The Gastonia * Devoted to the Protection of Hone and the Interests of the County. Vol. XXI.__G AHTONIA^ N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1900. BUSiyJSSS LOCALS. Adwttwrann matted la te* tetuwa i! 10 mttUM tor ant motion tat i uaots a llaataraoaalaawtian thoraeOar.__ rflHE BEK HIVE sail* yard wide X liravt aheellux at 5o. SAUER XBAUT-at tb* x Elite 0 merry. FttESH oyster*. Moalt at * 'I hour*. SltUXOBD 1TM PUT your thort ad*, la Baila*** local*. They will prov* bueinee* btingaea. ■ IJtOB SALK—Flee mom houae next X to lanadry. Bargain. Apply to Cn/Jii.** L. Cau*ox, Agent. ■JXOLtDAY BOOKS and many other XX attractIre Obriotmaa good* are open and oo dally dltpluy at the Goa too la Book Stors. /CHRISTMAS TAFFY-8 pound* V for 00 eenta. Matte fraah to ardor package*, any alze. Taffy tent. C. W. Hopkins TTtOR SALE — 9m«)l farm us* mile X from Gaatoma, Fire room real da* ca, wltb well nud out bouae*; 10 act** woodland. H. S. Dickson. fp A XT—It la tha duty of tax pay X AaXtn to aid me at my appoint ments and settle. Soa not tore eleewbere and govern you reel ret accordingly. _ W. T. Loyb, Sheriff. BJTY FATHOMS will kindly take “X note that I will be out of town from December 34th to January Sid. Will be glad to do needed work before learlng. Respectfully, D. E. Mt'Ooxbrxcx, D. D. B. Subscriptions tor ait eund.rd periodicals reoelrrd at Gastonia Book Store and promptly forwarded. Attend at one* to your enbeeriplloui tor 1001. Ordare may bo loft at Ga xxttx office or Book Store. LOCAL AFFAIRS. _ • -N«rt Monday la the Ult day of Uie Calendar Century. —Our correspondents an requested lo have tbe lattara sent in by Tuesday night; later news by 'phone at our ex [woes. —Christmas day was very creditably quiet In polios clicloi, too. Ho drunk •uoaaa, no disturbances, no arrests of any kind. —Our thanks arc duo Meaara. J. Q. Hoi laud St Co., for the gift of two baaatlfnl caleodars at tbe bauds of Mr. Will Warren. —Add to*your phono Hat Tarlair Bros St Trotltpger, store, opposite h/> tmy, number 145 B. sod tbe Baptist church u umber 36. -Hit btnange Advaoturea nf Miss Brown will be the show at the Opera House Monday night. Bead elsewhere the interesting advertisements of this mirthful attract Ion. —Tbe pig and turkey snatcher men tioned last week was apparently a bustler Two more stolen pigs nave turned up on his thieving account with possibly other preciocle to beer from. —A o a tuber of bis foeods, young men and ladies were entertained at an elegant Christmas dinner by Dr. Balpb Falls, at the borne of bis father Mr. G. W. Falla Mar Crowders Crook. —The two haaotlful oil pilntloga at MeDUl 4 Miller’s are the artistic hand iwork of Miaa Janie Young. Those pretty pointers would step any aports mau in the world and itvet him to tbe spot. —Tbe holiday passenger traffic la baavy on toa railroads. That of the tbe Soathern Ball way necessitates two sections of some of the traloa. one for passengers and one for baggage, mail, and exp rasa. —Tba Due Weet boja will shortly disease the question as to whether the allied powers would bu junta able Id tba diKQembrrment of (Jbtoa. - Mr. George Hanna, of Gastonia, I* ooe of tba debater*. —Monday week la Oral Monday— a Mg da* In Dallas. There are a Dumber or candidates for tba poatttoa of superintendent of roads, but It la not certain that Uta commissioner* are rat ready to elect. -~Tbe taaoh udmlred atlreotlve dis play of nuts, fruits, and candle* In tba abow window of Gray * Lore’s gro cery Is Um artiatle baodlwork of Mr. Freak Langty who travels for the whole sale home of the W. T. Lora Ootnpaay. —The last Christ mai day of the Itth century was sonny aad quiet—Jus* the day for alt who love a quiet Ume. Aad fov those who dida’t lore a quiet tires It gars large scope for aolse. Up town tba notes want oo—Artworks galore through the day and till lata bedtime ^ Chrlatmaa bight. Pea Baal tw gUbau.a Mr. and Mr*. ». U Llnabargar spent last weak In Richmond ooun-y enjoy log the pi as an ran of tba chaos and gun, The weather ares unfavorable to tba obese except oo two moraloga wttoh ware good, and on wbicb two fossa ware oaugbt. Opt goonlog. tboy brought down 14 birds at 14 abota In an hour and a batf. Mr. Llnabargar aaya Um Mrda are about a third larger thaa oora, got away a third faster, and you hors to a boot mighty quick to bring down the gaaao. M. M. Austin, a elr 11 war veteran, of Wlaebaotar, lad., writes: “My wife was sick o king time In aplte of pood doctor'* treat meet, but was wholly sored by 1M. Kiag’a New Ufo PHte, whteb wotkad woadar* for bar health. They always do. Try them Only He at 1. t. Cnvry * Ob’* drug store •Mtsisa or »v a. a omvscb. Xaiiluav Momma hj Bak er B«to», ■■<: Other Appreprlato lnwko •• renew. Tba oocuiolion of tbelr oew dm roll by tba Mat bod lit people of oor loon next 8und*r muralng mirgs another M«p forward lo tba religion* life of our town, aod Uialr grwuilatlon wlUb* •hared by all who lejoloe In seeing mul tiplied tbe active agenda* for good In tba oommnnlty. We are able to auoounoe tba pro Jram of rxarelias fox Suuday and three ay* following : SUNDAY. 11 a. q.—Svrmou by Bishop W. W. Daocan of Spartssburg. 3,M vm*. Major ft. W. Held, father of Prof, j. r. and Dr. H. M. Itald of our town, (Had at hi* home la Charlotte Christmas eve at 8.45 o'clock, fie had bees seriously 111 with pneumonia for eeveral days aod both bla sons bad bceu watebtog by bis bedilde oooetaully. Tbe funeral waa conducted Cbrlatmaa day at tbe borne at 801 8. Try on street by Iter. Mr. Montgomery of the A. B. P. eburcb, and tbe burial took plaoe at 3 o'clock et Steele Creek. Prof. Bold bad gone over only a few weeks ego aod settled up all bla father's business, so that when be fell on sleep at tbe age of 80 year* be left In peace a well rounded lira. Major Bald was a man prominent la eburcb, social and civil Ufa, a good, nice, aod true man. Ule neighbors constantly honored blot'with their choice for pleoes of trust and ■errloe, to none of wbtcb arms bearer untrue. At different times be wu on tbe oouoly board of education nod the board of commissioners of Mecklen burg ooumy, and lo 1872 -’73 be repre aeoted bla comity In tbe House of Rep reeenUtivee. He was practically tbe father of the feeoe, or as It is some times called, tbe no fenoe taw. He made a vigorous light aod won the right to adopt tbe law foa bla town ship, so that Steele Creek was tbe Oral township to build a fenoe around tlaelf and teat tbe oew order of thing* which baa aloes become tbe order all over the State. Prof, lteid aod Dr. Raid and their famines attended tbe funeral from Qaetonla. iMMOitf Kill—te. Many of bla friends and old chums won a little surprised to leero that Mr. I. N. Alexander, Jr., bad celebra Ohristmaa^by getting married. Hot that It waa totally unexpected, for they bad suspected for tome lime that he serloot matrimonial dealgna, but be cause be had kept them expecting so long that they were Joel earprleed at ble getting married si suddenly. Hit fair bride is Mlm Annie Kincaid, daughter of Mr. John KlooaKJ of our town. The marriage waa celebrated la happy style at the heme of Mr. Days Walker near rieiaaot Ridge, Kev. M MeO. Shields perform ing U># ceremony. They were married at keif pdat ten and enjoyed a big dia log at noon. Mr. Alexander did not tom up at the store yesterday morning bet phoned bla partaev, I*rof. J. P. Held, that he bad married a wife and couldn’t come. Wa tender oqr congratulation! and heartiest good wiahcsl to both of theta excellent young MQplf, base now has Aoote, Aod Annie, aha l*a Ike; May life for them ran smoothly Aa a brand new tandem bike, wmnwrae Hmeutta. At the borne of Mr. Poor Daria, brother-tn-law of the bride, Mr. Wm. H. Stowe and Mies SeUte May Btobbe were married at 8 o'oloak lest eight. Tbeoeremooy was performed In bit exoellent and beenmlog Kyle by £e aolrn W. [. Stews', who Is the groom’s father. These happy young people ere popular with their entire acquaintance and barn n boat of well wlabers,among which Tnw OaxrTTW must be Inela dad. Hw game Is William H, And ham la Bailie May; Hero’s wishing both may errr Be happy on lbs way. Of ell the merry Christmas gather ings none waa men delightful or mom thoroughly enjoyed than the ele Kt dining by Mr. end Mm. C. M. •n oa Christmas daycomplimentary to Uie raflnnd oflloe for on. other gneete prment were Mr. sod Mm. Harry, Mr. and Mra. Lyda and e number of young Indy friends of Mlearn Zola eud Ethel Holeu te great the youfijr men end wleb them many happy returns of the day. rww nwrm Lm. Mr. J. A. Doflln lost two Bngere from hie left bead last Friday at MeCeU, EC. He waa operatfag a plenrrjor Joiner, when hit atiantloe wm celled away fora moment. -As be turned U> mem hie work, hie head came tn nee tact with Urn whirling knlfo. The 8ml Doper waa eat nff about middle way The third Anger etoee ep te lbs head. Mo other laj ary wm does to the head. Mr. Left la Same home Monday rtiMiu nrnM. _ t —MIm Hattie Bradley, of Charlotte, was a Christinas visitor at Ur. t). M. Nolan'i. —Ilf. Joo. B. StaroM li taklu* Chnatma* with friend* wul klo*fotk in Charlotte. —MIm Ota Herron. of Dixie la spend* lag the holidays with ha* cousin, MIm 5m Gallant. —MIm Janie Jack too. of Bowling Green lx rosing up today to visit MIm Hope Adame —MIm Mena Bay and Mra Tata of MeAdanvfUa were pleasant visitors Id Gastonia Friday. —Mr. Stantoo accompanied by his daughter, MIm Mattie of Bethel, 5. 0. wm In tows Friday. —MIm Pearl Gallant left on Narrow Gangs last night to visit friends In lbs Bethel neighbor I mod. —MIm Blauobo llcyan arrived from Spartatibtirg last steak to vlatt her ale ter Mra Joo F. Imre. —Mr. C. B. Onender, of Winston, la holiday guest of hla daughter, Mra J. L. Vlpperman of Dallas. —Mr. 8.1. Clinton nod daughter, MIm Sauna, stars guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Clinton. —Dr. and Mra. J. C Whiteside went up Saturday morning to spend Christ mas With reUllTM In Hickory. —MIm Bright Bodlslll of King’s Mountain, la expected to-day to speeds few days with MIm Laura Page. —Master Grier Love went to S-jer taoburg Monday to apend the holidays with his grandmother, Mra Bryau. —Mr. J. 8. Gulbrfc, • prominent lumberman of BenlonvUI*. Arkansas, U In Gastonia oo a proapeottog trip. —Prof. If B. Koblnoe, Prluclpi) of tbe Morgan Ion High School. Is In town guest of Ills anni.Jitr*. W. L. Qallaot. —Moasra. Char lea Cooae aod Joseph Kearney, or Bessemer, and Mr. Wllbor Cooke, of MoAdenvllle, were Christ mas guest* at Mr. P. H. Cooke’s. —Mr. W. L. Gallant arrived Christ mas day from bis southern trip, and Mr, Adam Cooper earns over yesterday from ObarloUe to spend a few days with him. —Mr. Lull* Altai, of tbs Evening Journal toroe came to from Spartan borg >o take Christmas with Uie “old folks at bome.” He returned to hi* poet yesterday. —Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Hoke, of At lanta. spent Saturday In Gaatoola en route to Lincoln ton for tb* holiday*. While here they were guests of Mr. aod Mrs. R. C. McLean. —Mis* Katrina Hunter left on the morniustrain Saturday to visit bar ■later. Mr. J. C. Reid, near Charlotte, She mill return about the Brat of Feb. rnary to resume her school duties. -Meears. J. A. Luftlo, Ira Ktecatd, and Elmer Spencer aod wife, from McCall. & a, aod Mr. Jno. T. Spen ear from Lnmberton were among Gas tonia’* col on 1 s'* who returned to their old home fur (Ibrlslma*. —Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Shearer wllb their aoo aod daaghter, David aod Annie came down from Lenoir Monday night to spend Christmas wllb th*ir uncle and aunt, Capt and Mrs. J. D. Moors. They returned this morning. —Mr. W, J, DeVlnney enjoyod Christmas dinner at the Mount Vernon Hotel In Saliabnry. He aayg that among tbe dsmrxts was plum podding ssasoned with brandy, served hot with tb* brandy sat aflre. It was actually brought to tbe gneste blaaing. Faot. *t»n« WMb la lhe Habitat. Ur. Harry Adam* la at boas* far Um holiday*, and p»rhap* longer, after a hoepltul career of elCTro week* with a broken arm. Wbll* coupling oars laat September hi* right forward, wee entitled between the beta per*. Tbe boore were broken and embed and lb* flesh lacerated. He wme taken to the Cliaeapeake and Ohio Hospital at Clifton Forge Va , ead tbrre remained until the 18th Instant. He never would. In all hi* a«Baring, glee bU euoeeot la the lurgeoo* to eat hi* arm off. 80 they eet It, treated It, eewad "P tbe wound* aod drawed It with lb* rreulf that be atill baa hi* arm and band with pretty fair prom lea of hay ing a good arm of It yet. The hospital la aatabltebad and maintained by the eaptoyeaa of the road. It aoet Ham Juat SO seats a moatb, he my a, to atay there wltb bta broken arm. Marrle*. Oar OhrietmM eoefretuletlon* be long Ihli week to Ur. Charlie Croae e»d Mina Kata D«y who were married Sunday anornlag by Keqaire Juba C. Benkln. Tbe fear and trembling with wbleh our ehaerful bachelor friend Haekln haaao fit rlewed matrimony will, we boor, entirely forsake him In bU rot* of odtetetlag elloer at tk* marriage of other*. *o tbgt be will ■ooe here tbe way mnoothly paved to hi*own. Oor beet wlabe* for prnepari ty go wltb thee* bepoy young people. His eaea* I* CharlieCross, And bora wa* Katie Day; Vow, Charlie, If y*u went to boee Juat let her hat* Mr way. * *wy Wyvluj. It la e mystery why wnaaen aadnra Daehacha, Hradeehe, Varvuuanaaa, . Starplraaoaaa. Melancholy, fainting ned limey Knot)* when lboomed# have , proved that Kleebrlo Hitter* elU qalck ly eura eueb trouMm. "I euffvrrd far pear* with kid ary trouble," writes Ur*. Phab* Charley, of Paterson, la.. Maed * lam* bach pained me an I oould •et dram myeeir, bet BteefHo Blttar* wholly eared me, ead, ail bear* 7* year* eld. I sew eet ehte to do aU mt housework.M it nTirenmm Coeettne Uae, Improvv* Appetite, give* perfhat beetth. Oely 10s at J. K. Carry A Oak drag ft or*. 1 o produce the best results in fruit, vegetable or grain, the fertilizer used must contain enough Potash. For partic ulars see our pamphlets. We send'them free. GERMAN KAl.t WORKS, M Mjuh U.. Mw r»<*. < IU«HAt imiTAINHim. _ MmI an* may arkssl aa* ri—w OUtartk «llk IHtla* mt mam. Tbe A. U. 1*. Sabbath School tolor- ■ bd • Christmas tree treat Cbrictgaaa eve at tbe Poblie ichoo) building on South Street Mr. Jao. F. I. tv*'* elate of UlUa folk* under the management of Miei Little Adams enjoyed a happy enter Ulomerit at tbe bigli ecbool building. There waa a pleating entertalnmaat by lb* oblldreo, and present* war* dlatrlbulad by Mr. Lera. At tbe Chapel near tbe old mill, it a flourishing Sunday School of 71 mem. beta under the Superintendence of Mr. t. A. Costner. A bright honaefnl of People wee* preeeol at the Christmas tree Christmas night MIsms Hen Hoffman and Sue Gallant la menage meat of Uw oblldreo rendered an ex Mllaat program, while Mr. Costner aad Mr. Shieldr distributed the pm eota. Mias Cynthia Blackwell’* school at tb# Avon oslebrated tb* advent of tbe holiday* with a tree Saturday night. The children’* entertain meet consisted of declamation* and reoitationa aud other iuiereetiag feat urea They nut only received present*, bat they gave their teacher one, and a hippy presen tation speech was made for tbe chil dren by Rev. G. H. Dataller. At Him Pbeebe 1’rgram’a tobooi at tbe Otark there was a big tree and n Wa crowd aad lot* of present* oa Monday night. Menem J. R, Wither*, G. B. MlUen, Arnold Hendrick* and I. J. Hamilton, with a number of the young ladle*, ascii ted In catting It up on pert of Urn Sunday School. Rev. J. A. Baldwin was present end made an appropriate address. It we* a wins Uee, there we* good order, a great big eruwd, end everybody had a good time. ammmmmm= Metises of Mmw aOrsrtemwswts. Brevard Hlxon, Bxeeutor of tb* lata Jeannette 8 Farley give* notion to creditor*. C. AN.-W. Itsilway C<>.—give* no tice concerning amendment to charter. Bob!oaoo Brothers make their How Tear bow. Houae—Sir anas adventure* of Mil* Brown next Monday night. Bo* Hive—Tbaak* tbe public for pan patronage end either all a happy now year. Kaw Tort Racket-Beturnr thank* for liberal patronage end with Hew Tenr frailuga soliclia a oontlnoaucn of tb* asms for 1801. L. H Hagood Oaabier— statemeot of King1* Mountain bank. Alter Im Tear*. HI* old friend* will be bappy to glv* UhrletuiM grvotlsg* to Mr. J. F. whlleeldce, wbo arrived early till* week from hi* far oil Texa* borne. It bee been «eveo yean alnoe he left Oaetonla and Oaatoo ooeoty to eeet bta lot la ib* Mg I4o* Star State. The oil mate, the water, a ad life genet SlJ/Whf to agree wall with Mr. NMuwtdiw, wbo la looking atoot end hearty. **»*•*« Mmlana e* Mia# Brews. That laughing comedy auooMa “The Strange Adventure* of Ml** Ur*am” will oa tbe attreciloe a* the Opera Hoam neat Monday ewelo*. Tbla , aocaady baa bad a raeaarkable record wblob taoda to prove Ke popularity everywbeta It ran far over three hundred eight* -lo Load**, ovei one hundred oTgfcu at the MeebeUen Theatre le Mew Fork CKy. and la oow In.the third aeaaoo oa tbo road. Tbla eoapany le to play Canada and tba rot Ira North-wrat brfore eooolod log lb* ytaaoot lour wtrtob will aeoea a larg* amount of territory covered, and by tbat time -'Mia* Urowo” will have virited every Slate la tbe Union. The compeey la aeld to be an axotp tlooallyelever no*, end laeledva among It* number oaverai people well know* to vaUdrvllle rank*, wbo contribute tbalr apaolaltlae during the aoUoa of thapiay. E*888 !8hr wni * «*•*••« - M, U, 80, 78—end aeata will go oa tale at Torranee'a Ding Store Saturday moral**. ••vmi. Nolle* I* hereby given that at the approach!** aeeetea ol the Ueearal Aieembly of North Uarolla*. »* oon ▼tae to Hatalgb oa tbo 9th day of Jea aery, 1901, the Coral In* * North-wvet *ra Hell way Company w{U apply for the paaaege of a lew to a wee I ah a«t af lli* aad Oeaeral aaeembiy of Neath Carolina. *etula* 'A* eel to toaomor aU Ib* UaroUoa * Nerth- Weeteot srj'r-^.T'h asr “* The New Tear is almost here and we . wish to thank wfche people, one and all, for their more than liberal patronage diming the past year. Wishing all a happy New Tear, and soliciting your continued patronage, we are Tours for Business, THE BEE HIVE, Next to Marble Yard. - Cheapest in Town. .BAILES at GROVES...... . KWOrr or THB CONDITION OF THX K1AC8 MOIIXTAIX lAXK OF KINO* MOUNTAIN. IN TRK RTATK OF NORTH OAMOLINA, AT TUN CLOU OF UUaiNBM. DKOttUmn IA MM, itMrimcM. i L“,».. mrnMure. mm Due Cm* tub. rrqjq Otok U> V».u. amM Tol»'. tMCNIM MAtlLITltA . 4MU Nat Prato. Total—a . I. L. R. Haaood. caibfrr of th. Kiwi Noun- . tAla Bosk, do ooleaialr evear that ibe above ' tuiAmol )■ trueto Hubert nf ray kaowMae aa4 bAM. L. N. Kaoooo, Uubter. NTATKOF NOTH CAROLINA. I _ ooorrrorourraAAFb. f" •worn to ut rabWW before ■», UU» ttnd toy of December. A. U. MM. a A. Diuuo. Notary FuMle. SMICC. Notice la hereby glvan that appllua lton «I0 ba made to the I^rgtaUtara of North Carolina at tbe*r neat aaMlon for tha pnaaaga of as ael to prohibit the naanafnatara and aato of tpirlia or Malt Ilqaon within tfaraa aallea of Daily church, colored. Crowd an If to. townablp. Oaatoa aoaaty Matnfaere of (Charoh aad Cltiaaoa of Commanl^r. ranii. MotlM I* Uartbr flteo that applica tion will be made la the Dapleletiire of Sorih Carolina at Ibalr cast areal oe (or tba paaaapa of an act to prohibit the raanofaotara aad mla of apirtu or malt llquori within two mllre of Providence School home, Dlatriat Xo 1L, River Hand Townalilp, Qaaloo county. M. D Rawktk, ». M. Surma. wwncm. Tba ettlaeoe of DeHee will apply to tba neat Gao art) Amomtly to confer upon them the proper authority for aald towft to eon daw aoab baM aa to U>c line of mid town. . _ ■■ LfWiidox, Mayor. Tbla Dae, 1«C. 1900 ■enea Wot lea la bant* ptvao that appliee to tba Laglalaioie of Worth Carol lea at Uatr next aaaeloo Ibr the paaaapa ef aa act to prohibit the mawofaeufo and (Me of apfrlto or malt IVqaoci with la throe rollro ef J-rtm Preahyterlaa oh oreh of Geataa Oauotf. Manana or U» Caunort. iMlIiLI Oft LtASft. The Guleitta fteOer life Throe ataoda of Oriaeem mad Me nddOb. a boiler, all In goad oeodl iln( A Do Wlaablp pie ayatroa with ataaro tnmpw aad packer. DoaMa boa re rohppp praaa with at b. p. ballar and Appf^to • o OPERA HOUSE—ONE NKJHT ONLY MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st ....The Comedy Soccew of Two Continent*.... The Strange Adventures am of Miss Brown. ROARS Of LAUGHTER EXOBJ^LBNT flPEOIALTXBS Price*—as, 35, 50, 75. Seats on sale at Torrence’* Drug Store Saturday morning 8 o'clock. (Hi the Visgs of Time' ’ the first Hew Year's Day of a acar . century presents its compliments and . will receive oar d.atiaguisbed conaid •rstioa. We also make ear tin)* bow aod await, the kiortasw ofyotr fences, during tiw coming year. We offer I shoes of the same hub grade which has always characterised ear fcot weor, and hope to be able to add to poor pedal coadbet end appearance. ROBINSON BROS., ' 4 THE SXZOS MSKT. By the Basketful, the tingle package, or however yon nay order your Chriitixaa grocer lea. j we ere yoor williag servfceeu; that to to eay. the unallett pr-hate ahall have equal attautbo with the 'large*] thoa may we expect to Chore the bhtaing. of Old Sente Clan, with ether good etttoeoa. Mmm9> elite grocery. CHRISTMAS GREETING. Ii muiM about1 that present, 1st ue help you. Wt have Beautiful (foods at prices that make theta go. Our reputation for taste In selecting hol iday goods will at kaat justify yon la ssring cmre before baying. Ask for prices Oar opening Is going on all the tine. We will take plaaeota in showing aad pricing oar goods whenever it is yoor pJeneure to call. Cocos. Only two Archaftaa Boards led. Sac oar Bocks, Games. Trinkets, aad so os. With sincere thaaka to all our Christmas ataaon. J. B. CURRY * COMPANY $