The— Nineteenth Century A Chronological Review of the World’s Hi/tory In the Peat One Hundred Years Tba century opened with tba gnat Napoleonic were. As a leader of imlea tba gnat Corsica* Barer found bia match. WaUlngtoe won raaowa la that on by reason of Mo victorias over tbo Freocb In tbo paotosoUr war aad tbo dsfnt of Napoiaoa at Waterloo. Oa tba ocotlaaat of Nampa Voa Moltte. tba Qormaa Nadar la tba rraaeo-Praaalaa war. ataada oot os a Mutor la tbo tatter half of tba eeatary. Oeseral Orem placed bio mbi be aide that af tba gnat aad ere af mad* era times. Seatt aad Zachary Taylor won tbo banoo of tba Maxleaa war. Ilooia Sheridan. Thomas 1 sheet B Lae aad StonawaB Jackson an Damn forever M be aaaaafued wttb the MB* beat campaign of tba dril war. Wotaao opts id tba cootary at a aaval oommaadar. aad at its dees ra moat's nosod stands mutvatad. la tba last half of tbo toalury mstb ado of worfbn won rtedflOoelaod. gleam aoecradod aaJU, aad Iron armor nplaced modern bane Berelrlng tur ret* aad rapid fin gaao were eeroraly Comad ot tbo dose of tbo ceoiory. Par load troops tbo pomeataoo rtgaa aad Cfco broach load log magaatoa riSa. tbo loiebloo gan sad amakriam powder gradoaUy ebaagod methods of dgbt tag Tbo gnat caeaby cborpm of Na poboe'i time wan never repealed, bat Che Imgovtaacs af maoatod troops hao ban mrshbiheil by tba expert ion of tbo It tar ware of tba oeatory. WAR8 ANO GREAT BATTLES. >■■■«■ I—dev. lln. Tripoli doc la rod war ago mot the United State*. Treaty of L— art— betweea Praam aad Germany. The United fttmtea at war with Bartary. ——ml declared wof oa Prana*, Peace concluded tmweea the United ■tolee and Tripod. ^Battle at Trafalgar aad death at Battle of AnsterUts. taoa. Napoleon invaded fr—la. tear. Treaty of TDbH between Proeela aad Tfaare. Napalaoa seined Porta#!; pratode to the poalaanlar war. Napeleea'e aooood iattrlaa cam paign. Benia of Wagthgi aad treaty ■of peace at Betiaintiana. tan. v' Encounter bottraaa the baited State* Mgata PrmUmt aad — Bril— atop little BaH. Beginning *f hostiUtto te tho aacond war with Onat Britain. Betti# of Tippecanoe. IBIS. 'War declared again*! Grant Britain 'over the “right of aearcb" Canada in ▼•dad. Victory of tb* higat* Conob tattoover tb* Britlab vareMps Oocr riar* and Java. P . . ISISk * Parry's naval victory of Lab* Brio. Napeton defeated at Letpek- and farced to retreat to Tram*. Tbo Praaab arm lee driven from Spate bp Wellington. aate. - BatHae of Land— La*. Ptettabarg aad BlaBeanbargi eaptdrccf the etty of Waafctagtoa by tb* BritM. Balthaarn attacked. Brttto taorodoa Now Or toaot laBaiak Int Mob Treaty af Ghent, eeaetadfcg peace ba twaaa^tbo United Stadm aad Great •f tbo Light brtgads at Bataklara and Steps of larastopoL taw. Treaty of Parlo; red of tbo Crlosoaa war. taar. Sopor rebellion In India; famous foe atop* of Lucknow England at war with China; bom bard moot of Canton. • Aoatro-Sardialaa war; battlaa of tta goataaad BoUkrtnoi . ton. Port Snastor; Boll Bon. inrssSoo of Maaleo by England. Pranoo aad Bpata. Oaptare of Port Dear Is so; Brat aE tary atWsnnisl of (Treat Psnlanlar campaign: dtaaatsr at Predrrleksbnrg. BanW W Antirua and amandpattaa proclaimed Battla bstwsta tbo ktoaltor and Mar Hasan Brat Ogkt botwaaa trended, and tret naa of tbo revolving gna tarret la battfe. Doolalre battlaa of rtekaborf and Oottyabors. Doatb of SloaosraS Jack aeo. tbo Cowfodorau lsador I tana. ■Mgs of Potorsburg: capture of At MSM aad Sbsruian'a march to tbo ass. ■attic of Cadar Creak. Mruandor of Lao; and of tbo eirti war. War botwaaa PrnsMa aad AaotrhL BattM of Badowa; Sret nao of tbo nao dM gw tiff. Franco-Prooalac war. BBttlaa of MoreMTour. Orsrslotto. Mata aad isrr. Buasn-Turklsb war; doeMro bottlo of Flora* Important treaty of Berlin: signatory pnwore, Qreat Britain. Burst*. Coras*. By. Aoatro-Bongary. Pranas. Italy and Tnrkoy. British disaster st Khartum. I* tbo Sadaa; doatb of Oeeersl Gordon. War batman China and Japan; bah tin of tha Tela. MB*. ■ad or tba war bat warn China bod Japan: traaty of paaoo at •UaoaoaakL Inaunrvtioa la Cuba. BSBflL "•* Caftad State* banltablp Mats* Mown ■*> I* Havana harbor TA 14. War dr dared by tba Onltad Stataa oa Spain and ratantacra eallad oat la April. Karal bortV of Uaatla Hay t. Battla at Saatlapo Joly L Crrrrra’* Sort 4a atroyad Joly 4 MantUfo aanaadaiad Joly IT. Spain aaad for p*aca Jaiy 44 Faaea protocol alcaad Aag. 14 Uaatla eaptarad lap 14 Treaty of Part* hatnara tba Onltad ttataa and Spain Spain araeaatod Orta. War la Sooth Africa between a rent Britain and tha Saoth Arrtcan Brpob Be and Oraap* free Mata. IN* BrttiaS rlctorlea to Sooth A Men Mat repabtka eabaaod aa Brtttoh art Aattforalpa aprttas to China: atoca •CthaiapBUoa* Battla toast* at Ttaw tata. batwaan aDtaa add Cblnaaa lap* (HI troop* Peking abandoned by the Ohtaaaa coart and oecaptad by tba *1 RULER8 AND STATESMEN. to tooth tor attempttof to ocmthtow too Maxioaa repabile. Doko of Oeiclmadt. 00)7 ago mod Mr of Napeleoa L died. ta 1M4 foor Mooerebe aaotod on Imperial throne# 'arejt oooalaa Miiaon of the Doha of XTaachatodt. Thaee were Pedro II of BrosO, Prmocla Joooph of Anouie, Ko polooa III of finer and MaalmWoo af Mesleo. faabaOa U aaoaotod too throne of Spain; haftoalng of too OwtM rwt otflOao. Victoria aaoroded the throoa of Bnc laad at too ape of 19. Dtofh of TaUoj rood, Preneb otatao aao. actlro la Mapoloon'o —pf"* IfH, ttevetattoo la Prance and orerthjow of too monarch/; Loot Hapoleoa elect ed proof dee L rreodi Into aaroodod the too af Aaotrto. toeood Preneb empire. ootobllohod bp Kapatooo III. ^AM«»tor II noeeadad too tbreoa of toot. wanam | of nruaalA aro weed. Ltacota loo am rated. MOO MnxinaMaa rrnwoad omporai of Moo toe. AaooMtaoiloo of Ltoretn. Dctoot aad death of Marlmdlan. on porof of Mealco. Or*M laMfwawd pcaekdawt la aw taevUiMM of bit aarrtra la tb# war Ora at waa conmlnlnaad Uaotaa aal ftaatal la IdM and peml la tMt. ma Kapgtooa 111 Aatferaoad; republic aw tabllabad la Franca ■ yi- —dad tb# Urew* af tan. WlUlaai I of Praaata rraaraad an pwar af Otraaa;. IHA A Bad* at abdicated tb* Ibfow* of ■pala; Caatdar praeldant af tb* repeb B* which fodowed. IOTA Alfooao aaceadcd tb* tbroae af dpala IOTA Qaaea Victoria proclaimed am prana. af ladbL tar*. Boa heft crowned klBf of Italy o* tba death af bl* father, victor Bbbmb *B. UBA OarfMd taaacontad praaldtat and Alexander II af Kona la m-Mad and Aleiaader 111 derated t* the tbroae Death *r Btnperor William I of Oer Baay; aoccaadad by rtadatlah III. who ®»d after a ietga af three msotba; aw Baaioa af william II. Ptaaldaat Carnot of rranea aeaaw Boated. Kin* Bashed af Italy aaeaaelnoted by as aearcblec MMk «UM«IH Irviac- w. & Pimm, ito kMartMi —litkMt OffM Mt> «r«NM m vtpiorvn UN UMoki, . UT4. Qoluot. KMct hUtttam. Ulebelft maeb wrtttr. IKMVliw. r— ->■ mnuni IM. 0«or*» Bncitft. IumNu hiatoriM. *■«! InmV InnIL ODnrW ImtM I VW CnM W* story of t| to disk, pro*# to bo oar of tho soot taper-MBl toUmdoo to tho otsh Mo lory of m—tbh I do not My that K wm b» nos of tho mem brflDeat. for thorr any boro boon rootortoo which looted • broodsr and o brighter light oror tbo world’s grids of 1st* tactual sod aoeol dtrbaooo} root art* of om«o startling coaqot*. of aoro poddoo steeps', ecatortao oroo of grsetrr trlnpiphs Is Ulorotars ood la art. Bat (bo Starr cents coat ary hes boon o Ob* of growth and of htdcp Boat ta el) th* path* of ctr illation soch oo tho world’s history bn* hardly oror toon rtrotad ood. la tbo opptlco Uoo of orison to thr orrrydoy Ota* of bOBOntry. bgs arror broa eg a* led. Wba th* cootary opened. there area ad t* bo a root laipsasaltte. impene trable rogloo of dark ores, a ctood oar orsd -No Use's Load.” dlrtdtog tba eld ctvIItaMlea Bob tho nrw. Aata and Africa appeared to bar* aothUg to do with mod mi drMhWha raerpt at a subject for the reads i of history or os oo eaptartag ground for thr iror stae. Kgypt was tbs load whither Bo •opes ns with a tost* for s nth) allies wont t* ttody tbs pytoalds tad tbo ophloe India woo seen Mill Isobsd tan «• the csoatry la which enter taaco China woo tbonght of oa ■ myatertons. old foohtaasd rsgtaa. pee plod by ronoilcao artlltaaa of poraoos g(bo trerwptgteita end wars shot off bya groat won Bob tho rtaito of tatroolrs fotolgnsro. Tbs rsol II ring world wot anotbonly regarded by Borapcoao os only to be foood la Borons Itself. hr thr now world, oo It woo coBrd. bad not yet begun to rooat for Boob ee oo tadosnes of ctmtaottao. and tho oOD Ito MlM al Uroat Hrttala a ad Ira bad taa* «db*t. iMWWwtM la I rota ad: daatk «r lab rtrat at<OM jMM> atiM tb 4k balk Mad* dr tb* ftaraaaah. wMc* Mlkd fr*M Xaw Tarb ta LtfarfU b M daya Haw tln>o» da a ad Vaaaaaab luail ■ ray ok Hr aadrt Ball rat ii*i bo drriarotf kr tadaa*ad*a*a at •debt Ur#*** throw aft tb yak* at Torbay. Hayikaa dkd at b Maaa.

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