The G , , . p™ Vn\. XXII. <»^rA* «$£&>.> . ,. ARP ARDJR1LDREM. ItTt.T. T.lTBl TO BEE THE LITTLE ORE 4T FLAT. Ail un i»» Mit • »wM —ir Bf ■iimi nuptauft, u4 tMlMMikfMr W«aiB. BUI in B iitaata OnMuIloi. The* little shape alarm as—alarm w with tbelr laadonuee, their bappl ■tea, tbelr lore, for 1 bare a forebod ing tbet It oeaoot last. Life la full of aorroere sad they erui bare tbelr abate. It la tbe oobomm lot. One mrianeiiuly poet any*: “Man wee mads to mourn. “ Another eayr. *'I eoold not live a] war*,” but 1 Ilka tbet oos batter who wrote “Tbe world to wry lovely. Oti. My CM, I tbs ok Tbw tbat I ll*r." Fro* my window aioeuet rwry day 1 aae two liule stria, only (our aud aim years old, turning tba oorner and com log up through tba grow to aoa grand ota aod grandpa aid be patted and of coarse, be feasted with biscuit and Jelly aod apples aod to oorae the oat and play with tbelr little cousin'« Coe Parle doll. Tfr»y always come band to head aad with clean races aod rlbfrmnd hair aad we maet them at Uia door. for they bring saotMna to oar hearts end home. I low to baw Ui«tn ollmb lata tba bank of ay big olialr sod bother me while I write, aod l baw to atop and draw ptetdrea far loam aod to bear tba HtUe oae cell as bar good olJ for noth log graa’pa. The other day I mat them going sauther way aod they eatd they wan going to ocs their other grandma. •‘Tea," mid (, "yon haw two grand mu, bat yea turret gut but ocs grandpa.” Tba little aim looked op lovingly in mo aod said: “We don’t aaad any mors ” 1 aoaght u flee tarter for tSe boy* who ere cos log sad the liule girl surveyed btm cod aeM: ■HJnn’pe. bo Is ruaaleg at the BOSS cad It’s oioody. ” It waa tbs older oca who aeid the tarkry la elek. I reckon, (Dr be keeps vomtUag. Dean Swift wag a ovale and bad ao low foe children. He add tbat an aetbor who talked about blaowa bonks was aa silly at a m jtber who wag ever tailing something smart about bar children. Ireokoo be would e*y that greed paras to ware more etUr than mothers. I canfvea that It ie a good part at my bvppUume now tu mlog'e with aad to pat tba liule grand oitU* dran aad that is why I (ml atanosd for rear eometbing will happen to them be fore I die or that I Will die before tbsy get old too ugh to low me with a low that will not forgot, aod ( think or Tom Moore sod big gsaallo that died. I don’t know where my spirit will be hot It teams tn mu now that I woe id like to haw Ibeaa liule onto bring dowers to my grew nicest! mi* sad talk about me. What would Urn wot Id bo wtthoet children, for of euob la the hlacdom of hsema. Joit Imaglae for a moment the dwoUtioa, tbe despair tbat would pervade tbe boms aod ■ocreiy in trsne ana ootnmeroe—not • day school la all tb* land oor a Sea day gobonl: not a lltua nbon or Moot ing. nor a little bat.'nor a doll or toy la any utoco; no esatorla or soothing •Trap or otliar iDfanul* medicine*; do firework*. no Chrlauaaa nor Sautf Claus; do notblrui baldly, fur It is a fact that tbo world lo worblag for children. Tbo oynlo* *ty that ooarrl age Is a (altar*, duppoee It It In many oaot. Children ore not failure*. Dl 1MM* any Mil* tba lav* of man and Wifa, but they Mill lorn lb* children and too Mod for tbo pc union of thorn. .Good tobooU ualld op towns sod coomnaUiea sad tbo children make tbo achOOU. Country people naort to town to educate Urea. What would boooMQ of tire 4,000 toaehore In tbo Mate of Georgia? What woold tho publisher a do with alt their school books bad picture books? Who wunld go to o plento or a monkey show ? What esouM would men folks hara for going to tba olrcua? W.xildaol It ba a lonesome, no acopuut world? But ■arrlapa la not • failure. It ooo id not bo, (Or U wo* ordalued by God. Ooo or two unhappy marriage* In** seam unity **u *11 tbo dog* barb ing. Dlyorco* are multiplying, but only nmaug tbo wry nob or tbo drank oo your. Money or wbtikoy at* tbo eaato of Moot of them aod iu aloe osaas Mat of too tb* mow In to blame. Thorn la bat cm toriptnrnr ground tor divorce and nlnn men are gnllty nf lug ■anan Ho* NUreUyT*weretly and redly you bare to endure what yaa know, bat cannot tell, sad ail yon oaa do lo to bug year children ell the nlonor to your bosom and trust In God. i waa roamtuaa iMoi ouikjrao Pa rana# I a* away at fra* *laa aad on aj »*T ban I aaaaad aroottotep aabaal boaaa Joat aa na ebIMraa war# pi Mac oat lor aim aad tbap aaaa Hha baaa oat aC a Waa Aa laag aa Iba train otoppad a* that outlaw fwatebad tba* at UMdr many plapa aad aporu la tba ptattp trow# aaar bp aad I aloooat wtabad that I waa a bay again ao ibat I Might Mr tba*. 4oa2 iractooa bow l avoid run and I atop aad altaob aad ihaat; bow lonr aad happy waa tba dap. ■tblMI n»'*r oni wink too a ion, Hot broacht too laag a dap, Bw mw 1 of tan wtah Iba light Had bona my braatb away, v To* Hoad wrote that; poor fa«*>w I do hat aap It, for I taro to lira aad ban tow ranrwta la dtauawt tan. I aw bara lit Obotono, a prottp town wUb a pratta aaate Ttta good old auta, a daagtter at Oaargla, It fall of Indian aawoa at to wan aad ovaotlat aoi rtvar Tbaaa aa*at art all that a laft nf tba trlbao iba Obtebaanwo aad OkmU<i aad Otaobi aad Jfatabaa. Thapweroa mad aad bappy paopta. but bad »o rnatab whoa tba pala (aaaa aama aad ooroted tbntr land#. Ujlaaal Oardan a abotadarate rutaraa. Itraa hara aud te tainted Ma groatlp la tba Matary or MtaataWMd.for badad bMfatharMfaro blpa aaatd aay “Mama partial"-* a goad part af It l won." H# taro m# tba artgto aad Mwalag of ataap at tbam faJata-ni*M. and aa Paatotea aad tSupatamdattaoaa.^aad ajttoofttir • i d i Scotchnaan. ted named Daadtt. tel tot mad booauaa our people would Mil ft Doady usd ao ohaagal It Vo a naeta they could not mlaptawouuaa. Hi* falter waa eery waa I thy owning thou, •unda of norm at thin rich prairie land that ba bad bought from tbo Cblokgauwa bafora they atanad tba treaty that oadad their lend* to tba Uoltad hutM gnerrmant I aaM that bio father waa a native of Scotland. Of eourte lia waa or he could aveerbaeu bought tboae land* The IndUa trltwa all I Had' the Scotchaaor, for they Uauluo them fairly and klodly In trad •ag and tdugbl thaw the uaa of the oroaa bow and Inag bow. TbaoaSoolcb own rraquanuy married Indian tuald *0*, tba daughters of Ike chief*, sod In ooaran of time their halftirasd children |> aooBM tbe o',Inf*. Sutb m Bow nod Bldg* and Molotoab and Oaoeola Major Colbert, an .tbar balfbiaad whoa* Indian a am* waa liutiala. bream* abler of tbe Cbiofcaaawa. Ha waa a (real faro rile with Mra. Dolly Mad laoo, lb* pmeulani** wife, lor be waa a apleedld tpeclroeuof Indian and Scotch manhood aod waa aaart and well educated. Mr. Madlaon (an him a pair of peafowl* and he bcuugta Lb am hum* and fra® that avary pair ;af peafowl* la Mlealaslppl baa da , araodad. Thl* pair waa many yanr* afterward* a iron la Col »«M Oordoe'e ! Boole, Jiafab Walton, a ad kg bla to I SffJB® Mr*- Owu- •«<• ika mala ; bird llrad to b* meealy-two years aid. A pair of Ibis asm* stock baa dean ra caa'ly presented to Urn uuy <4 Mam phis tor their no I bad ma Idea that peafowl* Head to aoob grant mm, hei I do know that w* bare,bean breeding thaw for or*/ larniy years sad have (Iran away a great many I oarer know one to dw a aataral death. Dul I am tired —trarrl worn, lai no hjura are mlaa. they are Urn rail* road** by eight aa wall a* by day aod my real la broken «p aod 1 begin to raallg* that I caeoot (laad It mnob too gar. Ben Frank It a1* dedalliaa of ease waa that he la “a baadj* of babila” and lb* older bo grow* Ike »Lranger bla habile bold blm. Tba ▼my word baMi eadm from tba latln *‘b*b*o" to bold, to Mod.—BtU Attn Tba Daagbtera of tba Confederacy are wide a a aka |D tbla town and ara ■*«« t* build a maonmaot to tbelr barole dead of whom about l.KJO are burlad bare. They [Ballad me bar* to _a A. W-W— IpMWI PaUMsIpkH Vartk Aw Senator Harm, aad Jo* Jefferson Ult actor, aalarad Urn Wbtu Boon am la arm u*»r Tbay are old friend* aad the Senator wan lad Hr Jrflara m. to jant tha pnaMrsl. Thera was a long lion of peraooa waiting for Ur. MeKla Imj praowSano*!°*n *"d hU ““P*®*®” "I am dad to kaow that yoa era wall aad alga to bold lb* atage tor a long to eoam.” aaid tM president. «A.od I trust teat yon will ba la tha lion light for four morn yearn.” Ur. JHSrraoo added. - Senator Elanna bad bsaa shifting JO aaaEly from bla cane to bla good left la* and oaek agate during tills exobang* of ooanptlmots, boU dramatic aod point at last. 'in vary fine fallow*, but what would tbay amount to without tbi muninf V* . Mr. McKinley uaawarad tela query, hat what be is a* manta a ata'a aaeiut a* tha idaoUty of that Thank* firing Day turkay. a giean imMml i Wow Tort Timm. It la a eiroaiaateooe worthy of Dote that wltbln tu month* of tbu tlma when aur Uiulater was baaiagsd la Pakln. lighting tor bla fatally against Imperial troop*. Minister Wo, tba rdpreeaotallT* at Washington of tba Imperial gursnimenl, should appear before a lector* audience la Haw York to deliver aa addim* upon tba raligtoo of Chtoaaa and !m received not with mere ourto»Uy. Out - with warm aod filaodly Interest It la an avidauea of tb* broad and ealtgbteoad aptrttof tha A.«*tioaa*L it apaaka alnaaawUy of lb* latamtlog qaalltla* of the Chios** Miolawr. who h*a dlaobargad with oooaptauoua ability aad bhtbmlndcd waaa duties of a matt diUoelt gad complicated nator* during tha trouble* la hla eouairy. rtwnwg. M,U»m.0inb» Hum. . Ttia amith Ida elorar tbaaa day* |i taaaUaatot that iu Oatboa aroa (a i W ZS}iS worU' fr*« lo <609,00^900, aa jnmrarad with a» •aangaof 9900,000,0001a raeaat prr *Waa yaara. -Mocorar a laraar aad bauar poriiao of tha erop U bah.* ■MM ialOOO^td^ to’aotlwaUML Wm mill, of Um aoath wlR ota l.WO.OOd Maa, aa compdrad with l.ddO.OUO in I860- Kara at* (aliia la both dlrao Uooa hr Um aoath whM> oacht la waka Mat racU-m aooraoarly happy, aa aa* doabtadly'it fa. ■ cgmfffMM H« Rofl Hto |4|. 1 Trralra yaara 140 J. Wf. Salllran, of Hartfard. Coon., aentebad bU tad with a raaty wire. InSammatM aad biaud onuoold* aat la. Far two yaara Ita aamad Miaataly. .Thao tha Mat doetora uraad awyawtlon. ■‘hat,** ha Frttaa, aaad aaa buttla of Blaetrie Bltaara aad If born of Baaktoo*a Araloa Salto rod afy tea w«a round »fd wafl aa arar.»* f«r ■rwptlOaa. 8w«>»i Tatter, Salt Stamm. 8maa nd ail Wood dlaardrra Blaeirte Bltwra »o ^rnl aa aarth. Try Mam J. 8. Carry A On. will roiruitra art tafnattoo ar rrfnod iinbay. Only 90 t Maa af tha family dantda to M aaoaihla Mr naoa aad iwUra aarty, aampaay A howad to aema la aad Heap I haw ap lata. •mnn n wiu auni. n*rM««|iiRwwkaaM4awkM W. r*. Nairn. **. a Bam. Ib true tNnday aebool Mon (UN lb* wild baaetadavoacad ItUl* Wlili* Owt »•». at BelUnrtoa. wbo raa away froa bN boon aad waa I oat la tba wood* two waaba a to tfetrob waa mad* (or hla at lha llm-, bat do tree* of Ma wm fom.d o-ivii yoatarday, wbeo a party of banter* found a bat waojpft sf ala IItO* body at tba top of Uauml Mountain*. whan it bod aaldontly baoo oarrlod by lb* hi—la Hla olotbtag waa turn by tba aokmal'i aUwot ala faov wm alaoot aatao away and tbe ayaa had baoo torn oat of Wi* •oekou. Ha aa> raaOfoltad by tb* olotblAg and tbo eontaota of tb* post al* Old wm Oarrled book 10 tba Iowa WHIN Uaurtcey bod no paraata. H* waa taken -troN Uie poor boaaa la Raodulpb ooooiy atrrral month* ago by Benjtalo Oggtaaby. wbo took klm into bit family aa a child of hla own. U* —a wall cared for. but, boy lit*, Ion gad for a wider npertenoa aad ran away from bl* horn* to bm tba world| b* wm probably hiding la Uu wood* to avoid puraoll when b* baa ear loot aad WM attacked by a im* wild aaimato and killed. ■aao* rtmtmml B—Uat WarMaotoa tat Doc. ath. Under U>» lolrtaa bat roal); ■klllfii) mmlpolatlo-, of tbo Brook* board, It la rapidly baooalag a>«olfaat tbat tha daad oadat. Boas. waa about Lb* ootv plob* at Wool Point during IMS abo w*o not b*»rd at all Alaoac ottboul wuaotlon, tbo bra** and bunoraM* *Odua gorUamra wto bar* ban M kotod to tortlfy l of or* lien * Brook* and bit tototUgaat ouodjatorr drelara tbat tbor tbciBMlvca *m baaad. but I so tar oot oo* •* ibra ooa ri raala tout Boot Wat. Be mg here bam they all admit, but saver. mw; did any owe of them bear of It. It begin bi dawn opoa at that every -‘piaba" la Boce’t ynra waa baaed-sxoraf lug only Boot blmaatf. They all grow fat aod ■“•aaay” oa tba nalaeaa. Tboy diecribe It! aoder tba piece mg aye of Chairman Brooke, n a wbolaaome aad Invigorating proem Tba la far nose b patest—Boca died of aagleat oo tbe part of Uw h mare. Bad tba latter mada'blm ewallow a few pouodeaf eoap, doaeed bln la ftoaatog water, com palled bim la pan around be mole balldlog oa all (ouns, atkod, during a eaowttora, aad atberwln looked altar bla etocal and malarial aomfort, lm would no doubt ba aim to day a apioedld apnlman of vitality and physical parfeettoo. Aa it la, hav ing bean sternly deprived of then ad ventegn, be la daad. T*a inquiry ooadootnd tv Own. Brooks le rreoghl with lounel. wa felly expected tbat it would ba Re nailing Qen. Brooks's enMgbiaavd grasp of tbe situation Id Cuba, aod the lucid aad aoovinelBf mariner In whlob be la parted to tba Secretary of War tba frails of hie profound aad aompreheuatva knowledge, we felt Mrs tbat bis conduct at tbm lovratlgaiina would ba productive bayood Um dreams of earioslty. We now koow that new bore just entering the military Acad emy arc called • beaete", aad Wasted accordingly Wa know, moreover, tbat tb«y denrva all tba eantnmaly •ad brutal tier I meet they aooaaatar. Xl la a aotoriooe fnot that HU la fellows fra* fraae boaee. without rsoerlabn or guldanoe, and enddaoly plauged lota a novel aad hostile environment. •» anas assume no aggressive and lenient altttada toward tba older boys, aod babave lhamaaives with each ls tolarable vlolsoee tbat tbe latter, la •all defends, era eompalled to adopt the vary mvenet maaaum. • Tba eaff •slugs af then martyrs la tba higher •lateen are alwaya endured- with Chris tiaa meekoree, bat of ooaree than la ■ limit, and when that limit In reached the big boya nmt do soaMthlag to obroh the rntlOrsa tyrnwnv nf tbe little ooee. And (b*i explain everything. Wee a it ell. The only drd action wa aao dinar le Utet Wart Point Made for Its l»or and credit a fresh iofeeiob of each •pint as, yean ago, waa Aheifratad by Oedet Buck, of Texes. The oonctry wtir rertrmbar tbat ba refused lobe “dlrelpHiMd” eooovdleg to Went Point trad Itiems, sod. eoueotona of bis dignity end good hr ending, shot tbe nfl« who beaded tba baedlam gang Intent npun bin penaaalloc aod bnmiUnUoo. Be waa a far batter rape mao tetlw of Amartaaa meuhood then the aowerdly rudltue who sought to torture and dlagreea a boy they thought to ba da pw»j 9m m*mm M—m> Indian Apaot ifytoa, of tba Ui null and Ouray ipnr, report# la tba In dian Boreas that (be aeereh at Weatara Colorado by tba State oOelafc for la dtaa* hinUof la tin State baa raaattad 10 a failure to Sad oae Iodias. ••Bara,11 tald the reporter who lied aa aaWUaa ta beooueeepeotai writer, "V aa article that l bare prepared oe ‘What Shall We Do with Oar w-Piaa 9* “Obi” the a»ty editor aaawand Mbe ■laaead at tbo onpy. -I'm afraid you're wealed a lot of llae on tha Mil oi, Thh art tel# la a detune aad a hail I'm#, at lonat. Tba tebjeet eon be covered, id two word*” ‘•.Howr’ "Interview than.” IbrMeribrPKfMa Piem Ik* OaOiewH PM*—a We do not kabw bow to proaoaata St do tleela, bat, anyhow, wa bare oo nan fee It bereaiur. hra artien OWy trrnat U MM tbwt Beereterr Hay bat de rided to Mtapt the ratfrattlua whtab tba yaUdw jttrwalt trpdtrod fbr bite. a ' - • IIDIAPPBRS (85,BOB. mum m iebtobep umx. VMMHT 1'MMr IMk *M>T w u IWi DkNM dm Ohm, Mh. Dm. M Hud I? >■ Urn bom* of Cudiby. tba ONllbt Mkb| teuM, owoor of pita ally. Sward Cwdabyjr., wbo'was kidnapped Taaa 4ay arjalog, altar balag toldthlrly-aUr bawa for a rawoa of fM.000 In Mid •b»ot» th# youag mao*s fotbar anbesl taUrgly paid, has bae* istaruad t* bis family aad to-algbt tba bay aad bla ps rMta ara raoelvlo* ooagrmtaUtlooa from rsiaUvas aad frWeda throagtoot Iba ooaotry. Mr. aad Mt*. Cadabv fast that tbay have aaoaa far rrliaf oat oaly ovrr tba nrtort of Ibolr yoatbfbt too, bat ala* baoaoat an* or poaalblr moio af tbaix daagbtan wara oat ladadad la tbo Moapiraey wbiab baa eanasd thorn to mate aniloty ood griff. M a state maat of tba sosaptraten. avorboard by tbo lad wbtlo bo war la tbalr powar. Indicate* Ibat tboy had bwa ilimat Ung for a moatb to ore are poaereeVm of oaa of bla slater* Mr. Oadabv bad baao vary ratloaot tbruogtmat tba aCelr aad op la thla after naoo rafoaed abaci a loir to talk, elibar of lb* kidnapping or tba pay (Beat af tbo rauaum aad (atom of bis ■oo All Informal loo glvaa to tbo PfWle haa teoo throarb bla attarear. Malvllla Basra and Urn aucamwate of lte latter have baao vory guarded. Bator* tba rail truth af tbo kidnap Piag, tbo ratarn of tba toy, ate azpa riaaaas of tbo Uttar bod teao glvaa to to* public at mm. tad.y, tba poUs* WBM iaoilosd to doabt tba atory that tbs bay bad baao spirited away. Tbts rtaptlalam. bawsysr. well ad away I oboa young Cadnby rrlated tbs atory1 af balag ovarpowered, ulased la n alsaad aarriaga Mlwdfotdad and bound, nod ennlod aay mil** from tba oily to o plot* tba location of white be oaaoot Msnitfy ud Urns bla fether made knows tba doLaila of n •one Hde Ms to l ha eouxtry to deooall.a bag eontaJaiaw 408,000 Is gold la a plaoa Indicated Ms a latter written Wad* oasday to Mr. Uedahy by Um outlaw#, aawlng this OoodtUoe aa a nrate tor tba ret arm of tba boy. Teeterday about aooo aad eererel boars after a latter bad bare toft oa tba laws of tba Cadehy rtaMkaev, another •alaalve was delivered to Mr. Cadehy at bla realdmoe. It Base through tba aalls aad eoatalaed a proposition to ratans tba b-sy safa and anbanasd, pro vided Use saw of tjts.000 was paid *tbat night. Following la a o*pf of tba aaooad lOKvf * “Owahe. Mabr., Dm. 10-Mr. Oa* dahy : We bare kidnapped your obild aod demand (38.000 (twenty Ora Usoe •aad dollars) for hW safe return . If yos give as the mnnov the child will be returned aa safe aa vfaaa you last rear bits, bat If yon ref ase wa will put sold In bla eyas aod blind bla| then wa wUI immediately kidnap another million alra's child Uset wa hdva spoUed and dame ad4100.000, end aw Will gat It for be will aaa tba aooditloa of )our phi Id aod ran)It* tbs feat Uwt wa aeaaa boat aaaa. aad will not ha moakayad with or aaatafod: ‘tint tba boost all lo gold. Asa tea aad twenty dollar piaoaa; pot It lo a white wheel seek: get in year boggy nlooa oa Uw nlgbCof Draembrr 10. at 7 o’clock p. m. aod drive south from year baas* la Osater atraat, tore west aa Oatsr aad drive beck to Buser'e Krk pod follow tlw psvad road toward ■nsaoot. when yea MW to k laatara lhal is 11 rated by the aide of tba road. Plaow tba money by tba Uotare aad Im aeadiwtalytara year boras amend and “Too win kaow oar IS' Uru, far It will bars taro ribbawe. hiask and wl.ita tied oa the handle Too mast pleas a •ad laatara oa yoer baggy where It can ha Mainly seas so wa wlB kaow yog g OBiw ®wiy,. bo ratare— with Uw nil, aad toy attewgt at oeytura win be the eaedoet thin* you war dona. If yog mm—bar twenty iears ago Obertay Baaa was bid aappad to Yew York City aad 190.000 —bed. OM Mga Bo— wo wUHog t» fiK3r.sra«tsii£.ra: eaptarrd. Barn died of a broken bean •orr y tbet ba allow— tba dsteaUvee 9* dlatato t« biw. “Ton latter what not he aaaa bar aay fee bat you. If tbe pelt— or mom •tcao—c know of Ita oeeteote, they ■tgbf ettawpt to aoptvra — allkoagti against ywar was eea might ms la—era a— wraot on, l£w wrong party eeaai lag tba waoey and IMs would ba eg fatal to you ea If yea refused to glra ap tba mom. Ba yaa kM tba deeper If yoa tot tba letter ba. Min. "Mr. Cudahy, yw era ay agalota lb aad than la ooly aaa way onV/ file* ay tba onto. Mnn Wa ypfct aad ■away wowttl pet. If too deal giro ap, the ant wen will, fee ba will m that wa mob hnalnwa, aad yoa aaa laad year bpy eroaadMad tba rest of ywr daya and ell yaa will hire te Uw —— rrr ay*p^y. Do the right tbtag by aa, aad wa will do tba —•by yoa. If yaaiafaaeyoa will aura •aa tba eaddret eight you errr mea. W—aa—ey, DeaawWi lb Tbta eight MMW. Wallow tbtM UatreeUoe aad a# lora will befell yaa or yen re.” rent am Kmart run wrra uwap 1“.. Woapu to Um CMob; nfedococl ilT js^KXJW&.svi8 too Moof woo tojto ML U tbo to* DkiaanMindlMtwo. OMnn ! <ro mile* *nt of Um tow* oa tttftn I MB MMM (UOd antll to OBBM to a I ffcjto taotoro tooglogon a abort oUofc bootdotto rood. b “• '“'V' **' c*-*’ E~»«" i»i«S*iS«!5V!S ss^jsv.'isfsir^ ■" ■**• Mooawtiio too abdootoro has MO too rod ugh* ootoag a. too road, aad M OMO bo too laior taganf (top 1 o-otoot tiMo aMraU^ Cbwobf^to to Ian too raaooia dor kta ooa. too floor ipawaob.B too rood, aad M to ooppooad tto omo oon on too wtob i for tto nlllkm«Uo and ao* bts rod Idbt troc» a boot. AJ oooa no tto? tod la^j&g&Sgg wood *UbojUtaav5« napukullttot pHato. Tboto to atooloiolp oo oto* to too tdratity of tto aoa. TuvKm CDMirt nor. Wlwa yoaagHdward Cudahy tu ** «»»»Plwan»a**, to told to* foilowtag: Ha aad that ha waa la front «< Ore. OowiaA bo mo. joet aaron Uw etrvet tnm Mb owe he we' ow Mi way haak fr»a» tha Baatla ndiliaii Taeeday rereta^ whoa two waa ipiSSSil Mb. Oaa at thaw etrpaed to |a Ma iilalli “W« err therlfe frow Sar py Coaatr. aad arvaat you aa |Mh keOra. who aaaapad flow tha Batter* 8eoc4." The lad leaded that ha wa eat lie wythioal Eddie MeBre hwt hla eayipre aatd that ha weald have to ha IJaatihad. They plaid blw tu a bap ay aad druvr to Thtny-eUlh aueal, aadlhaaaa au«U to Leavenworth arm. ha they approached Lravao worth etrrec a Mo tor ear paaead thaw. Teh lad raeaa etead the oobdartcr end eaad to bk capture: ••Tbwre la a waa wka kacwa wa: be aaa Identify «a." But the eaptora taiatdinelj bilad foldad hire aad whipped op tha buna. Tha lad thlaka that they urneaed Lmt anwafth dBd aad torn drove te a auuibweetertv dtreaUre. V reaaeUy they cow to a feeaw wbteh hi lac opto lon of the Ud la ojwv where la .the acm Hi wear era port of 8 elh Qwahn Town* Cudahy waa toton flow the hug«y aad plaoadto a moot eud otaioad to the dear. Be rewalaed ibna aB olght and the treat day. 31a haada were Had aad the chelae aa Ma feet prevented blw Crare gauteg e go«d vtow cl hla eerromad tog, «veo after the MlndtoM teed here reeawwi. Be koowe. however tha. ha wee M re empty rcew, aad that the Miade re the wtodeaa were eluwd. On the trip to tha pWee of Iwprtaoaneet the ww be eeye teWud a tittle obomt itiraiwliee Be gathered frow wholthen wvreatx M U§ nu|. Om of (bfia trl I row Hnha reeautly, aad frow Ore vrf vary Maty aad woe aa i-apcrt la fee tldnyplag Uoataere. BAO ri.A**a» TO KIDPAP hACOKTBa After the reyotarlow heoee wae reached Coe wre euorded hlw dartag a greater port too of Ike day. The eeoowd w.a «ea taa aodeot of the new at lutervaw. . r«d e erevareoilre to tweau Uw abduetore aad MwaaK tbr yeuog wan Warred tha* the abdaeiere had be«e eaaklrg tu ebdoet eao ef feu gtrla ef the Cawito. and bad here ptee mi aekaewaaereea Ow ^‘pwrered yaoagCodehy frowhWeheteeaud eald: ‘•We ere potsg to take you howa." Thee they ted hlw te a haak Ha wee driven rapidly thruogh Ma daihcore U Thirty aavretb and Leavea worth aureate, wren he area ahawvd te Water Uw eatnrtaga. Trum there he walked hewe orttvieg three abortiy after 1 e'cloek In the Bora la*, tha hreatw M idi ae espieanltoa ta hire why they gave blw bW fteefliw. fepnkfeg ef hW rmpnleaew while la “X** artbraatUmbatopabadoa toMNMt *t mj tod4aUaa.a»d I •«• atz m la Utoud «£mmS •— ■ wahr. M1H am (feta MfhabbwiacUad m* ***** ***** . “Dayoataow. ba a—ad,.*tba» m g*.^*?J**lffi*»* Mwbmi Wbatm nafe Haiti •—— llbaaaftta^ltiia t^a-yam toTitS*,MUi'aa?Hi^UUl ripS? < tod'Oaditjrwbaa So M(tM«UW WaU a day aw,' aata Obtaf«f toaiabt. 'Waorald bora doaaaa, bat #w MrCatok^ araBibatm X ■Stoatiba boy. itlTcfbdy m aaarty bulw bn —> Ha n» traUoa aud Mr. date mi Utlia bat. tar. BaaaM to M,,fb» mat tbo bay.” aad aa ba (tea Iba aatiu la kla a«u Lauda aad aaat apt 1am *tu WOOLS TOT ALLOW POLICE TO AOT. Mt laid Mai that *a aara at Ma aar vtaaaad woald do aoyUHkjr bo wasted of to Lot ba aa* aa afraid tbat tbay, d*. —t»'op to iba bay ttar VmM lafara Ma It aartaiata dm aaaa atraaga Uat • aa. tayadaU* a baaiaaw araa Uta Vadabt, aboatd m aat add dray Mb.000 by a laataro Ta tba aaastry. in* iunaai aba aboatd •— U. a* Oa acaouat 1 aa lialMif ran.W22«are t«Cow*balUSdm* «25y. iJuamUM-bS.>MSS Oadabyml an tbora •Kb K, 000. or toy aaai or many 1 It Iba bldaayart aUgbt uat bam or— tabmtbe IraaUa ta pat ay a laMrro. to tba raadt tod, •tot>> altar ItMtae tba -—y tbay tetaat to brtaa tba tUaeba U Mat 1 Tbtata far tba bail of• tba yabtiaaadta yaial a miiia of as-r^cvs^’s L'alataTar TOWaatbjte todabT tba urttKzsisr£?i am iw. am ttot ha bm m |ay HH

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