat “TMa roots oreat la fiaou for Its pumpkin pta,1* ho all, “tool, tea pain pktn pte Whiter. wHh oar lone boon wo shall want nm poaapfcte pte" Ttoy had ww oysters aad sows l fowl, aad tton tho au who looks Mho Ltaoola taiwad to tho waiter, "Now. thraa ptacoo of that Boo pompkla pte** Tho waltor brooght throo plaoaa of goMoa hood pte Ur. OaUma looted at thorn la ocotaay. “That to ate “It to Walter, what* do yoo pat Maa thta pte to aado at" tho waiter rapUad, ptawpkla pte ah. ' all ooi, a I _ , _ if a toconi vtoto •# Mow Toth Mate. “Tat. Mr." te ante “that Mew Tort Mate la aB right It te art Ube teaptea Mate. Why. I warn au oror n. aad ay, da 1*4*1 Km * ■. tafen. UttoCL'taT/ “ —**f *°oi bad for **ry Uttte. 1 do mot belter* that they eodd —«*«. aad Bit* ligHkf cut of tb* oH b»dt They probably 4* Dot —tt Maad lm ratios, a ad. of «aDra*. Mr luMa waaM bo worthloaa rrltbaot It * abould bo rory glad to bar* thaaa wttla la tbo Halted States aa tbay rroold be *ood clUsoaa "A aottlataoat of Iwn voatt dm doobtodly i«e*l r* rrory ladoramot ta oottte ta oortata aortteoo a> tbo oawatry. tbay aooM bay laad aa Itaar tbma aay ati. and by Mr Mtt aad Mat tty aaoa icqnlr* HwaabU.* UtteHMaaryitba) late ft* «U a wd4 am M - MAO*abate Mb. 0* Ha Mteteul **r Steal bteSMIa n* Mr akara Mte tradte ‘ £ Ik* aaa’aai ate. tea tor aal MM1 ^OteMaJaml 'aSSateV DatMatiadaMMIaS ay biaatiaar atw araMteS l 3

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