The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home end the Inter—t» of ^V»l. XXII. {eAJJWKtttti..} GASTONIA. S. C„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. 1901. "—— 1 ■ ■" ■" ■1 --: _ INAUGURAL ADDRESS Of GOV. C. B, AYCOCK Important fltato Qaeatiooi Ably Dlaeiuood. GOVERNOR WHOLE PEOPLE Kepnblloea Rato la Poet—Xeeaealiy Var DWrushlHBui oi the N«m> Mdarattoe of the Mmmm laduatrtal UmtopuaL JUuaov. Job. 15.— Tbo following it la part theaddraaeef Oomor Ayooek. who waa inaugurated today: Gentlemen of tha Oeneral Aeeotubly, • Ladtoa aad fhliow Cltiaeot: 9rmy four yean brlngi a« ■ change of adralntotraMoa bat ao< alwaye a •hamgo of poKey. Thti 7oar wo meat on dor extraordinary dreamt taaoea—oaa party foee oat of powar and aaothec bootee ia; oaa potter aade aad a new oaa bagiai; oaa oantory poeeaa away and a new eentory claim* oar aerrloe; a aow con at! tatlon (read the new ora tory- For thirty yiera of the nlnetaeoth eratnry we etrufgled la rrrry way agamet tha rail* of a suffrage lauad on manhood only. We feaud la tha drat deyi at that atraggi* that theory had eovaa practice aad that reality bad yielded pleoe toerattmeat At that dot we had Jott tattrftd turn aa aome caaaful aad iWaaetreaa war. Oar prop erty had boon rwept away, oar Inetita ttotu had baao deecroyed. tha founda tion of oar eoctel fabric had bean omr tamed. Wo ware beipiece A riotari <**. bet eayraeroai political enemy ted orntbed oe to the earth; they ted famed a pan me tha recacnitioa of theories that wo haaw ooold aot he redoeed to eoe r■ eefiil practice Wa were pear, weak aad defraud. Wa ‘-aooapted the eitoa •ton.” Wa did oar beet to prom the telrttyof our ooarlctioMi. negroes and Cltlsouhlp. WeendaaTored with riaoarity to bring tha negroes ta a tnollmtion of tlte trne dignity of fait ettiaenahip We argent ty grew la Instill into thair tdsia that thair taws Interests were likewise oan; an soagbt with gnat solicit nJs and srtth aaah saorlftos of tall aad capital to aoBtinaa than that parties wan tha antth sad sot tha imsstsss of the pao. pla, and that DO past aerrioas of a party, bo waver brasfletal thaaa aerrioas might appear, joatfted tba daatnugiea of good •hd safe aad eoaeamioal govoramaot ia ardar to aaonra Ussoooaat. Waptovidad aahools for them aad apaot far them at W» spent for oar own children. Wa aarad for thair insane aad opened ■dhoola for tha adaeatioa of thair afttot ad aad for tba ears aad taltlon of thaaa ~w" '■** -J ~ rlhsilns. Wa ooatianad these efforts ia tba foes of rapaatad avidaaas of thair hostility and abated not oar parpenss whan they rspsatad thetr follies. Wa still hopsd that they wonld follow the example of •ha whites hod divide thair vote along tha Unas of governmental, Udeatrial aad moral laanaa The resolt wta a dls appntatmrat. »■grass aad BeaaMlanatsm. Tha negro waa alerayx to be ooaated npoa aad nor nppeaaata did aot haat tatn at any eaosaa basesas they knew that they had 110,000 rotsrs who ooald ha railed opoa to anpport aay policy howavar ralnona wbloh bora the stamp lepQbUeaalam. WUh this sots ta a MtlgiaW «•* nd versa rise, wheat they •ama to power after twenty years of defeat dared aaw evils aad wroaga Ua dar tbstr rale lawlaaaaaaa walhad the ••ate Uka a paatitram dmlli stalkad abroad at aaaoday-'Haap lay down j; from Urn operation of Chie reelriotlTa chaM all IhoM who oonld tom ta any uau oa Jaaaary the tret. IM7, or at any Um prior thereto, or who are da anendad trade aay enoh roter. ThU pro Tieton esotadee ao while ataa, exoept peraoaz of foreign birth not yet familiar with oar InatltBtlnne, aod asoladaa no negro who oan rand aod write, and ao atfit whether ha aaa mad end write or not who oonld tom prior to Jnuoary lac, 18*7, or who U daaoeuded from one who oonld tom at nay time prior to arid data Thi( amendment to oar oootilcetloa nUarianMa ao anpahle uegro. Indeed, it eeta free thorn aagrooa who. bailor Log lu aerlaln priudplM of gorarnaaut, her* bana rearreluod by loyrity to iha nutee firm Turin* their oouTiotioaa It daae ao iaJotHoa to Iha aagro. It really ben •ftU him. It doae rcoogdlaa Iha uaoae rity for haria* mate tare of onpaeUy and it praaerioae two re la. ot OTitiacoa by which tide capacity may bn eecor trinad, and declarer that any man oapa Uo of meeting either tact (ball tom. If a white man oaa rand and write !>e cuu vote; If a negro onu read and wrlla ha oan TOta. If a white nutn aauuot rand and write, bat ta dacooudad from aaa who oonld tom oa Janaary 1, 1807. or at any lima prior thereto, or if ha oonld hlmaalf TOM before that Ham, ba oaa TOM There U. therafora, in ear amend aaaut ao taint of Mat tnaqnaUiy pro Tri ad egalnM la the •fteratti amendment M tha oonadtatlaa of tha Cuload Rearm; aad la order that the qooertou might ao* am ba reggretii aad realizing tha Lmpartaaaa ol edamllug iha white aad biaick alike, oar amendment reqnirae •▼•ry boy of wham color, now IS yenre cf|zgu to laara ta read and wriu ooder ponrity of lining biz ruH. In terpreted la thia toahlaa wo uiay with aaapUoanoy aooept tha declaration of tha BapabUaaa uaiUnri platform, that oar amaudmaat it rorriaUoaary. do waa the war of todapeodanua dUuuctly kaewa aa the. Varoferiou and oar liber Mm age founded aeon It. Oar ataaad amt may be reroleiioaary, bat It it a raralattoa of ad tree new eat It takae ao Mop backward. It dieriaotly look* to tha faMre: It earn tha day of nairareal enf frag*, bat eaae tha* day. no* lu tha oh •parity af Ignorance. hat lu Iha light of nalTareal adnoetion. Tho twilight will grew into tha perfect day with the ean of Intelligence ehinlng Lu tho eky. That to cor hope and protaim. We Mali not fail Will rntgll NU Pram far. On a hundred pistfonaa, to half the ▼atari of tha state m tha lata »"|«lr I pledged tha State, Us strength. Us heart, it* wealth, to uoiTsreal adanattoc. 1 prnmlMl tha Uhcsrata poor man. bond to a Ule at tail aad itraggla and poverty that life should be brighter for Ua boy aad girl than It had been for Urn aad tha partner of bis sorrows aad lays. I Hedged tha wealth of tha slats *o tha education of bU obfldsan. Men of wealth, repress a tael ret of oar great oospore tioai applaadsd eagerly a>y dec laration. I the* realised that the strong desire wbtoh dominated aa far the op lifting at tha whole people moved nos only my heart, bat was llkrwis* the hops and asptrstloo of those upoa whom fortoma had stalled. 1 had loved the North Carolina people before that Unas, hat 1 never knew and appreciated tbs boat tmelitie* ad many of oor oil leans until I saw the owners of many thous and* as anger far ths education of Us whole people aa I was myself Thee 1 knew that tha hope and tank before as, Gentlemen at the legislators, wet eot ea liajinadlil* ■— Wo or* prospering a* sever before— oor wealth Increases, our Industries mob •WX, ear nemieersi extaods and among the owe an of this wealth, this lumUf plying Indsatry, this sxSeodlag com merce, I have mend no man who la «e> srflMag to teak* lb* state *t»eager aad better by liberal aid to the oaase of ad nnatlaB Plsads hr K4 scat lea. Oeatlsassu at the Oaoaral Assembly, yoo trill not have aaghl to fear whoa yon make ample rnwvMoa far the eda oattoa of the whole people, Kloh and poor alike eta bound fay protnlso aad ■eaemttv to approseyour utmost efforts in this dlreotion The platforms of all the panto* deolar* la favor of a liberal paUoy towards the education of ths ■*—s*; notably the Democratic plat form says: “We heanUy oommend the notion of the General Assembly of IMS for ep iratlatbig *100,000 for the benefit at tha pebKo schools at the stale, aad Pledge aaiaalvee to Inoreeet ihetohoal tad ao aa to make at least a foot month s' term in seek year in every school distrlet la the stale. ’* Poor and palittan* meu. aaxiaa* shoe of their Children end ito the enseodmaat. pnmlaa and place their*ehUdma ine position U wMoh they can no rat voSs anises tha pledget which ire stasis are radeeased to the faUest axtecl. Ml this |n «l •• to tin pooplo man MMMNillnWi If (NMrtjku maapad tunttoa haratoron wUoh might *?haro baaataaad, sgaaoo nnt bo do olMd bjr which that punorif aam W fooohod fd Mtootha tax lit. I woold ortpfio oo lMoMry; I wtmM retard tbs ■Myth of ooaatarnriaa; but I woald i7 Joai aad aqeal laws soaotra from : ^jre'jEttjss Ike rifht to satoot thoir aar raoaos uaoaral UmsiIm. tarwt la tho matter baa not approached onlranallty. I Am Km at IwInatrUl Urvolopmtab Wo Mia oa ora of indurate 1 doval opoMBk Growth la (bat dinctioo 1< tepoadaot apuu laiolllf.uoe—uor tbo tnlelhgouoo of tbo tow, bat of alL llaa mohaoono roaHatd tbit fact from tbo I day whan tbo Pilgrim Fhtkara United oa Plymouth nook and by that olomr I Pjroojiloo (ha haa won woahb oat of I MMk ooaaaa aod atorilo lauda Oar for* fattaora aohaoWluJaml tho aam* fact la Ualr Orat ooumUbiIou aod from that uaia to tbo praaont oar couttUoUoti aod logtaUttro oota bar* all loohad toward* tbi* *ad; but tkm wbol* pooplo bar* aarar baforo bata awukeuod to tta ad tXMMOJ. ,Oam moat bo tabao oa your part goo tlamao of tbo teglaiatur*. to Whig aha aoboata la tbo remote at dUtrieu up « jha ataadard of aha oouatl to ttoa, that at laaat four month* of acbool lonat bo oar rted mi la ovary aoboal dUtrlot 1b aacb yaur. Oar party plat form follow* tbo oonmllotion aod w» cannot afford to vteUt* oltbar. It (boro nr* diatriom whlob an woak (bay muat bo atrooftb •and by (boar which are ttnmg. Tl»a good book taQ* u* that tba ttroag aboold baar tbo InSrmltlnof tho woak, aad tk* l*o*oo* of that groat ancbmitv art of utility la our poll£al Ufa Tbaaa haa growu ap an Uoa among atroouou* ■mb uuu only ui atroag in lobt eoo eidered and benefited; that tha poor aad waafe an tha burden bearcre aerre aa aid aad ara waak baeaan of (hair folUaa. A great atata caa oarer aM oa tkU theory, bat will alwayr ree ognlaa that tha atroag oaa can for them •Area while tha Irma aha of tha atata la lo preride oqaal aad Juat law. firing to the waak oppottnuiay to grow atroag Md raaraiglng tha powerful ftam op pnaMng lha laaa fortunate. Tbouaenda at Rapahiteaqi aad Pop*. Uata Jolead With aa iu aaoariuf gu more tfaaa »,U0-» majority. I ahull. tbaufige, s’&urzasssrrJ ty, *» frame ga alorrion tew fair tu a». ary paruoae, elaar la every detail a^d to provide machinery by which erery taac qualified aadar oar eoauicartoa toall ba able to votegad (hell knew that hie Toteli affective. Wa hare a gnat atata. rtoh la aobla manhood, nooar dill la bar blgh nlad ad womanhoial; a atata with —natlm tmaeana awaiting each an; with tichaa la bat lairii aad wood, aermma and •OtUKU. billj aud wi/winialna nfll ill toll I to autixfy oar dreama of wealth; with a frugal aad ladaatrioaa population ready |0 toil Jaat awakening folly to tha poe alhtlltiea before them. All that wa And "to oom|4ata the olralo of oor f&l*Ji'4e»" ft> MtoGfe Ham Oorricack to Oharo'-ee tba law muat bare fell away. The mob baa no place la oar oirUiaatioa. The eoaru tra the creation at the oaaatiraciau aad thoioriea ara drawn from tha paopia |f ccaagra ba aaoaaaayy la order to m care a batter and more oortain aamiau trathm of Jaatioe. yoo. ycatlaauu of thto lftoTklflll to MB nitolfto *»■-—- Jiimaga batltmoSdbe dlatlncttelidfblSly cadent ood of all naa that aafoty oau ba found oajy ia obadieaoa lo law. I wlah to uy tu tba uagmaa of tbit data that thay hare baaa initiator mod If thay bare heard that thia edmiclatra tfcm will ba anfriaadly to them. Their ovary right aadar lha com* trail oa Mull he etaommly praaarvads they will tad ppcarity in right oaodaot aad oartaia cosIMimeat tor failure no obey tha law. Let them laaru that crlmaa which lead to mob law not eaaao aad then mob law Mull earn oar atata ao more. I call upon all upright nogroaa ca eld me la aappraaMng crime la all iu forma Tha whim paopia owaa high daty la lha awa U waa naoaaaary to tha aafoty of tha Mate to baaa eoiXrage on eopaefry to exarciaa It wlaaly. Thia reealta U ex (tedlag a gnat number of nogroaa from •ka hallo, but (hair right to life, liber ty. proyariy and Jaattoa moat baovaa more carefully aatagnardad than arm. It Ulna that a aa parlor moo cannot aabmlt to tha rule of a weaker race without Injury; it M elan true ia tha , loog yean of Ood that tha elrang <ma. not npprma tha weak without doetrao tioo. I laid on April 11. 1 MO, and I now repeat It aa a deep oouriotloo. that ••umrrarml juetioa ia tha perpetanl de cree of Almighty Ood. and wa are eo true ted with power not for oor good alone, bet for tba Iiegrn aa well. Wo hold ear title to power by teen re of aar vtea to Ood, aad if we tall ooadmialater eoeal aad exaot Juatioa to tha nagre wham wa deprive of euffragu we Mull at tba fcbiaaa of Una loaa power our artva. tar wa mat know that tha Ood who la torn truata a# people with aa srffis sxtirf*— I MB* to the high teak to which the people here called me with mmmy- ml* gaiBn/Jipjsja wiM know ir Mtto Um folCt «to«£ iktaur^Mth.>5 il*i to (orro tbo poopU wolL ^Ar,CBrrssS swairraar^fS, ’itf^xitSSsraE I aboil TOD iboo oomottrooo ttabu bnlnoJ by ay IHo*do wbo will aoo *y tbotoMa/Sat^Sra* tfcairo wbn I Ball boro dooo wrong I aboil _I hoa boa* oloeto4 ao o Da orlaootor. icyobuSatoTtoto thoMotooaad tboaaoolooll boruMootu. I aboU oood tbo oopport of ovary atU oa* to tbo ototo. My work to rear work] ^iwiottittt taorroroa wtooty It w«t bo hooo«so my ton aboil bo oobotoaOy opt* t* ooaooal tod ay odo4 took bo, a fbr a is ao Hot, kopt (ao boa prMbo a a. ooOowTl aay ktw wtoiaa. Bn wteb oQ tbo —* bottao o*4 aoa, a whoa with mtBjVtiTSry m ** * MUOnUTIH. Kin UIIM Atlanta (tea*tatlaa. Tbla ChrWnM la Ilka "leagUM-oad •treatnaai long drawn aul"atoarhoaaa for tba bey* baya gathered froot tba fooroaraerd and brougtit tbalr loaa and tbalr rat loaa with the*. Taw Tort brought a bnga box of drama ttoM for tba CbriatKaa Iran. It waa beautiful beyond draertpOoc. Dalit of •Ilk aod ratio aad pooar, nil covered with glittering rpnogtao—litUn nngaU with pearly anaga eoaoeoded by Uuanda of invlalbin rubber, gnldeo glataln rainbow oolota-acorar of IllUn wagon oaiadlee to illimlnatalhaaoaca. waa Ilka a fairy vlatan, aod every Hah and twig of tba alalaly tong loaf ptoa waa bwdaaad wMh Cbrtotnrr gift* (or old nod yooog. Tbara wart twenty foar of tba few Ur patent, and It tnok half the night in act la aad aafold tba raiurtear for all ware raw# is tarred over nod uoer agnla h» old flute. Tar, all, wren to tba venerable old patrU/eb— Ibt -l*aterfamllira.” tba uUour u oartor, for be boeght at a ball and a Dowtaayjaek aad rotna candjr. mamaa ha had beard that I war tba bov—tbe OB]> ooy snout toe doom, oat hut ow I dlMOfmd a (Ilk cap ca4 a pair at •dipper* mm handkerchief* »*d aa lak eland that Um hula fiascbiMren ami *><11 lha ink oat of tfi hay urn* Horn LUtla Maty Low, who U Jaaata'a child, dotao May dolla aad pretty thlaga that *ba looked tired aad drawing a l«»f Maatb said : -Orandpa, H*a too ■Mich, aad I aunt haidly stead lb" Tbara war* toys aad bovka, aad «a«M aad perfumes aad boakau and ftaraa, aad Jewels aad other at(u to aawaroa* to man How. Hex too brought a bean Ufal kapd-porew CaatillM abawl far aay wife, and aba Strut* around M blltba and fay aa (dan's gardru Urd, **My boy brought It fro* May loo " abr •ay* tarty Um a day. "(y boy and aay cblldrao" •*• always on tba Up of her Locg oe, 'Well, ibaPa all right. They are her boys, ears aooagh. and •he knows It. Tttart say be mm dnubl aometluMi, .boat wb» Is tba fwthsr at a child, but trrrjbody knows who Is Its nwrthar, Dowuatalri uas •M bean eiothrd with aMtiw aad holly. Oirnnlwma from lbs pit are planed all aroaud, and aoaaa beaotlfal raaaa lift up tbair la rely bnu frsa beaatlful raaaa that old 8mU Ulasa brought. Benches of mUletne bang from arery chandelier. aad arety hat tbaaa marry mtsobtceiaua girts lad CM standing under oor, tba dip op aa •ware* and atoim a kiss. Bran Kn Arp lort her dignity aad. earning riyly tab tad me, suddenly wrapped U-a draprry of bar CaaUHnn shawl stoodd M and rlalaaad a DliMoe klaa from my cupaaMal llpa. Bat tba otd marble stock that lor nearly flfty years bos s'aod a poo tba maatel licking tba mosoMls aod re cording tba bogre na they pass, did atop on Christmas sight, and at mldaigbt Iba happy group retired to rest and happy draama. Mast day oama tba fraat—the Christmas dlnoar. (rery loaf wm placed oa the laag eataosloo table. At aaab rod was a large well browned tarter, aad all the Intermedi ate apaea crowded with laxurtea for Iba I soar man and woman. (Igbtem of Iba family ware tba wslsome gwaato at tba tabla while ala of Um iaf sal ilea stir rounded a smaller naa nearby. 1 nrsar waked a Meaatag with a more graiaful heart, fur PfOTidsaco baa bare kind, and since last wo met no aMto tlon ar calamity has befalitm as Varl ly the lines bare fallen to aa to pleasant plaoea Woqld that all owr kindred la tba toad—tba dab aad tba poor—oould hare a itkohappy aad analuadodChrist, mas. As 1 Mirer Um happy aeaaa Itte aaoagb to leak upon tbamrsolty of tba maternal ancestor ss she gases fondly upon har boys—ym, her buys, who har* coma so far to prs bar Joy aad com fort Ob, yt boys—j a yaoi.g men aad middle a gad. wham fortune nr fata has rtmared far from otd moUwi'a tender care aad aoltoHada. don’t forgot her yearning* aad U yoo aaanotgato bar at least ooco a year, write to har trey mouth aad wamlort har wRh yoar los ing letters. Tba paorrs are fan of crimes of all drearlptiooa. -but la my opinion. there Is nuoalbat will more rarely prosoko the core* of God thsa for a man to neglect or distress Ms mother. Yesterday l be boy* with thair Both er m4 alstrre slatted the «U ho— stood—tbo f«o to tbo country, where otn afatMrsa grew up to maobood aod womanhood -«hno tbtm aototarod boy* worked aod plowed tod pWstod tad reaped, where they hod aowo; whom they labored bard by day aod boo ltd >ooaat by night; where they on* t» tbo neighboring alU and ftehed in the p md wbD* tbo grtot wo* grind ing; where thiil and Jodi went to aebonl aod era—d lb* week oa ■ "lan der foot log, aid gathered bow* and —yprpi aod wild atrawbtrrfoo oa tbo way. Ttwoa boja aod thole atotaro wanted to ravioli lb* otd eaooaa oad drink from the**— otdguaiilngspring. Them boy* *w»otod to — tbo old meadow where tbo Mg tree* Mood la their majesty—tbo M tram teat wa had named fur lino Cun*ling aod Blaine, aod lb* big ayoamot* that wa* named for Vooi beta, tbs tall ago*—re ot lit* Wabeak. They wasted to — tbo old bora yard what* ibay oaad Is teas* otd Me Ibo Merino ram aod te*H* Mm to —r oo bta bind lag* oad run la butt them oo they prminted thstr posterior* la ■ dadaat aod yroroklng Banner. Boms time tloy got oot td bta way )*M to II—, bot otrar aod anon they dtdoat, sad bo toot tbam on their vtodtoo way serstafalDg tbo gran no on thotr alT fstWO, wan too u — tbo gras* of old Dows, that good old dug wham they toyed. I did aot go for there woo uo rowai, oad to 1 am tbo boy. I bod to rter at bo— mid toko om* or Jasati1* 0k IMrtu, Wall, iboy at— booh I do* It— oad M waa amootog to — to' beer them taM bow —ylMwg hod abangtd In Urns* dtoao year*' bow tbo beam awa rd to bay* sank lata ib* groaad a but or two aod tb* farm bad shrank a* •d ot tbo tag. I*y* b— i Ua» Mm, an a* nrarlail. mm aad ataotaal laudo**JuT'chonr*. §r££UrtaLSTJMSs •‘Oali* of B«da i” «Ubrtr*m-twrn h«rtaoay af awoat anaada. Tbla mn, I ittPt>oaa tuM froa lhair aotbar! MW aa drlleata aa wfcaw aba araa a Ma of Maun. I aaad to tblak that I, too. bad a aalodtoua aotaa. aad to—day woaM «aalara to kyat tba taaa la dwnday aafcart arbao tba two feyatw waa abaaat. aod, lib* tba anw •S »fc*Wkt I did It daMy. Nobody alaa arrr Md atao, aod aaa day ay aW aatd that ay trtea waa almta eraebad aad If rta araa aw> rta wold wot try to ralaa tba tuan la tboebaaab any aaia. It waa a mretalioa (hat abort* aa, a* I ba*a xaaar auag lo rtareb data, a* eoywban alaa. Than aa vataaa In abarrt obotrt of tba aaaa kbd, bat artodywtlltailtha* Tbay aaort * falaatto. j FWawaB Cbrtat—a — faraaaM otd SaaU Glaaa—whlla wa all yrtatoo. htl wall awaagh to rafoba, bat wo abort* atrtooaaoUaa raflaat aod bo yrrta A repeal dctioa Ulla a alary of a ■aa wbodralarad that ba mi (M» ttaa up ta a certain potat. The Mary kMMtei i "UMb *m rtbn n Uo can oecapyio* a mu to htanrir, • < vonaa eyangitlet pagte aetf ta* anal baaM* bla. ••My frtaed." a*M ibe,' “an yoa a Cbitottoa ?” - Tm i *•*+" !*• I* yoa a aCory.” aokl Uaeto Ba. “I recallr*' a a« bf tb# mat o' Banacty om*n Tmai baaaaa ptoua aai*. Owl Into aa ar ayaant. aa a fatter atoaead bin to the t*cm. ftUnor? toratd Hotber *14* bb1 •tea ’(other, aa1 tba (Mb* bap "‘mi bofa heavy. It we* Jaat Ilka itrappla I a in* far half a ntalt. Than Basaay ' Mllad ta—glee bln the aim lieklit’ ba ertr had.” “I dadarr. *• aald esother Baa when Chridtoa." "An ap ta a oertato plu’ ” aaya ba. I WhAa wa have aa award ta aafee •Oo whether tba afomaid Baanay waa1 jtudJAable In whipping ib« nee who had rjapped fata faea, we do aay that It] to too true that natty of aa an Chtto ttoaa only ap to a aertaia patoit. Wbm God aaya -gtra aad K aball ba yiyea to yoa agate Soaped ap ababca local bar and raaafeg P**r.“ wa an wlHtog te nek it wttb a few aarpiaa dulkia; but bow tow an witting Ilka tba widow ta liak tba wbala living ! ftnd cate “go,” bat w« an witling to raft •cf diDjf God aaya arparata ynumlvaa Iran tba wnlit—bat wa are w INI rig to give ■P poblla ofboara aad bartfal flora, bat bow few an a I Wag to eowaterata Ufa wd labor aod all la tbe an vtea of Gad I Aha I wa an ooly Chrlettaaa ap to a Certain point. Wa an will log to work la Oodb vineyard to long aa □a wnrfce on ear hra. <j# dtgaKy: Ntfrr to forgot yoor Of unwipiboraa : Warn ta renew her yoaraeM. Of a clerk : Wot what lie ceraa, bat what be apaada. Of bapptaaaa : Tba art of torgetllag •etui itthtafteiM. Of UBbapptae* : Tha habit af tor getting aetaal bappineae, Of a ntlltoeatra: Not what ba apaada. bat what ha mi. Of beauty : Vat that it la parfret, bat that It alwoya attract*. Of a good conrade j Hawaii* yea tatoy talk lag la bln. Of parity : Vat what too baa hot •ran but what to ba- aet touched. Of Cham i Vat bow waeb you fral to, bat bow keenly yoa n—nhet IL Of a atadaot: Vet how nacb bo kaawa hot bow nacb ba waata U kaaw. Of a rrattat: Mat that ba aavrr da ydctatoaNy. bat that ha aayar depMa Of a tea Baa: Mat tha ham that hr daaa not do bat tba good that bo Aaad*. Of (aadeauoai Mot bow Irmly you rrnrnbrr It, bat haw awah rtoa you forcct. Of the want prnlnlna: trading a poor life and pnoretag what yoa praa ttoa. Of a woaaaiT* pawn : Met haw as cleric* yea Uriah af hrr wbaa aba to than bat haw often yoa think of bar wbm aba la act than. Of vlrtao« Mat what It data act da bat what to daaa eat weal ta do. Wi Mi ■ *MlwM|a. iOnllltCIMi. A» aM knlw, la lyoobtaa of tbo •nr wrothor tbto Viator, maorketf that tbon would bo ao viator tbo tlvo tbot lo, M omn WOabbrr, (a NffHt of tbto bo*ootod Uo*HMQ yrobbiiy. “If tbo ’pooooho," bo nW, “boot a tbtob boat of far Mtbtor bam, tbaa fan Mtr sot h oa aatM oufaH of oaal, for tfi puna ta bo awful Nod. But If tbo far to Ibla yoa w*t nwM artli vratbor. Of bN tbo ■fani I ban MM tbto toaaov, aat oao van a tbtob ant That* vit a>ho va lay tbrta woo* bo aay oory bob viator.“ S*oat ooaMaraattoa vaafbto by tbo fcta&jBy areas yvtov. Htoobia toowlr obaagotf aator, ss£S3TiSV5s^sar,'it vta IfootrO m tbo boot boot art, bat wftbavt brar#*. Tboo bo vu odrlard to try Ktoetrto Itottin, tba voabwfal Ibtorit «to iNoar tiaily, Bob bo •rtuot “Aftor tablaf two boUtoil =*=f^3Snl§t 5Vw&y?s»S0F - im It anN k« -hi “SEJrJWcSirrss oar fmt am a dlrato ia4 atatot liaa ■«*llaiontlagaa4tottraataa ttow to «aort(o mm 1U poaiUaa at tto aarllcai **Tba Ian ktoakaM raadwad mm gggggggs mix? ELr s? ;z; zszi llW {jtOrxpgn. ’ ■ — a ad oaaliuaaijr w> ktaati oarridetowardttofront. Matttorof gg-sSHS^egsl ‘-ttaddaah wttboat aar rm nlili.i «a fond oatadaw la tto wtdat to a or datalta CoiMtaa. wbtob I totoaad tola my own brial*. ‘‘Sol Car a aoaal did f raaUaa (tot Itod alaallha aoattlon to my mi sara ass a*tt**-* itol waiawd^aym Into MbtuaM ?aa tori oil* I'aaC tlooad Woaitrj to Mhaaa naat •Mak woald India ala « idaatRa. tot^rt^Sstjas 1Z too actor to Ikrtr aaHtoM aaa mSt _ -rtoMtoaC ' aa> .t* ctoMto aryotoa, j Mid tea •ktopan “Oaaarol, tkM ara aal aar Mai BM^MSTaM^ttotoS their aoato aad ttoa at ya«*I ora pl«laly caa that tkair% ara kiaa.

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