THE GAZETTE. THPUkUAT. jAKpAHTfLlBL U U Sly ESS LOCALS. MU Lkirf—Oar-loud Juat from Too nuaaeo. J. F. Jaommju. _Bow I log anew, 8. U. rriHlS WEEK ONLY wo aall fruit 1 of IU Loom Mrnoblag ut 7jc. Bum Iliya. T OST-Ooe cttd Men blUru t«iuia JL4 dog. Noward If telurm-d to D. J. Cbaio. Gakloaln, 24. O. TUA"i,TA LADIB 4 8 BOSS wJrih V 92.00 wo odor lor 91 23 Ltdle* urd 59.30 ahoea m $1.96 Urn Hive VUB UaLE—L’olr Urge young mulea. ■A. Good condition. A Ion waguu uud bMM. jAQO»J«ilKUl»,Oo>towl»H.O. HBATING STOVE ulmutt .'• good oo bow for tah tt Trig Guam oBco. Wood or ooal burner. FOB SALB-Oi.a new lrlotion lord MW Bill complete «140 Oi* 48’ nch olrculor mw, toiorud Irelb. 90S. tlaaton Iron Woika. CAK-LOAD —Teuuvaore l.og*. lent (or thin (Maou. now ou Iwod «t Gaatonla. Order quick. oaro ol Gray A Loro. J. f. Jaokkmi. TG40U HALE. vieeut lot 7U (eel A froot ou Fraukliu Avenue, between W. F- llanliill'i lot uud ny preeetit tteldnuoa. J. J. Kiocaid VARS 1XIK WALE-Two ml leu rent a of Harden, 980 norm Half Id oottlvalkoa half lu wondlaod. 8. 8. Houma. Guatool*, N C. MAGAZINES (or February-Smart Hot, Junior Muoacv, Evorymelya, Ualropotl tun, 8trend, Alualoea. on bund nl the Gnotoals Boon Store. 11/ ANTED —Good reliable coapio »v Itor. Buy or gtrL HrgnUi employment nod good wager (paid weekly) for aulluUe help. Apply at UiUTTI offloe. LOCAL A MAIitS. —Mon ralo, mores mod. —Winter mettn for e week. —Tan UAim'i office Is low at the OaaUM.te Bout store. corner of South and Metis (ferret*. ‘ — Bsmvmbrr Tan Utuni'i u>« piece of buslusas—LtastiefgM’* uld ■land, eorner of (truth aud Mala tfereete --Barlow'* If Initials last eight wa* • good nil round show from *un tu •olsh and everybody primal snjoyad It We aoaldn’t tell it halier hi a wi.oW oolumo. —A new store mill be opeurd at ilw ArUagtoe uut Monday by Mr. V. O. liner. Us bs* reeled the Arlington's brlek store end will habdls groceries t-od general merchandise. Including with lire basilicas s inset market. —The Initial number of the Clover Bar lew, which made Its airptnrauoo last Thursday, Is a Baal Huts ehsrt. It la published py Uw Liwla U. Gwlae Company sad will bs Issued weekly. Wa trust that uur bright and newsy uelghbor will meet with all the ruecesa of which its Area i.umUr giyes protaus sod j oat Ideation. ■ Ishim Prfialw. The luenl minlalers hare organised themseleeelotoan association fur better keeping ia touch wub then work. Tbelr initial meeting was b«W Monday. Ur. J. O. Galloway was elmaeii urwii daet end Ifer. J. A. Baldwin aeereUiy and Irensurer. Their meetings will ha held on Mondays at Ilia different studies In rotation. Mmw MtMIuna, Held and Alexander—can supply jus with tbs best nf a good break tael— which ll *JoU ooflee. A. Q, Manama, administrator, glVrs lawful do He* to creditors or the Uta John W. FHilda. Citizens near III Olivet church will »PPly to General Assembly for repeal of certain legislation Robineon Bros —Hell elnee that are aattkfaotory—satisfactory In comfort. In atyk, stock, aud price. P. II. Oooke, Aliornay — will apple to General Aatemhiy for charter for trust, loan, aad aavlur hank. I’Wlllee la ■swhewguar. Mr. Robert P. It. nkI n contractor and builder, fill'd a petltlao lu kink ruptcy last Friday. The sehedeWd •mete amount to *6.000 and llabtl ItiM to IT *30. The prreipilntlu* eaaaa, wa are Informed bf Mr. Rank in, was bla lavratmeut la the Urge plant of the Gaitoaia Brink Company, ft suet more lhaa was at drat on,tempis ted, aad there nrai unt ready aek for the ppoduote. Creditor* massed their claims and lu J sallow to ail Mr. Kaaklt. felt Impelled Ulaka tbs atepslndicxted. He lias baaa too Ion* aad too favorable, known Iw Gaatonl* and lies ton In lack Irlends now. We trust lie will auan nootrar from the reverses whJob ■anaed^lm Inoonyenleace und embnr P»vi»W»nbn<. At tba bow* of Ilia brlda'a fatbar, Mr. Frank Holland, ■ pretty m.rrUpe rt tht* lllmMn. H (N tho Wmlra* of Mira Holt Ila|. Uad to Mr. 1—a Perl.. Tlwearrmnoy wao pMfor*«l l« • bappy bat l-prea ,*?ss. rtape la not will tool a romantic aid* Uwt baa latrrartrd for mat yaira tba iBwadutU friend, of tb* lofrra. Mr. Darla waa a aoldler twy In tl— ray al.r army, and waa loop aaparatod from hit daaotad tweetbeart. Ha wai Writ ta Caha. wbatv ba waa wanaded, and ta M>* haapllal onotraotad few. Wbaa ba ralntaad bit oompaa* ba waa a«ata wpwatad from M* lady flair, bartap bean **nt to Um PaiHppInaa. Tbara !>». *>—,M» *** almoat aoeoptaUty !*«*•. Would ba art* .(tin ta* hi* twaaumait f lAratiar m..wrr*d. tea. A |**r »*« b.a tram of rarrtao erplrrd •ad ba waa dlrabaryid. bain* a Oral Mreraat at Ib.tlrn*. fa. earn* home end waa apaadlaft tba year in Qaatoata 2***• .*dW«tal In Char lot ta. Throgyb all tbaa* aarlattaa bt* pretty awaatbaart waa atwaya t re* ta bar iFtar- Waftre tbam both aer brat a'bbaa. bapfaa that tb* ararvt of tht, aftaraoqb wWI belay them maab aad laaUac kapptaeaa. fw»» aimM. — Mrs O. f. Hmou of Dslliifhltid Saturday at Mr. M, 0. Bhuf.rd'a. —Mr. M. M. Ilall, of Belmont. was • visitor to Usatunta ua business Tiki Hr. — Dr. Bohrrt Jenkins, of Ur I taunt, •at a Wrloimr caller at the Giticm office Tumdsy aflrrnaoa. ~**»•Hester, a pruatlr.ent cltlaeu of Haaraurrr dioppcd In to Ifia UAStm'l raw olllct Tuesday iuui u H)*. —Mr. Bob Lava came down from Llucololon Thursday to ssa bis pstrsutt bafnra they left for Plonda. Ua rw turned Friday. -Mr. and Mr*. W. Y. Varraa Sunday with Mauds lu King* Moun tain returning os the early train Mon day morning. —Mr Lip Groera, cblrf Clark in th« Southern railway office at Salisbury, spent Monday nod Monday with (rest cola frlaads. —Mlaa Cyiilbla Ruddock leaves drat Of oast week to spend a law days la Davidson b.fuie gulag to flslllasore to buy trer spring millinery. — Mr. 0. X Mooir, of Begonia, la amoijg I boss al.o caul gel ak» a wills out Tlln Gaxctts, He was aiaoog Tursday’s eialtora to uur urwiflc.. — Her. A. C Kirkpatrick lias in turned to All Ileuliug. \V« are sorry to note that bla lilp ui Philadelphia did nut bring blur Use drilled relief. — Her. VV. K. Watson will go to Usffuty to-morrow alter anon to de Ur-r an. address before iba graded schools of tbat enterprising municipal •iy. —Mr. John Daiilngrr formerly uf Cabanas oouuty, but Spencer, was Iu loan llila week prospecting for n bun seal local loo. Ua is a cousin •®a wu lh6 |owi of oui Ihvumixl Mr. Vi. D. Barringer. —Mlaa Annie Yaou Lewis will re lara frim Scutlsi.d Xrek Monday night. S:.a baa aoc*(H«d a pualtluu with Mr. Yaagrr. who will open a ■lllluery and dr. as goods business la tbs oow Parbaa build mg. — Bar. B. L Hubs passed through Uaatoota Tuesday iwomli.g soroute to bla Maw on sppuiatmrut. Us hod Dean spaodtog Urn week with Ills Me Adanrllle ooagregaUoo. who are pre paring to dedicate Ibatr saw BapUat oburco on the third Sunday It. Fobru ary •tiMiaui nu itiilm cnui. U la mm rertM la Tala. rw, a* bate *• *•» HaM laitrynl II aava kM WkaiMlirwtk lo laa KdUor of tba Ones Ue: Al-d It came U> pus Iu llte oily of viuilol c, Ui«l ur.*i Audrews • ■Buaui alum aad be culled bit hired man together and lliua Siuke uoui them ; 1 bare Mild Uaoy lu»lruakanU Iu. IU« laud and by Uiie lima maa bom Deed repain. And wbea tba blitd mao bad galb. •red about Liu ba apake lo hue aba •as of tba cuuuUy uf Hispaniola eud buaaltb u a to inu Uiat was of Hispan iola, 1 fcaoM that tbou art a great worker in brau aod musical lustra BeuLk, so i would bars thee go out In tu tba laud to mend tl»sf losirumsms tbat ars Jaogled aod out of lone; lur l know tbat thou art lull uf yarn and ot groat wisdom. And be) ibat was fall o( years aud ot groat wisdom and of the country of Hispaniola answered and laid untu the master: dir, lo bear la to obey- H* bold. tby sareaot is ready. And wlieu oe bad fathered bib ham mers aod bis flies about bia Its do paitsd. Aad altar bs had juurneysd ■aaor days bo asms to lbs land which la called Stanley Creek, which Is In tba County of Oaatso, aad of lira State of North Carolina, aad Iba paopto of Stnnlay Creek baring heard of his greet wisdom and of bia brief a great worker In brass and of bli hr lug of lira land or HUpautol*, they rieaired btm gladly. And when be bad mended many |n atrameale and gathered onto many ebektla of silver, ba came uuio George Uuover's More wnlcb la in Uia »al»d of Stanley Creek aad of Uaalon County. Aad behold there gathered about hteo a greet n amber; for ble fame bad gone before blm. and the people mar vallad at ble great learning. Aad beheld them war one among the number named Xdwaid, sarnarowd regrata. and of the house of Calvin, and lie ame leaning upon a staff of Cadai from the bills of Ltbaaon, Aad ffdarard bring saraamad P»*g ram and of Um house of Calvin, beno ta ply blm of the laud of HSnpaulni. • lib riddles «ud bn answered thnn. Then Kdwam. being aurnamed IV*. raai, naked Uda riddle of him of Hta paututa: Why la It that an EnglMi «Mn will »p«ok and a Frenchman will, ibeke a pepperbox? And be of the land of nispantolc oonld not answer. Therefore he pm wad muob, and the people round ■bout waited, bat be apake not, neither did he give answer to tbe riddle. ffdward, being aurnamed p<-g. n,,# **•**• Ha* he did not > nearer apake and said. Tbay both do this to get the pepper oal. And then the people round afoul opened tbrlr mouth, and laughed try. Ipg ha! bal ha! 7 And be of the lead of Utapnotola want away aorrowfol for he *a* that I,a had been played apon at If be warn a flats ■ The **>tom lllnrea of Mr#. P. A. Dallae aanlloued la three eotaaua UM weak eutra lotted la her death Inal Thuraday nlittit. Sri and with • ¥lr otont type af typhoid '•twr, aba contin ual* Brew worm until hope and life ISSTS?* «"*♦• Oar mother and IHOu-etaraud her hatband* father war# hem whan the ml eaae and re !^TT‘wtthu* body (««rnr*u on tha rpO«T_ mnrnlBB. Tha dr Bradley. and *“ **7*5 uJ*r Oallaa tha «7th of Sr*?!": *raaayouisg woman ™ IfWl ((jf BmuT 4. 4.rt.. uw(t,f« Ev'an.s?'; s,-asr with loeawen I Oram A Oatnnua* at the Lor.y and .rW. lha aanOdinoo •ad high tepid af aft who know him. n« rninmad thu moralog from hit •ad mtaatna to Oeorala It la a deep •mmw indeed that baa eoma tnddoely nod eU uaMddan letoM. Ufa and we >aia hie many fHaoda In frail ap of *Mmm ayaadatky. "« ■ •rr.Ninnm. *■»»» lVl|U (ptokm, «—4 Tim*. , ' Th* IXinvruUoii <•( ib« KoigUik <tl Pyilue# ut Uw *.|| DUlrki lit III* Ui*&d Do Bala ut Jlortli U«ruliuH met In Uu C'eeile Hell ut Lein Vo. 63 ei Tidy. m. J»eu*t) JB:u. Terr* w*r* eeveity-llv* ur ngbijr mil ur* In*id* Ui* m*mlwr* ui in* luo.i Lodge wbleti I* above lb* evereg* i* number ut w*aibrr*. Tt* vtauorr »«« waloomed in a bdilM rein by Ur. A. tt. Ueogum. Ur it J. Uuibeai, p. c. ut Bnarmer Lodge Vo, 106 reepoaded tor Iba aoavunUou. Tm program of Ui« «vaaieg wee lo tbrea pane. Vim • dtacoeeton at pvrtlonut »ub]e«U and quealtoua by pruiolokol member* o( Iba ordrra; •eauad. iba report* of lb* Deputy Hi and Cbeooelion of lb* Diatriot; end third, ■a vmspllOoetlufl of IIM kom woib of Iba order. IM ooum-mi >n w.i delUbled a Oder lba Brat dWui»u ol iba OuHTmtloa'a Work lo bear tun lollowleg addreaae*: ▲ General thireay ot Uie work, by Grand Cbauoailor M-uncaeila ot So. 71; Too Order of K. of P. from lba Utatorio (Uda by l'ut Cbanoellor Gao. A. I'oguof No. 83; OpporlaulUra eud raapiualUltllri ot Pyibiaaiini, by liar. A. X. Graham, l*aat Cuaoorllur of No. 10*; Ideale ot Lila—How to alula tbau by Pul Okauoaltar W. W. Wii •J* of Vo 3; Tbo Carol Hut Pythian, by Pool Cbanoellor J. 8. Halid ol No *7; Xbo Pi fib Dtsuld, by Diatriei Deputy Grand Cbaoaollor W. M. Lyk* of No. W; PylhUolata — HI* oata for lba Hriiftr, by Paal Cbanoellor II. T. Pleteuaof No. 71; Xba Kuigbibf Paw day*, by Kn 1*1.1 A. P. Brandon of Mo. 37; lb* A, ol P. aa/ut ordnr tor Youag Man. by Grand Viaa Cbanoellor Mo Loud ul No. SB; PyUituUMw—D’a tela tluu to lba Hutne, by Puat Chancellor A. 8. No. M Thcacaddraaata Wert ,i| muiulnlM amt hiaunotlya. Your ootTeepoudroi would eommeid aapeelally that of Mr ftMU-rd aod Ibaluf in. ,„Uug p{tbUu Mi, Biailitn. Tborepoetaof iho Dspuly Grand UbaooaUoia were moat eaeuotaglag wt.Haaoraa lodge* war* rrtawud it. auadattll. The larger majority were reported Bounahlug and aoibustaail oaky al work. Tba abae.-oe if thata J. Hobort Jot dan waa a deeply tagnted. aod by a tlaing Tola a taUgmm al ay K pat by and lira waa anal to him, aa ba Ilea upon a tick bed. la bl* abac non tba arervt wotk waa cxetnpliQad by Paat Cbaoeellor Ricketl of Heat a* Title, 'till* clonal lba arawlug'n wark aod lba oouvoalloti adjourned at 11 JO to par taka of a banquet at / Uio P.Da Houaa. Ml** Hoot had epraad a aoai autaptuaoa tepaat oouabUag of llta follow lug: XICXU. Tea. IUI Ida . Inter*named beteoeo Lha count* of of lha banquet weie tlw following ioMta: ‘Gaitonla" Major VV m. □ . Lawn No. 68. "DaiMu and Pylhi**” r. G. C llickrrt No. 31. ‘‘Pjlblaolaoi It* Relation to Society" McLuad O. V.!U. No 82. “The Bln* Kidfe Pyiiilau” A. H. Barnard P. C. No. 62. ‘‘Pyltiianlun —Ita relation to Bust mm” MaJ. Jau. X. Jones E. c. No. 48 ••3ar I od oat net” U. L Durh.n P. V- No. 63. ‘•The Grand Lodce” Goo. W. MoM caotla. G C. No. 71. Papt Grand ChinoeliorT.8. Franklin presided at tba banquet, arsd made as ideal toaM-maau-r Bis parfeot ac qoaloUuo* with all tba peculiarities aod Pylliiaa hlatoiy of the apaskrr* at the ereuin* waa drawn upon for many polota (bd lautbable Jekr* which. com bined a lib i ho wit aid r. Unbio mt> ded iirao of (be aycukera. kept the fan arid 8<>od failoarahlp at few beat until uell past two o'clock In I be asotnliif. votu l'aet Grand Cliancellor Rickerl’* remark* ware alwota timely aad wtao. Toaat master Franklin'* intenduo tlon* mo eeleolatod to make a tallow forces tiew hw “recitation" bralu*. Dr Dlkle la ■* dcursui • "buffalo” aa there I* In (be held. Diet riot Dtp-iy Lyle* Is to bacon piatulaied on I hr locoes* of btaconyeu yentioe. "Ife done lii* derndrat.” Mayor Liwi* hlatily value* tlie u iyllatre* of a buffalo. Be donated 80 oer»U. P.«at Chancellor R T. Ptckei * of Lrxli.yiuu Nt>. 71 le alupytuii nyrra •lay ur two after the CsMiyetilnta. talln Mill (w Mwnl. IWmont It to h«v* a 5POO aplndfa ooiio*. mill eapUallssd at$100,000. The money la all within ranch aid tbe site iiaa peso purehiaad. Mr. Robert Stowe, of tUo Bra aC Slows Brulbart. la the chief promoter aod will be secretary »oa TiMMttt, Tha wotlia community la lalarcaied, lb« (took having bar* lubaeribrd to arnall amoanu by many people. Oalalila uf tbe 110.000 takrn by tha promoter*. tha largest subeerlp Uon la $1,000; the rmamndar waa Ukaa In am*liar smoufits. Tha alia waa purchased from Mre. A Blows and Dr. W. W. Davis, Wark will brttn at an rarly day. Good luck to ibv MwauUrprlas; may It tnr ba attandad by lb a prosperity wtaleli now stems la await It, LJJM_Ml—i-I.B* Mato Mi/ Teg Osmcttm still bold* to lit old (diets numbrr, 50, which now bvanms tba number Bias ai Iba Uaatoala Bnok Worn aud of W. K. Marshall A Cem pacy, printer*._ warn Mara* Hwm a may. Thais'* bo rr«B for thoa* tlrtlrea llttla woilcsr* Dr. King’s New life Pills* Millions arc always busy, earing Torpid Liver, Janadto', Hill news#, Prvar aud Agar. They banish rtlek Ussdaaba. drive out U>l «la Ksvsr grum nr weahrn Biaalt, Uat* nlaa, wetk wuadara Tnr tlrt-m SB) at M. B. Carry A On.'a drag stain. satin. Botte* I* hereby *lv*n that aypllen 1 itta win ba made to Ur neat General Assembly ni Barth Oarallna U laser PWi tbe Alklaaon Mulwal Firs la tars no* Company. BJ-41 I»lllil la MMMrr. BeVlaney ul Langley, win. ^ Gartnolaonltae wkg two waebi •to, l.avn allgbwd aldalUt ury and will •I** tbar* a fancy g-«da tmxxevv <i f* *»'« '*»• **■■»■ ■» ••nena >1 thr •-•Uo. Wo wUh ilioa, all aaeaava b, lltlrvflonarnd comuwud llwm boUt niir»MiT*4ly to Iba faibloaaUa Hade ul ihrtr Oily. Hamm wtebj ago wa nuiod In three oolutaaj that Mr. De Vinmy I no giaally aajoyod at a Hat Uoory InHH a pluappatdh g that waa •arvtd evt afita— |aat bbaing-aad wa •unaUa that Ibu wadi bava aroaaed tba doelded partiality nhkb tseo Mb bod bla partner down eUbnt place. MIUWI hr a FMUag tree. •k railing Iran kIliad a young nun I eainrd W. U Mli'ifw. uter Triangle, teat Thurtday atltriuio". lie w«» a •on of Lacy Dellinger end bed a brother >lu wae e carpenter at Utu Irriay. lie wae It yean of egr, and mi to have breu Married tbto wrvb. Tbe tree be wae chapping down ludgcd a aaotber. In aUraptice ta dtaJodia It ha wee aaogbt aod klibil, living only abqnt aa boar allrrwardi. tMMrMVMNn Tha n*w Pelham HilMlt* will he oeaupMl m» «wt b« Mr. 4. W. I'm «r». ef P.j mouth. V. C. Tie will deal , l« lotlliuaty m.« diem geode. Brery : »bu*g ta Uilt He# Hat ebacwM (a a I J*dy% boor. Mra. Twpr, who u mu ; axycrireoad and expert uaMlarr, Mb' • »*d Ity Mtoa Anuta LewM. will turn eharaa of Um wllllarry dagartaeal. TWa wear «uwa, with Mtw geode. aad maw MrctMi.iproHloMtabaowaotlba Mr. Pattaraao Moore, at Glebe, a ooenloof OeM. J. |l. Mww, eedfeib. rr of Bern. IL 0. aad J. IX Moere, dwd aaddauiy la Baltlawm Mat wee* Be Iwd.poiie Chare far lieeUMet aad wm Ueugbt to be deli* wall aatll the •uddee fatal (am oaom. b waaaiaJ day when bla body com home for burial. We beew biia wall, one of llw daetlaM, «eatnelie, aad mm ahaarfal uf oicn. Tba world M bettor far hie baring lived in It ead poo rat for PM leaving H. New Grocery, MORRIS & JENKINS. I We have bought the grocery business* of Mr. T. A. Henry, and are now occupying his old “tand. We invite his friend* and the public generally to drop (n and let's get acquainted. Wc are here to sell groceries. To this end we shall keep first-class fresh goods, we shall deal fairly and squarely by aU, make prices that shall he aa popular aa our goods, and shall deliver our goods anywhere lu town. A triad order by personal call or over phone No. a8 will con vince yon of our purpose to please you and to merit your patronage. Morris 6c Jenkins. Southern Railway. Tha Standard Ballway of the MOUTH. . ..Tb« Direct Hoot© a)' FuloU... TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. '-- ** - ~ "»■" "’■*» | SWttl; FMdta Iidyarat aa al| Tlirougti or Loeal Tralaa; PuIIibbd Palaoa bUrrteg Cara «>* all Bight Title*; Tael aad Safa Scfcraultt. Trawl by tha Mouthvrn aad p>i are attend a Safa, Caat/WtaMa Keyed! Uoaa Jour nay Apply to Ttefeeca A grata fee Time TtWra, fUteo aad Oaaertl Infaroa tloa. «r addratt a L. VKBNOM. P. a DABBY, T. P. A.. CUP. AT. A-, Charlotte, If. C A.hrrIUe, B C. « n BABDW1CK, O. P. A. WhABureTOM, U. o. Horses and Mules. Stock. Best lot We Ever Bought. Our Mr. Craig has just returned with ifty of TENNESSEE MULES AND NORSES bought'from the old reliable dealers,"ANDERSON AND WILLIAMS, of whom our customers so well know. , Stock all carefully selected and hi every way the best lot we ever brought from Tennessee. Parties who want well-broke mules and horses cannot do better than to call ou us. We can suit you. See our stock «?fi*Savc money by buying from ns and at the same time get just what you want. CRAIO & WILSON. DON’T QIVE uulm what you give i* worth receiv ing. Above all, the baby «n Bering from n cough or cold should have the beat remedy obtainable—beet aa to curative power*, best as to tafcte. The little oue can't complain intelli gibly. and you must see to it that the medicine U sa agreeable aa may be. Our Piue Tor cough cure i» good for the wee ouea and grown folk as well as cents a bottle. FROST TORRENCE & CO. Druggists. It Tickles Him to Ond a kt«» enmfntiakl* 1» kit fun* and a* Iba »im Ham la aocortano* with Mm I * last mode and Uwmfara -Myllab**—« abua wblefc la wrmll mad* falily urioad. manafeattirad flam gadd *iow. Too ako* that nwrtta tkaw racnmlama ballad from ROD IK 30)1 DBOTDKBS. Wc baah aa awry Maman.rtit w# Ball ahnat yadal o*TW lag la a way tk*t*a CMvtaatna- yaw moeaf back If war Mmaa am aa* mUa, ffctfory. FAST TIME or slow time Is unrells Me time and that you don't want. If your timepiece rives cither, bring It to us. It needs,cleaning and i*gu latlng. We'll give It the proper care to Insure roll ■Wf time and our prices will never make you sorry Ait^rwA rd. Tttinct, fit ievelsr. In order to make ro^m for an ex tensive stock of spring goods we will sell at auction in front of our store on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6th and Oth. 1901. from $500 to $1000 worth of MERCHANDISE.... Come One, Come All I Take advantage of the great bar gains will undoubtedly present themselves. Terms: Exclusively CASH. Tours truly; •I. a LEWIS & son, _DALLAS. W. 0. E. M. ANDREWS. WE UNDERBUY, WE UNDERSELL, pull twenty yean the Furul tore markets have been our constant study Why t To please you, by keeping abreast with best values, best goods, correct styles and lowest prices. We aid you iu saving dollars and cents. Future success de pends on our pleased customers. A card will do; write us. E. M. ANDREWS, 3ST. o. Pianos and Omns. New Home Sewing Machines. We have secured for judicious distribution • limited number of copies of Highly Famous Prescriptions by the best known physician* of America, for borne treat ateot. This book "■«<»*»■ not a W—prescription, bat the complete formula fat every oase. Tbo valuable fee rndkeriamate diatribotioa, bat we win be glad to place ooe In the hands of all oar friends who value it sufficiently to corn hi aad call for a copy. Wa til any prescription in the bonk by nember. Please cell before the supply fa exhausted. J. R CURRY & COMPANY, prescription druqqists, _ OAffiTOKIA, K. Q. THE BEST OP A GOOD BREAKFAST I* «M* MflM, m4 MflM Ml to Mb. TBI KMT*Tt*. W, taN *m4**tm»t*i wMNM.Mbirfci tbt bwa. lb. «b4* ban rwtf or B»mM, a ru praflrr-tt'. iIImu SZTS^CtoStA tMt The JBHte

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